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Copyright (C) 2021 J Reece Wilson (a/k/a "Reece"). All rights reserved.
File: Runtime.hpp
Date: 2021-6-9
Author: Reece
#pragma once
#define AUKN_SYM
#include <auROXTL.hpp>
#if defined(_AUHAS_FMT)
#include <fmt/core.h>
#include <fmt/format.h>
#include <fmt/chrono.h>
#include <fmt/ranges.h>
#if !defined(_AUHAS_UUID)
#error Missing stduuid library
#include <uuid.h>
// Fuck you Clang, you can suck my dick
// Yes, this will infest every project that includes AuroraRuntime.hpp.
// No, I dont care.
// Stop adding retarded screeching warnings over stylistic choices.
// This use-case goes beyond the clangIgnore fields of our build scripts.
// We shouldn't need or desire viral/include-recursive warning dismissal, yet here we are.
#pragma clang diagnostic ignored "-Wbraced-scalar-init"
// Consider: VIS void MyFunc(int a, int b = { 2 }, int c = { 3 })
// Consider: how much legacy C code used { NULL [, ...] } as a generic initializer of member pointers *and integers*
// Consider: MaybeUsignedLongLongOrMaybeInt2048ClassOrMaybeBigIntClassOrMaybeEndianWrapper_t someValue = { 0 }
// Why the hell should this resort in screeching from every translation unit parsing the runtimes' API?
// ...why should I care *NOT TO* sneak in additional universal warning ignores when this is the absolute state of clang and gcc?
// ...i'm not infecting my (and others') buildchain[s] with retarded piss, nor am i going to give a shit about your obsession with pragmatic build warnings (-Wall -pedantic, etc), in the face of these dog-shit compilers.
// Who thought Type value = { 0 } should be a fucking error in boomer corps, and a warning in the best case scenario? who?
#define AUKN_SHARED_API(name, type, ...) AU_SHARED_API_EX(AUKN_SYM, name, type, ## __VA_ARGS__)
#define AUKN_SHARED_SOO(name, type, size, ...) AUKN_SHARED_API(name, type, ## __VA_ARGS__) AUROXTL_INTERFACE_SOO_HDR_EX(AUKN_SYM, name, type, size)
#define AUKN_SHARED_SOO_NC(name, type, size, ...) AUKN_SHARED_API(name, type, ## __VA_ARGS__) AUROXTL_INTERFACE_SOO_HDR_EX_NC(AUKN_SYM, name, type, size)
#define AUKN_SHARED_SOO_CC(name, type, size, ...) AUKN_SHARED_API(name, type, ## __VA_ARGS__) AUROXTL_INTERFACE_SOO_HDR_EX_CC(AUKN_SYM, name, type, size)
#define AUKN_SHARED_SOO_CCNM(name, type, size, ...) AUKN_SHARED_API(name, type, ## __VA_ARGS__) AUROXTL_INTERFACE_SOO_HDR_EX_CCNM(AUKN_SYM, name, type, size)
#define AUKN_SHARED_SOO_NCM(name, type, size, ...) AUKN_SHARED_API(name, type, ## __VA_ARGS__) AUROXTL_INTERFACE_SOO_HDR_EX_NCM(AUKN_SYM, name, type, size)
#define AUKN_SHARED_SOO2(name, type, size, ctrs, ...) AUKN_SHARED_API(name, type, ## __VA_ARGS__) AUROXTL_INTERFACE_SOO_HDR_EX(AUKN_SYM, name, type, size, AU_STRIP_BRACKETS(ctrs))
#define AUKN_SHARED_SOO2_NC(name, type, size, ctrs, ...) AUKN_SHARED_API(name, type, ## __VA_ARGS__) AUROXTL_INTERFACE_SOO_HDR_EX_NC(AUKN_SYM, name, type, size, AU_STRIP_BRACKETS(ctrs))
#define AUKN_SHARED_SOO2_NCM(name, type, size, ctrs, ...) AUKN_SHARED_API(name, type, ## __VA_ARGS__) AUROXTL_INTERFACE_SOO_HDR_EX_NCM(AUKN_SYM, name, type, size, AU_STRIP_BRACKETS(ctrs))
#include "Memory/Memory.hpp"
#include "Utility/PrivData.hpp"
#include "Console/Console.hpp"
#include "Logging/Logging.hpp"
#include "Crypto/Crypto.hpp"
#include "Compression/Compression.hpp"
#include "Data/Data.hpp"
#include "Debug/Debug.hpp"
#include "Hashing/Hashing.hpp"
#include "HWInfo/HWInfo.hpp"
#include "IO/IO.hpp"
#include "Time/Time.hpp"
#include "Locale/Locale.hpp"
#include "Parse/Parse.hpp"
#include "Process/Process.hpp"
#include "Registry/Registry.hpp"
#include "RNG/RNG.hpp"
#include "Telemetry/Telemetery.hpp"
#include "Threading/Threading.hpp"
#include "Async/Async.hpp"
#include "Processes/Processes.hpp"
#include "IO/Loop/Loop.hpp"
#include "IO/IPC/IPC.hpp"
#include "SWInfo/SWInfo.hpp"
#include "Exit/Exit.hpp"
#include "CmdLine/CmdLine.hpp"
#include "Utility/RateLimiter.hpp"
#include "Memory/_ByteBuffer.hpp"
#include "Utility/DestructionWatch.hpp"
#include "RuntimeAliases.hpp"
#include "Aurora/Async/AuFutures.hpp"
#include "RuntimeConfig.hpp"
namespace Aurora
* @brief Initializes Aurora Runtime for the first and only time
* @return
AUKN_SYM void RuntimeStart(const RuntimeStartInfo &info);
* @brief Querys the state of the DLL or Static Library
* @return true after at least one RuntimeStart
AUKN_SYM bool RuntimeHasStarted();
* @brief You have **one** opportunity to swap the system locality before it locked
* This can be used by platform gems to align the runtime language and decimal dot notation to a given locality
* @return
AUKN_SYM void RuntimeOverloadLocality(const AuPair<AuString, AuString> &locality);
* @brief Cleans up Aurora Runtime regardless of the count of calls to RuntimeShutdown or RuntimeStart
* @return
AUKN_SYM void RuntimeShutdown();
* @brief Single threaded main pump for GUI applications polling for non-async subsystem callbacks
* (primarily legacy command dispatch)
* @deprecated
* @return
AUKN_SYM void RuntimeSysPump();
AUKN_SYM void RuntimeWaitForSecondaryTick();