Describe "Add-Content cmdlet tests" -Tags:DRT { $file1 = "file1.txt" Setup -File "$file1" Context "Add-Content should actually add content" { It "should Add-Content to testdrive:\$file1" { $result=add-content -path testdrive:\$file1 -value "ExpectedContent" -passthru $result| Should be "ExpectedContent" } It "should return expected string from testdrive:\$file1" { $result = get-content -path testdrive:\$file1 $result | Should BeExactly "ExpectedContent" } It "should Add-Content to testdrive:\dynamicfile.txt with dynamic parameters" -Pending:($IsLinux -Or $IsOSX) {# $result=add-content -path testdrive:\dynamicfile.txt -value "ExpectedContent" -passthru $result| Should BeExactly "ExpectedContent" } It "should return expected string from testdrive:\dynamicfile.txt" -Pending:($IsLinux -Or $IsOSX) {# $result = get-content -path testdrive:\dynamicfile.txt $result | Should BeExactly "ExpectedContent" } It "should Add-Content to testdrive:\$file1 even when -Value is `$null" { $AsItWas=get-content testdrive:\$file1 {add-content -path testdrive:\$file1 -value $null -ea stop} | Should Not Throw get-content testdrive:\$file1 | Should BeExactly $AsItWas } It "should throw 'ParameterArgumentValidationErrorNullNotAllowed' when -Path is `$null" { Try {add-content -path $null -value "ShouldNotWorkBecausePathIsNull" -ea stop; Throw "Previous statement unexpectedly succeeded..." } Catch {$_.FullyQualifiedErrorId | Should Be "ParameterArgumentValidationErrorNullNotAllowed,Microsoft.PowerShell.Commands.AddContentCommand"} } #[BugId(BugDatabase.WindowsOutOfBandReleases, 903880)] It "should throw `"Cannot bind argument to parameter 'Path'`" when -Path is `$()" { Try {add-content -path $() -value "ShouldNotWorkBecausePathIsInvalid" -ea stop; Throw "Previous statement unexpectedly succeeded..." } Catch {$_.FullyQualifiedErrorId | Should Be "ParameterArgumentValidationErrorNullNotAllowed,Microsoft.PowerShell.Commands.AddContentCommand"} } #[BugId(BugDatabase.WindowsOutOfBandReleases, 906022)] It "should throw 'NotSupportedException' when you add-content to an unsupported provider" -Skip:($IsLinux -Or $IsOSX) { Try {add-content -path HKLM:\\software\\microsoft -value "ShouldNotWorkBecausePathIsUnsupported" -ea stop; Throw "Previous statement unexpectedly succeeded..." } Catch {$_.FullyQualifiedErrorId | Should Be "NotSupported,Microsoft.PowerShell.Commands.AddContentCommand"} } #[BugId(BugDatabase.WindowsOutOfBandReleases, 9058182)] It "should be able to pass multiple [string]`$objects to Add-Content through the pipeline to output a dynamic Path file" -Pending:($IsLinux -Or $IsOSX) {# "hello","world"|add-content testdrive:\dynamicfile2.txt $result=get-content testdrive:\dynamicfile2.txt $result.length |Should be 2 $result[0] |Should be "hello" $result[1] |Should be "world" } } }