Reece 53e33b6fdd [*] Added/fix UTF-16 BE count
[*] Optimize stage builds - Crypto API validation
[*] Clean up
2022-03-04 22:28:25 +00:00

131 lines
3.3 KiB

Copyright (C) 2021 J Reece Wilson (a/k/a "Reece"). All rights reserved.
File: EncoderAdapter.cpp
Date: 2021-8-19
Author: Reece
#include <Source/RuntimeInternal.hpp>
#include "Encoding.hpp"
#include "EncoderIConv.hpp"
#include "EncoderNSL.hpp"
#include "ConvertInternal.hpp"
#include "EncoderAdapter.hpp"
namespace Aurora::Locale::Encoding
void EncoderAdapter::Init(ECodePage page, bool decode)
this->page = page;
this->decode = decode;
bool EncoderAdapter::TestPage(ECodePage ref)
return ((page == ref) ||
((page == ECodePage::eSysUnk) &&
(GetInternalCodePage() == ref)));
AuStreamReadWrittenPair_t EncoderAdapter::CPToUTF8(const void *in, AuUInt32 length, void *utf8, AuUInt32 utf8Max)
AuStreamReadWrittenPair_t ret {};
if (!length)
return {};
if (!in)
return {};
// decode using internal and/or optimized apis first
if (TestPage(ECodePage::eUTF8))
length = CountUTF8Length({in, length}, true);
auto readable = AuMin(length, utf8Max);
if (utf8 && in)
AuMemcpy(utf8, in, readable);
return {readable, utf8 ? readable : length};
// never remove me. the stl and windows can't bet trusted to fail on conversion failure.
// furthermore, some platforms may restrict the subset of an encoding scheme across the entire au ecosystem
if (TestPage(ECodePage::eGBK))
length = GBK::CountGbk(in, length, true);
else if (TestPage(ECodePage::eSJIS))
length = SJIS::CountSJIS(in, length, true);
else if (TestPage(ECodePage::eUTF16) || TestPage(ECodePage::eUTF16BE))
length = UTF16::Count16(in, length, true, TestPage(ECodePage::eUTF16));
else if ((page == ECodePage::eUTF32) || (page == ECodePage::eUTF32BE))
length &= ~3;
ret = Win32CPToUTF8(page, in, length, utf8, utf8Max);
if (!ret.first)
// TODO: iconv support here
ret = STLCPToUTF8(page, in, length, utf8, utf8Max);
return ret;
AuStreamReadWrittenPair_t EncoderAdapter::UTF8ToCp(const void *utf8, AuUInt32 utf8Length, void *cp, AuUInt32 cpLen)
AuStreamReadWrittenPair_t ret {};
if (!utf8)
return {};
if (!utf8Length)
return {};
if (TestPage(ECodePage::eUTF8))
utf8Length = CountUTF8Length({utf8, utf8Length}, true);
auto readable = AuMin(utf8Length, cpLen);
if (utf8 && cp)
AuMemcpy(cp, utf8, readable);
return {utf8Length, cp ? readable : utf8Length};
ret = Win32UTF8ToCp(page, utf8, utf8Length, cp, cpLen);
if (!ret.first)
// TODO: iconv support here
ret = STLUTF8ToCp(page, utf8, utf8Length, cp, cpLen);
return ret;