Metal is picky about interface matching. If the types don't match exactly, down to the number of vector components, Metal fails pipline compilation. To support pipelines where the number of components consumed by the fragment shader is less than that produced by the vertex shader, we have to fix up the fragment shader to accept all the components produced.
76 lines
1.6 KiB
76 lines
1.6 KiB
#pragma clang diagnostic ignored "-Wmissing-prototypes"
#pragma clang diagnostic ignored "-Wmissing-braces"
#include <metal_stdlib>
#include <simd/simd.h>
using namespace metal;
template<typename T, size_t Num>
struct spvUnsafeArray
T elements[Num ? Num : 1];
thread T& operator [] (size_t pos) thread
return elements[pos];
constexpr const thread T& operator [] (size_t pos) const thread
return elements[pos];
device T& operator [] (size_t pos) device
return elements[pos];
constexpr const device T& operator [] (size_t pos) const device
return elements[pos];
constexpr const constant T& operator [] (size_t pos) const constant
return elements[pos];
threadgroup T& operator [] (size_t pos) threadgroup
return elements[pos];
constexpr const threadgroup T& operator [] (size_t pos) const threadgroup
return elements[pos];
struct main0_out
float4 FragColor [[color(0)]];
struct main0_in
ushort2 a [[user(locn0)]];
uint3 b [[user(locn1)]];
ushort c_0 [[user(locn2)]];
ushort c_1 [[user(locn3)]];
uint4 e_0 [[user(locn4)]];
uint4 e_1 [[user(locn5)]];
float4 d [[user(locn6)]];
fragment main0_out main0(main0_in in [[stage_in]])
main0_out out = {};
spvUnsafeArray<ushort, 2> c = {};
spvUnsafeArray<uint4, 2> e = {};
c[0] = in.c_0;
c[1] = in.c_1;
e[0] = in.e_0;
e[1] = in.e_1;
out.FragColor = float4(float(int(in.a.x)), float(in.b.x), float2(float(uint(c[1])), float(e[0].w)) + in.d.xy);
return out;