Summary of changes:
1) Changed include paths to be relative to the current sources (affected
files: LoadMeshFromObj.cpp, Wavefront2GLInstanceGraphicsShape.h/cpp)
2) Added new tutorials in the ExtendedTutorials folder
3) Modified the main_opengl_single_example.cpp file to enable picking
support in standalone demos
premake build of App_BulletExampleBrowser
(not enabled when using cmake!)
(not enabled when using cmake!)
(not enabled when using cmake!)
(not enabled when using cmake!)
(not enabled when using cmake!)
(not enabled when using cmake!)
(not enabled when using cmake!)
(not enabled when using cmake!)
(not enabled when using cmake!)
Added demos for rigid and multi body soft (compliant) contact.
Will also add simplified Hertz compliant contact, by dynamically modifying the ERP/CFM to mimic a non-linear spring.
Note that btManifoldPoint is growing too big, we need to implement proper contact constraints derived from btTypedConstraint.
(force/torque sensor needs new API)
in a nutshell, users of shared memory physics API should not
directly poke into shared memory, not fill 'SharedMemorCommand'
nor read SharedMemoryStatus directly. The C-API declares 'handles' for those,
to avoid it from happening.
fix shaders, so that shadowed and non-shadowed are matching
fix registerGraphicsUnitSphereShape API (level of detail), support textured sphere too
add support for textured cube
add start for a Tutorial.cpp
until we find the issue with some failing test cases in btMultiBody
fix a crashing issue in MyMultiBodyCreator.cpp (uninitialized variable)
disable excessive debug printf in URDF2Bullet
(load urdf, get state, set desired state, step simulation)
Create SharedMemoryCommand and put that into the queue
move arrays for Q, Qdot etc into the command
add example description for all examples (with word-wrap)
add the VoronoiFractureDemo, note that the collision are disabled after breaking constraints.
add optional GwenOpenGLTest, to make it easier to see Gwen user interface features.
add MultiBody Custom Creation example, to show how to import data from a URDF file and fill up your own data structures.
add btMultiBody::setBaseWorldTransform method
todo: fix cmake build, this patch is premake only