Barry Fowler 8b863a0009 Fix GCC warnings with -Wconversion and bitfields:
- apply bitmask in member initialization to suppress warning
    - add public Set...() with bitmask for assignment by users
    - replace any assignments with new public Set...() methods
2022-08-30 14:34:17 -07:00

600 lines
21 KiB

// Copyright 2021 Pixar
// Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "Apache License")
// with the following modification; you may not use this file except in
// compliance with the Apache License and the following modification to it:
// Section 6. Trademarks. is deleted and replaced with:
// 6. Trademarks. This License does not grant permission to use the trade
// names, trademarks, service marks, or product names of the Licensor
// and its affiliates, except as required to comply with Section 4(c) of
// the License and to reproduce the content of the NOTICE file.
// You may obtain a copy of the Apache License at
// Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
// distributed under the Apache License with the above modification is
// KIND, either express or implied. See the Apache License for the specific
// language governing permissions and limitations under the Apache License.
#include "../bfr/patchTreeBuilder.h"
#include "../far/primvarRefiner.h"
#include "../far/topologyRefiner.h"
#include "../far/topologyDescriptor.h"
#include "../far/patchBuilder.h"
#include "../far/sparseMatrix.h"
#include "../far/ptexIndices.h"
#include "../vtr/stackBuffer.h"
#include <cstdio>
namespace OpenSubdiv {
namespace Bfr {
using Vtr::internal::Level;
using Vtr::internal::StackBuffer;
using Far::TopologyRefiner;
using Far::Index;
using Far::ConstIndexArray;
using Far::SparseMatrix;
using Far::PatchBuilder;
using Far::PatchDescriptor;
using Far::PatchParam;
// Construction initializes some of the main components of the
// build process (e.g. the Far::PatchBuilder) but defers most of
// the work to other methods:
PatchTreeBuilder::PatchTreeBuilder(TopologyRefiner & faceRefiner,
Options const & options) :
_patchTree(new PatchTree),
_patchBuilder(0) {
// Adaptive refinement in Far requires smooth level <= sharp level,
// with the sharp level taking precedence. And if attempting to
// generate patches at the base level, force at least one level of
// refinement when necessary:
int adaptiveLevelPrimary = options.maxPatchDepthSharp;
int adaptiveLevelSecondary = options.maxPatchDepthSmooth;
if (adaptiveLevelSecondary > adaptiveLevelPrimary) {
adaptiveLevelSecondary = adaptiveLevelPrimary;
// If primary is 0, so is secondary -- see if level 1 required:
if (adaptiveLevelSecondary == 0) {
if (rootFaceNeedsRefinement()) {
adaptiveLevelPrimary = std::max(1, adaptiveLevelPrimary);
adaptiveLevelSecondary = 1;
// Apply adaptive refinement to a local refiner for this face:
TopologyRefiner::AdaptiveOptions adaptiveOptions(adaptiveLevelPrimary);
adaptiveOptions.useInfSharpPatch = true;
adaptiveOptions.useSingleCreasePatch = false;
adaptiveOptions.considerFVarChannels = false;
ConstIndexArray baseFaceArray(&_faceAtRoot, 1);
_faceRefiner.RefineAdaptive(adaptiveOptions, baseFaceArray);
// Determine offsets per level (we could eventually include local
// points in the levels in which the patch occurs)
int numLevels = _faceRefiner.GetNumLevels();
_levelOffsets.resize(1 + numLevels);
_levelOffsets[0] = 0;
for (int i = 0; i < numLevels; ++i) {
_levelOffsets[1 + i] = _levelOffsets[i]
+ _faceRefiner.GetLevel(i).GetNumVertices();
// Create a PatchBuilder for this refiner:
PatchBuilder::BasisType patchBuilderIrregularBasis;
if (options.irregularBasis == Options::REGULAR) {
patchBuilderIrregularBasis = PatchBuilder::BASIS_REGULAR;
} else if (options.irregularBasis == Options::LINEAR) {
patchBuilderIrregularBasis = PatchBuilder::BASIS_LINEAR;
} else {
patchBuilderIrregularBasis = PatchBuilder::BASIS_GREGORY;
PatchBuilder::Options patchOptions;
patchOptions.regBasisType = PatchBuilder::BASIS_REGULAR;
patchOptions.irregBasisType = patchBuilderIrregularBasis;
patchOptions.approxInfSharpWithSmooth = false;
patchOptions.approxSmoothCornerWithSharp = false;
patchOptions.fillMissingBoundaryPoints = true;
_patchBuilder = PatchBuilder::Create(faceRefiner, patchOptions);
// Initialize general PatchTree members relating to patch topology:
Vtr::internal::Level const & baseLevel = _faceRefiner.getLevel(0);
int thisFaceSize = baseLevel.getFaceVertices(_faceAtRoot).size();
int regFaceSize = _patchBuilder->GetRegularFaceSize();
// Configuration:
_patchTree->_useDoublePrecision = options.useDoublePrecision;
_patchTree->_patchesIncludeNonLeaf = options.includeInteriorPatches;
_patchTree->_patchesAreTriangular = (regFaceSize == 3);
_patchTree->_regPatchType = _patchBuilder->GetRegularPatchType();
_patchTree->_irregPatchType = _patchBuilder->GetIrregularPatchType();
_patchTree->_regPatchSize =
_patchTree->_irregPatchSize =
_patchTree->_patchPointStride =
std::max(_patchTree->_regPatchSize, _patchTree->_irregPatchSize);
// Topology:
_patchTree->_numSubFaces = (thisFaceSize == regFaceSize) ? 0 : thisFaceSize;
_patchTree->_numControlPoints = _faceRefiner.GetLevel(0).GetNumVertices();
_patchTree->_numRefinedPoints = _faceRefiner.GetNumVerticesTotal()
- _patchTree->_numControlPoints;
_patchTree->_numSubPatchPoints = _patchTree->_numRefinedPoints;
PatchTreeBuilder::~PatchTreeBuilder() {
delete _patchBuilder;
const PatchTree *
PatchTreeBuilder::Build() {
if (_patchTree->_useDoublePrecision) {
} else {
return _patchTree;
PatchTreeBuilder::rootFaceNeedsRefinement() const {
// The Far::PatchBuilder cannot construct a single patch from a face
// in the base level under the following circumstances:
// - the face is or is adjacent to an irregular face (non-quad)
// - the face contains an inf-sharp dart vertex
// - the face contains an interior val-2 vertex
// - the face contains an interior val-3 vertex adj to a tri
// All but the first are subject to additional conditions (e.g.
// whether the irregular feature is isolated or not) but until those
// conditions are clear, such features will trigger refinement.
int baseFace = _faceAtRoot;
Level const & baseLevel = _faceRefiner.getLevel(0);
Level::VTag const & fTags = baseLevel.getFaceCompositeVTag(baseFace);
ConstIndexArray fVerts = baseLevel.getFaceVertices(baseFace);
// Vertices incident non-quads in any way are easily detected:
if (fTags._incidIrregFace) return true;
// A dart and inf-sharp irregularity may indicate an inf-sharp dart,
// so inspect the face-vertices:
if ((fTags._rule & Sdc::Crease::RULE_DART) && fTags._infIrregular) {
for (int i = 0; i < fVerts.size(); ++i) {
Level::VTag const & vTag = baseLevel.getVertexTag(fVerts[i]);
if ((vTag._rule & Sdc::Crease::RULE_DART) && vTag._infSharpEdges) {
// WIP - inf-sharp dart is fine in some cases (TBD):
// - possibly when the edge-end isolated
// - refine for any occurrence until fully determined
return true;
// Interior extra-ordinary vertices of low valence require inspection
// of the face-vertices to test valence and other conditions:
if (fTags._xordinary) {
for (int i = 0, fSize = fVerts.size(); i < fSize; ++i) {
Level::VTag const & vTag = baseLevel.getVertexTag(fVerts[i]);
if (vTag._xordinary && !vTag._boundary && !vTag._infSharpEdges) {
int vValence = baseLevel.getVertexFaces(fVerts[i]).size();
if ((vValence == 2) || ((vValence == 3) && (fSize == 3))) {
// WIP - low valence verts are fine in some cases (TBD)
// - val-2 a problem only when two adjacent
// - refine for any occurrence until fully determined
return true;
return false;
PatchTreeBuilder::testFaceAncestors() const {
// Conditions of overlapping faces that require testing base face:
return (_patchBuilder->GetRegularFaceSize() == 3) &&
(_faceRefiner.getLevel(0).getNumEdges() == 3) &&
(_faceRefiner.getLevel(0).getNumFaces() > 1);
PatchTreeBuilder::faceAncestorIsRoot(int level, int face) const {
// Move up the hierarchy to the base level:
for (int i = level; i > 0; --i) {
face = _faceRefiner.getRefinement(i-1).getChildFaceParentFace(face);
return (face == _faceAtRoot);
PatchTreeBuilder::identifyPatches() {
// Take inventory of the patches. Only one face exists at the base
// level -- the root face. Check all other levels breadth first:
bool incNonLeaf = _patchTree->_patchesIncludeNonLeaf;
int numIrregPatches = 0;
if (_patchBuilder->IsFaceAPatch(0, _faceAtRoot)) {
if (incNonLeaf || _patchBuilder->IsFaceALeaf(0, _faceAtRoot)) {
bool isRegular = _patchBuilder->IsPatchRegular(0, _faceAtRoot);
_patchFaces.push_back(PatchFace(0, _faceAtRoot, isRegular));
numIrregPatches += !isRegular;
// Under rare circumstances, the normally quick test for a patch is
// flawed and includes faces descended from neighboring faces:
bool testBaseFace = testFaceAncestors();
int numLevels = _faceRefiner.GetNumLevels();
for (int level = 1; level < numLevels; ++level) {
int numFaces = _faceRefiner.getLevel(level).getNumFaces();
for (int face = 0; face < numFaces; ++face) {
if (testBaseFace && !faceAncestorIsRoot(level, face)) continue;
if (_patchBuilder->IsFaceAPatch(level, face)) {
if (incNonLeaf || _patchBuilder->IsFaceALeaf(level, face)) {
bool isRegular = _patchBuilder->IsPatchRegular(level, face);
_patchFaces.push_back(PatchFace(level, face, isRegular));
numIrregPatches += !isRegular;
// Allocate and populate the arrays of patch data for the identified
// patches:
int numPatches = (int) _patchFaces.size();
_patchTree->_patchPoints.resize(numPatches * _patchTree->_patchPointStride);
_patchTree->_numIrregPatches = numIrregPatches;
_patchTree->_numSubPatchPoints += numIrregPatches *
PatchTreeBuilder::initializePatches() {
// Keep track of the growing index of local points in irregular patches:
int irregPointIndexBase = _patchTree->_numControlPoints +
Far::PtexIndices ptexIndices(_faceRefiner);
for (size_t i = 0; i < _patchFaces.size(); ++i) {
PatchFace const & pf = _patchFaces[i];
PatchParam & patchParam = _patchTree->_patchParams[i];
Index * patchPoints =
&_patchTree->_patchPoints[i * _patchTree->_patchPointStride];
if (pf.isRegular) {
// Determine boundary mask before computing/assigning PatchParam:
int boundaryMask =
_patchBuilder->GetRegularPatchBoundaryMask(pf.level, pf.face);
patchParam = _patchBuilder->ComputePatchParam(pf.level, pf.face,
ptexIndices, true, boundaryMask, true);
// Gather the points of the patch -- since they are assigned
// directly into the PatchTree's buffer by the PatchBuilder
// here, they must be offset as a post-process:
_patchBuilder->GetRegularPatchPoints(pf.level, pf.face,
boundaryMask, patchPoints);
for (int j = 0; j < _patchTree->_regPatchSize; ++j) {
patchPoints[j] += _levelOffsets[pf.level];
} else {
// Compute/assign the PatchParam for an irregular patch:
patchParam = _patchBuilder->ComputePatchParam(pf.level, pf.face,
ptexIndices, false /*irreg*/, 0 /*mask*/, false);
// Assign indices of new/local points for this irregular patch:
for (int j = 0; j < _patchTree->_irregPatchSize; ++j) {
patchPoints[j] = irregPointIndexBase ++;
// Some local interpolatable types for combining stencil vectors -- the
// rows of the stencil matrix:
namespace {
// When accessing a "row" for a control point, the only non-zero
// entry is that at the index, with a value of 1, so just store
// that index so the StencilRows can combine it:
struct ControlRow {
ControlRow(int index) : _index(index) { }
ControlRow() { }
ControlRow operator[] (int index) const {
return ControlRow(index);
// Members:
int _index;
// A "row" for each stencil is just our typical vector of variable
// size that needs to support [].
// For the first level, there are no source rows for the control
// points so combine with the proxy ControlRow defined above. All
// other levels will accumulate StencilRows as weighted combinations
// of other StencilRows.
// WIP - consider combining StencilRows to exploit SSE/AVX vectorization
// - we can (in future) easily guarantee both are 4-word aligned
// - we can also pad the rows to a multiple of 4
// - prefer writing the combination in a portable way that makes
// use of auto-vectorization
template <typename REAL>
struct StencilRow {
StencilRow() : _data(0), _size(0) { }
StencilRow(REAL * data, int size) :
_data(data), _size(size) { }
StencilRow(REAL const * data, int size) :
_data(const_cast<REAL*>(data)), _size(size) { }
void Clear() {
for (int i = 0; i < _size; ++i) {
_data[i] = 0.0f;
void AddWithWeight(ControlRow const & src, REAL weight) {
assert(src._index >= 0);
_data[src._index] += weight;
void AddWithWeight(StencilRow const & src, REAL weight) {
assert(src._size == _size);
// Weights passed here by PrimvarRefiner should be non-zero
// WIP - see note on potential/future auto-vectorization above
for (int i = 0; i < _size; ++i) {
_data[i] += weight * src._data[i];
StencilRow operator[](int index) const {
return StencilRow(_data + index * _size, _size);
// Members:
REAL * _data;
int _size;
template <typename REAL>
PatchTreeBuilder::initializeStencilMatrix() {
if (_patchTree->_numSubPatchPoints == 0) return;
// Allocate and initialize a full matrix of true stencils (i.e.
// factored in terms of the control points):
int numPointStencils = _patchTree->_numRefinedPoints +
(_patchTree->_numIrregPatches *
int numControlPoints = _patchTree->_numControlPoints;
std::vector<REAL> & stencilMatrix = _patchTree->getStencilMatrix<REAL>();
// For refined points, initialize successive rows of the stencil matrix
// a level at a time using the PrimvarRefiner to accumulate contributing
// rows:
int numLevels = _faceRefiner.GetNumLevels();
if (numLevels > 1) {
Far::PrimvarRefinerReal<REAL> primvarRefiner(_faceRefiner);
StencilRow<REAL> dstRow(&stencilMatrix[0], numControlPoints);
primvarRefiner.Interpolate(1, ControlRow(-1), dstRow);
for (int level = 2; level < numLevels; ++level) {
StencilRow<REAL> srcRow = dstRow;
dstRow = srcRow[_faceRefiner.getLevel(level-1).getNumVertices()];
primvarRefiner.Interpolate(level, srcRow, dstRow);
// For irregular patch points, append rows for each irregular patch:
if (_patchTree->_numIrregPatches) {
SparseMatrix<REAL> irregConvMatrix;
std::vector<Index> irregSourcePoints;
int stencilIndexBase = _patchTree->_numRefinedPoints;
for (size_t i = 0; i < _patchFaces.size(); ++i) {
if (!_patchFaces[i].isRegular) {
irregConvMatrix, irregSourcePoints);
stencilIndexBase += _patchTree->_irregPatchSize;
template <typename REAL>
int stencilBaseIndex,
SparseMatrix<REAL> const & conversionMatrix,
std::vector<Index> const & sourcePoints) {
// Each row of the sparse conversion matrix corresponds to a row
// of the stencil matrix -- which will be computed from the weights
// and indices of stencils indicated by the SparseMatrix row:
int numControlPoints = _patchTree->_numControlPoints;
int numPatchPoints = conversionMatrix.GetNumRows();
std::vector<REAL> & stencilMatrix = _patchTree->getStencilMatrix<REAL>();
StencilRow<REAL> srcStencils(&stencilMatrix[0], numControlPoints);
StencilRow<REAL> dstStencils = srcStencils[stencilBaseIndex];
for (int i = 0; i < numPatchPoints; ++i) {
StencilRow<REAL> dstStencil = dstStencils[i];
int const * rowIndices = &conversionMatrix.GetRowColumns(i)[0];
REAL const * rowWeights = &conversionMatrix.GetRowElements(i)[0];
int rowSize = conversionMatrix.GetRowSize(i);
for (int j = 0; j < rowSize; ++j) {
REAL srcWeight = rowWeights[j];
int srcIndex = sourcePoints[rowIndices[j]];
// Simply increment single weight if this is a control point
if (srcIndex < numControlPoints) {
dstStencil._data[srcIndex] += srcWeight;
} else {
int srcStencilIndex = srcIndex - numControlPoints;
StencilRow<REAL> srcStencil = srcStencils[srcStencilIndex];
dstStencil.AddWithWeight(srcStencil, srcWeight);
PatchTreeBuilder::initializeQuadTree() {
template <typename REAL>
PatchTreeBuilder::getIrregularPatchConversion(PatchFace const & pf,
SparseMatrix<REAL> & conversionMatrix,
std::vector<Index> & sourcePoints) {
// The topology of an irregular patch is determined by its four corners:
Level::VSpan cornerSpans[4];
_patchBuilder->GetIrregularPatchCornerSpans(pf.level, pf.face, cornerSpans);
// Compute the conversion matrix from refined/source points to the
// set of points local to this patch:
_patchBuilder->GetIrregularPatchConversionMatrix(pf.level, pf.face,
cornerSpans, conversionMatrix);
// Identify the refined/source points for the patch and append stencils
// for the local patch points in terms of the source points:
int numSourcePoints = conversionMatrix.GetNumColumns();
_patchBuilder->GetIrregularPatchSourcePoints(pf.level, pf.face,
cornerSpans, &sourcePoints[0]);
int sourceIndexOffset = _levelOffsets[pf.level];
for (int i = 0; i < numSourcePoints; ++i) {
sourcePoints[i] += sourceIndexOffset;
} // end namespace Bfr
} // end namespace OPENSUBDIV_VERSION
} // end namespace OpenSubdiv