Jørgen Lind cd7532ad7b Fix a couple of bugs in the QOpenGLWindow example
Also make the fragment shader a bit simpler

Change-Id: Ie50940da0a4f896504c9f5962cdb6c455983302f
Reviewed-by: Laszlo Agocs <laszlo.agocs@theqtcompany.com>
2015-01-10 19:40:31 +01:00

31 lines
834 B

#define M_PI 3.1415926535897932384626433832795
#define SPEED 10000.0
uniform int currentTime;
uniform highp vec2 windowSize;
highp float noise(highp vec2 co)
return 0.5 * fract(sin(dot(co.xy, vec2(12.9898,78.233))) * 43758.5453);
highp float curvSpeed()
return (mod(float(currentTime), SPEED) / SPEED) * (2.0 * M_PI);
highp float curv(int curvCount)
highp float curv_y = 0.1 *(cos((gl_FragCoord.x / windowSize.x) * (float(curvCount * 2) * M_PI) - curvSpeed())) + 0.5;
highp float frag_y = gl_FragCoord.y / windowSize.y;
return 1.0 - abs(curv_y - frag_y);
void main()
highp float coordNoise = noise(gl_FragCoord.xy);
highp float proximity = smoothstep(0.85, 1.0, (curv(6) + 1.0) * (coordNoise ));
highp vec3 color = vec3(coordNoise) * proximity;
gl_FragColor = vec4(color, 1.0);