Reece a626fbea24 [+] HWInfo::GetPageSize()
[+] Parse::SplitNewlines(..., ..., true) where the return value is the remaining unbuffered line
[*] Gross hack we should remove to drop std string parse exception abuse logs
[*] Update AuroraForEach and AuroraInterfaces
[*] Experiment with using alternative os address space reserve + commit mechanics for Memory::Heaps
[*] global fast rand device should be seeded with at least 64 bits of secure rng data. ideally, we should max out entropy with secure bits, but we dont
2021-10-14 12:35:05 +01:00

279 lines
6.1 KiB

Copyright (C) 2021 J Reece Wilson (a/k/a "Reece"). All rights reserved.
File: RNG.cpp
Date: 2021-6-11
Author: Reece
#include <Source/RuntimeInternal.hpp>
#include "RNG.hpp"
#if defined(AURORA_PLATFORM_WIN32)
#include <wincrypt.h>
#include <bcrypt.h>
#include <bcrypt.h>
#include <cstdio>
#include "WELL.hpp"
namespace Aurora::RNG
static WELLRand gWellRand;
static RandomUnique_t gFastDevice;
static FILE *gDevURand;
static void InitRandPlatform()
gDevURand = fopen("/dev/urandom", "rb");
if (gDevURand == NULL)
gDevURand = fopen("/dev/random", "rb");
if (!gDevURand)
if (setvbuf(gDevURand, NULL, _IONBF, 0) != 0)
gDevURand = NULL;
static AuUInt32 RngUnix(AuUInt8 *buf, AuUInt32 len)
return fread(buf, 1, (size_t)len, gDevURand);
#if defined(USE_OLD_NTCRYPT)
static HCRYPTPROV gCryptoProv;
static void InitRandPlatform()
#if defined(USE_OLD_NTCRYPT)
if (!CryptAcquireContext(&gCryptoProv, NULL, MS_DEF_PROV, PROV_RSA_FULL,
if (!CryptAcquireContext(&gCryptoProv, NULL, MS_DEF_PROV, PROV_RSA_FULL,
gCryptoProv = 0;
static AuUInt32 RngWin32(AuUInt8 *buf, AuUInt32 len)
#if defined(USE_OLD_NTCRYPT)
if (!gCryptoProv)
return 0;
if (!CryptGenRandom(gCryptoProv, len, buf))
return 0;
return len;
if (BCryptGenRandom(BCRYPT_RNG_ALG_HANDLE, reinterpret_cast<PUCHAR>(buf), len, 0) == 0)
return len;
if (BCryptGenRandom(NULL, reinterpret_cast<PUCHAR>(buf), len, BCRYPT_USE_SYSTEM_PREFERRED_RNG) == 0)
return len;
return 0;
static void InitRandPlatform()
static AuUInt32 RngStdC(AuUInt8 *buf, AuUInt32 len)
clock_t t1;
int l, acc, bits, a, b;
l = len;
acc = a = b = 0;
bits = 8;
while (len--)
while (bits--) // for each bit in byte
t1 = clock();
while (t1 == clock()) // spin within the resolution of 1 C clock() tick
a ^= 1; // flip
t1 = clock();
while (t1 == clock())
b ^= 1; // flip
} while (a == b); // ensure theres enough entropy for a deviation to occur
acc = (acc << 1) | a; // push the first bit state
*buf++ = acc;
acc = 0;
bits = 8;
return l;
static AuUInt32 RngGetBytes(AuUInt8 *out, AuUInt32 outlen)
AuUInt32 x;
x = RngWin32(out, outlen);
if (x != 0)
return x;
x = RngUnix(out, outlen);
if (x != 0)
return x;
x = RngStdC(out, outlen);
if (x != 0)
return x;
return 0;
AUKN_SYM void ReadSecureRNG(void *in, AuUInt32 length)
AuUInt32 offset;
AuUInt8 *headPtr;
headPtr = reinterpret_cast<AuUInt8 *>(in);
offset = 0;
while (offset != length)
auto req = length - offset;
auto bytes = RngGetBytes(headPtr + offset, req);
SysAssertExp(bytes, "Couldn't consume {} RNG bytes", req);
offset += bytes;
AUKN_SYM void ReadFastRNG(void *in, AuUInt32 length)
WELL_NextBytes(&gWellRand, in, length);
AUKN_SYM AuString ReadString(AuUInt32 length, ERngStringCharacters type)
return gFastDevice->NextString(length, type);
AUKN_SYM void RngString(char *string, AuUInt32 length, ERngStringCharacters type)
gFastDevice->NextString(string, length, type);
AUKN_SYM AuUInt8 RngByte()
return gFastDevice->NextByte();
AUKN_SYM bool RngBoolean()
return gFastDevice->NextBoolean();
AUKN_SYM AuUInt32 RngU32()
return gFastDevice->NextU32();
AUKN_SYM AuUInt32 RngU32(AuUInt32 min, AuUInt32 max)
return gFastDevice->NextU32(min, max);
AUKN_SYM AuUInt64 RngU64()
return gFastDevice->NextU64();
AUKN_SYM AuInt32 RngInt(AuInt32 min, AuInt32 max)
return gFastDevice->NextInt(min, max);
AUKN_SYM double RngDecimal()
return gFastDevice->NextDecimal();
AUKN_SYM float RngNumber(float min, float max)
return gFastDevice->NextNumber(min, max);
AUKN_SYM AuUInt32 RngIndex(AuUInt32 count /* = max + 1*/)
return gFastDevice->NextIndex(count);
static void InitFastRng()
gWellRand = WELL_SeedRand64(RngTmpl<false, AuUInt64>());
gFastDevice = RandomUnique(RandomDef {false});
void Init()
void Release()
#if defined(_UNIX_LIKE_DEVRAND)
CryptReleaseContext(gCryptoProv, 0);