Andrew Schwartzmeyer 594bdacb6a Improve Start-PSBuild and Start-PSPackage functions
- Better comments
- Better indentation
- Working directory agnostic (uses `$PSScriptRoot`)
- Does not `cd`
- `PSPackage` does not call `PSBuild`
- Asserts that `bin/powershell` exists
- Derives version from `git describe` if not given
- Version parameter now a string to support metadata
2016-02-23 16:21:00 -08:00

174 lines
5.2 KiB

# Use the .NET Core APIs to determine the current platform; if a runtime
# exception is thrown, we are on FullCLR, not .NET Core.
# TODO: use PowerShell to check OS when available
try {
$Runtime = [System.Runtime.InteropServices.RuntimeInformation]
$OSPlatform = [System.Runtime.InteropServices.OSPlatform]
$Linux = $Runtime::IsOSPlatform($OSPlatform::Linux)
$OSX = $Runtime::IsOSPlatform($OSPlatform::OSX)
$Windows = $Runtime::IsOSPlatform($OSPlatform::Windows)
} catch [System.Management.Automation.RuntimeException] {
$Linux = $false
$OSX = $false
$Windows = $true
function Start-PSBuild
[string]$Output = "$PSScriptRoot/bin"
if (-Not (Get-Command "dotnet" -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue)) {
throw "Build dependency 'dotnet' not found in PATH! See: https://dotnet.github.io/getting-started/"
New-Item -Force -Type Directory $Output | Out-Null
$Top = "$PSScriptRoot/src/Microsoft.PowerShell.Linux.Host"
if ($Restore -Or -Not (Test-Path "$Top/project.lock.json")) {
dotnet restore $PSScriptRoot
if ($Linux -Or $OSX) {
$InstallCommand = if ($Linux) { "apt-get" } elseif ($OSX) { "brew" }
foreach ($Dependency in "cmake", "g++") {
if (-Not (Get-Command $Dependency -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue)) {
throw "Build dependency '$Dependency' not found in PATH! Run '$InstallCommand install $Dependency'"
$Ext = if ($Linux) { "so" } elseif ($OSX) { "dylib" }
$Native = "$PSScriptRoot/src/libpsl-native"
$Lib = "$Native/src/libpsl-native.$Ext"
Write-Host "Building $Lib"
cmake -DCMAKE_BUILD_TYPE=Debug $Native
make -j -C $Native
make -C $Native test
if (-Not (Test-Path $Lib)) { throw "Compilation of $Lib failed" }
cp $Lib $Output
Write-Host "Building PowerShell"
$Configuration =
if ($Linux -Or $OSX) { "Linux" }
elseif ($Windows) { "Debug" }
dotnet publish -o $Output -c $Configuration -f "netstandardapp1.5" $Top
function Start-PSPackage
# PowerShell packages use Semantic Versioning http://semver.org/
# Ubuntu and OS X packages are supported.
[int]$Iteration = 1
if ($Windows) { throw "Building Windows packages is not yet supported!" }
if (-Not (Get-Command "fpm" -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue)) {
throw "Build dependency 'fpm' not found in PATH! See: https://github.com/jordansissel/fpm"
if (-Not(Test-Path "$PSScriptRoot/bin/powershell")) {
throw "Please Start-PSBuild to publish PowerShell"
# Change permissions for packaging
chmod -R go=u "$PSScriptRoot/bin"
# Decide package output type
$Output = if ($Linux) { "deb" } elseif ($OSX) { "osxpkg" }
# Use Git tag if not given a version
if (-Not($Version)) {
$Version = (git --git-dir="$PSScriptRoot/.git" describe) -Replace '^v'
# Build package
fpm --force --verbose `
--name "powershell" `
--version $Version `
--iteration $Iteration `
--maintainer "Andrew Schwartzmeyer <andschwa@microsoft.com>" `
--vendor "Microsoft <mageng@microsoft.com>" `
--url "https://github.com/PowerShell/PowerShell" `
--license "Unlicensed" `
--description "Open PowerShell on .NET Core\nPowerShell is an open-source, cross-platform, scripting language and rich object shell. Built upon .NET Core, it is also a C# REPL.\n" `
--category "shells" `
--depends "libunwind8" `
--depends "libicu52" `
--deb-build-depends "dotnet" `
--deb-build-depends "cmake" `
--deb-build-depends "g++" `
-t $Output `
-s dir `
"$PSScriptRoot/bin/=/usr/local/share/powershell/" `
function Start-DevPSGitHub
[string[]]$ArgumentList = '',
[string]$binDir = "$PSScriptRoot\binFull",
if ($LoadProfile -eq $false)
$ArgumentList = @('-noprofile') + $ArgumentList
$env:DEVPATH = $binDir
if ($ZapDisable)
$env:COMPLUS_ZapDisable = 1
if (-Not (Test-Path $binDir\powershell.exe.config))
$configContents = @"
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8" ?>
<developmentMode developerInstallation="true"/>
$configContents | Out-File -Encoding Ascii $binDir\powershell.exe.config
# splatting for the win
$startProcessArgs = @{
FilePath = "$binDir\powershell.exe"
ArgumentList = "$ArgumentList"
if ($NoNewWindow) {
$startProcessArgs.NoNewWindow = $true
$startProcessArgs.Wait = $true
Start-Process @startProcessArgs
ri env:DEVPATH
if ($ZapDisable)
ri env:COMPLUS_ZapDisable