Make sure to test everything with scalar as well to catch any weird edge cases. Not all opcodes are covered here, just the arithmetic ones. FP64 packing is also ignored.
113 lines
3.4 KiB
113 lines
3.4 KiB
#version 450
layout(local_size_x = 1, local_size_y = 1, local_size_z = 1) in;
struct ResType
float _m0;
int _m1;
layout(binding = 0, std430) buffer SSBO
float res;
int ires;
uint ures;
vec4 f32;
ivec4 s32;
uvec4 u32;
mat2 m2;
mat3 m3;
mat4 m4;
} _19;
void main()
_19.res = round(_19.f32.x);
_19.res = roundEven(_19.f32.x);
_19.res = trunc(_19.f32.x);
_19.res = abs(_19.f32.x);
_19.ires = abs(_19.s32.x);
_19.res = sign(_19.f32.x);
_19.ires = sign(_19.s32.x);
_19.res = floor(_19.f32.x);
_19.res = ceil(_19.f32.x);
_19.res = fract(_19.f32.x);
_19.res = radians(_19.f32.x);
_19.res = degrees(_19.f32.x);
_19.res = sin(_19.f32.x);
_19.res = cos(_19.f32.x);
_19.res = tan(_19.f32.x);
_19.res = asin(_19.f32.x);
_19.res = acos(_19.f32.x);
_19.res = atan(_19.f32.x);
_19.res = sinh(_19.f32.x);
_19.res = cosh(_19.f32.x);
_19.res = tanh(_19.f32.x);
_19.res = asinh(_19.f32.x);
_19.res = acosh(_19.f32.x);
_19.res = atanh(_19.f32.x);
_19.res = atan(_19.f32.x, _19.f32.y);
_19.res = pow(_19.f32.x, _19.f32.y);
_19.res = exp(_19.f32.x);
_19.res = log(_19.f32.x);
_19.res = exp2(_19.f32.x);
_19.res = log2(_19.f32.x);
_19.res = sqrt(_19.f32.x);
_19.res = inversesqrt(_19.f32.x);
_19.res = length(_19.f32.x);
_19.res = distance(_19.f32.x, _19.f32.y);
_19.res = normalize(_19.f32.x);
_19.res = faceforward(_19.f32.x, _19.f32.y, _19.f32.z);
_19.res = reflect(_19.f32.x, _19.f32.y);
_19.res = refract(_19.f32.x, _19.f32.y, _19.f32.z);
_19.res = length(_19.f32.xy);
_19.res = distance(_19.f32.xy, _19.f32.zw);
vec2 v2 = normalize(_19.f32.xy);
v2 = faceforward(_19.f32.xy, _19.f32.yz, _19.f32.zw);
v2 = reflect(_19.f32.xy, _19.f32.zw);
v2 = refract(_19.f32.xy, _19.f32.yz, _19.f32.w);
vec3 v3 = cross(_19.f32.xyz, _19.f32.yzw);
_19.res = determinant(_19.m2);
_19.res = determinant(_19.m3);
_19.res = determinant(_19.m4);
_19.m2 = inverse(_19.m2);
_19.m3 = inverse(_19.m3);
_19.m4 = inverse(_19.m4);
float tmp;
float _287 = modf(_19.f32.x, tmp);
_19.res = _287;
_19.res = min(_19.f32.x, _19.f32.y);
_19.ures = min(_19.u32.x, _19.u32.y);
_19.ires = min(_19.s32.x, _19.s32.y);
_19.res = max(_19.f32.x, _19.f32.y);
_19.ures = max(_19.u32.x, _19.u32.y);
_19.ires = max(_19.s32.x, _19.s32.y);
_19.res = clamp(_19.f32.x, _19.f32.y, _19.f32.z);
_19.ures = clamp(_19.u32.x, _19.u32.y, _19.u32.z);
_19.ires = clamp(_19.s32.x, _19.s32.y, _19.s32.z);
_19.res = mix(_19.f32.x, _19.f32.y, _19.f32.z);
_19.res = step(_19.f32.x, _19.f32.y);
_19.res = smoothstep(_19.f32.x, _19.f32.y, _19.f32.z);
_19.res = fma(_19.f32.x, _19.f32.y, _19.f32.z);
ResType _387;
_387._m0 = frexp(_19.f32.x, _387._m1);
int itmp = _387._m1;
_19.res = _387._m0;
_19.res = ldexp(_19.f32.x, itmp);
_19.ures = packSnorm4x8(_19.f32);
_19.ures = packUnorm4x8(_19.f32);
_19.ures = packSnorm2x16(_19.f32.xy);
_19.ures = packUnorm2x16(_19.f32.xy);
_19.ures = packHalf2x16(_19.f32.xy);
v2 = unpackSnorm2x16(_19.u32.x);
v2 = unpackUnorm2x16(_19.u32.x);
v2 = unpackHalf2x16(_19.u32.x);
vec4 v4 = unpackSnorm4x8(_19.u32.x);
v4 = unpackUnorm4x8(_19.u32.x);
_19.s32 = findLSB(_19.s32);
_19.s32 = findLSB(_19.u32);
_19.s32 = findMSB(_19.s32);
_19.s32 = findMSB(_19.u32);