barfowl 4d84dfd7be Redefined face varying "boundary interpolation" to "linear interpolation":
- redefined and documented Sdc::Options::FVarLinearInterpolation
    - included "corners only" mode not possible with Hbr
    - updated usage within Vtr::FVarLevel
2014-10-09 19:36:25 -07:00

296 lines
11 KiB

// Copyright 2014 DreamWorks Animation LLC.
// Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "Apache License")
// with the following modification; you may not use this file except in
// compliance with the Apache License and the following modification to it:
// Section 6. Trademarks. is deleted and replaced with:
// 6. Trademarks. This License does not grant permission to use the trade
// names, trademarks, service marks, or product names of the Licensor
// and its affiliates, except as required to comply with Section 4(c) of
// the License and to reproduce the content of the NOTICE file.
// You may obtain a copy of the Apache License at
// Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
// distributed under the Apache License with the above modification is
// KIND, either express or implied. See the Apache License for the specific
// language governing permissions and limitations under the Apache License.
#include "../version.h"
#include "../sdc/type.h"
#include "../sdc/crease.h"
#include "../sdc/options.h"
#include "../vtr/types.h"
#include "../vtr/level.h"
#include <vector>
#include <cassert>
#include <cstring>
namespace OpenSubdiv {
namespace Vtr {
// FVarLevel:
// A "face-varying channel" includes the topology for a set of face-varying
// data, relative to the topology of the Level with which it is associated.
// Analogous to a set of vertices and face-vertices that define the topology for
// the geometry, a channel requires a set of "values" and "face-values". The
// "values" are indices of entries in a set of face-varying data, just as vertices
// are indices into a set of vertex data. The face-values identify a value for
// each vertex of the face, and so define topology for the values that may be
// unique to each channel.
// In addition to the value size and the vector of face-values (which matches the
// size of the geometry's face-vertices), tags are associated with each component
// to identify deviations of the face-varying topology from the vertex topology.
// And since there may be a one-to-many mapping between vertices and face-varying
// values, that mapping is also allocated.
// It turns out that the mapping used is able to completely encode the set of
// face-values and is more amenable to refinement. Currently the face-values
// take up almost half the memory of this representation, so if memory does
// become a concern, we do not need to store them. The only reason we do so now
// is that the face-value interface for specifying base topology and inspecting
// subsequent levels is very familar to that of face-vertices for clients. So
// having them available for such access is convenient.
// Regarding scope and access...
// Unclear at this early state, but leaning towards nesting this class within
// Level, given the intimate dependency between the two.
// Everything is being declared public for now to facilitate access until its
// clearer how this functionality will be provided.
class FVarLevel {
typedef LocalIndex Sibling;
typedef LocalIndexArray SiblingArray;
// Component tags -- trying to minimize the types needed here:
// Tag per Edge:
// - facilitates topological analysis around each vertex
// - required during refinement to spawn one or more edge-values
struct ETag {
ETag() { }
ETag(bool mismatch) : _mismatch(mismatch) { }
typedef unsigned char ETagSize;
ETagSize _mismatch : 1; // local FVar topology does not match
ETagSize _boundary : 1; // not continuous at both ends
ETagSize _disctsV0 : 1; // discontinuous at vertex 0
ETagSize _disctsV1 : 1; // discontinuous at vertex 1
// Tag per Value:
// - informs both refinement and interpolation
// - every value spawns a child value in refinement
// - given ordering of values (1-per-vertex first) serves as a vertex tag
struct ValueTag {
ValueTag() { }
ValueTag(bool mismatch) : _mismatch(mismatch) { }
typedef unsigned char ValueTagSize;
ValueTagSize _mismatch : 1; // local FVar topology does not match
ValueTagSize _crease : 1; // value is a crease, otherwise a corner
ValueTagSize _semiSharp : 1; // value is a corner decaying to crease
FVarLevel(Level const& level);
// Const methods:
// Inventory of the face-varying level itself:
Level const& getLevel() const { return _level; }
int getDepth() const { return _level.getDepth(); }
int getNumFaces() const { return _level.getNumFaces(); }
int getNumEdges() const { return _level.getNumEdges(); }
int getNumVertices() const { return _level.getNumVertices(); }
int getNumValues() const { return _valueCount; }
int getNumFaceValuesTotal() const { return (int) _faceVertValues.size(); }
// Queries per face:
IndexArray const getFaceValues(Index fIndex) const;
// Queries per vertex (and its potential sibling values):
bool vertexTopologyMatches(Index vIndex) const { return !_vertValueTags[vIndex]._mismatch; }
int getNumVertexValues(Index vIndex) const;
Index getVertexValueIndex(Index vIndex, Sibling sibling = 0) const;
Index getVertexValue(Index vIndex, Sibling sibling = 0) const;
SiblingArray const getVertexFaceSiblings(Index faceIndex) const;
// Queries specific to values:
bool isValueCrease(Index valueIndex) const { return _vertValueTags[valueIndex]._crease; }
bool isValueCorner(Index valueIndex) const { return !_vertValueTags[valueIndex]._crease; }
bool isValueSemiSharp(Index valueIndex) const { return _vertValueTags[valueIndex]._semiSharp; }
bool isValueInfSharp(Index valueIndex) const { return !_vertValueTags[valueIndex]._semiSharp &&
!_vertValueTags[valueIndex]._crease; }
// Higher-level topological queries, i.e. values in a neighborhood:
void getEdgeFaceValues(Index eIndex, int fIncToEdge, Index valuesPerVert[2]) const;
void getVertexEdgeValues(Index vIndex, Index valuesPerEdge[]) const;
void getVertexCreaseEndValues(Index vIndex, Sibling sibling, Index endValues[2]) const;
// Currently the sibling value storage and indexing is being reconsidered...
// int getNumVertexSiblings(Index vIndex) const;
// IndexArray const getVertexSiblingValues(Index vIndex) const;
// Non-const methods -- modifiers to be protected:
// Array modifiers for the per-face and vertex-face data:
IndexArray getFaceValues(Index fIndex);
SiblingArray getVertexFaceSiblings(Index vIndex);
void setOptions(Sdc::Options const& options);
void resizeValues(int numValues);
void resizeComponents();
void completeTopologyFromFaceValues();
void initializeFaceValuesFromFaceVertices();
void initializeFaceValuesFromVertexFaceSiblings(int firstVertex = 0);
void buildFaceVertexSiblingsFromVertexFaceSiblings(std::vector<Sibling>& fvSiblings) const;
// Information about the "span" for a value:
struct ValueSpan {
LocalIndex _size;
LocalIndex _start;
LocalIndex _disjoint;
LocalIndex _semiSharp;
void gatherValueSpans(Index vIndex, ValueSpan * vValueSpans) const;
bool validate() const;
void print() const;
Level const & _level;
// Options vary between channels:
Sdc::Options _options;
bool _isLinear;
bool _hasSmoothBoundaries;
int _valueCount;
// Vectors recording face-varying topology -- values-per-face, which edges
// are discts wrt the FVar data, the one-to-many mapping between vertices and
// their sibling values, etc. We use 8-bit "local indices" where possible.
// Per-face (matches face-verts of corresponding level):
std::vector<Index> _faceVertValues;
// Per-edge:
std::vector<ETag> _edgeTags;
// Per-vertex:
std::vector<Sibling> _vertSiblingCounts;
std::vector<int> _vertSiblingOffsets;
std::vector<Sibling> _vertFaceSiblings;
// Per-value:
std::vector<Index> _vertValueIndices;
std::vector<ValueTag> _vertValueTags;
std::vector<LocalIndex> _vertValueCreaseEnds;
// Access/modify the values associated with each face:
inline IndexArray const
FVarLevel::getFaceValues(Index fIndex) const {
int vCount = _level._faceVertCountsAndOffsets[fIndex*2];
int vOffset = _level._faceVertCountsAndOffsets[fIndex*2+1];
return IndexArray(&_faceVertValues[vOffset], vCount);
inline IndexArray
FVarLevel::getFaceValues(Index fIndex) {
int vCount = _level._faceVertCountsAndOffsets[fIndex*2];
int vOffset = _level._faceVertCountsAndOffsets[fIndex*2+1];
return IndexArray(&_faceVertValues[vOffset], vCount);
inline FVarLevel::SiblingArray const
FVarLevel::getVertexFaceSiblings(Index vIndex) const {
int vCount = _level._vertFaceCountsAndOffsets[vIndex*2];
int vOffset = _level._vertFaceCountsAndOffsets[vIndex*2+1];
return SiblingArray(&_vertFaceSiblings[vOffset], vCount);
inline FVarLevel::SiblingArray
FVarLevel::getVertexFaceSiblings(Index vIndex) {
int vCount = _level._vertFaceCountsAndOffsets[vIndex*2];
int vOffset = _level._vertFaceCountsAndOffsets[vIndex*2+1];
return SiblingArray(&_vertFaceSiblings[vOffset], vCount);
// Access the values associated with each vertex:
inline int
FVarLevel::getNumVertexSiblings(Index vertexIndex) const
return _vertSiblingCounts[vertexIndex];
inline IndexArray const
FVarLevel::getVertexSiblingValues(Index vIndex) const
int vCount = _vertSiblingCounts[vIndex];
int vOffset = _vertSiblingOffsets[vIndex];
return IndexArray(&_vertValueIndices[vOffset], vCount);
inline int
FVarLevel::getNumVertexValues(Index vertexIndex) const {
return 1 + _vertSiblingCounts[vertexIndex];
inline Index
FVarLevel::getVertexValueIndex(Index vIndex, Sibling vSibling) const {
return vSibling ? (_vertSiblingOffsets[vIndex] + vSibling - 1) : vIndex;
inline Index
FVarLevel::getVertexValue(Index vIndex, Sibling vSibling) const {
return _vertValueIndices[getVertexValueIndex(vIndex, vSibling)];
} // end namespace Vtr
} // end namespace OPENSUBDIV_VERSION
using namespace OPENSUBDIV_VERSION;
} // end namespace OpenSubdiv
#endif /* VTR_FVAR_LEVEL_H */