This change moves powershell to .NET Core 2.0. Major changes are: 1. PowerShell assemblies are now targeting `netcoreapp2.0`. We are using `microsoft.netcore.app-2.0.0-preview1-001913-00`, which is from dotnet-core build 4/4/17. We cannot target `netstandard2.0` because the packages `System.Reflection.Emit` and `System.Reflection.Emit.Lightweight`, which are needed for powershell class, cannot be referenced when targeting `netstandard2.0`. 2. Refactor code to remove most CLR stub types and extension types. 3. Update build scripts to enable CI builds. The `-cache` section is specified to depend on `appveyor.yml`, so the cache will be invalidated if `appveyor.yml` is changed. 4. Ship `netcoreapp` reference assemblies with powershell to fix the issues in `Add-Type` (#2764). By default `Add-Type` will reference all those reference assemblies when compiling C# code. If `-ReferenceAssembly` is specified, then we search reference assemblies first, then the framework runtime assemblies, and lastly the loaded assemblies (possibly a third-party one that was already loaded). 5. `dotnet publish` generates executable on Unix platforms, but doesn't set "x" permission and thus it cannot execute. Currently, the "x" permission is set in the build script, `dotnet/cli` issue [#6286](https://github.com/dotnet/cli/issues/6286) is tracking this. 6. Replace the use of some APIs with the ones that take `SecureString`. 7. osx.10.12 is required to update to `netcoreapp2.0` because `dotnet-cli` 2.0.0-preview only works on osx.10.12. 8. Add dependency to `System.ValueTuple` to work around a ambiguous type identity issue in coreclr. The issue is tracked by `dotnet/corefx` [#17797](https://github.com/dotnet/corefx/issues/17797). When moving to newer version of `netcoreapp2.0`, we need to verify if this dependency is still needed.
42 lines
833 B
42 lines
833 B
language: cpp
depth: 1000
- linux
- osx
sudo: required
dist: trusty
osx_image: xcode8.1
fast_finish: true
- $(ls powershell*{deb,pkg,AppImage} | tr "\n" ":")
- pester-tests.xml
- pushd tools
- ./download.sh
- popd
# Default 2.0.0 Ruby is buggy
# Default bundler version is buggy
- if [[ "$TRAVIS_OS_NAME" == "osx" ]]; then rvm install ruby-2.3.1; rvm use 2.3.1; fi
# spellcheck
- if [[ "$TRAVIS_OS_NAME" == "linux" ]]; then
nvm install 6.4.0 &&
npm install -g markdown-spellcheck@0.11.0;
- ulimit -n 4096
- powershell -File tools/travis.ps1
# spellcheck
- if [[ "$TRAVIS_OS_NAME" == "linux" ]]; then
mdspell '**/*.md' '!powershell/**/*.md' --ignore-numbers --ignore-acronyms --report;