2019-01-23 19:58:19 -08:00

1052 lines
34 KiB

#include "RBDUtil.h"
#include <iostream>
#include "math.h"
void cRBDUtil::SolveInvDyna(const cRBDModel& model, const Eigen::VectorXd& acc, Eigen::VectorXd& out_tau)
const Eigen::MatrixXd& joint_mat = model.GetJointMat();
const Eigen::MatrixXd& body_defs = model.GetBodyDefs();
const tVector& gravity = model.GetGravity();
const Eigen::VectorXd& pose = model.GetPose();
const Eigen::VectorXd& vel = model.GetVel();
assert(joint_mat.rows() == body_defs.rows());
assert(pose.rows() == vel.rows());
assert(pose.rows() == acc.rows());
assert(cKinTree::GetNumDof(joint_mat) == pose.rows());
cSpAlg::tSpVec vel0 = cSpAlg::tSpVec::Zero();
cSpAlg::tSpVec acc0 = cSpAlg::BuildSV(tVector::Zero(), -gravity);
int num_joints = cKinTree::GetNumJoints(joint_mat);
Eigen::MatrixXd vels = Eigen::MatrixXd(num_joints, cSpAlg::gSpVecSize);
Eigen::MatrixXd accs = Eigen::MatrixXd(num_joints, cSpAlg::gSpVecSize);
Eigen::MatrixXd fs = Eigen::MatrixXd(num_joints, cSpAlg::gSpVecSize);
for (int j = 0; j < num_joints; ++j)
if (cKinTree::IsValidBody(body_defs, j))
cSpAlg::tSpTrans parent_child_trans = model.GetSpParentChildTrans(j);
cSpAlg::tSpTrans world_child_trans = model.GetSpWorldJointTrans(j);
const Eigen::Block<const Eigen::MatrixXd> S = model.GetJointSubspace(j);
Eigen::VectorXd q;
Eigen::VectorXd dq;
Eigen::VectorXd ddq;
cKinTree::GetJointParams(joint_mat, pose, j, q);
cKinTree::GetJointParams(joint_mat, vel, j, dq);
cKinTree::GetJointParams(joint_mat, acc, j, ddq);
cSpAlg::tSpVec cj = BuildCj(joint_mat, q, dq, j);
cSpAlg::tSpVec vj = cSpAlg::tSpVec::Zero();
if (S.cols() > 0)
vj = S * dq;
cSpAlg::tSpMat I = BuildInertiaSpatialMat(body_defs, j);
cSpAlg::tSpVec vel_p;
cSpAlg::tSpVec acc_p;
if (cKinTree::HasParent(joint_mat, j))
int parent_id = cKinTree::GetParent(joint_mat, j);
vel_p = vels.row(parent_id);
acc_p = accs.row(parent_id);
vel_p = vel0;
acc_p = acc0;
cSpAlg::tSpVec Sddq = cSpAlg::tSpVec::Zero();
if (S.cols() > 0)
Sddq = S * ddq;
cSpAlg::tSpVec curr_vel = cSpAlg::ApplyTransM(parent_child_trans, vel_p) + vj;
cSpAlg::tSpVec curr_acc = cSpAlg::ApplyTransM(parent_child_trans, acc_p) + Sddq + cj + cSpAlg::CrossM(curr_vel, vj);
cSpAlg::tSpVec curr_f = I * curr_acc + cSpAlg::CrossF(curr_vel, I * curr_vel);
vels.row(j) = curr_vel;
accs.row(j) = curr_acc;
fs.row(j) = curr_f;
out_tau = Eigen::VectorXd::Zero(pose.size());
for (int j = num_joints - 1; j >= 0; --j)
if (cKinTree::IsValidBody(body_defs, j))
cSpAlg::tSpVec curr_f = fs.row(j);
const Eigen::Block<const Eigen::MatrixXd> S = model.GetJointSubspace(j);
Eigen::VectorXd curr_tau = S.transpose() * curr_f;
cKinTree::SetJointParams(joint_mat, j, curr_tau, out_tau);
if (cKinTree::HasParent(joint_mat, j))
int parent_id = cKinTree::GetParent(joint_mat, j);
cSpAlg::tSpTrans child_parent_trans = model.GetSpChildParentTrans(j);
fs.row(parent_id) += cSpAlg::ApplyTransF(child_parent_trans, curr_f);
void cRBDUtil::SolveForDyna(const cRBDModel& model, const Eigen::VectorXd& tau, Eigen::VectorXd& out_acc)
Eigen::VectorXd total_force = Eigen::VectorXd::Zero(model.GetNumDof());
SolveForDyna(model, tau, total_force, out_acc);
void cRBDUtil::SolveForDyna(const cRBDModel& model, const Eigen::VectorXd& tau, const Eigen::VectorXd& total_force, Eigen::VectorXd& out_acc)
Eigen::VectorXd C;
Eigen::MatrixXd H;
BuildBiasForce(model, C);
BuildMassMat(model, H);
out_acc = H.ldlt().solve(tau + total_force - C);
void cRBDUtil::BuildMassMat(const cRBDModel& model, Eigen::MatrixXd& out_mass_mat)
const int svs = cSpAlg::gSpVecSize;
int num_joints = model.GetNumJoints();
Eigen::MatrixXd Is = Eigen::MatrixXd::Zero(num_joints * svs, svs);
BuildMassMat(model, Is, out_mass_mat);
void cRBDUtil::BuildMassMat(const cRBDModel& model, Eigen::MatrixXd& inertia_buffer, Eigen::MatrixXd& out_mass_mat)
// use composite-rigid-body algorithm
const Eigen::MatrixXd& joint_mat = model.GetJointMat();
const Eigen::MatrixXd& body_defs = model.GetBodyDefs();
const Eigen::VectorXd& pose = model.GetPose();
Eigen::MatrixXd& H = out_mass_mat;
int dim = model.GetNumDof();
int num_joints = model.GetNumJoints();
H.setZero(dim, dim);
const int svs = cSpAlg::gSpVecSize;
Eigen::MatrixXd child_parent_mats_F = Eigen::MatrixXd(svs * num_joints, svs);
Eigen::MatrixXd parent_child_mats_M = Eigen::MatrixXd(svs * num_joints, svs);
Eigen::MatrixXd& Is = inertia_buffer;
for (int j = 0; j < num_joints; ++j)
if (cKinTree::IsValidBody(body_defs, j))
Is.block(j * svs, 0, svs, svs) = BuildInertiaSpatialMat(body_defs, j);
cSpAlg::tSpTrans child_parent_trans = model.GetSpChildParentTrans(j);
cSpAlg::tSpMat child_parent_mat = cSpAlg::BuildSpatialMatF(child_parent_trans);
cSpAlg::tSpMat parent_child_mat = cSpAlg::BuildSpatialMatM(cSpAlg::InvTrans(child_parent_trans));
child_parent_mats_F.block(j * svs, 0, svs, svs) = child_parent_mat;
parent_child_mats_M.block(j * svs, 0, svs, svs) = parent_child_mat;
for (int j = num_joints - 1; j >= 0; --j)
if (cKinTree::IsValidBody(body_defs, j))
Eigen::Block< Eigen::MatrixXd, -1, -1, false> curr_I = Is.block(j * svs, 0, svs, svs);
int parent_id = cKinTree::GetParent(joint_mat, j);
if (cKinTree::HasParent(joint_mat, j))
cSpAlg::tSpTrans child_parent_trans = model.GetSpChildParentTrans(j);
cSpAlg::tSpMat child_parent_mat = child_parent_mats_F.block(j * svs, 0, svs, svs);
cSpAlg::tSpMat parent_child_mat = parent_child_mats_M.block(j * svs, 0, svs, svs);
Is.block(parent_id * svs, 0, svs, svs) += child_parent_mat * curr_I * parent_child_mat;
const Eigen::Block<const Eigen::MatrixXd> S = model.GetJointSubspace(j);
int dim = cKinTree::GetParamSize(joint_mat, j);
if (dim > 0)
int offset = cKinTree::GetParamOffset(joint_mat, j);
Eigen::MatrixXd F = curr_I * S;
H.block(offset, offset, dim, dim) = S.transpose() * F;
int curr_id = j;
while (cKinTree::HasParent(joint_mat, curr_id))
cSpAlg::tSpMat child_parent_mat = child_parent_mats_F.block(curr_id * svs, 0, svs, svs);
F = child_parent_mat * F;
curr_id = cKinTree::GetParent(joint_mat, curr_id);
int curr_offset = cKinTree::GetParamOffset(joint_mat, curr_id);
int curr_dim = cKinTree::GetParamSize(joint_mat, curr_id);
if (curr_dim > 0)
const Eigen::Block<const Eigen::MatrixXd> curr_S = model.GetJointSubspace(curr_id);
H.block(offset, curr_offset, dim, curr_dim) = F.transpose() * curr_S;
H.block(curr_offset, offset, curr_dim, dim) = H.block(offset, curr_offset, dim, curr_dim).transpose();
void cRBDUtil::BuildEndEffectorJacobian(const cRBDModel& model, int joint_id, Eigen::MatrixXd& out_J)
// jacobian in world coordinates
const Eigen::MatrixXd& joint_mat = model.GetJointMat();
const Eigen::VectorXd& pose = model.GetPose();
int num_dofs = cKinTree::GetNumDof(joint_mat);
out_J = Eigen::MatrixXd::Zero(cSpAlg::gSpVecSize, num_dofs);
int curr_id = joint_id;
cSpAlg::tSpTrans curr_trans = cSpAlg::BuildTrans();
while (curr_id != cKinTree::gInvalidJointID)
int offset = cKinTree::GetParamOffset(joint_mat, curr_id);
int size = cKinTree::GetParamSize(joint_mat, curr_id);
const Eigen::MatrixXd S = model.GetJointSubspace(curr_id);
out_J.block(0, offset, cSpAlg::gSpVecSize, size) = cSpAlg::ApplyTransM(curr_trans, S);
int parent_id = cKinTree::GetParent(joint_mat, curr_id);
cSpAlg::tSpTrans parent_child_trans = model.GetSpParentChildTrans(curr_id);
curr_trans = cSpAlg::CompTrans(curr_trans, parent_child_trans);
curr_id = parent_id;
out_J = cSpAlg::ApplyInvTransM(curr_trans, out_J);
void cRBDUtil::BuildEndEffectorJacobian(const Eigen::MatrixXd& joint_mat, const Eigen::VectorXd& pose, int joint_id, Eigen::MatrixXd& out_J)
// jacobian in world coordinates
int num_dofs = cKinTree::GetNumDof(joint_mat);
out_J = Eigen::MatrixXd::Zero(cSpAlg::gSpVecSize, num_dofs);
int curr_id = joint_id;
cSpAlg::tSpTrans curr_trans = cSpAlg::BuildTrans();
while (curr_id != cKinTree::gInvalidJointID)
int offset = cKinTree::GetParamOffset(joint_mat, curr_id);
int size = cKinTree::GetParamSize(joint_mat, curr_id);
Eigen::MatrixXd S = BuildJointSubspace(joint_mat, pose, curr_id);
S = cSpAlg::ApplyTransM(curr_trans, S);
out_J.block(0, offset, cSpAlg::gSpVecSize, size) = S;
int parent_id = cKinTree::GetParent(joint_mat, curr_id);
cSpAlg::tSpTrans parent_child_trans = BuildParentChildTransform(joint_mat, pose, curr_id);
curr_trans = cSpAlg::CompTrans(curr_trans, parent_child_trans);
curr_id = parent_id;
out_J = cSpAlg::ApplyInvTransM(curr_trans, out_J);
Eigen::MatrixXd cRBDUtil::MultJacobianEndEff(const Eigen::MatrixXd& joint_mat, const Eigen::VectorXd& q, const Eigen::MatrixXd& J, int joint_id)
// multiplies q by the jacobian of the end effector (joint_id)
int curr_id = joint_id;
cSpAlg::tSpVec joint_vel = cSpAlg::tSpVec::Zero();
while (curr_id != cKinTree::gInvalidJointID)
int offset = cKinTree::GetParamOffset(joint_mat, curr_id);
int size = cKinTree::GetParamSize(joint_mat, curr_id);
Eigen::VectorXd curr_q;
cKinTree::GetJointParams(joint_mat, q, curr_id, curr_q);
const Eigen::Block<const Eigen::MatrixXd> curr_J = J.block(0, offset, cSpAlg::gSpVecSize, size);
joint_vel += curr_J * curr_q;
curr_id = cKinTree::GetParent(joint_mat, curr_id);
return joint_vel;
void cRBDUtil::BuildJacobian(const cRBDModel& model, Eigen::MatrixXd& out_J)
const Eigen::MatrixXd& joint_mat = model.GetJointMat();
const Eigen::VectorXd& pose = model.GetPose();
int num_dofs = model.GetNumDof();
out_J = Eigen::MatrixXd::Zero(cSpAlg::gSpVecSize, num_dofs);
int num_joints = cKinTree::GetNumJoints(joint_mat);
for (int j = 0; j < num_joints; ++j)
cSpAlg::tSpTrans world_joint_trans = model.GetSpWorldJointTrans(j);
int offset = cKinTree::GetParamOffset(joint_mat, j);
int size = cKinTree::GetParamSize(joint_mat, j);
const Eigen::MatrixXd S = model.GetJointSubspace(j);
out_J.block(0, offset, cSpAlg::gSpVecSize, size) = cSpAlg::ApplyInvTransM(world_joint_trans, S);
Eigen::MatrixXd cRBDUtil::ExtractEndEffJacobian(const Eigen::MatrixXd& joint_mat, const Eigen::MatrixXd& J, int joint_id)
int curr_id = joint_id;
Eigen::MatrixXd J_end_eff = Eigen::MatrixXd::Zero(J.rows(), J.cols());
while (curr_id != cKinTree::gInvalidJointID)
int offset = cKinTree::GetParamOffset(joint_mat, curr_id);
int size = cKinTree::GetParamSize(joint_mat, curr_id);
const Eigen::Block<const Eigen::MatrixXd> curr_J = J.block(0, offset, cSpAlg::gSpVecSize, size);
J_end_eff.block(0, offset, cSpAlg::gSpVecSize, size) = curr_J;
curr_id = cKinTree::GetParent(joint_mat, curr_id);
return J_end_eff;
void cRBDUtil::BuildCOMJacobian(const cRBDModel& model, Eigen::MatrixXd& out_J)
// coord frame for jacobian has origin at the com
const Eigen::MatrixXd& joint_mat = model.GetJointMat();
const Eigen::MatrixXd& body_defs = model.GetBodyDefs();
const Eigen::VectorXd& pose = model.GetPose();
Eigen::MatrixXd J;
BuildJacobian(model, J);
BuildCOMJacobian(model, J, out_J);
void cRBDUtil::BuildCOMJacobian(const cRBDModel& model, const Eigen::MatrixXd& J, Eigen::MatrixXd& out_J)
const Eigen::MatrixXd& joint_mat = model.GetJointMat();
const Eigen::MatrixXd& body_defs = model.GetBodyDefs();
int num_dofs = cKinTree::GetNumDof(joint_mat);
out_J = Eigen::MatrixXd::Zero(cSpAlg::gSpVecSize, num_dofs);
double total_mass = cKinTree::CalcTotalMass(body_defs);
int num_joints = cKinTree::GetNumJoints(joint_mat);
for (int j = num_joints - 1; j >= 0; --j)
if (cKinTree::IsValidBody(body_defs, j))
double mass = cKinTree::GetBodyMass(body_defs, j);
double mass_frac = mass / total_mass;
cSpAlg::tSpTrans world_child_trans = model.GetSpWorldJointTrans(j);
tMatrix body_joint_mat = cKinTree::BodyJointTrans(body_defs, j);
cSpAlg::tSpTrans body_world_trans = cSpAlg::CompTrans(cSpAlg::InvTrans(world_child_trans), cSpAlg::MatToTrans(body_joint_mat));
tMatrix body_world_mat = cSpAlg::TransToMat(body_world_trans);
tVector body_pos = body_world_mat.col(3);
body_pos[3] = 0;
cSpAlg::tSpTrans body_pos_trans = cSpAlg::BuildTrans(body_pos);
int curr_id = j;
while (curr_id != cKinTree::gInvalidJointID)
int offset = cKinTree::GetParamOffset(joint_mat, curr_id);
int size = cKinTree::GetParamSize(joint_mat, curr_id);
const Eigen::MatrixXd& J_block = J.block(0, offset, cSpAlg::gSpVecSize, size);
Eigen::Block<Eigen::MatrixXd, -1, -1, false> J_com_block = out_J.block(0, offset, cSpAlg::gSpVecSize, size);
J_com_block += mass_frac * cSpAlg::ApplyTransM(body_pos_trans, J_block);
curr_id = cKinTree::GetParent(joint_mat, curr_id);
void cRBDUtil::BuildJacobianDot(const cRBDModel& model, Eigen::MatrixXd& out_J_dot)
// for comput the velocity product acceleration
const Eigen::MatrixXd& joint_mat = model.GetJointMat();
const Eigen::VectorXd& pose = model.GetPose();
const Eigen::VectorXd& vel = model.GetVel();
int num_dofs = cKinTree::GetNumDof(joint_mat);
int num_joints = cKinTree::GetNumJoints(joint_mat);
out_J_dot = Eigen::MatrixXd(cSpAlg::gSpVecSize, num_dofs);
Eigen::MatrixXd Sqs(cSpAlg::gSpVecSize, num_joints);
for (int j = 0; j < num_joints; ++j)
cSpAlg::tSpTrans world_child_trans = model.GetSpWorldJointTrans(j);
Eigen::MatrixXd S = model.GetJointSubspace(j);
S = cSpAlg::ApplyInvTransM(world_child_trans, S);
Eigen::VectorXd dq;
cKinTree::GetJointParams(joint_mat, vel, j, dq);
cSpAlg::tSpVec Sq = S * dq;
cSpAlg::tSpVec parent_Sq = cSpAlg::tSpVec::Zero();
int parent_id = cKinTree::GetParent(joint_mat, j);
if (parent_id != cKinTree::gInvalidJointID)
parent_Sq = Sqs.col(parent_id);
Sqs.col(j) = parent_Sq + Sq;
int offset = cKinTree::GetParamOffset(joint_mat, j);
int size = cKinTree::GetParamSize(joint_mat, j);
out_J_dot.block(0, offset, cSpAlg::gSpVecSize, size) = cSpAlg::CrossMs(parent_Sq, S);
cSpAlg::tSpVec cRBDUtil::BuildCOMVelProdAcc(const cRBDModel& model)
Eigen::MatrixXd Jd;
BuildJacobianDot(model, Jd);
return BuildCOMVelProdAccAux(model, Jd);
cSpAlg::tSpVec cRBDUtil::BuildCOMVelProdAccAux(const cRBDModel& model, const Eigen::MatrixXd& Jd)
const Eigen::MatrixXd& joint_mat = model.GetJointMat();
const Eigen::MatrixXd& body_defs = model.GetBodyDefs();
const Eigen::VectorXd& pose = model.GetPose();
const Eigen::VectorXd& vel = model.GetVel();
const tVector& gravity = model.GetGravity();
// coord frame origin at com
int num_dofs = cKinTree::GetNumDof(joint_mat);
int num_joints = cKinTree::GetNumJoints(joint_mat);
double total_mass = cKinTree::CalcTotalMass(body_defs);
cSpAlg::tSpVec com_vpa = cSpAlg::tSpVec::Zero();
for (int j = 0; j < num_joints; ++j)
if (cKinTree::IsValidBody(body_defs, j))
double mass = cKinTree::GetBodyMass(body_defs, j);
double mass_frac = mass / total_mass;
cSpAlg::tSpVec vpa = CalcVelProdAcc(model, Jd, j);
com_vpa += mass_frac * vpa;
tVector com = CalcCoMPos(model);
cSpAlg::tSpTrans trans = cSpAlg::BuildTrans(com);
com_vpa = cSpAlg::ApplyTransM(trans, com_vpa);
return com_vpa;
cSpAlg::tSpVec cRBDUtil::CalcVelProdAcc(const cRBDModel& model, const Eigen::MatrixXd& Jd, int joint_id)
const Eigen::MatrixXd& joint_mat = model.GetJointMat();
const Eigen::VectorXd& pose = model.GetPose();
const Eigen::VectorXd& vel = model.GetVel();
const tVector& gravity = model.GetGravity();
int curr_id = joint_id;
cSpAlg::tSpVec acc = cSpAlg::BuildSV(tVector::Zero(), -gravity);
while (curr_id != cKinTree::gInvalidJointID)
int offset = cKinTree::GetParamOffset(joint_mat, curr_id);
int size = cKinTree::GetParamSize(joint_mat, curr_id);
Eigen::VectorXd q;
Eigen::VectorXd dq;
cKinTree::GetJointParams(joint_mat, pose, curr_id, q);
cKinTree::GetJointParams(joint_mat, vel, curr_id, dq);
const Eigen::Block<const Eigen::MatrixXd> curr_Jd = Jd.block(0, offset, cSpAlg::gSpVecSize, size);
cSpAlg::tSpVec cj = BuildCj(joint_mat, q, dq, curr_id);
if (cj.squaredNorm() > 0)
cSpAlg::tSpTrans world_joint_trans = model.GetSpWorldJointTrans(curr_id);
cj = cSpAlg::ApplyInvTransM(world_joint_trans, cj);
acc += curr_Jd * dq + cj;
curr_id = cKinTree::GetParent(joint_mat, curr_id);
return acc;
cSpAlg::tSpVec cRBDUtil::CalcJointWorldVel(const cRBDModel& model, int joint_id)
cSpAlg::tSpVec joint_vel = CalcJointWorldVel(model.GetJointMat(), model.GetPose(), model.GetVel(), joint_id);
return joint_vel;
cSpAlg::tSpVec cRBDUtil::CalcJointWorldVel(const Eigen::MatrixXd& joint_mat, const Eigen::VectorXd& state, const Eigen::VectorXd& vel, int joint_id)
cSpAlg::tSpVec joint_vel = CalcWorldVel(joint_mat, state, vel, joint_id);
return joint_vel;
cSpAlg::tSpVec cRBDUtil::CalcWorldVel(const cRBDModel& model, int joint_id)
return CalcWorldVel(model.GetJointMat(), model.GetPose(), model.GetVel(), joint_id);
cSpAlg::tSpVec cRBDUtil::CalcWorldVel(const Eigen::MatrixXd& joint_mat, const Eigen::VectorXd& pose, const Eigen::VectorXd& vel, int joint_id)
Eigen::MatrixXd J;
BuildEndEffectorJacobian(joint_mat, pose, joint_id, J);
cSpAlg::tSpVec sv = J * vel;
return sv;
tVector cRBDUtil::CalcCoMPos(const cRBDModel& model)
tVector com;
tVector com_vel;
Eigen::VectorXd vel = Eigen::VectorXd::Zero(model.GetNumDof());
CalcCoM(model, com, com_vel);
return com;
tVector cRBDUtil::CalcCoMVel(const cRBDModel& model)
tVector com;
tVector com_vel;
CalcCoM(model, com, com_vel);
return com_vel;
tVector cRBDUtil::CalcCoMVel(const Eigen::MatrixXd& joint_mat, const Eigen::MatrixXd& body_defs, const Eigen::VectorXd& pose, const Eigen::VectorXd& vel)
tVector com;
tVector com_vel;
CalcCoM(joint_mat, body_defs, pose, vel, com, com_vel);
return com_vel;
void cRBDUtil::CalcCoM(const cRBDModel& model, tVector& out_com, tVector& out_vel)
const Eigen::MatrixXd& joint_mat = model.GetJointMat();
const Eigen::MatrixXd& body_defs = model.GetBodyDefs();
const Eigen::VectorXd& pose = model.GetPose();
const Eigen::VectorXd& vel = model.GetVel();
int num_joints = cKinTree::GetNumJoints(joint_mat);
double total_mass = 0;
for (int j = 0; j < num_joints; ++j)
if (cKinTree::IsValidBody(body_defs, j))
tVector local_com = cKinTree::GetBodyLocalCoM(body_defs, j);
cSpAlg::tSpTrans world_joint_trans = model.GetSpWorldJointTrans(j);
tMatrix joint_world_mat = cSpAlg::TransToMat(cSpAlg::InvTrans(world_joint_trans));
tMatrix body_joint_mat = cKinTree::BodyJointTrans(body_defs, j);
tMatrix body_world_mat = joint_world_mat * body_joint_mat;
tVector attach_pt = cKinTree::GetBodyAttachPt(body_defs, j);
attach_pt[3] = 1;
attach_pt = body_joint_mat * attach_pt;
local_com[3] = 1;
tVector world_com = body_world_mat * local_com;
world_com[3] = 0;
cSpAlg::tSpTrans com_trans = cSpAlg::BuildTrans(world_com);
cSpAlg::tSpVec sv = CalcWorldVel(model, j);
sv = cSpAlg::ApplyTransM(com_trans, sv);
tVector com_vel = cSpAlg::GetV(sv);
double m = cKinTree::GetBodyMass(body_defs, j);
out_com += m * world_com;
out_vel += m * com_vel;
total_mass += m;
assert(total_mass > 0);
out_com /= total_mass;
out_vel /= total_mass;
void cRBDUtil::CalcCoM(const Eigen::MatrixXd& joint_mat, const Eigen::MatrixXd& body_defs, const Eigen::VectorXd& pose, const Eigen::VectorXd& vel,
tVector& out_com, tVector& out_vel)
int num_joints = cKinTree::GetNumJoints(joint_mat);
double total_mass = 0;
for (int j = 0; j < num_joints; ++j)
if (cKinTree::IsValidBody(body_defs, j))
tVector local_com = cKinTree::GetBodyLocalCoM(body_defs, j);
tMatrix joint_world_mat = cKinTree::JointWorldTrans(joint_mat, pose, j);
tMatrix body_joint_mat = cKinTree::BodyJointTrans(body_defs, j);
tMatrix body_world_mat = joint_world_mat * body_joint_mat;
tVector attach_pt = cKinTree::GetBodyAttachPt(body_defs, j);
attach_pt[3] = 1;
attach_pt = body_joint_mat * attach_pt;
local_com[3] = 1;
tVector world_com = body_world_mat * local_com;
world_com[3] = 0;
cSpAlg::tSpTrans com_trans = cSpAlg::BuildTrans(world_com);
cSpAlg::tSpVec sv = CalcWorldVel(joint_mat, pose, vel, j);
sv = cSpAlg::ApplyTransM(com_trans, sv);
tVector com_vel = cSpAlg::GetV(sv);
double m = cKinTree::GetBodyMass(body_defs, j);
out_com += m * world_com;
out_vel += m * com_vel;
total_mass += m;
assert(total_mass > 0);
out_com /= total_mass;
out_vel /= total_mass;
cSpAlg::tSpMat cRBDUtil::BuildMomentInertia(const Eigen::MatrixXd& body_defs, int part_id)
// inertia tensor of shape centered at the com
assert(cKinTree::IsValidBody(body_defs, part_id));
cShape::eShape shape = cKinTree::GetBodyShape(body_defs, part_id);
cSpAlg::tSpMat I;
switch (shape)
case cShape::eShapeBox:
I = BuildMomentInertiaBox(body_defs, part_id);
case cShape::eShapeCapsule:
I = BuildMomentInertiaCapsule(body_defs, part_id);
case cShape::eShapeSphere:
I = BuildMomentInertiaSphere(body_defs, part_id);
case cShape::eShapeCylinder:
I = BuildMomentInertiaCylinder(body_defs, part_id);
assert(false); // unsupported shape
return I;
cSpAlg::tSpMat cRBDUtil::BuildMomentInertiaBox(const Eigen::MatrixXd& body_defs, int part_id)
const cKinTree::tBodyDef& def = body_defs.row(part_id);
double mass = cKinTree::GetBodyMass(body_defs, part_id);
double sx = def(cKinTree::eBodyParam0);
double sy = def(cKinTree::eBodyParam1);
double sz = def(cKinTree::eBodyParam2);
double x = mass / 12.0 * (sy * sy + sz * sz);
double y = mass / 12.0 * (sx * sx + sz * sz);
double z = mass / 12.0 * (sx * sx + sy * sy);
cSpAlg::tSpMat I = cSpAlg::tSpMat::Zero();
I(0, 0) = x;
I(1, 1) = y;
I(2, 2) = z;
I(3, 3) = mass;
I(4, 4) = mass;
I(5, 5) = mass;
return I;
cSpAlg::tSpMat cRBDUtil::BuildMomentInertiaCapsule(const Eigen::MatrixXd& body_defs, int part_id)
const cKinTree::tBodyDef& def = body_defs.row(part_id);
double mass = cKinTree::GetBodyMass(body_defs, part_id);
double r = 0.5 * def(cKinTree::eBodyParam0);
double h = def(cKinTree::eBodyParam1);
double c_vol = M_PI * r * r * h;
double hs_vol = M_PI * 2.0 / 3.0 * r * r * r;
double density = mass / (c_vol + 2 * hs_vol);
double cm = c_vol * density;
double hsm = hs_vol * density;
double x = cm*(0.25 * r * r + (1.0 / 12.0) * h * h) +
2 * hsm *(0.4 * r * r + (3.0 / 8) * r * h + 0.5 * h * h);
double y = (0.5 * cm + 0.8 * hsm) * r * r;
double z = x;
cSpAlg::tSpMat I = cSpAlg::tSpMat::Zero();
I(0, 0) = x;
I(1, 1) = y;
I(2, 2) = z;
I(3, 3) = mass;
I(4, 4) = mass;
I(5, 5) = mass;
return I;
cSpAlg::tSpMat cRBDUtil::BuildMomentInertiaSphere(const Eigen::MatrixXd& body_defs, int part_id)
const cKinTree::tBodyDef& def = body_defs.row(part_id);
double mass = cKinTree::GetBodyMass(body_defs, part_id);
double r = 0.5 * def(cKinTree::eBodyParam0);
double x = 0.4 * mass * r * r;
double y = x;
double z = x;
cSpAlg::tSpMat I = cSpAlg::tSpMat::Zero();
I(0, 0) = x;
I(1, 1) = y;
I(2, 2) = z;
I(3, 3) = mass;
I(4, 4) = mass;
I(5, 5) = mass;
return I;
cSpAlg::tSpMat cRBDUtil::BuildMomentInertiaCylinder(const Eigen::MatrixXd& body_defs, int part_id)
const cKinTree::tBodyDef& def = body_defs.row(part_id);
double mass = cKinTree::GetBodyMass(body_defs, part_id);
double r = 0.5 * def(cKinTree::eBodyParam0);
double h = def(cKinTree::eBodyParam1);
double c_vol = M_PI * r * r * h;
double hs_vol = M_PI * 2.0 / 3.0 * r * r * r;
double x = mass / 12 * (3 * r * r + h * h);
double y = mass * r * r / 2;
double z = x;
cSpAlg::tSpMat I = cSpAlg::tSpMat::Zero();
I(0, 0) = x;
I(1, 1) = y;
I(2, 2) = z;
I(3, 3) = mass;
I(4, 4) = mass;
I(5, 5) = mass;
return I;
cSpAlg::tSpMat cRBDUtil::BuildInertiaSpatialMat(const Eigen::MatrixXd& body_defs, int part_id)
cSpAlg::tSpMat Ic = BuildMomentInertia(body_defs, part_id);
tMatrix body_joint = cKinTree::BodyJointTrans(body_defs, part_id);
cSpAlg::tSpTrans X = cSpAlg::MatToTrans(body_joint);
cSpAlg::tSpMat Io = cSpAlg::BuildSpatialMatF(X) * Ic * cSpAlg::BuildSpatialMatM(cSpAlg::InvTrans(X));
return Io;
void cRBDUtil::CalcWorldJointTransforms(const cRBDModel& model, Eigen::MatrixXd& out_trans_arr)
const Eigen::MatrixXd& joint_mat = model.GetJointMat();
const Eigen::VectorXd& pose = model.GetPose();
int num_joints = cKinTree::GetNumJoints(joint_mat);
out_trans_arr.resize(num_joints * cSpAlg::gSVTransRows, cSpAlg::gSVTransCols);
for (int j = 0; j < num_joints; ++j)
int row_idx = j * cSpAlg::gSVTransRows;
int parent_id = cKinTree::GetParent(joint_mat, j);
cSpAlg::tSpTrans parent_child_trans = model.GetSpParentChildTrans(j);
cSpAlg::tSpTrans world_parent_trans = cSpAlg::BuildTrans();
if (parent_id != cKinTree::gInvalidJointID)
world_parent_trans = cSpAlg::GetTrans(out_trans_arr, parent_id);
cSpAlg::tSpTrans world_child_trans = cSpAlg::CompTrans(parent_child_trans, world_parent_trans);
out_trans_arr.block(row_idx, 0, cSpAlg::gSVTransRows, cSpAlg::gSVTransCols) = world_child_trans;
cSpAlg::tSpTrans cRBDUtil::BuildParentChildTransform(const Eigen::MatrixXd& joint_mat, const Eigen::VectorXd& pose, int j)
cSpAlg::tSpTrans trans = BuildChildParentTransform(joint_mat, pose, j);
trans = cSpAlg::InvTrans(trans);
return trans;
cSpAlg::tSpTrans cRBDUtil::BuildChildParentTransform(const Eigen::MatrixXd& joint_mat, const Eigen::VectorXd& pose, int j)
tMatrix m = cKinTree::ChildParentTrans(joint_mat, pose, j);
cSpAlg::tSpTrans trans = cSpAlg::MatToTrans(m);
return trans;
bool cRBDUtil::IsConstJointSubspace(const Eigen::MatrixXd& joint_mat, int j)
bool is_root = cKinTree::IsRoot(joint_mat, j);
bool is_const = !is_root;
return is_const;
Eigen::MatrixXd cRBDUtil::BuildJointSubspace(const Eigen::MatrixXd& joint_mat, const Eigen::VectorXd& pose, int j)
cKinTree::eJointType j_type = cKinTree::GetJointType(joint_mat, j);
bool is_root = cKinTree::IsRoot(joint_mat, j);
Eigen::MatrixXd S;
if (is_root)
S = BuildJointSubspaceRoot(joint_mat, pose);
switch (j_type)
case cKinTree::eJointTypeRevolute:
S = BuildJointSubspaceRevolute(joint_mat, pose, j);
case cKinTree::eJointTypePrismatic:
S = BuildJointSubspacePrismatic(joint_mat, pose, j);
case cKinTree::eJointTypePlanar:
S = BuildJointSubspacePlanar(joint_mat, pose, j);
case cKinTree::eJointTypeFixed:
S = BuildJointSubspaceFixed(joint_mat, pose, j);
case cKinTree::eJointTypeSpherical:
S = BuildJointSubspaceSpherical(joint_mat, pose, j);
assert(false); // unsupported joint type;
return S;
Eigen::MatrixXd cRBDUtil::BuildJointSubspaceRoot(const Eigen::MatrixXd& joint_mat, const Eigen::VectorXd& pose)
int dim = cKinTree::gRootDim;
int pos_dim = cKinTree::gPosDim;
int rot_dim = cKinTree::gRotDim;
Eigen::MatrixXd S = Eigen::MatrixXd::Zero(cSpAlg::gSpVecSize, dim);
tQuaternion quat = cKinTree::GetRootRot(joint_mat, pose);
tMatrix E = cMathUtil::RotateMat(quat);
S.block(3, 0, 3, pos_dim) = E.block(0, 0, 3, pos_dim).transpose();
//S.block(0, pos_dim, 3, rot_dim).setIdentity();
S.block(0, pos_dim, 3, rot_dim - 1) = E.block(0, 0, 3, rot_dim - 1).transpose();
return S;
Eigen::MatrixXd cRBDUtil::BuildJointSubspaceRevolute(const Eigen::MatrixXd& joint_mat, const Eigen::VectorXd& pose, int j)
int dim = cKinTree::GetJointParamSize(cKinTree::eJointTypeRevolute);
Eigen::MatrixXd S = Eigen::MatrixXd::Zero(cSpAlg::gSpVecSize, dim);
S(2, 0) = 1;
return S;
Eigen::MatrixXd cRBDUtil::BuildJointSubspacePrismatic(const Eigen::MatrixXd& joint_mat, const Eigen::VectorXd& pose, int j)
int dim = cKinTree::GetJointParamSize(cKinTree::eJointTypePrismatic);
Eigen::MatrixXd S = Eigen::MatrixXd::Zero(cSpAlg::gSpVecSize, dim);
S(3, 0) = 1;
return S;
Eigen::MatrixXd cRBDUtil::BuildJointSubspacePlanar(const Eigen::MatrixXd& joint_mat, const Eigen::VectorXd& pose, int j)
int dim = cKinTree::GetJointParamSize(cKinTree::eJointTypePlanar);
Eigen::MatrixXd S = Eigen::MatrixXd::Zero(cSpAlg::gSpVecSize, dim);
S(3, 0) = 1;
S(4, 1) = 1;
S(2, 2) = 1;
return S;
Eigen::MatrixXd cRBDUtil::BuildJointSubspaceFixed(const Eigen::MatrixXd& joint_mat, const Eigen::VectorXd& pose, int j)
int dim = cKinTree::GetJointParamSize(cKinTree::eJointTypeFixed);
Eigen::MatrixXd S = Eigen::MatrixXd::Zero(cSpAlg::gSpVecSize, dim);
return S;
Eigen::MatrixXd cRBDUtil::BuildJointSubspaceSpherical(const Eigen::MatrixXd& joint_mat, const Eigen::VectorXd& pose, int j)
int dim = cKinTree::GetJointParamSize(cKinTree::eJointTypeSpherical);
Eigen::MatrixXd S = Eigen::MatrixXd::Zero(cSpAlg::gSpVecSize, dim);
S(0, 0) = 1;
S(1, 1) = 1;
S(2, 2) = 1;
return S;
cSpAlg::tSpVec cRBDUtil::BuildCj(const Eigen::MatrixXd& joint_mat, const Eigen::VectorXd& q, const Eigen::VectorXd& q_dot, int j)
cKinTree::eJointType j_type = cKinTree::GetJointType(joint_mat, j);
bool is_root = cKinTree::IsRoot(joint_mat, j);
cSpAlg::tSpVec cj;
if (is_root)
cj = BuildCjRoot(joint_mat, q, q_dot, j);
switch (j_type)
case cKinTree::eJointTypeRevolute:
cj = BuildCjRevolute(joint_mat, q_dot, j);
case cKinTree::eJointTypePrismatic:
cj = BuildCjPrismatic(joint_mat, q_dot, j);
case cKinTree::eJointTypePlanar:
cj = BuildCjPlanar(joint_mat, q_dot, j);
case cKinTree::eJointTypeFixed:
cj = BuildCjFixed(joint_mat, q_dot, j);
case cKinTree::eJointTypeSpherical:
cj = BuildCjSpherical(joint_mat, q_dot, j);
assert(false); // unsupported joint type;
return cj;
cSpAlg::tSpVec cRBDUtil::BuildCjRoot(const Eigen::MatrixXd& joint_mat, const Eigen::VectorXd& q, const Eigen::VectorXd& q_dot, int j)
tQuaternion quat = cKinTree::GetRootRot(joint_mat, q);
tVector vel_lin = cKinTree::GetRootVel(joint_mat, q_dot);
tVector vel_ang = cKinTree::GetRootAngVel(joint_mat, q_dot);
vel_ang[3] = 0;
Eigen::VectorXd joint_params;
cKinTree::GetJointParams(joint_mat, q_dot, j, joint_params);
tMatrix vel_dquat_mat = cMathUtil::BuildQuaternionDiffMat(quat);
tVector dq_vec = vel_dquat_mat * vel_ang;
tQuaternion dquat = cMathUtil::VecToQuat(dq_vec);
tMatrix mat = tMatrix::Identity();
mat(0, 0) = 4 * (quat.w() * dquat.w() + quat.x() * dquat.x());
mat(1, 1) = 4 * (quat.w() * dquat.w() + quat.y() * dquat.y());
mat(2, 2) = 4 * (quat.w() * dquat.w() + quat.z() * dquat.z());
mat(1, 0) = 2 * (dquat.x() * quat.y() + quat.x() * dquat.y()
- dquat.w() * quat.z() - quat.w() * dquat.z());
mat(0, 1) = 2 * (dquat.x() * quat.y() + quat.x() * dquat.y()
+ dquat.w() * quat.z() + quat.w() * dquat.z());
mat(2, 0) = 2 * (dquat.x() * quat.z() + quat.x() * dquat.z()
+ dquat.w() * quat.y() + quat.w() * dquat.y());
mat(0, 2) = 2 * (dquat.x() * quat.z() + quat.x() * dquat.z()
- dquat.w() * quat.y() - quat.w() * dquat.y());
mat(2, 1) = 2 * (dquat.y() * quat.z() + quat.y() * dquat.z()
- dquat.w() * quat.x() - quat.w() * dquat.x());
mat(1, 2) = 2 * (dquat.y() * quat.z() + quat.y() * dquat.z()
+ dquat.w() * quat.x() + quat.w() * dquat.x());
cSpAlg::tSpVec cj = cSpAlg::tSpVec::Zero();
cj.segment(3, 3) = (mat * vel_lin).segment(0, 3);
return cj;
cSpAlg::tSpVec cRBDUtil::BuildCjRevolute(const Eigen::MatrixXd& joint_mat, const Eigen::VectorXd& q_dot, int j)
return cSpAlg::tSpVec::Zero();
cSpAlg::tSpVec cRBDUtil::BuildCjPrismatic(const Eigen::MatrixXd& joint_mat, const Eigen::VectorXd& q_dot, int j)
return cSpAlg::tSpVec::Zero();
cSpAlg::tSpVec cRBDUtil::BuildCjPlanar(const Eigen::MatrixXd& joint_mat, const Eigen::VectorXd& q_dot, int j)
return cSpAlg::tSpVec::Zero();
cSpAlg::tSpVec cRBDUtil::BuildCjFixed(const Eigen::MatrixXd& joint_mat, const Eigen::VectorXd& q_dot, int j)
return cSpAlg::tSpVec::Zero();
cSpAlg::tSpVec cRBDUtil::BuildCjSpherical(const Eigen::MatrixXd& joint_mat, const Eigen::VectorXd& q_dot, int j)
return cSpAlg::tSpVec::Zero();
void cRBDUtil::BuildBiasForce(const cRBDModel& model, Eigen::VectorXd& out_bias_force)
Eigen::VectorXd acc = Eigen::VectorXd::Zero(model.GetNumDof());
SolveInvDyna(model, acc, out_bias_force);
void cRBDUtil::CalcGravityForce(const cRBDModel& model, Eigen::VectorXd& out_g_force)
const Eigen::MatrixXd& joint_mat = model.GetJointMat();
const Eigen::MatrixXd& body_defs = model.GetBodyDefs();
const tVector& gravity = model.GetGravity();
const Eigen::VectorXd& pose = model.GetPose();
assert(joint_mat.rows() == body_defs.rows());
assert(cKinTree::GetNumDof(joint_mat) == pose.rows());
cSpAlg::tSpVec acc0 = cSpAlg::BuildSV(tVector::Zero(), gravity);
int num_joints = cKinTree::GetNumJoints(joint_mat);
Eigen::MatrixXd fs = Eigen::MatrixXd(num_joints, cSpAlg::gSpVecSize);
for (int j = 0; j < num_joints; ++j)
if (cKinTree::IsValidBody(body_defs, j))
cSpAlg::tSpTrans world_child_trans = model.GetSpWorldJointTrans(j);
cSpAlg::tSpMat I = BuildInertiaSpatialMat(body_defs, j);
cSpAlg::tSpVec curr_acc = cSpAlg::ApplyTransM(world_child_trans, acc0);
cSpAlg::tSpVec curr_f = I * curr_acc;
fs.row(j) = curr_f;
out_g_force = Eigen::VectorXd::Zero(pose.size());
for (int j = num_joints - 1; j >= 0; --j)
if (cKinTree::IsValidBody(body_defs, j))
cSpAlg::tSpVec curr_f = fs.row(j);
const Eigen::Block<const Eigen::MatrixXd> S = model.GetJointSubspace(j);
Eigen::VectorXd curr_tau = S.transpose() * curr_f;
cKinTree::SetJointParams(joint_mat, j, curr_tau, out_g_force);
if (cKinTree::HasParent(joint_mat, j))
int parent_id = cKinTree::GetParent(joint_mat, j);
cSpAlg::tSpTrans child_parent_trans = model.GetSpChildParentTrans(j);
fs.row(parent_id) += cSpAlg::ApplyTransF(child_parent_trans, curr_f);