Added assert to check for positive masses in btCompoundShape::calculatePrincipalAxisTransform, see Issue 399
Fixes for LLVM/GCC compilation issue in btSequentialImpulseConstraintSolver
(Untested) fix for Linux 64bit compilation Issue 409
Added Demos/ThreadingDemo showing how to use the cross-platform btThreadSupportInterface under Windows.
Added Demos/ParticlesOpenCL showing how to run the NVidia particle demo under OpenCL implementations by AMD, NVidia and MiniCL (CPU)
Toggle between point to point and generic 6dof constraint for mouse picking in the demos
Use a 'equal vertex thresdhold' in the btVoronoiSimplexSolver of 0.0001f by default.
This can be disabled (or configured) using defaultCollisionConfiguration->getSimplexSolver()->setEqualVertexThreshold(0.f);
moved some obsolete files to Extras/obsolete, and removed freeglut
moved ColladaDemo to Dynamica Maya plugin repository (it has COLLADA_DOM and libxml), see
Added new .bullet file
Minor update in Bullet_User_Manual.pdf, removed obsolete Bullet_Faq.pdf
Serialization: remove obsolete autogenerated headers
Minor changes in btSequentialImpulseConstraintSolver: split methods to make it easier to derive from the class and add functionality.
(no motor support or advanced settings yet)
added btStaticPlaneShape serialization
Added toggle in cmake for BenchmarksDemo to enable/disable graphics rendering
+ Allow user to enable useConvexConservativeDistanceUtil . Use dynamicsWorld->getDispatchInfo().m_useConvexConservativeDistanceUtil = true;
(see Demos/Benchmarks/Benchmark4 (convex objects falling down)
+ Fix for plane drawing (just wire-frame)
+ Gimpact: use collision margin of 0.07 for demo (because BULLET_TRIANGLE_COLLISION is used)
+ replace dot,cross,distance,angle,triple in btVector3 by btDot, btCross,btDistance,btAngle,btDistance to avoid naming conflicts
+ Some fixes in GJK penetration depth normal direction (broken in a previous commit)
+ fix in calculateDiffAxisAngleQuaternion to make ConvexConservativeDistanceUtil work properly
+ allow debug drawing to debug btContinuousConvexCollision
+ add comment/warning that btTriangleMesh::findOrAddVertex is an internal method, users should use addTriangle instead
Add CMake install support for libbulletmath,libbulletcollision,libbulletdynamics,libbulletsoftbody,and toplevel include files
Options to enable/disable BUILD_DEMOS and BUILD_ETRAS
Fixed compile issue in BulletMultiThreaded
Fixed double-precision issues with btMatrix3x3::getEulerZYX