t.jung 31cd98c7b2 HLSL: implemented c register handling
Adjusted a test not to use c register for
a structured buffer, they are supposed to
use t registers

Added comments with hints for what are the
register types are used for.
2018-11-14 13:12:12 +01:00

24 lines
451 B

struct sb_t
float3 color;
bool test;
bool test2;
}; // stride = 20
StructuredBuffer<sb_t> sbuf : register(t10);
StructuredBuffer<float> sbuf2;
float4 main(uint pos : FOO) : SV_Target0
sb_t mydata = sbuf.Load(pos);
uint size;
uint stride;
sbuf.GetDimensions(size, stride);
if (sbuf[pos].test)
return float4(sbuf[pos].color + sbuf2[pos], 0);
return mydata.color.x + size + stride;