J Reece Wilson b29f8ebf21 [*] Major fix -> vec wrapper w/o glm accessors were broken
[*] Preemptive linux/clang API fixes
[*] Fix clang equiv MSVC template bug (they're nice enough to throw an error instead of crashing)
2022-03-20 09:56:15 +00:00

131 lines
4.5 KiB

Copyright (C) 2022 J Reece Wilson (a/k/a "Reece"). All rights reserved.
File: auNumericLimits.hpp
Date: 2022-2-19
Author: Reece
#pragma once
template<typename T, T Min, T Max, T Epsilon, bool IsSigned = false, bool IsInteger = false>
struct _AuNonStdLimits
using Type = T;
static const bool is_signed = IsSigned;
static const bool is_integer = IsInteger;
static constexpr Type min()
return Min;
static constexpr Type max()
return Max;
static constexpr Type epsilon()
return Epsilon;
template<class T>
struct AuNumericLimits;
#define _AU_LIMITS_ADD(bits) \
template<> \
struct AuNumericLimits<AuUInt ## bits> : _AuNonStdLimits<AuUInt ## bits, 0, static_cast<AuUInt ## bits>(AuInt ## bits(-1)), 1, false, true> \
{ \
}; \
template<> \
struct AuNumericLimits<AuInt ## bits> : _AuNonStdLimits<AuInt ## bits, AuInt ## bits(AuUInt ## bits(0) - AuInt ## bits(AuConstPow<AuUInt ## bits>(2, bits - 1) - 1)) - 1, AuInt ## bits(AuConstPow<AuUInt ## bits>(2, bits - 1) - 1), 1, true, true> \
{ \
struct AuNumericLimits<long> : AuNumericLimits<int>
struct AuNumericLimits<unsigned long> : AuNumericLimits<unsigned int>
// TODO: clang x86 and x64 will need different hacks for [unsigned] long long
struct AuNumericLimits<bool> : _AuNonStdLimits<bool, false, true, true>
struct AuNumericLimits<char16_t> : AuNumericLimits<AuUInt16>
struct AuNumericLimits<char32_t> : AuNumericLimits<AuUInt32>
template<typename T>
struct _AuNonStdLimitsFP
using Type = T;
static const bool is_signed = true;
static const bool is_integer = false;
struct AuNumericLimits<float> : _AuNonStdLimitsFP<float>
static double max()
return 340282346638528859811704183484516925440.0000000000000000;
static double min()
return -340282346638528859811704183484516925440.0000000000000000;
static constexpr double epsilon()
return 0.000000000000000111;
struct AuNumericLimits<double> : _AuNonStdLimitsFP<double>
static double max()
return 1.7976931348623157e+308;
static double min()
return -2.2250738585072014e-308;
static constexpr double epsilon()
return 0.000000000000000111;