Hans-Kristian Arntzen 461f1506e7 Do not eagerly invalidate all active variables on a branch.
This is not necessary, as we must emit an invalidating store before we
potentially consume an invalid expression. In fact, we're a bit
conservative here in this case for example:

int tmp = variable;
if (...)
    variable = 10;
    // Consuming tmp here is fine, but it was
    // invalidated while emitting other branch.
    // Technically, we need to study if there is an invalidating store
    // in the CFG between the loading block and this block, and the other
    // branch will not be a part of that analysis.
    int tmp2 = tmp * tmp;

Fixing this case means complex CFG traversal *everywhere*, and it feels like overkill.

Fixing this exposed a bug with access chains, so fix a bug where expression dependencies were not
inherited properly in access chains. Access chains are now considered forwarded if there
is at least one dependency which is also forwarded.
2019-07-24 11:17:30 +02:00

110 lines
3.2 KiB

#version 310 es
struct PatchData
vec4 Position;
vec4 LODs;
layout(binding = 0, std140) uniform PerPatch
PatchData Patches[256];
} _53;
layout(binding = 2, std140) uniform GlobalGround
vec4 GroundScale;
vec4 GroundPosition;
vec4 InvGroundSize_PatchScale;
} _156;
layout(binding = 0, std140) uniform GlobalVSData
vec4 g_ViewProj_Row0;
vec4 g_ViewProj_Row1;
vec4 g_ViewProj_Row2;
vec4 g_ViewProj_Row3;
vec4 g_CamPos;
vec4 g_CamRight;
vec4 g_CamUp;
vec4 g_CamFront;
vec4 g_SunDir;
vec4 g_SunColor;
vec4 g_TimeParams;
vec4 g_ResolutionParams;
vec4 g_CamAxisRight;
vec4 g_FogColor_Distance;
vec4 g_ShadowVP_Row0;
vec4 g_ShadowVP_Row1;
vec4 g_ShadowVP_Row2;
vec4 g_ShadowVP_Row3;
} _236;
layout(binding = 1) uniform mediump sampler2D TexLOD;
layout(binding = 0) uniform mediump sampler2D TexHeightmap;
layout(location = 1) in vec4 LODWeights;
uniform int SPIRV_Cross_BaseInstance;
layout(location = 0) in vec2 Position;
layout(location = 1) out vec3 EyeVec;
layout(location = 0) out vec2 TexCoord;
vec2 warp_position()
float vlod = dot(LODWeights, _53.Patches[(gl_InstanceID + SPIRV_Cross_BaseInstance)].LODs);
vlod = all(equal(LODWeights, vec4(0.0))) ? _53.Patches[(gl_InstanceID + SPIRV_Cross_BaseInstance)].Position.w : vlod;
float floor_lod = floor(vlod);
float fract_lod = vlod - floor_lod;
uint ufloor_lod = uint(floor_lod);
uvec2 uPosition = uvec2(Position);
uvec2 mask = (uvec2(1u) << uvec2(ufloor_lod, ufloor_lod + 1u)) - uvec2(1u);
uint _110;
if (uPosition.x < 32u)
_110 = mask.x;
_110 = 0u;
uint _120;
if (uPosition.y < 32u)
_120 = mask.y;
_120 = 0u;
uvec2 rounding = uvec2(_110, _120);
vec4 lower_upper_snapped = vec4((uPosition + rounding).xyxy & (~mask).xxyy);
return mix(lower_upper_snapped.xy, lower_upper_snapped.zw, vec2(fract_lod));
vec2 lod_factor(vec2 uv)
float level = textureLod(TexLOD, uv, 0.0).x * 7.96875;
float floor_level = floor(level);
float fract_level = level - floor_level;
return vec2(floor_level, fract_level);
void main()
vec2 PatchPos = _53.Patches[(gl_InstanceID + SPIRV_Cross_BaseInstance)].Position.xz * _156.InvGroundSize_PatchScale.zw;
vec2 WarpedPos = warp_position();
vec2 VertexPos = PatchPos + WarpedPos;
vec2 NormalizedPos = VertexPos * _156.InvGroundSize_PatchScale.xy;
vec2 param = NormalizedPos;
vec2 lod = lod_factor(param);
vec2 Offset = _156.InvGroundSize_PatchScale.xy * exp2(lod.x);
float Elevation = mix(textureLod(TexHeightmap, NormalizedPos + (Offset * 0.5), lod.x).x, textureLod(TexHeightmap, NormalizedPos + (Offset * 1.0), lod.x + 1.0).x, lod.y);
vec3 WorldPos = vec3(NormalizedPos.x, Elevation, NormalizedPos.y);
WorldPos *= _156.GroundScale.xyz;
WorldPos += _156.GroundPosition.xyz;
EyeVec = WorldPos - _236.g_CamPos.xyz;
TexCoord = NormalizedPos + (_156.InvGroundSize_PatchScale.xy * 0.5);
gl_Position = (((_236.g_ViewProj_Row0 * WorldPos.x) + (_236.g_ViewProj_Row1 * WorldPos.y)) + (_236.g_ViewProj_Row2 * WorldPos.z)) + _236.g_ViewProj_Row3;