//-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- // File: BC7Encode.hlsl // // The Compute Shader for BC7 Encoder // // Copyright (c) Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved. //-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- //#define REF_DEVICE #define CHAR_LENGTH 8 #define NCHANNELS 4 #define BC7_UNORM 98 #define MAX_UINT 0xFFFFFFFF #define MIN_UINT 0 static const uint candidateSectionBit[64] = //Associated to partition 0-63 { 0xCCCC, 0x8888, 0xEEEE, 0xECC8, 0xC880, 0xFEEC, 0xFEC8, 0xEC80, 0xC800, 0xFFEC, 0xFE80, 0xE800, 0xFFE8, 0xFF00, 0xFFF0, 0xF000, 0xF710, 0x008E, 0x7100, 0x08CE, 0x008C, 0x7310, 0x3100, 0x8CCE, 0x088C, 0x3110, 0x6666, 0x366C, 0x17E8, 0x0FF0, 0x718E, 0x399C, 0xaaaa, 0xf0f0, 0x5a5a, 0x33cc, 0x3c3c, 0x55aa, 0x9696, 0xa55a, 0x73ce, 0x13c8, 0x324c, 0x3bdc, 0x6996, 0xc33c, 0x9966, 0x660, 0x272, 0x4e4, 0x4e40, 0x2720, 0xc936, 0x936c, 0x39c6, 0x639c, 0x9336, 0x9cc6, 0x817e, 0xe718, 0xccf0, 0xfcc, 0x7744, 0xee22, }; static const uint candidateSectionBit2[64] = //Associated to partition 64-127 { 0xaa685050, 0x6a5a5040, 0x5a5a4200, 0x5450a0a8, 0xa5a50000, 0xa0a05050, 0x5555a0a0, 0x5a5a5050, 0xaa550000, 0xaa555500, 0xaaaa5500, 0x90909090, 0x94949494, 0xa4a4a4a4, 0xa9a59450, 0x2a0a4250, 0xa5945040, 0x0a425054, 0xa5a5a500, 0x55a0a0a0, 0xa8a85454, 0x6a6a4040, 0xa4a45000, 0x1a1a0500, 0x0050a4a4, 0xaaa59090, 0x14696914, 0x69691400, 0xa08585a0, 0xaa821414, 0x50a4a450, 0x6a5a0200, 0xa9a58000, 0x5090a0a8, 0xa8a09050, 0x24242424, 0x00aa5500, 0x24924924, 0x24499224, 0x50a50a50, 0x500aa550, 0xaaaa4444, 0x66660000, 0xa5a0a5a0, 0x50a050a0, 0x69286928, 0x44aaaa44, 0x66666600, 0xaa444444, 0x54a854a8, 0x95809580, 0x96969600, 0xa85454a8, 0x80959580, 0xaa141414, 0x96960000, 0xaaaa1414, 0xa05050a0, 0xa0a5a5a0, 0x96000000, 0x40804080, 0xa9a8a9a8, 0xaaaaaa44, 0x2a4a5254, }; static const uint2 candidateFixUpIndex1D[128] = { {15, 0},{15, 0},{15, 0},{15, 0}, {15, 0},{15, 0},{15, 0},{15, 0}, {15, 0},{15, 0},{15, 0},{15, 0}, {15, 0},{15, 0},{15, 0},{15, 0}, {15, 0},{ 2, 0},{ 8, 0},{ 2, 0}, { 2, 0},{ 8, 0},{ 8, 0},{15, 0}, { 2, 0},{ 8, 0},{ 2, 0},{ 2, 0}, { 8, 0},{ 8, 0},{ 2, 0},{ 2, 0}, {15, 0},{15, 0},{ 6, 0},{ 8, 0}, { 2, 0},{ 8, 0},{15, 0},{15, 0}, { 2, 0},{ 8, 0},{ 2, 0},{ 2, 0}, { 2, 0},{15, 0},{15, 0},{ 6, 0}, { 6, 0},{ 2, 0},{ 6, 0},{ 8, 0}, {15, 0},{15, 0},{ 2, 0},{ 2, 0}, {15, 0},{15, 0},{15, 0},{15, 0}, {15, 0},{ 2, 0},{ 2, 0},{15, 0}, //candidateFixUpIndex1D[i][1], i < 64 should not be used { 3,15},{ 3, 8},{15, 8},{15, 3}, { 8,15},{ 3,15},{15, 3},{15, 8}, { 8,15},{ 8,15},{ 6,15},{ 6,15}, { 6,15},{ 5,15},{ 3,15},{ 3, 8}, { 3,15},{ 3, 8},{ 8,15},{15, 3}, { 3,15},{ 3, 8},{ 6,15},{10, 8}, { 5, 3},{ 8,15},{ 8, 6},{ 6,10}, { 8,15},{ 5,15},{15,10},{15, 8}, { 8,15},{15, 3},{ 3,15},{ 5,10}, { 6,10},{10, 8},{ 8, 9},{15,10}, {15, 6},{ 3,15},{15, 8},{ 5,15}, {15, 3},{15, 6},{15, 6},{15, 8}, //The Spec doesn't mark the first fixed up index in this row, so I apply 15 for them, and seems correct { 3,15},{15, 3},{ 5,15},{ 5,15}, { 5,15},{ 8,15},{ 5,15},{10,15}, { 5,15},{10,15},{ 8,15},{13,15}, {15, 3},{12,15},{ 3,15},{ 3, 8}, }; static const uint2 candidateFixUpIndex1DOrdered[128] = //Same with candidateFixUpIndex1D but order the result when i >= 64 { {15, 0},{15, 0},{15, 0},{15, 0}, {15, 0},{15, 0},{15, 0},{15, 0}, {15, 0},{15, 0},{15, 0},{15, 0}, {15, 0},{15, 0},{15, 0},{15, 0}, {15, 0},{ 2, 0},{ 8, 0},{ 2, 0}, { 2, 0},{ 8, 0},{ 8, 0},{15, 0}, { 2, 0},{ 8, 0},{ 2, 0},{ 2, 0}, { 8, 0},{ 8, 0},{ 2, 0},{ 2, 0}, {15, 0},{15, 0},{ 6, 0},{ 8, 0}, { 2, 0},{ 8, 0},{15, 0},{15, 0}, { 2, 0},{ 8, 0},{ 2, 0},{ 2, 0}, { 2, 0},{15, 0},{15, 0},{ 6, 0}, { 6, 0},{ 2, 0},{ 6, 0},{ 8, 0}, {15, 0},{15, 0},{ 2, 0},{ 2, 0}, {15, 0},{15, 0},{15, 0},{15, 0}, {15, 0},{ 2, 0},{ 2, 0},{15, 0}, //candidateFixUpIndex1DOrdered[i][1], i < 64 should not be used { 3,15},{ 3, 8},{ 8,15},{ 3,15}, { 8,15},{ 3,15},{ 3,15},{ 8,15}, { 8,15},{ 8,15},{ 6,15},{ 6,15}, { 6,15},{ 5,15},{ 3,15},{ 3, 8}, { 3,15},{ 3, 8},{ 8,15},{ 3,15}, { 3,15},{ 3, 8},{ 6,15},{ 8,10}, { 3, 5},{ 8,15},{ 6, 8},{ 6,10}, { 8,15},{ 5,15},{10,15},{ 8,15}, { 8,15},{ 3,15},{ 3,15},{ 5,10}, { 6,10},{ 8,10},{ 8, 9},{10,15}, { 6,15},{ 3,15},{ 8,15},{ 5,15}, { 3,15},{ 6,15},{ 6,15},{ 8,15}, //The Spec doesn't mark the first fixed up index in this row, so I apply 15 for them, and seems correct { 3,15},{ 3,15},{ 5,15},{ 5,15}, { 5,15},{ 8,15},{ 5,15},{10,15}, { 5,15},{10,15},{ 8,15},{13,15}, { 3,15},{12,15},{ 3,15},{ 3, 8}, }; //static const uint4x4 candidateRotation[4] = //{ // {1,0,0,0},{0,1,0,0},{0,0,1,0},{0,0,0,1}, // {0,0,0,1},{0,1,0,0},{0,0,1,0},{1,0,0,0}, // {1,0,0,0},{0,0,0,1},{0,0,1,0},{0,1,0,0}, // {1,0,0,0},{0,1,0,0},{0,0,0,1},{0,0,1,0} //}; //static const uint2 candidateIndexPrec[8] = {{3,0},{3,0},{2,0},{2,0}, // {2,3}, //color index and alpha index can exchange // {2,2},{4,4},{2,2}}; static const uint aWeight[3][16] = { {0, 4, 9, 13, 17, 21, 26, 30, 34, 38, 43, 47, 51, 55, 60, 64}, {0, 9, 18, 27, 37, 46, 55, 64, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0}, {0, 21, 43, 64, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0} }; //4 bit index: 0, 4, 9, 13, 17, 21, 26, 30, 34, 38, 43, 47, 51, 55, 60, 64 static const uint aStep[3][64] = { { 0, 0, 0, 1, 1, 1, 1, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 3, 3, 3, 3, 4, 4, 4, 4, 5, 5, 5, 5, 6, 6, 6, 6, 6, 7, 7, 7, 7, 8, 8, 8, 8, 9, 9, 9, 9,10,10,10,10,10,11,11, 11,11,12,12,12,12,13,13, 13,13,14,14,14,14,15,15 }, //3 bit index: 0, 9, 18, 27, 37, 46, 55, 64 { 0,0,0,0,0,1,1,1, 1,1,1,1,1,1,2,2, 2,2,2,2,2,2,2,3, 3,3,3,3,3,3,3,3, 3,4,4,4,4,4,4,4, 4,4,5,5,5,5,5,5, 5,5,5,6,6,6,6,6, 6,6,6,6,7,7,7,7 }, //2 bit index: 0, 21, 43, 64 { 0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0, 0,0,0,1,1,1,1,1, 1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1, 1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1, 1,2,2,2,2,2,2,2, 2,2,2,2,2,2,2,2, 2,2,2,2,2,2,3,3, 3,3,3,3,3,3,3,3 } }; cbuffer cbCS : register( b0 ) { uint g_tex_width; uint g_num_block_x; uint g_format; uint g_mode_id; uint g_start_block_id; uint g_num_total_blocks; float g_alpha_weight; }; //Forward declaration uint2x4 compress_endpoints0( inout uint2x4 endPoint, uint2 P ); //Mode = 0 uint2x4 compress_endpoints1( inout uint2x4 endPoint, uint2 P ); //Mode = 1 uint2x4 compress_endpoints2( inout uint2x4 endPoint ); //Mode = 2 uint2x4 compress_endpoints3( inout uint2x4 endPoint, uint2 P ); //Mode = 3 uint2x4 compress_endpoints7( inout uint2x4 endPoint, uint2 P ); //Mode = 7 uint2x4 compress_endpoints6( inout uint2x4 endPoint, uint2 P ); //Mode = 6 uint2x4 compress_endpoints4( inout uint2x4 endPoint ); //Mode = 4 uint2x4 compress_endpoints5( inout uint2x4 endPoint ); //Mode = 5 void block_package0( out uint4 block, uint partition, uint threadBase ); //Mode0 void block_package1( out uint4 block, uint partition, uint threadBase ); //Mode1 void block_package2( out uint4 block, uint partition, uint threadBase ); //Mode2 void block_package3( out uint4 block, uint partition, uint threadBase ); //Mode3 void block_package4( out uint4 block, uint rotation, uint index_selector, uint threadBase ); //Mode4 void block_package5( out uint4 block, uint rotation, uint threadBase ); //Mode5 void block_package6( out uint4 block, uint threadBase ); //Mode6 void block_package7( out uint4 block, uint partition, uint threadBase ); //Mode7 void swap(inout uint4 lhs, inout uint4 rhs) { uint4 tmp = lhs; lhs = rhs; rhs = tmp; } void swap(inout uint3 lhs, inout uint3 rhs) { uint3 tmp = lhs; lhs = rhs; rhs = tmp; } void swap(inout uint lhs, inout uint rhs) { uint tmp = lhs; lhs = rhs; rhs = tmp; } uint ComputeError(in uint4 a, in uint4 b) { return dot(a.rgb, b.rgb) + g_alpha_weight * a.a*b.a; } void Ensure_A_Is_Larger( inout uint4 a, inout uint4 b ) { if ( a.x < b.x ) swap( a.x, b.x ); if ( a.y < b.y ) swap( a.y, b.y ); if ( a.z < b.z ) swap( a.z, b.z ); if ( a.w < b.w ) swap( a.w, b.w ); } Texture2D g_Input : register( t0 ); StructuredBuffer g_InBuff : register( t1 ); RWStructuredBuffer g_OutBuff : register( u0 ); #define THREAD_GROUP_SIZE 64 #define BLOCK_SIZE_Y 4 #define BLOCK_SIZE_X 4 #define BLOCK_SIZE (BLOCK_SIZE_Y * BLOCK_SIZE_X) struct BufferShared { uint4 pixel; uint error; uint mode; uint partition; uint index_selector; uint rotation; uint4 endPoint_low; uint4 endPoint_high; uint4 endPoint_low_quantized; uint4 endPoint_high_quantized; }; groupshared BufferShared shared_temp[THREAD_GROUP_SIZE]; [numthreads( THREAD_GROUP_SIZE, 1, 1 )] void TryMode456CS( uint GI : SV_GroupIndex, uint3 groupID : SV_GroupID ) // mode 4 5 6 all have 1 subset per block, and fix-up index is always index 0 { // we process 4 BC blocks per thread group const uint MAX_USED_THREAD = 16; // pixels in a BC (block compressed) block uint BLOCK_IN_GROUP = THREAD_GROUP_SIZE / MAX_USED_THREAD; // the number of BC blocks a thread group processes = 64 / 16 = 4 uint blockInGroup = GI / MAX_USED_THREAD; // what BC block this thread is on within this thread group uint blockID = g_start_block_id + groupID.x * BLOCK_IN_GROUP + blockInGroup; // what global BC block this thread is on uint threadBase = blockInGroup * MAX_USED_THREAD; // the first id of the pixel in this BC block in this thread group uint threadInBlock = GI - threadBase; // id of the pixel in this BC block #ifndef REF_DEVICE if (blockID >= g_num_total_blocks) { return; } #endif uint block_y = blockID / g_num_block_x; uint block_x = blockID - block_y * g_num_block_x; uint base_x = block_x * BLOCK_SIZE_X; uint base_y = block_y * BLOCK_SIZE_Y; if (threadInBlock < 16) { shared_temp[GI].pixel = clamp(uint4(g_Input.Load( uint3( base_x + threadInBlock % 4, base_y + threadInBlock / 4, 0 ) ) * 255), 0, 255); shared_temp[GI].endPoint_low = shared_temp[GI].pixel; shared_temp[GI].endPoint_high = shared_temp[GI].pixel; } #ifdef REF_DEVICE GroupMemoryBarrierWithGroupSync(); #endif if (threadInBlock < 8) { shared_temp[GI].endPoint_low = min(shared_temp[GI].endPoint_low, shared_temp[GI + 8].endPoint_low); shared_temp[GI].endPoint_high = max(shared_temp[GI].endPoint_high, shared_temp[GI + 8].endPoint_high); } #ifdef REF_DEVICE GroupMemoryBarrierWithGroupSync(); #endif if (threadInBlock < 4) { shared_temp[GI].endPoint_low = min(shared_temp[GI].endPoint_low, shared_temp[GI + 4].endPoint_low); shared_temp[GI].endPoint_high = max(shared_temp[GI].endPoint_high, shared_temp[GI + 4].endPoint_high); } #ifdef REF_DEVICE GroupMemoryBarrierWithGroupSync(); #endif if (threadInBlock < 2) { shared_temp[GI].endPoint_low = min(shared_temp[GI].endPoint_low, shared_temp[GI + 2].endPoint_low); shared_temp[GI].endPoint_high = max(shared_temp[GI].endPoint_high, shared_temp[GI + 2].endPoint_high); } #ifdef REF_DEVICE GroupMemoryBarrierWithGroupSync(); #endif if (threadInBlock < 1) { shared_temp[GI].endPoint_low = min(shared_temp[GI].endPoint_low, shared_temp[GI + 1].endPoint_low); shared_temp[GI].endPoint_high = max(shared_temp[GI].endPoint_high, shared_temp[GI + 1].endPoint_high); } #ifdef REF_DEVICE GroupMemoryBarrierWithGroupSync(); #endif uint2x4 endPoint; endPoint[0] = shared_temp[threadBase].endPoint_low; endPoint[1] = shared_temp[threadBase].endPoint_high; uint error = 0xFFFFFFFF; uint mode = 0; uint index_selector = 0; uint rotation = 0; uint2 indexPrec; if (threadInBlock < 8) // all threads of threadInBlock < 8 will be working on trying out mode 4, since only mode 4 has index selector bit { if (0 == (threadInBlock & 1)) // thread 0, 2, 4, 6 { //2 represents 2bit index precision; 1 represents 3bit index precision index_selector = 0; indexPrec = uint2( 2, 1 ); } else // thread 1, 3, 5, 7 { //2 represents 2bit index precision; 1 represents 3bit index precision index_selector = 1; indexPrec = uint2( 1, 2 ); } } else { //2 represents 2bit index precision indexPrec = uint2( 2, 2 ); } uint4 pixel_r; uint color_index; uint alpha_index; int4 span; int2 span_norm_sqr; int2 dotProduct; if (threadInBlock < 12) // Try mode 4 5 in threads 0..11 { // mode 4 5 have component rotation if ((threadInBlock < 2) || (8 == threadInBlock)) // rotation = 0 in thread 0, 1 { rotation = 0; } else if ((threadInBlock < 4) || (9 == threadInBlock)) // rotation = 1 in thread 2, 3 { endPoint[0].ra = endPoint[0].ar; endPoint[1].ra = endPoint[1].ar; rotation = 1; } else if ((threadInBlock < 6) || (10 == threadInBlock)) // rotation = 2 in thread 4, 5 { endPoint[0].ga = endPoint[0].ag; endPoint[1].ga = endPoint[1].ag; rotation = 2; } else if ((threadInBlock < 8) || (11 == threadInBlock)) // rotation = 3 in thread 6, 7 { endPoint[0].ba = endPoint[0].ab; endPoint[1].ba = endPoint[1].ab; rotation = 3; } if (threadInBlock < 8) // try mode 4 in threads 0..7 { // mode 4 thread distribution // Thread 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 // Rotation 0 0 1 1 2 2 3 3 // Index selector 0 1 0 1 0 1 0 1 mode = 4; compress_endpoints4( endPoint ); } else // try mode 5 in threads 8..11 { // mode 5 thread distribution // Thread 8 9 10 11 // Rotation 0 1 2 3 mode = 5; compress_endpoints5( endPoint ); } uint4 pixel = shared_temp[threadBase + 0].pixel; if (1 == rotation) { pixel.ra = pixel.ar; } else if (2 == rotation) { pixel.ga = pixel.ag; } else if (3 == rotation) { pixel.ba = pixel.ab; } span = endPoint[1] - endPoint[0]; span_norm_sqr = uint2( dot( span.rgb, span.rgb ), span.a * span.a ); // in mode 4 5 6, end point 0 must be closer to pixel 0 than end point 1, because of the fix-up index is always index 0 // TODO: this shouldn't be necessary here in error calculation /* dotProduct = int2( dot( span.rgb, pixel.rgb - endPoint[0].rgb ), span.a * ( pixel.a - endPoint[0].a ) ); if ( span_norm_sqr.x > 0 && dotProduct.x > 0 && uint( dotProduct.x * 63.49999 ) > uint( 32 * span_norm_sqr.x ) ) { span.rgb = -span.rgb; swap(endPoint[0].rgb, endPoint[1].rgb); } if ( span_norm_sqr.y > 0 && dotProduct.y > 0 && uint( dotProduct.y * 63.49999 ) > uint( 32 * span_norm_sqr.y ) ) { span.a = -span.a; swap(endPoint[0].a, endPoint[1].a); } */ // should be the same as above dotProduct = int2( dot( pixel.rgb - endPoint[0].rgb, pixel.rgb - endPoint[0].rgb ), dot( pixel.rgb - endPoint[1].rgb, pixel.rgb - endPoint[1].rgb ) ); if ( dotProduct.x > dotProduct.y ) { span.rgb = -span.rgb; swap(endPoint[0].rgb, endPoint[1].rgb); } dotProduct = int2( dot( pixel.a - endPoint[0].a, pixel.a - endPoint[0].a ), dot( pixel.a - endPoint[1].a, pixel.a - endPoint[1].a ) ); if ( dotProduct.x > dotProduct.y ) { span.a = -span.a; swap(endPoint[0].a, endPoint[1].a); } error = 0; for ( uint i = 0; i < 16; i ++ ) { pixel = shared_temp[threadBase + i].pixel; if (1 == rotation) { pixel.ra = pixel.ar; } else if (2 == rotation) { pixel.ga = pixel.ag; } else if (3 == rotation) { pixel.ba = pixel.ab; } dotProduct.x = dot( span.rgb, pixel.rgb - endPoint[0].rgb ); color_index = ( span_norm_sqr.x <= 0 /*endPoint[0] == endPoint[1]*/ || dotProduct.x <= 0 /*pixel == endPoint[0]*/ ) ? 0 : ( ( dotProduct.x < span_norm_sqr.x ) ? aStep[indexPrec.x][ uint( dotProduct.x * 63.49999 / span_norm_sqr.x ) ] : aStep[indexPrec.x][63] ); dotProduct.y = dot( span.a, pixel.a - endPoint[0].a ); alpha_index = ( span_norm_sqr.y <= 0 || dotProduct.y <= 0 ) ? 0 : ( ( dotProduct.y < span_norm_sqr.y ) ? aStep[indexPrec.y][ uint( dotProduct.y * 63.49999 / span_norm_sqr.y ) ] : aStep[indexPrec.y][63] ); // the same color_index and alpha_index should be used for reconstruction, so this should be left commented out /*if (index_selector) { swap(color_index, alpha_index); }*/ pixel_r.rgb = ( ( 64 - aWeight[indexPrec.x][color_index] ) * endPoint[0].rgb + aWeight[indexPrec.x][color_index] * endPoint[1].rgb + 32 ) >> 6; pixel_r.a = ( ( 64 - aWeight[indexPrec.y][alpha_index] ) * endPoint[0].a + aWeight[indexPrec.y][alpha_index] * endPoint[1].a + 32 ) >> 6; Ensure_A_Is_Larger( pixel_r, pixel ); pixel_r -= pixel; if (1 == rotation) { pixel_r.ra = pixel_r.ar; } else if (2 == rotation) { pixel_r.ga = pixel_r.ag; } else if (3 == rotation) { pixel_r.ba = pixel_r.ab; } error += ComputeError(pixel_r, pixel_r); } } else if (threadInBlock < 16) // Try mode 6 in threads 12..15, since in mode 4 5 6, only mode 6 has p bit { uint p = threadInBlock - 12; compress_endpoints6( endPoint, uint2(p >> 0, p >> 1) & 1 ); uint4 pixel = shared_temp[threadBase + 0].pixel; span = endPoint[1] - endPoint[0]; span_norm_sqr = dot( span, span ); dotProduct = dot( span, pixel - endPoint[0] ); if ( span_norm_sqr.x > 0 && dotProduct.x >= 0 && uint( dotProduct.x * 63.49999 ) > uint( 32 * span_norm_sqr.x ) ) { span = -span; swap(endPoint[0], endPoint[1]); } error = 0; for ( uint i = 0; i < 16; i ++ ) { pixel = shared_temp[threadBase + i].pixel; dotProduct.x = dot( span, pixel - endPoint[0] ); color_index = ( span_norm_sqr.x <= 0 || dotProduct.x <= 0 ) ? 0 : ( ( dotProduct.x < span_norm_sqr.x ) ? aStep[0][ uint( dotProduct.x * 63.49999 / span_norm_sqr.x ) ] : aStep[0][63] ); pixel_r = ( ( 64 - aWeight[0][color_index] ) * endPoint[0] + aWeight[0][color_index] * endPoint[1] + 32 ) >> 6; Ensure_A_Is_Larger( pixel_r, pixel ); pixel_r -= pixel; error += ComputeError(pixel_r, pixel_r); } mode = 6; rotation = p; // Borrow rotation for p } shared_temp[GI].error = error; shared_temp[GI].mode = mode; shared_temp[GI].index_selector = index_selector; shared_temp[GI].rotation = rotation; #ifdef REF_DEVICE GroupMemoryBarrierWithGroupSync(); #endif if (threadInBlock < 8) { if ( shared_temp[GI].error > shared_temp[GI + 8].error ) { shared_temp[GI].error = shared_temp[GI + 8].error; shared_temp[GI].mode = shared_temp[GI + 8].mode; shared_temp[GI].index_selector = shared_temp[GI + 8].index_selector; shared_temp[GI].rotation = shared_temp[GI + 8].rotation; } } #ifdef REF_DEVICE GroupMemoryBarrierWithGroupSync(); #endif if (threadInBlock < 4) { if ( shared_temp[GI].error > shared_temp[GI + 4].error ) { shared_temp[GI].error = shared_temp[GI + 4].error; shared_temp[GI].mode = shared_temp[GI + 4].mode; shared_temp[GI].index_selector = shared_temp[GI + 4].index_selector; shared_temp[GI].rotation = shared_temp[GI + 4].rotation; } } #ifdef REF_DEVICE GroupMemoryBarrierWithGroupSync(); #endif if (threadInBlock < 2) { if ( shared_temp[GI].error > shared_temp[GI + 2].error ) { shared_temp[GI].error = shared_temp[GI + 2].error; shared_temp[GI].mode = shared_temp[GI + 2].mode; shared_temp[GI].index_selector = shared_temp[GI + 2].index_selector; shared_temp[GI].rotation = shared_temp[GI + 2].rotation; } } #ifdef REF_DEVICE GroupMemoryBarrierWithGroupSync(); #endif if (threadInBlock < 1) { if ( shared_temp[GI].error > shared_temp[GI + 1].error ) { shared_temp[GI].error = shared_temp[GI + 1].error; shared_temp[GI].mode = shared_temp[GI + 1].mode; shared_temp[GI].index_selector = shared_temp[GI + 1].index_selector; shared_temp[GI].rotation = shared_temp[GI + 1].rotation; } g_OutBuff[blockID] = uint4(shared_temp[GI].error, (shared_temp[GI].index_selector << 31) | shared_temp[GI].mode, 0, shared_temp[GI].rotation); // rotation is indeed rotation for mode 4 5. for mode 6, rotation is p bit } } [numthreads( THREAD_GROUP_SIZE, 1, 1 )] void TryMode137CS( uint GI : SV_GroupIndex, uint3 groupID : SV_GroupID ) // mode 1 3 7 all have 2 subsets per block { const uint MAX_USED_THREAD = 64; uint BLOCK_IN_GROUP = THREAD_GROUP_SIZE / MAX_USED_THREAD; uint blockInGroup = GI / MAX_USED_THREAD; uint blockID = g_start_block_id + groupID.x * BLOCK_IN_GROUP + blockInGroup; uint threadBase = blockInGroup * MAX_USED_THREAD; uint threadInBlock = GI - threadBase; uint block_y = blockID / g_num_block_x; uint block_x = blockID - block_y * g_num_block_x; uint base_x = block_x * BLOCK_SIZE_X; uint base_y = block_y * BLOCK_SIZE_Y; if (threadInBlock < 16) { shared_temp[GI].pixel = clamp(uint4(g_Input.Load( uint3( base_x + threadInBlock % 4, base_y + threadInBlock / 4, 0 ) ) * 255), 0, 255); } GroupMemoryBarrierWithGroupSync(); shared_temp[GI].error = 0xFFFFFFFF; uint4 pixel_r; uint2x4 endPoint[2]; // endPoint[0..1 for subset id][0..1 for low and high in the subset] uint2x4 endPointBackup[2]; uint color_index; if (threadInBlock < 64) { uint partition = threadInBlock; endPoint[0][0] = MAX_UINT; endPoint[0][1] = MIN_UINT; endPoint[1][0] = MAX_UINT; endPoint[1][1] = MIN_UINT; uint bits = candidateSectionBit[partition]; for ( uint i = 0; i < 16; i ++ ) { uint4 pixel = shared_temp[threadBase + i].pixel; if ( (( bits >> i ) & 0x01) == 1 ) { endPoint[1][0] = min( endPoint[1][0], pixel ); endPoint[1][1] = max( endPoint[1][1], pixel ); } else { endPoint[0][0] = min( endPoint[0][0], pixel ); endPoint[0][1] = max( endPoint[0][1], pixel ); } } endPointBackup[0] = endPoint[0]; endPointBackup[1] = endPoint[1]; uint max_p; if (1 == g_mode_id) { // in mode 1, there is only one p bit per subset max_p = 4; } else { // in mode 3 7, there are two p bits per subset, one for each end point max_p = 16; } uint rotation = 0; uint error = MAX_UINT; for ( uint p = 0; p < max_p; p ++ ) { endPoint[0] = endPointBackup[0]; endPoint[1] = endPointBackup[1]; for ( i = 0; i < 2; i ++ ) // loop through 2 subsets { if (g_mode_id == 1) { compress_endpoints1( endPoint[i], (p >> i) & 1 ); } else if (g_mode_id == 3) { compress_endpoints3( endPoint[i], uint2(p >> (i * 2 + 0), p >> (i * 2 + 1)) & 1 ); } else if (g_mode_id == 7) { compress_endpoints7( endPoint[i], uint2(p >> (i * 2 + 0), p >> (i * 2 + 1)) & 1 ); } } int4 span[2]; span[0] = endPoint[0][1] - endPoint[0][0]; span[1] = endPoint[1][1] - endPoint[1][0]; if (g_mode_id != 7) { span[0].w = span[1].w = 0; } int span_norm_sqr[2]; span_norm_sqr[0] = dot( span[0], span[0] ); span_norm_sqr[1] = dot( span[1], span[1] ); // TODO: again, this shouldn't be necessary here in error calculation int dotProduct = dot( span[0], shared_temp[threadBase + 0].pixel - endPoint[0][0] ); if ( span_norm_sqr[0] > 0 && dotProduct > 0 && uint( dotProduct * 63.49999 ) > uint( 32 * span_norm_sqr[0] ) ) { span[0] = -span[0]; swap(endPoint[0][0], endPoint[0][1]); } dotProduct = dot( span[1], shared_temp[threadBase + candidateFixUpIndex1D[partition].x].pixel - endPoint[1][0] ); if ( span_norm_sqr[1] > 0 && dotProduct > 0 && uint( dotProduct * 63.49999 ) > uint( 32 * span_norm_sqr[1] ) ) { span[1] = -span[1]; swap(endPoint[1][0], endPoint[1][1]); } uint step_selector; if (g_mode_id != 1) { step_selector = 2; // mode 3 7 have 2 bit index } else { step_selector = 1; // mode 1 has 3 bit index } uint p_error = 0; for ( i = 0; i < 16; i ++ ) { if (((bits >> i) & 0x01) == 1) { dotProduct = dot( span[1], shared_temp[threadBase + i].pixel - endPoint[1][0] ); color_index = (span_norm_sqr[1] <= 0 || dotProduct <= 0) ? 0 : ((dotProduct < span_norm_sqr[1]) ? aStep[step_selector][uint(dotProduct * 63.49999 / span_norm_sqr[1])] : aStep[step_selector][63]); } else { dotProduct = dot( span[0], shared_temp[threadBase + i].pixel - endPoint[0][0] ); color_index = (span_norm_sqr[0] <= 0 || dotProduct <= 0) ? 0 : ((dotProduct < span_norm_sqr[0]) ? aStep[step_selector][uint(dotProduct * 63.49999 / span_norm_sqr[0])] : aStep[step_selector][63]); } uint subset_index = (bits >> i) & 0x01; pixel_r = ((64 - aWeight[step_selector][color_index]) * endPoint[subset_index][0] + aWeight[step_selector][color_index] * endPoint[subset_index][1] + 32) >> 6; if (g_mode_id != 7) { pixel_r.a = 255; } uint4 pixel = shared_temp[threadBase + i].pixel; Ensure_A_Is_Larger( pixel_r, pixel ); pixel_r -= pixel; p_error += ComputeError(pixel_r, pixel_r); } if (p_error < error) { error = p_error; rotation = p; } } shared_temp[GI].error = error; shared_temp[GI].mode = g_mode_id; shared_temp[GI].partition = partition; shared_temp[GI].rotation = rotation; // mode 1 3 7 don't have rotation, we use rotation for p bits } GroupMemoryBarrierWithGroupSync(); if (threadInBlock < 32) { if ( shared_temp[GI].error > shared_temp[GI + 32].error ) { shared_temp[GI].error = shared_temp[GI + 32].error; shared_temp[GI].mode = shared_temp[GI + 32].mode; shared_temp[GI].partition = shared_temp[GI + 32].partition; shared_temp[GI].rotation = shared_temp[GI + 32].rotation; } } #ifdef REF_DEVICE GroupMemoryBarrierWithGroupSync(); #endif if (threadInBlock < 16) { if ( shared_temp[GI].error > shared_temp[GI + 16].error ) { shared_temp[GI].error = shared_temp[GI + 16].error; shared_temp[GI].mode = shared_temp[GI + 16].mode; shared_temp[GI].partition = shared_temp[GI + 16].partition; shared_temp[GI].rotation = shared_temp[GI + 16].rotation; } } #ifdef REF_DEVICE GroupMemoryBarrierWithGroupSync(); #endif if (threadInBlock < 8) { if ( shared_temp[GI].error > shared_temp[GI + 8].error ) { shared_temp[GI].error = shared_temp[GI + 8].error; shared_temp[GI].mode = shared_temp[GI + 8].mode; shared_temp[GI].partition = shared_temp[GI + 8].partition; shared_temp[GI].rotation = shared_temp[GI + 8].rotation; } } #ifdef REF_DEVICE GroupMemoryBarrierWithGroupSync(); #endif if (threadInBlock < 4) { if ( shared_temp[GI].error > shared_temp[GI + 4].error ) { shared_temp[GI].error = shared_temp[GI + 4].error; shared_temp[GI].mode = shared_temp[GI + 4].mode; shared_temp[GI].partition = shared_temp[GI + 4].partition; shared_temp[GI].rotation = shared_temp[GI + 4].rotation; } } #ifdef REF_DEVICE GroupMemoryBarrierWithGroupSync(); #endif if (threadInBlock < 2) { if ( shared_temp[GI].error > shared_temp[GI + 2].error ) { shared_temp[GI].error = shared_temp[GI + 2].error; shared_temp[GI].mode = shared_temp[GI + 2].mode; shared_temp[GI].partition = shared_temp[GI + 2].partition; shared_temp[GI].rotation = shared_temp[GI + 2].rotation; } } #ifdef REF_DEVICE GroupMemoryBarrierWithGroupSync(); #endif if (threadInBlock < 1) { if ( shared_temp[GI].error > shared_temp[GI + 1].error ) { shared_temp[GI].error = shared_temp[GI + 1].error; shared_temp[GI].mode = shared_temp[GI + 1].mode; shared_temp[GI].partition = shared_temp[GI + 1].partition; shared_temp[GI].rotation = shared_temp[GI + 1].rotation; } if (g_InBuff[blockID].x > shared_temp[GI].error) { g_OutBuff[blockID] = uint4(shared_temp[GI].error, shared_temp[GI].mode, shared_temp[GI].partition, shared_temp[GI].rotation); // mode 1 3 7 don't have rotation, we use rotation for p bits } else { g_OutBuff[blockID] = g_InBuff[blockID]; } } } [numthreads( THREAD_GROUP_SIZE, 1, 1 )] void TryMode02CS( uint GI : SV_GroupIndex, uint3 groupID : SV_GroupID ) // mode 0 2 have 3 subsets per block { const uint MAX_USED_THREAD = 64; uint BLOCK_IN_GROUP = THREAD_GROUP_SIZE / MAX_USED_THREAD; uint blockInGroup = GI / MAX_USED_THREAD; uint blockID = g_start_block_id + groupID.x * BLOCK_IN_GROUP + blockInGroup; uint threadBase = blockInGroup * MAX_USED_THREAD; uint threadInBlock = GI - threadBase; uint block_y = blockID / g_num_block_x; uint block_x = blockID - block_y * g_num_block_x; uint base_x = block_x * BLOCK_SIZE_X; uint base_y = block_y * BLOCK_SIZE_Y; if (threadInBlock < 16) { shared_temp[GI].pixel = clamp(uint4(g_Input.Load( uint3( base_x + threadInBlock % 4, base_y + threadInBlock / 4, 0 ) ) * 255), 0, 255); } GroupMemoryBarrierWithGroupSync(); shared_temp[GI].error = 0xFFFFFFFF; uint num_partitions; if (0 == g_mode_id) { num_partitions = 16; } else { num_partitions = 64; } uint4 pixel_r; uint2x4 endPoint[3]; // endPoint[0..1 for subset id][0..1 for low and high in the subset] uint2x4 endPointBackup[3]; uint color_index[16]; if (threadInBlock < num_partitions) { uint partition = threadInBlock + 64; endPoint[0][0] = MAX_UINT; endPoint[0][1] = MIN_UINT; endPoint[1][0] = MAX_UINT; endPoint[1][1] = MIN_UINT; endPoint[2][0] = MAX_UINT; endPoint[2][1] = MIN_UINT; uint bits2 = candidateSectionBit2[partition - 64]; for ( uint i = 0; i < 16; i ++ ) { uint4 pixel = shared_temp[threadBase + i].pixel; uint subset_index = ( bits2 >> ( i * 2 ) ) & 0x03; if ( subset_index == 2 ) { endPoint[2][0] = min( endPoint[2][0], pixel ); endPoint[2][1] = max( endPoint[2][1], pixel ); } else if ( subset_index == 1 ) { endPoint[1][0] = min( endPoint[1][0], pixel ); endPoint[1][1] = max( endPoint[1][1], pixel ); } else { endPoint[0][0] = min( endPoint[0][0], pixel ); endPoint[0][1] = max( endPoint[0][1], pixel ); } } endPointBackup[0] = endPoint[0]; endPointBackup[1] = endPoint[1]; endPointBackup[2] = endPoint[2]; uint max_p; if (0 == g_mode_id) { max_p = 64; // changed from 32 to 64 } else { max_p = 1; } uint rotation = 0; uint error = MAX_UINT; for ( uint p = 0; p < max_p; p ++ ) { endPoint[0] = endPointBackup[0]; endPoint[1] = endPointBackup[1]; endPoint[2] = endPointBackup[2]; for ( i = 0; i < 3; i ++ ) { if (0 == g_mode_id) { compress_endpoints0( endPoint[i], uint2(p >> (i * 2 + 0), p >> (i * 2 + 1)) & 1 ); } else { compress_endpoints2( endPoint[i] ); } } uint step_selector = 1 + (2 == g_mode_id); int4 span[3]; span[0] = endPoint[0][1] - endPoint[0][0]; span[1] = endPoint[1][1] - endPoint[1][0]; span[2] = endPoint[2][1] - endPoint[2][0]; span[0].w = span[1].w = span[2].w = 0; int span_norm_sqr[3]; span_norm_sqr[0] = dot( span[0], span[0] ); span_norm_sqr[1] = dot( span[1], span[1] ); span_norm_sqr[2] = dot( span[2], span[2] ); // TODO: again, this shouldn't be necessary here in error calculation uint ci[3] = { 0, candidateFixUpIndex1D[partition].x, candidateFixUpIndex1D[partition].y }; for (i = 0; i < 3; i ++) { int dotProduct = dot( span[i], shared_temp[threadBase + ci[i]].pixel - endPoint[i][0] ); if ( span_norm_sqr[i] > 0 && dotProduct > 0 && uint( dotProduct * 63.49999 ) > uint( 32 * span_norm_sqr[i] ) ) { span[i] = -span[i]; swap(endPoint[i][0], endPoint[i][1]); } } uint p_error = 0; for ( i = 0; i < 16; i ++ ) { uint subset_index = ( bits2 >> ( i * 2 ) ) & 0x03; if ( subset_index == 2 ) { int dotProduct = dot( span[2], shared_temp[threadBase + i].pixel - endPoint[2][0] ); color_index[i] = ( span_norm_sqr[2] <= 0 || dotProduct <= 0 ) ? 0 : ( ( dotProduct < span_norm_sqr[2] ) ? aStep[step_selector][ uint( dotProduct * 63.49999 / span_norm_sqr[2] ) ] : aStep[step_selector][63] ); } else if ( subset_index == 1 ) { int dotProduct = dot( span[1], shared_temp[threadBase + i].pixel - endPoint[1][0] ); color_index[i] = ( span_norm_sqr[1] <= 0 || dotProduct <= 0 ) ? 0 : ( ( dotProduct < span_norm_sqr[1] ) ? aStep[step_selector][ uint( dotProduct * 63.49999 / span_norm_sqr[1] ) ] : aStep[step_selector][63] ); } else { int dotProduct = dot( span[0], shared_temp[threadBase + i].pixel - endPoint[0][0] ); color_index[i] = ( span_norm_sqr[0] <= 0 || dotProduct <= 0 ) ? 0 : ( ( dotProduct < span_norm_sqr[0] ) ? aStep[step_selector][ uint( dotProduct * 63.49999 / span_norm_sqr[0] ) ] : aStep[step_selector][63] ); } pixel_r = ( ( 64 - aWeight[step_selector][color_index[i]] ) * endPoint[subset_index][0] + aWeight[step_selector][color_index[i]] * endPoint[subset_index][1] + 32 ) >> 6; pixel_r.a = 255; uint4 pixel = shared_temp[threadBase + i].pixel; Ensure_A_Is_Larger( pixel_r, pixel ); pixel_r -= pixel; p_error += ComputeError(pixel_r, pixel_r); } if (p_error < error) { error = p_error; rotation = p; // Borrow rotation for p } } shared_temp[GI].error = error; shared_temp[GI].partition = partition; shared_temp[GI].rotation = rotation; } GroupMemoryBarrierWithGroupSync(); if (threadInBlock < 32) { if ( shared_temp[GI].error > shared_temp[GI + 32].error ) { shared_temp[GI].error = shared_temp[GI + 32].error; shared_temp[GI].partition = shared_temp[GI + 32].partition; shared_temp[GI].rotation = shared_temp[GI + 32].rotation; } } #ifdef REF_DEVICE GroupMemoryBarrierWithGroupSync(); #endif if (threadInBlock < 16) { if ( shared_temp[GI].error > shared_temp[GI + 16].error ) { shared_temp[GI].error = shared_temp[GI + 16].error; shared_temp[GI].partition = shared_temp[GI + 16].partition; shared_temp[GI].rotation = shared_temp[GI + 16].rotation; } } #ifdef REF_DEVICE GroupMemoryBarrierWithGroupSync(); #endif if (threadInBlock < 8) { if ( shared_temp[GI].error > shared_temp[GI + 8].error ) { shared_temp[GI].error = shared_temp[GI + 8].error; shared_temp[GI].partition = shared_temp[GI + 8].partition; shared_temp[GI].rotation = shared_temp[GI + 8].rotation; } } #ifdef REF_DEVICE GroupMemoryBarrierWithGroupSync(); #endif if (threadInBlock < 4) { if ( shared_temp[GI].error > shared_temp[GI + 4].error ) { shared_temp[GI].error = shared_temp[GI + 4].error; shared_temp[GI].partition = shared_temp[GI + 4].partition; shared_temp[GI].rotation = shared_temp[GI + 4].rotation; } } #ifdef REF_DEVICE GroupMemoryBarrierWithGroupSync(); #endif if (threadInBlock < 2) { if ( shared_temp[GI].error > shared_temp[GI + 2].error ) { shared_temp[GI].error = shared_temp[GI + 2].error; shared_temp[GI].partition = shared_temp[GI + 2].partition; shared_temp[GI].rotation = shared_temp[GI + 2].rotation; } } #ifdef REF_DEVICE GroupMemoryBarrierWithGroupSync(); #endif if (threadInBlock < 1) { if ( shared_temp[GI].error > shared_temp[GI + 1].error ) { shared_temp[GI].error = shared_temp[GI + 1].error; shared_temp[GI].partition = shared_temp[GI + 1].partition; shared_temp[GI].rotation = shared_temp[GI + 1].rotation; } if (g_InBuff[blockID].x > shared_temp[GI].error) { g_OutBuff[blockID] = uint4(shared_temp[GI].error, g_mode_id, shared_temp[GI].partition, shared_temp[GI].rotation); // rotation is actually p bit for mode 0. for mode 2, rotation is always 0 } else { g_OutBuff[blockID] = g_InBuff[blockID]; } } } [numthreads( THREAD_GROUP_SIZE, 1, 1 )] void EncodeBlockCS(uint GI : SV_GroupIndex, uint3 groupID : SV_GroupID) { const uint MAX_USED_THREAD = 16; uint BLOCK_IN_GROUP = THREAD_GROUP_SIZE / MAX_USED_THREAD; uint blockInGroup = GI / MAX_USED_THREAD; uint blockID = g_start_block_id + groupID.x * BLOCK_IN_GROUP + blockInGroup; uint threadBase = blockInGroup * MAX_USED_THREAD; uint threadInBlock = GI - threadBase; #ifndef REF_DEVICE if (blockID >= g_num_total_blocks) { return; } #endif uint block_y = blockID / g_num_block_x; uint block_x = blockID - block_y * g_num_block_x; uint base_x = block_x * BLOCK_SIZE_X; uint base_y = block_y * BLOCK_SIZE_Y; uint mode = g_InBuff[blockID].y & 0x7FFFFFFF; uint partition = g_InBuff[blockID].z; uint index_selector = (g_InBuff[blockID].y >> 31) & 1; uint rotation = g_InBuff[blockID].w; if (threadInBlock < 16) { uint4 pixel = clamp(uint4(g_Input.Load( uint3( base_x + threadInBlock % 4, base_y + threadInBlock / 4, 0 ) ) * 255), 0, 255); if ((4 == mode) || (5 == mode)) { if (1 == rotation) { pixel.ra = pixel.ar; } else if (2 == rotation) { pixel.ga = pixel.ag; } else if (3 == rotation) { pixel.ba = pixel.ab; } } shared_temp[GI].pixel = pixel; } #ifdef REF_DEVICE GroupMemoryBarrierWithGroupSync(); #endif uint bits = candidateSectionBit[partition]; uint bits2 = candidateSectionBit2[partition - 64]; uint2x4 ep; ep[0] = MAX_UINT; ep[1] = MIN_UINT; uint2x4 ep_quantized; [unroll] for (int ii = 2; ii >= 0; -- ii) { if (threadInBlock < 16) { uint2x4 ep; ep[0] = MAX_UINT; ep[1] = MIN_UINT; uint4 pixel = shared_temp[GI].pixel; uint subset_index = ( bits >> threadInBlock ) & 0x01; uint subset_index2 = ( bits2 >> ( threadInBlock * 2 ) ) & 0x03; if (0 == ii) { if ((0 == mode) || (2 == mode)) { if (0 == subset_index2) { ep[0] = ep[1] = pixel; } } else if ((1 == mode) || (3 == mode) || (7 == mode)) { if (0 == subset_index) { ep[0] = ep[1] = pixel; } } else if ((4 == mode) || (5 == mode) || (6 == mode)) { ep[0] = ep[1] = pixel; } } else if (1 == ii) { if ((0 == mode) || (2 == mode)) { if (1 == subset_index2) { ep[0] = ep[1] = pixel; } } else if ((1 == mode) || (3 == mode) || (7 == mode)) { if (1 == subset_index) { ep[0] = ep[1] = pixel; } } } else { if ((0 == mode) || (2 == mode)) { if (2 == subset_index2) { ep[0] = ep[1] = pixel; } } } shared_temp[GI].endPoint_low = ep[0]; shared_temp[GI].endPoint_high = ep[1]; } #ifdef REF_DEVICE GroupMemoryBarrierWithGroupSync(); #endif if (threadInBlock < 8) { shared_temp[GI].endPoint_low = min(shared_temp[GI].endPoint_low, shared_temp[GI + 8].endPoint_low); shared_temp[GI].endPoint_high = max(shared_temp[GI].endPoint_high, shared_temp[GI + 8].endPoint_high); } #ifdef REF_DEVICE GroupMemoryBarrierWithGroupSync(); #endif if (threadInBlock < 4) { shared_temp[GI].endPoint_low = min(shared_temp[GI].endPoint_low, shared_temp[GI + 4].endPoint_low); shared_temp[GI].endPoint_high = max(shared_temp[GI].endPoint_high, shared_temp[GI + 4].endPoint_high); } #ifdef REF_DEVICE GroupMemoryBarrierWithGroupSync(); #endif if (threadInBlock < 2) { shared_temp[GI].endPoint_low = min(shared_temp[GI].endPoint_low, shared_temp[GI + 2].endPoint_low); shared_temp[GI].endPoint_high = max(shared_temp[GI].endPoint_high, shared_temp[GI + 2].endPoint_high); } #ifdef REF_DEVICE GroupMemoryBarrierWithGroupSync(); #endif if (threadInBlock < 1) { shared_temp[GI].endPoint_low = min(shared_temp[GI].endPoint_low, shared_temp[GI + 1].endPoint_low); shared_temp[GI].endPoint_high = max(shared_temp[GI].endPoint_high, shared_temp[GI + 1].endPoint_high); } #ifdef REF_DEVICE GroupMemoryBarrierWithGroupSync(); #endif if (ii == (int)threadInBlock) { ep[0] = shared_temp[threadBase].endPoint_low; ep[1] = shared_temp[threadBase].endPoint_high; } } if (threadInBlock < 3) { uint2 P; if (1 == mode) { P = (rotation >> threadInBlock) & 1; } else { P = uint2(rotation >> (threadInBlock * 2 + 0), rotation >> (threadInBlock * 2 + 1)) & 1; } if (0 == mode) { ep_quantized = compress_endpoints0( ep, P ); } else if (1 == mode) { ep_quantized = compress_endpoints1( ep, P ); } else if (2 == mode) { ep_quantized = compress_endpoints2( ep ); } else if (3 == mode) { ep_quantized = compress_endpoints3( ep, P ); } else if (4 == mode) { ep_quantized = compress_endpoints4( ep ); } else if (5 == mode) { ep_quantized = compress_endpoints5( ep ); } else if (6 == mode) { ep_quantized = compress_endpoints6( ep, P ); } else //if (7 == mode) { ep_quantized = compress_endpoints7( ep, P ); } int4 span = ep[1] - ep[0]; if (mode < 4) { span.w = 0; } if ((4 == mode) || (5 == mode)) { if (0 == threadInBlock) { int2 span_norm_sqr = uint2( dot( span.rgb, span.rgb ), span.a * span.a ); int2 dotProduct = int2( dot( span.rgb, shared_temp[threadBase + 0].pixel.rgb - ep[0].rgb ), span.a * ( shared_temp[threadBase + 0].pixel.a - ep[0].a ) ); if ( span_norm_sqr.x > 0 && dotProduct.x > 0 && uint( dotProduct.x * 63.49999 ) > uint( 32 * span_norm_sqr.x ) ) { swap(ep[0].rgb, ep[1].rgb); swap(ep_quantized[0].rgb, ep_quantized[1].rgb); } if ( span_norm_sqr.y > 0 && dotProduct.y > 0 && uint( dotProduct.y * 63.49999 ) > uint( 32 * span_norm_sqr.y ) ) { swap(ep[0].a, ep[1].a); swap(ep_quantized[0].a, ep_quantized[1].a); } } } else //if ((0 == mode) || (2 == mode) || (1 == mode) || (3 == mode) || (7 == mode) || (6 == mode)) { int p; if (0 == threadInBlock) { p = 0; } else if (1 == threadInBlock) { p = candidateFixUpIndex1D[partition].x; } else //if (2 == threadInBlock) { p = candidateFixUpIndex1D[partition].y; } int span_norm_sqr = dot( span, span ); int dotProduct = dot( span, shared_temp[threadBase + p].pixel - ep[0] ); if ( span_norm_sqr > 0 && dotProduct > 0 && uint( dotProduct * 63.49999 ) > uint( 32 * span_norm_sqr ) ) { swap(ep[0], ep[1]); swap(ep_quantized[0], ep_quantized[1]); } } shared_temp[GI].endPoint_low = ep[0]; shared_temp[GI].endPoint_high = ep[1]; shared_temp[GI].endPoint_low_quantized = ep_quantized[0]; shared_temp[GI].endPoint_high_quantized = ep_quantized[1]; } #ifdef REF_DEVICE GroupMemoryBarrierWithGroupSync(); #endif if (threadInBlock < 16) { uint color_index = 0; uint alpha_index = 0; uint2x4 ep; uint2 indexPrec; if ((0 == mode) || (1 == mode)) { indexPrec = 1; } else if (6 == mode) { indexPrec = 0; } else if (4 == mode) { if (0 == index_selector) { indexPrec = uint2(2, 1); } else { indexPrec = uint2(1, 2); } } else { indexPrec = 2; } int subset_index; if ((0 == mode) || (2 == mode)) { subset_index = (bits2 >> (threadInBlock * 2)) & 0x03; } else if ((1 == mode) || (3 == mode) || (7 == mode)) { subset_index = (bits >> threadInBlock) & 0x01; } else { subset_index = 0; } ep[0] = shared_temp[threadBase + subset_index].endPoint_low; ep[1] = shared_temp[threadBase + subset_index].endPoint_high; int4 span = ep[1] - ep[0]; if (mode < 4) { span.w = 0; } if ((4 == mode) || (5 == mode)) { int2 span_norm_sqr; span_norm_sqr.x = dot( span.rgb, span.rgb ); span_norm_sqr.y = span.a * span.a; int dotProduct = dot( span.rgb, shared_temp[threadBase + threadInBlock].pixel.rgb - ep[0].rgb ); color_index = ( span_norm_sqr.x <= 0 || dotProduct <= 0 ) ? 0 : ( ( dotProduct < span_norm_sqr.x ) ? aStep[indexPrec.x][ uint( dotProduct * 63.49999 / span_norm_sqr.x ) ] : aStep[indexPrec.x][63] ); dotProduct = dot( span.a, shared_temp[threadBase + threadInBlock].pixel.a - ep[0].a ); alpha_index = ( span_norm_sqr.y <= 0 || dotProduct <= 0 ) ? 0 : ( ( dotProduct < span_norm_sqr.y ) ? aStep[indexPrec.y][ uint( dotProduct * 63.49999 / span_norm_sqr.y ) ] : aStep[indexPrec.y][63] ); if (index_selector) { swap(color_index, alpha_index); } } else { int span_norm_sqr = dot( span, span ); int dotProduct = dot( span, shared_temp[threadBase + threadInBlock].pixel - ep[0] ); color_index = ( span_norm_sqr <= 0 || dotProduct <= 0 ) ? 0 : ( ( dotProduct < span_norm_sqr ) ? aStep[indexPrec.x][ uint( dotProduct * 63.49999 / span_norm_sqr ) ] : aStep[indexPrec.x][63] ); } shared_temp[GI].error = color_index; shared_temp[GI].mode = alpha_index; } #ifdef REF_DEVICE GroupMemoryBarrierWithGroupSync(); #endif if (0 == threadInBlock) { uint4 block; if (0 == mode) { block_package0( block, partition, threadBase ); } else if (1 == mode) { block_package1( block, partition, threadBase ); } else if (2 == mode) { block_package2( block, partition, threadBase ); } else if (3 == mode) { block_package3( block, partition, threadBase ); } else if (4 == mode) { block_package4( block, rotation, index_selector, threadBase ); } else if (5 == mode) { block_package5( block, rotation, threadBase ); } else if (6 == mode) { block_package6( block, threadBase ); } else //if (7 == mode) { block_package7( block, partition, threadBase ); } g_OutBuff[blockID] = block; } } //uint4 truncate_and_round( uint4 color, uint bits) //{ // uint precisionMask = ((1 << bits) - 1) << (8 - bits); // uint precisionHalf = (1 << (7-bits)); // // uint4 truncated = color & precisionMask; // uint4 rounded = min(255, color + precisionHalf) & precisionMask; // // uint4 truncated_bak = truncated = truncated | (truncated >> bits); // uint4 rounded_bak = rounded = rounded | (rounded >> bits); // // uint4 color_bak = color; // // Ensure_A_Is_Larger( rounded, color ); // Ensure_A_Is_Larger( truncated, color_bak ); // // if (dot(rounded - color, rounded - color) < // dot(truncated - color_bak, truncated - color_bak)) // { // return rounded_bak; // } // else // { // return truncated_bak; // } //} uint4 quantize( uint4 color, uint uPrec ) { uint4 rnd = min(255, color + (1 << (7 - uPrec))); return rnd >> (8 - uPrec); } uint4 unquantize( uint4 color, uint uPrec ) { color = color << (8 - uPrec); return color | (color >> uPrec); } uint2x4 compress_endpoints0( inout uint2x4 endPoint, uint2 P ) { uint2x4 quantized; [unroll] for ( uint j = 0; j < 2; j ++ ) { quantized[j].rgb = quantize(endPoint[j].rgbb, 5).rgb & 0xFFFFFFFE; quantized[j].rgb |= P[j]; quantized[j].a = 0xFF; endPoint[j].rgb = unquantize(quantized[j].rgbb, 5).rgb; endPoint[j].a = 0xFF; quantized[j] <<= 3; } return quantized; } uint2x4 compress_endpoints1( inout uint2x4 endPoint, uint2 P ) { uint2x4 quantized; [unroll] for ( uint j = 0; j < 2; j ++ ) { quantized[j].rgb = quantize(endPoint[j].rgbb, 7).rgb & 0xFFFFFFFE; quantized[j].rgb |= P[j]; quantized[j].a = 0xFF; endPoint[j].rgb = unquantize(quantized[j].rgbb, 7).rgb; endPoint[j].a = 0xFF; quantized[j] <<= 1; } return quantized; } uint2x4 compress_endpoints2( inout uint2x4 endPoint ) { uint2x4 quantized; [unroll] for ( uint j = 0; j < 2; j ++ ) { quantized[j].rgb = quantize(endPoint[j].rgbb, 5).rgb; quantized[j].a = 0xFF; endPoint[j].rgb = unquantize(quantized[j].rgbb, 5).rgb; endPoint[j].a = 0xFF; quantized[j] <<= 3; } return quantized; } uint2x4 compress_endpoints3( inout uint2x4 endPoint, uint2 P ) { uint2x4 quantized; for ( uint j = 0; j < 2; j ++ ) { quantized[j].rgb = endPoint[j].rgb & 0xFFFFFFFE; quantized[j].rgb |= P[j]; quantized[j].a = 0xFF; endPoint[j].rgb = quantized[j].rgb; endPoint[j].a = 0xFF; } return quantized; } uint2x4 compress_endpoints4( inout uint2x4 endPoint ) { uint2x4 quantized; [unroll] for ( uint j = 0; j < 2; j ++ ) { quantized[j].rgb = quantize(endPoint[j].rgbb, 5).rgb; quantized[j].a = quantize(endPoint[j].a, 6).r; endPoint[j].rgb = unquantize(quantized[j].rgbb, 5).rgb; endPoint[j].a = unquantize(quantized[j].a, 6).r; quantized[j].rgb <<= 3; quantized[j].a <<= 2; } return quantized; } uint2x4 compress_endpoints5( inout uint2x4 endPoint ) { uint2x4 quantized; [unroll] for ( uint j = 0; j < 2; j ++ ) { quantized[j].rgb = quantize(endPoint[j].rgbb, 7).rgb; quantized[j].a = endPoint[j].a; endPoint[j].rgb = unquantize(quantized[j].rgbb, 7).rgb; // endPoint[j].a Alpha is full precision quantized[j].rgb <<= 1; } return quantized; } uint2x4 compress_endpoints6( inout uint2x4 endPoint, uint2 P ) { uint2x4 quantized; for ( uint j = 0; j < 2; j ++ ) { quantized[j] = endPoint[j] & 0xFFFFFFFE; quantized[j] |= P[j]; endPoint[j] = quantized[j]; } return quantized; } uint2x4 compress_endpoints7( inout uint2x4 endPoint, uint2 P ) { uint2x4 quantized; [unroll] for ( uint j = 0; j < 2; j ++ ) { quantized[j] = quantize(endPoint[j], 6) & 0xFFFFFFFE; quantized[j] |= P[j]; endPoint[j] = unquantize(quantized[j], 6); } return quantized << 2; } #define get_end_point_l(subset) shared_temp[threadBase + subset].endPoint_low_quantized #define get_end_point_h(subset) shared_temp[threadBase + subset].endPoint_high_quantized #define get_color_index(index) shared_temp[threadBase + index].error #define get_alpha_index(index) shared_temp[threadBase + index].mode void block_package0( out uint4 block, uint partition, uint threadBase ) { block.x = 0x01 | ( (partition - 64) << 1 ) | ( ( get_end_point_l(0).r & 0xF0 ) << 1 ) | ( ( get_end_point_h(0).r & 0xF0 ) << 5 ) | ( ( get_end_point_l(1).r & 0xF0 ) << 9 ) | ( ( get_end_point_h(1).r & 0xF0 ) << 13 ) | ( ( get_end_point_l(2).r & 0xF0 ) << 17 ) | ( ( get_end_point_h(2).r & 0xF0 ) << 21 ) | ( ( get_end_point_l(0).g & 0xF0 ) << 25 ); block.y = ( ( get_end_point_l(0).g & 0xF0 ) >> 7 ) | ( ( get_end_point_h(0).g & 0xF0 ) >> 3 ) | ( ( get_end_point_l(1).g & 0xF0 ) << 1 ) | ( ( get_end_point_h(1).g & 0xF0 ) << 5 ) | ( ( get_end_point_l(2).g & 0xF0 ) << 9 ) | ( ( get_end_point_h(2).g & 0xF0 ) << 13 ) | ( ( get_end_point_l(0).b & 0xF0 ) << 17 ) | ( ( get_end_point_h(0).b & 0xF0 ) << 21 ) | ( ( get_end_point_l(1).b & 0xF0 ) << 25 ); block.z = ( ( get_end_point_l(1).b & 0xF0 ) >> 7 ) | ( ( get_end_point_h(1).b & 0xF0 ) >> 3 ) | ( ( get_end_point_l(2).b & 0xF0 ) << 1 ) | ( ( get_end_point_h(2).b & 0xF0 ) << 5 ) | ( ( get_end_point_l(0).r & 0x08 ) << 10 ) | ( ( get_end_point_h(0).r & 0x08 ) << 11 ) | ( ( get_end_point_l(1).r & 0x08 ) << 12 ) | ( ( get_end_point_h(1).r & 0x08 ) << 13 ) | ( ( get_end_point_l(2).r & 0x08 ) << 14 ) | ( ( get_end_point_h(2).r & 0x08 ) << 15 ) | ( get_color_index(0) << 19 ); block.w = 0; uint i = 1; for ( ; i <= min( candidateFixUpIndex1DOrdered[partition][0], 4 ); i ++ ) { block.z |= get_color_index(i) << ( i * 3 + 18 ); } if ( candidateFixUpIndex1DOrdered[partition][0] < 4 ) //i = 4 { block.z |= get_color_index(4) << 29; i += 1; } else //i = 5 { block.w |= ( get_color_index(4) & 0x04 ) >> 2; for ( ; i <= candidateFixUpIndex1DOrdered[partition][0]; i ++ ) block.w |= get_color_index(i) << ( i * 3 - 14 ); } for ( ; i <= candidateFixUpIndex1DOrdered[partition][1]; i ++ ) { block.w |= get_color_index(i) << ( i * 3 - 15 ); } for ( ; i < 16; i ++ ) { block.w |= get_color_index(i) << ( i * 3 - 16 ); } } void block_package1( out uint4 block, uint partition, uint threadBase ) { block.x = 0x02 | ( partition << 2 ) | ( ( get_end_point_l(0).r & 0xFC ) << 6 ) | ( ( get_end_point_h(0).r & 0xFC ) << 12 ) | ( ( get_end_point_l(1).r & 0xFC ) << 18 ) | ( ( get_end_point_h(1).r & 0xFC ) << 24 ); block.y = ( ( get_end_point_l(0).g & 0xFC ) >> 2 ) | ( ( get_end_point_h(0).g & 0xFC ) << 4 ) | ( ( get_end_point_l(1).g & 0xFC ) << 10 ) | ( ( get_end_point_h(1).g & 0xFC ) << 16 ) | ( ( get_end_point_l(0).b & 0xFC ) << 22 ) | ( ( get_end_point_h(0).b & 0xFC ) << 28 ); block.z = ( ( get_end_point_h(0).b & 0xFC ) >> 4 ) | ( ( get_end_point_l(1).b & 0xFC ) << 2 ) | ( ( get_end_point_h(1).b & 0xFC ) << 8 ) | ( ( get_end_point_l(0).r & 0x02 ) << 15 ) | ( ( get_end_point_l(1).r & 0x02 ) << 16 ) | ( get_color_index(0) << 18 ); if ( candidateFixUpIndex1DOrdered[partition][0] == 15 ) { block.w = (get_color_index(15) << 30) | (get_color_index(14) << 27) | (get_color_index(13) << 24) | (get_color_index(12) << 21) | (get_color_index(11) << 18) | (get_color_index(10) << 15) | (get_color_index(9) << 12) | (get_color_index(8) << 9) | (get_color_index(7) << 6) | (get_color_index(6) << 3) | get_color_index(5); block.z |= (get_color_index(4) << 29) | (get_color_index(3) << 26) | (get_color_index(2) << 23) | (get_color_index(1) << 20) | (get_color_index(0) << 18); } else if ( candidateFixUpIndex1DOrdered[partition][0] == 2 ) { block.w = (get_color_index(15) << 29) | (get_color_index(14) << 26) | (get_color_index(13) << 23) | (get_color_index(12) << 20) | (get_color_index(11) << 17) | (get_color_index(10) << 14) | (get_color_index(9) << 11) | (get_color_index(8) << 8) | (get_color_index(7) << 5) | (get_color_index(6) << 2) | (get_color_index(5) >> 1); block.z |= (get_color_index(5) << 31) | (get_color_index(4) << 28) | (get_color_index(3) << 25) | (get_color_index(2) << 23) | (get_color_index(1) << 20) | (get_color_index(0) << 18); } else if ( candidateFixUpIndex1DOrdered[partition][0] == 8 ) { block.w = (get_color_index(15) << 29) | (get_color_index(14) << 26) | (get_color_index(13) << 23) | (get_color_index(12) << 20) | (get_color_index(11) << 17) | (get_color_index(10) << 14) | (get_color_index(9) << 11) | (get_color_index(8) << 9) | (get_color_index(7) << 6) | (get_color_index(6) << 3) | get_color_index(5); block.z |= (get_color_index(4) << 29) | (get_color_index(3) << 26) | (get_color_index(2) << 23) | (get_color_index(1) << 20) | (get_color_index(0) << 18); } else //candidateFixUpIndex1DOrdered[partition] == 6 { block.w = (get_color_index(15) << 29) | (get_color_index(14) << 26) | (get_color_index(13) << 23) | (get_color_index(12) << 20) | (get_color_index(11) << 17) | (get_color_index(10) << 14) | (get_color_index(9) << 11) | (get_color_index(8) << 8) | (get_color_index(7) << 6) | (get_color_index(6) << 4) | get_color_index(5); block.z |= (get_color_index(4) << 29) | (get_color_index(3) << 26) | (get_color_index(2) << 23) | (get_color_index(1) << 20) | (get_color_index(0) << 18); } } void block_package2( out uint4 block, uint partition, uint threadBase ) { block.x = 0x04 | ( (partition - 64) << 3 ) | ( ( get_end_point_l(0).r & 0xF8 ) << 6 ) | ( ( get_end_point_h(0).r & 0xF8 ) << 11 ) | ( ( get_end_point_l(1).r & 0xF8 ) << 16 ) | ( ( get_end_point_h(1).r & 0xF8 ) << 21 ) | ( ( get_end_point_l(2).r & 0xF8 ) << 26 ); block.y = ( ( get_end_point_l(2).r & 0xF8 ) >> 6 ) | ( ( get_end_point_h(2).r & 0xF8 ) >> 1 ) | ( ( get_end_point_l(0).g & 0xF8 ) << 4 ) | ( ( get_end_point_h(0).g & 0xF8 ) << 9 ) | ( ( get_end_point_l(1).g & 0xF8 ) << 14 ) | ( ( get_end_point_h(1).g & 0xF8 ) << 19 ) | ( ( get_end_point_l(2).g & 0xF8 ) << 24 ); block.z = ( ( get_end_point_h(2).g & 0xF8 ) >> 3 ) | ( ( get_end_point_l(0).b & 0xF8 ) << 2 ) | ( ( get_end_point_h(0).b & 0xF8 ) << 7 ) | ( ( get_end_point_l(1).b & 0xF8 ) << 12 ) | ( ( get_end_point_h(1).b & 0xF8 ) << 17 ) | ( ( get_end_point_l(2).b & 0xF8 ) << 22 ) | ( ( get_end_point_h(2).b & 0xF8 ) << 27 ); block.w = ( ( get_end_point_h(2).b & 0xF8 ) >> 5 ) | ( get_color_index(0) << 3 ); uint i = 1; for ( ; i <= candidateFixUpIndex1DOrdered[partition][0]; i ++ ) { block.w |= get_color_index(i) << ( i * 2 + 2 ); } for ( ; i <= candidateFixUpIndex1DOrdered[partition][1]; i ++ ) { block.w |= get_color_index(i) << ( i * 2 + 1 ); } for ( ; i < 16; i ++ ) { block.w |= get_color_index(i) << ( i * 2 ); } } void block_package3( out uint4 block, uint partition, uint threadBase ) { block.x = 0x08 | ( partition << 4 ) | ( ( get_end_point_l(0).r & 0xFE ) << 9 ) | ( ( get_end_point_h(0).r & 0xFE ) << 16 ) | ( ( get_end_point_l(1).r & 0xFE ) << 23 ) | ( ( get_end_point_h(1).r & 0xFE ) << 30 ); block.y = ( ( get_end_point_h(1).r & 0xFE ) >> 2 ) | ( ( get_end_point_l(0).g & 0xFE ) << 5 ) | ( ( get_end_point_h(0).g & 0xFE ) << 12 ) | ( ( get_end_point_l(1).g & 0xFE ) << 19 ) | ( ( get_end_point_h(1).g & 0xFE ) << 26 ); block.z = ( ( get_end_point_h(1).g & 0xFE ) >> 6 ) | ( ( get_end_point_l(0).b & 0xFE ) << 1 ) | ( ( get_end_point_h(0).b & 0xFE ) << 8 ) | ( ( get_end_point_l(1).b & 0xFE ) << 15 ) | ( ( get_end_point_h(1).b & 0xFE ) << 22 ) | ( ( get_end_point_l(0).r & 0x01 ) << 30 ) | ( ( get_end_point_h(0).r & 0x01 ) << 31 ); block.w = ( ( get_end_point_l(1).r & 0x01 ) << 0 ) | ( ( get_end_point_h(1).r & 0x01 ) << 1 ) | ( get_color_index(0) << 2 ); uint i = 1; for ( ; i <= candidateFixUpIndex1DOrdered[partition][0]; i ++ ) { block.w |= get_color_index(i) << ( i * 2 + 1 ); } for ( ; i < 16; i ++ ) { block.w |= get_color_index(i) << ( i * 2 ); } } void block_package4( out uint4 block, uint rotation, uint index_selector, uint threadBase ) { block.x = 0x10 | ( (rotation & 3) << 5 ) | ( (index_selector & 1) << 7 ) | ( ( get_end_point_l(0).r & 0xF8 ) << 5 ) | ( ( get_end_point_h(0).r & 0xF8 ) << 10 ) | ( ( get_end_point_l(0).g & 0xF8 ) << 15 ) | ( ( get_end_point_h(0).g & 0xF8 ) << 20 ) | ( ( get_end_point_l(0).b & 0xF8 ) << 25 ); block.y = ( ( get_end_point_l(0).b & 0xF8 ) >> 7 ) | ( ( get_end_point_h(0).b & 0xF8 ) >> 2 ) | ( ( get_end_point_l(0).a & 0xFC ) << 4 ) | ( ( get_end_point_h(0).a & 0xFC ) << 10 ) | ( (get_color_index(0) & 1) << 18 ) | ( get_color_index(1) << 19 ) | ( get_color_index(2) << 21 ) | ( get_color_index(3) << 23 ) | ( get_color_index(4) << 25 ) | ( get_color_index(5) << 27 ) | ( get_color_index(6) << 29 ) | ( get_color_index(7) << 31 ); block.z = ( get_color_index(7) >> 1 ) | ( get_color_index(8) << 1 ) | ( get_color_index(9) << 3 ) | ( get_color_index(10)<< 5 ) | ( get_color_index(11)<< 7 ) | ( get_color_index(12)<< 9 ) | ( get_color_index(13)<< 11 ) | ( get_color_index(14)<< 13 ) | ( get_color_index(15)<< 15 ) | ( (get_alpha_index(0) & 3) << 17 ) | ( get_alpha_index(1) << 19 ) | ( get_alpha_index(2) << 22 ) | ( get_alpha_index(3) << 25 ) | ( get_alpha_index(4) << 28 ) | ( get_alpha_index(5) << 31 ); block.w = ( get_alpha_index(5) >> 1 ) | ( get_alpha_index(6) << 2 ) | ( get_alpha_index(7) << 5 ) | ( get_alpha_index(8) << 8 ) | ( get_alpha_index(9) << 11 ) | ( get_alpha_index(10)<< 14 ) | ( get_alpha_index(11)<< 17 ) | ( get_alpha_index(12)<< 20 ) | ( get_alpha_index(13)<< 23 ) | ( get_alpha_index(14)<< 26 ) | ( get_alpha_index(15)<< 29 ); } void block_package5( out uint4 block, uint rotation, uint threadBase ) { block.x = 0x20 | ( rotation << 6 ) | ( ( get_end_point_l(0).r & 0xFE ) << 7 ) | ( ( get_end_point_h(0).r & 0xFE ) << 14 ) | ( ( get_end_point_l(0).g & 0xFE ) << 21 ) | ( ( get_end_point_h(0).g & 0xFE ) << 28 ); block.y = ( ( get_end_point_h(0).g & 0xFE ) >> 4 ) | ( ( get_end_point_l(0).b & 0xFE ) << 3 ) | ( ( get_end_point_h(0).b & 0xFE ) << 10 ) | ( get_end_point_l(0).a << 18 ) | ( get_end_point_h(0).a << 26 ); block.z = ( get_end_point_h(0).a >> 6 ) | ( get_color_index(0) << 2 ) | ( get_color_index(1) << 3 ) | ( get_color_index(2) << 5 ) | ( get_color_index(3) << 7 ) | ( get_color_index(4) << 9 ) | ( get_color_index(5) << 11 ) | ( get_color_index(6) << 13 ) | ( get_color_index(7) << 15 ) | ( get_color_index(8) << 17 ) | ( get_color_index(9) << 19 ) | ( get_color_index(10)<< 21 ) | ( get_color_index(11)<< 23 ) | ( get_color_index(12)<< 25 ) | ( get_color_index(13)<< 27 ) | ( get_color_index(14)<< 29 ) | ( get_color_index(15)<< 31 ); block.w = ( get_color_index(15)>> 1 ) | ( get_alpha_index(0) << 1 ) | ( get_alpha_index(1) << 2 ) | ( get_alpha_index(2) << 4 ) | ( get_alpha_index(3) << 6 ) | ( get_alpha_index(4) << 8 ) | ( get_alpha_index(5) << 10 ) | ( get_alpha_index(6) << 12 ) | ( get_alpha_index(7) << 14 ) | ( get_alpha_index(8) << 16 ) | ( get_alpha_index(9) << 18 ) | ( get_alpha_index(10)<< 20 ) | ( get_alpha_index(11)<< 22 ) | ( get_alpha_index(12)<< 24 ) | ( get_alpha_index(13)<< 26 ) | ( get_alpha_index(14)<< 28 ) | ( get_alpha_index(15)<< 30 ); } void block_package6( out uint4 block, uint threadBase ) { block.x = 0x40 | ( ( get_end_point_l(0).r & 0xFE ) << 6 ) | ( ( get_end_point_h(0).r & 0xFE ) << 13 ) | ( ( get_end_point_l(0).g & 0xFE ) << 20 ) | ( ( get_end_point_h(0).g & 0xFE ) << 27 ); block.y = ( ( get_end_point_h(0).g & 0xFE ) >> 5 ) | ( ( get_end_point_l(0).b & 0xFE ) << 2 ) | ( ( get_end_point_h(0).b & 0xFE ) << 9 ) | ( ( get_end_point_l(0).a & 0xFE ) << 16 ) | ( ( get_end_point_h(0).a & 0xFE ) << 23 ) | ( get_end_point_l(0).r & 0x01 ) << 31; block.z = ( get_end_point_h(0).r & 0x01 ) | ( get_color_index(0) << 1 ) | ( get_color_index(1) << 4 ) | ( get_color_index(2) << 8 ) | ( get_color_index(3) << 12 ) | ( get_color_index(4) << 16 ) | ( get_color_index(5) << 20 ) | ( get_color_index(6) << 24 ) | ( get_color_index(7) << 28 ); block.w = ( get_color_index(8) << 0 ) | ( get_color_index(9) << 4 ) | ( get_color_index(10)<< 8 ) | ( get_color_index(11)<< 12 ) | ( get_color_index(12)<< 16 ) | ( get_color_index(13)<< 20 ) | ( get_color_index(14)<< 24 ) | ( get_color_index(15)<< 28 ); } void block_package7( out uint4 block, uint partition, uint threadBase ) { block.x = 0x80 | ( partition << 8 ) | ( ( get_end_point_l(0).r & 0xF8 ) << 11 ) | ( ( get_end_point_h(0).r & 0xF8 ) << 16 ) | ( ( get_end_point_l(1).r & 0xF8 ) << 21 ) | ( ( get_end_point_h(1).r & 0xF8 ) << 26 ); block.y = ( ( get_end_point_h(1).r & 0xF8 ) >> 6 ) | ( ( get_end_point_l(0).g & 0xF8 ) >> 1 ) | ( ( get_end_point_h(0).g & 0xF8 ) << 4 ) | ( ( get_end_point_l(1).g & 0xF8 ) << 9 ) | ( ( get_end_point_h(1).g & 0xF8 ) << 14 ) | ( ( get_end_point_l(0).b & 0xF8 ) << 19 ) | ( ( get_end_point_h(0).b & 0xF8 ) << 24 ); block.z = ( ( get_end_point_l(1).b & 0xF8 ) >> 3 ) | ( ( get_end_point_h(1).b & 0xF8 ) << 2 ) | ( ( get_end_point_l(0).a & 0xF8 ) << 7 ) | ( ( get_end_point_h(0).a & 0xF8 ) << 12 ) | ( ( get_end_point_l(1).a & 0xF8 ) << 17 ) | ( ( get_end_point_h(1).a & 0xF8 ) << 22 ) | ( ( get_end_point_l(0).r & 0x04 ) << 28 ) | ( ( get_end_point_h(0).r & 0x04 ) << 29 ); block.w = ( ( get_end_point_l(1).r & 0x04 ) >> 2 ) | ( ( get_end_point_h(1).r & 0x04 ) >> 1 ) | ( get_color_index(0) << 2 ); uint i = 1; for ( ; i <= candidateFixUpIndex1DOrdered[partition][0]; i ++ ) { block.w |= get_color_index(i) << ( i * 2 + 1 ); } for ( ; i < 16; i ++ ) { block.w |= get_color_index(i) << ( i * 2 ); } }