
1907 lines
74 KiB
Raw Normal View History

// File: BC7Encode.hlsl
// The Compute Shader for BC7 Encoder
// Copyright (c) Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved.
//#define REF_DEVICE
#define CHAR_LENGTH 8
#define NCHANNELS 4
#define BC7_UNORM 98
#define MIN_UINT 0
static const uint candidateSectionBit[64] = //Associated to partition 0-63
0xCCCC, 0x8888, 0xEEEE, 0xECC8,
0xC880, 0xFEEC, 0xFEC8, 0xEC80,
0xC800, 0xFFEC, 0xFE80, 0xE800,
0xFFE8, 0xFF00, 0xFFF0, 0xF000,
0xF710, 0x008E, 0x7100, 0x08CE,
0x008C, 0x7310, 0x3100, 0x8CCE,
0x088C, 0x3110, 0x6666, 0x366C,
0x17E8, 0x0FF0, 0x718E, 0x399C,
0xaaaa, 0xf0f0, 0x5a5a, 0x33cc,
0x3c3c, 0x55aa, 0x9696, 0xa55a,
0x73ce, 0x13c8, 0x324c, 0x3bdc,
0x6996, 0xc33c, 0x9966, 0x660,
0x272, 0x4e4, 0x4e40, 0x2720,
0xc936, 0x936c, 0x39c6, 0x639c,
0x9336, 0x9cc6, 0x817e, 0xe718,
0xccf0, 0xfcc, 0x7744, 0xee22,
static const uint candidateSectionBit2[64] = //Associated to partition 64-127
0xaa685050, 0x6a5a5040, 0x5a5a4200, 0x5450a0a8,
0xa5a50000, 0xa0a05050, 0x5555a0a0, 0x5a5a5050,
0xaa550000, 0xaa555500, 0xaaaa5500, 0x90909090,
0x94949494, 0xa4a4a4a4, 0xa9a59450, 0x2a0a4250,
0xa5945040, 0x0a425054, 0xa5a5a500, 0x55a0a0a0,
0xa8a85454, 0x6a6a4040, 0xa4a45000, 0x1a1a0500,
0x0050a4a4, 0xaaa59090, 0x14696914, 0x69691400,
0xa08585a0, 0xaa821414, 0x50a4a450, 0x6a5a0200,
0xa9a58000, 0x5090a0a8, 0xa8a09050, 0x24242424,
0x00aa5500, 0x24924924, 0x24499224, 0x50a50a50,
0x500aa550, 0xaaaa4444, 0x66660000, 0xa5a0a5a0,
0x50a050a0, 0x69286928, 0x44aaaa44, 0x66666600,
0xaa444444, 0x54a854a8, 0x95809580, 0x96969600,
0xa85454a8, 0x80959580, 0xaa141414, 0x96960000,
0xaaaa1414, 0xa05050a0, 0xa0a5a5a0, 0x96000000,
0x40804080, 0xa9a8a9a8, 0xaaaaaa44, 0x2a4a5254,
static const uint2 candidateFixUpIndex1D[128] =
{15, 0},{15, 0},{15, 0},{15, 0},
{15, 0},{15, 0},{15, 0},{15, 0},
{15, 0},{15, 0},{15, 0},{15, 0},
{15, 0},{15, 0},{15, 0},{15, 0},
{15, 0},{ 2, 0},{ 8, 0},{ 2, 0},
{ 2, 0},{ 8, 0},{ 8, 0},{15, 0},
{ 2, 0},{ 8, 0},{ 2, 0},{ 2, 0},
{ 8, 0},{ 8, 0},{ 2, 0},{ 2, 0},
{15, 0},{15, 0},{ 6, 0},{ 8, 0},
{ 2, 0},{ 8, 0},{15, 0},{15, 0},
{ 2, 0},{ 8, 0},{ 2, 0},{ 2, 0},
{ 2, 0},{15, 0},{15, 0},{ 6, 0},
{ 6, 0},{ 2, 0},{ 6, 0},{ 8, 0},
{15, 0},{15, 0},{ 2, 0},{ 2, 0},
{15, 0},{15, 0},{15, 0},{15, 0},
{15, 0},{ 2, 0},{ 2, 0},{15, 0},
//candidateFixUpIndex1D[i][1], i < 64 should not be used
{ 3,15},{ 3, 8},{15, 8},{15, 3},
{ 8,15},{ 3,15},{15, 3},{15, 8},
{ 8,15},{ 8,15},{ 6,15},{ 6,15},
{ 6,15},{ 5,15},{ 3,15},{ 3, 8},
{ 3,15},{ 3, 8},{ 8,15},{15, 3},
{ 3,15},{ 3, 8},{ 6,15},{10, 8},
{ 5, 3},{ 8,15},{ 8, 6},{ 6,10},
{ 8,15},{ 5,15},{15,10},{15, 8},
{ 8,15},{15, 3},{ 3,15},{ 5,10},
{ 6,10},{10, 8},{ 8, 9},{15,10},
{15, 6},{ 3,15},{15, 8},{ 5,15},
{15, 3},{15, 6},{15, 6},{15, 8}, //The Spec doesn't mark the first fixed up index in this row, so I apply 15 for them, and seems correct
{ 3,15},{15, 3},{ 5,15},{ 5,15},
{ 5,15},{ 8,15},{ 5,15},{10,15},
{ 5,15},{10,15},{ 8,15},{13,15},
{15, 3},{12,15},{ 3,15},{ 3, 8},
static const uint2 candidateFixUpIndex1DOrdered[128] = //Same with candidateFixUpIndex1D but order the result when i >= 64
{15, 0},{15, 0},{15, 0},{15, 0},
{15, 0},{15, 0},{15, 0},{15, 0},
{15, 0},{15, 0},{15, 0},{15, 0},
{15, 0},{15, 0},{15, 0},{15, 0},
{15, 0},{ 2, 0},{ 8, 0},{ 2, 0},
{ 2, 0},{ 8, 0},{ 8, 0},{15, 0},
{ 2, 0},{ 8, 0},{ 2, 0},{ 2, 0},
{ 8, 0},{ 8, 0},{ 2, 0},{ 2, 0},
{15, 0},{15, 0},{ 6, 0},{ 8, 0},
{ 2, 0},{ 8, 0},{15, 0},{15, 0},
{ 2, 0},{ 8, 0},{ 2, 0},{ 2, 0},
{ 2, 0},{15, 0},{15, 0},{ 6, 0},
{ 6, 0},{ 2, 0},{ 6, 0},{ 8, 0},
{15, 0},{15, 0},{ 2, 0},{ 2, 0},
{15, 0},{15, 0},{15, 0},{15, 0},
{15, 0},{ 2, 0},{ 2, 0},{15, 0},
//candidateFixUpIndex1DOrdered[i][1], i < 64 should not be used
{ 3,15},{ 3, 8},{ 8,15},{ 3,15},
{ 8,15},{ 3,15},{ 3,15},{ 8,15},
{ 8,15},{ 8,15},{ 6,15},{ 6,15},
{ 6,15},{ 5,15},{ 3,15},{ 3, 8},
{ 3,15},{ 3, 8},{ 8,15},{ 3,15},
{ 3,15},{ 3, 8},{ 6,15},{ 8,10},
{ 3, 5},{ 8,15},{ 6, 8},{ 6,10},
{ 8,15},{ 5,15},{10,15},{ 8,15},
{ 8,15},{ 3,15},{ 3,15},{ 5,10},
{ 6,10},{ 8,10},{ 8, 9},{10,15},
{ 6,15},{ 3,15},{ 8,15},{ 5,15},
{ 3,15},{ 6,15},{ 6,15},{ 8,15}, //The Spec doesn't mark the first fixed up index in this row, so I apply 15 for them, and seems correct
{ 3,15},{ 3,15},{ 5,15},{ 5,15},
{ 5,15},{ 8,15},{ 5,15},{10,15},
{ 5,15},{10,15},{ 8,15},{13,15},
{ 3,15},{12,15},{ 3,15},{ 3, 8},
//static const uint4x4 candidateRotation[4] =
// {1,0,0,0},{0,1,0,0},{0,0,1,0},{0,0,0,1},
// {0,0,0,1},{0,1,0,0},{0,0,1,0},{1,0,0,0},
// {1,0,0,0},{0,0,0,1},{0,0,1,0},{0,1,0,0},
// {1,0,0,0},{0,1,0,0},{0,0,0,1},{0,0,1,0}
//static const uint2 candidateIndexPrec[8] = {{3,0},{3,0},{2,0},{2,0},
// {2,3}, //color index and alpha index can exchange
// {2,2},{4,4},{2,2}};
static const uint aWeight[3][16] = { {0, 4, 9, 13, 17, 21, 26, 30, 34, 38, 43, 47, 51, 55, 60, 64},
{0, 9, 18, 27, 37, 46, 55, 64, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0},
{0, 21, 43, 64, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0} };
//4 bit index: 0, 4, 9, 13, 17, 21, 26, 30, 34, 38, 43, 47, 51, 55, 60, 64
static const uint aStep[3][64] = { { 0, 0, 0, 1, 1, 1, 1, 2,
2, 2, 2, 2, 3, 3, 3, 3,
4, 4, 4, 4, 5, 5, 5, 5,
6, 6, 6, 6, 6, 7, 7, 7,
7, 8, 8, 8, 8, 9, 9, 9,
13,13,14,14,14,14,15,15 },
//3 bit index: 0, 9, 18, 27, 37, 46, 55, 64
{ 0,0,0,0,0,1,1,1,
6,6,6,6,7,7,7,7 },
//2 bit index: 0, 21, 43, 64
{ 0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,
3,3,3,3,3,3,3,3 } };
cbuffer cbCS : register( b0 )
uint g_tex_width;
uint g_num_block_x;
uint g_format;
uint g_mode_id;
uint g_start_block_id;
uint g_num_total_blocks;
float g_alpha_weight;
//Forward declaration
uint2x4 compress_endpoints0( inout uint2x4 endPoint, uint2 P ); //Mode = 0
uint2x4 compress_endpoints1( inout uint2x4 endPoint, uint2 P ); //Mode = 1
uint2x4 compress_endpoints2( inout uint2x4 endPoint ); //Mode = 2
uint2x4 compress_endpoints3( inout uint2x4 endPoint, uint2 P ); //Mode = 3
uint2x4 compress_endpoints7( inout uint2x4 endPoint, uint2 P ); //Mode = 7
uint2x4 compress_endpoints6( inout uint2x4 endPoint, uint2 P ); //Mode = 6
uint2x4 compress_endpoints4( inout uint2x4 endPoint ); //Mode = 4
uint2x4 compress_endpoints5( inout uint2x4 endPoint ); //Mode = 5
void block_package0( out uint4 block, uint partition, uint threadBase ); //Mode0
void block_package1( out uint4 block, uint partition, uint threadBase ); //Mode1
void block_package2( out uint4 block, uint partition, uint threadBase ); //Mode2
void block_package3( out uint4 block, uint partition, uint threadBase ); //Mode3
void block_package4( out uint4 block, uint rotation, uint index_selector, uint threadBase ); //Mode4
void block_package5( out uint4 block, uint rotation, uint threadBase ); //Mode5
void block_package6( out uint4 block, uint threadBase ); //Mode6
void block_package7( out uint4 block, uint partition, uint threadBase ); //Mode7
void swap(inout uint4 lhs, inout uint4 rhs)
uint4 tmp = lhs;
lhs = rhs;
rhs = tmp;
void swap(inout uint3 lhs, inout uint3 rhs)
uint3 tmp = lhs;
lhs = rhs;
rhs = tmp;
void swap(inout uint lhs, inout uint rhs)
uint tmp = lhs;
lhs = rhs;
rhs = tmp;
uint ComputeError(in uint4 a, in uint4 b)
return dot(a.rgb, b.rgb) + g_alpha_weight * a.a*b.a;
void Ensure_A_Is_Larger( inout uint4 a, inout uint4 b )
if ( a.x < b.x )
swap( a.x, b.x );
if ( a.y < b.y )
swap( a.y, b.y );
if ( a.z < b.z )
swap( a.z, b.z );
if ( a.w < b.w )
swap( a.w, b.w );
Texture2D g_Input : register( t0 );
StructuredBuffer<uint4> g_InBuff : register( t1 );
RWStructuredBuffer<uint4> g_OutBuff : register( u0 );
#define BLOCK_SIZE_Y 4
#define BLOCK_SIZE_X 4
struct BufferShared
uint4 pixel;
uint error;
uint mode;
uint partition;
uint index_selector;
uint rotation;
uint4 endPoint_low;
uint4 endPoint_high;
uint4 endPoint_low_quantized;
uint4 endPoint_high_quantized;
groupshared BufferShared shared_temp[THREAD_GROUP_SIZE];
[numthreads( THREAD_GROUP_SIZE, 1, 1 )]
void TryMode456CS( uint GI : SV_GroupIndex, uint3 groupID : SV_GroupID ) // mode 4 5 6 all have 1 subset per block, and fix-up index is always index 0
// we process 4 BC blocks per thread group
const uint MAX_USED_THREAD = 16; // pixels in a BC (block compressed) block
uint BLOCK_IN_GROUP = THREAD_GROUP_SIZE / MAX_USED_THREAD; // the number of BC blocks a thread group processes = 64 / 16 = 4
uint blockInGroup = GI / MAX_USED_THREAD; // what BC block this thread is on within this thread group
uint blockID = g_start_block_id + groupID.x * BLOCK_IN_GROUP + blockInGroup; // what global BC block this thread is on
uint threadBase = blockInGroup * MAX_USED_THREAD; // the first id of the pixel in this BC block in this thread group
uint threadInBlock = GI - threadBase; // id of the pixel in this BC block
#ifndef REF_DEVICE
if (blockID >= g_num_total_blocks)
uint block_y = blockID / g_num_block_x;
uint block_x = blockID - block_y * g_num_block_x;
uint base_x = block_x * BLOCK_SIZE_X;
uint base_y = block_y * BLOCK_SIZE_Y;
if (threadInBlock < 16)
shared_temp[GI].pixel = clamp(uint4(g_Input.Load( uint3( base_x + threadInBlock % 4, base_y + threadInBlock / 4, 0 ) ) * 255), 0, 255);
shared_temp[GI].endPoint_low = shared_temp[GI].pixel;
shared_temp[GI].endPoint_high = shared_temp[GI].pixel;
if (threadInBlock < 8)
shared_temp[GI].endPoint_low = min(shared_temp[GI].endPoint_low, shared_temp[GI + 8].endPoint_low);
shared_temp[GI].endPoint_high = max(shared_temp[GI].endPoint_high, shared_temp[GI + 8].endPoint_high);
if (threadInBlock < 4)
shared_temp[GI].endPoint_low = min(shared_temp[GI].endPoint_low, shared_temp[GI + 4].endPoint_low);
shared_temp[GI].endPoint_high = max(shared_temp[GI].endPoint_high, shared_temp[GI + 4].endPoint_high);
if (threadInBlock < 2)
shared_temp[GI].endPoint_low = min(shared_temp[GI].endPoint_low, shared_temp[GI + 2].endPoint_low);
shared_temp[GI].endPoint_high = max(shared_temp[GI].endPoint_high, shared_temp[GI + 2].endPoint_high);
if (threadInBlock < 1)
shared_temp[GI].endPoint_low = min(shared_temp[GI].endPoint_low, shared_temp[GI + 1].endPoint_low);
shared_temp[GI].endPoint_high = max(shared_temp[GI].endPoint_high, shared_temp[GI + 1].endPoint_high);
uint2x4 endPoint;
endPoint[0] = shared_temp[threadBase].endPoint_low;
endPoint[1] = shared_temp[threadBase].endPoint_high;
uint error = 0xFFFFFFFF;
uint mode = 0;
uint index_selector = 0;
uint rotation = 0;
uint2 indexPrec;
if (threadInBlock < 8) // all threads of threadInBlock < 8 will be working on trying out mode 4, since only mode 4 has index selector bit
if (0 == (threadInBlock & 1)) // thread 0, 2, 4, 6
//2 represents 2bit index precision; 1 represents 3bit index precision
index_selector = 0;
indexPrec = uint2( 2, 1 );
else // thread 1, 3, 5, 7
//2 represents 2bit index precision; 1 represents 3bit index precision
index_selector = 1;
indexPrec = uint2( 1, 2 );
//2 represents 2bit index precision
indexPrec = uint2( 2, 2 );
uint4 pixel_r;
uint color_index;
uint alpha_index;
int4 span;
int2 span_norm_sqr;
int2 dotProduct;
if (threadInBlock < 12) // Try mode 4 5 in threads 0..11
// mode 4 5 have component rotation
if ((threadInBlock < 2) || (8 == threadInBlock)) // rotation = 0 in thread 0, 1
rotation = 0;
else if ((threadInBlock < 4) || (9 == threadInBlock)) // rotation = 1 in thread 2, 3
endPoint[0].ra = endPoint[0].ar;
endPoint[1].ra = endPoint[1].ar;
rotation = 1;
else if ((threadInBlock < 6) || (10 == threadInBlock)) // rotation = 2 in thread 4, 5
endPoint[0].ga = endPoint[0].ag;
endPoint[1].ga = endPoint[1].ag;
rotation = 2;
else if ((threadInBlock < 8) || (11 == threadInBlock)) // rotation = 3 in thread 6, 7
endPoint[0].ba = endPoint[0].ab;
endPoint[1].ba = endPoint[1].ab;
rotation = 3;
if (threadInBlock < 8) // try mode 4 in threads 0..7
// mode 4 thread distribution
// Thread 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7
// Rotation 0 0 1 1 2 2 3 3
// Index selector 0 1 0 1 0 1 0 1
mode = 4;
compress_endpoints4( endPoint );
else // try mode 5 in threads 8..11
// mode 5 thread distribution
// Thread 8 9 10 11
// Rotation 0 1 2 3
mode = 5;
compress_endpoints5( endPoint );
uint4 pixel = shared_temp[threadBase + 0].pixel;
if (1 == rotation)
pixel.ra =;
else if (2 == rotation)
{ =;
else if (3 == rotation)
{ = pixel.ab;
span = endPoint[1] - endPoint[0];
span_norm_sqr = uint2( dot( span.rgb, span.rgb ), span.a * span.a );
// in mode 4 5 6, end point 0 must be closer to pixel 0 than end point 1, because of the fix-up index is always index 0
// TODO: this shouldn't be necessary here in error calculation
dotProduct = int2( dot( span.rgb, pixel.rgb - endPoint[0].rgb ), span.a * ( pixel.a - endPoint[0].a ) );
if ( span_norm_sqr.x > 0 && dotProduct.x > 0 && uint( dotProduct.x * 63.49999 ) > uint( 32 * span_norm_sqr.x ) )
span.rgb = -span.rgb;
swap(endPoint[0].rgb, endPoint[1].rgb);
if ( span_norm_sqr.y > 0 && dotProduct.y > 0 && uint( dotProduct.y * 63.49999 ) > uint( 32 * span_norm_sqr.y ) )
span.a = -span.a;
swap(endPoint[0].a, endPoint[1].a);
// should be the same as above
dotProduct = int2( dot( pixel.rgb - endPoint[0].rgb, pixel.rgb - endPoint[0].rgb ), dot( pixel.rgb - endPoint[1].rgb, pixel.rgb - endPoint[1].rgb ) );
if ( dotProduct.x > dotProduct.y )
span.rgb = -span.rgb;
swap(endPoint[0].rgb, endPoint[1].rgb);
dotProduct = int2( dot( pixel.a - endPoint[0].a, pixel.a - endPoint[0].a ), dot( pixel.a - endPoint[1].a, pixel.a - endPoint[1].a ) );
if ( dotProduct.x > dotProduct.y )
span.a = -span.a;
swap(endPoint[0].a, endPoint[1].a);
error = 0;
for ( uint i = 0; i < 16; i ++ )
pixel = shared_temp[threadBase + i].pixel;
if (1 == rotation)
pixel.ra =;
else if (2 == rotation)
{ =;
else if (3 == rotation)
{ = pixel.ab;
dotProduct.x = dot( span.rgb, pixel.rgb - endPoint[0].rgb );
color_index = ( span_norm_sqr.x <= 0 /*endPoint[0] == endPoint[1]*/ || dotProduct.x <= 0 /*pixel == endPoint[0]*/ ) ? 0
: ( ( dotProduct.x < span_norm_sqr.x ) ? aStep[indexPrec.x][ uint( dotProduct.x * 63.49999 / span_norm_sqr.x ) ] : aStep[indexPrec.x][63] );
dotProduct.y = dot( span.a, pixel.a - endPoint[0].a );
alpha_index = ( span_norm_sqr.y <= 0 || dotProduct.y <= 0 ) ? 0
: ( ( dotProduct.y < span_norm_sqr.y ) ? aStep[indexPrec.y][ uint( dotProduct.y * 63.49999 / span_norm_sqr.y ) ] : aStep[indexPrec.y][63] );
// the same color_index and alpha_index should be used for reconstruction, so this should be left commented out
/*if (index_selector)
swap(color_index, alpha_index);
pixel_r.rgb = ( ( 64 - aWeight[indexPrec.x][color_index] ) * endPoint[0].rgb +
aWeight[indexPrec.x][color_index] * endPoint[1].rgb +
32 ) >> 6;
pixel_r.a = ( ( 64 - aWeight[indexPrec.y][alpha_index] ) * endPoint[0].a +
aWeight[indexPrec.y][alpha_index] * endPoint[1].a +
32 ) >> 6;
Ensure_A_Is_Larger( pixel_r, pixel );
pixel_r -= pixel;
if (1 == rotation)
pixel_r.ra =;
else if (2 == rotation)
{ =;
else if (3 == rotation)
{ = pixel_r.ab;
error += ComputeError(pixel_r, pixel_r);
else if (threadInBlock < 16) // Try mode 6 in threads 12..15, since in mode 4 5 6, only mode 6 has p bit
uint p = threadInBlock - 12;
compress_endpoints6( endPoint, uint2(p >> 0, p >> 1) & 1 );
uint4 pixel = shared_temp[threadBase + 0].pixel;
span = endPoint[1] - endPoint[0];
span_norm_sqr = dot( span, span );
dotProduct = dot( span, pixel - endPoint[0] );
if ( span_norm_sqr.x > 0 && dotProduct.x >= 0 && uint( dotProduct.x * 63.49999 ) > uint( 32 * span_norm_sqr.x ) )
span = -span;
swap(endPoint[0], endPoint[1]);
error = 0;
for ( uint i = 0; i < 16; i ++ )
pixel = shared_temp[threadBase + i].pixel;
dotProduct.x = dot( span, pixel - endPoint[0] );
color_index = ( span_norm_sqr.x <= 0 || dotProduct.x <= 0 ) ? 0
: ( ( dotProduct.x < span_norm_sqr.x ) ? aStep[0][ uint( dotProduct.x * 63.49999 / span_norm_sqr.x ) ] : aStep[0][63] );
pixel_r = ( ( 64 - aWeight[0][color_index] ) * endPoint[0]
+ aWeight[0][color_index] * endPoint[1] + 32 ) >> 6;
Ensure_A_Is_Larger( pixel_r, pixel );
pixel_r -= pixel;
error += ComputeError(pixel_r, pixel_r);
mode = 6;
rotation = p; // Borrow rotation for p
shared_temp[GI].error = error;
shared_temp[GI].mode = mode;
shared_temp[GI].index_selector = index_selector;
shared_temp[GI].rotation = rotation;
if (threadInBlock < 8)
if ( shared_temp[GI].error > shared_temp[GI + 8].error )
shared_temp[GI].error = shared_temp[GI + 8].error;
shared_temp[GI].mode = shared_temp[GI + 8].mode;
shared_temp[GI].index_selector = shared_temp[GI + 8].index_selector;
shared_temp[GI].rotation = shared_temp[GI + 8].rotation;
if (threadInBlock < 4)
if ( shared_temp[GI].error > shared_temp[GI + 4].error )
shared_temp[GI].error = shared_temp[GI + 4].error;
shared_temp[GI].mode = shared_temp[GI + 4].mode;
shared_temp[GI].index_selector = shared_temp[GI + 4].index_selector;
shared_temp[GI].rotation = shared_temp[GI + 4].rotation;
if (threadInBlock < 2)
if ( shared_temp[GI].error > shared_temp[GI + 2].error )
shared_temp[GI].error = shared_temp[GI + 2].error;
shared_temp[GI].mode = shared_temp[GI + 2].mode;
shared_temp[GI].index_selector = shared_temp[GI + 2].index_selector;
shared_temp[GI].rotation = shared_temp[GI + 2].rotation;
if (threadInBlock < 1)
if ( shared_temp[GI].error > shared_temp[GI + 1].error )
shared_temp[GI].error = shared_temp[GI + 1].error;
shared_temp[GI].mode = shared_temp[GI + 1].mode;
shared_temp[GI].index_selector = shared_temp[GI + 1].index_selector;
shared_temp[GI].rotation = shared_temp[GI + 1].rotation;
g_OutBuff[blockID] = uint4(shared_temp[GI].error, (shared_temp[GI].index_selector << 31) | shared_temp[GI].mode,
0, shared_temp[GI].rotation); // rotation is indeed rotation for mode 4 5. for mode 6, rotation is p bit
[numthreads( THREAD_GROUP_SIZE, 1, 1 )]
void TryMode137CS( uint GI : SV_GroupIndex, uint3 groupID : SV_GroupID ) // mode 1 3 7 all have 2 subsets per block
const uint MAX_USED_THREAD = 64;
uint blockInGroup = GI / MAX_USED_THREAD;
uint blockID = g_start_block_id + groupID.x * BLOCK_IN_GROUP + blockInGroup;
uint threadBase = blockInGroup * MAX_USED_THREAD;
uint threadInBlock = GI - threadBase;
uint block_y = blockID / g_num_block_x;
uint block_x = blockID - block_y * g_num_block_x;
uint base_x = block_x * BLOCK_SIZE_X;
uint base_y = block_y * BLOCK_SIZE_Y;
if (threadInBlock < 16)
shared_temp[GI].pixel = clamp(uint4(g_Input.Load( uint3( base_x + threadInBlock % 4, base_y + threadInBlock / 4, 0 ) ) * 255), 0, 255);
shared_temp[GI].error = 0xFFFFFFFF;
uint4 pixel_r;
uint2x4 endPoint[2]; // endPoint[0..1 for subset id][0..1 for low and high in the subset]
uint2x4 endPointBackup[2];
uint color_index;
if (threadInBlock < 64)
uint partition = threadInBlock;
endPoint[0][0] = MAX_UINT;
endPoint[0][1] = MIN_UINT;
endPoint[1][0] = MAX_UINT;
endPoint[1][1] = MIN_UINT;
uint bits = candidateSectionBit[partition];
for ( uint i = 0; i < 16; i ++ )
uint4 pixel = shared_temp[threadBase + i].pixel;
if ( (( bits >> i ) & 0x01) == 1 )
endPoint[1][0] = min( endPoint[1][0], pixel );
endPoint[1][1] = max( endPoint[1][1], pixel );
endPoint[0][0] = min( endPoint[0][0], pixel );
endPoint[0][1] = max( endPoint[0][1], pixel );
endPointBackup[0] = endPoint[0];
endPointBackup[1] = endPoint[1];
uint max_p;
if (1 == g_mode_id)
// in mode 1, there is only one p bit per subset
max_p = 4;
// in mode 3 7, there are two p bits per subset, one for each end point
max_p = 16;
uint rotation = 0;
uint error = MAX_UINT;
for ( uint p = 0; p < max_p; p ++ )
endPoint[0] = endPointBackup[0];
endPoint[1] = endPointBackup[1];
for ( i = 0; i < 2; i ++ ) // loop through 2 subsets
if (g_mode_id == 1)
compress_endpoints1( endPoint[i], (p >> i) & 1 );
else if (g_mode_id == 3)
compress_endpoints3( endPoint[i], uint2(p >> (i * 2 + 0), p >> (i * 2 + 1)) & 1 );
else if (g_mode_id == 7)
compress_endpoints7( endPoint[i], uint2(p >> (i * 2 + 0), p >> (i * 2 + 1)) & 1 );
int4 span[2];
span[0] = endPoint[0][1] - endPoint[0][0];
span[1] = endPoint[1][1] - endPoint[1][0];
if (g_mode_id != 7)
span[0].w = span[1].w = 0;
int span_norm_sqr[2];
span_norm_sqr[0] = dot( span[0], span[0] );
span_norm_sqr[1] = dot( span[1], span[1] );
// TODO: again, this shouldn't be necessary here in error calculation
int dotProduct = dot( span[0], shared_temp[threadBase + 0].pixel - endPoint[0][0] );
if ( span_norm_sqr[0] > 0 && dotProduct > 0 && uint( dotProduct * 63.49999 ) > uint( 32 * span_norm_sqr[0] ) )
span[0] = -span[0];
swap(endPoint[0][0], endPoint[0][1]);
dotProduct = dot( span[1], shared_temp[threadBase + candidateFixUpIndex1D[partition].x].pixel - endPoint[1][0] );
if ( span_norm_sqr[1] > 0 && dotProduct > 0 && uint( dotProduct * 63.49999 ) > uint( 32 * span_norm_sqr[1] ) )
span[1] = -span[1];
swap(endPoint[1][0], endPoint[1][1]);
uint step_selector;
if (g_mode_id != 1)
step_selector = 2; // mode 3 7 have 2 bit index
step_selector = 1; // mode 1 has 3 bit index
uint p_error = 0;
for ( i = 0; i < 16; i ++ )
if (((bits >> i) & 0x01) == 1)
dotProduct = dot( span[1], shared_temp[threadBase + i].pixel - endPoint[1][0] );
color_index = (span_norm_sqr[1] <= 0 || dotProduct <= 0) ? 0
: ((dotProduct < span_norm_sqr[1]) ? aStep[step_selector][uint(dotProduct * 63.49999 / span_norm_sqr[1])] : aStep[step_selector][63]);
dotProduct = dot( span[0], shared_temp[threadBase + i].pixel - endPoint[0][0] );
color_index = (span_norm_sqr[0] <= 0 || dotProduct <= 0) ? 0
: ((dotProduct < span_norm_sqr[0]) ? aStep[step_selector][uint(dotProduct * 63.49999 / span_norm_sqr[0])] : aStep[step_selector][63]);
uint subset_index = (bits >> i) & 0x01;
pixel_r = ((64 - aWeight[step_selector][color_index]) * endPoint[subset_index][0]
+ aWeight[step_selector][color_index] * endPoint[subset_index][1] + 32) >> 6;
if (g_mode_id != 7)
pixel_r.a = 255;
uint4 pixel = shared_temp[threadBase + i].pixel;
Ensure_A_Is_Larger( pixel_r, pixel );
pixel_r -= pixel;
p_error += ComputeError(pixel_r, pixel_r);
if (p_error < error)
error = p_error;
rotation = p;
shared_temp[GI].error = error;
shared_temp[GI].mode = g_mode_id;
shared_temp[GI].partition = partition;
shared_temp[GI].rotation = rotation; // mode 1 3 7 don't have rotation, we use rotation for p bits
if (threadInBlock < 32)
if ( shared_temp[GI].error > shared_temp[GI + 32].error )
shared_temp[GI].error = shared_temp[GI + 32].error;
shared_temp[GI].mode = shared_temp[GI + 32].mode;
shared_temp[GI].partition = shared_temp[GI + 32].partition;
shared_temp[GI].rotation = shared_temp[GI + 32].rotation;
if (threadInBlock < 16)
if ( shared_temp[GI].error > shared_temp[GI + 16].error )
shared_temp[GI].error = shared_temp[GI + 16].error;
shared_temp[GI].mode = shared_temp[GI + 16].mode;
shared_temp[GI].partition = shared_temp[GI + 16].partition;
shared_temp[GI].rotation = shared_temp[GI + 16].rotation;
if (threadInBlock < 8)
if ( shared_temp[GI].error > shared_temp[GI + 8].error )
shared_temp[GI].error = shared_temp[GI + 8].error;
shared_temp[GI].mode = shared_temp[GI + 8].mode;
shared_temp[GI].partition = shared_temp[GI + 8].partition;
shared_temp[GI].rotation = shared_temp[GI + 8].rotation;
if (threadInBlock < 4)
if ( shared_temp[GI].error > shared_temp[GI + 4].error )
shared_temp[GI].error = shared_temp[GI + 4].error;
shared_temp[GI].mode = shared_temp[GI + 4].mode;
shared_temp[GI].partition = shared_temp[GI + 4].partition;
shared_temp[GI].rotation = shared_temp[GI + 4].rotation;
if (threadInBlock < 2)
if ( shared_temp[GI].error > shared_temp[GI + 2].error )
shared_temp[GI].error = shared_temp[GI + 2].error;
shared_temp[GI].mode = shared_temp[GI + 2].mode;
shared_temp[GI].partition = shared_temp[GI + 2].partition;
shared_temp[GI].rotation = shared_temp[GI + 2].rotation;
if (threadInBlock < 1)
if ( shared_temp[GI].error > shared_temp[GI + 1].error )
shared_temp[GI].error = shared_temp[GI + 1].error;
shared_temp[GI].mode = shared_temp[GI + 1].mode;
shared_temp[GI].partition = shared_temp[GI + 1].partition;
shared_temp[GI].rotation = shared_temp[GI + 1].rotation;
if (g_InBuff[blockID].x > shared_temp[GI].error)
g_OutBuff[blockID] = uint4(shared_temp[GI].error, shared_temp[GI].mode, shared_temp[GI].partition, shared_temp[GI].rotation); // mode 1 3 7 don't have rotation, we use rotation for p bits
g_OutBuff[blockID] = g_InBuff[blockID];
[numthreads( THREAD_GROUP_SIZE, 1, 1 )]
void TryMode02CS( uint GI : SV_GroupIndex, uint3 groupID : SV_GroupID ) // mode 0 2 have 3 subsets per block
const uint MAX_USED_THREAD = 64;
uint blockInGroup = GI / MAX_USED_THREAD;
uint blockID = g_start_block_id + groupID.x * BLOCK_IN_GROUP + blockInGroup;
uint threadBase = blockInGroup * MAX_USED_THREAD;
uint threadInBlock = GI - threadBase;
uint block_y = blockID / g_num_block_x;
uint block_x = blockID - block_y * g_num_block_x;
uint base_x = block_x * BLOCK_SIZE_X;
uint base_y = block_y * BLOCK_SIZE_Y;
if (threadInBlock < 16)
shared_temp[GI].pixel = clamp(uint4(g_Input.Load( uint3( base_x + threadInBlock % 4, base_y + threadInBlock / 4, 0 ) ) * 255), 0, 255);
shared_temp[GI].error = 0xFFFFFFFF;
uint num_partitions;
if (0 == g_mode_id)
num_partitions = 16;
num_partitions = 64;
uint4 pixel_r;
uint2x4 endPoint[3]; // endPoint[0..1 for subset id][0..1 for low and high in the subset]
uint2x4 endPointBackup[3];
uint color_index[16];
if (threadInBlock < num_partitions)
uint partition = threadInBlock + 64;
endPoint[0][0] = MAX_UINT;
endPoint[0][1] = MIN_UINT;
endPoint[1][0] = MAX_UINT;
endPoint[1][1] = MIN_UINT;
endPoint[2][0] = MAX_UINT;
endPoint[2][1] = MIN_UINT;
uint bits2 = candidateSectionBit2[partition - 64];
for ( uint i = 0; i < 16; i ++ )
uint4 pixel = shared_temp[threadBase + i].pixel;
uint subset_index = ( bits2 >> ( i * 2 ) ) & 0x03;
if ( subset_index == 2 )
endPoint[2][0] = min( endPoint[2][0], pixel );
endPoint[2][1] = max( endPoint[2][1], pixel );
else if ( subset_index == 1 )
endPoint[1][0] = min( endPoint[1][0], pixel );
endPoint[1][1] = max( endPoint[1][1], pixel );
endPoint[0][0] = min( endPoint[0][0], pixel );
endPoint[0][1] = max( endPoint[0][1], pixel );
endPointBackup[0] = endPoint[0];
endPointBackup[1] = endPoint[1];
endPointBackup[2] = endPoint[2];
uint max_p;
if (0 == g_mode_id)
max_p = 64; // changed from 32 to 64
max_p = 1;
uint rotation = 0;
uint error = MAX_UINT;
for ( uint p = 0; p < max_p; p ++ )
endPoint[0] = endPointBackup[0];
endPoint[1] = endPointBackup[1];
endPoint[2] = endPointBackup[2];
for ( i = 0; i < 3; i ++ )
if (0 == g_mode_id)
compress_endpoints0( endPoint[i], uint2(p >> (i * 2 + 0), p >> (i * 2 + 1)) & 1 );
compress_endpoints2( endPoint[i] );
uint step_selector = 1 + (2 == g_mode_id);
int4 span[3];
span[0] = endPoint[0][1] - endPoint[0][0];
span[1] = endPoint[1][1] - endPoint[1][0];
span[2] = endPoint[2][1] - endPoint[2][0];
span[0].w = span[1].w = span[2].w = 0;
int span_norm_sqr[3];
span_norm_sqr[0] = dot( span[0], span[0] );
span_norm_sqr[1] = dot( span[1], span[1] );
span_norm_sqr[2] = dot( span[2], span[2] );
// TODO: again, this shouldn't be necessary here in error calculation
uint ci[3] = { 0, candidateFixUpIndex1D[partition].x, candidateFixUpIndex1D[partition].y };
for (i = 0; i < 3; i ++)
int dotProduct = dot( span[i], shared_temp[threadBase + ci[i]].pixel - endPoint[i][0] );
if ( span_norm_sqr[i] > 0 && dotProduct > 0 && uint( dotProduct * 63.49999 ) > uint( 32 * span_norm_sqr[i] ) )
span[i] = -span[i];
swap(endPoint[i][0], endPoint[i][1]);
uint p_error = 0;
for ( i = 0; i < 16; i ++ )
uint subset_index = ( bits2 >> ( i * 2 ) ) & 0x03;
if ( subset_index == 2 )
int dotProduct = dot( span[2], shared_temp[threadBase + i].pixel - endPoint[2][0] );
color_index[i] = ( span_norm_sqr[2] <= 0 || dotProduct <= 0 ) ? 0
: ( ( dotProduct < span_norm_sqr[2] ) ? aStep[step_selector][ uint( dotProduct * 63.49999 / span_norm_sqr[2] ) ] : aStep[step_selector][63] );
else if ( subset_index == 1 )
int dotProduct = dot( span[1], shared_temp[threadBase + i].pixel - endPoint[1][0] );
color_index[i] = ( span_norm_sqr[1] <= 0 || dotProduct <= 0 ) ? 0
: ( ( dotProduct < span_norm_sqr[1] ) ? aStep[step_selector][ uint( dotProduct * 63.49999 / span_norm_sqr[1] ) ] : aStep[step_selector][63] );
int dotProduct = dot( span[0], shared_temp[threadBase + i].pixel - endPoint[0][0] );
color_index[i] = ( span_norm_sqr[0] <= 0 || dotProduct <= 0 ) ? 0
: ( ( dotProduct < span_norm_sqr[0] ) ? aStep[step_selector][ uint( dotProduct * 63.49999 / span_norm_sqr[0] ) ] : aStep[step_selector][63] );
pixel_r = ( ( 64 - aWeight[step_selector][color_index[i]] ) * endPoint[subset_index][0]
+ aWeight[step_selector][color_index[i]] * endPoint[subset_index][1] + 32 ) >> 6;
pixel_r.a = 255;
uint4 pixel = shared_temp[threadBase + i].pixel;
Ensure_A_Is_Larger( pixel_r, pixel );
pixel_r -= pixel;
p_error += ComputeError(pixel_r, pixel_r);
if (p_error < error)
error = p_error;
rotation = p; // Borrow rotation for p
shared_temp[GI].error = error;
shared_temp[GI].partition = partition;
shared_temp[GI].rotation = rotation;
if (threadInBlock < 32)
if ( shared_temp[GI].error > shared_temp[GI + 32].error )
shared_temp[GI].error = shared_temp[GI + 32].error;
shared_temp[GI].partition = shared_temp[GI + 32].partition;
shared_temp[GI].rotation = shared_temp[GI + 32].rotation;
if (threadInBlock < 16)
if ( shared_temp[GI].error > shared_temp[GI + 16].error )
shared_temp[GI].error = shared_temp[GI + 16].error;
shared_temp[GI].partition = shared_temp[GI + 16].partition;
shared_temp[GI].rotation = shared_temp[GI + 16].rotation;
if (threadInBlock < 8)
if ( shared_temp[GI].error > shared_temp[GI + 8].error )
shared_temp[GI].error = shared_temp[GI + 8].error;
shared_temp[GI].partition = shared_temp[GI + 8].partition;
shared_temp[GI].rotation = shared_temp[GI + 8].rotation;
if (threadInBlock < 4)
if ( shared_temp[GI].error > shared_temp[GI + 4].error )
shared_temp[GI].error = shared_temp[GI + 4].error;
shared_temp[GI].partition = shared_temp[GI + 4].partition;
shared_temp[GI].rotation = shared_temp[GI + 4].rotation;
if (threadInBlock < 2)
if ( shared_temp[GI].error > shared_temp[GI + 2].error )
shared_temp[GI].error = shared_temp[GI + 2].error;
shared_temp[GI].partition = shared_temp[GI + 2].partition;
shared_temp[GI].rotation = shared_temp[GI + 2].rotation;
if (threadInBlock < 1)
if ( shared_temp[GI].error > shared_temp[GI + 1].error )
shared_temp[GI].error = shared_temp[GI + 1].error;
shared_temp[GI].partition = shared_temp[GI + 1].partition;
shared_temp[GI].rotation = shared_temp[GI + 1].rotation;
if (g_InBuff[blockID].x > shared_temp[GI].error)
g_OutBuff[blockID] = uint4(shared_temp[GI].error, g_mode_id, shared_temp[GI].partition, shared_temp[GI].rotation); // rotation is actually p bit for mode 0. for mode 2, rotation is always 0
g_OutBuff[blockID] = g_InBuff[blockID];
[numthreads( THREAD_GROUP_SIZE, 1, 1 )]
void EncodeBlockCS(uint GI : SV_GroupIndex, uint3 groupID : SV_GroupID)
const uint MAX_USED_THREAD = 16;
uint blockInGroup = GI / MAX_USED_THREAD;
uint blockID = g_start_block_id + groupID.x * BLOCK_IN_GROUP + blockInGroup;
uint threadBase = blockInGroup * MAX_USED_THREAD;
uint threadInBlock = GI - threadBase;
#ifndef REF_DEVICE
if (blockID >= g_num_total_blocks)
uint block_y = blockID / g_num_block_x;
uint block_x = blockID - block_y * g_num_block_x;
uint base_x = block_x * BLOCK_SIZE_X;
uint base_y = block_y * BLOCK_SIZE_Y;
uint mode = g_InBuff[blockID].y & 0x7FFFFFFF;
uint partition = g_InBuff[blockID].z;
uint index_selector = (g_InBuff[blockID].y >> 31) & 1;
uint rotation = g_InBuff[blockID].w;
if (threadInBlock < 16)
uint4 pixel = clamp(uint4(g_Input.Load( uint3( base_x + threadInBlock % 4, base_y + threadInBlock / 4, 0 ) ) * 255), 0, 255);
if ((4 == mode) || (5 == mode))
if (1 == rotation)
pixel.ra =;
else if (2 == rotation)
{ =;
else if (3 == rotation)
{ = pixel.ab;
shared_temp[GI].pixel = pixel;
uint bits = candidateSectionBit[partition];
uint bits2 = candidateSectionBit2[partition - 64];
uint2x4 ep;
uint2x4 ep_quantized;
for (int ii = 2; ii >= 0; -- ii)
if (threadInBlock < 16)
uint2x4 ep;
ep[0] = MAX_UINT;
ep[1] = MIN_UINT;
uint4 pixel = shared_temp[GI].pixel;
uint subset_index = ( bits >> threadInBlock ) & 0x01;
uint subset_index2 = ( bits2 >> ( threadInBlock * 2 ) ) & 0x03;
if (0 == ii)
if ((0 == mode) || (2 == mode))
if (0 == subset_index2)
ep[0] = ep[1] = pixel;
else if ((1 == mode) || (3 == mode) || (7 == mode))
if (0 == subset_index)
ep[0] = ep[1] = pixel;
else if ((4 == mode) || (5 == mode) || (6 == mode))
ep[0] = ep[1] = pixel;
else if (1 == ii)
if ((0 == mode) || (2 == mode))
if (1 == subset_index2)
ep[0] = ep[1] = pixel;
else if ((1 == mode) || (3 == mode) || (7 == mode))
if (1 == subset_index)
ep[0] = ep[1] = pixel;
if ((0 == mode) || (2 == mode))
if (2 == subset_index2)
ep[0] = ep[1] = pixel;
shared_temp[GI].endPoint_low = ep[0];
shared_temp[GI].endPoint_high = ep[1];
if (threadInBlock < 8)
shared_temp[GI].endPoint_low = min(shared_temp[GI].endPoint_low, shared_temp[GI + 8].endPoint_low);
shared_temp[GI].endPoint_high = max(shared_temp[GI].endPoint_high, shared_temp[GI + 8].endPoint_high);
if (threadInBlock < 4)
shared_temp[GI].endPoint_low = min(shared_temp[GI].endPoint_low, shared_temp[GI + 4].endPoint_low);
shared_temp[GI].endPoint_high = max(shared_temp[GI].endPoint_high, shared_temp[GI + 4].endPoint_high);
if (threadInBlock < 2)
shared_temp[GI].endPoint_low = min(shared_temp[GI].endPoint_low, shared_temp[GI + 2].endPoint_low);
shared_temp[GI].endPoint_high = max(shared_temp[GI].endPoint_high, shared_temp[GI + 2].endPoint_high);
if (threadInBlock < 1)
shared_temp[GI].endPoint_low = min(shared_temp[GI].endPoint_low, shared_temp[GI + 1].endPoint_low);
shared_temp[GI].endPoint_high = max(shared_temp[GI].endPoint_high, shared_temp[GI + 1].endPoint_high);
if (ii == (int)threadInBlock)
ep[0] = shared_temp[threadBase].endPoint_low;
ep[1] = shared_temp[threadBase].endPoint_high;
if (threadInBlock < 3)
uint2 P;
if (1 == mode)
P = (rotation >> threadInBlock) & 1;
P = uint2(rotation >> (threadInBlock * 2 + 0), rotation >> (threadInBlock * 2 + 1)) & 1;
if (0 == mode)
ep_quantized = compress_endpoints0( ep, P );
else if (1 == mode)
ep_quantized = compress_endpoints1( ep, P );
else if (2 == mode)
ep_quantized = compress_endpoints2( ep );
else if (3 == mode)
ep_quantized = compress_endpoints3( ep, P );
else if (4 == mode)
ep_quantized = compress_endpoints4( ep );
else if (5 == mode)
ep_quantized = compress_endpoints5( ep );
else if (6 == mode)
ep_quantized = compress_endpoints6( ep, P );
else //if (7 == mode)
ep_quantized = compress_endpoints7( ep, P );
int4 span = ep[1] - ep[0];
if (mode < 4)
span.w = 0;
if ((4 == mode) || (5 == mode))
if (0 == threadInBlock)
int2 span_norm_sqr = uint2( dot( span.rgb, span.rgb ), span.a * span.a );
int2 dotProduct = int2( dot( span.rgb, shared_temp[threadBase + 0].pixel.rgb - ep[0].rgb ), span.a * ( shared_temp[threadBase + 0].pixel.a - ep[0].a ) );
if ( span_norm_sqr.x > 0 && dotProduct.x > 0 && uint( dotProduct.x * 63.49999 ) > uint( 32 * span_norm_sqr.x ) )
swap(ep[0].rgb, ep[1].rgb);
swap(ep_quantized[0].rgb, ep_quantized[1].rgb);
if ( span_norm_sqr.y > 0 && dotProduct.y > 0 && uint( dotProduct.y * 63.49999 ) > uint( 32 * span_norm_sqr.y ) )
swap(ep[0].a, ep[1].a);
swap(ep_quantized[0].a, ep_quantized[1].a);
else //if ((0 == mode) || (2 == mode) || (1 == mode) || (3 == mode) || (7 == mode) || (6 == mode))
int p;
if (0 == threadInBlock)
p = 0;
else if (1 == threadInBlock)
p = candidateFixUpIndex1D[partition].x;
else //if (2 == threadInBlock)
p = candidateFixUpIndex1D[partition].y;
int span_norm_sqr = dot( span, span );
int dotProduct = dot( span, shared_temp[threadBase + p].pixel - ep[0] );
if ( span_norm_sqr > 0 && dotProduct > 0 && uint( dotProduct * 63.49999 ) > uint( 32 * span_norm_sqr ) )
swap(ep[0], ep[1]);
swap(ep_quantized[0], ep_quantized[1]);
shared_temp[GI].endPoint_low = ep[0];
shared_temp[GI].endPoint_high = ep[1];
shared_temp[GI].endPoint_low_quantized = ep_quantized[0];
shared_temp[GI].endPoint_high_quantized = ep_quantized[1];
if (threadInBlock < 16)
uint color_index = 0;
uint alpha_index = 0;
uint2x4 ep;
uint2 indexPrec;
if ((0 == mode) || (1 == mode))
indexPrec = 1;
else if (6 == mode)
indexPrec = 0;
else if (4 == mode)
if (0 == index_selector)
indexPrec = uint2(2, 1);
indexPrec = uint2(1, 2);
indexPrec = 2;
int subset_index;
if ((0 == mode) || (2 == mode))
subset_index = (bits2 >> (threadInBlock * 2)) & 0x03;
else if ((1 == mode) || (3 == mode) || (7 == mode))
subset_index = (bits >> threadInBlock) & 0x01;
subset_index = 0;
ep[0] = shared_temp[threadBase + subset_index].endPoint_low;
ep[1] = shared_temp[threadBase + subset_index].endPoint_high;
int4 span = ep[1] - ep[0];
if (mode < 4)
span.w = 0;
if ((4 == mode) || (5 == mode))
int2 span_norm_sqr;
span_norm_sqr.x = dot( span.rgb, span.rgb );
span_norm_sqr.y = span.a * span.a;
int dotProduct = dot( span.rgb, shared_temp[threadBase + threadInBlock].pixel.rgb - ep[0].rgb );
color_index = ( span_norm_sqr.x <= 0 || dotProduct <= 0 ) ? 0
: ( ( dotProduct < span_norm_sqr.x ) ? aStep[indexPrec.x][ uint( dotProduct * 63.49999 / span_norm_sqr.x ) ] : aStep[indexPrec.x][63] );
dotProduct = dot( span.a, shared_temp[threadBase + threadInBlock].pixel.a - ep[0].a );
alpha_index = ( span_norm_sqr.y <= 0 || dotProduct <= 0 ) ? 0
: ( ( dotProduct < span_norm_sqr.y ) ? aStep[indexPrec.y][ uint( dotProduct * 63.49999 / span_norm_sqr.y ) ] : aStep[indexPrec.y][63] );
if (index_selector)
swap(color_index, alpha_index);
int span_norm_sqr = dot( span, span );
int dotProduct = dot( span, shared_temp[threadBase + threadInBlock].pixel - ep[0] );
color_index = ( span_norm_sqr <= 0 || dotProduct <= 0 ) ? 0
: ( ( dotProduct < span_norm_sqr ) ? aStep[indexPrec.x][ uint( dotProduct * 63.49999 / span_norm_sqr ) ] : aStep[indexPrec.x][63] );
shared_temp[GI].error = color_index;
shared_temp[GI].mode = alpha_index;
if (0 == threadInBlock)
uint4 block;
if (0 == mode)
block_package0( block, partition, threadBase );
else if (1 == mode)
block_package1( block, partition, threadBase );
else if (2 == mode)
block_package2( block, partition, threadBase );
else if (3 == mode)
block_package3( block, partition, threadBase );
else if (4 == mode)
block_package4( block, rotation, index_selector, threadBase );
else if (5 == mode)
block_package5( block, rotation, threadBase );
else if (6 == mode)
block_package6( block, threadBase );
else //if (7 == mode)
block_package7( block, partition, threadBase );
g_OutBuff[blockID] = block;
//uint4 truncate_and_round( uint4 color, uint bits)
// uint precisionMask = ((1 << bits) - 1) << (8 - bits);
// uint precisionHalf = (1 << (7-bits));
// uint4 truncated = color & precisionMask;
// uint4 rounded = min(255, color + precisionHalf) & precisionMask;
// uint4 truncated_bak = truncated = truncated | (truncated >> bits);
// uint4 rounded_bak = rounded = rounded | (rounded >> bits);
// uint4 color_bak = color;
// Ensure_A_Is_Larger( rounded, color );
// Ensure_A_Is_Larger( truncated, color_bak );
// if (dot(rounded - color, rounded - color) <
// dot(truncated - color_bak, truncated - color_bak))
// {
// return rounded_bak;
// }
// else
// {
// return truncated_bak;
// }
uint4 quantize( uint4 color, uint uPrec )
uint4 rnd = min(255, color + (1 << (7 - uPrec)));
return rnd >> (8 - uPrec);
uint4 unquantize( uint4 color, uint uPrec )
color = color << (8 - uPrec);
return color | (color >> uPrec);
uint2x4 compress_endpoints0( inout uint2x4 endPoint, uint2 P )
uint2x4 quantized;
for ( uint j = 0; j < 2; j ++ )
quantized[j].rgb = quantize(endPoint[j].rgbb, 5).rgb & 0xFFFFFFFE;
quantized[j].rgb |= P[j];
quantized[j].a = 0xFF;
endPoint[j].rgb = unquantize(quantized[j].rgbb, 5).rgb;
endPoint[j].a = 0xFF;
quantized[j] <<= 3;
return quantized;
uint2x4 compress_endpoints1( inout uint2x4 endPoint, uint2 P )
uint2x4 quantized;
for ( uint j = 0; j < 2; j ++ )
quantized[j].rgb = quantize(endPoint[j].rgbb, 7).rgb & 0xFFFFFFFE;
quantized[j].rgb |= P[j];
quantized[j].a = 0xFF;
endPoint[j].rgb = unquantize(quantized[j].rgbb, 7).rgb;
endPoint[j].a = 0xFF;
quantized[j] <<= 1;
return quantized;
uint2x4 compress_endpoints2( inout uint2x4 endPoint )
uint2x4 quantized;
for ( uint j = 0; j < 2; j ++ )
quantized[j].rgb = quantize(endPoint[j].rgbb, 5).rgb;
quantized[j].a = 0xFF;
endPoint[j].rgb = unquantize(quantized[j].rgbb, 5).rgb;
endPoint[j].a = 0xFF;
quantized[j] <<= 3;
return quantized;
uint2x4 compress_endpoints3( inout uint2x4 endPoint, uint2 P )
uint2x4 quantized;
for ( uint j = 0; j < 2; j ++ )
quantized[j].rgb = endPoint[j].rgb & 0xFFFFFFFE;
quantized[j].rgb |= P[j];
quantized[j].a = 0xFF;
endPoint[j].rgb = quantized[j].rgb;
endPoint[j].a = 0xFF;
return quantized;
uint2x4 compress_endpoints4( inout uint2x4 endPoint )
uint2x4 quantized;
for ( uint j = 0; j < 2; j ++ )
quantized[j].rgb = quantize(endPoint[j].rgbb, 5).rgb;
quantized[j].a = quantize(endPoint[j].a, 6).r;
endPoint[j].rgb = unquantize(quantized[j].rgbb, 5).rgb;
endPoint[j].a = unquantize(quantized[j].a, 6).r;
quantized[j].rgb <<= 3;
quantized[j].a <<= 2;
return quantized;
uint2x4 compress_endpoints5( inout uint2x4 endPoint )
uint2x4 quantized;
for ( uint j = 0; j < 2; j ++ )
quantized[j].rgb = quantize(endPoint[j].rgbb, 7).rgb;
quantized[j].a = endPoint[j].a;
endPoint[j].rgb = unquantize(quantized[j].rgbb, 7).rgb;
// endPoint[j].a Alpha is full precision
quantized[j].rgb <<= 1;
return quantized;
uint2x4 compress_endpoints6( inout uint2x4 endPoint, uint2 P )
uint2x4 quantized;
for ( uint j = 0; j < 2; j ++ )
quantized[j] = endPoint[j] & 0xFFFFFFFE;
quantized[j] |= P[j];
endPoint[j] = quantized[j];
return quantized;
uint2x4 compress_endpoints7( inout uint2x4 endPoint, uint2 P )
uint2x4 quantized;
for ( uint j = 0; j < 2; j ++ )
quantized[j] = quantize(endPoint[j], 6) & 0xFFFFFFFE;
quantized[j] |= P[j];
endPoint[j] = unquantize(quantized[j], 6);
return quantized << 2;
#define get_end_point_l(subset) shared_temp[threadBase + subset].endPoint_low_quantized
#define get_end_point_h(subset) shared_temp[threadBase + subset].endPoint_high_quantized
#define get_color_index(index) shared_temp[threadBase + index].error
#define get_alpha_index(index) shared_temp[threadBase + index].mode
void block_package0( out uint4 block, uint partition, uint threadBase )
block.x = 0x01 | ( (partition - 64) << 1 )
| ( ( get_end_point_l(0).r & 0xF0 ) << 1 ) | ( ( get_end_point_h(0).r & 0xF0 ) << 5 )
| ( ( get_end_point_l(1).r & 0xF0 ) << 9 ) | ( ( get_end_point_h(1).r & 0xF0 ) << 13 )
| ( ( get_end_point_l(2).r & 0xF0 ) << 17 ) | ( ( get_end_point_h(2).r & 0xF0 ) << 21 )
| ( ( get_end_point_l(0).g & 0xF0 ) << 25 );
block.y = ( ( get_end_point_l(0).g & 0xF0 ) >> 7 ) | ( ( get_end_point_h(0).g & 0xF0 ) >> 3 )
| ( ( get_end_point_l(1).g & 0xF0 ) << 1 ) | ( ( get_end_point_h(1).g & 0xF0 ) << 5 )
| ( ( get_end_point_l(2).g & 0xF0 ) << 9 ) | ( ( get_end_point_h(2).g & 0xF0 ) << 13 )
| ( ( get_end_point_l(0).b & 0xF0 ) << 17 ) | ( ( get_end_point_h(0).b & 0xF0 ) << 21 )
| ( ( get_end_point_l(1).b & 0xF0 ) << 25 );
block.z = ( ( get_end_point_l(1).b & 0xF0 ) >> 7 ) | ( ( get_end_point_h(1).b & 0xF0 ) >> 3 )
| ( ( get_end_point_l(2).b & 0xF0 ) << 1 ) | ( ( get_end_point_h(2).b & 0xF0 ) << 5 )
| ( ( get_end_point_l(0).r & 0x08 ) << 10 ) | ( ( get_end_point_h(0).r & 0x08 ) << 11 )
| ( ( get_end_point_l(1).r & 0x08 ) << 12 ) | ( ( get_end_point_h(1).r & 0x08 ) << 13 )
| ( ( get_end_point_l(2).r & 0x08 ) << 14 ) | ( ( get_end_point_h(2).r & 0x08 ) << 15 )
| ( get_color_index(0) << 19 );
block.w = 0;
uint i = 1;
for ( ; i <= min( candidateFixUpIndex1DOrdered[partition][0], 4 ); i ++ )
block.z |= get_color_index(i) << ( i * 3 + 18 );
if ( candidateFixUpIndex1DOrdered[partition][0] < 4 ) //i = 4
block.z |= get_color_index(4) << 29;
i += 1;
else //i = 5
block.w |= ( get_color_index(4) & 0x04 ) >> 2;
for ( ; i <= candidateFixUpIndex1DOrdered[partition][0]; i ++ )
block.w |= get_color_index(i) << ( i * 3 - 14 );
for ( ; i <= candidateFixUpIndex1DOrdered[partition][1]; i ++ )
block.w |= get_color_index(i) << ( i * 3 - 15 );
for ( ; i < 16; i ++ )
block.w |= get_color_index(i) << ( i * 3 - 16 );
void block_package1( out uint4 block, uint partition, uint threadBase )
block.x = 0x02 | ( partition << 2 )
| ( ( get_end_point_l(0).r & 0xFC ) << 6 ) | ( ( get_end_point_h(0).r & 0xFC ) << 12 )
| ( ( get_end_point_l(1).r & 0xFC ) << 18 ) | ( ( get_end_point_h(1).r & 0xFC ) << 24 );
block.y = ( ( get_end_point_l(0).g & 0xFC ) >> 2 ) | ( ( get_end_point_h(0).g & 0xFC ) << 4 )
| ( ( get_end_point_l(1).g & 0xFC ) << 10 ) | ( ( get_end_point_h(1).g & 0xFC ) << 16 )
| ( ( get_end_point_l(0).b & 0xFC ) << 22 ) | ( ( get_end_point_h(0).b & 0xFC ) << 28 );
block.z = ( ( get_end_point_h(0).b & 0xFC ) >> 4 ) | ( ( get_end_point_l(1).b & 0xFC ) << 2 )
| ( ( get_end_point_h(1).b & 0xFC ) << 8 )
| ( ( get_end_point_l(0).r & 0x02 ) << 15 ) | ( ( get_end_point_l(1).r & 0x02 ) << 16 )
| ( get_color_index(0) << 18 );
if ( candidateFixUpIndex1DOrdered[partition][0] == 15 )
block.w = (get_color_index(15) << 30) | (get_color_index(14) << 27) | (get_color_index(13) << 24) | (get_color_index(12) << 21) | (get_color_index(11) << 18) | (get_color_index(10) << 15)
| (get_color_index(9) << 12) | (get_color_index(8) << 9) | (get_color_index(7) << 6) | (get_color_index(6) << 3) | get_color_index(5);
block.z |= (get_color_index(4) << 29) | (get_color_index(3) << 26) | (get_color_index(2) << 23) | (get_color_index(1) << 20) | (get_color_index(0) << 18);
else if ( candidateFixUpIndex1DOrdered[partition][0] == 2 )
block.w = (get_color_index(15) << 29) | (get_color_index(14) << 26) | (get_color_index(13) << 23) | (get_color_index(12) << 20) | (get_color_index(11) << 17) | (get_color_index(10) << 14)
| (get_color_index(9) << 11) | (get_color_index(8) << 8) | (get_color_index(7) << 5) | (get_color_index(6) << 2) | (get_color_index(5) >> 1);
block.z |= (get_color_index(5) << 31) | (get_color_index(4) << 28) | (get_color_index(3) << 25) | (get_color_index(2) << 23) | (get_color_index(1) << 20) | (get_color_index(0) << 18);
else if ( candidateFixUpIndex1DOrdered[partition][0] == 8 )
block.w = (get_color_index(15) << 29) | (get_color_index(14) << 26) | (get_color_index(13) << 23) | (get_color_index(12) << 20) | (get_color_index(11) << 17) | (get_color_index(10) << 14)
| (get_color_index(9) << 11) | (get_color_index(8) << 9) | (get_color_index(7) << 6) | (get_color_index(6) << 3) | get_color_index(5);
block.z |= (get_color_index(4) << 29) | (get_color_index(3) << 26) | (get_color_index(2) << 23) | (get_color_index(1) << 20) | (get_color_index(0) << 18);
else //candidateFixUpIndex1DOrdered[partition] == 6
block.w = (get_color_index(15) << 29) | (get_color_index(14) << 26) | (get_color_index(13) << 23) | (get_color_index(12) << 20) | (get_color_index(11) << 17) | (get_color_index(10) << 14)
| (get_color_index(9) << 11) | (get_color_index(8) << 8) | (get_color_index(7) << 6) | (get_color_index(6) << 4) | get_color_index(5);
block.z |= (get_color_index(4) << 29) | (get_color_index(3) << 26) | (get_color_index(2) << 23) | (get_color_index(1) << 20) | (get_color_index(0) << 18);
void block_package2( out uint4 block, uint partition, uint threadBase )
block.x = 0x04 | ( (partition - 64) << 3 )
| ( ( get_end_point_l(0).r & 0xF8 ) << 6 ) | ( ( get_end_point_h(0).r & 0xF8 ) << 11 )
| ( ( get_end_point_l(1).r & 0xF8 ) << 16 ) | ( ( get_end_point_h(1).r & 0xF8 ) << 21 )
| ( ( get_end_point_l(2).r & 0xF8 ) << 26 );
block.y = ( ( get_end_point_l(2).r & 0xF8 ) >> 6 ) | ( ( get_end_point_h(2).r & 0xF8 ) >> 1 )
| ( ( get_end_point_l(0).g & 0xF8 ) << 4 ) | ( ( get_end_point_h(0).g & 0xF8 ) << 9 )
| ( ( get_end_point_l(1).g & 0xF8 ) << 14 ) | ( ( get_end_point_h(1).g & 0xF8 ) << 19 )
| ( ( get_end_point_l(2).g & 0xF8 ) << 24 );
block.z = ( ( get_end_point_h(2).g & 0xF8 ) >> 3 ) | ( ( get_end_point_l(0).b & 0xF8 ) << 2 )
| ( ( get_end_point_h(0).b & 0xF8 ) << 7 ) | ( ( get_end_point_l(1).b & 0xF8 ) << 12 )
| ( ( get_end_point_h(1).b & 0xF8 ) << 17 ) | ( ( get_end_point_l(2).b & 0xF8 ) << 22 )
| ( ( get_end_point_h(2).b & 0xF8 ) << 27 );
block.w = ( ( get_end_point_h(2).b & 0xF8 ) >> 5 )
| ( get_color_index(0) << 3 );
uint i = 1;
for ( ; i <= candidateFixUpIndex1DOrdered[partition][0]; i ++ )
block.w |= get_color_index(i) << ( i * 2 + 2 );
for ( ; i <= candidateFixUpIndex1DOrdered[partition][1]; i ++ )
block.w |= get_color_index(i) << ( i * 2 + 1 );
for ( ; i < 16; i ++ )
block.w |= get_color_index(i) << ( i * 2 );
void block_package3( out uint4 block, uint partition, uint threadBase )
block.x = 0x08 | ( partition << 4 )
| ( ( get_end_point_l(0).r & 0xFE ) << 9 ) | ( ( get_end_point_h(0).r & 0xFE ) << 16 )
| ( ( get_end_point_l(1).r & 0xFE ) << 23 ) | ( ( get_end_point_h(1).r & 0xFE ) << 30 );
block.y = ( ( get_end_point_h(1).r & 0xFE ) >> 2 ) | ( ( get_end_point_l(0).g & 0xFE ) << 5 )
| ( ( get_end_point_h(0).g & 0xFE ) << 12 ) | ( ( get_end_point_l(1).g & 0xFE ) << 19 )
| ( ( get_end_point_h(1).g & 0xFE ) << 26 );
block.z = ( ( get_end_point_h(1).g & 0xFE ) >> 6 ) | ( ( get_end_point_l(0).b & 0xFE ) << 1 )
| ( ( get_end_point_h(0).b & 0xFE ) << 8 ) | ( ( get_end_point_l(1).b & 0xFE ) << 15 )
| ( ( get_end_point_h(1).b & 0xFE ) << 22 )
| ( ( get_end_point_l(0).r & 0x01 ) << 30 ) | ( ( get_end_point_h(0).r & 0x01 ) << 31 );
block.w = ( ( get_end_point_l(1).r & 0x01 ) << 0 ) | ( ( get_end_point_h(1).r & 0x01 ) << 1 )
| ( get_color_index(0) << 2 );
uint i = 1;
for ( ; i <= candidateFixUpIndex1DOrdered[partition][0]; i ++ )
block.w |= get_color_index(i) << ( i * 2 + 1 );
for ( ; i < 16; i ++ )
block.w |= get_color_index(i) << ( i * 2 );
void block_package4( out uint4 block, uint rotation, uint index_selector, uint threadBase )
block.x = 0x10 | ( (rotation & 3) << 5 ) | ( (index_selector & 1) << 7 )
| ( ( get_end_point_l(0).r & 0xF8 ) << 5 ) | ( ( get_end_point_h(0).r & 0xF8 ) << 10 )
| ( ( get_end_point_l(0).g & 0xF8 ) << 15 ) | ( ( get_end_point_h(0).g & 0xF8 ) << 20 )
| ( ( get_end_point_l(0).b & 0xF8 ) << 25 );
block.y = ( ( get_end_point_l(0).b & 0xF8 ) >> 7 ) | ( ( get_end_point_h(0).b & 0xF8 ) >> 2 )
| ( ( get_end_point_l(0).a & 0xFC ) << 4 ) | ( ( get_end_point_h(0).a & 0xFC ) << 10 )
| ( (get_color_index(0) & 1) << 18 ) | ( get_color_index(1) << 19 ) | ( get_color_index(2) << 21 ) | ( get_color_index(3) << 23 )
| ( get_color_index(4) << 25 ) | ( get_color_index(5) << 27 ) | ( get_color_index(6) << 29 ) | ( get_color_index(7) << 31 );
block.z = ( get_color_index(7) >> 1 ) | ( get_color_index(8) << 1 ) | ( get_color_index(9) << 3 ) | ( get_color_index(10)<< 5 )
| ( get_color_index(11)<< 7 ) | ( get_color_index(12)<< 9 ) | ( get_color_index(13)<< 11 ) | ( get_color_index(14)<< 13 )
| ( get_color_index(15)<< 15 ) | ( (get_alpha_index(0) & 3) << 17 ) | ( get_alpha_index(1) << 19 ) | ( get_alpha_index(2) << 22 )
| ( get_alpha_index(3) << 25 ) | ( get_alpha_index(4) << 28 ) | ( get_alpha_index(5) << 31 );
block.w = ( get_alpha_index(5) >> 1 ) | ( get_alpha_index(6) << 2 ) | ( get_alpha_index(7) << 5 ) | ( get_alpha_index(8) << 8 )
| ( get_alpha_index(9) << 11 ) | ( get_alpha_index(10)<< 14 ) | ( get_alpha_index(11)<< 17 ) | ( get_alpha_index(12)<< 20 )
| ( get_alpha_index(13)<< 23 ) | ( get_alpha_index(14)<< 26 ) | ( get_alpha_index(15)<< 29 );
void block_package5( out uint4 block, uint rotation, uint threadBase )
block.x = 0x20 | ( rotation << 6 )
| ( ( get_end_point_l(0).r & 0xFE ) << 7 ) | ( ( get_end_point_h(0).r & 0xFE ) << 14 )
| ( ( get_end_point_l(0).g & 0xFE ) << 21 ) | ( ( get_end_point_h(0).g & 0xFE ) << 28 );
block.y = ( ( get_end_point_h(0).g & 0xFE ) >> 4 ) | ( ( get_end_point_l(0).b & 0xFE ) << 3 )
| ( ( get_end_point_h(0).b & 0xFE ) << 10 ) | ( get_end_point_l(0).a << 18 ) | ( get_end_point_h(0).a << 26 );
block.z = ( get_end_point_h(0).a >> 6 )
| ( get_color_index(0) << 2 ) | ( get_color_index(1) << 3 ) | ( get_color_index(2) << 5 ) | ( get_color_index(3) << 7 )
| ( get_color_index(4) << 9 ) | ( get_color_index(5) << 11 ) | ( get_color_index(6) << 13 ) | ( get_color_index(7) << 15 )
| ( get_color_index(8) << 17 ) | ( get_color_index(9) << 19 ) | ( get_color_index(10)<< 21 ) | ( get_color_index(11)<< 23 )
| ( get_color_index(12)<< 25 ) | ( get_color_index(13)<< 27 ) | ( get_color_index(14)<< 29 ) | ( get_color_index(15)<< 31 );
block.w = ( get_color_index(15)>> 1 ) | ( get_alpha_index(0) << 1 ) | ( get_alpha_index(1) << 2 ) | ( get_alpha_index(2) << 4 )
| ( get_alpha_index(3) << 6 ) | ( get_alpha_index(4) << 8 ) | ( get_alpha_index(5) << 10 ) | ( get_alpha_index(6) << 12 )
| ( get_alpha_index(7) << 14 ) | ( get_alpha_index(8) << 16 ) | ( get_alpha_index(9) << 18 ) | ( get_alpha_index(10)<< 20 )
| ( get_alpha_index(11)<< 22 ) | ( get_alpha_index(12)<< 24 ) | ( get_alpha_index(13)<< 26 ) | ( get_alpha_index(14)<< 28 )
| ( get_alpha_index(15)<< 30 );
void block_package6( out uint4 block, uint threadBase )
block.x = 0x40
| ( ( get_end_point_l(0).r & 0xFE ) << 6 ) | ( ( get_end_point_h(0).r & 0xFE ) << 13 )
| ( ( get_end_point_l(0).g & 0xFE ) << 20 ) | ( ( get_end_point_h(0).g & 0xFE ) << 27 );
block.y = ( ( get_end_point_h(0).g & 0xFE ) >> 5 ) | ( ( get_end_point_l(0).b & 0xFE ) << 2 )
| ( ( get_end_point_h(0).b & 0xFE ) << 9 ) | ( ( get_end_point_l(0).a & 0xFE ) << 16 )
| ( ( get_end_point_h(0).a & 0xFE ) << 23 )
| ( get_end_point_l(0).r & 0x01 ) << 31;
block.z = ( get_end_point_h(0).r & 0x01 )
| ( get_color_index(0) << 1 ) | ( get_color_index(1) << 4 ) | ( get_color_index(2) << 8 ) | ( get_color_index(3) << 12 )
| ( get_color_index(4) << 16 ) | ( get_color_index(5) << 20 ) | ( get_color_index(6) << 24 ) | ( get_color_index(7) << 28 );
block.w = ( get_color_index(8) << 0 ) | ( get_color_index(9) << 4 ) | ( get_color_index(10)<< 8 ) | ( get_color_index(11)<< 12 )
| ( get_color_index(12)<< 16 ) | ( get_color_index(13)<< 20 ) | ( get_color_index(14)<< 24 ) | ( get_color_index(15)<< 28 );
void block_package7( out uint4 block, uint partition, uint threadBase )
block.x = 0x80 | ( partition << 8 )
| ( ( get_end_point_l(0).r & 0xF8 ) << 11 ) | ( ( get_end_point_h(0).r & 0xF8 ) << 16 )
| ( ( get_end_point_l(1).r & 0xF8 ) << 21 ) | ( ( get_end_point_h(1).r & 0xF8 ) << 26 );
block.y = ( ( get_end_point_h(1).r & 0xF8 ) >> 6 ) | ( ( get_end_point_l(0).g & 0xF8 ) >> 1 )
| ( ( get_end_point_h(0).g & 0xF8 ) << 4 ) | ( ( get_end_point_l(1).g & 0xF8 ) << 9 )
| ( ( get_end_point_h(1).g & 0xF8 ) << 14 ) | ( ( get_end_point_l(0).b & 0xF8 ) << 19 )
| ( ( get_end_point_h(0).b & 0xF8 ) << 24 );
block.z = ( ( get_end_point_l(1).b & 0xF8 ) >> 3 ) | ( ( get_end_point_h(1).b & 0xF8 ) << 2 )
| ( ( get_end_point_l(0).a & 0xF8 ) << 7 ) | ( ( get_end_point_h(0).a & 0xF8 ) << 12 )
| ( ( get_end_point_l(1).a & 0xF8 ) << 17 ) | ( ( get_end_point_h(1).a & 0xF8 ) << 22 )
| ( ( get_end_point_l(0).r & 0x04 ) << 28 ) | ( ( get_end_point_h(0).r & 0x04 ) << 29 );
block.w = ( ( get_end_point_l(1).r & 0x04 ) >> 2 ) | ( ( get_end_point_h(1).r & 0x04 ) >> 1 )
| ( get_color_index(0) << 2 );
uint i = 1;
for ( ; i <= candidateFixUpIndex1DOrdered[partition][0]; i ++ )
block.w |= get_color_index(i) << ( i * 2 + 1 );
for ( ; i < 16; i ++ )
block.w |= get_color_index(i) << ( i * 2 );