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synced 2024-12-12 12:00:11 +00:00
- move level of refinement / isolation into the Options structs - fix splash damage in rest of the code note 1: this is less than ideal, because most compilers accept the previous call to these functions with an incorrect parameter list (ie. passing the level instead of the struct issues no warnings and compiles...) caveat emptor... note 2: the level parameter names may not be final for adaptive modes as we will likely want independent controls over crease vs. extraordinary vertex isolation.
552 lines
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552 lines
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// Copyright 2014 DreamWorks Animation LLC.
// Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "Apache License")
// with the following modification; you may not use this file except in
// compliance with the Apache License and the following modification to it:
// Section 6. Trademarks. is deleted and replaced with:
// 6. Trademarks. This License does not grant permission to use the trade
// names, trademarks, service marks, or product names of the Licensor
// and its affiliates, except as required to comply with Section 4(c) of
// the License and to reproduce the content of the NOTICE file.
// You may obtain a copy of the Apache License at
// http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
// Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
// distributed under the Apache License with the above modification is
// KIND, either express or implied. See the Apache License for the specific
// language governing permissions and limitations under the Apache License.
#include "../far/topologyRefiner.h"
#include "../vtr/sparseSelector.h"
#include "../vtr/quadRefinement.h"
#include "../vtr/triRefinement.h"
#include <cassert>
#include <cstdio>
namespace OpenSubdiv {
namespace Far {
// Relatively trivial construction/destruction -- the base level (level[0]) needs
// to be explicitly initialized after construction and refinement then applied
TopologyRefiner::TopologyRefiner(Sdc::Type schemeType, Sdc::Options schemeOptions) :
_maxLevel(0) {
// Need to revisit allocation scheme here -- want to use smart-ptrs for these
// but will probably have to settle for explicit new/delete...
_levels.push_back(new Vtr::Level);
TopologyRefiner::~TopologyRefiner() {
for (int i=0; i<(int)_levels.size(); ++i) {
delete _levels[i];
for (int i=0; i<(int)_refinements.size(); ++i) {
delete _refinements[i];
TopologyRefiner::Unrefine() {
if (_levels.size()) {
for (int i=1; i<(int)_levels.size(); ++i) {
delete _levels[i];
for (int i=0; i<(int)_refinements.size(); ++i) {
delete _refinements[i];
TopologyRefiner::Clear() {
// Accessors to the topology information:
TopologyRefiner::GetNumVerticesTotal() const {
int sum = 0;
for (int i = 0; i < (int)_levels.size(); ++i) {
sum += _levels[i]->getNumVertices();
return sum;
TopologyRefiner::GetNumEdgesTotal() const {
int sum = 0;
for (int i = 0; i < (int)_levels.size(); ++i) {
sum += _levels[i]->getNumEdges();
return sum;
TopologyRefiner::GetNumFacesTotal() const {
int sum = 0;
for (int i = 0; i < (int)_levels.size(); ++i) {
sum += _levels[i]->getNumFaces();
return sum;
TopologyRefiner::GetNumFaceVerticesTotal() const {
int sum = 0;
for (int i = 0; i < (int)_levels.size(); ++i) {
sum += _levels[i]->getNumFaceVerticesTotal();
return sum;
TopologyRefiner::GetNumFVarValuesTotal(int channel) const {
int sum = 0;
for (int i = 0; i < (int)_levels.size(); ++i) {
sum += _levels[i]->getNumFVarValues(channel);
return sum;
TopologyRefiner::GetNumHoles(int level) const {
int sum = 0;
Vtr::Level const & lvl = getLevel(level);
for (Index face = 0; face < lvl.getNumFaces(); ++face) {
if (lvl.isHole(face)) {
return sum;
// Ptex information accessors
template <Sdc::Type SCHEME_TYPE> void
computePtexIndices(Vtr::Level const & coarseLevel, std::vector<int> & ptexIndices) {
int nfaces = coarseLevel.getNumFaces();
int ptexID=0;
for (int i = 0; i < nfaces; ++i) {
ptexIndices[i] = ptexID;
Vtr::ConstIndexArray fverts = coarseLevel.getFaceVertices(i);
ptexID += fverts.size()==Sdc::TypeTraits<SCHEME_TYPE>::RegularFaceValence() ? 1 : fverts.size();
// last entry contains the number of ptex texture faces
TopologyRefiner::initializePtexIndices() const {
std::vector<int> & indices = const_cast<std::vector<int> &>(_ptexIndices);
switch (GetSchemeType()) {
computePtexIndices<Sdc::TYPE_BILINEAR>(getLevel(0), indices); break;
case Sdc::TYPE_CATMARK :
computePtexIndices<Sdc::TYPE_CATMARK>(getLevel(0), indices); break;
case Sdc::TYPE_LOOP :
computePtexIndices<Sdc::TYPE_LOOP>(getLevel(0), indices); break;
TopologyRefiner::GetNumPtexFaces() const {
if (_ptexIndices.empty()) {
// see computePtexIndices()
return _ptexIndices.back();
TopologyRefiner::GetPtexIndex(Index f) const {
if (_ptexIndices.empty()) {
return _ptexIndices[f];
namespace {
// Returns the face adjacent to 'face' along edge 'edge'
inline Index
getAdjacentFace(Vtr::Level const & level, Index edge, Index face) {
Far::ConstIndexArray adjFaces = level.getEdgeFaces(edge);
if (adjFaces.size()!=2) {
return -1;
return (adjFaces[0]==face) ? adjFaces[1] : adjFaces[0];
TopologyRefiner::GetPtexAdjacency(int face, int quadrant,
int adjFaces[4], int adjEdges[4]) const {
if (_ptexIndices.empty()) {
Vtr::Level const & level = getLevel(0);
ConstIndexArray fedges = level.getFaceEdges(face);
if (fedges.size()==4) {
// Regular ptex quad face
for (int i=0; i<4; ++i) {
int edge = fedges[i];
Index adjface = getAdjacentFace(level, edge, face);
if (adjface==-1) {
adjFaces[i] = -1; // boundary or non-manifold
adjEdges[i] = 0;
} else {
ConstIndexArray aedges = level.getFaceEdges(adjface);
if (aedges.size()==4) {
adjFaces[i] = _ptexIndices[adjface];
adjEdges[i] = aedges.FindIndexIn4Tuple(edge);
} else {
// neighbor is a sub-face
adjFaces[i] = _ptexIndices[adjface] +
adjEdges[i] = 3;
} else {
// Ptex sub-face 'quadrant' (non-quad)
// Ptex adjacency pattern for non-quads:
// v2
/* o
// / \
// / \
// /0 3\
// / \
// o_ 1 2 _o
// / -_ _- \
// / 2 -o- 1 \
// /3 | 0\
// / 1|2 \
// / 0 | 3 \
// o----------o----------o
// v0 v1
assert(quadrant>=0 and quadrant<fedges.size());
int nextQuadrant = (quadrant+1) % fedges.size(),
prevQuadrant = (quadrant+fedges.size()-1) % fedges.size();
{ // resolve neighbors within the sub-face (edges 1 & 2)
adjFaces[1] = _ptexIndices[face] + nextQuadrant;
adjEdges[1] = 2;
adjFaces[2] = _ptexIndices[face] + prevQuadrant;
adjEdges[2] = 1;
{ // resolve neighbor outisde the sub-face (edge 0)
int edge0 = fedges[quadrant];
Index adjface0 = getAdjacentFace(level, edge0, face);
if (adjface0==-1) {
adjFaces[0] = -1; // boundary or non-manifold
adjEdges[0] = 0;
} else {
ConstIndexArray afedges = level.getFaceEdges(adjface0);
if (afedges.size()==4) {
adjFaces[0] = _ptexIndices[adjface0];
adjEdges[0] = afedges.FindIndexIn4Tuple(edge0);
} else {
int subedge = (afedges.FindIndex(edge0)+1)%afedges.size();
adjFaces[0] = _ptexIndices[adjface0] + subedge;
adjEdges[0] = 3;
// resolve neighbor outisde the sub-face (edge 3)
int edge3 = fedges[prevQuadrant];
Index adjface3 = getAdjacentFace(level, edge3, face);
if (adjface3==-1) {
adjFaces[3]=-1; // boundary or non-manifold
} else {
ConstIndexArray afedges = level.getFaceEdges(adjface3);
if (afedges.size()==4) {
adjFaces[3] = _ptexIndices[adjface3];
adjEdges[3] = afedges.FindIndexIn4Tuple(edge3);
} else {
int subedge = afedges.FindIndex(edge3);
adjFaces[3] = _ptexIndices[adjface3] + subedge;
adjEdges[3] = 0;
// Main refinement method -- allocating and initializing levels and refinements:
TopologyRefiner::RefineUniform(UniformOptions options) {
assert(_levels[0]->getNumVertices() > 0); // Make sure the base level has been initialized
// Allocate the stack of levels and the refinements between them:
_isUniform = true;
_maxLevel = options.refinementLevel;
Sdc::Split splitType = (_subdivType == Sdc::TYPE_LOOP) ? Sdc::SPLIT_TO_TRIS : Sdc::SPLIT_TO_QUADS;
// Initialize refinement options for Vtr -- adjusting full-topology for the last level:
Vtr::Refinement::Options refineOptions;
refineOptions._sparse = false;
for (int i = 1; i <= options.refinementLevel; ++i) {
refineOptions._faceTopologyOnly =
options.fullTopologyInLastLevel ? false : (i == options.refinementLevel);
Vtr::Level& parentLevel = getLevel(i-1);
Vtr::Level& childLevel = *(new Vtr::Level);
Vtr::Refinement* refinement = 0;
if (splitType == Sdc::SPLIT_TO_QUADS) {
refinement = new Vtr::QuadRefinement(parentLevel, childLevel, _subdivOptions);
} else {
refinement = new Vtr::TriRefinement(parentLevel, childLevel, _subdivOptions);
TopologyRefiner::RefineAdaptive(AdaptiveOptions options) {
assert(_levels[0]->getNumVertices() > 0); // Make sure the base level has been initialized
// Allocate the stack of levels and the refinements between them:
_isUniform = false;
_maxLevel = options.isolationLevel;
_useSingleCreasePatch = options.useSingleCreasePatch;
// Initialize refinement options for Vtr:
Vtr::Refinement::Options refineOptions;
refineOptions._sparse = true;
refineOptions._faceTopologyOnly = not options.fullTopologyInLastLevel;
Sdc::Split splitType = (_subdivType == Sdc::TYPE_LOOP) ? Sdc::SPLIT_TO_TRIS : Sdc::SPLIT_TO_QUADS;
for (int i = 1; i <= options.isolationLevel; ++i) {
// Keeping full topology on for debugging -- may need to go back a level and "prune"
// its topology if we don't use the full depth
refineOptions._faceTopologyOnly = false;
Vtr::Level& parentLevel = getLevel(i-1);
Vtr::Level& childLevel = *(new Vtr::Level);
Vtr::Refinement* refinement = 0;
if (splitType == Sdc::SPLIT_TO_QUADS) {
refinement = new Vtr::QuadRefinement(parentLevel, childLevel, _subdivOptions);
} else {
refinement = new Vtr::TriRefinement(parentLevel, childLevel, _subdivOptions);
// Initialize a Selector to mark a sparse set of components for refinement. If
// nothing was selected, discard the new refinement and child level, trim the
// maximum level and stop refinining any further. Otherwise, refine and append
// the new refinement and child.
// Note that if we support the "full topology at last level" option properly,
// we should prune the previous level generated, as it is now the last...
Vtr::SparseSelector selector(*refinement);
if (selector.isSelectionEmpty()) {
_maxLevel = i - 1;
delete refinement;
delete &childLevel;
// Method for selecting components for sparse refinement based on the feature-adaptive needs
// of patch generation.
// It assumes we have a freshly initialized Vtr::SparseSelector (i.e. nothing already selected)
// and will select all relevant topological features for inclusion in the subsequent sparse
// refinement.
// This was originally written specific to the quad-centric Catmark scheme and was since
// generalized to support Loop given the enhanced tagging of components based on the scheme.
// Any further enhancements here, e.g. new approaches for dealing with infinitely sharp
// creases, should be aware of the intended generality. Ultimately it may not be worth
// trying to keep this general and we will be better off specializing it for each scheme.
// The fact that this method is intimately tied to patch generation also begs for it to
// become part of a class that encompasses both the feature adaptive tagging and the
// identification of the intended patch that result from it.
TopologyRefiner::selectFeatureAdaptiveComponents(Vtr::SparseSelector& selector) {
Vtr::Level const& level = selector.getRefinement().parent();
int regularFaceSize = selector.getRefinement()._regFaceSize;
bool considerSingleCreasePatch = _useSingleCreasePatch && (regularFaceSize == 4);
for (Vtr::Index face = 0; face < level.getNumFaces(); ++face) {
if (level.isHole(face)) {
Vtr::ConstIndexArray faceVerts = level.getFaceVertices(face);
// Testing irregular faces is only necessary at level 0, and potentially warrants
// separating out as the caller can detect these:
if (faceVerts.size() != regularFaceSize) {
// We need to also ensure that all adjacent faces to this are selected, so we
// select every face incident every vertex of the face. This is the only place
// where other faces are selected as a side effect and somewhat undermines the
// whole intent of the per-face traversal.
Vtr::ConstIndexArray fVerts = level.getFaceVertices(face);
for (int i = 0; i < fVerts.size(); ++i) {
ConstIndexArray fVertFaces = level.getVertexFaces(fVerts[i]);
for (int j = 0; j < fVertFaces.size(); ++j) {
// Combine the tags for all vertices of the face and quickly accept/reject based on
// the presence/absence of properties where we can (further inspection is likely to
// be necessary in some cases, particularly when we start trying to be clever about
// minimizing refinement for inf-sharp creases, etc.):
Vtr::Level::VTag compFaceVTag = level.getFaceCompositeVTag(faceVerts);
if (compFaceVTag._incomplete) {
bool selectFace = false;
if (compFaceVTag._xordinary) {
selectFace = true;
} else if (compFaceVTag._rule & Sdc::Crease::RULE_DART) {
// Get this case out of the way before testing hard features
selectFace = true;
} else if (compFaceVTag._nonManifold) {
// Warrants further inspection -- isolate for now
// - will want to defer inf-sharp treatment to below
selectFace = true;
} else if (!(compFaceVTag._rule & Sdc::Crease::RULE_SMOOTH)) {
// None of the vertices is Smooth, so we have all vertices either Crease or Corner,
// though some may be regular patches, this currently warrants isolation as we only
// support regular patches with one corner or one boundary.
selectFace = true;
} else if (compFaceVTag._semiSharp) {
// if this is regular and the adjacent edges have same sharpness
// and no vertex corner sharpness,
// we can stop refinning and use single-crease patch.
if (considerSingleCreasePatch) {
selectFace = not level.isSingleCreasePatch(face);
} else {
selectFace = true;
} else {
// This leaves us with at least one Smooth vertex (and so two smooth adjacent edges
// of the quad) and the rest hard Creases or Corners. This includes the regular
// corner and boundary cases that we don't want to isolate, but leaves a few others
// that do warrant isolation -- needing further inspection.
// For now go with the boundary cases and don't isolate...
//selectFace = false;
if (not selectFace) {
// Infinitely sharp edges do not influence vertex flags, but they need to
// isolated unless they can be treated as 'single-crease' cases.
// XXXX manuelk this will probably have to be revisited once infinitely
// sharp creases are handled correctly.
Vtr::ConstIndexArray faceEdges = level.getFaceEdges(face);
Vtr::Level::ETag compFaceETag = level.getFaceCompositeETag(faceEdges);
if (compFaceETag._infSharp and not compFaceETag._boundary) {
// XXXX manuelk we are testing an 'and' aggregate of flags for all
// edges : this should be safe, because if the sharp edge is not
// the edge on the boundary, this face would have been selected
// with one of the previous tests
selectFace = considerSingleCreasePatch ?
not level.isSingleCreasePatch(face) : true;
if (selectFace) {
} // end namespace Far
} // end namespace OPENSUBDIV_VERSION
} // end namespace OpenSubdiv