Merge branch 'master' of
This commit is contained in:
@ -9,7 +9,7 @@ dist: trusty
# We check out glslang at a specific revision to avoid test output mismatches
- GLSLANG_REV=b56f4ac72c57f5c50f14ddb0bf1f78eaaef21c2b
- GLSLANG_REV=e4e8f7b7a31a751be285b64741465b769f5f146f
- if [[ "$TRAVIS_OS_NAME" == "osx" ]]; then brew install python3; fi
@ -4,40 +4,40 @@ layout(local_size_x = 64, local_size_y = 1, local_size_z = 1) in;
layout(binding = 0, std430) readonly buffer Distribution
vec2 distribution[];
} _190;
} _136;
layout(binding = 2, std140) uniform UBO
vec4 uModTime;
} _218;
} _165;
layout(binding = 1, std430) writeonly buffer HeightmapFFT
uint heights[];
} _276;
} _224;
uvec2 workaround_mix(uvec2 a, uvec2 b, bvec2 sel)
uint _137;
uint _83;
if (sel.x)
_137 = b.x;
_83 = b.x;
_137 = a.x;
_83 = a.x;
uint _147 = _137;
uint _148;
uint _93 = _83;
uint _94;
if (sel.y)
_148 = b.y;
_94 = b.y;
_148 = a.y;
_94 = a.y;
return uvec2(_147, _148);
return uvec2(_93, _94);
vec2 alias(vec2 i, vec2 N)
@ -68,13 +68,13 @@ void generate_heightmap()
uvec2 param_1 = uvec2(0u);
bvec2 param_2 = equal(i, uvec2(0u));
uvec2 wi = workaround_mix(param, param_1, param_2);
vec2 a = _190.distribution[(i.y * N.x) + i.x];
vec2 b = _190.distribution[(wi.y * N.x) + wi.x];
vec2 a = _136.distribution[(i.y * N.x) + i.x];
vec2 b = _136.distribution[(wi.y * N.x) + wi.x];
vec2 param_3 = vec2(i);
vec2 param_4 = vec2(N);
vec2 k = _218.uModTime.xy * alias(param_3, param_4);
vec2 k = _165.uModTime.xy * alias(param_3, param_4);
float k_len = length(k);
float w = sqrt(9.81000041961669921875 * k_len) * _218.uModTime.z;
float w = sqrt(9.81000041961669921875 * k_len) * _165.uModTime.z;
float cw = cos(w);
float sw = sin(w);
vec2 param_5 = a;
@ -86,7 +86,7 @@ void generate_heightmap()
b = vec2(b.x, -b.y);
vec2 res = a + b;
vec2 param_9 = res;
_276.heights[(i.y * N.x) + i.x] = pack2(param_9);
_224.heights[(i.y * N.x) + i.x] = pack2(param_9);
void main()
@ -10,7 +10,7 @@ layout(binding = 4, std140) uniform GlobalPSData
vec4 g_ResolutionParams;
vec4 g_TimeParams;
vec4 g_FogColor_Distance;
} _56;
} _101;
layout(binding = 2) uniform mediump sampler2D TexNormalmap;
@ -47,7 +47,7 @@ void main()
vec3 grass = vec3(0.100000001490116119384765625, 0.300000011920928955078125, 0.100000001490116119384765625);
vec3 dirt = vec3(0.100000001490116119384765625);
vec3 snow = vec3(0.800000011920928955078125);
float grass_snow = smoothstep(0.0, 0.1500000059604644775390625, (_56.g_CamPos.y + EyeVec.y) / 200.0);
float grass_snow = smoothstep(0.0, 0.1500000059604644775390625, (_101.g_CamPos.y + EyeVec.y) / 200.0);
vec3 base = mix(grass, snow, vec3(grass_snow));
float edge = smoothstep(0.699999988079071044921875, 0.75, Normal.y);
Color = mix(dirt, base, vec3(edge));
@ -13,26 +13,8 @@ void main()
bvec4 l = bvec4(false, true, false, false);
FragColor = mix(vIn0, vIn1, l);
bool f = true;
FragColor = vec4(mix(vIn2, vIn3, f));
highp vec4 _35;
if (f)
_35 = vIn0;
_35 = vIn1;
FragColor = _35;
highp float _44;
if (f)
_44 = vIn2;
_44 = vIn3;
FragColor = vec4(_44);
FragColor = vec4(f ? vIn3 : vIn2);
FragColor = f ? vIn0 : vIn1;
FragColor = vec4(f ? vIn2 : vIn3);
@ -6,6 +6,18 @@ struct PatchData
vec4 LODs;
layout(binding = 0, std140) uniform PerPatch
PatchData Patches[256];
} _53;
layout(binding = 2, std140) uniform GlobalGround
vec4 GroundScale;
vec4 GroundPosition;
vec4 InvGroundSize_PatchScale;
} _156;
layout(binding = 0, std140) uniform GlobalVSData
vec4 g_ViewProj_Row0;
@ -26,19 +38,7 @@ layout(binding = 0, std140) uniform GlobalVSData
vec4 g_ShadowVP_Row1;
vec4 g_ShadowVP_Row2;
vec4 g_ShadowVP_Row3;
} _58;
layout(binding = 0, std140) uniform PerPatch
PatchData Patches[256];
} _284;
layout(binding = 2, std140) uniform GlobalGround
vec4 GroundScale;
vec4 GroundPosition;
vec4 InvGroundSize_PatchScale;
} _381;
} _236;
layout(binding = 1) uniform mediump sampler2D TexLOD;
layout(binding = 0) uniform mediump sampler2D TexHeightmap;
@ -51,33 +51,33 @@ layout(location = 0) out vec2 TexCoord;
vec2 warp_position()
float vlod = dot(LODWeights, _284.Patches[(gl_InstanceID + SPIRV_Cross_BaseInstance)].LODs);
vlod = mix(vlod, _284.Patches[(gl_InstanceID + SPIRV_Cross_BaseInstance)].Position.w, all(equal(LODWeights, vec4(0.0))));
float vlod = dot(LODWeights, _53.Patches[(gl_InstanceID + SPIRV_Cross_BaseInstance)].LODs);
vlod = all(equal(LODWeights, vec4(0.0))) ? _53.Patches[(gl_InstanceID + SPIRV_Cross_BaseInstance)].Position.w : vlod;
float floor_lod = floor(vlod);
float fract_lod = vlod - floor_lod;
uint ufloor_lod = uint(floor_lod);
uvec2 uPosition = uvec2(Position);
uvec2 mask = (uvec2(1u) << uvec2(ufloor_lod, ufloor_lod + 1u)) - uvec2(1u);
uint _332;
uint _106;
if (uPosition.x < 32u)
_332 = mask.x;
_106 = mask.x;
_332 = 0u;
_106 = 0u;
uint _342 = _332;
uint _343;
uint _116 = _106;
uint _117;
if (uPosition.y < 32u)
_343 = mask.y;
_117 = mask.y;
_343 = 0u;
_117 = 0u;
uvec2 rounding = uvec2(_342, _343);
uvec2 rounding = uvec2(_116, _117);
vec4 lower_upper_snapped = vec4((uPosition + rounding).xyxy & ~mask.xxyy);
return mix(lower_upper_snapped.xy,, vec2(fract_lod));
@ -92,19 +92,19 @@ vec2 lod_factor(vec2 uv)
void main()
vec2 PatchPos = _284.Patches[(gl_InstanceID + SPIRV_Cross_BaseInstance)].Position.xz *;
vec2 PatchPos = _53.Patches[(gl_InstanceID + SPIRV_Cross_BaseInstance)].Position.xz *;
vec2 WarpedPos = warp_position();
vec2 VertexPos = PatchPos + WarpedPos;
vec2 NormalizedPos = VertexPos * _381.InvGroundSize_PatchScale.xy;
vec2 NormalizedPos = VertexPos * _156.InvGroundSize_PatchScale.xy;
vec2 param = NormalizedPos;
vec2 lod = lod_factor(param);
vec2 Offset = _381.InvGroundSize_PatchScale.xy * exp2(lod.x);
vec2 Offset = _156.InvGroundSize_PatchScale.xy * exp2(lod.x);
float Elevation = mix(textureLod(TexHeightmap, NormalizedPos + (Offset * 0.5), lod.x).x, textureLod(TexHeightmap, NormalizedPos + (Offset * 1.0), lod.x + 1.0).x, lod.y);
vec3 WorldPos = vec3(NormalizedPos.x, Elevation, NormalizedPos.y);
WorldPos *=;
WorldPos +=;
EyeVec = WorldPos -;
TexCoord = NormalizedPos + (_381.InvGroundSize_PatchScale.xy * 0.5);
gl_Position = (((_58.g_ViewProj_Row0 * WorldPos.x) + (_58.g_ViewProj_Row1 * WorldPos.y)) + (_58.g_ViewProj_Row2 * WorldPos.z)) + _58.g_ViewProj_Row3;
WorldPos *=;
WorldPos +=;
EyeVec = WorldPos -;
TexCoord = NormalizedPos + (_156.InvGroundSize_PatchScale.xy * 0.5);
gl_Position = (((_236.g_ViewProj_Row0 * WorldPos.x) + (_236.g_ViewProj_Row1 * WorldPos.y)) + (_236.g_ViewProj_Row2 * WorldPos.z)) + _236.g_ViewProj_Row3;
@ -6,6 +6,19 @@ struct PatchData
vec4 LODs;
layout(binding = 0, std140) uniform Offsets
PatchData Patches[256];
} _53;
layout(binding = 4, std140) uniform GlobalOcean
vec4 OceanScale;
vec4 OceanPosition;
vec4 InvOceanSize_PatchScale;
vec4 NormalTexCoordScale;
} _180;
layout(binding = 0, std140) uniform GlobalVSData
vec4 g_ViewProj_Row0;
@ -26,20 +39,7 @@ layout(binding = 0, std140) uniform GlobalVSData
vec4 g_ShadowVP_Row1;
vec4 g_ShadowVP_Row2;
vec4 g_ShadowVP_Row3;
} _58;
layout(binding = 0, std140) uniform Offsets
PatchData Patches[256];
} _284;
layout(binding = 4, std140) uniform GlobalOcean
vec4 OceanScale;
vec4 OceanPosition;
vec4 InvOceanSize_PatchScale;
vec4 NormalTexCoordScale;
} _405;
} _273;
layout(binding = 1) uniform mediump sampler2D TexLOD;
layout(binding = 0) uniform mediump sampler2D TexDisplacement;
@ -52,54 +52,54 @@ layout(location = 1) out vec4 TexCoord;
vec2 warp_position()
float vlod = dot(LODWeights, _284.Patches[(gl_InstanceID + SPIRV_Cross_BaseInstance)].LODs);
vlod = mix(vlod, _284.Patches[(gl_InstanceID + SPIRV_Cross_BaseInstance)].Position.w, all(equal(LODWeights, vec4(0.0))));
float vlod = dot(LODWeights, _53.Patches[(gl_InstanceID + SPIRV_Cross_BaseInstance)].LODs);
vlod = all(equal(LODWeights, vec4(0.0))) ? _53.Patches[(gl_InstanceID + SPIRV_Cross_BaseInstance)].Position.w : vlod;
float floor_lod = floor(vlod);
float fract_lod = vlod - floor_lod;
uint ufloor_lod = uint(floor_lod);
uvec4 uPosition = uvec4(Position);
uvec2 mask = (uvec2(1u) << uvec2(ufloor_lod, ufloor_lod + 1u)) - uvec2(1u);
uint _333;
uint _107;
if (uPosition.x < 32u)
_333 = mask.x;
_107 = mask.x;
_333 = 0u;
_107 = 0u;
uvec4 rounding;
rounding.x = _333;
uint _345;
rounding.x = _107;
uint _119;
if (uPosition.y < 32u)
_345 = mask.x;
_119 = mask.x;
_345 = 0u;
_119 = 0u;
rounding.y = _345;
uint _356;
rounding.y = _119;
uint _130;
if (uPosition.x < 32u)
_356 = mask.y;
_130 = mask.y;
_356 = 0u;
_130 = 0u;
rounding.z = _356;
uint _368;
rounding.z = _130;
uint _142;
if (uPosition.y < 32u)
_368 = mask.y;
_142 = mask.y;
_368 = 0u;
_142 = 0u;
rounding.w = _368;
rounding.w = _142;
vec4 lower_upper_snapped = vec4((uPosition.xyxy + rounding) & ~mask.xxyy);
return mix(lower_upper_snapped.xy,, vec2(fract_lod));
@ -114,20 +114,20 @@ vec2 lod_factor(vec2 uv)
void main()
vec2 PatchPos = _284.Patches[(gl_InstanceID + SPIRV_Cross_BaseInstance)].Position.xz *;
vec2 PatchPos = _53.Patches[(gl_InstanceID + SPIRV_Cross_BaseInstance)].Position.xz *;
vec2 WarpedPos = warp_position();
vec2 VertexPos = PatchPos + WarpedPos;
vec2 NormalizedPos = VertexPos * _405.InvOceanSize_PatchScale.xy;
vec2 NormalizedTex = NormalizedPos *;
vec2 NormalizedPos = VertexPos * _180.InvOceanSize_PatchScale.xy;
vec2 NormalizedTex = NormalizedPos *;
vec2 param = NormalizedPos;
vec2 lod = lod_factor(param);
vec2 Offset = (_405.InvOceanSize_PatchScale.xy * exp2(lod.x)) *;
vec2 Offset = (_180.InvOceanSize_PatchScale.xy * exp2(lod.x)) *;
vec3 Displacement = mix(textureLod(TexDisplacement, NormalizedTex + (Offset * 0.5), lod.x).yxz, textureLod(TexDisplacement, NormalizedTex + (Offset * 1.0), lod.x + 1.0).yxz, vec3(lod.y));
vec3 WorldPos = vec3(NormalizedPos.x, 0.0, NormalizedPos.y) + Displacement;
WorldPos *=;
WorldPos +=;
EyeVec = WorldPos -;
TexCoord = vec4(NormalizedTex, NormalizedTex * _405.NormalTexCoordScale.xy) + ((_405.InvOceanSize_PatchScale.xyxy * 0.5) * _405.NormalTexCoordScale.zwzw);
gl_Position = (((_58.g_ViewProj_Row0 * WorldPos.x) + (_58.g_ViewProj_Row1 * WorldPos.y)) + (_58.g_ViewProj_Row2 * WorldPos.z)) + _58.g_ViewProj_Row3;
WorldPos *=;
WorldPos +=;
EyeVec = WorldPos -;
TexCoord = vec4(NormalizedTex, NormalizedTex * _180.NormalTexCoordScale.xy) + ((_180.InvOceanSize_PatchScale.xyxy * 0.5) * _180.NormalTexCoordScale.zwzw);
gl_Position = (((_273.g_ViewProj_Row0 * WorldPos.x) + (_273.g_ViewProj_Row1 * WorldPos.y)) + (_273.g_ViewProj_Row2 * WorldPos.z)) + _273.g_ViewProj_Row3;
@ -2,67 +2,67 @@
precision mediump float;
precision highp int;
layout(constant_id = 1) const float _9 = 1.0;
layout(constant_id = 2) const float _11 = 2.0;
layout(constant_id = 3) const int _16 = 3;
layout(constant_id = 4) const int _25 = 4;
layout(constant_id = 5) const uint _34 = 5u;
layout(constant_id = 6) const uint _35 = 6u;
layout(constant_id = 7) const bool _56 = false;
layout(constant_id = 8) const bool _57 = true;
layout(constant_id = 1) const float a = 1.0;
layout(constant_id = 2) const float b = 2.0;
layout(constant_id = 3) const int c = 3;
layout(constant_id = 4) const int d = 4;
layout(constant_id = 5) const uint e = 5u;
layout(constant_id = 6) const uint f = 6u;
layout(constant_id = 7) const bool g = false;
layout(constant_id = 8) const bool h = true;
struct Foo
float elems[(_25 + 2)];
float elems[(d + 2)];
layout(location = 0) out vec4 FragColor;
void main()
float t0 = _9;
float t1 = _11;
mediump uint c0 = (uint(_16) + 0u);
mediump int c1 = (-_16);
mediump int c2 = (~_16);
mediump int c3 = (_16 + _25);
mediump int c4 = (_16 - _25);
mediump int c5 = (_16 * _25);
mediump int c6 = (_16 / _25);
mediump uint c7 = (_34 / _35);
mediump int c8 = (_16 % _25);
mediump uint c9 = (_34 % _35);
mediump int c10 = (_16 >> _25);
mediump uint c11 = (_34 >> _35);
mediump int c12 = (_16 << _25);
mediump int c13 = (_16 | _25);
mediump int c14 = (_16 ^ _25);
mediump int c15 = (_16 & _25);
bool c16 = (_56 || _57);
bool c17 = (_56 && _57);
bool c18 = (!_56);
bool c19 = (_56 == _57);
bool c20 = (_56 != _57);
bool c21 = (_16 == _25);
bool c22 = (_16 != _25);
bool c23 = (_16 < _25);
bool c24 = (_34 < _35);
bool c25 = (_16 > _25);
bool c26 = (_34 > _35);
bool c27 = (_16 <= _25);
bool c28 = (_34 <= _35);
bool c29 = (_16 >= _25);
bool c30 = (_34 >= _35);
float t0 = a;
float t1 = b;
mediump uint c0 = (uint(c) + 0u);
mediump int c1 = (-c);
mediump int c2 = (~c);
mediump int c3 = (c + d);
mediump int c4 = (c - d);
mediump int c5 = (c * d);
mediump int c6 = (c / d);
mediump uint c7 = (e / f);
mediump int c8 = (c % d);
mediump uint c9 = (e % f);
mediump int c10 = (c >> d);
mediump uint c11 = (e >> f);
mediump int c12 = (c << d);
mediump int c13 = (c | d);
mediump int c14 = (c ^ d);
mediump int c15 = (c & d);
bool c16 = (g || h);
bool c17 = (g && h);
bool c18 = (!g);
bool c19 = (g == h);
bool c20 = (g != h);
bool c21 = (c == d);
bool c22 = (c != d);
bool c23 = (c < d);
bool c24 = (e < f);
bool c25 = (c > d);
bool c26 = (e > f);
bool c27 = (c <= d);
bool c28 = (e <= f);
bool c29 = (c >= d);
bool c30 = (e >= f);
mediump int c31 = c8 + c3;
mediump int c32 = int(_34 + 0u);
bool c33 = (_16 != int(0u));
bool c34 = (_34 != 0u);
mediump int c35 = int(_56);
mediump uint c36 = uint(_56);
float c37 = float(_56);
float vec0[_25][(_16 + 3)];
float vec1[(_16 + 2)][(_25 + 5)];
mediump int c32 = int(e + 0u);
bool c33 = (c != int(0u));
bool c34 = (e != 0u);
mediump int c35 = int(g);
mediump uint c36 = uint(g);
float c37 = float(g);
float vec0[d][(c + 3)];
float vec1[(c + 2)][(d + 5)];
Foo foo;
FragColor = ((vec4(t0 + t1) + vec4(vec0[0][0])) + vec4(vec1[0][0])) + vec4(foo.elems[_16]);
FragColor = ((vec4(t0 + t1) + vec4(vec0[0][0])) + vec4(vec1[0][0])) + vec4(foo.elems[c]);
@ -2378,6 +2378,11 @@ void CompilerGLSL::emit_mix_op(uint32_t result_type, uint32_t id, uint32_t left,
bool has_boolean_mix = ( && options.version >= 310) || (! && options.version >= 450);
bool trivial_mix = to_trivial_mix_op(restype, mix_op, left, right, lerp);
// Cannot use boolean mix when the lerp argument is just one boolean,
// fall back to regular trinary statements.
if (lerptype.vecsize == 1)
has_boolean_mix = false;
// If we can reduce the mix to a simple cast, do so.
// This helps for cases like int(bool), uint(bool) which is implemented with
// OpSelect bool 1 0.
Reference in New Issue
Block a user