2019-11-01 07:49:22 +00:00

583 lines
14 KiB

const e_iABC = 0;
const e_iABx = 1;
const e_iAsBx = 2;
R[n] - register n
RK(0) - if n < 0x100
constant[n +, -, x, or / idfk man]
UI64 = Unsigned Integer 64? - internally referenced as 'int 60' or at least theres some 60bit range checking
Structures have named slots
Max slots per struct = 0xE0
Max structures (structures are defined as "prototypes"- not to be confused with literal function prototypes)
slots can either be:
enum hks::StructSlotType
module.exports =
{name: "HKS_OPCODE_TEST" , opcode: 0x1 , type: e_iABC }, // R1_Type = R[a], do HKS_OPCODE_TEST_R1
{name: "HKS_OPCODE_TEST_R1" , opcode: 0x47 , type: e_iABC },
c = int(c) = c
r1 = bool(r1) = type A
if (c == r1) fuck off and do something else
else IP ++;
{name: "HKS_OPCODE_EQ" , opcode: 0x4 , type: e_iABC },
{name: "HKS_OPCODE_EQ_BK" , opcode: 0x5 , type: e_iABC },
{name: "HKS_OPCODE_MOVE" , opcode: 0x7 , type: e_iABC },
R1 = dest_r1
a = R[a] = dest_a
b = R[b] = src
dest_r1 = src
dest_a = src
{name: "HKS_OPCODE_SELF" , opcode: 0x8 , type: e_iABC }, //
R1 = dest_r1
a = R[a] = dest_a
a_one = R[a + 1] = dest_a_one
b = R[b] = table
c = RK[c] = key
dest_a_one = table
dest_a = table[key]
dest_r1 = dest_a
{name: "HKS_OPCODE_RETURN" , opcode: 0x9 , type: e_iABC },
{name: "HKS_OPCODE_GETTABLE" , opcode: 0xC , type: e_iABC },
HKS_OPCODE_DATA - always null?
HKS_OPCODE_DATA - always null?
0, exp info, exp aux
a = R[a] = dest?
b = R[b] = table or struct
c = RK[c] = key?
dest = table or struct[key] ?????????
{name: "HKS_OPCODE_GETTABLE_S" , opcode: 0xa , type: e_iABC },
{name: "HKS_OPCODE_GETTABLE_N" , opcode: 0xb , type: e_iABC },
{name: "HKS_OPCODE_TFORLOOP" , opcode: 0xe , type: e_iABC },
{name: "HKS_OPCODE_FORLOOP" , opcode: 0x3f , type: e_iAsBx},
{name: "HKS_OPCODE_FORPREP" , opcode: 0x3e , type: e_iAsBx},
{name: "HKS_OPCODE_SETTABLE_S" , opcode: 0x10 , type: e_iABC },
{name: "HKS_OPCODE_SETTABLE_S_BK" , opcode: 0x11 , type: e_iABC },
hks::HashTable::insertString, falls back to hks::StructInst::insertString
{name: "HKS_OPCODE_SETTABLE_N" , opcode: 0x12 , type: e_iABC },
{name: "HKS_OPCODE_SETTABLE_N_BK" , opcode: 0x13 , type: e_iABC },
hks::HashTable::insertNumber, falls back to hks::StructInst::insertNumber
{name: "HKS_OPCODE_SETTABLE" , opcode: 0x14 , type: e_iABC }, // TODO: (R[A])[B] = RK[C]
{name: "HKS_OPCODE_SETTABLE_BK" , opcode: 0x15 , type: e_iABC },
// TODO: tailcalls are comparable to a jmp at the end of a sysv or cdecl compliant stub.
{name: "HKS_OPCODE_TAILCALL_I_R1" , opcode: 0x44 , type: e_iABC },
{name: "HKS_OPCODE_TAILCALL_I" , opcode: 0x16 , type: e_iABC },
{name: "HKS_OPCODE_TAILCALL_C" , opcode: 0x17 , type: e_iABC },
{name: "HKS_OPCODE_TAILCALL_M" , opcode: 0x18 , type: e_iABC },
{name: "HKS_OPCODE_TAILCALL" , opcode: 0x25 , type: e_iABC },
{name: "HKS_OPCODE_LOADK" , opcode: 0x19 , type: e_iABx },
a = R[a] = dest
b = K(b) = constant
dest = constant
{name: "HKS_OPCODE_LOADNIL" , opcode: 0x1a , type: e_iABC },
for (cur = R[a]; cur < R[b]; cur++)
cur->type = NIL
{name: "HKS_OPCODE_LOADBOOL" , opcode: 0xd , type: e_iABC },
a = R[a] = dest
b = bool(int(R[b])) = src
c = int(c) = skip
dest = src
ip += skip
{name: "HKS_OPCODE_JMP" , opcode: 0x1c , type: e_iAsBx},
b = signed int(b) = offset
IP += offset
{name: "HKS_OPCODE_CALL" , opcode: 0x1e , type: e_iABC },
{name: "HKS_OPCODE_CALL_M" , opcode: 0x1d , type: e_iABC }, //function with memorization?
{name: "HKS_OPCODE_CALL_C" , opcode: 0x3 , type: e_iABC }, //**C**Function (native functions)
{name: "HKS_OPCODE_CALL_I_R1" , opcode: 0x45 , type: e_iABC }, // R1_Type = R[a], do HKS_OPCODE_CALL_I
{name: "HKS_OPCODE_CALL_I" , opcode: 0x2 , type: e_iABC }, //**I**Function (havok functions, i think)
{name: "HKS_OPCODE_INTRINSIC_INDEX" , opcode: 0x1f , type: e_iABC },
{name: "HKS_OPCODE_INTRINSIC_NEWINDEX" , opcode: 0x20 , type: e_iABC },
{name: "HKS_OPCODE_INTRINSIC_SELF" , opcode: 0x21 , type: e_iABC },
{name: "HKS_OPCODE_INTRINSIC_INDEX_LITERAL" , opcode: 0x22 , type: e_iABC },
{name: "HKS_OPCODE_INTRINSIC_NEWINDEX_LITERAL" , opcode: 0x23 , type: e_iABC },
{name: "HKS_OPCODE_INTRINSIC_SELF_LITERAL" , opcode: 0x24 , type: e_iABC },
{name: "HKS_OPCODE_GETUPVAL" , opcode: 0x26 , type: e_iABC },
R1 = object_r1
a = R[a] = object_a
bx = UpVal(int(b)) = upval
object_r1 = upval
object_a = upval
{name: "HKS_OPCODE_SETUPVAL" , opcode: 0x27 , type: e_iABC }, // R1_Type = R[a], do HKS_OPCODE_SETUPVAL_R1
{name: "HKS_OPCODE_SETUPVAL_R1" , opcode: 0x46 , type: e_iABC }, // UpVals[b] = R1
R1 = object_r1
bx = UpVal(int(b)) = upval
upval = object_r1
{name: "HKS_OPCODE_ADD" , opcode: 0x28 , type: e_iABC },
{name: "HKS_OPCODE_ADD_BK" , opcode: 0x29 , type: e_iABC }, // no impl? fallback to HKS_OPCODE_ADD
{name: "HKS_OPCODE_SUB" , opcode: 0x2a , type: e_iABC },
{name: "HKS_OPCODE_SUB_BK" , opcode: 0x2b , type: e_iABC }, // no impl? fallback to HKS_OPCODE_SUB
{name: "HKS_OPCODE_MUL" , opcode: 0x2c , type: e_iABC },
{name: "HKS_OPCODE_MUL_BK" , opcode: 0x2d , type: e_iABC }, // no impl? fallback to HKS_OPCODE_MUL
{name: "HKS_OPCODE_DIV" , opcode: 0x2e , type: e_iABC },
{name: "HKS_OPCODE_DIV_BK" , opcode: 0x2f , type: e_iABC }, // no impl? fallback to HKS_OPCODE_DIV
{name: "HKS_OPCODE_MOD" , opcode: 0x30 , type: e_iABC },
{name: "HKS_OPCODE_MOD_BK" , opcode: 0x31 , type: e_iABC }, // no impl? fallback to HKS_OPCODE_MOD
{name: "HKS_OPCODE_POW" , opcode: 0x32 , type: e_iABC },
{name: "HKS_OPCODE_POW_BK" , opcode: 0x33 , type: e_iABC }, // no impl? fallback to HKS_OPCODE_POW
{name: "HKS_OPCODE_NEWTABLE" , opcode: 0x34 , type: e_iABC },
{name: "HKS_OPCODE_UNM" , opcode: 0x35 , type: e_iABC },
{name: "HKS_OPCODE_NOT" , opcode: 0x36 , type: e_iABC }, // R1_Type = R[b], do HKS_OPCODE_GETFIELD_R1
{name: "HKS_OPCODE_NOT_R1" , opcode: 0x48 , type: e_iABC },
{name: "HKS_OPCODE_LE" , opcode: 0x37 , type: e_iABC },
{name: "HKS_OPCODE_LT" , opcode: 0x38 , type: e_iABC },
{name: "HKS_OPCODE_LT_BK" , opcode: 0x39 , type: e_iABC }, // no impl? fallback to HKS_OPCODE_LT
{name: "HKS_OPCODE_LE" , opcode: 0x3a , type: e_iABC },
{name: "HKS_OPCODE_LE_BK" , opcode: 0x3b , type: e_iABC }, // no impl? fallback to HKS_OPCODE_LE
{name: "HKS_OPCODE_CONCAT" , opcode: 0x3c , type: e_iABC },
{name: "HKS_OPCODE_TESTSET" , opcode: 0x3d , type: e_iABC },
{name: "HKS_OPCODE_SETLIST" , opcode: 0x40 , type: e_iABC },
{name: "HKS_OPCODE_CLOSE" , opcode: 0x41 , type: e_iABC },
Nope - im not even going to bother writing pseudocode here
backed by: hks::closePendingUpvalues
{name: "HKS_OPCODE_CLOSURE" , opcode: 0x42 , type: e_iABx },
a = R[a] = dest
b = PROTO(R[b]) = closure
dest = closure
if (closure->m_method->num_upvals == 0)
for (i = 0; i < closure ->m_method->num_upvals; i ++)
a->m_method->m_upvals[i] = 0
for (var i = 0; i < closure ->m_method->num_upvals; i ++) {
target = null
if (nextInstruction a == 1) {
target = luaState->pending;
if (!target) goto notFound;
while (luaPending->loc != &R[nextInstruction b])
luaPending = luaPending->m_next;
if (!luaPending) goto notFound;
} else {
target = new UpVal()
target.loc.type = 0;
target.loc.value = 0;
target.loc = &R[nextInstruction b];
target.m_next = luaState->pending;
luaState->pending = target;
a->m_method->m_upvals[i] = target; // R[nextInstruction b] I think
ip ++;
{name: "HKS_OPCODE_VARARG" , opcode: 0x43 , type: e_iABC },
{name: "HKS_OPCODE_NEWSTRUCT" , opcode: 0x4b , type: e_iABC },
TODO: a - dest, b and/or c - array length iirc
{name: "HKS_OPCODE_DATA" , opcode: 0x4c , type: e_iABx },
These idiots decided that int32s aren't big enough so they use this instruction to merely provide additional information to the previous executed instruction
There may be more than one _OPCODE_DATA appended after the real instruction. the worst offender being SETSLOTMT [whatever that does]
Implemented, as, uh, idfk? I'm 99.99% certain the VM loop either spins forever or these are just ignored.
Assuming the compiler didn't fuck up, the handler of the real instruction increments the IP
{name: "HKS_OPCODE_SETSLOTN" /* NULL??? */ , opcode: 0x4d , type: e_iABC },
a = TSTRUCT(R[a]) = structure
b = int(b) = encodedIndex
c = RK(c) = value
typeof(structure[encodedIndex]) = 0
{name: "HKS_OPCODE_SETSLOTI" /* integer? */ , opcode: 0x4e , type: e_iABC },
a = TSTRUCT(R[a]) = structure
b = int(b) = encodedIndex
c = RK(c) = value
structure[encodedIndex] = value
backed by: ks::StructInst::setHksObjectPosOffset<1>
{name: "HKS_OPCODE_SETSLOT" /* auto? */ , opcode: 0x4f , type: e_iABC },
a = TSTRUCT(R[a]) = structure
b = int(b) = encodedIndex
c = RK(c) = value
ab = int(nextInstruction b) = [result/slot?] type
if (result type != typeof(value)) throwTypeError
structure[encodedIndex] = value
backed by: hks::StructInst::setHksObjectPosOffset
{name: "HKS_OPCODE_SETSLOTMT" , opcode: 0x51 , type: e_iABC },
{name: "HKS_OPCODE_SETSLOTS" , opcode: 0x50 , type: e_iABC }, //
// (R[a])[b as encodedIndex] = RK[c] - where RK[c] is VRELOCABLE
// additional OP_DATA - a = ???, b = m_protoIndex
{name: "HKS_OPCODE_CHECKTYPE" , opcode: 0x52 , type: e_iABx },
a = R[a] = object
b = int(b) = type
if (typeof(object != int(b) as HksObjectType) throwTypeError
// do nothing?
{name: "HKS_OPCODE_CHECKTYPE_D" , opcode: 0x59 , type: e_iABx }, //
b = TSTRUCT(R[b]) = target
ab = R(nextInstruction b) = "a non nil value"
ac = int(nextInstruction c) = encodedIndex?
if (typeof(R[b]) != typeof(TSTRUCT))
*(WORD*)ip = 0x98000000; // HKS_OPCODE_GETTABL
*(WORD*)ip = 0x98000000; // this is just a no-op since we have data at ip + 1... i think
R1 = ab
if could be wrong but, i think this just checks the presence of a type id and/or type ptr
on failure, the response of gettable_event_outofline_struct is thrown into RA object
{name: "HKS_OPCODE_CHECKTYPES" , opcode: 0x53 , type: e_iABx }, // v16->m_global->m_protoList.m_protoList[B], A = TSTRUCT??? so perhaps
// if (envrionmentOf(R[a] != indexOfProtoype(B) as HashTable) throwTypeError
{name: "HKS_OPCODE_GETSLOT" , opcode: 0x54 , type: e_iABC }, // a = register, b = m_info of struct (likely register), c = slotPosIndex
{name: "HKS_OPCODE_GETSLOT_D" , opcode: 0x5a , type: e_iABC },
{name: "HKS_OPCODE_GETSLOTMT" , opcode: 0x55 , type: e_iABC },
{name: "HKS_OPCODE_SELFSLOT" , opcode: 0x56 , type: e_iABC },
a = R[a] = out
b = R[b] = object
c = int(a) = encodedIndex
R[a + 1] = object
R[a] = object[encodedIndex] TODO: i think? idfk
{name: "HKS_OPCODE_SELFSLOTMT" , opcode: 0x57 , type: e_iABC },
{name: "HKS_OPCODE_SETFIELD" , opcode: 0xf , type: e_iABC }, // R1_Type = R[a], do HKS_OPCODE_SETFIELD_R1
{name: "HKS_OPCODE_SETFIELD_R1" , opcode: 0x4a , type: e_iABC },
b = K[b] = key?
c = RK[c] = value?
backed by hks::HashTable::insertString, hks::StructInst::insertString
{name: "HKS_OPCODE_GETFIELD" , opcode: 0x0 , type: e_iABC }, // R1_Type = R[b], do HKS_OPCODE_GETFIELD_R1
{name: "HKS_OPCODE_GETFIELD_R1" , opcode: 0x49 , type: e_iABC },
R1_Type = target = target
c = K[c] = constant (string?)
R[a] = R1_Type = target[c]
{name: "HKS_OPCODE_GETFIELD_MM" , opcode: 0x58 , type: e_iABC },
b = R[b] = target
c = int(c) = unk
unk * 2
if (target.type == TTABLE)
if (target.type == TSTRUCT)
HksObject ah;
hks::StructInst::getByString(target, &ah, unk)
R1 = ah
R[???] = R1
nextIP += 2; // ??? i thought there was just one data? or...? AHHh
{name: "HKS_OPCODE_SETGLOBAL" , opcode: 0x1b , type: e_iABx },
a = R[a] = object
bx = constant(b) = constant
Global[bx] = object
{name: "HKS_OPCODE_GETGLOBAL" , opcode: 0x6 , type: e_iABx },
a = R[a] = object
bx = constant(b) = constant
object = Global[bx]
{name: "HKS_OPCODE_GETGLOBAL_MEM" /*_memorization?*/ , opcode: 0x5b , type: e_iABx } // cached get global. i think we can just treat this like get global for now :tm: