add minitaur quadruped playback of minitaur log files (real robot and simulated create the same log files)
add improved minitaur.urdf file, see for a preview.
update to OpenVR sdk 1.03 from
add camPosX/Y/Z and camRotZ to adjust relative camera/world transform for VR (so you can align virtual table with real table etc)
tweak to move a bit
add mouse picking to physics server
add rolling/spinning friction to cube, remove it from plane/samurai.urdf
URDF2Bullet: support joint limits for revolute and prismatic, only if defined (if upper < lower, disable limit)
add some profiling markers to improve performance
Fix uninitialized variable jointDamping/jointFriction in SDF importer
Add SDF <pose> parsing in visual, inertial, collision elements.
Slight improvement in TinyRender loading performance of largish meshes (30k vertices)
Reduce #define MAX_SDF_BODIES to 500, due to some issue in client code, todo: figure out what the issue is.
b3RobotSimAPI support SDF file loading
Tiny improvement in OpenGL hardware renderer lighting, to distinguish faces without textures