Update readme

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Andrew Schwartzmeyer 2015-12-16 13:57:13 -08:00
parent fd0d529582
commit a05c9ebc0d

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@ -78,7 +78,7 @@ Our convention is to create feature branches `dev/feature` off our integration b
We use the [.NET Command Line Interface][dotnet-cli] (`dotnet-cli`) to build the managed components, and [CMake][] to build the native components. Install `dotnet-cli` by following their documentation. Then install the following dependencies (assuming Ubuntu 14.04):
sudo apt-get install g++ cmake make libicu-dev libboost-filesystem-dev lldb-3.6 strace
sudo apt-get install g++ cmake make libboost-filesystem-dev lldb-3.6 strace
### OMI
@ -94,29 +94,86 @@ sudo apt-get install libpam0g-dev libssl-dev libcurl4-openssl-dev
## Building
The following steps are done by `./build.sh`. Note that `dotnet restore` must be done at least once from the top directory to obtain all the necessary .NET packages. The variable `$BIN` is the output directory, `bin`.
### Native
- `libpsnative.so`: native functions that `CorePsPlatform.cs` P/Invokes
- `libpshost.a`: native CLR host library
- `powershell`: native CLR host executable (for local shell)
- `api-ms-win-core-registry-l1-1-0.dll`: registry stub to prevent missing DLL error on shutdown
#### monad-native
Driven by CMake, with its own unit tests using Google Test.
cd src/monad-native
cmake -DCMAKE_BUILD_TYPE=Debug .
VERBOSE=1 make -j
make -j
ctest -V
# Deploy development copy of libpsnative
cp native/libpsnative.so $BIN
#### registry-stub
Provides `RegCloseKey()` to satisfy the disposal of `SafeHandle` objects on shutdown.
cd src/registry-stub
cp api-ms-win-core-registry-l1-1-0.dll $BIN
### Managed
Builds with `dotnet-cli`. Publishes all dependencies into the `bin` directory.
dotnet restore
cd src/Microsoft.PowerShell.Linux.Host
dotnet publish --framework dnxcore50 --runtime ubuntu.14.04-x64 --output ../../bin
dotnet publish --framework dnxcore50 --runtime ubuntu.14.04-x64 --output $BIN
# Copy files that dotnet-publish doesn't currently deploy
cp *.ps1xml *_profile.ps1 $BIN
Now run with `./powershell`.
### PowerShell Remoting Protocol
## Adding Pester tests
PSRP communication is tunneled through OMI using the `monad-omi-provider`. These build steps are not part of the `./build.sh` script.
Pester tests are located in the `src/pester-tests` folder. The makefile targets `test` and `pester-tests` will run all Pester tests.
#### OMI
The steps to add your pester tests are:
- add `*.Tests.ps1` files to `src/pester-tests`
- run `make test` to run all the tests
cd src/omi/Unix
./configure --dev --enable-debug
make -j
#### Provider
The provider has its own `./build.sh` script which does the second step documented here.
cd src/monad-omi-provider
make clean && make -j && make reg
## Running
- launch local shell with `./run.sh`.
- launch local shell in LLDB with `./debug.sh`
- launch `omiserver` for PSRP (and in LLDB) with `./prsp.sh`, and connect with `Enter-PSSession` from Windows
## Known Issues
### xUnit
Sadly, `dotnet-test` is not fully supported on Linux, so our xUnit tests do not currently run. We may be able to work around this, or get the `dotnet-cli` team to fix their xUnit runner. GitHub [issue](https://github.com/dotnet/cli/issues/407).
### Pester
While Pester gets deployed and can be invoked, it has an issue asking for confirmation to do anything, and refuses to execute multiple `It` blocks. Need to work with upstream PowerShell teams to solve this.
### Remoting
Connecting to PowerShell on Linux gets quite far, but bails out to due `Cannot convert the "System.Management.Automation.Host.Size" value of type "System.String" to type "System.Type".`