Jamie Reece Wilson ee9e318511 [*] Fix: AuByteBuffer::Resize could resize with wrong ringbuffer alignmnet or linear if a fast path fails
[+] ByteBuffer::ByteBuffer(const MemoryViewRead &readView, AuUInt uAlignment, bool circular, bool expandable
2024-06-03 04:26:18 +01:00

589 lines
20 KiB

Copyright (C) 2021 J Reece Wilson (a/k/a "Reece"). All rights reserved.
File: ByteBuffer.hpp
Date: 2021-8-5
Author: Reece
#pragma once
#include <Aurora/Locale/ECodePage.hpp>
#include <Aurora/Utility/PrivData.hpp>
#include <Aurora/Threading/Waitables/FutexWaitable.hpp>
namespace Aurora::Memory
enum class EStringType
// TODO: rework scaling
static const auto kBufferPageSize = 512;
static const auto kBufferInitialPower = 9;
* A bytebuffer object represents a:
* * optionally resizable buffer;
* * -n infinite read/writer stream pair, in ring buffer mode;
* * synonym for fulfill-once AuList<AuUInt8> & output parameters;
* * stream of arbitrary serialization/deserialization, seekable read/writes;
* * ...tuple of <buffer base, read head, write head> and some flags;
* * ...method by which one can serialize data in-place via SharedByteBuffer
* EG (2022):
* -> AuProtocol ProtocolPiece buffers
* -> AuCompression internal buffer
* -> A sockets' output stream / buffer for user-read/write and overlapped submission
* -> ...
* Deprecates INetworkStream, fixes allocation issues around compression backends
* Superseeds abuse of AuList<AuUInt8> for binary blobs alongside other fixed u8 arrays
struct ByteBuffer
// User storage: //
// Stable ByteBuffer ABI Header; length and read/write head pointers //
/// Internal capacity to mitigate trivial reallocs
AuUInt allocSize;
/// Abstract size
AuUInt length;
/// Buffer pointer
AuUInt8 *base {};
/// Read stream pointer
AuUInt8 *readPtr {};
/// Write stream pointer
AuUInt8 *writePtr {};
// Memory protection
// (resize/free/etc fails when this value is not zero. free-during-use protection)
AuAUInt32 uInUseCounter { 0 };
// Stable ByteBuffer ABI Header; u8 flags //
AuUInt8 flagCircular : 1 {}; /// Is ring buffer?
AuUInt8 flagExpandable : 1 {}; /// Should resize linear buffer to accommodate additional writes
AuUInt8 flagReadError : 1 {}; /// Has error? Has read error?
AuUInt8 flagWriteError : 1 {}; /// Has error? Has write error?
AuUInt8 flagNoFree : 1 {}; /// Prevents all free operations
AuUInt8 flagNoRealloc : 1 {}; /// Prevents a subset of free options, specifically realloc, operations
AuUInt8 flagAlwaysExpandable : 1 {}; /// Internal flag. Do not use.
AuUInt8 flagReserveA : 1 {}; /// Placeholder
// Special flags/values
AuUInt8 alignment {}; // Internal value: keeps track of explicit Allocate of alignment values
AuUInt8 scaleSize {}; // TODO:
* @brief Default constructor, allocates an auto-expanding linear bytebuffer
inline ByteBuffer();
* @brief Move constructor
* @param buffer
inline ByteBuffer(ByteBuffer &&buffer);
* @brief Copy with possible preserve pointers
* @param buffer
* @param preservePointers
inline ByteBuffer(const ByteBuffer &buffer, bool preservePointers = true);
* @brief Copy pointer range into a new ring or byte buffer
* @param in
* @param length
* @param circular
* @param expandable
inline ByteBuffer(const void *in, AuUInt length, bool circular = false, bool expandable = false);
inline ByteBuffer(const MemoryViewRead &readView, bool circular = false, bool expandable = false);
inline ByteBuffer(const MemoryViewRead &readView, AuUInt uAlignment, bool circular = false, bool expandable = false);
inline ByteBuffer(const AuList<AuUInt8> &vector, bool circular = false, bool expandable = false);
inline ByteBuffer(AuUInt length, bool circular = false, bool expandable = false);
inline ByteBuffer(AuUInt length, AuUInt alignment, bool circular = false, bool expandable = false);
template<typename T>
ByteBuffer(T *base, T *end, bool circular = false, bool expandable = false);
inline ~ByteBuffer()
if (this->base && !this->flagNoFree)
inline void ResetPositions()
this->flagReadError = 0;
this->flagWriteError = 0;
this->readPtr = base;
this->writePtr = base;
// utils: Iterator
* @brief base of the bytebuffer
* @return
inline auline AuUInt8 * data() const;
* @brief size of the byte array as requested by the caller (actual allocation may differ, ::allocSize)
* @return
inline auline AuUInt size() const;
* @brief linear read begin
* @warning writers should use ::GetLinearWriteable(uDesiredLength) or ::GetOrAllocateLinearWriteable(...)
* @return
inline auline const AuUInt8 * begin();
inline auline const AuUInt8 * cbegin() const;
* @brief linear read end
* @warning writers should use ::GetLinearWriteable(uDesiredLength) or ::GetOrAllocateLinearWriteable(...)
* @return
inline auline const AuUInt8 * end();
inline auline const AuUInt8 * cend() const;
inline auline bool empty() const;
inline void clear();
inline void resize(AuUInt size);
inline void reserve(AuUInt size);
// utils: Utils to alternative types
inline auline AuList<AuUInt8> ToVector() const;
inline AuUInt32 GetAllocationPower() const;
inline operator MemoryViewRead() const;
inline operator MemoryViewWrite();
// utils: Internal buffer comparison
inline bool operator ==(const AuList<AuUInt8> &) const;
inline bool operator ==(const MemoryViewRead &) const;
inline bool operator ==(const ByteBuffer &) const;
// utils: Move assignment
inline ByteBuffer &operator =(ByteBuffer &&);
inline ByteBuffer &operator =(const ByteBuffer &buffer);
// utils: &byteArray[n]
* @brief read u8 reference relative to the base
* @warning not const safe
* @param idx
* @return
inline AuUInt8 &operator [](AuUInt idx) const;
// utils: if (byteArray) -> if (byteArray->IsValid())
inline operator bool() const;
inline AuList<AuUInt8> RemainingBytesToVector(bool endAtWrite = true) const;
// ... utils are mostly const functions that provide language intrinsics, access, and container-like compatibility
// ByteBuffer specific utils can be found under Utilities
// Seek / Position
inline auline bool ReaderTryGoForward(AuUInt32 offset);
inline auline bool ReaderTryGoBack(AuUInt32 offset);
inline auline bool WriterTryGoForward(AuUInt32 offset);
inline auline AuUInt RemainingWrite(bool endAtRead = true) const;
inline auline AuUInt RemainingBytes(bool endAtWrite = true) const;
inline auline bool Skip(AuUInt count);
inline auline AuUInt GetReadOffset() const;
inline auline AuUInt GetWriteOffset() const;
inline auline void ResetReadPointer();
inline auline MemoryViewRead GetNextLinearRead();
inline auline MemoryViewWrite GetNextLinearWrite();
inline auline bool CanWrite(AuUInt length);
inline auline bool CanRead(AuUInt length);
* @brief Returns a linear amount of memory for exactly length of linear bytes
* @param length
* @return
inline auline MemoryViewRead GetLinearReadableForExactly(AuUInt length)
return GetLinearReadable(length);
inline auline MemoryViewWrite GetLinearWriteableForExactly(AuUInt length)
return GetLinearWriteable(length);
* @brief Returns a linear amount of memory of at least length
* @param length
* @return
inline auline MemoryViewRead GetLinearReadableForAtleast(AuUInt length);
inline auline MemoryViewWrite GetLinearWriteableForAtleast(AuUInt length);
* @brief Returns a linear amount of memory capped to length
* @param length
* @return
inline auline MemoryViewRead GetLinearReadableForNoMore(AuUInt length);
inline auline MemoryViewWrite GetLinearWriteableForNoMore(AuUInt length);
/// legacy: ForExactly variant
inline auline MemoryViewRead GetLinearReadable(AuUInt length);
/// legacy: ForExactly variant
inline auline MemoryViewWrite GetLinearWriteable(AuUInt length);
* @brief
* Expected use-case:
* Consider the prototype: void MyFunction(AuByteBuffer &output);
* Where the valid expected uses fall in line with the following truth table:
* * PASS
* AuByteBuffer defaultBuffer;
* MyFunction(defaultBuffer);
* if (defaultBuffer) {}
* * FAIL
* AuByteBuffer defaultBuffer;
* defaultBuffer.WriteTagged<AuUInt32>(32)
* MyFunction(defaultBuffer);
* if (defaultBuffer) {}
* * FAIL
* AuByteBuffer defaultBuffer;
* MyFunction(defaultBuffer);
* MyFunction(defaultBuffer); // !!!
* * PASS
* AuByteBuffer writeStream(512);
* writeStream.WriteTagged<AuUInt32>(32)
* MyFunction(defaultBuffer);
* if (defaultBuffer) {}
* @param length
* @return
inline auline MemoryViewWrite GetOrAllocateLinearWriteable(AuUInt length);
// Memory operations
inline auline bool Allocate(AuUInt length);
inline auline bool Allocate(AuUInt length, AuUInt alignment);
inline auline bool SetBuffer(MemoryViewRead readView, bool bMoveWriteHeadForReaders = true);
* @brief Releases excess memory (comparable to shrink to fit in the c++ stl)
* @return
inline auline void GC();
* @brief Releases all resources and resets the bytebuffer without an allocation
inline void Reset();
* @brief Expands the underlying buffer allocation to at least length.
* Does nothing on failure. Programs can try to allocate in real time
* and handle the write error flag condition from there. To pull the
* real buffer size, see member field allocSize.
* @param length
inline void Reserve(AuUInt length);
* @brief Is allocated or dummy object?
* @return
inline auline bool IsEmpty() const;
* @brief Is an error flag set?
* @return
inline auline bool HasStreamError() const;
* @brief Returns true so long as
* 1) an error has not occured or,
* 1) the relevant error flag was reset; and
* 2) there is a valid underlying buffer
* @return
inline auline bool IsValid() const;
* @brief Allocate at least length bytes, without adjusting the relative read/write head offsets
* @param length
* @return
inline auline bool Resize(AuUInt length);
// Basic Read Write
inline auline AuUInt Write(const void *buffer, AuUInt requestLength);
inline auline AuUInt Read(void *out, AuUInt requestedLength, bool peek = false);
inline auline AuUInt Write(const MemoryViewRead &read)
return Write(read.ptr, read.length);
inline auline AuUInt Read(const MemoryViewWrite &write)
return Read(write.ptr, write.length);
// String API
inline bool WriteString(AuROString string, EStringType type = EStringType::eStringDword, Locale::ECodePage codepage = Locale::ECodePage::eUTF8);
inline bool ReadString(AuString &string, EStringType type = EStringType::eStringDword, Locale::ECodePage codepage = Locale::ECodePage::eUTF8);
// Copy, concat, etc
inline AuUInt WriteFromEx(ByteBuffer &buffer,
AuUInt uLength);
inline bool WriteFrom(ByteBuffer &buffer);
// Utilities
inline bool Trim(AuUInt tail);
inline bool Pad(AuUInt16 aPowOf2, AuUInt8 magicCharacter = '\x00');
inline bool Fill(AuUInt length, AuUInt8 magicCharacter = '\x00');
// Templated read/write for **PODs**
// (yes, there's some support for non-primitive classes this early into the abstraction.)
// (AuString and some other containers may work, but really, we need a typed bytebuffer.)
template<typename T>
T Read();
// Panics if flagReadError is true by the end of deserialization
template<typename T>
T ReadChecked();
template<typename T>
bool Write(const T &in);
template<typename T>
bool Write(T &in);
template<typename T>
bool Read(T &out);
template<typename T>
bool WriteTagged(const T &in);
template<typename T>
bool WriteTagged(T &in);
template<typename T>
bool ReadTagged(T &out);
template<typename T>
T ReadTagged();
inline AuUInt calcDifferenceBetweenHeadsUnsigned(AuUInt8 *pHeadPointer, AuUInt8 *pSubtrahend)
if (pHeadPointer > pSubtrahend)
return pHeadPointer - pSubtrahend;
return (pSubtrahend - this->base) + ((this->base + this->length) - pHeadPointer);
inline AuSInt calcDifferenceBetweenHeadsSigned(AuUInt8 *pHeadPointer, AuUInt8 *pSubtrahend)
if (pHeadPointer > pSubtrahend)
return pHeadPointer - pSubtrahend;
return -(pSubtrahend - this->base);
inline auline bool Allocate2(AuUInt length, AuUInt alignment);
inline auline bool Allocate2(AuUInt length);
struct SharedByteBuffer : ByteBuffer
AuSPtr<void> memory;
inline SharedByteBuffer(AuSPtr<MemoryViewWrite> pWriteView) : ByteBuffer()
this->allocSize = 0;
this->base = (AuUInt8 *)pWriteView->ptr;
this->length = pWriteView->length;
this->readPtr = this->base;
this->writePtr = this->base + this->length;
this->flagNoFree = true;
this->memory = pWriteView;
inline SharedByteBuffer(AuSPtr<void> pRAIIParentOwner, MemoryViewWrite view) :
this->allocSize = 0;
this->base = (AuUInt8 *)view.ptr;
this->length = view.length;
this->readPtr = this->base;
this->writePtr = this->base + this->length;
this->flagNoFree = true;
this->memory = pRAIIParentOwner;
MemoryViewWrite __view;
struct SharableByteBuffer : ByteBuffer,
SharableByteBuffer() : ByteBuffer()
SharableByteBuffer(AuUInt uLength, bool circular = false, bool expandable = false) : ByteBuffer(uLength, circular, expandable)
SharableByteBuffer(AuUInt uLength, AuUInt uAlignment, bool circular = false, bool expandable = false) : ByteBuffer(uLength, uAlignment, circular, expandable)
inline AuSPtr<MemoryViewWrite> ToSharedWriteView()
MemoryViewWrite view = *this;
if (!view)
return {};
if (auto pView = AuMakeShared<MemoryViewWrite>(view.ptr, view.length, &this->uInUseCounter, AuSharedFromThis()))
return pView;
return {};
inline AuSPtr<MemoryViewRead> ToSharedReadView()
MemoryViewRead view = *this;
if (!view)
return {};
if (auto pView = AuMakeShared<MemoryViewRead>(view.ptr, view.length, &this->uInUseCounter, AuSharedFromThis()))
return pView;
return {};
inline operator AuSPtr<MemoryViewWrite>()
return this->ToSharedWriteView();
inline operator AuSPtr<MemoryViewRead>()
return this->ToSharedReadView();
static ByteBuffer NewResizableBuffer(AuUInt32 length = 0)
return ByteBuffer(length, false, true);
static ByteBuffer NewRingBuffer(AuUInt32 length = 1024 * 5)
return ByteBuffer(length, true, false);
static AuSPtr<SharableByteBuffer> NewSharableResizableBuffer(AuUInt32 length = 0)
auto pThat = AuMakeShared<SharableByteBuffer>(length, false, true);
if (!(pThat && *pThat))
return {};
return pThat;
static AuSPtr<SharableByteBuffer> NewSharableBuffer(AuUInt32 length = 0)
auto pThat = AuMakeShared<SharableByteBuffer>(length);
if (!(pThat && *pThat))
return {};
return pThat;