And allow using color states for colors with a syntax similar
to modern css color syntax.
color(srgb 50% 0.5 1 / 75%)
Both floating point numbers and percentages can be used.
Currently, this is only supported for color nodes.
Test included.
Use the color state returned by this function instead of assuming
the color of a color node is always sRGB.
Node colors are converted to the css on the cpu. That is necessary
since we don't know if they are in one of the default color states,
and our shaders can't deal with non-default color states.
Make color-related ops take the ccs and a GdkColor, and make
decisions about color conversion on the cpu vs the gpu.
This makes the node processor code simpler, and lets use convert
the color directly into the op instance without extra copying.
We also pass opacity to the op, so it can be applied when we
write the color into the instance.
Lastly, rorder the offset to come right after the opacity argument.
Treat the color and rounded color ops the same way.
Update all callers.
With this, the prepare_color apis in gskgpunodeprocessor.c are
no longer used and have been dropped.
This api lets one obtain a color state and color values from
a GtkCssColor. We don't want to force everything though sRGB,
but we can't quite avoid conversion here, since we don't have
a 100% match between the css color spaces and color states.
css color cleanup
Add a function for converting a single color from one
color state to another. This is a generalization of the
already existing function to convert a GdkRGBA to another
color state.
This is an old test that isn't very relevant anymore, and it has
some linking problems because it includes private headers that
have inlined functions.
This is a leftover from GTK3 when iconhelper sizes depended on the
texture size.
Now we only need to queue a redraw with the new icon.
Fixes warnings about resizes during allocate caused by scale change
notification during allocation of GtkWindow.
We want to reuse gsk_gpu_color_to_float() for use with GdkColor and this
function will be replaced. But until that's fully done, we need 2
different names.
So rename this one to something else
This is a GTK3 leftover where the icons were manually drawn and sized.
Now that they're managed by actual widgets that enforce a correct size
that is independent of scale factor, this is no longer necessary.
Fixes warnings about resizes during allocate caused by scale change
notification during allocation of GtkWindow.
The outlook for mutter supporting this in GNOME 47 are cloudy,
so lets flip the switch back. You can still set
USE_POINTER_VIEWPORT in the environment to try this code.
It turns out the "step" variable could up as 0 when p.y ~= 3.0 ||
p.y ~= r.y - 3.0
That was not enough to trigger it though because if "start" and "end"
were the same value, the "y <= end" check in the loop would immediately
terminate it.
However, if start + epsilon == end so that end != start but (end - start)
/ 7 == 0, then step would end up as 0 and the loop would never
And if that happened, it would bring down GPUs.
So recode this whole machinery to make it impossible to infloop.
The fix in commit 5e7f227d broke shadows while trying to make them
So use a better way to make them faster.
With the normalized blur radius, we can now conclude that all the values
too far from p.y will cause the gauss() call to return close to 0, so we
can skip any y value that is too far from p.y.
And that allows us to put an upper limit on the loop iterations.
Tests included