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synced 2024-11-23 04:00:07 +00:00
Relocated from PatchCommon to PatchLegacy several aspects of the shader source which can cause problems with typical use cases. Specifically, things like resource bindings, input assembler and interstage declarations are best left to client code. These are not removed, just relocated and remain available for backward compatibility. Updated the GLSL, HLSL, and MSL source.
568 lines
19 KiB
568 lines
19 KiB
#line 0 "osd/mtlPatchBoxSplineTriangle.metal"
// Copyright 2015-2019 Pixar
// Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "Apache License")
// with the following modification; you may not use this file except in
// compliance with the Apache License and the following modification to it:
// Section 6. Trademarks. is deleted and replaced with:
// 6. Trademarks. This License does not grant permission to use the trade
// names, trademarks, service marks, or product names of the Licensor
// and its affiliates, except as required to comply with Section 4(c) of
// the License and to reproduce the content of the NOTICE file.
// You may obtain a copy of the Apache License at
// http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
// Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
// distributed under the Apache License with the above modification is
// KIND, either express or implied. See the Apache License for the specific
// language governing permissions and limitations under the Apache License.
// Patches.Common
#define offsetof_(X, Y) &(((device X*)nullptr)->Y)
struct OsdPerVertexGregory {
float3 P;
short3 clipFlag;
int valence;
float3 e0;
float3 e1;
int zerothNeighbor;
float3 org;
float3 r[OSD_MAX_VALENCE];
struct OsdPerPatchVertexGregory {
packed_float3 P;
packed_float3 Ep;
packed_float3 Em;
packed_float3 Fp;
packed_float3 Fm;
// HLSL->Metal Compatibility
float4 mul(float4x4 a, float4 b)
return a * b;
float3 mul(float4x4 a, float3 b)
float3x3 m(a[0].xyz, a[1].xyz, a[2].xyz);
return m * b;
struct HullVertex {
float4 position;
short3 clipFlag;
float3 GetPosition() threadgroup
return position.xyz;
void SetPosition(float3 v) threadgroup
position.xyz = v;
// XXXdyu all downstream data can be handled by client code
struct OsdPatchVertex {
float3 position;
float3 normal;
float3 tangent;
float3 bitangent;
float4 patchCoord; //u, v, faceLevel, faceId
float2 tessCoord; // tesscoord.st
float3 Nu;
float3 Nv;
float2 vSegments;
struct OsdPerPatchTessFactors {
float4 tessOuterLo;
float4 tessOuterHi;
using OsdPatchParamBufferType = packed_int3;
using PatchVertexType = HullVertex;
using PerPatchVertexType = OsdPerPatchVertexBezier;
using PatchVertexType = OsdPerVertexGregory;
using PerPatchVertexType = OsdPerPatchVertexGregory;
using PatchVertexType = HullVertex;
using PerPatchVertexType = OsdPerPatchVertexGregoryBasis;
using PatchVertexType = OsdInputVertexType;
using PerPatchVertexType = OsdInputVertexType;
//Shared buffers used by OSD that are common to all kernels
struct OsdPatchParamBufferSet
const device OsdInputVertexType* vertexBuffer [[buffer(VERTEX_BUFFER_INDEX)]];
const device unsigned* indexBuffer [[buffer(CONTROL_INDICES_BUFFER_INDEX)]];
const device OsdPatchParamBufferType* patchParamBuffer [[buffer(OSD_PATCHPARAM_BUFFER_INDEX)]];
device PerPatchVertexType* perPatchVertexBuffer [[buffer(OSD_PERPATCHVERTEX_BUFFER_INDEX)]];
device OsdPerPatchTessFactors* patchTessBuffer [[buffer(OSD_PERPATCHTESSFACTORS_BUFFER_INDEX)]];
const device int* quadOffsetBuffer [[buffer(OSD_QUADOFFSET_BUFFER_INDEX)]];
const device int* valenceBuffer [[buffer(OSD_VALENCE_BUFFER_INDEX)]];
const constant unsigned& kernelExecutionLimit [[buffer(OSD_KERNELLIMIT_BUFFER_INDEX)]];
//Shared buffers used by OSD that are common to all PTVS implementations
struct OsdVertexBufferSet
const device OsdInputVertexType* vertexBuffer [[buffer(VERTEX_BUFFER_INDEX)]];
const device unsigned* indexBuffer [[buffer(CONTROL_INDICES_BUFFER_INDEX)]];
const device OsdPatchParamBufferType* patchParamBuffer [[buffer(OSD_PATCHPARAM_BUFFER_INDEX)]];
device PerPatchVertexType* perPatchVertexBuffer [[buffer(OSD_PERPATCHVERTEX_BUFFER_INDEX)]];
device OsdPerPatchTessFactors* patchTessBuffer [[buffer(OSD_PERPATCHTESSFACTORS_BUFFER_INDEX)]];
// These are stored in OsdPatchParamBuffer indexed by the value returned
// from OsdGetPatchIndex() which is a function of the current PrimitiveID
// along with an optional client provided offset.
int3 OsdGetPatchParam(int patchIndex, const device OsdPatchParamBufferType* osdPatchParamBuffer)
return int3(osdPatchParamBuffer[patchIndex]);
auto p = osdPatchParamBuffer[patchIndex];
return int3(p[0], p[1], 0);
int OsdGetPatchIndex(int primitiveId)
return primitiveId;
// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
// patch culling
// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
bool OsdCullPerPatchVertex(
threadgroup PatchVertexType* patch,
float4x4 ModelViewMatrix
auto v0 = float3(ModelViewMatrix * patch[5].position);
auto v3 = float3(ModelViewMatrix * patch[6].position);
auto v12 = float3(ModelViewMatrix * patch[9].position);
auto n = normalize(cross(v3 - v0, v12 - v0));
v0 = normalize(v0 + v3 + v12);
if(dot(v0, n) > 0.6f)
return false;
short3 clipFlag = short3(0,0,0);
for(int i = 0; i < CONTROL_POINTS_PER_PATCH; ++i) {
clipFlag |= patch[i].clipFlag;
if (any(clipFlag != short3(3,3,3))) {
return false;
return true;
// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
// Legacy Gregory
// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
// precomputed catmark coefficient table up to valence 29
constant float OsdCatmarkCoefficient[30] = {
0, 0, 0, 0.812816, 0.500000, 0.363644, 0.287514,
0.238688, 0.204544, 0.179229, 0.159657,
0.144042, 0.131276, 0.120632, 0.111614,
0.103872, 0.09715, 0.0912559, 0.0860444,
0.0814022, 0.0772401, 0.0734867, 0.0700842,
0.0669851, 0.0641504, 0.0615475, 0.0591488,
0.0569311, 0.0548745, 0.0529621
OsdComputeCatmarkCoefficient(int valence)
return OsdCatmarkCoefficient[valence];
if (valence < 30) {
return OsdCatmarkCoefficient[valence];
} else {
float t = 2.0f / float(valence);
return 1.0f / (valence * (cospi(t) + 5.0f +
sqrt((cospi(t) + 9) * (cospi(t) + 1)))/16.0f);
float cosfn(int n, int j) {
return cospi((2.0f * j)/float(n));
float sinfn(int n, int j) {
return sinpi((2.0f * j)/float(n));
template<typename OsdVertexBuffer>
float3 OsdReadVertex(int vertexIndex, OsdVertexBuffer osdVertexBuffer)
int index = (vertexIndex /*+ OsdBaseVertex()*/);
return osdVertexBuffer[index].position;
template<typename OsdValenceBuffer>
int OsdReadVertexValence(int vertexID, OsdValenceBuffer osdValenceBuffer)
int index = int(vertexID * (2 * OSD_MAX_VALENCE + 1));
return osdValenceBuffer[index];
template<typename OsdValenceBuffer>
int OsdReadVertexIndex(int vertexID, int valenceVertex, OsdValenceBuffer osdValenceBuffer)
int index = int(vertexID * (2 * OSD_MAX_VALENCE + 1) + 1 + valenceVertex);
return osdValenceBuffer[index];
template<typename OsdQuadOffsetBuffer>
int OsdReadQuadOffset(int primitiveID, int offsetVertex, OsdQuadOffsetBuffer osdQuadOffsetBuffer)
int index = int(4*primitiveID + offsetVertex);
return osdQuadOffsetBuffer[index];
void OsdComputePerVertexGregory(unsigned vID, float3 P, threadgroup OsdPerVertexGregory& v, OsdPatchParamBufferSet osdBuffers)
v.clipFlag = short3(0,0,0);
int ivalence = OsdReadVertexValence(vID, osdBuffers.valenceBuffer);
v.valence = ivalence;
int valence = abs(ivalence);
float3 f[OSD_MAX_VALENCE];
float3 pos = P;
float3 opos = float3(0,0,0);
v.org = pos;
int boundaryEdgeNeighbors[2];
int currNeighbor = 0;
int ibefore = 0;
int zerothNeighbor = 0;
for (int i=0; i<valence; ++i) {
int im = (i+valence-1)%valence;
int ip = (i+1)%valence;
int idx_neighbor = OsdReadVertexIndex(vID, 2*i, osdBuffers.valenceBuffer);
bool isBoundaryNeighbor = false;
int valenceNeighbor = OsdReadVertexValence(idx_neighbor, osdBuffers.valenceBuffer);
if (valenceNeighbor < 0) {
isBoundaryNeighbor = true;
if (currNeighbor<2) {
boundaryEdgeNeighbors[currNeighbor] = idx_neighbor;
if (currNeighbor == 1) {
ibefore = i;
zerothNeighbor = i;
} else {
if (i-ibefore == 1) {
int tmp = boundaryEdgeNeighbors[0];
boundaryEdgeNeighbors[0] = boundaryEdgeNeighbors[1];
boundaryEdgeNeighbors[1] = tmp;
zerothNeighbor = i;
float3 neighbor = OsdReadVertex(idx_neighbor, osdBuffers.vertexBuffer);
int idx_diagonal = OsdReadVertexIndex(vID, 2*i + 1, osdBuffers.valenceBuffer);
float3 diagonal = OsdReadVertex(idx_diagonal, osdBuffers.vertexBuffer);
int idx_neighbor_p = OsdReadVertexIndex(vID, 2*ip, osdBuffers.valenceBuffer);
float3 neighbor_p = OsdReadVertex(idx_neighbor_p, osdBuffers.vertexBuffer);
int idx_neighbor_m = OsdReadVertexIndex(vID, 2*im, osdBuffers.valenceBuffer);
float3 neighbor_m = OsdReadVertex(idx_neighbor_m, osdBuffers.vertexBuffer);
int idx_diagonal_m = OsdReadVertexIndex(vID, 2*im + 1, osdBuffers.valenceBuffer);
float3 diagonal_m = OsdReadVertex(idx_diagonal_m, osdBuffers.vertexBuffer);
f[i] = (pos * float(valence) + (neighbor_p + neighbor)*2.0f + diagonal) / (float(valence)+5.0f);
opos += f[i];
v.r[i] = (neighbor_p-neighbor_m)/3.0f + (diagonal - diagonal_m)/6.0f;
opos /= valence;
v.P = float4(opos, 1.0f).xyz;
float3 e;
v.e0 = float3(0,0,0);
v.e1 = float3(0,0,0);
for(int i=0; i<valence; ++i) {
int im = (i + valence -1) % valence;
e = 0.5f * (f[i] + f[im]);
v.e0 += cosfn(valence, i)*e;
v.e1 += sinfn(valence, i)*e;
float ef = OsdComputeCatmarkCoefficient(valence);
v.e0 *= ef;
v.e1 *= ef;
v.zerothNeighbor = zerothNeighbor;
if (currNeighbor == 1) {
boundaryEdgeNeighbors[1] = boundaryEdgeNeighbors[0];
if (ivalence < 0) {
if (valence > 2) {
v.P = (OsdReadVertex(boundaryEdgeNeighbors[0], osdBuffers.vertexBuffer) +
OsdReadVertex(boundaryEdgeNeighbors[1], osdBuffers.vertexBuffer) +
4.0f * pos)/6.0f;
} else {
v.P = pos;
v.e0 = (OsdReadVertex(boundaryEdgeNeighbors[0], osdBuffers.vertexBuffer) -
OsdReadVertex(boundaryEdgeNeighbors[1], osdBuffers.vertexBuffer))/6.0;
float k = float(float(valence) - 1.0f); //k is the number of faces
float c = cospi(1.0/k);
float s = sinpi(1.0/k);
float gamma = -(4.0f*s)/(3.0f*k+c);
float alpha_0k = -((1.0f+2.0f*c)*sqrt(1.0f+c))/((3.0f*k+c)*sqrt(1.0f-c));
float beta_0 = s/(3.0f*k + c);
int idx_diagonal = OsdReadVertexIndex(vID, 2*zerothNeighbor + 1, osdBuffers.valenceBuffer);
float3 diagonal = OsdReadVertex(idx_diagonal, osdBuffers.vertexBuffer);
v.e1 = gamma * pos +
alpha_0k * OsdReadVertex(boundaryEdgeNeighbors[0], osdBuffers.vertexBuffer) +
alpha_0k * OsdReadVertex(boundaryEdgeNeighbors[1], osdBuffers.vertexBuffer) +
beta_0 * diagonal;
for (int x=1; x<valence - 1; ++x) {
int curri = ((x + zerothNeighbor)%valence);
float alpha = (4.0f*sinpi((float(x))/k))/(3.0f*k+c);
float beta = (sinpi((float(x))/k) + sinpi((float(x+1))/k))/(3.0f*k+c);
int idx_neighbor = OsdReadVertexIndex(vID, 2*curri, osdBuffers.valenceBuffer);
float3 neighbor = OsdReadVertex(idx_neighbor, osdBuffers.vertexBuffer);
idx_diagonal = OsdReadVertexIndex(vID, 2*curri + 1, osdBuffers.valenceBuffer);
diagonal = OsdReadVertex(idx_diagonal, osdBuffers.vertexBuffer);
v.e1 += alpha * neighbor + beta * diagonal;
v.e1 /= 3.0f;
OsdComputePerPatchVertexGregory(int3 patchParam, unsigned ID, unsigned primitiveID,
threadgroup OsdPerVertexGregory* v,
device OsdPerPatchVertexGregory& result,
OsdPatchParamBufferSet osdBuffers)
result.P = v[ID].P;
int i = ID;
int ip = (i+1)%4;
int im = (i+3)%4;
int valence = abs(v[i].valence);
int n = valence;
int start = OsdReadQuadOffset(primitiveID, i, osdBuffers.quadOffsetBuffer) & 0xff;
int prev = (OsdReadQuadOffset(primitiveID, i, osdBuffers.quadOffsetBuffer) >> 8) & 0xff;
int start_m = OsdReadQuadOffset(primitiveID, im, osdBuffers.quadOffsetBuffer) & 0xff;
int prev_p = (OsdReadQuadOffset(primitiveID, ip, osdBuffers.quadOffsetBuffer) >> 8) & 0xff;
int np = abs(v[ip].valence);
int nm = abs(v[im].valence);
// Control Vertices based on :
// "Approximating Subdivision Surfaces with Gregory Patches
// for Hardware Tessellation"
// Loop, Schaefer, Ni, Castano (ACM ToG Siggraph Asia 2009)
// P3 e3- e2+ P2
// O--------O--------O--------O
// | | | |
// | | | |
// | | f3- | f2+ |
// | O O |
// e3+ O------O O------O e2-
// | f3+ f2- |
// | |
// | |
// | f0- f1+ |
// e0- O------O O------O e1+
// | O O |
// | | f0+ | f1- |
// | | | |
// | | | |
// O--------O--------O--------O
// P0 e0+ e1- P1
float3 Em_ip;
if (v[ip].valence < -2) {
int j = (np + prev_p - v[ip].zerothNeighbor) % np;
Em_ip = v[ip].P + cospi(j/float(np-1))*v[ip].e0 + sinpi(j/float(np-1))*v[ip].e1;
} else {
Em_ip = v[ip].P + v[ip].e0*cosfn(np, prev_p) + v[ip].e1*sinfn(np, prev_p);
float3 Ep_im;
if (v[im].valence < -2) {
int j = (nm + start_m - v[im].zerothNeighbor) % nm;
Ep_im = v[im].P + cospi(j/float(nm-1))*v[im].e0 + sinpi(j/float(nm-1))*v[im].e1;
} else {
Ep_im = v[im].P + v[im].e0*cosfn(nm, start_m) + v[im].e1*sinfn(nm, start_m);
if (v[i].valence < 0) {
n = (n-1)*2;
if (v[im].valence < 0) {
nm = (nm-1)*2;
if (v[ip].valence < 0) {
np = (np-1)*2;
if (v[i].valence > 2) {
result.Ep = v[i].P + (v[i].e0*cosfn(n, start) + v[i].e1*sinfn(n, start));
result.Em = v[i].P + (v[i].e0*cosfn(n, prev) + v[i].e1*sinfn(n, prev));
float s1=3-2*cosfn(n,1)-cosfn(np,1);
float s2=2*cosfn(n,1);
result.Fp = (cosfn(np,1)*v[i].P + s1*result.Ep + s2*Em_ip + v[i].r[start])/3.0f;
s1 = 3.0f-2.0f*cospi(2.0f/float(n))-cospi(2.0f/float(nm));
result.Fm = (cosfn(nm,1)*v[i].P + s1*result.Em + s2*Ep_im - v[i].r[prev])/3.0f;
} else if (v[i].valence < -2) {
int j = (valence + start - v[i].zerothNeighbor) % valence;
result.Ep = v[i].P + cospi(j/float(valence-1))*v[i].e0 + sinpi(j/float(valence-1))*v[i].e1;
j = (valence + prev - v[i].zerothNeighbor) % valence;
result.Em = v[i].P + cospi(j/float(valence-1))*v[i].e0 + sinpi(j/float(valence-1))*v[i].e1;
float3 Rp = ((-2.0f * v[i].org - 1.0f * v[im].org) + (2.0f * v[ip].org + 1.0f * v[(i+2)%4].org))/3.0f;
float3 Rm = ((-2.0f * v[i].org - 1.0f * v[ip].org) + (2.0f * v[im].org + 1.0f * v[(i+2)%4].org))/3.0f;
float s1 = 3-2*cosfn(n,1)-cosfn(np,1);
float s2 = 2*cosfn(n,1);
result.Fp = (cosfn(np,1)*v[i].P + s1*result.Ep + s2*Em_ip + v[i].r[start])/3.0f;
s1 = 3.0f-2.0f*cospi(2.0f/float(n))-cospi(2.0f/float(nm));
result.Fm = (cosfn(nm,1)*v[i].P + s1*result.Em + s2*Ep_im - v[i].r[prev])/3.0f;
if (v[im].valence < 0) {
s1 = 3-2*cosfn(n,1)-cosfn(np,1);
result.Fp = result.Fm = (cosfn(np,1)*v[i].P + s1*result.Ep + s2*Em_ip + v[i].r[start])/3.0f;
} else if (v[ip].valence < 0) {
s1 = 3.0f-2.0f*cospi(2.0f/n)-cospi(2.0f/nm);
result.Fm = result.Fp = (cosfn(nm,1)*v[i].P + s1*result.Em + s2*Ep_im - v[i].r[prev])/3.0f;
} else if (v[i].valence == -2) {
result.Ep = (2.0f * v[i].org + v[ip].org)/3.0f;
result.Em = (2.0f * v[i].org + v[im].org)/3.0f;
result.Fp = result.Fm = (4.0f * v[i].org + v[(i+2)%n].org + 2.0f * v[ip].org + 2.0f * v[im].org)/9.0f;
result.Ep = v[i].P + v[i].e0 * cosfn(n, start) + v[i].e1*sinfn(n, start);
result.Em = v[i].P + v[i].e0 * cosfn(n, prev ) + v[i].e1*sinfn(n, prev );
float3 Em_ip = v[ip].P + v[ip].e0*cosfn(np, prev_p) + v[ip].e1*sinfn(np, prev_p);
float3 Ep_im = v[im].P + v[im].e0*cosfn(nm, start_m) + v[im].e1*sinfn(nm, start_m);
float s1 = 3-2*cosfn(n,1)-cosfn(np,1);
float s2 = 2*cosfn(n,1);
result.Fp = (cosfn(np,1)*v[i].P + s1*result.Ep + s2*Em_ip + v[i].r[start])/3.0f;
s1 = 3.0f-2.0f*cospi(2.0f/float(n))-cospi(2.0f/float(nm));
result.Fm = (cosfn(nm,1)*v[i].P + s1*result.Em +s2*Ep_im - v[i].r[prev])/3.0f;