- extend Far::PatchTables data structures & interfaces to store requisite
information for channels of face-varying bi-cubic patches
- implement gather function in Far::PatchTablesFactory to populate face-varying
channels with adaptive patches
- extend accessor interface in Vtr::Level
- propagate code fall-out throughout OpenSubdiv code base, examples & tutorials
- extend vtrViewer code to visualize tessellated bi-cubic face-varying patches
- added Vtr::FVarLevel method to resolve correct index in level 0 case
- updated tag retrieval methods that used face-value array as input
- changed signatures to accept face-verts when needed and updated usage
- added methods to FVarLevel to combine FVar tags with vertex tags
- use composite of combined tag to find FVar features needing isolation
- added more tagging related to the "linear borders" interpolation case
- added FVar channel consideration to TopologyRefiner's feature selection
- added more simple access methods to FVarLevel
- added _xordinary tag to FVarLevel::ValueTag; initialize and refine
- added composite tag method for FVarLevel::ValueTag similar to Level::VTag
- parameterize FVar topology initialization with regular valence
Const' declared instances of Vtr::Array do not protect the pointer held
privately by the class properly. In order to force the compiler to
protect this pointer, we removed all non-const accessors from Vtr::Array
(now renamed Vtr::ConstArray) and moved them to a child class (Vtr::Array),
which requires const_cast<> operators internally to allow access.
The change & renaming is then propagated to all internal dependencies.
- added array accessors to properties of vertex values in vtr::FVarLevel
- updated construction of base level face-varying topology
- simplified population of face-varying properties in vtr::FVarRefinement
- updated Far::TopologyRefiner::Interpolate/LimitFaceVarying() accordingly
- added ValueTag indicating sharpness dependency on another value
- updated base level tagging to identify dependent semi-sharp values
- updated refinement to consider dependency when reassessing semi-sharpness
- updated interpolation to use dependent fractional weight when necessary
- redefined and documented Sdc::Options::FVarLinearInterpolation
- included "corners only" mode not possible with Hbr
- updated usage within Vtr::FVarLevel
- added semi-sharp tag to FVar ValueTags and applied in base FVarLevel
- re-assess status of tagged semi-sharp values in each FVarRefinement
- detect and apply fractional weighting in InterpolateFaceVarying()
- "propagate corners" added as new enumeration to Sdc::Options
- topology tags within FVar channel initialized and propagated
- face-varying Interpolate() method updated to deal with creases
Sync'ing the 'dev' branch with the 'feature_3.0dev' branch at commit 68c6d11fc36761ae1a5e6cdc3457be16f2e9704a
The branch 'feature_3.0dev' is now locked and preserved for historical purposes.