J Reece Wilson fd0c5b51b2 Further Linux support
[+] Begin work on IO futexes for io release on process/thread exit
[+] Linux ::readdir iteration
[+] AuConsole buffering API
[*] Fix sleep as to not get interrupted by signals
[*] Switch the type of FS lock used under Linux
[*] Linux: Use new IPCHandle encoding scheme
[*] Fix undefined behaviour: unintialized timeout values (AuLoop/Linux)
[*] Fix undefined behaviour: ConsoleTTY clear line was called of a color of a random value on stack
[-] Remainings of std dir iterator
[*] Fix pthread_kill (aka send signal to pthread handle) always kills process. This is what you expect bc signal handler inheritance.
[*] Reformat the build Aurora.json file
[+] Added clang warning ignores to the build file
[*] Fix: UNIX need to use STDOUT_FILENO. Was using CRT handle in place of fd by mistake.
[+] Linux implementation for IO yield (AuIO::IOYield() - UNIX::LinuxOverlappedYield())
[*] Fix: Linux async end of stream processing. res 0 = zero bytes consumed. <= was detecting this as an error of code 0. Should succeed with zero bytes.
[+] Linux LoopQueue missing epilogue hook for the IO processor
[*] Various refactors and minor bug fixes
[*] Linux fix: Handle pipe EOS as zero
[*] Linux fix: thread termination via a user signal of 77. Need a force terminate.
[*] IPC handle: fix improper int to bool cast in the header setup within ToString
[*] Linux fix: HWInfo CPU topology regression
[-] Linux fix: remove SIGABRT handler
[*] Missing override in compression, exit, and consoletty headers.
[+] Unix Syslog logger backend
2022-08-02 05:52:57 +01:00

126 lines
4.2 KiB

Copyright (C) 2022 J Reece Wilson (a/k/a "Reece"). All rights reserved.
File: IOProcessor.hpp
Date: 2022-6-6
Author: Reece
#pragma once
#include "IOPipeProcessor.hpp"
#include "IOProcessorItems.hpp"
#include "IOProcessorTimers.hpp"
namespace Aurora::IO
struct IOProcessor : IIOProcessor, AuEnableSharedFromThis<IOProcessor>, AuAsync::IWorkItemHandler
IOProcessor(AuUInt threadId, bool tickOnly, AuAsync::WorkerPId_t worker, const AuSPtr<AuLoop::ILoopQueue> &loop);
bool Init();
bool QueueIOEvent(const AuSPtr<IIOProcessorItem> &ioEvent);
void FrameRunIOWorkUnits();
AuUInt32 TryTick() override;
AuUInt32 RunTick() override;
AuUInt32 TickFor(const AuSPtr<IIOProcessorItem> &ioEvent) override;
bool TickForRegister(const AuSPtr<IIOProcessorItem> &ioEvent);
void TickForHack(const AuSPtr<IIOProcessorItem> &ioEvent);
bool bScheduled_ {};
AuUInt32 ManualTick() override;
void DispatchFrame(ProcessInfo &info) override;
bool SubmitIOWorkItem(const AuSPtr<IIOProcessorWorkUnit> &work) override;
bool AddEventListener(const AuSPtr<IIOProcessorEventListener> &eventListener) override;
void RemoveEventListener(const AuSPtr<IIOProcessorEventListener> &eventListener) override;
void FrameStart();
void FramePumpWaitingBlocked();
bool FrameWaitForAny(AuUInt32 msMax);
AuUInt FrameRunEpilogue();
void FrameRunThreadIO();
void FrameRunCheckLSes();
void FrameRunAlerted();
void FrameRunAlertedSniffers();
void FrameEndOfFrameEvents();
AuUInt FrameFinalize();
bool InternalIsTickReady();
void ClearProcessor(const AuSPtr<IOProcessorItem> &processor, bool fatal);
void ReportState(EIOProcessorEventStage stage);
AuUInt64 SetRefreshRate(AuUInt64 ns) override;
bool HasRefreshRate() override;
AuUInt64 GetOwnedThreadId() override;
bool MultiplexRefreshRateWithIOEvents() override;
AuSPtr<IIOProcessorItem> StartIOWatch(const AuSPtr<IIOWaitableItem> &object, const AuSPtr<IIOEventListener> &listener) override;
AuSPtr<IIOProcessorItem> StartSimpleIOWatch(const AuSPtr<IIOWaitableItem> &object, const AuSPtr<IIOSimpleEventListener> &listener) override;
AuSPtr<IIOProcessorItem> StartSimpleLSWatch(const AuSPtr<Loop::ILoopSource> &source, const AuSPtr<IIOSimpleEventListener> &listener) override;
AuSPtr<IIOProcessorItem> StartIOWatchEx (const AuSPtr<IIOWaitableItem> &object, const AuSPtr<IIOEventListener> &listener, bool singleshot) override;
AuSPtr<IIOProcessorItem> StartSimpleIOWatchEx(const AuSPtr<IIOWaitableItem>& object, const AuSPtr<IIOSimpleEventListener>& listener, bool singleshot) override;
AuSPtr<IIOProcessorItem> StartSimpleLSWatchEx(const AuSPtr<Loop::ILoopSource>& source, const AuSPtr<IIOSimpleEventListener>& listener, bool singleshot, AuUInt32 msTimeout) override;
AuSPtr<IIOPipeProcessor> ToPipeProcessor() override;
AuSPtr<AuLoop::ILoopQueue> ToQueue() override;
void ReleaseAllWatches() override;
bool HasItems() override;
bool CheckThread();
bool RequestRemovalForItemFromAnyThread(const AuSPtr<IIOProcessorItem> &processor);
AuSPtr<AuLoop::ILoopQueue> loopQueue;
AuUInt threadId;
AuUInt64 refreshRateNs {};
AuUInt64 minFrameDeltaNs {};
void UpdateTimers();
void AddTimer();
void AddTimerLS();
void StartAsyncTimerIfAny();
void RemoveTimer();
void CancelWorkItem();
void RemoveLSTimer();
bool IsTickOnly();
bool IsAsync();
bool mutliplexIOAndTimer {true};
IOProcessorItems items;
IOProcessorTimers timers;
AuAsync::WorkerPId_t asyncWorker;
AuSPtr<AuAsync::IWorkItem> workItem;
AuThreadPrimitives::MutexUnique_t mutex;
AuThreadPrimitives::SpinLock listenersSpinLock;
AuList<AuSPtr<IIOProcessorEventListener>> listeners;
AuList<AuSPtr<IIOProcessorWorkUnit>> workUnits;
IOPipeProcessor streamProcessors;
bool bFrameStart {};