experiment with Midi controls in PairBenchmark to tune variables (will move it into a utility class, so every demo can easier use it in the future)
fix issue with broadphase, not initializing all pairs properly at pair array overflow
Use statically linked freeglut, instead of dynamic glut for the obsolete Bullet 2.x demos
Add the 'reset' method to b3GpuDynamicsWorld, and use it in the BasicGpuDemo (pretty slow in debug mode, use release mode)
Don't crash in btCollisionWorld, if there is no collision dispatcher
remove duplicate data in b3Contact4 (now in btContact4Data shared between CPU/C++ and OpenCL)
OpenCL kernels use #include "Bullet3Collision/NarrowPhaseCollision/shared/b3Contact4Data.h"
Increase number of batches back to 250 (from 50), need to fix this hard coded number (see https://github.com/erwincoumans/bullet3/issues/12)
Work towards GJK/EPA, in addition to SAT/clipping (early on)
added tetrahedral mesh test scene
expose b3Config as member variable for demos.
move a 'glFlush' out of the innerloop (render performance)
SSE -> SSE2 in premake
fix crash in broadphase (when no aabb's exist)