2015-11-16 14:39:58 -08:00

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// Copyright 2015 DreamWorks Animation LLC.
// Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "Apache License")
// with the following modification; you may not use this file except in
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// Section 6. Trademarks. is deleted and replaced with:
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#include "../version.h"
#include "../vtr/level.h"
#include "../vtr/refinement.h"
#include "../far/types.h"
#include <vector>
namespace OpenSubdiv {
namespace Far {
/// \brief TopologyLevel is an interface for accessing data in a specific level of a refined
/// topology hierarchy. Instances of TopologyLevel are created and owned by a TopologyRefiner,
/// which will return const-references to them. Such references are only valid during the
/// lifetime of TopologyRefiner that created and returned them, and only for a given refinement,
/// i.e. if the TopologyRefiner is re-refined, any references to TopoologyLevels are invalidated.
class TopologyLevel {
/// @name Methods to inspect the overall inventory of components:
/// All three main component types are indexed locally within each level. For
/// some topological relationships -- notably face-vertices, which is often
/// the only relationship of interest -- the total number of entries is also
/// made available.
/// \brief Return the number of vertices in this level
int GetNumVertices() const { return _level->getNumVertices(); }
/// \brief Return the number of faces in this level
int GetNumFaces() const { return _level->getNumFaces(); }
/// \brief Return the number of edges in this level
int GetNumEdges() const { return _level->getNumEdges(); }
/// \brief Return the total number of face-vertices, i.e. the sum of all vertices for all faces
int GetNumFaceVertices() const { return _level->getNumFaceVerticesTotal(); }
/// @name Methods to inspect topological relationships for individual components:
/// With three main component types (vertices, faces and edges), for each of the
/// three components the TopologyLevel stores the incident/adjacent components of
/// the other two types. So there are six relationships available for immediate
/// inspection. All are accessed by methods that return an array of fixed size
/// containing the indices of the incident components.
/// For some of the relations, i.e. those for which the incident components are
/// of higher order or 'contain' the component itself (e.g. a vertex has incident
/// faces that contain it), an additional 'local index' is available that identifies
/// the component within each of its neighbors. For example, if vertex V is the k'th
/// vertex in some face F, then when F occurs in the set of incident vertices of V,
/// the local index corresponding to F will be k. The ordering of local indices
/// matches the ordering of the incident component to which it corresponds.
/// \brief Access the vertices incident a given face
ConstIndexArray GetFaceVertices(Index f) const { return _level->getFaceVertices(f); }
/// \brief Access the edges incident a given face
ConstIndexArray GetFaceEdges(Index f) const { return _level->getFaceEdges(f); }
/// \brief Access the vertices incident a given edge
ConstIndexArray GetEdgeVertices(Index e) const { return _level->getEdgeVertices(e); }
/// \brief Access the faces incident a given edge
ConstIndexArray GetEdgeFaces(Index e) const { return _level->getEdgeFaces(e); }
/// \brief Access the faces incident a given vertex
ConstIndexArray GetVertexFaces(Index v) const { return _level->getVertexFaces(v); }
/// \brief Access the edges incident a given vertex
ConstIndexArray GetVertexEdges(Index v) const { return _level->getVertexEdges(v); }
/// \brief Access the local indices of a vertex with respect to its incident faces
ConstLocalIndexArray GetVertexFaceLocalIndices(Index v) const { return _level->getVertexFaceLocalIndices(v); }
/// \brief Access the local indices of a vertex with respect to its incident edges
ConstLocalIndexArray GetVertexEdgeLocalIndices(Index v) const { return _level->getVertexEdgeLocalIndices(v); }
/// \brief Access the local indices of an edge with respect to its incident faces
ConstLocalIndexArray GetEdgeFaceLocalIndices(Index e) const { return _level->getEdgeFaceLocalIndices(e); }
/// \brief Identify the edge matching the given vertex pair
Index FindEdge(Index v0, Index v1) const { return _level->findEdge(v0, v1); }
/// @name Methods to inspect feature tags for individual components:
/// While only a subset of components may have been tagged with features such
/// as sharpness, all such features have a default value and so all components
/// can be inspected.
/// \brief Return the sharpness assigned a given edge
float GetEdgeSharpness(Index e) const { return _level->getEdgeSharpness(e); }
/// \brief Return the sharpness assigned a given vertex
float GetVertexSharpness(Index v) const { return _level->getVertexSharpness(v); }
/// \brief Return if a given face has been tagged as a hole
bool IsFaceHole(Index f) const { return _level->isFaceHole(f); }
/// \brief Return the subdivision rule assigned a given vertex specific to this level
Sdc::Crease::Rule GetVertexRule(Index v) const { return _level->getVertexRule(v); }
/// @name Methods to inspect face-varying data:
/// Face-varying data is organized into topologically independent channels,
/// each with an integer identifier. Access to face-varying data generally
/// requires the specification of a channel, though with a single channel
/// being a common situation the first/only channel will be assumed if
/// unspecified.
/// A face-varying channel is composed of a set of values that may be shared
/// by faces meeting at a common vertex. Just as there are set of vertices
/// that are associated with faces by index (ranging from 0 to
/// num-vertices - 1), face-varying values are also referenced by index
/// (ranging from 0 to num-values -1).
/// The face-varying values associated with a face are accessed similarly to
/// the way in which vertices associated with the face are accessed -- an
/// array of fixed size containing the indices for each corner is provided
/// for inspection, iteration, etc.
/// \brief Return the number of face-varying channels (should be same for all levels)
int GetNumFVarChannels() const { return _level->getNumFVarChannels(); }
/// \brief Return the total number of face-varying values in a particular channel
/// (the upper bound of a face-varying value index)
int GetNumFVarValues(int channel = 0) const { return _level->getNumFVarValues(channel); }
/// \brief Access the face-varying values associated with a particular face
ConstIndexArray GetFaceFVarValues(Index f, int channel = 0) const { return _level->getFaceFVarValues(f, channel); }
/// @name Methods to identify parent or child components in adjoining levels of refinement:
/// \brief Access the child faces (in the next level) of a given face
ConstIndexArray GetFaceChildFaces(Index f) const { return _refToChild->getFaceChildFaces(f); }
/// \brief Access the child edges (in the next level) of a given face
ConstIndexArray GetFaceChildEdges(Index f) const { return _refToChild->getFaceChildEdges(f); }
/// \brief Access the child edges (in the next level) of a given edge
ConstIndexArray GetEdgeChildEdges(Index e) const { return _refToChild->getEdgeChildEdges(e); }
/// \brief Return the child vertex (in the next level) of a given face
Index GetFaceChildVertex( Index f) const { return _refToChild->getFaceChildVertex(f); }
/// \brief Return the child vertex (in the next level) of a given edge
Index GetEdgeChildVertex( Index e) const { return _refToChild->getEdgeChildVertex(e); }
/// \brief Return the child vertex (in the next level) of a given vertex
Index GetVertexChildVertex(Index v) const { return _refToChild->getVertexChildVertex(v); }
/// \brief Return the parent face (in the previous level) of a given face
Index GetFaceParentFace(Index f) const { return _refToParent->getChildFaceParentFace(f); }
/// @name Debugging aides:
bool ValidateTopology() const { return _level->validateTopology(); }
void PrintTopology(bool children = true) const { _level->print((children && _refToChild) ? _refToChild : 0); }
friend class TopologyRefiner;
Vtr::internal::Level const * _level;
Vtr::internal::Refinement const * _refToParent;
Vtr::internal::Refinement const * _refToChild;
// Not intended for public use, but required by std::vector, etc...
TopologyLevel() { }
~TopologyLevel() { }
} // end namespace Far
} // end namespace OPENSUBDIV_VERSION
using namespace OPENSUBDIV_VERSION;
} // end namespace OpenSubdiv