AuroraRuntime/Media/AuRWLock Ordering.txt

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Defer to ThreadingConfig::bEnableRWLockWriteBiasOnReadLock
When true
Reader availability is starved as soon as there is a writer waiting
When false
Readers can starve pending write waiters
Much like other Aurora primitives, there is no guarantee of order.
Reader and writer threads are generally kept separate. No wake operation for many-readers will result in a spurious wake of a writer thread, and vice versa.
Waits/yields of write-upgrades, write-locks, and then read-locks are grouped together by identical wake characteristics defined by platform specific quirks, sorted by that respective order for the logical intentions of the abstract RWLock primitive.
To reiterate, only WakeOnAddress in emulation mode is guaranteed to have FIFO Wait/an order of thread wake-ups - that's to say tickets or prio-wake-queue aren't used to enforce access order.
Condvar and other reodering of thread primitives.txt implies tickets are a waste of cycles, serving no point but to thrash contexts. They serve no logical high level value, nor provide low level performance gains (*). It's just a spinlock algorithm a bunch of braindead normies thought was cute.
*: you are telling the os to resched or perform a SMT yield because your wake wasnt good enough. why would you context switch again? oh right, you'd do it to sit on the exact same physical core (0-12? 0-16? out of hundreds/thousands of contexts?), most likely thrashing cache in a switch, to dequeue a high level context to perform the exact same queued up work - but with different TLS indicies!!!
you would be hard-pressed to make a convincing argument against this perspective...
...that's unless you're stuck in the bygone-era of native fibers, async io routines, and the likes, oh shit we're going back in time with meme-langs and runtimes again aren't we?
They're more akin to a hack to support babiest first "while (!bSocketError) { accept(); CreateThread(); }" server than an answer to any real problem.
A third/fourth level of indirection of a thread context (physical core -> (hyperthread ->) software/kernel switchable context -> abstract userland schedulers' context) makes very little sense, past making these instances of shit-code suck less.
Arguably, fibers and async routines are at best a hack for naive developers who don't think about what their program is doing... or at best a hack for a single-threaded interpreter program like Python or Lua.
Arguably, optimizing thread primitives with tickets serves no purpose other than to optimize fiber-iq code, where half-assed FIFO and monte carlo guarantees aren't good enough to ensure fiber #45345 doesn't idle or spin a bit more than fiber #346.
Arguably, if you're trying to "optimize" thread primitives with tickets and in-process scheduling, and not high level descriptions of what the synchronization primitive is doing in the context of its use case and the platform it runs on, you're a fucking idiot.
Any other scheduling leg-work should be the responsibility of the kernel and perhaps a chipset vendor driver being aware of system-wide thread priorities+tasks; you are not faster or smarter than a generic interface and the kernel/os doing one of its rudimentary responsibilities.