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A fileIO plugin can override custom file IO operations. As a small test, load files from a zipfile in memory. Default fileIO implementation is in examples/Utils/b3BulletDefaultFileIO.h Affects URDF, SDF, MJCF, Wavefront OBJ, STL, DAE, images.
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#include "../ImportURDFDemo/URDFImporterInterface.h"
#include "../ImportURDFDemo/UrdfRenderingInterface.h"
struct MJCFErrorLogger
virtual ~MJCFErrorLogger() {}
virtual void reportError(const char* error) = 0;
virtual void reportWarning(const char* warning) = 0;
virtual void printMessage(const char* msg) = 0;
struct MJCFURDFTexture
int m_width;
int m_height;
unsigned char* textureData1;
bool m_isCached;
class BulletMJCFImporter : public URDFImporterInterface
struct BulletMJCFImporterInternalData* m_data;
void convertURDFToVisualShapeInternal(const struct UrdfVisual* visual, const char* urdfPathPrefix, const btTransform& visualTransform, btAlignedObjectArray<struct GLInstanceVertex>& verticesOut, btAlignedObjectArray<int>& indicesOut, btAlignedObjectArray<MJCFURDFTexture>& texturesOut) const;
BulletMJCFImporter(struct GUIHelperInterface* helper, UrdfRenderingInterface* customConverter, struct CommonFileIOInterface* fileIO, int flags);
virtual ~BulletMJCFImporter();
virtual bool parseMJCFString(const char* xmlString, MJCFErrorLogger* logger);
virtual bool loadMJCF(const char* fileName, MJCFErrorLogger* logger, bool forceFixedBase = false);
virtual bool loadURDF(const char* fileName, bool forceFixedBase = false)
return false;
virtual bool loadSDF(const char* fileName, bool forceFixedBase = false) { return false; }
virtual const char* getPathPrefix();
///return >=0 for the root link index, -1 if there is no root link
virtual int getRootLinkIndex() const;
///pure virtual interfaces, precondition is a valid linkIndex (you can assert/terminate if the linkIndex is out of range)
virtual std::string getLinkName(int linkIndex) const;
virtual std::string getBodyName() const;
/// optional method to provide the link color. return true if the color is available and copied into colorRGBA, return false otherwise
virtual bool getLinkColor(int linkIndex, btVector4& colorRGBA) const;
bool getLinkColor2(int linkIndex, struct UrdfMaterialColor& matCol) const;
//optional method to get collision group (type) and mask (affinity)
virtual int getCollisionGroupAndMask(int linkIndex, int& colGroup, int& colMask) const;
///this API will likely change, don't override it!
virtual bool getLinkContactInfo(int linkIndex, URDFLinkContactInfo& contactInfo) const;
virtual std::string getJointName(int linkIndex) const;
//fill mass and inertial data. If inertial data is missing, please initialize mass, inertia to sensitive values, and inertialFrame to identity.
virtual void getMassAndInertia(int urdfLinkIndex, btScalar& mass, btVector3& localInertiaDiagonal, btTransform& inertialFrame) const;
///fill an array of child link indices for this link, btAlignedObjectArray behaves like a std::vector so just use push_back and resize(0) if needed
virtual void getLinkChildIndices(int urdfLinkIndex, btAlignedObjectArray<int>& childLinkIndices) const;
virtual bool getJointInfo(int urdfLinkIndex, btTransform& parent2joint, btTransform& linkTransformInWorld, btVector3& jointAxisInJointSpace, int& jointType, btScalar& jointLowerLimit, btScalar& jointUpperLimit, btScalar& jointDamping, btScalar& jointFriction) const;
virtual bool getJointInfo2(int urdfLinkIndex, btTransform& parent2joint, btTransform& linkTransformInWorld, btVector3& jointAxisInJointSpace, int& jointType, btScalar& jointLowerLimit, btScalar& jointUpperLimit, btScalar& jointDamping, btScalar& jointFriction, btScalar& jointMaxForce, btScalar& jointMaxVelocity) const;
virtual bool getRootTransformInWorld(btTransform& rootTransformInWorld) const;
virtual int convertLinkVisualShapes(int linkIndex, const char* pathPrefix, const btTransform& inertialFrame) const;
virtual void convertLinkVisualShapes2(int linkIndex, int urdfIndex, const char* pathPrefix, const btTransform& inertialFrame, class btCollisionObject* colObj, int objectIndex) const;
virtual void setBodyUniqueId(int bodyId);
virtual int getBodyUniqueId() const;
virtual class btCompoundShape* convertLinkCollisionShapes(int linkIndex, const char* pathPrefix, const btTransform& localInertiaFrame) const;
virtual int getNumAllocatedCollisionShapes() const;
virtual class btCollisionShape* getAllocatedCollisionShape(int index);
virtual int getNumModels() const;
virtual void activateModel(int modelIndex);
virtual int getNumAllocatedMeshInterfaces() const;
virtual btStridingMeshInterface* getAllocatedMeshInterface(int index);