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Raw Normal View History

// Copyright 2014 DreamWorks Animation LLC.
// Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "Apache License")
// with the following modification; you may not use this file except in
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// Section 6. Trademarks. is deleted and replaced with:
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#include "../version.h"
2015-01-06 22:26:20 +00:00
#include "../sdc/types.h"
#include "../sdc/options.h"
#include "../far/types.h"
#include "../far/topologyLevel.h"
#include <vector>
namespace OpenSubdiv {
namespace Vtr { namespace internal { class SparseSelector; } }
namespace Far { namespace internal { class FeatureMask; } }
namespace Far {
template <class MESH> class TopologyRefinerFactory;
/// \brief Stores topology data for a specified set of refinement options.
class TopologyRefiner {
/// \brief Constructor
TopologyRefiner(Sdc::SchemeType type, Sdc::Options options = Sdc::Options());
/// \brief Destructor
/// \brief Returns the subdivision scheme
Sdc::SchemeType GetSchemeType() const { return _subdivType; }
/// \brief Returns the subdivision options
Sdc::Options GetSchemeOptions() const { return _subdivOptions; }
/// \brief Returns true if uniform refinement has been applied
bool IsUniform() const { return _isUniform; }
/// \brief Returns the number of refinement levels
int GetNumLevels() const { return (int)_farLevels.size(); }
/// \brief Returns the highest level of refinement
int GetMaxLevel() const { return _maxLevel; }
/// \brief Returns the maximum vertex valence in all levels
int GetMaxValence() const { return _maxValence; }
/// \brief Returns true if faces have been tagged as holes
bool HasHoles() const { return _hasHoles; }
/// \brief Returns the total number of vertices in all levels
int GetNumVerticesTotal() const { return _totalVertices; }
/// \brief Returns the total number of edges in all levels
int GetNumEdgesTotal() const { return _totalEdges; }
/// \brief Returns the total number of edges in all levels
int GetNumFacesTotal() const { return _totalFaces; }
/// \brief Returns the total number of face vertices in all levels
int GetNumFaceVerticesTotal() const { return _totalFaceVertices; }
/// \brief Returns a handle to access data specific to a particular level
TopologyLevel const & GetLevel(int level) const { return _farLevels[level]; }
/// @name High-level refinement and related methods
// Uniform refinement
/// \brief Uniform refinement options
/// Options for uniform refinement, including the number of levels, vertex
/// ordering and generation of topology information.
/// Note the impact of the option to generate fullTopologyInLastLevel. Given
/// subsequent levels of uniform refinement typically reguire 4x the data
/// of the previous level, only the minimum amount of data is generated in the
/// last level by default, i.e. a vertex and face-vertex list. If requiring
/// topology traversal of the last level, e.g. inspecting edges or incident
/// faces of vertices, the option to generate full topology in the last
/// level should be enabled.
struct UniformOptions {
UniformOptions(int level) :
fullTopologyInLastLevel(false) { }
unsigned int refinementLevel:4, ///< Number of refinement iterations
orderVerticesFromFacesFirst:1, ///< Order child vertices from faces first
///< instead of child vertices of vertices
fullTopologyInLastLevel:1; ///< Skip topological relationships in the last
///< level of refinement that are not needed for
///< interpolation (keep false if using limit).
/// \brief Refine the topology uniformly
/// This method applies uniform refinement to the level specified in the
/// given UniformOptions.
/// Note the impact of the UniformOption to generate fullTopologyInLastLevel
/// and be sure it is assigned to satisfy the needs of the resulting refinement.
/// @param options Options controlling uniform refinement
void RefineUniform(UniformOptions options);
/// \brief Returns the options specified on refinement
UniformOptions GetUniformOptions() const { return _uniformOptions; }
// Adaptive refinement
/// \brief Adaptive refinement options
struct AdaptiveOptions {
AdaptiveOptions(int level) :
orderVerticesFromFacesFirst(false) { }
unsigned int isolationLevel:4; ///< Number of iterations applied to isolate
///< extraordinary vertices and creases
unsigned int secondaryLevel:4; ///< Shallower level to stop isolation of
///< smooth irregular features
unsigned int useSingleCreasePatch:1; ///< Use 'single-crease' patch and stop
///< isolation where applicable
unsigned int useInfSharpPatch:1; ///< Use infinitely sharp patches and stop
///< isolation where applicable
unsigned int considerFVarChannels:1; ///< Inspect face-varying channels and
///< isolate when irregular features present
unsigned int orderVerticesFromFacesFirst:1; ///< Order child vertices from faces first
///< instead of child vertices of vertices
2015-06-03 06:35:39 +00:00
/// \brief Feature Adaptive topology refinement (restricted to scheme Catmark)
/// @param options Options controlling adaptive refinement
void RefineAdaptive(AdaptiveOptions options);
/// \brief Returns the options specified on refinement
AdaptiveOptions GetAdaptiveOptions() const { return _adaptiveOptions; }
/// \brief Unrefine the topology, keeping only the base level.
void Unrefine();
/// @name Number and properties of face-varying channels:
/// \brief Returns the number of face-varying channels in the tables
int GetNumFVarChannels() const;
/// \brief Returns the face-varying interpolation rule set for a given channel
Sdc::Options::FVarLinearInterpolation GetFVarLinearInterpolation(int channel = 0) const;
/// \brief Returns the total number of face-varying values in all levels
int GetNumFVarValuesTotal(int channel = 0) const;
// Lower level protected methods intended strictly for internal use:
template <class MESH>
friend class TopologyRefinerFactory;
friend class TopologyRefinerFactoryBase;
friend class PatchTableFactory;
friend class EndCapGregoryBasisPatchFactory;
friend class EndCapLegacyGregoryPatchFactory;
friend class PtexIndices;
friend class PrimvarRefiner;
Vtr::internal::Level & getLevel(int l) { return *_levels[l]; }
Vtr::internal::Level const & getLevel(int l) const { return *_levels[l]; }
Vtr::internal::Refinement & getRefinement(int l) { return *_refinements[l]; }
Vtr::internal::Refinement const & getRefinement(int l) const { return *_refinements[l]; }
// Not default constructible or copyable:
TopologyRefiner() : _uniformOptions(0), _adaptiveOptions(0) { }
TopologyRefiner(TopologyRefiner const &) : _uniformOptions(0), _adaptiveOptions(0) { }
TopologyRefiner & operator=(TopologyRefiner const &) { return *this; }
void selectFeatureAdaptiveComponents(Vtr::internal::SparseSelector& selector,
internal::FeatureMask const & mask);
void initializeInventory();
void updateInventory(Vtr::internal::Level const & newLevel);
void appendLevel(Vtr::internal::Level & newLevel);
void appendRefinement(Vtr::internal::Refinement & newRefinement);
void assembleFarLevels();
Sdc::SchemeType _subdivType;
Sdc::Options _subdivOptions;
2015-01-06 18:56:29 +00:00
unsigned int _isUniform : 1,
_hasHoles : 1,
_maxLevel : 4;
// Options assigned on refinement:
UniformOptions _uniformOptions;
AdaptiveOptions _adaptiveOptions;
// Cumulative properties of all levels:
int _totalVertices;
int _totalEdges;
int _totalFaces;
int _totalFaceVertices;
int _maxValence;
// There is some redundancy here -- to be reduced later
std::vector<Vtr::internal::Level *> _levels;
std::vector<Vtr::internal::Refinement *> _refinements;
std::vector<TopologyLevel> _farLevels;
inline int
TopologyRefiner::GetNumFVarChannels() const {
return _levels[0]->getNumFVarChannels();
inline Sdc::Options::FVarLinearInterpolation
TopologyRefiner::GetFVarLinearInterpolation(int channel) const {
return _levels[0]->getFVarOptions(channel).GetFVarLinearInterpolation();
} // end namespace Far
} // end namespace OPENSUBDIV_VERSION
using namespace OPENSUBDIV_VERSION;
} // end namespace OpenSubdiv