[-] Removed WorkerId_t typedef [*] Added shared support to some older threading apis that have yet to be updated
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Copyright (C) 2021 J Reece Wilson (a/k/a "Reece"). All rights reserved.
File: Async.hpp
Date: 2021-7-14
Author: Reece
#pragma once
namespace Aurora::Loop
class ILoopSource;
namespace Aurora::Async
class IWorkItem;
class IAsyncApp;
using AVoid = AuUInt8;
AUKN_SYM IAsyncApp *GetAsyncApp();
/// ThreadGroup_t:
/// 0 = system main thread
/// 1+ = user defined
using ThreadGroup_t = AuUInt8;
/// ThreadId_t:
/// -1 = invalid
/// index = tid/runner id
using ThreadId_t = AuUInt16;
static const ThreadId_t kThreadIdAny = -1;
struct WorkerId_t : AuPair<ThreadGroup_t, ThreadId_t>
WorkerId_t() : AuPair<ThreadGroup_t, ThreadId_t>(0, 0)
WorkerId_t(ThreadGroup_t group) : AuPair<ThreadGroup_t, ThreadId_t>(group, kThreadIdAny)
WorkerId_t(ThreadGroup_t group, ThreadId_t id) : AuPair<ThreadGroup_t, ThreadId_t>(group, id)
WorkerId_t(const WorkerId_t &cpy) : AuPair<ThreadGroup_t, ThreadId_t>(cpy.first, cpy.second)
struct WorkPriv
AuUInt32 magic;
struct IWorkItemHandler
enum class EProcessNext
eInvalid = -1,
eFinished = 0,
struct ProcessInfo
ProcessInfo(bool finished) : type(finished ? EProcessNext::eFinished : EProcessNext::eFailed) {}
ProcessInfo(EProcessNext type) : type(type) {}
ProcessInfo(const AuList<AuSPtr<IWorkItem>> &blockedBy) : type(EProcessNext::eSchedule), waitFor(blockedBy) {}
// ...
EProcessNext type;
AuList<AuSPtr<IWorkItem>> waitFor;
AuUInt32 reschedMs;
AuUInt64 reschedNs;
virtual void DispatchFrame(ProcessInfo &info) = 0;
virtual void Shutdown() = 0;
virtual void *GetPrivateData() { return nullptr; }
template<class Info_t = AVoid, class Result_t = AVoid>
struct FJob
std::function<void(const Info_t &, const Result_t &)> onSuccess = 0;
std::function<void(const Info_t &, bool)> onFailure = 0;
template<class Info_t = AVoid, class Result_t = AVoid>
static inline FJob<Info_t, Result_t> JobFromConsumer(const AuConsumer<const Info_t &, const Result_t &> &onSuccess)
FJob<Info_t, Result_t> ret;
ret.onSuccess = [=](const Info_t &in, const Result_t &a)
onSuccess(in, a);
return ret;
template<class Info_t = AVoid, class Result_t = AVoid>
static inline FJob<Info_t, Result_t> JobFromConsumer(const AuConsumer<const Info_t &, const Result_t &> &onSuccess, const AuConsumer<const Info_t &, bool/*neverDispatched*/> &onFailure)
FJob<Info_t, Result_t> ret;
ret.onSuccess = [=](const Info_t &in, const Result_t &a)
onSuccess(in, a);
ret.onFailure = [=](const Info_t &a, bool neverDispatched)
onFailure(a, neverDispatched);
return ret;
template<class Info_t = AVoid, class Result_t = AVoid>
static inline FJob<Info_t, Result_t> JobFromConsumer(const AuConsumer<const Info_t &, const Result_t &> &onSuccess, const AuConsumer<const Info_t &> &onFailure)
FJob<Info_t, Result_t> ret;
ret.onSuccess = [=](const Info_t &in, const Result_t &a)
onSuccess(in, a);
ret.onFailure = [=](const Info_t &a, bool neverDispatched)
return ret;
using FVoidJob = FJob<AVoid, AVoid>;
template<class Info_t = AVoid, class Result_t = AVoid>
struct CJob
void(* onSuccess)(const Info_t &, const Result_t &); //
void(* onFailure)(const Info_t &, bool taskNeverDispatched); // called from caller thread if taskNeverDispatched
template<class Info_t = AVoid, class Result_t = AVoid>
struct FTask
std::function<AuOptional<Result_t>(const Info_t &)> onFrame = 0;
using FVoidTask = FTask<AVoid, AVoid>;
template<class In_t = Async::AVoid>
static inline FTask<In_t, AVoid> TaskFromConsumerRefT(const AuConsumer<const In_t &> &func)
FTask<In_t, AVoid> ret;
ret.onFrame = [=](const In_t &a) -> AuOptional<AVoid>
return AVoid{};
return ret;
template<class In_t = Async::AVoid, class Out_t = Async::AVoid>
static inline FTask<In_t, AVoid> TaskFromConsumerRefT(const AuSupplierConsumer<AuOptional<Out_t>, const In_t &> &func)
FTask<In_t, Out_t> ret;
ret.onFrame = [=](const In_t &a) -> AuOptional<Out_t>
return func(a);
return ret;
static inline FTask<AVoid, AVoid> TaskFromFunctional(const AuVoidFunc &func)
FTask<AVoid, AVoid> ret;
ret.onFrame = [=](const AVoid &a) -> AuOptional<AVoid>
return AVoid{};
return ret;
template<class Info_t = AVoid, class Result_t = AVoid>
struct CTask
AuOptional<Result_t>(* onFrame)(const Info_t &);
class IWorkItem
virtual AuSPtr<IWorkItem> WaitFor(const AuSPtr<IWorkItem> &workItem) = 0;
virtual AuSPtr<IWorkItem> WaitFor(const AuList<AuSPtr<IWorkItem>> &workItem) = 0;
// ms = time relative to the current time
virtual AuSPtr<IWorkItem> SetSchedTime(AuUInt32 ms) = 0;
// ns = time relative to the current time
virtual AuSPtr<IWorkItem> SetSchedTimeNs(AuUInt64 ns) = 0;
// ms = time relative to the time at which the work item would otherwise dispatch
virtual AuSPtr<IWorkItem> AddDelayTime(AuUInt32 ms) = 0;
// ns = time relative to the time at which the work item would otherwise dispatch
virtual AuSPtr<IWorkItem> AddDelayTimeNs(AuUInt64 ns) = 0;
virtual AuSPtr<IWorkItem> Then(const AuSPtr<IWorkItem> &next) = 0;
virtual AuSPtr<IWorkItem> Dispatch() = 0;
virtual bool BlockUntilComplete() = 0;
virtual bool HasFinished() = 0;
virtual bool HasFailed() = 0;
virtual void Cancel() = 0;
virtual void *GetPrivateData() = 0;
virtual AuOptional<void *> ToWorkResultT() = 0;
AUKN_SYM AuSPtr<IWorkItem> NewWorkItem(const WorkerId_t &worker, const AuSPtr<IWorkItemHandler> &task, bool supportsBlocking = false);
AUKN_SYM AuSPtr<IWorkItem> NewFence();
class IAsyncApp
// Main thread logic
virtual void Start() = 0;
virtual void Main() = 0;
virtual void Shutdown() = 0;
virtual bool Exiting() = 0;
virtual void SetConsoleCommandDispatcher(WorkerId_t id) = 0;
// Spawning
virtual bool Spawn(WorkerId_t) = 0;
virtual Threading::Threads::ThreadShared_t ResolveHandle(WorkerId_t) = 0;
virtual AuBST<ThreadGroup_t, AuList<ThreadId_t>> GetThreads() = 0;
virtual WorkerId_t GetCurrentThread() = 0;
// Synchronization
// Note: syncing to yourself will nullify requireSignal to prevent deadlock
virtual bool Sync(WorkerId_t group, AuUInt32 timeoutMs = 0, bool requireSignal = false) = 0;
virtual void Signal(WorkerId_t group) = 0;
virtual void SyncAllSafe() = 0;
// Features
virtual void AddFeature(WorkerId_t id, AuSPtr<Threading::Threads::IThreadFeature> feature, bool async = false) = 0;
// Debug
virtual void AssertInThreadGroup(ThreadGroup_t thread) = 0;
virtual void AssertWorker(WorkerId_t id) = 0;
virtual bool Poll(bool block) = 0;
virtual bool ScheduleLoopSource(const AuSPtr<Loop::ILoopSource> &loopSource, WorkerId_t workerId, AuUInt32 timeout, const AuConsumer<AuSPtr<Loop::ILoopSource>, bool> &callback) = 0;
#pragma region EASE_OF_READING
struct BasicWorkStdFunc : IWorkItemHandler
std::function<void()> callback;
std::function<void()> shutdown;
BasicWorkStdFunc(std::function<void()> &&callback, std::function<void()> &&error) : callback(std::move(callback)), shutdown(std::move(error))
BasicWorkStdFunc(std::function<void()> &&callback) : callback(std::move(callback))
BasicWorkStdFunc(const std::function<void()> &callback) : callback(callback)
BasicWorkStdFunc(const std::function<void()> &callback, const std::function<void()> &shutdown) : callback(callback), shutdown(shutdown)
#if !defined(_CPPSHARP)
void DispatchFrame(ProcessInfo &info) override
catch (...)
void Shutdown() override
if (shutdown)
catch (...)
#if !defined(_CPPSHARP)
/// @hideinitializer
struct BasicWorkCtx : WorkPriv
magic = AuConvertMagicTag32("BWOT");
opt = nullptr;
void *opt;
/// @hideinitializer
template<typename Info_t = AVoid, typename Result_t = AVoid, typename Task_t = FTask<Info_t, Result_t>, typename Job_t = FJob<Info_t, Result_t>>
struct BasicWorkCallback : IWorkItemHandler, std::enable_shared_from_this<IWorkItemHandler>
caller = GetAsyncApp()->GetCurrentThread();
BasicWorkCallback(Task_t &&task) : task(std::move(task))
caller = GetAsyncApp()->GetCurrentThread();
BasicWorkCallback(Task_t &&task, Job_t &&callback) : task(std::move(task)), callback(std::move(callback))
caller = GetAsyncApp()->GetCurrentThread();
BasicWorkCallback(const Task_t &task) : task(task)
caller = GetAsyncApp()->GetCurrentThread();
BasicWorkCallback(const Task_t &task, const Job_t &callback) : task(task), callback(callback)
caller = GetAsyncApp()->GetCurrentThread();
BasicWorkCallback(const Task_t &task, const Job_t &callback, const Info_t &info) : task(task), callback(callback), input(info)
caller = GetAsyncApp()->GetCurrentThread();
BasicWorkCallback(Task_t &&task, Job_t &&callback, Info_t &&info) : task(std::move(task)), callback(std::move(callback)), input(std::move(info))
caller = GetAsyncApp()->GetCurrentThread();
BasicWorkCallback(const Task_t &task, const Job_t &callback, Info_t &&info) : task(task), callback(callback), input(std::move(info))
caller = GetAsyncApp()->GetCurrentThread();
Info_t input;
Task_t task;
Job_t callback;
BasicWorkCallback<Info_t, Result_t, Task_t, Job_t> &SetTask(const Task_t &task)
this->task = task;
return *this;
BasicWorkCallback<Info_t, Result_t, Task_t, Job_t> &SetTask(const Job_t &callback)
this->callback = callback;
return *this;
static constexpr bool IsCallbackPtr = std::is_pointer_v<Job_t> || AuIsBaseOfTemplate<std::shared_ptr, Job_t>::value;
static constexpr bool IsTaskPtr = std::is_pointer_v<Task_t> || AuIsBaseOfTemplate<std::shared_ptr, Task_t>::value;
WorkerId_t caller;
BasicWorkCtx secretContext_;
AuOptional<Result_t> resultValue_;
virtual void *GetPrivateData() override { return &secretContext_; }
void DispatchFrame(ProcessInfo &info) override
if constexpr (IsTaskPtr)
resultValue_ = task->onFrame(input);
resultValue_ = task.onFrame(input);
catch (...)
auto pin = std::static_pointer_cast<std::remove_pointer_t<decltype(this)>>(this->shared_from_this());
std::function<void()> func = [pin]()
if (pin->resultValue_.has_value())
pin->secretContext_.opt = &pin->resultValue_.value();
if constexpr (IsCallbackPtr)
pin->callback->onSuccess(pin->input, *pin->resultValue_);
pin->callback.onSuccess(pin->input, *pin->resultValue_);
catch (...)
if (caller == GetAsyncApp()->GetCurrentThread())
std::function<void()> err = [pin]()
// TODO: this is somewhat evil. double alloc when we could reuse this
NewWorkItem(caller, AuMakeShared<BasicWorkStdFunc>(func, err))->Dispatch();
catch (...)
void Shutdown() override
catch (...)
void CallOnFailure(bool fail)
if constexpr (IsCallbackPtr)
if constexpr (AuIsBaseOfTemplate<std::function, decltype(callback->onFailure)>::value)
if (!callback->onFailure)
callback->onFailure(input, fail);
if constexpr (AuIsBaseOfTemplate<std::function, decltype(callback.onFailure)>::value)
if (!callback.onFailure)
callback.onFailure(input, fail);
/// @hideinitializer
template<typename Frame_t = std::function<void()>, typename Cleanup_t = std::function<void()>>
struct WorkItemCallable : IWorkItemHandler
Frame_t frame;
Cleanup_t cleanup;
void DispatchFrame(ProcessInfo &info) override
info.type = IWorkItemHandler::EProcessNext::eFinished;
void Shutdown() override
#define ASYNC_ERROR(exp) { if constexpr (std::is_same_v<T, bool>) { SysPushErrorGen(exp); return {}; } else { throw std::string(exp); } }
#define ASYNC_FINISH { if constexpr (std::is_same_v<T, bool>) { return true; } }
template<typename T = void, typename... Args, AU_TEMPLATE_ENABLE_WHEN(std::is_same_v<T, bool> || std::is_void<T>::value)>
static std::function<T(Args&&...)> TranslateAsyncFunctionToDispatcherWithThread(WorkerId_t id, std::function<void(Args...)> func)
return [=](Args&&... in) -> T
auto work = AuMakeShared<BasicWorkStdFunc>([=]() -> void {
if (!work) ASYNC_ERROR("can't dispatch async call; out of memory");
auto workItem = NewWorkItem(id, work);
if (!workItem) ASYNC_ERROR("can't dispatch async call; out of memory");
template<typename T = void, typename... Args, AU_TEMPLATE_ENABLE_WHEN(std::is_same_v<T, bool> || std::is_void<T>::value)>
static std::function<T(Args&&...)> TranslateAsyncFunctionToDispatcher(std::function<void(Args...)> func)
return TranslateAsyncFunctionToDispatcherWithThread(GetAsyncApp()->GetCurrentThread(), func);
template<typename B = void, typename T, typename... Args, AU_TEMPLATE_ENABLE_WHEN(std::is_same_v<T, bool> || std::is_void<T>::value)>
static std::function<T(std::function<void(const B&)>, Args...)> TranslateAsyncReturnableFunctionToDispatcherWithThread(WorkerId_t id, std::function<AuOptional<B>(Args...)> func)
return [=](std::function<T(const B&)> callback, Args... in) -> T
auto work = AuMakeShared<BasicWorkCallback<AVoid, B>>();
if (!work) ASYNC_ERROR("can't dispatch async call; out of memory");
work.task.onProcess = [=](const AVoid &) -> AuOptional<B>
return func(in...);
work.callback.onSuccess = [=](const AVoid &, const B &ret)
auto workItem = NewWorkItem(id, work);
if (!workItem) ASYNC_ERROR("can't dispatch async call; out of memory");
template<typename B = void, typename T, typename... Args, AU_TEMPLATE_ENABLE_WHEN(std::is_same_v<T, bool> || std::is_void<T>::value)>
static std::function<T(std::function<void(const B&)>, Args...)> TranslateAsyncReturnableFunctionToDispatcher(std::function<AuOptional<B>(Args...)> func)
return TranslateAsyncReturnableFunctionToDispatcherWithThread(GetAsyncApp()->GetCurrentThread(), func);
template<typename Info_t = AVoid, typename Result_t = AVoid, typename Task_t = FTask<Info_t, Result_t>, typename Job_t = FJob<Info_t, Result_t>>
static AuSPtr<Async::IWorkItem> DispatchBasicWorkCallback(const WorkerId_t &worker, const Task_t &task, const Job_t &job, bool enableWait = false)
return Async::NewWorkItem(worker, AuMakeShared<Async::BasicWorkCallback<Info_t, Result_t>>(task, job), enableWait)->Dispatch();
template<typename Info_t = AVoid, typename Result_t = AVoid, typename Task_t = FTask<Info_t, Result_t>, typename Job_t = FJob<Info_t, Result_t>>
static AuSPtr<Async::IWorkItem> DispatchBasicWorkCallback(const WorkerId_t &worker, const Task_t &task, const Job_t &job, const Info_t &inputParameters, bool enableWait = false)
return Async::NewWorkItem(worker, AuMakeShared<Async::BasicWorkCallback<Info_t, Result_t>>(task, job, inputParameters), enableWait)->Dispatch();
#pragma endregion EASE_OF_READING