pybullet.changeVisualShape(obUid,linkIndex,specularColor=[R,G,B]) and Bullet C-API b3UpdateVisualShapeSpecularColor
Bug fixes in b3ResourcePath::findResourcePath resolution.
add stadium.sdf and roboschool/models_outdoor/stadium assets
minor fixes to obj2sdf
suppress lack of 'site' support message in MJCF importer
suppress lack of 'plane' visual support in urdf/sdf import
getBodyName default to "" to avoid breaking cloudsim
expose bodyName when requesting body info (sdf/mjcf import)
pass optional "options" string to pybullet.connect method. this can be used for --opengl2 flag in GUI mode (or other flags)
Add several MSVC optimization flags to cmake.
Bump up VERSION because serialization format changed
Expose btScalar& jointMaxForce, btScalar& jointMaxVelocity to 'getJointInfo2' API, add backwards compatibility to examples\Importers\ImportURDFDemo\URDFImporterInterface::getJointInfo.
pybullet: expose 4 more fields to getJointInfo: jointLowerLimit/jointUpperLimit/jointMaxForce/jointMaxVelocity
fix performance issue in CMD_ACTUAL_STATE_UPDATE_COMPLETED
See bullet3/examples/Importers/ImportURDFDemo/DefaultVisualShapeConverter.h
Give the kuka_iiwa/model.urdf some blue color, not just orange, to mimick the original a bit better
Preparation for the CMD_CAMERA_IMAGE_COMPLETED command, to expose a virtual camera to the robotics API
Parse and use colors from URDF file (single rgba color per link, not per visual)
Rename btMultiBody 'stepVelocities' to 'computeAccelerationsArticulatedBodyAlgorithmMultiDof'
btHashMap, add const Value* operator[]
remove a few more obsolete btMultiBody methods (on the non-multi-dof path)
fix spelling typo in fillConstraintJacobianMultiDof (fil -> fill)
Add mention to Jakub Stepien for his work on btMultiBody