//-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- // File: Texassemble.cpp // // DirectX 11 Texture assembler for cube maps, volume maps, and arrays // // Copyright (c) Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved. //-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include "directxtex.h" using namespace DirectX; enum OPTIONS // Note: dwOptions below assumes 32 or less options. { OPT_CUBE = 1, OPT_VOLUME, OPT_ARRAY, OPT_CUBEARRAY, OPT_WIDTH, OPT_HEIGHT, OPT_FORMAT, OPT_FILTER, OPT_OUTPUTFILE, OPT_USE_DX10, OPT_NOLOGO, OPT_SEPALPHA, OPT_MAX }; static_assert( OPT_MAX <= 32, "dwOptions is a DWORD bitfield" ); struct SConversion { WCHAR szSrc [MAX_PATH]; }; struct SValue { LPCWSTR pName; DWORD dwValue; }; ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// SValue g_pOptions[] = { { L"cube", OPT_CUBE }, { L"volume", OPT_VOLUME }, { L"array", OPT_ARRAY }, { L"cubearray", OPT_CUBEARRAY }, { L"w", OPT_WIDTH }, { L"h", OPT_HEIGHT }, { L"f", OPT_FORMAT }, { L"if", OPT_FILTER }, { L"o", OPT_OUTPUTFILE }, { L"dx10", OPT_USE_DX10 }, { L"nologo", OPT_NOLOGO }, { L"sepalpha", OPT_SEPALPHA }, { nullptr, 0 } }; #define DEFFMT(fmt) { L#fmt, DXGI_FORMAT_ ## fmt } SValue g_pFormats[] = { // List does not include _TYPELESS or depth/stencil formats DEFFMT(R32G32B32A32_FLOAT), DEFFMT(R32G32B32A32_UINT), DEFFMT(R32G32B32A32_SINT), DEFFMT(R32G32B32_FLOAT), DEFFMT(R32G32B32_UINT), DEFFMT(R32G32B32_SINT), DEFFMT(R16G16B16A16_FLOAT), DEFFMT(R16G16B16A16_UNORM), DEFFMT(R16G16B16A16_UINT), DEFFMT(R16G16B16A16_SNORM), DEFFMT(R16G16B16A16_SINT), DEFFMT(R32G32_FLOAT), DEFFMT(R32G32_UINT), DEFFMT(R32G32_SINT), DEFFMT(R10G10B10A2_UNORM), DEFFMT(R10G10B10A2_UINT), DEFFMT(R11G11B10_FLOAT), DEFFMT(R8G8B8A8_UNORM), DEFFMT(R8G8B8A8_UNORM_SRGB), DEFFMT(R8G8B8A8_UINT), DEFFMT(R8G8B8A8_SNORM), DEFFMT(R8G8B8A8_SINT), DEFFMT(R16G16_FLOAT), DEFFMT(R16G16_UNORM), DEFFMT(R16G16_UINT), DEFFMT(R16G16_SNORM), DEFFMT(R16G16_SINT), DEFFMT(R32_FLOAT), DEFFMT(R32_UINT), DEFFMT(R32_SINT), DEFFMT(R8G8_UNORM), DEFFMT(R8G8_UINT), DEFFMT(R8G8_SNORM), DEFFMT(R8G8_SINT), DEFFMT(R16_FLOAT), DEFFMT(R16_UNORM), DEFFMT(R16_UINT), DEFFMT(R16_SNORM), DEFFMT(R16_SINT), DEFFMT(R8_UNORM), DEFFMT(R8_UINT), DEFFMT(R8_SNORM), DEFFMT(R8_SINT), DEFFMT(A8_UNORM), //DEFFMT(R1_UNORM) DEFFMT(R9G9B9E5_SHAREDEXP), DEFFMT(R8G8_B8G8_UNORM), DEFFMT(G8R8_G8B8_UNORM), DEFFMT(B5G6R5_UNORM), DEFFMT(B5G5R5A1_UNORM), // DXGI 1.1 formats DEFFMT(B8G8R8A8_UNORM), DEFFMT(B8G8R8X8_UNORM), DEFFMT(R10G10B10_XR_BIAS_A2_UNORM), DEFFMT(B8G8R8A8_UNORM_SRGB), DEFFMT(B8G8R8X8_UNORM_SRGB), // DXGI 1.2 formats DEFFMT(B4G4R4A4_UNORM), { nullptr, DXGI_FORMAT_UNKNOWN } }; SValue g_pFilters[] = { { L"POINT", TEX_FILTER_POINT }, { L"LINEAR", TEX_FILTER_LINEAR }, { L"CUBIC", TEX_FILTER_CUBIC }, { L"FANT", TEX_FILTER_FANT }, { L"BOX", TEX_FILTER_BOX }, { L"TRIANGLE", TEX_FILTER_TRIANGLE }, { L"POINT_DITHER", TEX_FILTER_POINT | TEX_FILTER_DITHER }, { L"LINEAR_DITHER", TEX_FILTER_LINEAR | TEX_FILTER_DITHER }, { L"CUBIC_DITHER", TEX_FILTER_CUBIC | TEX_FILTER_DITHER }, { L"FANT_DITHER", TEX_FILTER_FANT | TEX_FILTER_DITHER }, { L"BOX_DITHER", TEX_FILTER_BOX | TEX_FILTER_DITHER }, { L"TRIANGLE_DITHER", TEX_FILTER_TRIANGLE | TEX_FILTER_DITHER }, { L"POINT_DITHER_DIFFUSION", TEX_FILTER_POINT | TEX_FILTER_DITHER_DIFFUSION }, { L"LINEAR_DITHER_DIFFUSION", TEX_FILTER_LINEAR | TEX_FILTER_DITHER_DIFFUSION }, { L"CUBIC_DITHER_DIFFUSION", TEX_FILTER_CUBIC | TEX_FILTER_DITHER_DIFFUSION }, { L"FANT_DITHER_DIFFUSION", TEX_FILTER_FANT | TEX_FILTER_DITHER_DIFFUSION }, { L"BOX_DITHER_DIFFUSION", TEX_FILTER_BOX | TEX_FILTER_DITHER_DIFFUSION }, { L"TRIANGLE_DITHER_DIFFUSION", TEX_FILTER_TRIANGLE | TEX_FILTER_DITHER_DIFFUSION }, { nullptr, TEX_FILTER_DEFAULT } }; ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// #pragma prefast(disable : 26018, "Only used with static internal arrays") DWORD LookupByName(const WCHAR *pName, const SValue *pArray) { while(pArray->pName) { if(!_wcsicmp(pName, pArray->pName)) return pArray->dwValue; pArray++; } return 0; } const WCHAR* LookupByValue(DWORD pValue, const SValue *pArray) { while(pArray->pName) { if(pValue == pArray->dwValue) return pArray->pName; pArray++; } return L""; } void PrintFormat(DXGI_FORMAT Format) { for(SValue *pFormat = g_pFormats; pFormat->pName; pFormat++) { if((DXGI_FORMAT) pFormat->dwValue == Format) { wprintf( pFormat->pName ); break; } } } void PrintInfo( const TexMetadata& info ) { wprintf( L" (%Iux%Iu", info.width, info.height); if ( TEX_DIMENSION_TEXTURE3D == info.dimension ) wprintf( L"x%Iu", info.depth); if ( info.mipLevels > 1 ) wprintf( L",%Iu", info.mipLevels); if ( info.arraySize > 1 ) wprintf( L",%Iu", info.arraySize); wprintf( L" "); PrintFormat( info.format ); switch ( info.dimension ) { case TEX_DIMENSION_TEXTURE1D: wprintf( (info.arraySize > 1) ? L" 1DArray" : L" 1D" ); break; case TEX_DIMENSION_TEXTURE2D: if ( info.IsCubemap() ) { wprintf( (info.arraySize > 6) ? L" CubeArray" : L" Cube" ); } else { wprintf( (info.arraySize > 1) ? L" 2DArray" : L" 2D" ); } break; case TEX_DIMENSION_TEXTURE3D: wprintf( L" 3D"); break; } wprintf( L")"); } void PrintList(size_t cch, SValue *pValue) { while(pValue->pName) { size_t cchName = wcslen(pValue->pName); if(cch + cchName + 2>= 80) { wprintf( L"\n "); cch = 6; } wprintf( L"%ls ", pValue->pName ); cch += cchName + 2; pValue++; } wprintf( L"\n"); } void PrintLogo() { wprintf( L"Microsoft (R) DirectX 11 Texture Assembler (DirectXTex version)\n"); wprintf( L"Copyright (C) Microsoft Corp. All rights reserved.\n"); wprintf( L"\n"); } void PrintUsage() { PrintLogo(); wprintf( L"Usage: texassemble [-cube | - volume | -array | -cubearray] \n"); wprintf( L"\n"); wprintf( L" -cube create cubemap\n"); wprintf( L" -volume create volume map\n"); wprintf( L" -array create texture array\n"); wprintf( L" -cubearray create cubemap array\n"); wprintf( L" -w width\n"); wprintf( L" -h height\n"); wprintf( L" -f format\n"); wprintf( L" -if image filtering\n"); wprintf( L" -o output filename\n"); wprintf( L" -sepalpha resize alpha channel separately from color channels\n"); wprintf( L" -dx10 Force use of 'DX10' extended header\n"); wprintf( L" -nologo suppress copyright message\n"); wprintf( L"\n"); wprintf( L" : "); PrintList(13, g_pFormats); wprintf( L"\n"); wprintf( L" : "); PrintList(13, g_pFilters); } //-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- // Entry-point //-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- #pragma prefast(disable : 28198, "Command-line tool, frees all memory on exit") int __cdecl wmain(_In_ int argc, _In_z_count_(argc) wchar_t* argv[]) { // Parameters and defaults size_t width = 0; size_t height = 0; DXGI_FORMAT format = DXGI_FORMAT_UNKNOWN; DWORD dwFilter = TEX_FILTER_DEFAULT; DWORD dwFilterOpts = 0; WCHAR szOutputFile[MAX_PATH] = { 0 }; // Initialize COM (needed for WIC) HRESULT hr = hr = CoInitializeEx(nullptr, COINIT_MULTITHREADED); if( FAILED(hr) ) { wprintf( L"Failed to initialize COM (%08X)\n", hr); return 1; } // Process command line DWORD dwOptions = 0; std::list conversion; for(int iArg = 1; iArg < argc; iArg++) { PWSTR pArg = argv[iArg]; if(('-' == pArg[0]) || ('/' == pArg[0])) { pArg++; PWSTR pValue; for(pValue = pArg; *pValue && (':' != *pValue); pValue++); if(*pValue) *pValue++ = 0; DWORD dwOption = LookupByName(pArg, g_pOptions); if(!dwOption || (dwOptions & (1 << dwOption))) { PrintUsage(); return 1; } dwOptions |= 1 << dwOption; if( (OPT_NOLOGO != dwOption) && (OPT_SEPALPHA != dwOption) && (OPT_USE_DX10 != dwOption) && (OPT_CUBE != dwOption) && (OPT_VOLUME != dwOption) && (OPT_ARRAY != dwOption) && (OPT_CUBEARRAY != dwOption) ) { if(!*pValue) { if((iArg + 1 >= argc)) { PrintUsage(); return 1; } iArg++; pValue = argv[iArg]; } } switch(dwOption) { case OPT_WIDTH: if (swscanf_s(pValue, L"%Iu", &width) != 1) { wprintf( L"Invalid value specified with -w (%ls)\n", pValue); return 1; } break; case OPT_HEIGHT: if (swscanf_s(pValue, L"%Iu", &height) != 1) { wprintf( L"Invalid value specified with -h (%ls)\n", pValue); return 1; } break; case OPT_FORMAT: format = (DXGI_FORMAT) LookupByName(pValue, g_pFormats); if ( !format ) { wprintf( L"Invalid value specified with -f (%ls)\n", pValue); return 1; } break; case OPT_FILTER: dwFilter = LookupByName(pValue, g_pFilters); if ( !dwFilter ) { wprintf( L"Invalid value specified with -if (%ls)\n", pValue); return 1; } break; case OPT_SEPALPHA: dwFilterOpts |= TEX_FILTER_SEPARATE_ALPHA; break; case OPT_OUTPUTFILE: wcscpy_s(szOutputFile, MAX_PATH, pValue); break; } } else { SConversion conv; wcscpy_s(conv.szSrc, MAX_PATH, pArg); conversion.push_back(conv); } } if(conversion.empty()) { PrintUsage(); return 0; } switch( dwOptions & ( (1 << OPT_CUBE) | (1 << OPT_VOLUME) | (1 << OPT_ARRAY) | (1 << OPT_CUBEARRAY) ) ) { case (1 << OPT_VOLUME): case (1 << OPT_ARRAY): case (1 << OPT_CUBE): case (1 << OPT_CUBEARRAY): break; default: wprintf( L"Must use one of: -cube, -volume, -array, or -cubearray\n\n" ); return 1; } if(~dwOptions & (1 << OPT_NOLOGO)) PrintLogo(); // Convert images size_t images = 0; std::vector> loadedImages; for( auto pConv = conversion.begin(); pConv != conversion.end(); ++pConv ) { WCHAR ext[_MAX_EXT]; WCHAR fname[_MAX_FNAME]; _wsplitpath_s( pConv->szSrc, nullptr, 0, nullptr, 0, fname, _MAX_FNAME, ext, _MAX_EXT ); // Load source image if( pConv != conversion.begin() ) wprintf( L"\n"); else if ( !*szOutputFile ) { if ( _wcsicmp( ext, L".dds" ) == 0 ) { wprintf( L"ERROR: Need to specify output file via -o\n"); return 1; } _wmakepath_s( szOutputFile, nullptr, nullptr, fname, L".dds" ); } wprintf( L"reading %ls", pConv->szSrc ); fflush(stdout); TexMetadata info; std::unique_ptr image( new (std::nothrow) ScratchImage ); if ( !image ) { wprintf( L" ERROR: Memory allocation failed\n" ); return 1; } if ( _wcsicmp( ext, L".dds" ) == 0 ) { hr = LoadFromDDSFile( pConv->szSrc, DDS_FLAGS_NONE, &info, *image.get() ); if ( FAILED(hr) ) { wprintf( L" FAILED (%x)\n", hr); return 1; } if ( info.depth > 1 || info.mipLevels > 1 || info.IsCubemap() ) { wprintf( L" ERROR: Can't assemble complex surfaces\n" ); return 1; } } else if ( _wcsicmp( ext, L".tga" ) == 0 ) { hr = LoadFromTGAFile( pConv->szSrc, &info, *image.get() ); if ( FAILED(hr) ) { wprintf( L" FAILED (%x)\n", hr); return 1; } } else { // WIC shares the same filter values for mode and dither static_assert( WIC_FLAGS_DITHER == TEX_FILTER_DITHER, "WIC_FLAGS_* & TEX_FILTER_* should match" ); static_assert( WIC_FLAGS_DITHER_DIFFUSION == TEX_FILTER_DITHER_DIFFUSION, "WIC_FLAGS_* & TEX_FILTER_* should match" ); static_assert( WIC_FLAGS_FILTER_POINT == TEX_FILTER_POINT, "WIC_FLAGS_* & TEX_FILTER_* should match" ); static_assert( WIC_FLAGS_FILTER_LINEAR == TEX_FILTER_LINEAR, "WIC_FLAGS_* & TEX_FILTER_* should match" ); static_assert( WIC_FLAGS_FILTER_CUBIC == TEX_FILTER_CUBIC, "WIC_FLAGS_* & TEX_FILTER_* should match" ); static_assert( WIC_FLAGS_FILTER_FANT == TEX_FILTER_FANT, "WIC_FLAGS_* & TEX_FILTER_* should match" ); hr = LoadFromWICFile( pConv->szSrc, dwFilter | WIC_FLAGS_ALL_FRAMES, &info, *image.get() ); if ( FAILED(hr) ) { wprintf( L" FAILED (%x)\n", hr); return 1; } } PrintInfo( info ); // Convert texture fflush(stdout); // --- Decompress -------------------------------------------------------------- if ( IsCompressed( info.format ) ) { const Image* img = image->GetImage(0,0,0); assert( img ); size_t nimg = image->GetImageCount(); std::unique_ptr timage( new (std::nothrow) ScratchImage ); if ( !timage ) { wprintf( L" ERROR: Memory allocation failed\n" ); return 1; } hr = Decompress( img, nimg, info, DXGI_FORMAT_UNKNOWN /* picks good default */, *timage.get() ); if ( FAILED(hr) ) { wprintf( L" FAILED [decompress] (%x)\n", hr); continue; } const TexMetadata& tinfo = timage->GetMetadata(); info.format = tinfo.format; assert( info.width == tinfo.width ); assert( info.height == tinfo.height ); assert( info.depth == tinfo.depth ); assert( info.arraySize == tinfo.arraySize ); assert( info.mipLevels == tinfo.mipLevels ); assert( info.miscFlags == tinfo.miscFlags ); assert( info.miscFlags2 == tinfo.miscFlags2 ); assert( info.dimension == tinfo.dimension ); image.swap( timage ); } // --- Resize ------------------------------------------------------------------ if ( !width ) { width = info.width; } if ( !height ) { height = info.height; } if ( info.width != width || info.height != height ) { std::unique_ptr timage( new (std::nothrow) ScratchImage ); if ( !timage ) { wprintf( L" ERROR: Memory allocation failed\n" ); return 1; } hr = Resize( image->GetImages(), image->GetImageCount(), image->GetMetadata(), width, height, dwFilter | dwFilterOpts, *timage.get() ); if ( FAILED(hr) ) { wprintf( L" FAILED [resize] (%x)\n", hr); return 1; } const TexMetadata& tinfo = timage->GetMetadata(); assert( tinfo.width == width && tinfo.height == height && tinfo.mipLevels == 1 ); info.width = tinfo.width; info.height = tinfo.height; info.mipLevels = 1; assert( info.depth == tinfo.depth ); assert( info.arraySize == tinfo.arraySize ); assert( info.miscFlags == tinfo.miscFlags ); assert( info.miscFlags2 == tinfo.miscFlags2 ); assert( info.format == tinfo.format ); assert( info.dimension == tinfo.dimension ); image.swap( timage ); } // --- Convert ----------------------------------------------------------------- if ( format == DXGI_FORMAT_UNKNOWN ) { format = info.format; } else if ( info.format != format && !IsCompressed( format ) ) { std::unique_ptr timage( new (std::nothrow) ScratchImage ); if ( !timage ) { wprintf( L" ERROR: Memory allocation failed\n" ); return 1; } hr = Convert( image->GetImages(), image->GetImageCount(), image->GetMetadata(), format, dwFilter | dwFilterOpts, 0.5f, *timage.get() ); if ( FAILED(hr) ) { wprintf( L" FAILED [convert] (%x)\n", hr); return 1; } const TexMetadata& tinfo = timage->GetMetadata(); assert( tinfo.format == format ); info.format = tinfo.format; assert( info.width == tinfo.width ); assert( info.height == tinfo.height ); assert( info.depth == tinfo.depth ); assert( info.arraySize == tinfo.arraySize ); assert( info.mipLevels == tinfo.mipLevels ); assert( info.miscFlags == tinfo.miscFlags ); assert( info.miscFlags2 == tinfo.miscFlags2 ); assert( info.dimension == tinfo.dimension ); image.swap( timage ); } images += info.arraySize; loadedImages.push_back( std::move( image ) ); } if( images < 2 ) { wprintf( L" ERROR: Need at least 2 images to assemble\n\n"); return 1; } switch( dwOptions & ( (1 << OPT_CUBE) | (1 << OPT_VOLUME) | (1 << OPT_ARRAY) | (1 << OPT_CUBEARRAY) ) ) { case (1 << OPT_CUBE): if ( images != 6 ) { wprintf( L" ERROR: -cube requires six images to form the faces of the cubemap\n"); return 1; } break; case (1 << OPT_CUBEARRAY): if ( ( images < 6) || ( images % 6 ) != 0 ) { wprintf( L"-cubearray requires a multiple of 6 images to form the faces of the cubemaps\n"); return 1; } break; } // --- Create result --------------------------------------------------------------- { std::vector imageArray; imageArray.reserve( images ); for( auto it = loadedImages.cbegin(); it != loadedImages.cend(); ++it ) { const ScratchImage* simage = it->get(); assert( simage != 0 ); for( size_t j = 0; j < simage->GetMetadata().arraySize; ++j ) { const Image* img = simage->GetImage(0,j,0); assert( img != 0 ); imageArray.push_back( *img ); } } ScratchImage result; switch( dwOptions & ( (1 << OPT_CUBE) | (1 << OPT_VOLUME) | (1 << OPT_ARRAY) | (1 << OPT_CUBEARRAY) ) ) { case (1 << OPT_VOLUME): hr = result.Initialize3DFromImages( &imageArray[0], imageArray.size() ); break; case (1 << OPT_ARRAY): hr = result.InitializeArrayFromImages( &imageArray[0], imageArray.size(), (dwOptions & (1 << OPT_USE_DX10)) != 0 ); break; case (1 << OPT_CUBE): case (1 << OPT_CUBEARRAY): hr = result.InitializeCubeFromImages( &imageArray[0], imageArray.size() ); break; } if ( FAILED(hr ) ) { wprintf( L"FAILED building result image (%x)\n", hr); return 1; } // Write texture wprintf( L"\nWriting %ls ", szOutputFile); PrintInfo( result.GetMetadata() ); wprintf( L"\n" ); fflush(stdout); hr = SaveToDDSFile( result.GetImages(), result.GetImageCount(), result.GetMetadata(), (dwOptions & (1 << OPT_USE_DX10) ) ? (DDS_FLAGS_FORCE_DX10_EXT|DDS_FLAGS_FORCE_DX10_EXT_MISC2) : DDS_FLAGS_NONE, szOutputFile ); if(FAILED(hr)) { wprintf( L"\nFAILED (%x)\n", hr); return 1; } wprintf( L"\n"); } return 0; }