//------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- // DirectXTexp.h // // DirectX Texture Library - Private header // // Copyright (c) Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved. // Licensed under the MIT License. // // http://go.microsoft.com/fwlink/?LinkId=248926 //------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- #pragma once // Off by default warnings #pragma warning(disable : 4619 4616 4061 4265 4365 4571 4623 4625 4626 4628 4668 4710 4711 4746 4774 4820 4987 5026 5027 5031 5032 5039 5045 26812) // C4619/4616 #pragma warning warnings // C4061 enumerator 'X' in switch of enum 'X' is not explicitly handled by a case label // C4265 class has virtual functions, but destructor is not virtual // C4365 signed/unsigned mismatch // C4571 behavior change // C4623 default constructor was implicitly defined as deleted // C4625 copy constructor was implicitly defined as deleted // C4626 assignment operator was implicitly defined as deleted // C4628 digraphs not supported // C4668 not defined as a preprocessor macro // C4710 function not inlined // C4711 selected for automatic inline expansion // C4746 volatile access of '' is subject to /volatile: setting // C4774 format string expected in argument 3 is not a string literal // C4820 padding added after data member // C4987 nonstandard extension used // C5026 move constructor was implicitly defined as deleted // C5027 move assignment operator was implicitly defined as deleted // C5031/5032 push/pop mismatches in windows headers // C5039 pointer or reference to potentially throwing function passed to extern C function under - EHc // C5045 Spectre mitigation warning // 26812: The enum type 'x' is unscoped. Prefer 'enum class' over 'enum' (Enum.3). // Windows 8.1 SDK related Off by default warnings #pragma warning(disable : 4471 4917 4986 5029) // C4471 forward declaration of an unscoped enumeration must have an underlying type // C4917 a GUID can only be associated with a class, interface or namespace // C4986 exception specification does not match previous declaration // C5029 nonstandard extension used // Xbox One XDK related Off by default warnings #pragma warning(disable : 4643) // C4643 Forward declaring in namespace std is not permitted by the C++ Standard #ifdef __INTEL_COMPILER #pragma warning(disable : 161) // warning #161: unrecognized #pragma #endif #ifdef __clang__ #pragma clang diagnostic ignored "-Wc++98-compat" #pragma clang diagnostic ignored "-Wc++98-compat-pedantic" #pragma clang diagnostic ignored "-Wc++98-compat-local-type-template-args" #pragma clang diagnostic ignored "-Wcovered-switch-default" #pragma clang diagnostic ignored "-Wfloat-equal" #pragma clang diagnostic ignored "-Wglobal-constructors" #pragma clang diagnostic ignored "-Wgnu-anonymous-struct" #pragma clang diagnostic ignored "-Wlanguage-extension-token" #pragma clang diagnostic ignored "-Wmissing-variable-declarations" #pragma clang diagnostic ignored "-Wnested-anon-types" #pragma clang diagnostic ignored "-Wreserved-id-macro" #pragma clang diagnostic ignored "-Wswitch-enum" #pragma clang diagnostic ignored "-Wtautological-type-limit-compare" #pragma clang diagnostic ignored "-Wunknown-pragmas" #endif #ifndef WIN32_LEAN_AND_MEAN #define WIN32_LEAN_AND_MEAN #endif #pragma warning(push) #pragma warning(disable : 4005) #define NOMINMAX #define NODRAWTEXT #define NOGDI #define NOBITMAP #define NOMCX #define NOSERVICE #define NOHELP #pragma warning(pop) #ifndef _WIN32_WINNT_WIN10 #define _WIN32_WINNT_WIN10 0x0A00 #endif #include #if defined(_XBOX_ONE) && defined(_TITLE) #include #include #elif (_WIN32_WINNT >= _WIN32_WINNT_WIN10) #include #include #else #include #endif #define _XM_NO_XMVECTOR_OVERLOADS_ #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include "DirectXTex.h" #include #include #include "scoped.h" #define TEX_FILTER_MASK 0xF00000 #define XBOX_DXGI_FORMAT_R10G10B10_7E3_A2_FLOAT DXGI_FORMAT(116) #define XBOX_DXGI_FORMAT_R10G10B10_6E4_A2_FLOAT DXGI_FORMAT(117) #define XBOX_DXGI_FORMAT_D16_UNORM_S8_UINT DXGI_FORMAT(118) #define XBOX_DXGI_FORMAT_R16_UNORM_X8_TYPELESS DXGI_FORMAT(119) #define XBOX_DXGI_FORMAT_X16_TYPELESS_G8_UINT DXGI_FORMAT(120) #define WIN10_DXGI_FORMAT_P208 DXGI_FORMAT(130) #define WIN10_DXGI_FORMAT_V208 DXGI_FORMAT(131) #define WIN10_DXGI_FORMAT_V408 DXGI_FORMAT(132) #ifndef XBOX_DXGI_FORMAT_R10G10B10_SNORM_A2_UNORM #define XBOX_DXGI_FORMAT_R10G10B10_SNORM_A2_UNORM DXGI_FORMAT(189) #endif #define XBOX_DXGI_FORMAT_R4G4_UNORM DXGI_FORMAT(190) namespace DirectX { //--------------------------------------------------------------------------------- // WIC helper functions DXGI_FORMAT __cdecl _WICToDXGI(_In_ const GUID& guid) noexcept; bool __cdecl _DXGIToWIC(_In_ DXGI_FORMAT format, _Out_ GUID& guid, _In_ bool ignoreRGBvsBGR = false) noexcept; DWORD __cdecl _CheckWICColorSpace(_In_ const GUID& sourceGUID, _In_ const GUID& targetGUID) noexcept; inline WICBitmapDitherType __cdecl _GetWICDither(_In_ DWORD flags) noexcept { static_assert(TEX_FILTER_DITHER == 0x10000, "TEX_FILTER_DITHER* flag values don't match mask"); static_assert(static_cast(TEX_FILTER_DITHER) == static_cast(WIC_FLAGS_DITHER), "TEX_FILTER_DITHER* should match WIC_FLAGS_DITHER*"); static_assert(static_cast(TEX_FILTER_DITHER_DIFFUSION) == static_cast(WIC_FLAGS_DITHER_DIFFUSION), "TEX_FILTER_DITHER* should match WIC_FLAGS_DITHER*"); switch (flags & 0xF0000) { case TEX_FILTER_DITHER: return WICBitmapDitherTypeOrdered4x4; case TEX_FILTER_DITHER_DIFFUSION: return WICBitmapDitherTypeErrorDiffusion; default: return WICBitmapDitherTypeNone; } } inline WICBitmapInterpolationMode __cdecl _GetWICInterp(_In_ DWORD flags) noexcept { static_assert(TEX_FILTER_POINT == 0x100000, "TEX_FILTER_ flag values don't match TEX_FILTER_MASK"); static_assert(static_cast(TEX_FILTER_POINT) == static_cast(WIC_FLAGS_FILTER_POINT), "TEX_FILTER_* flags should match WIC_FLAGS_FILTER_*"); static_assert(static_cast(TEX_FILTER_LINEAR) == static_cast(WIC_FLAGS_FILTER_LINEAR), "TEX_FILTER_* flags should match WIC_FLAGS_FILTER_*"); static_assert(static_cast(TEX_FILTER_CUBIC) == static_cast(WIC_FLAGS_FILTER_CUBIC), "TEX_FILTER_* flags should match WIC_FLAGS_FILTER_*"); static_assert(static_cast(TEX_FILTER_FANT) == static_cast(WIC_FLAGS_FILTER_FANT), "TEX_FILTER_* flags should match WIC_FLAGS_FILTER_*"); switch (flags & TEX_FILTER_MASK) { case TEX_FILTER_POINT: return WICBitmapInterpolationModeNearestNeighbor; case TEX_FILTER_LINEAR: return WICBitmapInterpolationModeLinear; case TEX_FILTER_CUBIC: return WICBitmapInterpolationModeCubic; case TEX_FILTER_FANT: default: return WICBitmapInterpolationModeFant; } } //--------------------------------------------------------------------------------- // Image helper functions _Success_(return != false) bool __cdecl _DetermineImageArray( _In_ const TexMetadata& metadata, _In_ DWORD cpFlags, _Out_ size_t& nImages, _Out_ size_t& pixelSize) noexcept; _Success_(return != false) bool __cdecl _SetupImageArray( _In_reads_bytes_(pixelSize) uint8_t *pMemory, _In_ size_t pixelSize, _In_ const TexMetadata& metadata, _In_ DWORD cpFlags, _Out_writes_(nImages) Image* images, _In_ size_t nImages) noexcept; //--------------------------------------------------------------------------------- // Conversion helper functions enum TEXP_SCANLINE_FLAGS { TEXP_SCANLINE_NONE = 0, TEXP_SCANLINE_SETALPHA = 0x1, // Set alpha channel to known opaque value TEXP_SCANLINE_LEGACY = 0x2, // Enables specific legacy format conversion cases }; enum CONVERT_FLAGS { CONVF_FLOAT = 0x1, CONVF_UNORM = 0x2, CONVF_UINT = 0x4, CONVF_SNORM = 0x8, CONVF_SINT = 0x10, CONVF_DEPTH = 0x20, CONVF_STENCIL = 0x40, CONVF_SHAREDEXP = 0x80, CONVF_BGR = 0x100, CONVF_XR = 0x200, CONVF_PACKED = 0x400, CONVF_BC = 0x800, CONVF_YUV = 0x1000, CONVF_POS_ONLY = 0x2000, CONVF_R = 0x10000, CONVF_G = 0x20000, CONVF_B = 0x40000, CONVF_A = 0x80000, CONVF_RGB_MASK = 0x70000, CONVF_RGBA_MASK = 0xF0000, }; DWORD __cdecl _GetConvertFlags(_In_ DXGI_FORMAT format) noexcept; void __cdecl _CopyScanline( _When_(pDestination == pSource, _Inout_updates_bytes_(outSize)) _When_(pDestination != pSource, _Out_writes_bytes_(outSize)) void* pDestination, _In_ size_t outSize, _In_reads_bytes_(inSize) const void* pSource, _In_ size_t inSize, _In_ DXGI_FORMAT format, _In_ DWORD flags) noexcept; void __cdecl _SwizzleScanline( _When_(pDestination == pSource, _In_) _When_(pDestination != pSource, _Out_writes_bytes_(outSize)) void* pDestination, _In_ size_t outSize, _In_reads_bytes_(inSize) const void* pSource, _In_ size_t inSize, _In_ DXGI_FORMAT format, _In_ DWORD flags) noexcept; _Success_(return != false) bool __cdecl _ExpandScanline( _Out_writes_bytes_(outSize) void* pDestination, _In_ size_t outSize, _In_ DXGI_FORMAT outFormat, _In_reads_bytes_(inSize) const void* pSource, _In_ size_t inSize, _In_ DXGI_FORMAT inFormat, _In_ DWORD flags) noexcept; _Success_(return != false) bool __cdecl _LoadScanline( _Out_writes_(count) XMVECTOR* pDestination, _In_ size_t count, _In_reads_bytes_(size) const void* pSource, _In_ size_t size, _In_ DXGI_FORMAT format) noexcept; _Success_(return != false) bool __cdecl _LoadScanlineLinear( _Out_writes_(count) XMVECTOR* pDestination, _In_ size_t count, _In_reads_bytes_(size) const void* pSource, _In_ size_t size, _In_ DXGI_FORMAT format, _In_ DWORD flags) noexcept; _Success_(return != false) bool __cdecl _StoreScanline( _Out_writes_bytes_(size) void* pDestination, _In_ size_t size, _In_ DXGI_FORMAT format, _In_reads_(count) const XMVECTOR* pSource, _In_ size_t count, _In_ float threshold = 0) noexcept; _Success_(return != false) bool __cdecl _StoreScanlineLinear( _Out_writes_bytes_(size) void* pDestination, _In_ size_t size, _In_ DXGI_FORMAT format, _Inout_updates_all_(count) XMVECTOR* pSource, _In_ size_t count, _In_ DWORD flags, _In_ float threshold = 0) noexcept; _Success_(return != false) bool __cdecl _StoreScanlineDither( _Out_writes_bytes_(size) void* pDestination, _In_ size_t size, _In_ DXGI_FORMAT format, _Inout_updates_all_(count) XMVECTOR* pSource, _In_ size_t count, _In_ float threshold, size_t y, size_t z, _Inout_updates_all_opt_(count + 2) XMVECTOR* pDiffusionErrors) noexcept; HRESULT __cdecl _ConvertToR32G32B32A32(_In_ const Image& srcImage, _Inout_ ScratchImage& image) noexcept; HRESULT __cdecl _ConvertFromR32G32B32A32(_In_ const Image& srcImage, _In_ const Image& destImage) noexcept; HRESULT __cdecl _ConvertFromR32G32B32A32(_In_ const Image& srcImage, _In_ DXGI_FORMAT format, _Inout_ ScratchImage& image) noexcept; HRESULT __cdecl _ConvertFromR32G32B32A32( _In_reads_(nimages) const Image* srcImages, _In_ size_t nimages, _In_ const TexMetadata& metadata, _In_ DXGI_FORMAT format, _Out_ ScratchImage& result) noexcept; HRESULT __cdecl _ConvertToR16G16B16A16(_In_ const Image& srcImage, _Inout_ ScratchImage& image) noexcept; HRESULT __cdecl _ConvertFromR16G16B16A16(_In_ const Image& srcImage, _In_ const Image& destImage) noexcept; void __cdecl _ConvertScanline( _Inout_updates_all_(count) XMVECTOR* pBuffer, _In_ size_t count, _In_ DXGI_FORMAT outFormat, _In_ DXGI_FORMAT inFormat, _In_ DWORD flags); //--------------------------------------------------------------------------------- // DDS helper functions HRESULT __cdecl _EncodeDDSHeader( _In_ const TexMetadata& metadata, DWORD flags, _Out_writes_bytes_to_opt_(maxsize, required) void* pDestination, _In_ size_t maxsize, _Out_ size_t& required) noexcept; } // namespace