
676 lines
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// Copyright 2013 Pixar
// Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "Apache License")
// with the following modification; you may not use this file except in
// compliance with the Apache License and the following modification to it:
// Section 6. Trademarks. is deleted and replaced with:
// 6. Trademarks. This License does not grant permission to use the trade
// names, trademarks, service marks, or product names of the Licensor
// and its affiliates, except as required to comply with Section 4(c) of
// the License and to reproduce the content of the NOTICE file.
// You may obtain a copy of the Apache License at
2013-07-18 21:19:50 +00:00
// Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
// distributed under the Apache License with the above modification is
// KIND, either express or implied. See the Apache License for the specific
// language governing permissions and limitations under the Apache License.
#if defined(__APPLE__)
#if defined(OSD_USES_GLEW)
#include <GL/glew.h>
#include <OpenGL/gl3.h>
#define GLFW_NO_GLU
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <GL/glew.h>
#if defined(_WIN32)
// XXX Must include windows.h here or GLFW pollutes the global namespace
#include <windows.h>
#include <GLFW/glfw3.h>
GLFWwindow* g_window=0;
#include <stdio.h>
#include <cassert>
Refurbish osd layer API. In OpenSubdiv 2.x, we encapsulated subdivision tables into compute context in osd layer since those tables are order-dependent and have to be applied in a certain manner. In 3.0, we adopted stencil table based refinement. It's more simple and such an encapsulation is no longer needed. Also 2.0 API has several ownership issues of GPU kernel caching, and forces unnecessary instantiation of controllers even though the cpu kernels typically don't need instances unlike GPU ones. This change completely revisit osd client facing APIs. All contexts and controllers were replaced with device-specific tables and evaluators. While we can still use consistent API across various device backends, unnecessary complexities have been removed. For example, cpu evaluator is just a set of static functions and also there's no need to replicate FarStencilTables to ComputeContext. Also the new API delegates the ownership of compiled GPU kernels to clients, for the better management of resources especially in multiple GPU environment. In addition to integrating ComputeController and EvalStencilController into a single function Evaluator::EvalStencils(), EvalLimit API is also added into Evaluator. This is working but still in progress, and we'll make a followup change for the complete implementation. -some naming convention changes: GLSLTransformFeedback to GLXFBEvaluator GLSLCompute to GLComputeEvaluator -move LimitLocation struct into examples/glEvalLimit. We're still discussing patch evaluation interface. Basically we'd like to tease all ptex-specific parametrization out of far/osd layer. TODO: -implments EvalPatches() in the right way -derivative evaluation API is still interim. -VertexBufferDescriptor needs a better API to advance its location -synchronization mechanism is not ideal (too global). -OsdMesh class is hacky. need to fix it.
2015-05-09 00:31:26 +00:00
#include <osd/cpuEvaluator.h>
#include <osd/cpuVertexBuffer.h>
#include <osd/cpuGLVertexBuffer.h>
#include <far/stencilTableFactory.h>
#include "../common/cmp_utils.h"
#include "../common/hbr_utils.h"
#include "../common/far_utils.h"
// Regression testing matching Osd to Hbr
// Notes:
// - precision is currently held at 1e-6
// - results cannot be bitwise identical as some vertex interpolations
// are not happening in the same order.
// - only vertex interpolation is being tested at the moment.
#define PRECISION 1e-6
using namespace OpenSubdiv;
enum BackendType {
kBackendCPU = 0, // raw CPU
kBackendCPUGL = 1, // CPU with GL-backed buffer
static const char* g_BackendNames[kBackendCount] = {
static int g_Backend = -1;
// Vertex class implementation
struct xyzVV {
xyzVV() { }
xyzVV( int /*i*/ ) { }
xyzVV( float x, float y, float z ) { _pos[0]=x; _pos[1]=y; _pos[2]=z; }
xyzVV( const xyzVV & src ) { _pos[0]=src._pos[0]; _pos[1]=src._pos[1]; _pos[2]=src._pos[2]; }
~xyzVV( ) { }
void AddWithWeight(const xyzVV& src, float weight, void * =0 ) {
void AddVaryingWithWeight(const xyzVV& , float, void * =0 ) { }
void Clear( void * =0 ) { _pos[0]=_pos[1]=_pos[2]=0.0f; }
void SetPosition(float x, float y, float z) { _pos[0]=x; _pos[1]=y; _pos[2]=z; }
void ApplyVertexEdit(const OpenSubdiv::HbrVertexEdit<xyzVV> & edit) {
const float *src = edit.GetEdit();
switch(edit.GetOperation()) {
case OpenSubdiv::HbrHierarchicalEdit<xyzVV>::Set:
_pos[0] = src[0];
_pos[1] = src[1];
_pos[2] = src[2];
case OpenSubdiv::HbrHierarchicalEdit<xyzVV>::Add:
_pos[0] += src[0];
_pos[1] += src[1];
_pos[2] += src[2];
case OpenSubdiv::HbrHierarchicalEdit<xyzVV>::Subtract:
_pos[0] -= src[0];
_pos[1] -= src[1];
_pos[2] -= src[2];
void ApplyMovingVertexEdit(const OpenSubdiv::HbrMovingVertexEdit<xyzVV> &) { }
const float * GetPos() const { return _pos; }
float _pos[3];
class xyzFV;
typedef OpenSubdiv::HbrMesh<xyzVV> xyzmesh;
typedef OpenSubdiv::HbrFace<xyzVV> xyzface;
typedef OpenSubdiv::HbrVertex<xyzVV> xyzvertex;
typedef OpenSubdiv::HbrHalfedge<xyzVV> xyzhalfedge;
typedef OpenSubdiv::HbrFaceOperator<xyzVV> xyzFaceOperator;
typedef OpenSubdiv::HbrVertexOperator<xyzVV> xyzVertexOperator;
typedef OpenSubdiv::Far::TopologyRefiner FarTopologyRefiner;
const FarTopologyRefiner &refiner, xyzmesh * hmesh,
const float * vbData, int numElements) {
int count=0;
float deltaAvg[3] = {0.0f, 0.0f, 0.0f},
deltaCnt[3] = {0.0f, 0.0f, 0.0f};
std::vector<xyzVV> hbrVertexData;
std::vector<bool> hbrVertexOnBoundaryData;
// Only care about vertex on boundary conditions if the interpolate boundary
// is 'none'
std::vector<bool> *hbrVertexOnBoundaryPtr =
(hmesh->GetInterpolateBoundaryMethod() ==
? &hbrVertexOnBoundaryData
GetReorderedHbrVertexData(refiner, *hmesh, &hbrVertexData,
//int nverts = hmesh->GetNumVertices();
int nverts = (int)hbrVertexData.size();
for (int i=0; i<nverts; ++i) {
const float * ov = & vbData[ i * numElements ];
// boundary interpolation rules set to "none" produce "undefined"
// vertices on boundary vertices : far does not match hbr for those,
// so skip comparison.
if (hbrVertexOnBoundaryPtr and (*hbrVertexOnBoundaryPtr)[i])
const float *hbrPos = hbrVertexData[i].GetPos();
if ( hbrPos[0] != ov[0] )
if ( hbrPos[1] != ov[1] )
if ( hbrPos[2] != ov[2] )
float delta[3] = { hbrPos[0] - ov[0],
hbrPos[1] - ov[1],
hbrPos[2] - ov[2] };
float dist = sqrtf( delta[0]*delta[0]+delta[1]*delta[1]+delta[2]*delta[2]);
if ( dist > PRECISION ) {
printf("// HbrVertex<T> %d fails : dist=%.10f (%.10f %.10f %.10f)"
" (%.10f %.10f %.10f)\n", i, dist, hbrPos[0],
ov[2] );
if (deltaCnt[0])
if (deltaCnt[1])
if (deltaCnt[2])
printf(" delta ratio : (%d/%d %d/%d %d/%d)\n", (int)deltaCnt[0], nverts,
(int)deltaCnt[1], nverts,
(int)deltaCnt[2], nverts );
printf(" average delta : (%.10f %.10f %.10f)\n", deltaAvg[0],
deltaAvg[2] );
if (count==0)
printf(" success !\n");
return count;
static void
const FarTopologyRefiner &refiner,
Far::StencilTable const **vertexStencils,
Far::StencilTable const **varyingStencils)
Far::StencilTableFactory::Options soptions;
soptions.generateOffsets = true;
soptions.generateIntermediateLevels = true;
*vertexStencils = Far::StencilTableFactory::Create(refiner, soptions);
soptions.interpolationMode = Far::StencilTableFactory::INTERPOLATE_VARYING;
*varyingStencils = Far::StencilTableFactory::Create(refiner, soptions);
static int
checkMeshCPU( FarTopologyRefiner *refiner,
const std::vector<xyzVV>& coarseverts,
xyzmesh * refmesh) {
Far::StencilTable const *vertexStencils;
Far::StencilTable const *varyingStencils;
buildStencilTable(*refiner, &vertexStencils, &varyingStencils);
assert(coarseverts.size() == (size_t)refiner->GetNumVerticesTotal());
Osd::CpuVertexBuffer * vb =
Osd::CpuVertexBuffer::Create(3, refiner->GetNumVerticesTotal());
vb->UpdateData( coarseverts[0].GetPos(), 0, (int)coarseverts.size() );
Refurbish osd layer API. In OpenSubdiv 2.x, we encapsulated subdivision tables into compute context in osd layer since those tables are order-dependent and have to be applied in a certain manner. In 3.0, we adopted stencil table based refinement. It's more simple and such an encapsulation is no longer needed. Also 2.0 API has several ownership issues of GPU kernel caching, and forces unnecessary instantiation of controllers even though the cpu kernels typically don't need instances unlike GPU ones. This change completely revisit osd client facing APIs. All contexts and controllers were replaced with device-specific tables and evaluators. While we can still use consistent API across various device backends, unnecessary complexities have been removed. For example, cpu evaluator is just a set of static functions and also there's no need to replicate FarStencilTables to ComputeContext. Also the new API delegates the ownership of compiled GPU kernels to clients, for the better management of resources especially in multiple GPU environment. In addition to integrating ComputeController and EvalStencilController into a single function Evaluator::EvalStencils(), EvalLimit API is also added into Evaluator. This is working but still in progress, and we'll make a followup change for the complete implementation. -some naming convention changes: GLSLTransformFeedback to GLXFBEvaluator GLSLCompute to GLComputeEvaluator -move LimitLocation struct into examples/glEvalLimit. We're still discussing patch evaluation interface. Basically we'd like to tease all ptex-specific parametrization out of far/osd layer. TODO: -implments EvalPatches() in the right way -derivative evaluation API is still interim. -VertexBufferDescriptor needs a better API to advance its location -synchronization mechanism is not ideal (too global). -OsdMesh class is hacky. need to fix it.
2015-05-09 00:31:26 +00:00
vb, Osd::BufferDescriptor(0, 3, 3),
vb, Osd::BufferDescriptor(refiner->GetLevel(0).GetNumVertices()*3, 3, 3),
Refurbish osd layer API. In OpenSubdiv 2.x, we encapsulated subdivision tables into compute context in osd layer since those tables are order-dependent and have to be applied in a certain manner. In 3.0, we adopted stencil table based refinement. It's more simple and such an encapsulation is no longer needed. Also 2.0 API has several ownership issues of GPU kernel caching, and forces unnecessary instantiation of controllers even though the cpu kernels typically don't need instances unlike GPU ones. This change completely revisit osd client facing APIs. All contexts and controllers were replaced with device-specific tables and evaluators. While we can still use consistent API across various device backends, unnecessary complexities have been removed. For example, cpu evaluator is just a set of static functions and also there's no need to replicate FarStencilTables to ComputeContext. Also the new API delegates the ownership of compiled GPU kernels to clients, for the better management of resources especially in multiple GPU environment. In addition to integrating ComputeController and EvalStencilController into a single function Evaluator::EvalStencils(), EvalLimit API is also added into Evaluator. This is working but still in progress, and we'll make a followup change for the complete implementation. -some naming convention changes: GLSLTransformFeedback to GLXFBEvaluator GLSLCompute to GLComputeEvaluator -move LimitLocation struct into examples/glEvalLimit. We're still discussing patch evaluation interface. Basically we'd like to tease all ptex-specific parametrization out of far/osd layer. TODO: -implments EvalPatches() in the right way -derivative evaluation API is still interim. -VertexBufferDescriptor needs a better API to advance its location -synchronization mechanism is not ideal (too global). -OsdMesh class is hacky. need to fix it.
2015-05-09 00:31:26 +00:00
int result = checkVertexBuffer(*refiner, refmesh, vb->BindCpuBuffer(),
delete vertexStencils;
delete varyingStencils;
delete vb;
return result;
static int
checkMeshCPUGL(FarTopologyRefiner *refiner,
const std::vector<xyzVV>& coarseverts,
xyzmesh * refmesh) {
Refurbish osd layer API. In OpenSubdiv 2.x, we encapsulated subdivision tables into compute context in osd layer since those tables are order-dependent and have to be applied in a certain manner. In 3.0, we adopted stencil table based refinement. It's more simple and such an encapsulation is no longer needed. Also 2.0 API has several ownership issues of GPU kernel caching, and forces unnecessary instantiation of controllers even though the cpu kernels typically don't need instances unlike GPU ones. This change completely revisit osd client facing APIs. All contexts and controllers were replaced with device-specific tables and evaluators. While we can still use consistent API across various device backends, unnecessary complexities have been removed. For example, cpu evaluator is just a set of static functions and also there's no need to replicate FarStencilTables to ComputeContext. Also the new API delegates the ownership of compiled GPU kernels to clients, for the better management of resources especially in multiple GPU environment. In addition to integrating ComputeController and EvalStencilController into a single function Evaluator::EvalStencils(), EvalLimit API is also added into Evaluator. This is working but still in progress, and we'll make a followup change for the complete implementation. -some naming convention changes: GLSLTransformFeedback to GLXFBEvaluator GLSLCompute to GLComputeEvaluator -move LimitLocation struct into examples/glEvalLimit. We're still discussing patch evaluation interface. Basically we'd like to tease all ptex-specific parametrization out of far/osd layer. TODO: -implments EvalPatches() in the right way -derivative evaluation API is still interim. -VertexBufferDescriptor needs a better API to advance its location -synchronization mechanism is not ideal (too global). -OsdMesh class is hacky. need to fix it.
2015-05-09 00:31:26 +00:00
Far::StencilTable const *vertexStencils;
Far::StencilTable const *varyingStencils;
buildStencilTable(*refiner, &vertexStencils, &varyingStencils);
Osd::CpuGLVertexBuffer *vb = Osd::CpuGLVertexBuffer::Create(3,
vb->UpdateData( coarseverts[0].GetPos(), 0, (int)coarseverts.size() );
Refurbish osd layer API. In OpenSubdiv 2.x, we encapsulated subdivision tables into compute context in osd layer since those tables are order-dependent and have to be applied in a certain manner. In 3.0, we adopted stencil table based refinement. It's more simple and such an encapsulation is no longer needed. Also 2.0 API has several ownership issues of GPU kernel caching, and forces unnecessary instantiation of controllers even though the cpu kernels typically don't need instances unlike GPU ones. This change completely revisit osd client facing APIs. All contexts and controllers were replaced with device-specific tables and evaluators. While we can still use consistent API across various device backends, unnecessary complexities have been removed. For example, cpu evaluator is just a set of static functions and also there's no need to replicate FarStencilTables to ComputeContext. Also the new API delegates the ownership of compiled GPU kernels to clients, for the better management of resources especially in multiple GPU environment. In addition to integrating ComputeController and EvalStencilController into a single function Evaluator::EvalStencils(), EvalLimit API is also added into Evaluator. This is working but still in progress, and we'll make a followup change for the complete implementation. -some naming convention changes: GLSLTransformFeedback to GLXFBEvaluator GLSLCompute to GLComputeEvaluator -move LimitLocation struct into examples/glEvalLimit. We're still discussing patch evaluation interface. Basically we'd like to tease all ptex-specific parametrization out of far/osd layer. TODO: -implments EvalPatches() in the right way -derivative evaluation API is still interim. -VertexBufferDescriptor needs a better API to advance its location -synchronization mechanism is not ideal (too global). -OsdMesh class is hacky. need to fix it.
2015-05-09 00:31:26 +00:00
vb, Osd::BufferDescriptor(0, 3, 3),
vb, Osd::BufferDescriptor(refiner->GetLevel(0).GetNumVertices()*3, 3, 3),
Refurbish osd layer API. In OpenSubdiv 2.x, we encapsulated subdivision tables into compute context in osd layer since those tables are order-dependent and have to be applied in a certain manner. In 3.0, we adopted stencil table based refinement. It's more simple and such an encapsulation is no longer needed. Also 2.0 API has several ownership issues of GPU kernel caching, and forces unnecessary instantiation of controllers even though the cpu kernels typically don't need instances unlike GPU ones. This change completely revisit osd client facing APIs. All contexts and controllers were replaced with device-specific tables and evaluators. While we can still use consistent API across various device backends, unnecessary complexities have been removed. For example, cpu evaluator is just a set of static functions and also there's no need to replicate FarStencilTables to ComputeContext. Also the new API delegates the ownership of compiled GPU kernels to clients, for the better management of resources especially in multiple GPU environment. In addition to integrating ComputeController and EvalStencilController into a single function Evaluator::EvalStencils(), EvalLimit API is also added into Evaluator. This is working but still in progress, and we'll make a followup change for the complete implementation. -some naming convention changes: GLSLTransformFeedback to GLXFBEvaluator GLSLCompute to GLComputeEvaluator -move LimitLocation struct into examples/glEvalLimit. We're still discussing patch evaluation interface. Basically we'd like to tease all ptex-specific parametrization out of far/osd layer. TODO: -implments EvalPatches() in the right way -derivative evaluation API is still interim. -VertexBufferDescriptor needs a better API to advance its location -synchronization mechanism is not ideal (too global). -OsdMesh class is hacky. need to fix it.
2015-05-09 00:31:26 +00:00
int result = checkVertexBuffer(*refiner, refmesh,
vb->BindCpuBuffer(), vb->GetNumElements());
delete vertexStencils;
delete varyingStencils;
delete vb;
return result;
static int
checkMesh( char const * msg, std::string const & shape, int levels, Scheme scheme, int backend ) {
int result =0;
printf("- %s (scheme=%d)\n", msg, scheme);
xyzmesh * refmesh =
interpolateHbrVertexData<xyzVV>(shape.c_str(), scheme, levels);
std::vector<xyzVV> farVertexData;
FarTopologyRefiner *refiner =
InterpolateFarVertexData(shape.c_str(), scheme, levels,
switch (backend) {
case kBackendCPU:
result = checkMeshCPU(refiner, farVertexData, refmesh);
case kBackendCPUGL:
result = checkMeshCPUGL(refiner, farVertexData, refmesh);
delete refmesh;
delete refiner;
return result;
int checkBackend(int backend, int levels) {
printf("*** checking backend : %s\n", g_BackendNames[backend]);
int total = 0;
#define test_catmark_edgeonly
#define test_catmark_edgecorner
#define test_catmark_flap
#define test_catmark_pyramid
#define test_catmark_pyramid_creases0
#define test_catmark_pyramid_creases1
#define test_catmark_cube
#define test_catmark_cube_creases0
#define test_catmark_cube_creases1
#define test_catmark_cube_corner0
#define test_catmark_cube_corner1
#define test_catmark_cube_corner2
#define test_catmark_cube_corner3
#define test_catmark_cube_corner4
#define test_catmark_dart_edgeonly
#define test_catmark_dart_edgecorner
#define test_catmark_tent
#define test_catmark_tent_creases0
#define test_catmark_tent_creases1
// hedits don't work.
//#define test_catmark_square_hedit0
//#define test_catmark_square_hedit1
//#define test_catmark_square_hedit2
//#define test_catmark_square_hedit3
#define test_loop_triangle_edgeonly
#define test_loop_triangle_edgecorner
#define test_loop_icosahedron
#define test_loop_cube
#define test_loop_cube_creases0
#define test_loop_cube_creases1
#define test_bilinear_cube
#ifdef test_catmark_edgeonly
#include "../shapes/catmark_edgeonly.h"
total += checkMesh( "test_catmark_edgeonly", catmark_edgeonly, levels, kCatmark, backend );
#ifdef test_catmark_edgecorner
#include "../shapes/catmark_edgecorner.h"
total += checkMesh( "test_catmark_edgeonly", catmark_edgecorner, levels, kCatmark, backend );
#ifdef test_catmark_flap
#include "../shapes/catmark_flap.h"
total += checkMesh( "test_catmark_flap", catmark_flap, levels, kCatmark, backend );
#ifdef test_catmark_pyramid
#include "../shapes/catmark_pyramid.h"
total += checkMesh( "test_catmark_pyramid", catmark_pyramid, levels, kCatmark, backend );
#ifdef test_catmark_pyramid_creases0
#include "../shapes/catmark_pyramid_creases0.h"
total += checkMesh( "test_catmark_pyramid_creases0", catmark_pyramid_creases0, levels, kCatmark, backend );
#ifdef test_catmark_pyramid_creases1
#include "../shapes/catmark_pyramid_creases1.h"
total += checkMesh( "test_catmark_pyramid_creases1", catmark_pyramid_creases1, levels, kCatmark, backend );
#ifdef test_catmark_cube
#include "../shapes/catmark_cube.h"
total += checkMesh( "test_catmark_cube", catmark_cube, levels, kCatmark, backend );
#ifdef test_catmark_cube_creases0
#include "../shapes/catmark_cube_creases0.h"
total += checkMesh( "test_catmark_cube_creases0", catmark_cube_creases0, levels, kCatmark, backend );
#ifdef test_catmark_cube_creases1
#include "../shapes/catmark_cube_creases1.h"
total += checkMesh( "test_catmark_cube_creases1", catmark_cube_creases1, levels, kCatmark, backend );
#ifdef test_catmark_cube_corner0
#include "../shapes/catmark_cube_corner0.h"
total += checkMesh( "test_catmark_cube_corner0", catmark_cube_corner0, levels, kCatmark, backend );
#ifdef test_catmark_cube_corner1
#include "../shapes/catmark_cube_corner1.h"
total += checkMesh( "test_catmark_cube_corner1", catmark_cube_corner1, levels, kCatmark, backend );
#ifdef test_catmark_cube_corner2
#include "../shapes/catmark_cube_corner2.h"
total += checkMesh( "test_catmark_cube_corner2", catmark_cube_corner2, levels, kCatmark, backend );
#ifdef test_catmark_cube_corner3
#include "../shapes/catmark_cube_corner3.h"
total += checkMesh( "test_catmark_cube_corner3", catmark_cube_corner3, levels, kCatmark, backend );
#ifdef test_catmark_cube_corner4
#include "../shapes/catmark_cube_corner4.h"
total += checkMesh( "test_catmark_cube_corner4", catmark_cube_corner4, levels, kCatmark, backend );
#ifdef test_catmark_dart_edgecorner
#include "../shapes/catmark_dart_edgecorner.h"
total += checkMesh( "test_catmark_dart_edgecorner", catmark_dart_edgecorner, levels, kCatmark, backend );
#ifdef test_catmark_dart_edgeonly
#include "../shapes/catmark_dart_edgeonly.h"
total += checkMesh( "test_catmark_dart_edgeonly", catmark_dart_edgeonly, levels, kCatmark, backend );
#ifdef test_catmark_tent
#include "../shapes/catmark_tent.h"
total += checkMesh( "test_catmark_tent", catmark_tent, levels, kCatmark, backend );
#ifdef test_catmark_tent_creases0
#include "../shapes/catmark_tent_creases0.h"
total += checkMesh( "test_catmark_tent_creases0", catmark_tent_creases0, levels, kCatmark, backend );
#ifdef test_catmark_tent_creases1
#include "../shapes/catmark_tent_creases1.h"
total += checkMesh( "test_catmark_tent_creases1", catmark_tent_creases1, levels, kCatmark, backend );
#ifdef test_catmark_square_hedit0
#include "../shapes/catmark_square_hedit0.h"
total += checkMesh( "test_catmark_square_hedit0", catmark_square_hedit0, levels, kCatmark, backend );
#ifdef test_catmark_square_hedit1
#include "../shapes/catmark_square_hedit1.h"
total += checkMesh( "test_catmark_square_hedit1", catmark_square_hedit1, levels, kCatmark, backend );
#ifdef test_catmark_square_hedit2
#include "../shapes/catmark_square_hedit2.h"
total += checkMesh( "test_catmark_square_hedit2", catmark_square_hedit2, levels, kCatmark, backend );
#ifdef test_catmark_square_hedit3
#include "../shapes/catmark_square_hedit3.h"
total += checkMesh( "test_catmark_square_hedit3", catmark_square_hedit3, levels, kCatmark, backend );
#ifdef test_loop_triangle_edgeonly
#include "../shapes/loop_triangle_edgeonly.h"
total += checkMesh( "test_loop_triangle_edgeonly", loop_triangle_edgeonly, levels, kLoop, backend );
#ifdef test_loop_triangle_edgecorner
#include "../shapes/loop_triangle_edgecorner.h"
total += checkMesh( "test_loop_triangle_edgecorner", loop_triangle_edgecorner, levels, kLoop, backend );
#ifdef test_loop_saddle_edgeonly
#include "../shapes/loop_saddle_edgeonly.h"
total += checkMesh( "test_loop_saddle_edgeonly", loop_saddle_edgeonly, levels, kLoop, backend );
#ifdef test_loop_saddle_edgecorner
#include "../shapes/loop_saddle_edgecorner.h"
total += checkMesh( "test_loop_saddle_edgecorner", loop_saddle_edgecorner, levels, kLoop, backend );
#ifdef test_loop_icosahedron
#include "../shapes/loop_icosahedron.h"
total += checkMesh( "test_loop_icosahedron", loop_icosahedron, levels, kLoop, backend );
#ifdef test_loop_cube
#include "../shapes/loop_cube.h"
total += checkMesh( "test_loop_cube", loop_cube, levels, kLoop, backend );
#ifdef test_loop_cube_creases0
#include "../shapes/loop_cube_creases0.h"
total += checkMesh( "test_loop_cube_creases0", loop_cube_creases0,levels, kLoop, backend );
#ifdef test_loop_cube_creases1
#include "../shapes/loop_cube_creases1.h"
total += checkMesh( "test_loop_cube_creases1", loop_cube_creases1, levels, kLoop, backend );
#ifdef test_bilinear_cube
#include "../shapes/bilinear_cube.h"
total += checkMesh( "test_bilinear_cube", bilinear_cube, levels, kBilinear, backend );
return total;
static void
usage(char ** argv) {
printf("%s [<options>]\n\n", argv[0]);
printf(" Options :\n");
printf(" -compute <backend>\n");
printf(" Compute backend applied (");
for (int i=0; i < kBackendCount; ++i)
printf("%s ", g_BackendNames[i]);
printf(" -help / -h\n");
printf(" Displays usage information.");
static void
parseArgs(int argc, char ** argv) {
for (int i=1; i<argc; ++i) {
if (not strcmp(argv[i],"-compute")) {
const char * backend = NULL;
if (i<(argc-1))
backend = argv[++i];
if (not strcmp(backend, "all")) {
g_Backend = -1;
} else {
bool found = false;
for (int i = 0; i < kBackendCount; ++i) {
if (not strcmp(backend, g_BackendNames[i])) {
g_Backend = i;
found = true;
if (not found) {
printf("-compute : must be 'all' or one of: ");
for (int i = 0; i < kBackendCount; ++i)
printf("%s ", g_BackendNames[i]);
} else if ( (not strcmp(argv[i],"-help")) or
(not strcmp(argv[i],"-h")) ) {
} else {
main(int argc, char ** argv) {
// Run with no args tests default (CPU) backend.
// "-backend all" tests all available backends.
// "-backend <name>" tests one backend.
parseArgs(argc, argv);
// Make sure we have an OpenGL context : create dummy GLFW window
if (not glfwInit()) {
printf("Failed to initialize GLFW\n");
return 1;
int width=10, height=10;
static const char windowTitle[] = "OpenSubdiv OSD regression";
if (not (g_window=glfwCreateWindow(width, height, windowTitle, NULL, NULL))) {
printf("Failed to open window.\n");
return 1;
#if defined(OSD_USES_GLEW)
if (GLenum r = glewInit() != GLEW_OK) {
printf("Failed to initialize glew. error = %d\n", r);
printf("precision : %f\n",PRECISION);
int levels=5, total=0;
if (g_Backend == -1) {
for (int i = 0; i < kBackendCount; ++i)
total += checkBackend (i, levels);
} else {
total += checkBackend (g_Backend, levels);
if (total==0)
printf("All tests passed.\n");
printf("Total failures : %d\n", total);