example to call b3VisualShapeInformation from C# and marshall b3VisualShapeData (after loadURDF)
See examples\pybullet\unity3d\examples\NewBehaviourScript.cs
add option to recompute forward kinematics, to be consistent with link velocities in pybullet.getLinkState (..., computeForwardKinematics=0/1), thanks to Jeff Bingham for bringing up this inconsistency
fix in indexing for maximal coordinates (unused by default, still experimental, requires many iterations for Minitaur due to extreme mass-ratio, hence use of reduces/generalized coordinates)
modify quadruped.py to test maximal coordinates
wrap angular servo (positional) target within [-PI,PI] in btGeneric6DofSpring2Constraint
add 'j' key to show body frames in wireframe/debug mode
kuka = p.loadURDF("kuka_iiwa/model.urdf")
pybullet.addUserDebugText("tip", [0,0,0.1],textColorRGB=[1,0,0],trackObjectUniqueId=2,trackLinkIndex=6)
Also allow to render text using a given orientation (instead of pointing to the camera), example:
pybullet.addUserDebugText("tip", [0,0,0.1],textColorRGB=[1,0,0],textOrientation=[0,0,0,1], trackObjectUniqueId=2,trackLinkIndex=6)
Add drawTexturedTriangleMesh, for drawing 3d text.
Expose readSingleInstanceTransformToCPU, to extract position/orientation from graphics index.
updateTexture: allow to not flip texels around up axis
Add several MSVC optimization flags to cmake.
Bump up VERSION because serialization format changed
Expose btScalar& jointMaxForce, btScalar& jointMaxVelocity to 'getJointInfo2' API, add backwards compatibility to examples\Importers\ImportURDFDemo\URDFImporterInterface::getJointInfo.
pybullet: expose 4 more fields to getJointInfo: jointLowerLimit/jointUpperLimit/jointMaxForce/jointMaxVelocity
fix performance issue in CMD_ACTUAL_STATE_UPDATE_COMPLETED
add missing 1.sdf for Bullet/data/kitchens/1.sdf
add support for getting keyboard events (pybullet.getKeyboardEvents and b3RobotSimulatorClientAPI::getKeyboardEvents)
Change SHARED_MEMORY_MAGIC_NUMBER to make sure server/client are using the same version (shared memory)
add --realtimesimulation to physics server (GUI, VR)
remove --G Xcode from build_cmake_pybullet_double.sh
[pybullet] updated pybullet_quickstartguide.pdf
Fail clearly (assert, return BT_INFINITY) if link index is out of range for btMultiBody methods localPosToWorld,worldPosToLocal,localDirToWorld,worldDirToLocal.
pybullet getConstraintInfo
Fix warnings due to Mac OSX 10.12 upgrade (with backward compatibility)
added b3InitSyncBodyInfoCommand, to retrieve body info, when connecting to a server with existing bodies
pybullet will call this b3InitSyncBodyInfoCommand automatically after connecting
Avoid overriding the py.setVRCameraState setting in VR
Windows shared memory: allow to use custom key.
Improve GUI performance on Windows, submit letters in text as a batch (fewer draw-calls)
quadruped.py: first try to connect to SHARED_MEMORY, if it fails (<0) use GUI
increase Chrome about://tracing json export capacity (press 'p' in Example Browser)
UDP physics server: add --port and --sharedMemoryKey command-line arguments
PhysicsServerExample: add --sharedMemoryKey command-line option (for VR example too)
ExampleBrowser: sleep a few milliseconds if rendering is too fast, use --minUpdateTimeMicroSecs=0 to disable
vrevent.py: add a Tiltbrush-style drawing example using pybullet
Expose getVREvents to pybullet / shared memory API, access to any VR controller state & state changes.
Improve performance of user debug lines (pybullet/shared memory API) by batching lines with same color/width
expose rayTest to pybullet/shared memory API (single ray for now)
add pybullet getMatrixFromQuaterion
update to OpenVR sdk 1.03 from https://github.com/ValveSoftware/openvr
add camPosX/Y/Z and camRotZ to adjust relative camera/world transform for VR (so you can align virtual table with real table etc)
tweak quadruped.py to move a bit
add mouse picking to physics server
add UDP network connection for physics client <-> server.
also set spinning friction in rolling friction demo (otherwise objects may keep on spinning forever)