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** Copyright (C) 2016 The Qt Company Ltd.
** Contact: https://www.qt.io/licensing/
** This file is part of the test suite of the Qt Toolkit.
** Commercial License Usage
** Licensees holding valid commercial Qt licenses may use this file in
** accordance with the commercial license agreement provided with the
** Software or, alternatively, in accordance with the terms contained in
** a written agreement between you and The Qt Company. For licensing terms
** and conditions see https://www.qt.io/terms-conditions. For further
** information use the contact form at https://www.qt.io/contact-us.
** GNU General Public License Usage
** Alternatively, this file may be used under the terms of the GNU
** General Public License version 3 as published by the Free Software
** Foundation with exceptions as appearing in the file LICENSE.GPL3-EXCEPT
** included in the packaging of this file. Please review the following
** information to ensure the GNU General Public License requirements will
** be met: https://www.gnu.org/licenses/gpl-3.0.html.
#include <QTest>
#include <QSignalSpy>
#include <QtGui/QGuiApplication>
#include <QtGui/QWindow>
#include <QtGui/QScreen>
#include <QtGui/QCursor>
#include <QtGui/QFont>
#include <QtGui/QPalette>
#include <QtGui/QStyleHints>
#include <qpa/qplatformintegration.h>
#include <qpa/qwindowsysteminterface.h>
#include <qgenericplugin.h>
#include <private/qguiapplication_p.h>
#if defined(Q_OS_QNX)
#include <QOpenGLContext>
#include <QtGui/private/qopenglcontext_p.h>
#include <QDebug>
#include "tst_qcoreapplication.h"
enum { spacing = 50, windowSize = 200 };
class tst_QGuiApplication: public tst_QCoreApplication
private slots:
void initTestCase();
void cleanup();
void displayName();
void desktopFileName();
void firstWindowTitle();
void windowIcon();
void focusObject();
void allWindows();
void topLevelWindows();
void abortQuitOnShow();
void changeFocusWindow();
void keyboardModifiers();
void palette();
void font();
void modalWindow();
void quitOnLastWindowClosed();
void quitOnLastWindowClosedMulti();
void dontQuitOnLastWindowClosed();
void genericPluginsAndWindowSystemEvents();
void layoutDirection();
void globalShareContext();
void testSetPaletteAttribute();
void staticFunctions();
void settableStyleHints_data();
void settableStyleHints(); // Needs to run last as it changes style hints.
void tst_QGuiApplication::initTestCase()
if ((QString::compare(QStringLiteral(QT_QPA_DEFAULT_PLATFORM_NAME),
QStringLiteral("eglfs"), Qt::CaseInsensitive) == 0) ||
QStringLiteral("eglfs"), Qt::CaseInsensitive) == 0)) {
// Set env variables to disable input and cursor because eglfs is single fullscreen window
// and trying to initialize input and cursor will crash test.
qputenv("QT_QPA_EGLFS_HIDECURSOR", "1");
void tst_QGuiApplication::cleanup()
void tst_QGuiApplication::displayName()
int argc = 1;
char *argv[] = { const_cast<char*>("tst_qguiapplication") };
QGuiApplication app(argc, argv);
QSignalSpy spy(&app, &QGuiApplication::applicationDisplayNameChanged);
QCOMPARE(::qAppName(), QString::fromLatin1("tst_qguiapplication"));
QCOMPARE(QGuiApplication::applicationName(), QString::fromLatin1("tst_qguiapplication"));
QCOMPARE(QGuiApplication::applicationDisplayName(), QString::fromLatin1("tst_qguiapplication"));
QGuiApplication::setApplicationName("The Core Application");
QCOMPARE(QGuiApplication::applicationName(), QString::fromLatin1("The Core Application"));
QCOMPARE(QGuiApplication::applicationDisplayName(), QString::fromLatin1("The Core Application"));
QCOMPARE(spy.count(), 1);
QGuiApplication::setApplicationDisplayName("The GUI Application");
QCOMPARE(QGuiApplication::applicationDisplayName(), QString::fromLatin1("The GUI Application"));
QCOMPARE(spy.count(), 2);
QGuiApplication::setApplicationName("The Core Application 2");
QCOMPARE(QGuiApplication::applicationName(), QString::fromLatin1("The Core Application 2"));
QCOMPARE(QGuiApplication::applicationDisplayName(), QString::fromLatin1("The GUI Application"));
QCOMPARE(spy.count(), 2);
QGuiApplication::setApplicationDisplayName("The GUI Application 2");
QCOMPARE(QGuiApplication::applicationDisplayName(), QString::fromLatin1("The GUI Application 2"));
QCOMPARE(spy.count(), 3);
void tst_QGuiApplication::desktopFileName()
int argc = 1;
char *argv[] = { const_cast<char*>("tst_qguiapplication") };
QGuiApplication app(argc, argv);
QCOMPARE(QGuiApplication::desktopFileName(), QString());
QCOMPARE(QGuiApplication::desktopFileName(), QString::fromLatin1("io.qt.QGuiApplication.desktop"));
QCOMPARE(QGuiApplication::desktopFileName(), QString());
void tst_QGuiApplication::firstWindowTitle()
int argc = 3;
char *argv[] = { const_cast<char*>("tst_qguiapplication"), const_cast<char*>("-qwindowtitle"), const_cast<char*>("User Title") };
QGuiApplication app(argc, argv);
QWindow window;
window.setTitle("Application Title");
QCOMPARE(window.title(), QString("User Title"));
void tst_QGuiApplication::windowIcon()
int argc = 3;
char *argv[] = { const_cast<char*>("tst_qguiapplication"), const_cast<char*>("-qwindowicon"), const_cast<char*>(":/icons/usericon.png") };
QGuiApplication app(argc, argv);
QIcon appIcon(":/icons/appicon.png");
QWindow window;
QIcon userIcon(":/icons/usericon.png");
// Comparing icons is hard. cacheKey() differs because the icon was independently loaded.
// So we use availableSizes, after making sure that the app and user icons do have different sizes.
QVERIFY(userIcon.availableSizes() != appIcon.availableSizes());
QCOMPARE(window.icon().availableSizes(), userIcon.availableSizes());
class DummyWindow : public QWindow
DummyWindow() : m_focusObject(nullptr) {}
virtual QObject *focusObject() const override
return m_focusObject;
void setFocusObject(QObject *object)
m_focusObject = object;
emit focusObjectChanged(object);
QObject *m_focusObject;
void tst_QGuiApplication::focusObject()
int argc = 0;
QGuiApplication app(argc, nullptr);
if (!QGuiApplicationPrivate::platformIntegration()->hasCapability(QPlatformIntegration::WindowActivation))
QSKIP("QWindow::requestActivate() is not supported.");
QObject obj1, obj2, obj3;
const QRect screenGeometry = QGuiApplication::primaryScreen()->availableVirtualGeometry();
DummyWindow window1;
#if defined(Q_OS_QNX)
window1.resize(windowSize, windowSize);
window1.setFramePosition(QPoint(screenGeometry.left() + spacing, screenGeometry.top() + spacing));
DummyWindow window2;
window2.resize(windowSize, windowSize);
window2.setFramePosition(QPoint(screenGeometry.left() + 2 * spacing + windowSize, screenGeometry.top() + spacing));
#if defined(Q_OS_QNX) // We either need to create a eglSurface or a create a backing store
// and then post the window in order for screen to show the window
QOpenGLContext context;
QVERIFY(QTest::qWaitForWindowExposed(&window1)); // Buffer swap only succeeds with exposed window
QSignalSpy spy(&app, SIGNAL(focusObjectChanged(QObject*)));
// verify active window focus propagates to qguiapplication
QCOMPARE(app.focusWindow(), &window1);
QCOMPARE(app.focusObject(), &obj1);
QCOMPARE(spy.count(), 1);
QCOMPARE(app.focusObject(), &obj2);
QCOMPARE(spy.count(), 1);
QCOMPARE(app.focusObject(), &obj2); // not yet changed
QTRY_COMPARE(app.focusWindow(), &window2);
QCOMPARE(app.focusObject(), &obj3);
QCOMPARE(spy.count(), 1);
// focus change on unfocused window does not show
QCOMPARE(spy.count(), 0);
QCOMPARE(app.focusObject(), &obj3);
void tst_QGuiApplication::allWindows()
int argc = 0;
QGuiApplication app(argc, nullptr);
QWindow *window1 = new QWindow;
QWindow *window2 = new QWindow(window1);
QCOMPARE(app.allWindows().count(), 2);
delete window1;
window1 = nullptr;
window2 = nullptr;
QCOMPARE(app.allWindows().count(), 0);
void tst_QGuiApplication::topLevelWindows()
int argc = 0;
QGuiApplication app(argc, nullptr);
QWindow *window1 = new QWindow;
QWindow *window2 = new QWindow(window1);
QCOMPARE(app.topLevelWindows().count(), 1);
delete window1;
window1 = nullptr;
window2 = nullptr;
QCOMPARE(app.topLevelWindows().count(), 0);
class ShowCloseShowWindow : public QWindow
ShowCloseShowWindow(bool showAgain, QWindow *parent = nullptr)
: QWindow(parent), showAgain(showAgain)
QTimer::singleShot(0, this, SLOT(doClose()));
QTimer::singleShot(500, this, SLOT(exitApp()));
private slots:
void doClose() {
if (showAgain)
void exitApp() {
bool showAgain;
void tst_QGuiApplication::abortQuitOnShow()
int argc = 0;
QGuiApplication app(argc, nullptr);
const QRect screenGeometry = QGuiApplication::primaryScreen()->availableVirtualGeometry();
QScopedPointer<QWindow> window1(new ShowCloseShowWindow(false));
window1->resize(windowSize, windowSize);
window1->setFramePosition(QPoint(screenGeometry.left() + spacing, screenGeometry.top() + spacing));
QCOMPARE(app.exec(), 0);
QScopedPointer<QWindow> window2(new ShowCloseShowWindow(true));
window2->resize(windowSize, windowSize);
window2->setFramePosition(QPoint(screenGeometry.left() + 2 * spacing + windowSize, screenGeometry.top() + spacing));
QCOMPARE(app.exec(), 1);
class FocusChangeWindow: public QWindow
virtual bool event(QEvent *ev) override
if (ev->type() == QEvent::FocusAboutToChange)
windowDuringFocusAboutToChange = qGuiApp->focusWindow();
return QWindow::event(ev);
virtual void focusOutEvent(QFocusEvent *) override
windowDuringFocusOut = qGuiApp->focusWindow();
FocusChangeWindow() : QWindow(), windowDuringFocusAboutToChange(nullptr), windowDuringFocusOut(nullptr) {}
QWindow *windowDuringFocusAboutToChange;
QWindow *windowDuringFocusOut;
void tst_QGuiApplication::changeFocusWindow()
int argc = 0;
QGuiApplication app(argc, nullptr);
if (!QGuiApplicationPrivate::platformIntegration()->hasCapability(QPlatformIntegration::WindowActivation))
QSKIP("QWindow::requestActivate() is not supported.");
const QRect screenGeometry = QGuiApplication::primaryScreen()->availableVirtualGeometry();
// focus is changed between FocusAboutToChange and FocusChanged
FocusChangeWindow window1;
#if defined(Q_OS_QNX)
window1.resize(windowSize, windowSize);
window1.setFramePosition(QPoint(screenGeometry.left() + spacing, screenGeometry.top() + spacing));
#if defined(Q_OS_QNX) // We either need to create a eglSurface or a create a backing store
// and then post the window in order for screen to show the window
QOpenGLContext context;
QVERIFY(QTest::qWaitForWindowExposed(&window1)); // Buffer swap only succeeds with exposed window
FocusChangeWindow window2;
#if defined(Q_OS_QNX)
window2.resize(windowSize, windowSize);
window2.setFramePosition(QPoint(screenGeometry.left() + 2 * spacing + windowSize, screenGeometry.top() + spacing));
#if defined(Q_OS_QNX) // We either need to create a eglSurface or a create a backing store
// and then post the window in order for screen to show the window
QVERIFY(QTest::qWaitForWindowExposed(&window2)); // Buffer swap only succeeds with exposed window
QTRY_COMPARE(app.focusWindow(), &window1);
QTRY_COMPARE(app.focusWindow(), &window2);
QCOMPARE(window1.windowDuringFocusAboutToChange, &window1);
QCOMPARE(window1.windowDuringFocusOut, &window2);
void tst_QGuiApplication::keyboardModifiers()
int argc = 0;
QGuiApplication app(argc, nullptr);
const QRect screenGeometry = QGuiApplication::primaryScreen()->availableVirtualGeometry();
QScopedPointer<QWindow> window(new QWindow);
window->resize(windowSize, windowSize);
window->setFramePosition(QPoint(screenGeometry.left() + spacing, screenGeometry.top() + spacing));
QCOMPARE(QGuiApplication::keyboardModifiers(), Qt::NoModifier);
// mouse events
QPoint center = window->geometry().center();
QTest::mouseEvent(QTest::MousePress, window.data(), Qt::LeftButton, Qt::NoModifier, center);
QCOMPARE(QGuiApplication::keyboardModifiers(), Qt::NoModifier);
QTest::mouseEvent(QTest::MouseRelease, window.data(), Qt::LeftButton, Qt::NoModifier, center);
QCOMPARE(QGuiApplication::keyboardModifiers(), Qt::NoModifier);
QTest::mouseEvent(QTest::MousePress, window.data(), Qt::RightButton, Qt::ControlModifier, center);
QCOMPARE(QGuiApplication::keyboardModifiers(), Qt::ControlModifier);
QTest::mouseEvent(QTest::MouseRelease, window.data(), Qt::RightButton, Qt::ControlModifier, center);
QCOMPARE(QGuiApplication::keyboardModifiers(), Qt::ControlModifier);
// shortcut events
QTest::keyEvent(QTest::Shortcut, window.data(), Qt::Key_5, Qt::MetaModifier);
QCOMPARE(QGuiApplication::keyboardModifiers(), Qt::MetaModifier);
QTest::keyEvent(QTest::Shortcut, window.data(), Qt::Key_Period, Qt::NoModifier);
QCOMPARE(QGuiApplication::keyboardModifiers(), Qt::NoModifier);
QTest::keyEvent(QTest::Shortcut, window.data(), Qt::Key_0, Qt::ControlModifier);
QCOMPARE(QGuiApplication::keyboardModifiers(), Qt::ControlModifier);
// key events
QTest::keyEvent(QTest::Press, window.data(), Qt::Key_C);
QCOMPARE(QGuiApplication::keyboardModifiers(), Qt::NoModifier);
QTest::keyEvent(QTest::Release, window.data(), Qt::Key_C);
QCOMPARE(QGuiApplication::keyboardModifiers(), Qt::NoModifier);
QTest::keyEvent(QTest::Press, window.data(), Qt::Key_U, Qt::ControlModifier);
QCOMPARE(QGuiApplication::keyboardModifiers(), Qt::ControlModifier);
QTest::keyEvent(QTest::Release, window.data(), Qt::Key_U, Qt::ControlModifier);
QCOMPARE(QGuiApplication::keyboardModifiers(), Qt::ControlModifier);
QTest::keyEvent(QTest::Press, window.data(), Qt::Key_T);
QCOMPARE(QGuiApplication::keyboardModifiers(), Qt::NoModifier);
QTest::keyEvent(QTest::Release, window.data(), Qt::Key_T);
QCOMPARE(QGuiApplication::keyboardModifiers(), Qt::NoModifier);
QTest::keyEvent(QTest::Press, window.data(), Qt::Key_E, Qt::ControlModifier);
QCOMPARE(QGuiApplication::keyboardModifiers(), Qt::ControlModifier);
QTest::keyEvent(QTest::Release, window.data(), Qt::Key_E, Qt::ControlModifier);
QCOMPARE(QGuiApplication::keyboardModifiers(), Qt::ControlModifier);
// wheel events
QPoint global = window->mapToGlobal(center);
QPoint delta(0, 1);
QWindowSystemInterface::handleWheelEvent(window.data(), center, global, delta, delta, Qt::NoModifier);
QCOMPARE(QGuiApplication::keyboardModifiers(), Qt::NoModifier);
QWindowSystemInterface::handleWheelEvent(window.data(), center, global, delta, delta, Qt::AltModifier);
QCOMPARE(QGuiApplication::keyboardModifiers(), Qt::AltModifier);
QWindowSystemInterface::handleWheelEvent(window.data(), center, global, delta, delta, Qt::ControlModifier);
QCOMPARE(QGuiApplication::keyboardModifiers(), Qt::ControlModifier);
// touch events
Introduce QInputDevice hierarchy; replace QTouchDevice We have seen during the Qt 5 series that QMouseEvent::source() does not provide enough information: if it is synthesized, it could have come from any device for which mouse events are synthesized, not only from a touchscreen. By providing in every QInputEvent as complete information about the actual source device as possible, we will enable very fine-tuned behavior in the object that handles each event. Further, we would like to support multiple keyboards, pointing devices, and named groups of devices that are known as "seats" in Wayland. In Qt 5, QPA plugins registered each touchscreen as it was discovered. Now we extend this pattern to all input devices. This new requirement can be implemented gradually; for now, if a QTWSI input event is received wtihout a device pointer, a default "core" device will be created on-the-fly, and a warning emitted. In Qt 5, QTouchEvent::TouchPoint::id() was forced to be unique even when multiple devices were in use simultaneously. Now that each event identifies the device it came from, this hack is no longer needed. A stub of the new QPointerEvent is added; it will be developed further in subsequent patches. [ChangeLog][QtGui][QInputEvent] Every QInputEvent now carries a pointer to an instance of QInputDevice, or the subclass QPointingDevice in case of mouse, touch and tablet events. Each platform plugin is expected to create the device instances, register them, and provide valid pointers with all input events. If this is not done, warnings are emitted and default devices are created as necessary. When the device has accurate information, it provides the opportunity to fine-tune behavior depending on device type and capabilities: for example if a QMouseEvent is synthesized from a touchscreen, the recipient can see which touchscreen it came from. Each device also has a seatName to distinguish users on multi-user windowing systems. Touchpoint IDs are no longer unique on their own, but the combination of ID and device is. Fixes: QTBUG-46412 Fixes: QTBUG-72167 Task-number: QTBUG-69433 Task-number: QTBUG-52430 Change-Id: I933fb2b86182efa722037b7a33e404c5daf5292a Reviewed-by: Shawn Rutledge <shawn.rutledge@qt.io>
2019-05-31 06:38:16 +00:00
QPointingDevice touchDevice(QLatin1String("test touchscreen"), 0,
QInputDevice::DeviceType::TouchScreen, QPointingDevice::PointerType::Finger,
QPointingDevice::Capability::Position, 10, 0);
QTest::touchEvent(window.data(), &touchDevice).press(1, center).release(1, center);
QCOMPARE(QGuiApplication::keyboardModifiers(), Qt::NoModifier);
Unify application palette handling between QGuiApplication and QApplication The logic is now mostly handled in QGuiApplication, with QApplication only dealing with the widget-specific palettes and interaction between the style and the palette. The application now picks up changes to the platform theme and will re-resolve the current application palette appropriately. This also works even if an explicit application palette has been set, in which case any missing roles are filled in by the theme. The palette can now also be reset back to the default application palette that's fully based on the theme, by passing in the default constructed palette (or any palette that doesn't have any roles set). This is also correctly reflected in the Qt::AA_SetPalette attribute. Conceptually this means QGuiApplication and QApplication follow the same behavior as QWidget, where the palette falls back to a base or inherited palette for roles that are not set, in this case the theme. Behavior-wise this means that the default application palette of the application does not have any roles set, but clients should not have relied on this, nor does QWidget rely on that internally. It also means that setting a palette on the application and then getting it back again will not produce the same palette as set, since the palette was resolved against the theme in the meantime. This is the same behavior as for QWidget, and although it's a behavior change it's one towards a more sane behavior, so we accept it. [ChangeLog] Application palettes are now resolved against the platform's theme palette, the same way widget palettes are resolved against their parents, and the application palette. This means the application palette reflected through QGuiApplication::palette() may not be exactly the same palette as set via QGuiApplication::setPalette(). Change-Id: I76b99fcd27285e564899548349aa2a5713e5965d Reviewed-by: Vitaly Fanaskov <vitaly.fanaskov@qt.io> Reviewed-by: Friedemann Kleint <Friedemann.Kleint@qt.io>
2020-01-08 16:48:58 +00:00
Compare actual against expected but ignore unset roles.
Comparing palettes via operator== will compare all roles.
static bool palettesMatch(const QPalette &actual, const QPalette &expected)
if (actual.resolveMask() != expected.resolveMask())
Unify application palette handling between QGuiApplication and QApplication The logic is now mostly handled in QGuiApplication, with QApplication only dealing with the widget-specific palettes and interaction between the style and the palette. The application now picks up changes to the platform theme and will re-resolve the current application palette appropriately. This also works even if an explicit application palette has been set, in which case any missing roles are filled in by the theme. The palette can now also be reset back to the default application palette that's fully based on the theme, by passing in the default constructed palette (or any palette that doesn't have any roles set). This is also correctly reflected in the Qt::AA_SetPalette attribute. Conceptually this means QGuiApplication and QApplication follow the same behavior as QWidget, where the palette falls back to a base or inherited palette for roles that are not set, in this case the theme. Behavior-wise this means that the default application palette of the application does not have any roles set, but clients should not have relied on this, nor does QWidget rely on that internally. It also means that setting a palette on the application and then getting it back again will not produce the same palette as set, since the palette was resolved against the theme in the meantime. This is the same behavior as for QWidget, and although it's a behavior change it's one towards a more sane behavior, so we accept it. [ChangeLog] Application palettes are now resolved against the platform's theme palette, the same way widget palettes are resolved against their parents, and the application palette. This means the application palette reflected through QGuiApplication::palette() may not be exactly the same palette as set via QGuiApplication::setPalette(). Change-Id: I76b99fcd27285e564899548349aa2a5713e5965d Reviewed-by: Vitaly Fanaskov <vitaly.fanaskov@qt.io> Reviewed-by: Friedemann Kleint <Friedemann.Kleint@qt.io>
2020-01-08 16:48:58 +00:00
return false;
for (int i = 0; i < QPalette::NColorGroups; i++) {
for (int j = 0; j < QPalette::NColorRoles; j++) {
const auto g = QPalette::ColorGroup(i);
const auto r = QPalette::ColorRole(j);
if (expected.isBrushSet(g, r)) {
if (actual.brush(g, r) != expected.brush(g, r))
return false;
return true;
void tst_QGuiApplication::palette()
Unify application palette handling between QGuiApplication and QApplication The logic is now mostly handled in QGuiApplication, with QApplication only dealing with the widget-specific palettes and interaction between the style and the palette. The application now picks up changes to the platform theme and will re-resolve the current application palette appropriately. This also works even if an explicit application palette has been set, in which case any missing roles are filled in by the theme. The palette can now also be reset back to the default application palette that's fully based on the theme, by passing in the default constructed palette (or any palette that doesn't have any roles set). This is also correctly reflected in the Qt::AA_SetPalette attribute. Conceptually this means QGuiApplication and QApplication follow the same behavior as QWidget, where the palette falls back to a base or inherited palette for roles that are not set, in this case the theme. Behavior-wise this means that the default application palette of the application does not have any roles set, but clients should not have relied on this, nor does QWidget rely on that internally. It also means that setting a palette on the application and then getting it back again will not produce the same palette as set, since the palette was resolved against the theme in the meantime. This is the same behavior as for QWidget, and although it's a behavior change it's one towards a more sane behavior, so we accept it. [ChangeLog] Application palettes are now resolved against the platform's theme palette, the same way widget palettes are resolved against their parents, and the application palette. This means the application palette reflected through QGuiApplication::palette() may not be exactly the same palette as set via QGuiApplication::setPalette(). Change-Id: I76b99fcd27285e564899548349aa2a5713e5965d Reviewed-by: Vitaly Fanaskov <vitaly.fanaskov@qt.io> Reviewed-by: Friedemann Kleint <Friedemann.Kleint@qt.io>
2020-01-08 16:48:58 +00:00
// Getting the palette before application construction should work
QPalette paletteBeforeAppConstruction = QGuiApplication::palette();
// And should be reflected in the default constructed palette
QCOMPARE(paletteBeforeAppConstruction, QPalette());
int argc = 1;
char *argv[] = { const_cast<char*>("tst_qguiapplication") };
QGuiApplication app(argc, argv);
Unify application palette handling between QGuiApplication and QApplication The logic is now mostly handled in QGuiApplication, with QApplication only dealing with the widget-specific palettes and interaction between the style and the palette. The application now picks up changes to the platform theme and will re-resolve the current application palette appropriately. This also works even if an explicit application palette has been set, in which case any missing roles are filled in by the theme. The palette can now also be reset back to the default application palette that's fully based on the theme, by passing in the default constructed palette (or any palette that doesn't have any roles set). This is also correctly reflected in the Qt::AA_SetPalette attribute. Conceptually this means QGuiApplication and QApplication follow the same behavior as QWidget, where the palette falls back to a base or inherited palette for roles that are not set, in this case the theme. Behavior-wise this means that the default application palette of the application does not have any roles set, but clients should not have relied on this, nor does QWidget rely on that internally. It also means that setting a palette on the application and then getting it back again will not produce the same palette as set, since the palette was resolved against the theme in the meantime. This is the same behavior as for QWidget, and although it's a behavior change it's one towards a more sane behavior, so we accept it. [ChangeLog] Application palettes are now resolved against the platform's theme palette, the same way widget palettes are resolved against their parents, and the application palette. This means the application palette reflected through QGuiApplication::palette() may not be exactly the same palette as set via QGuiApplication::setPalette(). Change-Id: I76b99fcd27285e564899548349aa2a5713e5965d Reviewed-by: Vitaly Fanaskov <vitaly.fanaskov@qt.io> Reviewed-by: Friedemann Kleint <Friedemann.Kleint@qt.io>
2020-01-08 16:48:58 +00:00
// The same should be true after application construction
QCOMPARE(QGuiApplication::palette(), QPalette());
// The default application palette is not resolved
Unify application palette handling between QGuiApplication and QApplication The logic is now mostly handled in QGuiApplication, with QApplication only dealing with the widget-specific palettes and interaction between the style and the palette. The application now picks up changes to the platform theme and will re-resolve the current application palette appropriately. This also works even if an explicit application palette has been set, in which case any missing roles are filled in by the theme. The palette can now also be reset back to the default application palette that's fully based on the theme, by passing in the default constructed palette (or any palette that doesn't have any roles set). This is also correctly reflected in the Qt::AA_SetPalette attribute. Conceptually this means QGuiApplication and QApplication follow the same behavior as QWidget, where the palette falls back to a base or inherited palette for roles that are not set, in this case the theme. Behavior-wise this means that the default application palette of the application does not have any roles set, but clients should not have relied on this, nor does QWidget rely on that internally. It also means that setting a palette on the application and then getting it back again will not produce the same palette as set, since the palette was resolved against the theme in the meantime. This is the same behavior as for QWidget, and although it's a behavior change it's one towards a more sane behavior, so we accept it. [ChangeLog] Application palettes are now resolved against the platform's theme palette, the same way widget palettes are resolved against their parents, and the application palette. This means the application palette reflected through QGuiApplication::palette() may not be exactly the same palette as set via QGuiApplication::setPalette(). Change-Id: I76b99fcd27285e564899548349aa2a5713e5965d Reviewed-by: Vitaly Fanaskov <vitaly.fanaskov@qt.io> Reviewed-by: Friedemann Kleint <Friedemann.Kleint@qt.io>
2020-01-08 16:48:58 +00:00
QSignalSpy signalSpy(&app, SIGNAL(paletteChanged(QPalette)));
QPalette oldPalette = QGuiApplication::palette();
QPalette newPalette = QPalette(Qt::red);
Unify application palette handling between QGuiApplication and QApplication The logic is now mostly handled in QGuiApplication, with QApplication only dealing with the widget-specific palettes and interaction between the style and the palette. The application now picks up changes to the platform theme and will re-resolve the current application palette appropriately. This also works even if an explicit application palette has been set, in which case any missing roles are filled in by the theme. The palette can now also be reset back to the default application palette that's fully based on the theme, by passing in the default constructed palette (or any palette that doesn't have any roles set). This is also correctly reflected in the Qt::AA_SetPalette attribute. Conceptually this means QGuiApplication and QApplication follow the same behavior as QWidget, where the palette falls back to a base or inherited palette for roles that are not set, in this case the theme. Behavior-wise this means that the default application palette of the application does not have any roles set, but clients should not have relied on this, nor does QWidget rely on that internally. It also means that setting a palette on the application and then getting it back again will not produce the same palette as set, since the palette was resolved against the theme in the meantime. This is the same behavior as for QWidget, and although it's a behavior change it's one towards a more sane behavior, so we accept it. [ChangeLog] Application palettes are now resolved against the platform's theme palette, the same way widget palettes are resolved against their parents, and the application palette. This means the application palette reflected through QGuiApplication::palette() may not be exactly the same palette as set via QGuiApplication::setPalette(). Change-Id: I76b99fcd27285e564899548349aa2a5713e5965d Reviewed-by: Vitaly Fanaskov <vitaly.fanaskov@qt.io> Reviewed-by: Friedemann Kleint <Friedemann.Kleint@qt.io>
2020-01-08 16:48:58 +00:00
QVERIFY(palettesMatch(QGuiApplication::palette(), newPalette));
QCOMPARE(signalSpy.count(), 1);
Unify application palette handling between QGuiApplication and QApplication The logic is now mostly handled in QGuiApplication, with QApplication only dealing with the widget-specific palettes and interaction between the style and the palette. The application now picks up changes to the platform theme and will re-resolve the current application palette appropriately. This also works even if an explicit application palette has been set, in which case any missing roles are filled in by the theme. The palette can now also be reset back to the default application palette that's fully based on the theme, by passing in the default constructed palette (or any palette that doesn't have any roles set). This is also correctly reflected in the Qt::AA_SetPalette attribute. Conceptually this means QGuiApplication and QApplication follow the same behavior as QWidget, where the palette falls back to a base or inherited palette for roles that are not set, in this case the theme. Behavior-wise this means that the default application palette of the application does not have any roles set, but clients should not have relied on this, nor does QWidget rely on that internally. It also means that setting a palette on the application and then getting it back again will not produce the same palette as set, since the palette was resolved against the theme in the meantime. This is the same behavior as for QWidget, and although it's a behavior change it's one towards a more sane behavior, so we accept it. [ChangeLog] Application palettes are now resolved against the platform's theme palette, the same way widget palettes are resolved against their parents, and the application palette. This means the application palette reflected through QGuiApplication::palette() may not be exactly the same palette as set via QGuiApplication::setPalette(). Change-Id: I76b99fcd27285e564899548349aa2a5713e5965d Reviewed-by: Vitaly Fanaskov <vitaly.fanaskov@qt.io> Reviewed-by: Friedemann Kleint <Friedemann.Kleint@qt.io>
2020-01-08 16:48:58 +00:00
QVERIFY(palettesMatch(signalSpy.at(0).at(0).value<QPalette>(), newPalette));
QCOMPARE(QGuiApplication::palette(), QPalette());
Unify application palette handling between QGuiApplication and QApplication The logic is now mostly handled in QGuiApplication, with QApplication only dealing with the widget-specific palettes and interaction between the style and the palette. The application now picks up changes to the platform theme and will re-resolve the current application palette appropriately. This also works even if an explicit application palette has been set, in which case any missing roles are filled in by the theme. The palette can now also be reset back to the default application palette that's fully based on the theme, by passing in the default constructed palette (or any palette that doesn't have any roles set). This is also correctly reflected in the Qt::AA_SetPalette attribute. Conceptually this means QGuiApplication and QApplication follow the same behavior as QWidget, where the palette falls back to a base or inherited palette for roles that are not set, in this case the theme. Behavior-wise this means that the default application palette of the application does not have any roles set, but clients should not have relied on this, nor does QWidget rely on that internally. It also means that setting a palette on the application and then getting it back again will not produce the same palette as set, since the palette was resolved against the theme in the meantime. This is the same behavior as for QWidget, and although it's a behavior change it's one towards a more sane behavior, so we accept it. [ChangeLog] Application palettes are now resolved against the platform's theme palette, the same way widget palettes are resolved against their parents, and the application palette. This means the application palette reflected through QGuiApplication::palette() may not be exactly the same palette as set via QGuiApplication::setPalette(). Change-Id: I76b99fcd27285e564899548349aa2a5713e5965d Reviewed-by: Vitaly Fanaskov <vitaly.fanaskov@qt.io> Reviewed-by: Friedemann Kleint <Friedemann.Kleint@qt.io>
2020-01-08 16:48:58 +00:00
QVERIFY(palettesMatch(QGuiApplication::palette(), oldPalette));
QCOMPARE(signalSpy.count(), 2);
Unify application palette handling between QGuiApplication and QApplication The logic is now mostly handled in QGuiApplication, with QApplication only dealing with the widget-specific palettes and interaction between the style and the palette. The application now picks up changes to the platform theme and will re-resolve the current application palette appropriately. This also works even if an explicit application palette has been set, in which case any missing roles are filled in by the theme. The palette can now also be reset back to the default application palette that's fully based on the theme, by passing in the default constructed palette (or any palette that doesn't have any roles set). This is also correctly reflected in the Qt::AA_SetPalette attribute. Conceptually this means QGuiApplication and QApplication follow the same behavior as QWidget, where the palette falls back to a base or inherited palette for roles that are not set, in this case the theme. Behavior-wise this means that the default application palette of the application does not have any roles set, but clients should not have relied on this, nor does QWidget rely on that internally. It also means that setting a palette on the application and then getting it back again will not produce the same palette as set, since the palette was resolved against the theme in the meantime. This is the same behavior as for QWidget, and although it's a behavior change it's one towards a more sane behavior, so we accept it. [ChangeLog] Application palettes are now resolved against the platform's theme palette, the same way widget palettes are resolved against their parents, and the application palette. This means the application palette reflected through QGuiApplication::palette() may not be exactly the same palette as set via QGuiApplication::setPalette(). Change-Id: I76b99fcd27285e564899548349aa2a5713e5965d Reviewed-by: Vitaly Fanaskov <vitaly.fanaskov@qt.io> Reviewed-by: Friedemann Kleint <Friedemann.Kleint@qt.io>
2020-01-08 16:48:58 +00:00
QVERIFY(palettesMatch(signalSpy.at(1).at(0).value<QPalette>(), oldPalette));
QCOMPARE(QGuiApplication::palette(), QPalette());
Unify application palette handling between QGuiApplication and QApplication The logic is now mostly handled in QGuiApplication, with QApplication only dealing with the widget-specific palettes and interaction between the style and the palette. The application now picks up changes to the platform theme and will re-resolve the current application palette appropriately. This also works even if an explicit application palette has been set, in which case any missing roles are filled in by the theme. The palette can now also be reset back to the default application palette that's fully based on the theme, by passing in the default constructed palette (or any palette that doesn't have any roles set). This is also correctly reflected in the Qt::AA_SetPalette attribute. Conceptually this means QGuiApplication and QApplication follow the same behavior as QWidget, where the palette falls back to a base or inherited palette for roles that are not set, in this case the theme. Behavior-wise this means that the default application palette of the application does not have any roles set, but clients should not have relied on this, nor does QWidget rely on that internally. It also means that setting a palette on the application and then getting it back again will not produce the same palette as set, since the palette was resolved against the theme in the meantime. This is the same behavior as for QWidget, and although it's a behavior change it's one towards a more sane behavior, so we accept it. [ChangeLog] Application palettes are now resolved against the platform's theme palette, the same way widget palettes are resolved against their parents, and the application palette. This means the application palette reflected through QGuiApplication::palette() may not be exactly the same palette as set via QGuiApplication::setPalette(). Change-Id: I76b99fcd27285e564899548349aa2a5713e5965d Reviewed-by: Vitaly Fanaskov <vitaly.fanaskov@qt.io> Reviewed-by: Friedemann Kleint <Friedemann.Kleint@qt.io>
2020-01-08 16:48:58 +00:00
QVERIFY(palettesMatch(QGuiApplication::palette(), oldPalette));
QCOMPARE(signalSpy.count(), 2);
Unify application palette handling between QGuiApplication and QApplication The logic is now mostly handled in QGuiApplication, with QApplication only dealing with the widget-specific palettes and interaction between the style and the palette. The application now picks up changes to the platform theme and will re-resolve the current application palette appropriately. This also works even if an explicit application palette has been set, in which case any missing roles are filled in by the theme. The palette can now also be reset back to the default application palette that's fully based on the theme, by passing in the default constructed palette (or any palette that doesn't have any roles set). This is also correctly reflected in the Qt::AA_SetPalette attribute. Conceptually this means QGuiApplication and QApplication follow the same behavior as QWidget, where the palette falls back to a base or inherited palette for roles that are not set, in this case the theme. Behavior-wise this means that the default application palette of the application does not have any roles set, but clients should not have relied on this, nor does QWidget rely on that internally. It also means that setting a palette on the application and then getting it back again will not produce the same palette as set, since the palette was resolved against the theme in the meantime. This is the same behavior as for QWidget, and although it's a behavior change it's one towards a more sane behavior, so we accept it. [ChangeLog] Application palettes are now resolved against the platform's theme palette, the same way widget palettes are resolved against their parents, and the application palette. This means the application palette reflected through QGuiApplication::palette() may not be exactly the same palette as set via QGuiApplication::setPalette(). Change-Id: I76b99fcd27285e564899548349aa2a5713e5965d Reviewed-by: Vitaly Fanaskov <vitaly.fanaskov@qt.io> Reviewed-by: Friedemann Kleint <Friedemann.Kleint@qt.io>
2020-01-08 16:48:58 +00:00
QCOMPARE(QGuiApplication::palette(), QPalette());
void tst_QGuiApplication::font()
int argc = 1;
char *argv[] = { const_cast<char*>("tst_qguiapplication") };
QGuiApplication app(argc, argv);
QSignalSpy signalSpy(&app, SIGNAL(fontChanged(QFont)));
QFont oldFont = QGuiApplication::font();
QFont newFont = QFont("BogusFont", 33);
QCOMPARE(QGuiApplication::font(), newFont);
QCOMPARE(signalSpy.count(), 1);
QCOMPARE(signalSpy.at(0).at(0), QVariant(newFont));
QCOMPARE(QGuiApplication::font(), oldFont);
QCOMPARE(signalSpy.count(), 2);
QCOMPARE(signalSpy.at(1).at(0), QVariant(oldFont));
QCOMPARE(QGuiApplication::font(), oldFont);
QCOMPARE(signalSpy.count(), 2);
class BlockableWindow : public QWindow
int blocked;
int leaves;
int enters;
inline explicit BlockableWindow(QWindow *parent = nullptr)
: QWindow(parent), blocked(false), leaves(0), enters(0) {}
bool event(QEvent *e) override
switch (e->type()) {
case QEvent::WindowBlocked:
case QEvent::WindowUnblocked:
case QEvent::Leave:
case QEvent::Enter:
return QWindow::event(e);
void resetCounts()
leaves = 0;
enters = 0;
void tst_QGuiApplication::modalWindow()
int argc = 0;
QGuiApplication app(argc, nullptr);
const QRect screenGeometry = QGuiApplication::primaryScreen()->availableVirtualGeometry();
int x = screenGeometry.left() + spacing;
int y = screenGeometry.top() + spacing;
QScopedPointer<BlockableWindow> window1(new BlockableWindow);
window1->resize(windowSize, windowSize);
window1->setFramePosition(QPoint(x, y));
BlockableWindow *childWindow1 = new BlockableWindow(window1.data());
childWindow1->resize(windowSize / 2, windowSize / 2);
x += spacing + windowSize;
QScopedPointer<BlockableWindow> window2(new BlockableWindow);
window2->setFlags(window2->flags() & Qt::Tool); // QTBUG-32433, don't be fooled by unusual window flags.
window2->resize(windowSize, windowSize);
window2->setFramePosition(QPoint(x, y));
x += spacing + windowSize;
QScopedPointer<BlockableWindow> windowModalWindow1(new BlockableWindow);
windowModalWindow1->resize(windowSize, windowSize);
windowModalWindow1->setFramePosition(QPoint(x, y));
x += spacing + windowSize;
QScopedPointer<BlockableWindow> windowModalWindow2(new BlockableWindow);
windowModalWindow2->resize(windowSize, windowSize);
windowModalWindow2->setFramePosition(QPoint(x, y));
x = screenGeometry.left() + spacing;
y += spacing + windowSize;
QScopedPointer<BlockableWindow> applicationModalWindow1(new BlockableWindow);
applicationModalWindow1->resize(windowSize, windowSize);
applicationModalWindow1->setFramePosition(QPoint(x, y));
#ifndef QT_NO_CURSOR // Get the mouse cursor out of the way since we are manually sending enter/leave.
QCursor::setPos(QPoint(x + 2 * spacing + windowSize, y));
// show the 2 windows, nothing is blocked
QCOMPARE(app.modalWindow(), static_cast<QWindow *>(nullptr));
QCOMPARE(window1->blocked, 0);
QCOMPARE(childWindow1->blocked, 0);
QCOMPARE(window2->blocked, 0);
QCOMPARE(windowModalWindow1->blocked, 0);
QCOMPARE(windowModalWindow2->blocked, 0);
QCOMPARE(applicationModalWindow1->blocked, 0);
// enter mouse in window1
QCOMPARE(window1->enters, 1);
QCOMPARE(window1->leaves, 0);
// show applicationModalWindow1, everything is blocked
QCOMPARE(app.modalWindow(), applicationModalWindow1.data());
QCOMPARE(window1->blocked, 1);
QCOMPARE(childWindow1->blocked, 1); // QTBUG-32242, blocked status needs to be set on children as well.
QCOMPARE(window2->blocked, 1);
QCOMPARE(windowModalWindow1->blocked, 1);
QCOMPARE(windowModalWindow2->blocked, 1);
QCOMPARE(applicationModalWindow1->blocked, 0);
// opening modal causes leave for previously entered window, but not others
QCOMPARE(window1->enters, 1);
QCOMPARE(window1->leaves, 1);
QCOMPARE(window2->enters, 0);
QCOMPARE(window2->leaves, 0);
QCOMPARE(applicationModalWindow1->enters, 0);
QCOMPARE(applicationModalWindow1->leaves, 0);
// Try entering/leaving blocked window2 - no events should reach it
QCOMPARE(window2->enters, 0);
QCOMPARE(window2->leaves, 0);
// everything is unblocked when applicationModalWindow1 is hidden
QCOMPARE(app.modalWindow(), static_cast<QWindow *>(nullptr));
QCOMPARE(window1->blocked, 0);
QCOMPARE(childWindow1->blocked, 0); // QTBUG-32242, blocked status needs to be set on children as well.
QCOMPARE(window2->blocked, 0);
QCOMPARE(windowModalWindow1->blocked, 0);
QCOMPARE(windowModalWindow2->blocked, 0);
QCOMPARE(applicationModalWindow1->blocked, 0);
// Enter window2 - should not be blocked
QCOMPARE(window2->enters, 1);
QCOMPARE(window2->leaves, 0);
// show the windowModalWindow1, only window1 is blocked
QCOMPARE(app.modalWindow(), windowModalWindow1.data());
QCOMPARE(window1->blocked, 1);
QCOMPARE(window2->blocked, 0);
QCOMPARE(windowModalWindow1->blocked, 0);
QCOMPARE(windowModalWindow2->blocked, 0);
QCOMPARE(applicationModalWindow1->blocked, 0);
// opening window modal window doesn't cause leave for unblocked window
QCOMPARE(window1->enters, 0);
QCOMPARE(window1->leaves, 0);
QCOMPARE(window2->enters, 1);
QCOMPARE(window2->leaves, 0);
QCOMPARE(windowModalWindow1->enters, 0);
QCOMPARE(windowModalWindow1->leaves, 0);
// show the windowModalWindow2, windowModalWindow1 is blocked as well
QCOMPARE(app.modalWindow(), windowModalWindow2.data());
QCOMPARE(window1->blocked, 1);
QCOMPARE(window2->blocked, 0);
QCOMPARE(windowModalWindow1->blocked, 1);
QCOMPARE(windowModalWindow2->blocked, 0);
QCOMPARE(applicationModalWindow1->blocked, 0);
// hide windowModalWindow1, nothing is unblocked
QCOMPARE(app.modalWindow(), windowModalWindow2.data());
QCOMPARE(window1->blocked, 1);
QCOMPARE(window2->blocked, 0);
QCOMPARE(windowModalWindow1->blocked, 1);
QCOMPARE(windowModalWindow2->blocked, 0);
QCOMPARE(applicationModalWindow1->blocked, 0);
// hide windowModalWindow2, windowModalWindow1 and window1 are unblocked
QCOMPARE(app.modalWindow(), static_cast<QWindow *>(nullptr));
QCOMPARE(window1->blocked, 0);
QCOMPARE(window2->blocked, 0);
QCOMPARE(windowModalWindow1->blocked, 0);
QCOMPARE(windowModalWindow2->blocked, 0);
QCOMPARE(applicationModalWindow1->blocked, 0);
// show windowModalWindow1 again, window1 is blocked
QCOMPARE(app.modalWindow(), windowModalWindow1.data());
QCOMPARE(window1->blocked, 1);
QCOMPARE(window2->blocked, 0);
QCOMPARE(windowModalWindow1->blocked, 0);
QCOMPARE(windowModalWindow2->blocked, 0);
QCOMPARE(applicationModalWindow1->blocked, 0);
// show windowModalWindow2 again, windowModalWindow1 is also blocked
QCOMPARE(app.modalWindow(), windowModalWindow2.data());
QCOMPARE(window1->blocked, 1);
QCOMPARE(window2->blocked, 0);
QCOMPARE(windowModalWindow1->blocked, 1);
QCOMPARE(windowModalWindow2->blocked, 0);
QCOMPARE(applicationModalWindow1->blocked, 0);
// show applicationModalWindow1, everything is blocked
QCOMPARE(app.modalWindow(), applicationModalWindow1.data());
QCOMPARE(window1->blocked, 1);
QCOMPARE(window2->blocked, 1);
QCOMPARE(windowModalWindow1->blocked, 1);
QCOMPARE(windowModalWindow2->blocked, 1);
QCOMPARE(applicationModalWindow1->blocked, 0);
// window2 gets finally the leave
QCOMPARE(window1->enters, 0);
QCOMPARE(window1->leaves, 0);
QCOMPARE(window2->enters, 1);
QCOMPARE(window2->leaves, 1);
QCOMPARE(windowModalWindow1->enters, 0);
QCOMPARE(windowModalWindow1->leaves, 0);
QCOMPARE(applicationModalWindow1->enters, 0);
QCOMPARE(applicationModalWindow1->leaves, 0);
// hide applicationModalWindow1, windowModalWindow1 and window1 are blocked
QCOMPARE(app.modalWindow(), windowModalWindow2.data());
QCOMPARE(window1->blocked, 1);
QCOMPARE(window2->blocked, 0);
QCOMPARE(windowModalWindow1->blocked, 1);
QCOMPARE(windowModalWindow2->blocked, 0);
QCOMPARE(applicationModalWindow1->blocked, 0);
// hide windowModalWindow2, window1 is blocked
QCOMPARE(app.modalWindow(), windowModalWindow1.data());
QCOMPARE(window1->blocked, 1);
QCOMPARE(window2->blocked, 0);
QCOMPARE(windowModalWindow1->blocked, 0);
QCOMPARE(windowModalWindow2->blocked, 0);
QCOMPARE(applicationModalWindow1->blocked, 0);
// hide windowModalWindow1, everything is unblocked
QCOMPARE(app.modalWindow(), static_cast<QWindow *>(nullptr));
QCOMPARE(window1->blocked, 0);
QCOMPARE(window2->blocked, 0);
QCOMPARE(windowModalWindow1->blocked, 0);
QCOMPARE(windowModalWindow2->blocked, 0);
QCOMPARE(applicationModalWindow1->blocked, 0);
void tst_QGuiApplication::quitOnLastWindowClosed()
int argc = 0;
QGuiApplication app(argc, nullptr);
const QRect screenGeometry = QGuiApplication::primaryScreen()->availableVirtualGeometry();
QTimer timer;
QSignalSpy spyAboutToQuit(&app, &QCoreApplication::aboutToQuit);
QSignalSpy spyTimeout(&timer, &QTimer::timeout);
QWindow mainWindow;
mainWindow.resize(windowSize, windowSize);
mainWindow.setFramePosition(QPoint(screenGeometry.left() + spacing, screenGeometry.top() + spacing));
QWindow dialog;
dialog.resize(windowSize, windowSize);
dialog.setFramePosition(QPoint(screenGeometry.left() + 2 * spacing + windowSize, screenGeometry.top() + spacing));
QTimer::singleShot(1000, &mainWindow, &QWindow::close); // This should quit the application
QTimer::singleShot(2000, &app, QCoreApplication::quit); // This makes sure we quit even if it didn't
QCOMPARE(spyAboutToQuit.count(), 1);
// Should be around 10 if closing caused the quit
QVERIFY2(spyTimeout.count() < 15, QByteArray::number(spyTimeout.count()).constData());
void tst_QGuiApplication::quitOnLastWindowClosedMulti()
int argc = 0;
QGuiApplication app(argc, nullptr);
const QRect screenGeometry = QGuiApplication::primaryScreen()->availableVirtualGeometry();
QTimer timer;
QSignalSpy spyAboutToQuit(&app, &QCoreApplication::aboutToQuit);
QSignalSpy spyTimeout(&timer, &QTimer::timeout);
QWindow mainWindow;
mainWindow.resize(windowSize, windowSize);
mainWindow.setFramePosition(QPoint(screenGeometry.left() + spacing, screenGeometry.top() + spacing));
QWindow dialog;
dialog.resize(windowSize, windowSize);
dialog.setFramePosition(QPoint(screenGeometry.left() + 2 * spacing + windowSize, screenGeometry.top() + spacing));
QTimer::singleShot(1000, &mainWindow, &QWindow::close); // This should not quit the application
QTimer::singleShot(2000, &app, &QCoreApplication::quit);
QCOMPARE(spyAboutToQuit.count(), 1);
// Should be around 20 if closing did not cause the quit
QVERIFY2(spyTimeout.count() > 15, QByteArray::number(spyTimeout.count()).constData());
void tst_QGuiApplication::dontQuitOnLastWindowClosed()
int argc = 0;
QGuiApplication app(argc, nullptr);
QTimer timer;
QObject::connect(&timer, &QTimer::timeout, &app, &QCoreApplication::quit);
QSignalSpy spyLastWindowClosed(&app, &QGuiApplication::lastWindowClosed);
QSignalSpy spyTimeout(&timer, &QTimer::timeout);
QScopedPointer<QWindow> mainWindow(new QWindow);
QTimer::singleShot(1000, mainWindow.data(), &QWindow::close); // This should not quit the application
app.setQuitOnLastWindowClosed(true); // restore underlying static to default value
QCOMPARE(spyTimeout.count(), 1); // quit timer fired
QCOMPARE(spyLastWindowClosed.count(), 1); // lastWindowClosed emitted
static Qt::ScreenOrientation testOrientationToSend = Qt::PrimaryOrientation;
class TestPlugin : public QObject
QScreen* screen = QGuiApplication::primaryScreen();
QWindowSystemInterface::handleScreenOrientationChange(screen, testOrientationToSend);
class TestPluginFactory : public QGenericPlugin
Q_PLUGIN_METADATA(IID "org.qt-project.Qt.QGenericPluginFactoryInterface" FILE "testplugin.json")
QObject* create(const QString &key, const QString &) override
if (key == "testplugin")
return new TestPlugin;
return nullptr;
class TestEventReceiver : public QObject
int customEvents;
: customEvents(0)
virtual void customEvent(QEvent *) override
#include "tst_qguiapplication.moc"
void tst_QGuiApplication::genericPluginsAndWindowSystemEvents()
testOrientationToSend = Qt::InvertedLandscapeOrientation;
TestEventReceiver testReceiver;
QCoreApplication::postEvent(&testReceiver, new QEvent(QEvent::User));
QCOMPARE(testReceiver.customEvents, 0);
QStaticPlugin testPluginInfo(qt_plugin_instance, qt_plugin_query_metadata);
QStaticPlugin testPluginInfo;
testPluginInfo.instance = qt_plugin_instance;
testPluginInfo.rawMetaData = qt_plugin_query_metadata;
int argc = 3;
char *argv[] = { const_cast<char*>(QTest::currentAppName()), const_cast<char*>("-plugin"), const_cast<char*>("testplugin") };
QGuiApplication app(argc, argv);
QCOMPARE(QGuiApplication::primaryScreen()->orientation(), testOrientationToSend);
QCOMPARE(testReceiver.customEvents, 0);
QCOMPARE(testReceiver.customEvents, 1);
void tst_QGuiApplication::layoutDirection()
Qt::LayoutDirection oldDirection = QGuiApplication::layoutDirection();
Qt::LayoutDirection newDirection = oldDirection == Qt::LeftToRight ? Qt::RightToLeft : Qt::LeftToRight;
QCOMPARE(QGuiApplication::layoutDirection(), newDirection);
int argc = 1;
char *argv[] = { const_cast<char*>("tst_qguiapplication") };
QGuiApplication app(argc, argv);
QSignalSpy signalSpy(&app, SIGNAL(layoutDirectionChanged(Qt::LayoutDirection)));
QCOMPARE(QGuiApplication::layoutDirection(), oldDirection);
QCOMPARE(signalSpy.count(), 1);
QCOMPARE(signalSpy.at(0).at(0).toInt(), static_cast<int>(oldDirection));
QCOMPARE(QGuiApplication::layoutDirection(), oldDirection);
QCOMPARE(signalSpy.count(), 1);
void tst_QGuiApplication::globalShareContext()
#ifndef QT_NO_OPENGL
// Test that there is a global share context when requested.
int argc = 1;
char *argv[] = { const_cast<char*>("tst_qguiapplication") };
QScopedPointer<QGuiApplication> app(new QGuiApplication(argc, argv));
QOpenGLContext *ctx = qt_gl_global_share_context();
ctx = qt_gl_global_share_context();
// Test that there is no global share context by default.
QCoreApplication::setAttribute(Qt::AA_ShareOpenGLContexts, false);
app.reset(new QGuiApplication(argc, argv));
ctx = qt_gl_global_share_context();
QSKIP("No OpenGL support");
void tst_QGuiApplication::testSetPaletteAttribute()
QCoreApplication::setAttribute(Qt::AA_SetPalette, false);
int argc = 1;
char *argv[] = { const_cast<char*>("tst_qguiapplication") };
QGuiApplication app(argc, argv);
QPalette palette;
palette.setColor(QPalette::WindowText, Qt::red);
Unify application palette handling between QGuiApplication and QApplication The logic is now mostly handled in QGuiApplication, with QApplication only dealing with the widget-specific palettes and interaction between the style and the palette. The application now picks up changes to the platform theme and will re-resolve the current application palette appropriately. This also works even if an explicit application palette has been set, in which case any missing roles are filled in by the theme. The palette can now also be reset back to the default application palette that's fully based on the theme, by passing in the default constructed palette (or any palette that doesn't have any roles set). This is also correctly reflected in the Qt::AA_SetPalette attribute. Conceptually this means QGuiApplication and QApplication follow the same behavior as QWidget, where the palette falls back to a base or inherited palette for roles that are not set, in this case the theme. Behavior-wise this means that the default application palette of the application does not have any roles set, but clients should not have relied on this, nor does QWidget rely on that internally. It also means that setting a palette on the application and then getting it back again will not produce the same palette as set, since the palette was resolved against the theme in the meantime. This is the same behavior as for QWidget, and although it's a behavior change it's one towards a more sane behavior, so we accept it. [ChangeLog] Application palettes are now resolved against the platform's theme palette, the same way widget palettes are resolved against their parents, and the application palette. This means the application palette reflected through QGuiApplication::palette() may not be exactly the same palette as set via QGuiApplication::setPalette(). Change-Id: I76b99fcd27285e564899548349aa2a5713e5965d Reviewed-by: Vitaly Fanaskov <vitaly.fanaskov@qt.io> Reviewed-by: Friedemann Kleint <Friedemann.Kleint@qt.io>
2020-01-08 16:48:58 +00:00
// Test that static functions do not crash if there is no application instance.
void tst_QGuiApplication::staticFunctions()
QGuiApplication::topLevelAt(QPoint(0, 0));
void tst_QGuiApplication::settableStyleHints_data()
QTest::newRow("app") << true;
QTest::newRow("no-app") << false;
void tst_QGuiApplication::settableStyleHints()
QFETCH(bool, appInstance);
int argc = 0;
QScopedPointer<QGuiApplication> app;
if (appInstance)
app.reset(new QGuiApplication(argc, nullptr));
const int keyboardInputInterval = 555;
QCOMPARE(QGuiApplication::styleHints()->keyboardInputInterval(), keyboardInputInterval);