Erwin Coumans
Expose optional "globalScaling" factor to pybullet.loadURDF and pybullet.loadSDF. This will scale the visual, collision shapes and transform locations.
Fix two_cubes.sdf (was lacking collision shape for second cube)
2017-08-14 14:59:41 -07:00
Erwin Coumans
also generate TinyRendererVisualShapeConverter for programmatically generated collision shapes
use similar random colors for TinyRenderer (if rgba colors are not specified)
2017-06-29 22:06:27 -07:00
Erwin Coumans
pybullet.createCollisionShape, createVisualShape, createMultiBody, programmatic creation using ProgrammaticUrdfInterface
(still preliminary, not ready for commit yet, see examples\pybullet\examples\
2017-06-03 10:57:56 -07:00
Erwin Coumans
implement specular, URDF non-standard specular part (see sphere2.urdf) and SDF specular support.
pybullet.changeVisualShape(obUid,linkIndex,specularColor=[R,G,B]) and Bullet C-API b3UpdateVisualShapeSpecularColor
Bug fixes in b3ResourcePath::findResourcePath resolution.
add stadium.sdf and roboschool/models_outdoor/stadium assets
minor fixes to obj2sdf
2017-06-01 12:32:44 -07:00
Erwin Coumans
initialize UrdfGeometry members
2017-05-15 07:59:07 -07:00
Oleg Klimov
Memory leaks
2017-05-06 14:49:51 +03:00
Erwin Coumans
plumb URDF/SDF audio_source into PhysicsServerCommandProcessor, allow to play sounds on collision !
See also for a first test, and this modified URDF how to add sounds:
Add the --audio flag to enable sound in pybullet/Bullet-C-API
2017-05-01 11:14:09 -07:00
Erwin Coumans
fix some potentially uninitialized variable
2017-04-25 21:37:04 -07:00
Oleg Klimov
MJCF: fix capsule length when given in size="", fix slider joint limits
2017-03-27 22:54:20 +03:00
Oleg Klimov
MJCF: fix cylinders in MJCF, also (possibly) fixes capsules in tiny renderer
2017-03-22 00:36:28 +03:00
Oleg Klimov
MJCF: fix B3_PI, fix colors, fix capsule without 'fromto'
2017-03-19 00:19:04 +03:00
Oleg Klimov
URDF loader: fix MuJoCo xml load, also closes #993
2017-03-17 02:11:47 +03:00
Oleg Klimov
URDF loader: reuse the same resources finder routine for TinyRendererVisualShapeConverter
2017-03-10 18:17:38 +03:00
Oleg Klimov
URDF loader: resources path, "package://" removal, error messages, zero material path in .obj loader
2017-03-08 15:14:54 +03:00
Erwin Coumans
remove the contype=0 in inverted_pendulum.xml, so we can 'mouse-pick' the pendulum.
[mjcf importer] add rudimentary support for inertial frame computation, for 'fromto' capsules.
2017-01-24 21:10:21 -08:00
Erwin Coumans
Further improvements in Bullet MuJoCo MJCF import:
[MJCF import] improved humanoid.xml, inverted_pendulum.xml import (automatically add dummy-links to connect multiple joints between bodies)
[MJCF import] fix bug in quaternion conversion (w,x,y,z) -> (x,y,z,w)
2017-01-15 11:22:24 -08:00
Erwin Coumans
First step towards a MuJoCo MJCF importer for Bullet. It can load the humanoid.xml, ant.xml and some other OpenAI GYM asset files. Not all fields are converted, so it is work-in-progress. This is useful for Reinforcement Learning experiments, and would also help integration with DeepMind Lab.
2016-12-30 18:32:57 -08:00
erwin coumans
remove that odd triangle in the origin of samurai castle (VR)
add rolling/spinning friction to cube, remove it from plane/samurai.urdf
URDF2Bullet: support joint limits for revolute and prismatic, only if defined (if upper < lower, disable limit)
add some profiling markers to improve performance
2016-09-19 07:02:43 -07:00
erwin coumans
Create project file for BussIK inverse kinematics library (premake, cmake)
URDF/SDF: add a flag to force concave mesh collisiofor static objects. <collision concave="yes" name="pod_collision">
VR: support teleporting using buttong, allow multiple controllers to be used, fast wireframe rendering,
Turn off warnings about deprecated C routine in btScalar.h/b3Scalar.h
Add a dummy return to stop a warning
Expose defaultContactERP in shared memory api/pybullet.
First start to expose IK in shared memory api/pybullet (not working yet)
2016-09-08 15:15:58 -07:00
erwin coumans
Add kiva_shelf to prepare for picking/grasping task
Fix uninitialized variable jointDamping/jointFriction in SDF importer
Add SDF <pose> parsing in visual, inertial, collision elements.
Slight improvement in TinyRender loading performance of largish meshes (30k vertices)
Reduce #define MAX_SDF_BODIES to 500, due to some issue in client code, todo: figure out what the issue is.
b3RobotSimAPI support SDF file loading
Tiny improvement in OpenGL hardware renderer lighting, to distinguish faces without textures
2016-07-14 00:05:57 -07:00
erwin coumans
prepare robotics learning examples, see examples/RoboticsLearning/b3RobotSimAPI.h
prepare compliant contact work, urdf loading of parameters (see data/cube.urdf)
2016-07-11 00:26:40 -07:00
erwin coumans
Support the <static> field under <model> in SDF to make the model immovable, similar to setting the mass to zero.
Add joint velocity motors in ImportSDF example.
2016-06-02 18:04:22 -07:00
erwin coumans
fix issue, some paths didn't return a value
2016-05-19 09:16:47 -07:00
parse root transformation and test loading two robots
2016-05-11 15:52:50 -07:00
test load kuka arm sdf
2016-05-11 13:43:50 -07:00
Erwin Coumans
add initial SDF importer, work-in-progress (still too incomplete to be useful)
2016-05-09 17:25:07 -07:00
Erwin Coumans
add forceFixedBase option for URDF import example
2015-07-07 15:39:36 -07:00
Erwin Coumans
add alternative URDF parser that doens't use ROS urdf
2015-06-28 14:09:21 -07:00