ICU-2942 add german script names

X-SVN-Rev: 13803
This commit is contained in:
Markus Scherer 2003-11-21 04:40:53 +00:00
parent d0a225deb0
commit 995232f6a5

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@ -519,6 +519,78 @@ de {
zh { "Chinesisch" }
// zu { "Zulu" }
// I "verified" each of these by searching for
// "Bopomofo Schrift", "Koptische Schrift", etc.
// Ones that are commented out and have no further comment I don't know
// and could not find.
// Note: The script names in German that are used directly as English or
// native transliterated names are often used with a dash between them and
// "Schrift", e.g., "Kannada-Schrift".
// Other script names are used as in "Arabische Schrift".
// Sometimes I included "Schrift" in the display name here because it
// would not make any sense without it, even with "Schrift" in a higher-level
// menu or similar.
// markus 2003-nov-20
Scripts {
Arab { "Arabisch" }
Armn { "Armenisch" }
Beng { "Bengalisch" }
Bopo { "Bopomofo" }
Brai { "Blindenschrift" }
//Buhd { "Buhid" }
//Cans { "Unified Canadian Aboriginal Symbols" }
Cher { "Cherokee" }
Cprt { "Zypriotisch" }
Cyrl { "Kyrillisch" }
Deva { "Devanagari" }
//Dsrt { "Deseret" }
Ethi { "\u00C4thiopisch" }
Geor { "Georgisch" }
Goth { "Gotisch" }
Grek { "Griechisch" }
Gujr { "Gujarati" }
Guru { "Gurmukhi" }
Hang { "Hangul" }
//Hano { "Hanunoo" }
Hani { "Chinesisch" }
Hans { "Vereinfachte Chinesische Schrift" }
Hant { "Traditionelle Chinesische Schrift" }
Hebr { "Hebr\u00e4isch" }
Hira { "Hiragana" }
Ital { "Altitalisch" }
Kana { "Katakana" }
Khmr { "Khmer" }
Knda { "Kannada" }
Laoo { "Laotisch" }
Latn { "Lateinisch" }
Limb { "Limbu" }
Linb { "Linear B" }
Mlym { "Malaysisch" }
Mong { "Mongolisch" }
Mymr { "Burmesisch" }
Ogam { "Ogham" }
Orya { "Oriya" }
Osma { "Osmanisch" }
Qaac { "Koptisch" }
Qaai { "Geerbter Schriftwert" }
Runr { "Runenschrift" }
//Shaw { "Shavian" }
Sinh { "Singhalesisch" }
Syrc { "Syrisch" }
//Tagb { "Tagbanwa" }
//Tale { "Tai Le" }
Taml { "Tamilisch" }
Telu { "Telugu" }
Tglg { "Tagalog" }
//Thaa { "Thana" }
//Thai { "Thai" } // Just happens to be a duplicate - in German, too
Tibt { "Tibetisch" }
Ugar { "Ugaritisch" }
Yiii { "Yi" }
Zyyy { "Unbestimmt" }
MonthAbbreviations {