option to disable tinyrenderer, use p.configureDebugVisualizer(p.COV_ENABLE_TINY_RENDERER,0)
also make sure to use p.configureDebugVisualizer(p.COV_ENABLE_RENDERING,0) before loadURDF, and enable rendering afterwards using p.configureDebugVisualizer(p.COV_ENABLE_RENDERING,1)
reorder 2 loops, making the flip texels twice as fast (cache coherency),
single memcpy of entire texture in tinyrenderer, instead of per-pixel copy (memory layout is the same)
add lots of B3_PROFILE timings, to see where time is going
use debug visualizer camera viewmatrix/projection matrix if not provided, in ER_BULLET_HARDWARE_OPENGL mode.
fix broken changeRGBAColor implementation, thanks to Laura for the report!
pybullet.changeVisualShape(obUid,linkIndex,specularColor=[R,G,B]) and Bullet C-API b3UpdateVisualShapeSpecularColor
Bug fixes in b3ResourcePath::findResourcePath resolution.
add stadium.sdf and roboschool/models_outdoor/stadium assets https://github.com/openai/roboschool/tree/master/roboschool/models_outdoor/stadium
minor fixes to obj2sdf
Remove roof from kitchens/1.sdf, otherwise shadows and shinyness won't work (light is outside the room, bouncing against roof-top)
Make kuka_iiwa/model.urdf more smooth, use .obj for per-vertex normals (using Blender, import STL, export OBJ, enable triangles, normals and Z-UP, Y forward)
kuka = p.loadURDF("kuka_iiwa/model.urdf")
pybullet.addUserDebugText("tip", [0,0,0.1],textColorRGB=[1,0,0],trackObjectUniqueId=2,trackLinkIndex=6)
Also allow to render text using a given orientation (instead of pointing to the camera), example:
pybullet.addUserDebugText("tip", [0,0,0.1],textColorRGB=[1,0,0],textOrientation=[0,0,0,1], trackObjectUniqueId=2,trackLinkIndex=6)
Add drawTexturedTriangleMesh, for drawing 3d text.
Expose readSingleInstanceTransformToCPU, to extract position/orientation from graphics index.
updateTexture: allow to not flip texels around up axis
Expose COV_ENABLE_VR_RENDER_CONTROLLERS, to enable/disable rendering of controllers (and some frames) in VR
Expose COV_ENABLE_RENDERING to enable/disable rendering.
Fix some multi-threading issues (potential crashes), related to debug drawing/rendering in one thread, while changing the dynamics world/removing/resetSimulation in a different thread.
for GLInstancingRenderer (OpenGL3+) and SimpleOpenGL2Renderer (OpenGL2)
Refactored the add/remove object pool in Bullet3Common/b3ResizablePool.h
Added CommonRigidBodyBase::deleteRigidBody, also removing its graphics instance.