
1628 lines
78 KiB

* Copyright (C) 1999 Alan Liu and others. All rights reserved.
* Date Name Description
* 10/22/99 alan Creation.
#include "rbbi.h"
#include "rbbi_bld.h"
// RuleBasedBreakIterator.Builder
* The Builder class has the job of constructing a RuleBasedBreakIterator from a
* textual description. A Builder is constructed by RuleBasedBreakIterator's
* constructor, which uses it to construct the iterator itself and then throws it
* away.
* <p>The construction logic is separated out into its own class for two primary
* reasons:
* <ul><li>The construction logic is quite complicated and large. Separating it
* out into its own class means the code must only be loaded into memory while a
* RuleBasedBreakIterator is being constructed, and can be purged after that.
* <li>There is a fair amount of state that must be maintained throughout the
* construction process that is not needed by the iterator after construction.
* Separating this state out into another class prevents all of the functions that
* construct the iterator from having to have really long parameter lists,
* (hopefully) contributing to readability and maintainability.</ul>
* <p>It'd be really nice if this could be an independent class rather than an
* inner class, because that would shorten the source file considerably, but
* making Builder an inner class of RuleBasedBreakIterator allows it direct access
* to RuleBasedBreakIterator's private members, which saves us from having to
* provide some kind of "back door" to the Builder class that could then also be
* used by other classes.
* No special construction is required for the Builder.
RuleBasedBreakIteratorBuilder::RuleBasedBreakIteratorBuilder() {
* This is the main function for setting up the BreakIterator's tables. It
* just vectors different parts of the job off to other functions.
void RuleBasedBreakIteratorBuilder::buildBreakIterator() {
Vector tempRuleList = buildRuleList(description);
* Thus function has three main purposes:
* <ul><li>Perform general syntax checking on the description, so the rest of the
* build code can assume that it's parsing a legal description.
* <li>Split the description into separate rules
* <li>Perform variable-name substitutions (so that no one else sees variable names)
* </ul>
Vector RuleBasedBreakIteratorBuilder::buildRuleList(UnicodeString description) {
// invariants:
// - parentheses must be balanced: ()[]{}<>
// - nothing can be nested inside <>
// - nothing can be nested inside [] except more []s
// - pairs of ()[]{}<> must not be empty
// - ; can only occur at the outer level
// - | can only appear inside ()
// - only one = or / can occur in a single rule
// - = and / cannot both occur in the same rule
// - <> can only occur on the left side of a = expression
// (because we'll perform substitutions to eliminate them from other places)
// - the left-hand side of a = expression can only be a single character
// (possibly with \) or text inside <>
// - the right-hand side of a = expression must be enclosed in [] or ()
// - * may not occur at the beginning of a rule, nor may it follow
// =, /, (, (, |, }, ;, or *
// - ? may only follow *
// - the rule list must contain at least one / rule
// - no rule may be empty
// - all printing characters in the ASCII range except letters and digits
// are reserved and must be preceded by \
// - ! may only occur at the beginning of a rule
// set up a vector to contain the broken-up description (each entry in the
// vector is a separate rule) and a stack for keeping track of opening
// punctuation
Vector tempRuleList = new Vector();
Stack parenStack = new Stack();
int32_t p = 0;
int32_t ruleStart = 0;
UChar c = '\u0000';
UChar lastC = '\u0000';
UChar lastOpen = '\u0000';
bool_t haveEquals = FALSE;
bool_t havePipe = FALSE;
bool_t sawVarName = FALSE;
final UnicodeString UCharsThatCantPrecedeAsterisk = "=/{(|}*;\u0000";
// if the description doesn't end with a semicolon, tack a semicolon onto the end
if (description.length() != 0 && description.UCharAt(description.length() - 1) != ';')
description = description + ";";
// for each character, do...
while (p < description.length()) {
c = description.UCharAt(p);
switch (c) {
// if the character is opening punctuation, verify that no nesting
// rules are broken, and push the character onto the stack
case '{':
case '<':
case '[':
case '(':
if (lastOpen == '<')
error("Can't nest brackets inside <>", p, description);
if (lastOpen == '[' && c != '[')
error("Can't nest anything in [] but []", p, description);
// if we see < anywhere except on the left-hand side of =,
// we must be seeing a variable name that was never defined
if (c == '<' && (haveEquals || havePipe))
error("Unknown variable name", p, description);
lastOpen = c;
parenStack.push(new Character(c));
if (c == '<')
sawVarName = TRUE;
// if the character is closing punctuation, verify that it matches the
// last opening punctuation we saw, and that the brackets contain
// something, then pop the stack
case '}':
case '>':
case ']':
case ')':
UChar expectedClose = '\u0000';
switch (lastOpen) {
case '{':
expectedClose = '}';
case '[':
expectedClose = ']';
case '(':
expectedClose = ')';
case '<':
expectedClose = '>';
if (c != expectedClose)
error("Unbalanced parentheses", p, description);
if (lastC == lastOpen)
error("Parens don't contain anything", p, description);
if (!parenStack.empty())
lastOpen = ((Character)(parenStack.peek())).UCharValue();
lastOpen = '\u0000';
// if the character is an asterisk, make sure it occurs in a place
// where an asterisk can legally go
case '*':
if (UCharsThatCantPrecedeAsterisk.indexOf(lastC) != -1)
error("Misplaced asterisk", p, description);
// if the character is a question mark, make sure it follows an asterisk
case '?':
if (lastC != '*')
error("Misplaced ?", p, description);
// if the character is an equals sign, make sure we haven't seen another
// equals sign or a slash yet
case '=':
if (havePipe || haveEquals)
error("More than one = or / in rule", p, description);
haveEquals = TRUE;
// if the character is a slash, make sure we haven't seen another slash
// or an equals sign yet
case '/':
if (havePipe || haveEquals)
error("More than one = or / in rule", p, description);
if (sawVarName)
error("Unknown variable name", p, description);
havePipe = TRUE;
// if the character is an exclamation point, make sure it occurs only
// at the beginning of a rule
case '!':
if (lastC != ';' && lastC != '\u0000')
error("! can only occur at the beginning of a rule", p, description);
// if the character is a backslash, skip the character that follows it
// (it'll get treated as a literal character)
case '\\':
// we don't have to do anything special on a period
case '.':
// if the character is a syntax character that can only occur
// inside [], make sure that it does in fact only occur inside [].
case '^':
case '-':
case ':':
if (lastOpen != '[' && lastOpen != '<')
error("Illegal character", p, description);
// if the character is a semicolon, do the following...
case ';':
// make sure the rule contains something and that there are no
// unbalanced parentheses or brackets
if (lastC == ';' || lastC == '\u0000')
error("Empty rule", p, description);
if (!parenStack.empty())
error("Unbalanced parenheses", p, description);
if (parenStack.empty()) {
// if the rule contained an = sign, call processSubstitution()
// to replace the substitution name with the substitution text
// wherever it appears in the description
if (haveEquals)
description = processSubstitution(description.substring(ruleStart,
p), description, p + 1);
else {
// otherwise, check to make sure the rule doesn't reference
// any undefined substitutions
if (sawVarName)
error("Unknown variable name", p, description);
// then add it to tempRuleList
tempRuleList.addElement(description.substring(ruleStart, p));
// and reset everything to process the next rule
ruleStart = p + 1;
haveEquals = havePipe = sawVarName = FALSE;
// if the character is a vertical bar, check to make sure that it
// occurs inside a () expression and that the character that precedes
// it isn't also a vertical bar
case '|':
if (lastC == '|')
error("Empty alternative", p, description);
if (parenStack.empty() || lastOpen != '(')
error("Misplaced |", p, description);
// if the character is anything else (escaped characters are
// skipped and don't make it here), it's an error
if (c >= ' ' && c < '\u007f' && !Character.isLetter(c) &&
error("Illegal character", p, description);
lastC = c;
if (tempRuleList.size() == 0)
error("No valid rules in description", p, description);
return tempRuleList;
* This function performs variable-name substitutions. First it does syntax
* checking on the variable-name definition. If it's syntactically valid, it
* then goes through the remainder of the description and does a simple
* find-and-replace of the variable name with its text. (The variable text
* must be enclosed in either [] or () for this to work.)
UnicodeString RuleBasedBreakIteratorBuilder::processSubstitution(UnicodeString substitutionRule, UnicodeString description,
int32_t startPos) {
// isolate out the text on either side of the equals sign
UnicodeString replace;
UnicodeString replaceWith;
int32_t equalPos = substitutionRule.indexOf('=');
replace = substitutionRule.substring(0, equalPos);
replaceWith = substitutionRule.substring(equalPos + 1);
// check to see whether the substitution name is something we've declared
// to be "special". For RuleBasedBreakIterator itself, this is "<ignore>".
// This function takes care of any extra processing that has to be done
// with "special" substitution names.
handleSpecialSubstitution(replace, replaceWith, startPos, description);
// perform various other syntax checks on the rule
if (replaceWith.length() == 0)
error("Nothing on right-hand side of =", startPos, description);
if (replace.length() == 0)
error("Nothing on left-hand side of =", startPos, description);
if (replace.length() == 2 && replace.UCharAt(0) != '\\')
error("Illegal left-hand side for =", startPos, description);
if (replace.length() >= 3 && replace.UCharAt(0) != '<' && replace.UCharAt(equalPos - 1)
!= '>')
error("Illegal left-hand side for =", startPos, description);
if (!(replaceWith.UCharAt(0) == '[' && replaceWith.UCharAt(replaceWith.length() - 1)
== ']') && !(replaceWith.UCharAt(0) == '(' && replaceWith.UCharAt(
replaceWith.length() - 1) == ')'))
error("Illegal right-hand side for =", startPos, description);
// now go through the rest of the description (which hasn't been broken up
// into separate rules yet) and replace every occurrence of the
// substitution name with the substitution body
UnicodeString result = new UnicodeString();
result.append(description.substring(0, startPos));
int32_t lastPos = startPos;
int32_t pos = description.indexOf(replace, startPos);
while (pos != -1) {
result.append(description.substring(lastPos, pos));
lastPos = pos + replace.length();
pos = description.indexOf(replace, lastPos);
return result.toString();
* This function defines a protocol for handling substitution names that
* are "special," i.e., that have some property beyond just being
* substitutions. At the RuleBasedBreakIterator level, we have one
* special substitution name, "<ignore>". Subclasses can override this
* function to add more. Any special processing that has to go on beyond
* that which is done by the normal substitution-processing code is done
* here.
void RuleBasedBreakIteratorBuilder::handleSpecialSubstitution(UnicodeString replace, UnicodeString replaceWith,
int32_t startPos, UnicodeString description) {
// if we get a definition for a substitution called "ignore", it defines
// the ignore characters for the iterator. Check to make sure the expression
// is a [] expression, and if it is, parse it and store the characters off
// to the side.
if (replace.equals("<ignore>")) {
if (replaceWith.UCharAt(0) == '(')
error("Ignore group can't be enclosed in (", startPos, description);
ignoreChars = CharSet.parseString(replaceWith);
* This function builds the character category table. On entry,
* tempRuleList is a vector of break rules that has had variable names substituted.
* On exit, the charCategoryTable data member has been initialized to hold the
* character category table, and tempRuleList's rules have been munged to contain
* character category numbers everywhere a literal character or a [] expression
* originally occurred.
void RuleBasedBreakIteratorBuilder::buildCharCategories(Vector tempRuleList) {
int32_t bracketLevel = 0;
int32_t p = 0;
int32_t lineNum = 0;
// build hash table of every literal character or [] expression in the rule list
// and use CharSet.parseString() to derive a CharSet object representing the
// characters each refers to
expressions = new Hashtable();
while (lineNum < tempRuleList.size()) {
UnicodeString line = (UnicodeString)(tempRuleList.elementAt(lineNum));
p = 0;
while (p < line.length()) {
UChar c = line.UCharAt(p);
switch (c) {
// skip over all syntax characters except [
case '{': case '}': case '(': case ')': case '*': case '.':
case '/': case '|': case ';': case '?': case '!':
// for [, find the matching ] (taking nested [] pairs into account)
// and add the whole expression to the expression list
case '[':
int32_t q = p + 1;
while (q < line.length() && bracketLevel != 0) {
c = line.UCharAt(q);
if (c == '[')
else if (c == ']')
if (expressions.get(line.substring(p, q)) == 0) {
expressions.put(line.substring(p, q), CharSet.parseString(line.
substring(p, q)));
p = q - 1;
// for \ sequences, just move to the next character and treat
// it as a single character
case '\\':
c = line.UCharAt(p);
// DON'T break; fall through into "default" clause
// for an isolated single character, add it to the expression list
expressions.put(line.substring(p, p + 1), CharSet.parseString(line.
substring(p, p + 1)));
// dump CharSet's internal expression cache
// create the temporary category table (which is a vector of CharSet objects)
categories = new Vector();
if (ignoreChars != 0)
categories.addElement(new CharSet());
ignoreChars = 0;
// Derive the character categories. Go through the existing character categories
// looking for overlap. Any time there's overlap, we create a new character
// category for the characters that overlapped and remove them from their original
// category. At the end, any characters that are left in the expression haven't
// been mentioned in any category, so another new category is created for them.
// For example, if the first expression is [abc], then a, b, and c will be placed
// into a single character category. If the next expression is [bcd], we will first
// remove b and c from their existing category (leaving a behind), create a new
// category for b and c, and then create another new category for d (which hadn't
// been mentioned in the previous expression).
// At no time should a character ever occur in more than one character category.
// for each expression in the expressions list, do...
Enumeration iter = expressions.elements();
while (iter.hasMoreElements()) {
// initialize the working char set to the chars in the current expression
CharSet e = (CharSet)iter.nextElement();
// for each category in the category list, do...
for (int32_t j = categories.size() - 1; !e.empty() && j > 0; j--) {
// if there's overlap between the current working set of chars
// and the current category...
CharSet that = (CharSet)(categories.elementAt(j));
if (!that.intersection(e).empty()) {
// add a new category for the characters that were in the
// current category but not in the working char set
CharSet temp = that.difference(e);
if (!temp.empty())
// remove those characters from the working char set and replace
// the current category with the characters that it did
// have in common with the current working char set
temp = e.intersection(that);
e = e.difference(that);
if (!temp.equals(that))
categories.setElementAt(temp, j);
// if there are still characters left in the working char set,
// add a new category containing them
if (!e.empty())
// we have the ignore characters stored in position 0. Make an extra pass through
// the character category list and remove anything from the ignore list that shows
// up in some other category
CharSet allChars = new CharSet();
for (int32_t i = 1; i < categories.size(); i++)
allChars = allChars.union((CharSet)(categories.elementAt(i)));
CharSet ignoreChars = (CharSet)(categories.elementAt(0));
ignoreChars = ignoreChars.difference(allChars);
categories.setElementAt(ignoreChars, 0);
// now that we've derived the character categories, go back through the expression
// list and replace each CharSet object with a String that represents the
// character categories that expression refers to. The String is encoded: each
// character is a character category number (plus 0x100 to avoid confusing them
// with syntax characters in the rule grammar)
iter = expressions.keys();
while (iter.hasMoreElements()) {
UnicodeString key = (UnicodeString)iter.nextElement();
CharSet cs = (CharSet)expressions.get(key);
UnicodeString cats = new UnicodeString();
// for each category...
for (int32_t j = 0; j < categories.size(); j++) {
// if the current expression contains characters in that category...
CharSet temp = cs.intersection((CharSet)(categories.elementAt(j)));
if (!temp.empty()) {
// then add the encoded category number to the String for this
// expression
cats.append((UChar)(0x100 + j));
if (temp.equals(cs))
// once we've finished building the encoded String for this expression,
// replace the CharSet object with it
expressions.put(key, cats.toString());
// and finally, we turn the temporary category table into a permanent category
// table, which is a CompactByteArray. (we skip category 0, which by definition
// refers to all characters not mentioned specifically in the rules)
UCharCategoryTable = new CompactByteArray((int8_t)0);
// for each category...
for (int32_t i = 0; i < categories.size(); i++) {
CharSet UChars = (CharSet)(categories.elementAt(i));
// go through the character ranges in the category one by one...
Enumeration enum = UChars.getChars();
while (enum.hasMoreElements()) {
UChar* range = (UChar*)(enum.nextElement());
// and set the corresponding elements in the CompactArray accordingly
if (i != 0)
UCharCategoryTable.setElementAt(range[0], range[1], (int8_t)i);
// (category 0 is special-- it's the hiding place for the ignore
// characters, whose real category number in the CompactArray is
// -1 [this is because category 0 contains all characters not
// specifically mentioned anywhere in the rules] )
UCharCategoryTable.setElementAt(range[0], range[1], IGNORE);
// once we've populated the CompactArray, compact it
// initialize numCategories
numCategories = categories.size();
* This is the function that builds the forward state table. Most of the real
* work is done in parseRule(), which is called once for each rule in the
* description.
void RuleBasedBreakIteratorBuilder::buildStateTable(Vector tempRuleList) {
// initialize our temporary state table, and fill it with two states:
// state 0 is a dummy state that allows state 1 to be the starting state
// and 0 to represent "stop". State 1 is added here to seed things
// before we start parsing
tempStateTable = new Vector();
tempStateTable.addElement(new int16_t[numCategories + 1]);
tempStateTable.addElement(new int16_t[numCategories + 1]);
// call parseRule() for every rule in the rule list (except those which
// start with !, which are actually backwards-iteration rules)
for (int32_t i = 0; i < tempRuleList.size(); i++) {
UnicodeString rule = (UnicodeString)tempRuleList.elementAt(i);
if (rule.UCharAt(0) != '!')
parseRule(rule, TRUE);
// finally, use finishBuildingStateTable() to minimize the number of
// states in the table and perform some other cleanup work
* This is where most of the work really happens. This routine parses a single
* rule in the rule description, adding and modifying states in the state
* table according to the new expression. The state table is kept deterministic
* throughout the whole operation, although some ugly postprocessing is needed
* to handle the *? token.
void RuleBasedBreakIteratorBuilder::parseRule(UnicodeString rule, bool_t forward) {
// algorithm notes:
// - The basic idea here is to read successive character-category groups
// from the input string. For each group, you create a state and point
// the appropriate entries in the previous state to it. This produces a
// straight line from the start state to the end state. The {}, *, and (|)
// idioms produce branches in this straight line. These branches (states
// that can transition to more than one other state) are called "decision
// points." A list of decision points is kept. This contains a list of
// all states that can transition to the next state to be created. For a
// straight line progression, the only thing in the decision-point list is
// the current state. But if there's a branch, the decision-point list
// will contain all of the beginning points of the branch when the next
// state to be created represents the end point of the branch. A stack is
// used to save decision point lists in the presence of nested parentheses
// and the like. For example, when a { is encountered, the current decision
// point list is saved on the stack and restored when the corresponding }
// is encountered. This way, after the } is read, the decision point list
// will contain both the state right before the } _and_ the state before
// the whole {} expression. Both of these states can transition to the next
// state after the {} expression.
// - one complication arises when we have to stamp a transition value into
// an array cell that already contains one. The updateStateTable() and
// mergeStates() functions handle this case. Their basic approach is to
// create a new state that combines the two states that conflict and point
// at it when necessary. This happens recursively, so if the merged states
// also conflict, they're resolved in the same way, and so on. There are
// a number of tests aimed at preventing infinite recursion.
// - another complication arises with repeating characters. It's somewhat
// ambiguous whether the user wants a greedy or non-greedy match in these cases.
// (e.g., whether "[a-z]*abc" means the SHORTEST sequence of letters ending in
// "abc" or the LONGEST sequence of letters ending in "abc". We've adopted
// the *? to mean "shortest" and * by itself to mean "longest". (You get the
// same result with both if there's no overlap between the repeating character
// group and the group immediately following it.) Handling the *? token is
// rather complicated and involves keeping track of whether a state needs to
// be merged (as described above) or merely overwritten when you update one of
// its cells, and copying the contents of a state that loops with a *? token
// into some of the states that follow it after the rest of the table-building
// process is complete ("backfilling").
// implementation notes:
// - This function assumes syntax checking has been performed on the input string
// prior to its being passed in here. It assumes that parentheses are
// balanced, all literal characters are enclosed in [] and turned into category
// numbers, that there are no illegal characters or character sequences, and so
// on. Violation of these invariants will lead to undefined behavior.
// - It'd probably be better to use linked lists rather than Vector and Stack
// to maintain the decision point list and stack. I went for simplicity in
// this initial implementation. If performance is critical enough, we can go
// back and fix this later.
// -There are a number of important limitations on the *? token. It does not work
// right when followed by a repeating character sequence (e.g., ".*?(abc)*")
// (although it does work right when followed by a single repeating character).
// It will not always work right when nested in parentheses or braces (although
// sometimes it will). It also will not work right if the group of repeating
// characters and the group of characters that follows overlap partially
// (e.g., "[a-g]*?[e-j]"). None of these capabilites was deemed necessary for
// describing breaking rules we know about, so we left them out for
// expeditiousness.
// - The / token is not fully general: There are cases where it will put the
// break in the wrong place. In particular, rule sets such as "?; cat/alog;"
// will put a break after "cat" instead of after "c" ANY time it sees "cat",
// regardless of whether the text matches "catalog" or not. Also, rules such
// as "[a-z]*?abc;" will be treated the same as "[a-z]*?aa*bc;"-- that is,
// if the string ends in "aaaabc", the break will go before the first "a"
// rather than the last one. Both of these are limitations in the design
// of RuleBasedBreakIterator and not limitations of the rule parser.
int32_t p = 0;
int32_t currentState = 1; // don't use state number 0; 0 means "stop"
int32_t lastState = currentState;
UnicodeString pendingChars = "";
decisionPointStack = new Stack();
decisionPointList = new Vector();
loopingStates = new Vector();
statesToBackfill = new Vector();
int16_t* state;
bool_t sawEarlyBreak = FALSE;
// if we're adding rules to the backward state table, mark the initial state
// as a looping state
if (!forward)
loopingStates.addElement(new Integer(1));
// put the current state on the decision point list before we start
decisionPointList.addElement(new Integer(currentState)); // we want currentState to
// be 1 here...
currentState = tempStateTable.size() - 1; // but after that, we want it to be
// 1 less than the state number of the next state
while (p < rule.length()) {
UChar c = rule.UCharAt(p);
clearLoopingStates = FALSE;
// this section handles literal characters, escaped character (which are
// effectively literal characters too), the . token, and [] expressions
if (c == '[' || c == '\\' || Character.isLetter(c) || Character.isDigit(c)
|| c < ' ' || c == '.' || c >= '\u007f') {
// if we're not on a period, isolate the expression and look up
// the corresponding category list
if (c != '.') {
int32_t q = p;
// if we're on a backslash, the expression is the character
// after the backslash
if (c == '\\') {
q = p + 2;
// if we're on an opening bracket, scan to the closing bracket
// to isolate the expression
else if (c == '[') {
int32_t bracketLevel = 1;
while (bracketLevel > 0) {
c = rule.UCharAt(q);
if (c == '[')
else if (c == ']')
else if (c == '\\')
// otherwise, the expression is just the character itself
q = p + 1;
// look up the category list for the expression and store it
// in pendingChars
pendingChars = (UnicodeString)expressions.get(rule.substring(p, q));
// advance the current position past the expression
p = q - 1;
// if the character we're on is a period, we end up down here
else {
int32_t rowNum = ((Integer)decisionPointList.lastElement()).intValue();
state = (int16_t*)tempStateTable.elementAt(rowNum);
// if the period is followed by an asterisk, then just set the current
// state to loop back on itself
if (p + 1 < rule.length() && rule.UCharAt(p + 1) == '*' && state[0] != 0) {
decisionPointList.addElement(new Integer(state[0]));
pendingChars = "";
// otherwise, fabricate a category list ("pendingChars") with
// every category in it
else {
UnicodeString temp = new UnicodeString();
for (int32_t i = 0; i < numCategories; i++)
temp.append((UChar)(i + 0x100));
pendingChars = temp.toString();
// we'll end up in here for all expressions except for .*, which is
// special-cased above
if (pendingChars.length() != 0) {
// if the expression is followed by an asterisk, then push a copy
// of the current desicion point list onto the stack (this is
// the same thing we do on an opening brace)
if (p + 1 < rule.length() && rule.UCharAt(p + 1) == '*')
// create a new state, add it to the list of states to backfill
// if we have looping states to worry about, set its "don't make
// me an accepting state" flag if we've seen a slash, and add
// it to the end of the state table
int32_t newState = tempStateTable.size();
if (loopingStates.size() != 0)
statesToBackfill.addElement(new Integer(newState));
state = new int16_t[numCategories + 1];
if (sawEarlyBreak)
state[numCategories] = 0x4000;
// update everybody in the decision point list to point to
// the new state (this also performs all the reconciliation
// needed to make the table deterministic), then clear the
// decision point list
updateStateTable(decisionPointList, pendingChars, (int16_t)newState);
// add all states created since the last literal character we've
// seen to the decision point list
lastState = currentState;
do {
decisionPointList.addElement(new Integer(currentState));
} while (currentState + 1 < tempStateTable.size());
// a { marks the beginning of an optional run of characters. Push a
// copy of the current decision point list onto the stack. This saves
// it, preventing it from being affected by whatever's inside the parentheses.
// This decision point list is restored when a } is encountered.
else if (c == '{') {
// a } marks the end of an optional run of characters. Pop the last decision
// point list off the stack and merge it with the current decision point list.
// a * denotes a repeating character or group (* after () is handled separately
// below). In addition to restoring the decision point list, modify the
// current state to point to itself on the appropriate character categories.
else if (c == '}' || c == '*') {
// when there's a *, update the current state to loop back on itself
// on the character categories that caused us to enter this state
if (c == '*') {
for (int32_t i = lastState + 1; i < tempStateTable.size(); i++) {
Vector temp = new Vector();
temp.addElement(new Integer(i));
updateStateTable(temp, pendingChars, (int16_t)(lastState + 1));
// pop the top element off the decision point stack and merge
// it with the current decision point list (this causes the divergent
// paths through the state table to come together again on the next
// new state)
Vector temp = (Vector)decisionPointStack.pop();
for (int32_t i = 0; i < decisionPointList.size(); i++)
decisionPointList = temp;
// a ? after a * modifies the behavior of * in cases where there is overlap
// between the set of characters that repeat and the characters which follow.
// Without the ?, all states following the repeating state, up to a state which
// is reached by a character that doesn't overlap, will loop back into the
// repeating state. With the ?, the mark states following the *? DON'T loop
// back into the repeating state. Thus, "[a-z]*xyz" will match the longest
// sequence of letters that ends in "xyz," while "[a-z]*? will match the
// _shortest_ sequence of letters that ends in "xyz".
// We use extra bookkeeping to achieve this effect, since everything else works
// according to the "longest possible match" principle. The basic principle
// is that transitions out of a looping state are written in over the looping
// value instead of being reconciled, and that we copy the contents of the
// looping state into empty cells of all non-terminal states that follow the
// looping state.
else if (c == '?') {
setLoopingStates(decisionPointList, decisionPointList);
// a ( marks the beginning of a sequence of characters. Parentheses can either
// contain several alternative character sequences (i.e., "(ab|cd|ef)"), or
// they can contain a sequence of characters that can repeat (i.e., "(abc)*"). Thus,
// A () group can have multiple entry and exit points. To keep track of this,
// we reserve TWO spots on the decision-point stack. The top of the stack is
// the list of exit points, which becomes the current decision point list when
// the ) is reached. The next entry down is the decision point list at the
// beginning of the (), which becomes the current decision point list at every
// entry point.
// In addition to keeping track of the exit points and the active decision
// points before the ( (i.e., the places from which the () can be entered),
// we need to keep track of the entry points in case the expression loops
// (i.e., is followed by *). We do that by creating a dummy state in the
// state table and adding it to the decision point list (BEFORE it's duplicated
// on the stack). Nobody points to this state, so it'll get optimized out
// at the end. It exists only to hold the entry points in case the ()
// expression loops.
else if (c == '(') {
// add a new state to the state table to hold the entry points into
// the () expression
tempStateTable.addElement(new int16_t[numCategories + 1]);
// we have to adjust lastState and currentState to account for the
// new dummy state
lastState = currentState;
// add the current state to the decision point list (add it at the
// BEGINNING so we can find it later)
decisionPointList.insertElementAt(new Integer(currentState), 0);
// finally, push a copy of the current decision point list onto the
// stack (this keeps track of the active decision point list before
// the () expression), followed by an empty decision point list
// (this will hold the exit points)
decisionPointStack.push(new Vector());
// a | separates alternative character sequences in a () expression. When
// a | is encountered, we add the current decision point list to the exit-point
// list, and restore the decision point list to its state prior to the (.
else if (c == '|') {
// pick out the top two decision point lists on the stack
Vector oneDown = (Vector)decisionPointStack.pop();
Vector twoDown = (Vector)decisionPointStack.peek();
// append the current decision point list to the list below it
// on the stack (the list of exit points), and restore the
// current decision point list to its state before the () expression
for (int32_t i = 0; i < decisionPointList.size(); i++)
decisionPointList = (Vector)twoDown.clone();
// a ) marks the end of a sequence of characters. We do one of two things
// depending on whether the sequence repeats (i.e., whether the ) is followed
// by *): If the sequence doesn't repeat, then the exit-point list is merged
// with the current decision point list and the decision point list from before
// the () is thrown away. If the sequence does repeat, then we fish out the
// state we were in before the ( and copy all of its forward transitions
// (i.e., every transition added by the () expression) into every state in the
// exit-point list and the current decision point list. The current decision
// point list is then merged with both the exit-point list AND the saved version
// of the decision point list from before the (). Then we throw out the *.
else if (c == ')') {
// pull the exit point list off the stack, merge it with the current
// decision point list, and make the merged version the current
// decision point list
Vector exitPoints = (Vector)decisionPointStack.pop();
for (int32_t i = 0; i < decisionPointList.size(); i++)
decisionPointList = exitPoints;
// if the ) isn't followed by a *, then all we have to do is throw
// away the other list on the decision point stack, and we're done
if (p + 1 >= rule.length() || rule.UCharAt(p + 1) != '*')
// but if the sequence repeats, we have a lot more work to do...
else {
// now exitPoints and decisionPointList have to point to equivalent
// vectors, but not the SAME vector
exitPoints = (Vector)decisionPointList.clone();
// pop the original decision point list off the stack
Vector temp = (Vector)decisionPointStack.pop();
// we squirreled away the row number of our entry point list
// at the beginning of the original decision point list. Fish
// that state number out and retrieve the entry point list
int32_t tempStateNum = ((Integer)temp.firstElement()).intValue();
int16_t* tempState = (int16_t*)tempStateTable.elementAt(tempStateNum);
// merge the original decision point list with the current
// decision point list
for (int32_t i = 0; i < decisionPointList.size(); i++)
decisionPointList = temp;
// finally, copy every forward reference from the entry point
// list into every state in the new decision point list
for (int32_t i = 0; i < tempState.length; i++) {
if (tempState[i] > tempStateNum)
new Character((UChar)(i + 0x100)).toString(),
// update lastState and currentState, and throw away the *
lastState = currentState;
currentState = tempStateTable.size() - 1;
// a / marks the position where the break is to go if the character sequence
// matches this rule. We update the flag word of every state on the decision
// point list to mark them as ending states, and take note of the fact that
// we've seen the slash
else if (c == '/') {
sawEarlyBreak = TRUE;
for (int32_t i = 0; i < decisionPointList.size(); i++) {
state = (int16_t*)tempStateTable.elementAt(((Integer)decisionPointList.
state[numCategories] |= 0x8000;
// if we get here without executing any of the above clauses, we have a
// syntax error. However, for now we just ignore the offending character
// and move on
// clearLoopingStates is a signal back from updateStateTable() that we've
// transitioned to a state that won't loop back to the current looping
// state. (In other words, we've gotten to a point where we can no longer
// go back into a *? we saw earlier.) Clear out the list of looping states
// and backfill any states that need to be backfilled.
if (clearLoopingStates)
setLoopingStates(0, decisionPointList);
// advance to the next character, now that we've processed the current
// character
// this takes care of backfilling any states that still need to be backfilled
setLoopingStates(0, decisionPointList);
// when we reach the end of the string, we do a postprocessing step to mark the
// end states. If we didn't see the / token, then the decision point list
// contains every state that can transition to the end state-- that is, every
// state that is the last state in a sequence that matches the rule. All of
// these states are considered "mark states"-- that is, states that cause the
// position returned from next() to be updated. A mark state represents a possible
// break position. This allows us to look ahead and remember how far the rule
// matched before following the new branch (see next() for more information).
// The temporary state table has an extra "flag column" at the end where this
// information is stored. We mark the end states by setting a flag in their
// flag column.
// (If we did see the /, we've already marked the end states.)
if (!sawEarlyBreak) {
for (int32_t i = 0; i < decisionPointList.size(); i++) {
int32_t rowNum = ((Integer)decisionPointList.elementAt(i)).intValue();
state = (int16_t*)tempStateTable.elementAt(rowNum);
state[numCategories] |= 0x8000;
* Update entries in the state table, and merge states when necessary to keep
* the table deterministic.
* @param rows The list of rows that need updating (the decision point list)
* @param pendingChars A character category list, encoded in a String. This is the
* list of the columns that need updating.
* @param newValue Update the cells specfied above to contain this value
void RuleBasedBreakIteratorBuilder::updateStateTable(Vector rows,
UnicodeString pendingChars,
int16_t newValue) {
// create a dummy state that has the specified row number (newValue) in
// the cells that need to be updated (those specified by pendingChars)
// and 0 in the other cells
int16_t* newValues = new int16_t[numCategories + 1];
for (int32_t i = 0; i < pendingChars.length(); i++)
newValues[(int32_t)(pendingChars.UCharAt(i)) - 0x100] = newValue;
// go through the list of rows to update, and update them by calling
// mergeStates() to merge them the the dummy state we created
for (int32_t i = 0; i < rows.size(); i++) {
mergeStates(((Integer)rows.elementAt(i)).intValue(), newValues, rows);
* The real work of making the state table deterministic happens here. This function
* merges a state in the state table (specified by rowNum) with a state that is
* passed in (newValues). The basic process is to copy the nonzero cells in newStates
* into the state in the state table (we'll call that oldValues). If there's a
* collision (i.e., if the same cell has a nonzero value in both states, and it's
* not the SAME value), then we have to reconcile the collision. We do this by
* creating a new state, adding it to the end of the state table, and using this
* function recursively to merge the original two states into a single, combined
* state. This process may happen recursively (i.e., each successive level may
* involve collisions). To prevent infinite recursion, we keep a log of merge
* operations. Any time we're merging two states we've merged before, we can just
* supply the row number for the result of that merge operation rather than creating
* a new state just like it.
* @param rowNum The row number in the state table of the state to be updated
* @param newValues The state to merge it with.
* @param rowsBeingUpdated A copy of the list of rows passed to updateStateTable()
* (itself a copy of the decision point list from parseRule()). Newly-created
* states get added to the decision point list if their "parents" were on it.
void RuleBasedBreakIteratorBuilder::mergeStates(int32_t rowNum,
int16_t* newValues,
Vector rowsBeingUpdated) {
int16_t* oldValues = (int16_t*)(tempStateTable.elementAt(rowNum));
bool_t isLoopingState = loopingStates.contains(new Integer(rowNum));
// for each of the cells in the rows we're reconciling, do...
for (int32_t i = 0; i < oldValues.length; i++) {
// if they contain the same value, we don't have to do anything
if (oldValues[i] == newValues[i])
// if oldValues is a looping state and the state the current cell points to
// is too, then we can just stomp over the current value of that cell (and
// set the clear-looping-states flag if necessaru)
else if (isLoopingState && loopingStates.contains(new Integer(oldValues[i]))) {
if (newValues[i] != 0) {
if (oldValues[i] == 0)
clearLoopingStates = TRUE;
oldValues[i] = newValues[i];
// if the current cell in oldValues is 0, copy in the corresponding value
// from newValues
else if (oldValues[i] == 0)
oldValues[i] = newValues[i];
// the last column of each row is the flag column. Take care to merge the
// flag words correctly
else if (i == numCategories) {
oldValues[i] = (int16_t)((newValues[i] & 0xc000) | oldValues[i]);
// if both newValues and oldValues have a nonzero value in the current
// cell, and it isn't the same value both places...
else if (oldValues[i] != 0 && newValues[i] != 0) {
// look up this pair of cell values in the merge list. If it's
// found, update the cell in oldValues to point to the merged state
int32_t combinedRowNum = searchMergeList(oldValues[i], newValues[i]);
if (combinedRowNum != 0)
oldValues[i] = (int16_t)combinedRowNum;
// otherwise, we have to reconcile them...
else {
// copy our row numbers into variables to make things easier
int32_t oldRowNum = oldValues[i];
int32_t newRowNum = newValues[i];
combinedRowNum = tempStateTable.size();
// add this pair of row numbers to the merge list (create it first
// if we haven't created the merge list yet)
if (mergeList == 0)
mergeList = new Vector();
mergeList.addElement(new int32_t* { oldRowNum, newRowNum, combinedRowNum });
// create a new row to represent the merged state, and copy the
// contents of oldRow into it, then add it to the end of the
// state table and update the original row (oldValues) to point
// to the new, merged, state
int16_t* newRow = new int16_t[numCategories + 1];
int16_t* oldRow = (int16_t*)(tempStateTable.elementAt(oldRowNum));
System.arraycopy(oldRow, 0, newRow, 0, numCategories + 1);
oldValues[i] = (int16_t)combinedRowNum;
// if the decision point list contains either of the parent rows,
// update it to include the new row as well
if ((decisionPointList.contains(new Integer(oldRowNum)) ||
decisionPointList.contains(new Integer(newRowNum))) &&
!decisionPointList.contains(new Integer(combinedRowNum)))
decisionPointList.addElement(new Integer(combinedRowNum));
// do the same thing with the list of rows being updated
if ((rowsBeingUpdated.contains(new Integer(oldRowNum)) ||
rowsBeingUpdated.contains(new Integer(newRowNum))) &&
!rowsBeingUpdated.contains(new Integer(combinedRowNum)))
decisionPointList.addElement(new Integer(combinedRowNum));
// now (groan) do the same thing for all the entries on the
// decision point stack
for (int32_t k = 0; k < decisionPointStack.size(); k++) {
Vector dpl = (Vector)decisionPointStack.elementAt(k);
if ((dpl.contains(new Integer(oldRowNum)) ||
dpl.contains(new Integer(newRowNum))) && !dpl.contains(
new Integer(combinedRowNum)))
dpl.addElement(new Integer(combinedRowNum));
// FINALLY (puff puff puff), call mergeStates() recursively to copy
// the row referred to by newValues into the new row and resolve any
// conflicts that come up at that level
mergeStates(combinedRowNum, (int16_t*)(tempStateTable.elementAt(
newValues[i])), rowsBeingUpdated);
* The merge list is a list of pairs of rows that have been merged somewhere in
* the process of building this state table, along with the row number of the
* row containing the merged state. This function looks up a pair of row numbers
* and returns the row number of the row they combine into. (It returns 0 if
* this pair of rows isn't in the merge list.)
int32_t RuleBasedBreakIteratorBuilder::searchMergeList(int32_t a, int32_t b) {
// if there is no merge list, there obviously isn't anything in it
if (mergeList == 0)
return 0;
// otherwise, for each element in the merge list...
else {
int32_t* entry;
for (int32_t i = 0; i < mergeList.size(); i++) {
entry = (int32_t*)(mergeList.elementAt(i));
// we have a hit if the two row numbers match the two row numbers
// in the beginning of the entry (the two that combine), in either
// order
if ((entry[0] == a && entry[1] == b) || (entry[0] == b && entry[1] == a))
return entry[2];
// we also have a hit if one of the two row numbers matches the marged
// row number and the other one matches one of the original row numbers
if ((entry[2] == a && (entry[0] == b || entry[1] == b)))
return entry[2];
if ((entry[2] == b && (entry[0] == a || entry[1] == a)))
return entry[2];
return 0;
* This function is used to update the list of current loooping states (i.e.,
* states that are controlled by a *? construct). It backfills values from
* the looping states into unpopulated cells of the states that are currently
* marked for backfilling, and then updates the list of looping states to be
* the new list
* @param newLoopingStates The list of new looping states
* @param endStates The list of states to treat as end states (states that
* can exit the loop).
void RuleBasedBreakIteratorBuilder::setLoopingStates(Vector newLoopingStates, Vector endStates) {
// if the current list of looping states isn't empty, we have to backfill
// values from the looping states into the states that are waiting to be
// backfilled
if (!loopingStates.isEmpty()) {
int32_t loopingState = ((Integer)loopingStates.lastElement()).intValue();
int32_t rowNum;
// don't backfill into an end state OR any state reachable from an end state
// (since the search for reachable states is recursive, it's split out into
// a separate function, eliminateBackfillStates(), below)
for (int32_t i = 0; i < endStates.size(); i++) {
// we DON'T actually backfill the states that need to be backfilled here.
// Instead, we MARK them for backfilling. The reason for this is that if
// there are multiple rules in the state-table description, the looping
// states may have some of their values changed by a succeeding rule, and
// this wouldn't be reflected in the backfilled states. We mark a state
// for backfilling by putting the row number of the state to copy from
// into the flag cell at the end of the row
for (int32_t i = 0; i < statesToBackfill.size(); i++) {
rowNum = ((Integer)statesToBackfill.elementAt(i)).intValue();
int16_t* state = (int16_t*)tempStateTable.elementAt(rowNum);
state[numCategories] = (int16_t)((state[numCategories] & 0xc000) |
if (newLoopingStates != 0)
loopingStates = (Vector)newLoopingStates.clone();
* This removes "ending states" and states reachable from them from the
* list of states to backfill.
* @param The row number of the state to remove from the backfill list
void RuleBasedBreakIteratorBuilder::eliminateBackfillStates(int32_t baseState) {
// don't do anything unless this state is actually in the backfill list...
if (statesToBackfill.contains(new Integer(baseState))) {
// if it is, take it out
statesToBackfill.removeElement(new Integer(baseState));
// then go through and recursively call this function for every
// state that the base state points to
int16_t* state = (int16_t*)tempStateTable.elementAt(baseState);
for (int32_t i = 0; i < numCategories; i++) {
if (state[i] != 0)
* This function completes the backfilling process by actually doing the
* backfilling on the states that are marked for it
void RuleBasedBreakIteratorBuilder::backfillLoopingStates() {
int16_t* state;
int16_t* loopingState = 0;
int32_t loopingStateRowNum = 0;
int32_t fromState;
// for each state in the state table...
for (int32_t i = 0; i < tempStateTable.size(); i++) {
state = (int16_t*)tempStateTable.elementAt(i);
// check the state's flag word to see if it's marked for backfilling
// (it's marked for backfilling if any bits other than the two high-order
// bits are set-- if they are, then the flag word, minus the two high bits,
// is the row number to copy from)
fromState = state[numCategories] & 0x3fff;
if (fromState > 0) {
// load up the state to copy from (if we haven't already)
if (fromState != loopingStateRowNum) {
loopingStateRowNum = fromState;
loopingState = (int16_t*)tempStateTable.elementAt(loopingStateRowNum);
// clear out the backfill part of the flag word
state[numCategories] &= 0xc000;
// then fill all zero cells in the current state with values
// from the corresponding cells of the fromState
for (int32_t j = 0; j < state.length; j++) {
if (state[j] == 0)
state[j] = loopingState[j];
else if (state[j] == 0x4000)
state[j] = 0;
* This function completes the state-table-building process by doing several
* postprocessing steps and copying everything into its final resting place
* in the iterator itself
* @param forward True if we're working on the forward state table
void RuleBasedBreakIteratorBuilder::finishBuildingStateTable(bool_t forward) {
// start by backfilling the looping states
int32_t* rowNumMap = new int32_t[tempStateTable.size()];
Stack rowsToFollow = new Stack();
rowsToFollow.push(new Integer(1));
rowNumMap[1] = 1;
// determine which states are no longer reachable from the start state
// (the reachable states will have their row numbers in the row number
// map, and the nonreachable states will have zero in the row number map)
while (rowsToFollow.size() != 0) {
int32_t rowNum = ((Integer)rowsToFollow.pop()).intValue();
int16_t* row = (int16_t*)(tempStateTable.elementAt(rowNum));
for (int32_t i = 0; i < numCategories; i++) {
if (row[i] != 0) {
if (rowNumMap[row[i]] == 0) {
rowNumMap[row[i]] = row[i];
rowsToFollow.push(new Integer(row[i]));
bool_t madeChange;
int32_t newRowNum;
// algorithm for minimizing the number of states in the table adapted from
// Aho & Ullman, "Principles of Compiler Design"
// The basic idea here is to organize the states into classes. When we're done,
// all states in the same class can be considered identical and all but one eliminated.
// initially assign states to classes based on the number of populated cells they
// contain (the class number is the number of populated cells)
int32_t* stateClasses = new int32_t[tempStateTable.size()];
int32_t nextClass = numCategories + 1;
int16_t* state1, state2;
for (int32_t i = 1; i < stateClasses.length; i++) {
if (rowNumMap[i] == 0)
state1 = (int16_t*)tempStateTable.elementAt(i);
for (int32_t j = 0; j < numCategories; j++)
if (state1[j] != 0)
if (stateClasses[i] == 0)
stateClasses[i] = nextClass;
// then, for each class, elect the first member of that class as that class's
// "representative". For each member of the class, compare it to the "representative."
// If there's a column position where the state being tested transitions to a
// state in a DIFFERENT class from the class where the "representative" transitions,
// then move the state into a new class. Repeat this process until no new classes
// are created.
int32_t currentClass;
int32_t lastClass;
bool_t split;
do {
currentClass = 1;
lastClass = nextClass;
while (currentClass < nextClass) {
split = FALSE;
state1 = state2 = 0;
for (int32_t i = 0; i < stateClasses.length; i++) {
if (stateClasses[i] == currentClass) {
if (state1 == 0) {
state1 = (int16_t*)tempStateTable.elementAt(i);
else {
state2 = (int16_t*)tempStateTable.elementAt(i);
for (int32_t j = 0; j < state2.length; j++)
if ((j == numCategories && state1[j] != state2[j] && forward)
|| (j != numCategories && stateClasses[state1[j]]
!= stateClasses[state2[j]])) {
stateClasses[i] = nextClass;
split = TRUE;
if (split)
} while (lastClass != nextClass);
// at this point, all of the states in a class except the first one (the
//"representative") can be eliminated, so update the row-number map accordingly
int32_t* representatives = new int32_t[nextClass];
for (int32_t i = 1; i < stateClasses.length; i++)
if (representatives[stateClasses[i]] == 0)
representatives[stateClasses[i]] = i;
rowNumMap[i] = representatives[stateClasses[i]];
// renumber all remaining rows...
// first drop all that are either unreferenced or not a class representative
for (int32_t i = 1; i < rowNumMap.length; i++)
if (rowNumMap[i] != i)
tempStateTable.setElementAt(0, i);
// then calculate everybody's new row number and update the row
// number map appropriately (the first pass updates the row numbers
// of all the class representatives [the rows we're keeping], and the
// second pass updates the cross references for all the rows that
// are being deleted)
newRowNum = 1;
for (int32_t i = 1; i < rowNumMap.length; i++)
if (tempStateTable.elementAt(i) != 0)
rowNumMap[i] = newRowNum++;
for (int32_t i = 1; i < rowNumMap.length; i++)
if (tempStateTable.elementAt(i) == 0)
rowNumMap[i] = rowNumMap[rowNumMap[i]];
// allocate the permanent state table, and copy the remaining rows into it
// (adjusting all the cell values, of course)
// this section does that for the forward state table
if (forward) {
endStates = new bool_t[newRowNum];
stateTable = new int16_t[newRowNum * numCategories];
int32_t p = 0;
int32_t p2 = 0;
for (int32_t i = 0; i < tempStateTable.size(); i++) {
int16_t* row = (int16_t*)(tempStateTable.elementAt(i));
if (row == 0)
for (int32_t j = 0; j < numCategories; j++) {
stateTable[p] = (int16_t)(rowNumMap[row[j]]);
endStates[p2++] = ((row[numCategories] & 0x8000) != 0);
// and this section does it for the backward state table
else {
backwardsStateTable = new int16_t[newRowNum * numCategories];
int32_t p = 0;
for (int32_t i = 0; i < tempStateTable.size(); i++) {
int16_t* row = (int16_t*)(tempStateTable.elementAt(i));
if (row == 0)
for (int32_t j = 0; j < numCategories; j++) {
backwardsStateTable[p] = (int16_t)(rowNumMap[row[j]]);
* This function builds the backward state table from the forward state
* table and any additional rules (identified by the ! on the front)
* supplied in the description
void RuleBasedBreakIteratorBuilder::buildBackwardsStateTable(Vector tempRuleList) {
// create the temporary state table and seed it with two rows (row 0
// isn't used for anything, and we have to create row 1 (the initial
// state) before we can do anything else
tempStateTable = new Vector();
tempStateTable.addElement(new int16_t[numCategories + 1]);
tempStateTable.addElement(new int16_t[numCategories + 1]);
// although the backwards state table is built automatically from the forward
// state table, there are some situations (the default sentence-break rules,
// for example) where this doesn't yield enough stop states, causing a dramatic
// drop in performance. To help with these cases, the user may supply
// supplemental rules that are added to the backward state table. These have
// the same syntax as the normal break rules, but begin with '!' to distinguish
// them from normal break rules
for (int32_t i = 0; i < tempRuleList.size(); i++) {
UnicodeString rule = (UnicodeString)tempRuleList.elementAt(i);
if (rule.UCharAt(0) == '!') {
parseRule(rule.substring(1), FALSE);
// Backwards iteration is qualitatively different from forwards iteration.
// This is because backwards iteration has to be made to operate from no context
// at all-- the user should be able to ask BreakIterator for the break position
// immediately on either side of some arbitrary offset in the text. The
// forward iteration table doesn't let us do that-- it assumes complete
// information on the context, which means starting from the beginning of the
// document.
// The way we do backward and random-access iteration is to back up from the
// current (or user-specified) position until we see something we're sure is
// a break position (it may not be the last break position immediately
// preceding our starting point, however). Then we roll forward from there to
// locate the actual break position we're after.
// This means that the backwards state table doesn't have to identify every
// break position, allowing the building algorithm to be much simpler. Here,
// we use a "pairs" approach, scanning the forward-iteration state table for
// pairs of character categories we ALWAYS break between, and building a state
// table from that information. No context is required-- all this state table
// looks at is a pair of adjacent characters.
// It's possible that the user has supplied supplementary rules (see above).
// This has to be done first to keep parseRule() and friends from becoming
// EVEN MORE complicated. The automatically-generated states are appended
// onto the end of the state table, and then the two sets of rules are
// stitched together at the end. Take note of the row number of the
// first row of the auromatically-generated part.
int32_t backTableOffset = tempStateTable.size();
if (backTableOffset > 2)
// the automatically-generated part of the table models a two-dimensional
// array where the two dimensions represent the two characters we're currently
// looking at. To model this as a state table, we actually need one additional
// row to represent the initial state. It gets populated with the row numbers
// of the other rows (in order).
for (int32_t i = 0; i < numCategories + 1; i++)
tempStateTable.addElement(new int16_t[numCategories + 1]);
int16_t* state = (int16_t*)tempStateTable.elementAt(backTableOffset - 1);
for (int32_t i = 0; i < numCategories; i++)
state[i] = (int16_t)(i + backTableOffset);
// scavenge the forward state table for pairs of character categories
// that always have a break between them. The algorithm is as follows:
// Look down each column in the state table. For each nonzero cell in
// that column, look up the row it points to. For each nonzero cell in
// that row, populate a cell in the backwards state table: the row number
// of that cell is the number of the column we were scanning (plus the
// offset that locates this sub-table), and the column number of that cell
// is the column number of the nonzero cell we just found. This cell is
// populated with its own column number (adjusted according to the actual
// location of the sub-table). This process will produce a state table
// whose behavior is the same as looking up successive pairs of characters
// in an array of Booleans to determine whether there is a break.
int32_t numRows = stateTable.length / numCategories;
for (int32_t column = 0; column < numCategories; column++) {
for (int32_t row = 0; row < numRows; row++) {
int32_t nextRow = lookupState(row, column);
if (nextRow != 0) {
for (int32_t nextColumn = 0; nextColumn < numCategories; nextColumn++) {
int32_t cellValue = lookupState(nextRow, nextColumn);
if (cellValue != 0) {
state = (int16_t*)tempStateTable.elementAt(nextColumn +
state[column] = (int16_t)(column + backTableOffset);
// if the user specified some backward-iteration rules with the ! token,
// we have to merge the resulting state table with the auto-generated one
// above. First copy the populated cells from row 1 over the populated
// cells in the auto-generated table. Then copy values from row 1 of the
// auto-generated table into all of the the unpopulated cells of the
// rule-based table.
if (backTableOffset > 1) {
// for every row in the auto-generated sub-table, if a cell is
// populated that is also populated in row 1 of the rule-based
// sub-table, copy the value from row 1 over the value in the
// auto-generated sub-table
state = (int16_t*)tempStateTable.elementAt(1);
for (int32_t i = backTableOffset - 1; i < tempStateTable.size(); i++) {
int16_t* state2 = (int16_t*)tempStateTable.elementAt(i);
for (int32_t j = 0; j < numCategories; j++) {
if (state[j] != 0 && state2[j] != 0)
state2[j] = state[j];
// now, for every row in the rule-based sub-table that is not
// an end state, fill in all unpopulated cells with the values
// of the corresponding cells in the first row of the auto-
// generated sub-table.
state = (int16_t*)tempStateTable.elementAt(backTableOffset - 1);
for (int32_t i = 1; i < backTableOffset - 1; i++) {
int16_t* state2 = (int16_t*)tempStateTable.elementAt(i);
if ((state2[numCategories] & 0x8000) == 0) {
for (int32_t j = 0; j < numCategories; j++) {
if (state2[j] == 0)
state2[j] = state[j];
// finally, clean everything up and copy it into the actual BreakIterator
// by calling finishBuildingStateTable()
* Throws an IllegalArgumentException representing a syntax error in the rule
* description. The exception's message contains some debugging information.
* @param message A message describing the problem
* @param position The position in the description where the problem was
* discovered
* @param context The string containing the error
void RuleBasedBreakIteratorBuilder::error(UnicodeString message, int32_t position, UnicodeString context) {
throw new IllegalArgumentException("Parse error: " + message + " at " + position
+ " in " + context);