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Raw Normal View History

* Copyright 2012 Google Inc.
* Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
* found in the LICENSE file.
#include "Simplify.h"
#undef SkASSERT
#define SkASSERT(cond) while (!(cond)) { sk_throw(); }
// Terminology:
// A Path contains one of more Contours
// A Contour is made up of Segment array
// A Segment is described by a Verb and a Point array with 2, 3, or 4 points
// A Verb is one of Line, Quad(ratic), or Cubic
// A Segment contains a Span array
// A Span is describes a portion of a Segment using starting and ending T
// T values range from 0 to 1, where 0 is the first Point in the Segment
// An Edge is a Segment generated from a Span
// FIXME: remove once debugging is complete
#ifdef SK_DEBUG
int gDebugMaxWindSum = SK_MaxS32;
int gDebugMaxWindValue = SK_MaxS32;
typedef double AngleValue;
typedef SkScalar AngleValue;
#define DEBUG_UNUSED 0 // set to expose unused functions
#if 1 // set to 1 for multiple thread -- no debugging
const bool gRunTestsInOneThread = false;
#define DEBUG_ADD_T_PAIR 0
#define DEBUG_ANGLE 0
#define DEBUG_CROSS 0
#define DEBUG_DUMP 0
#define DEBUG_SORT 0
const bool gRunTestsInOneThread = true;
#define DEBUG_ADD_T_PAIR 0
#define DEBUG_ANGLE 1
#define DEBUG_CROSS 0
#define DEBUG_DUMP 1
#define DEBUG_SORT 1
#define DEBUG_DUMP 1
static const char* kLVerbStr[] = {"", "line", "quad", "cubic"};
// static const char* kUVerbStr[] = {"", "Line", "Quad", "Cubic"};
static int gContourID;
static int gSegmentID;
#ifndef DEBUG_TEST
#define DEBUG_TEST 0
#define MAKE_CONST_LINE(line, pts) \
const _Line line = {{pts[0].fX, pts[0].fY}, {pts[1].fX, pts[1].fY}}
#define MAKE_CONST_QUAD(quad, pts) \
const Quadratic quad = {{pts[0].fX, pts[0].fY}, {pts[1].fX, pts[1].fY}, \
{pts[2].fX, pts[2].fY}}
#define MAKE_CONST_CUBIC(cubic, pts) \
const Cubic cubic = {{pts[0].fX, pts[0].fY}, {pts[1].fX, pts[1].fY}, \
{pts[2].fX, pts[2].fY}, {pts[3].fX, pts[3].fY}}
static int LineIntersect(const SkPoint a[2], const SkPoint b[2],
Intersections& intersections) {
return intersect(aLine, bLine, intersections.fT[0], intersections.fT[1]);
static int QuadLineIntersect(const SkPoint a[3], const SkPoint b[2],
Intersections& intersections) {
return intersect(aQuad, bLine, intersections);
static int CubicLineIntersect(const SkPoint a[4], const SkPoint b[2],
Intersections& intersections) {
return intersect(aCubic, bLine, intersections.fT[0], intersections.fT[1]);
static int QuadIntersect(const SkPoint a[3], const SkPoint b[3],
Intersections& intersections) {
intersect(aQuad, bQuad, intersections);
return intersections.fUsed ? intersections.fUsed : intersections.fCoincidentUsed;
static int CubicIntersect(const SkPoint a[4], const SkPoint b[4],
Intersections& intersections) {
intersect(aCubic, bCubic, intersections);
return intersections.fUsed;
static int HLineIntersect(const SkPoint a[2], SkScalar left, SkScalar right,
SkScalar y, bool flipped, Intersections& intersections) {
return horizontalIntersect(aLine, left, right, y, flipped, intersections);
static int HQuadIntersect(const SkPoint a[3], SkScalar left, SkScalar right,
SkScalar y, bool flipped, Intersections& intersections) {
return horizontalIntersect(aQuad, left, right, y, flipped, intersections);
static int HCubicIntersect(const SkPoint a[4], SkScalar left, SkScalar right,
SkScalar y, bool flipped, Intersections& intersections) {
return horizontalIntersect(aCubic, left, right, y, flipped, intersections);
static int VLineIntersect(const SkPoint a[2], SkScalar top, SkScalar bottom,
SkScalar x, bool flipped, Intersections& intersections) {
return verticalIntersect(aLine, top, bottom, x, flipped, intersections);
static int VQuadIntersect(const SkPoint a[3], SkScalar top, SkScalar bottom,
SkScalar x, bool flipped, Intersections& intersections) {
return verticalIntersect(aQuad, top, bottom, x, flipped, intersections);
static int VCubicIntersect(const SkPoint a[4], SkScalar top, SkScalar bottom,
SkScalar x, bool flipped, Intersections& intersections) {
return verticalIntersect(aCubic, top, bottom, x, flipped, intersections);
static int (* const VSegmentIntersect[])(const SkPoint [], SkScalar ,
SkScalar , SkScalar , bool , Intersections& ) = {
static void LineXYAtT(const SkPoint a[2], double t, SkPoint* out) {
double x, y;
xy_at_t(line, t, x, y);
out->fX = SkDoubleToScalar(x);
out->fY = SkDoubleToScalar(y);
static void QuadXYAtT(const SkPoint a[3], double t, SkPoint* out) {
double x, y;
xy_at_t(quad, t, x, y);
out->fX = SkDoubleToScalar(x);
out->fY = SkDoubleToScalar(y);
static void CubicXYAtT(const SkPoint a[4], double t, SkPoint* out) {
double x, y;
xy_at_t(cubic, t, x, y);
out->fX = SkDoubleToScalar(x);
out->fY = SkDoubleToScalar(y);
static void (* const SegmentXYAtT[])(const SkPoint [], double , SkPoint* ) = {
static SkScalar LineXAtT(const SkPoint a[2], double t) {
double x;
xy_at_t(aLine, t, x, *(double*) 0);
return SkDoubleToScalar(x);
static SkScalar QuadXAtT(const SkPoint a[3], double t) {
double x;
xy_at_t(quad, t, x, *(double*) 0);
return SkDoubleToScalar(x);
static SkScalar CubicXAtT(const SkPoint a[4], double t) {
double x;
xy_at_t(cubic, t, x, *(double*) 0);
return SkDoubleToScalar(x);
static SkScalar (* const SegmentXAtT[])(const SkPoint [], double ) = {
static SkScalar LineYAtT(const SkPoint a[2], double t) {
double y;
xy_at_t(aLine, t, *(double*) 0, y);
return SkDoubleToScalar(y);
static SkScalar QuadYAtT(const SkPoint a[3], double t) {
double y;
xy_at_t(quad, t, *(double*) 0, y);
return SkDoubleToScalar(y);
static SkScalar CubicYAtT(const SkPoint a[4], double t) {
double y;
xy_at_t(cubic, t, *(double*) 0, y);
return SkDoubleToScalar(y);
static SkScalar (* const SegmentYAtT[])(const SkPoint [], double ) = {
static SkScalar LineDXAtT(const SkPoint a[2], double ) {
return a[1].fX - a[0].fX;
static SkScalar QuadDXAtT(const SkPoint a[3], double t) {
double x;
dxdy_at_t(quad, t, x, *(double*) 0);
return SkDoubleToScalar(x);
static SkScalar CubicDXAtT(const SkPoint a[4], double t) {
double x;
dxdy_at_t(cubic, t, x, *(double*) 0);
return SkDoubleToScalar(x);
static SkScalar (* const SegmentDXAtT[])(const SkPoint [], double ) = {
static void LineSubDivide(const SkPoint a[2], double startT, double endT,
SkPoint sub[2]) {
_Line dst;
sub_divide(aLine, startT, endT, dst);
sub[0].fX = SkDoubleToScalar(dst[0].x);
sub[0].fY = SkDoubleToScalar(dst[0].y);
sub[1].fX = SkDoubleToScalar(dst[1].x);
sub[1].fY = SkDoubleToScalar(dst[1].y);
static void QuadSubDivide(const SkPoint a[3], double startT, double endT,
SkPoint sub[3]) {
Quadratic dst;
sub_divide(aQuad, startT, endT, dst);
sub[0].fX = SkDoubleToScalar(dst[0].x);
sub[0].fY = SkDoubleToScalar(dst[0].y);
sub[1].fX = SkDoubleToScalar(dst[1].x);
sub[1].fY = SkDoubleToScalar(dst[1].y);
sub[2].fX = SkDoubleToScalar(dst[2].x);
sub[2].fY = SkDoubleToScalar(dst[2].y);
static void CubicSubDivide(const SkPoint a[4], double startT, double endT,
SkPoint sub[4]) {
Cubic dst;
sub_divide(aCubic, startT, endT, dst);
sub[0].fX = SkDoubleToScalar(dst[0].x);
sub[0].fY = SkDoubleToScalar(dst[0].y);
sub[1].fX = SkDoubleToScalar(dst[1].x);
sub[1].fY = SkDoubleToScalar(dst[1].y);
sub[2].fX = SkDoubleToScalar(dst[2].x);
sub[2].fY = SkDoubleToScalar(dst[2].y);
sub[3].fX = SkDoubleToScalar(dst[3].x);
sub[3].fY = SkDoubleToScalar(dst[3].y);
static void (* const SegmentSubDivide[])(const SkPoint [], double , double ,
SkPoint []) = {
static void LineSubDivideHD(const SkPoint a[2], double startT, double endT,
_Line sub) {
_Line dst;
sub_divide(aLine, startT, endT, dst);
sub[0] = dst[0];
sub[1] = dst[1];
static void QuadSubDivideHD(const SkPoint a[3], double startT, double endT,
Quadratic sub) {
Quadratic dst;
sub_divide(aQuad, startT, endT, dst);
sub[0] = dst[0];
sub[1] = dst[1];
sub[2] = dst[2];
static void CubicSubDivideHD(const SkPoint a[4], double startT, double endT,
Cubic sub) {
Cubic dst;
sub_divide(aCubic, startT, endT, dst);
sub[0] = dst[0];
sub[1] = dst[1];
sub[2] = dst[2];
sub[3] = dst[3];
static void QuadSubBounds(const SkPoint a[3], double startT, double endT,
SkRect& bounds) {
SkPoint dst[3];
QuadSubDivide(a, startT, endT, dst);
bounds.fLeft = bounds.fRight = dst[0].fX;
bounds.fTop = bounds.fBottom = dst[0].fY;
for (int index = 1; index < 3; ++index) {
bounds.growToInclude(dst[index].fX, dst[index].fY);
static void CubicSubBounds(const SkPoint a[4], double startT, double endT,
SkRect& bounds) {
SkPoint dst[4];
CubicSubDivide(a, startT, endT, dst);
bounds.fLeft = bounds.fRight = dst[0].fX;
bounds.fTop = bounds.fBottom = dst[0].fY;
for (int index = 1; index < 4; ++index) {
bounds.growToInclude(dst[index].fX, dst[index].fY);
static SkPath::Verb QuadReduceOrder(const SkPoint a[3],
SkTDArray<SkPoint>& reducePts) {
Quadratic dst;
int order = reduceOrder(aQuad, dst);
if (order == 2) { // quad became line
for (int index = 0; index < order; ++index) {
SkPoint* pt = reducePts.append();
pt->fX = SkDoubleToScalar(dst[index].x);
pt->fY = SkDoubleToScalar(dst[index].y);
return (SkPath::Verb) (order - 1);
static SkPath::Verb CubicReduceOrder(const SkPoint a[4],
SkTDArray<SkPoint>& reducePts) {
Cubic dst;
int order = reduceOrder(aCubic, dst, kReduceOrder_QuadraticsAllowed);
if (order == 2 || order == 3) { // cubic became line or quad
for (int index = 0; index < order; ++index) {
SkPoint* pt = reducePts.append();
pt->fX = SkDoubleToScalar(dst[index].x);
pt->fY = SkDoubleToScalar(dst[index].y);
return (SkPath::Verb) (order - 1);
static bool QuadIsLinear(const SkPoint a[3]) {
return isLinear(aQuad, 0, 2);
static bool CubicIsLinear(const SkPoint a[4]) {
return isLinear(aCubic, 0, 3);
static SkScalar LineLeftMost(const SkPoint a[2], double startT, double endT) {
double x[2];
xy_at_t(aLine, startT, x[0], *(double*) 0);
xy_at_t(aLine, endT, x[1], *(double*) 0);
return SkMinScalar((float) x[0], (float) x[1]);
static SkScalar QuadLeftMost(const SkPoint a[3], double startT, double endT) {
return (float) leftMostT(aQuad, startT, endT);
static SkScalar CubicLeftMost(const SkPoint a[4], double startT, double endT) {
return (float) leftMostT(aCubic, startT, endT);
static SkScalar (* const SegmentLeftMost[])(const SkPoint [], double , double) = {
class Segment;
// sorting angles
// given angles of {dx dy ddx ddy dddx dddy} sort them
class Angle {
// FIXME: this is bogus for quads and cubics
// if the quads and cubics' line from end pt to ctrl pt are coincident,
// there's no obvious way to determine the curve ordering from the
// derivatives alone. In particular, if one quadratic's coincident tangent
// is longer than the other curve, the final control point can place the
// longer curve on either side of the shorter one.
// Using Bezier curve focus
// may provide some help, but nothing has been figured out yet.
// start here
for quads and cubics, set up a parameterized line (e.g. LineParameters )
for points [0] to [1]. See if point [2] is on that line, or on one side
or the other. If it both quads' end points are on the same side, choose
the shorter tangent. If the tangents are equal, choose the better second
tangent angle
maybe I set up LineParameters lazily
bool operator<(const Angle& rh) const {
if ((fDy < 0) ^ (rh.fDy < 0)) { // OPTIMIZATION: better to use fDy * rh.fDy < 0 ?
return fDy < 0;
if (fDy == 0 && rh.fDy == 0 && fDx * rh.fDx < 0) {
return fDx < rh.fDx;
AngleValue cmp = fDx * rh.fDy - rh.fDx * fDy;
if (!approximately_zero(cmp)) {
return cmp < 0;
// at this point, the initial tangent line is coincident
#if !HIGH_DEF_ANGLES // old way
AngleValue dy = approximately_pin(fDy + fDDy);
AngleValue rdy = approximately_pin(rh.fDy + rh.fDDy);
if (dy * rdy < 0) {
return dy < 0;
AngleValue dx = approximately_pin(fDx + fDDx);
AngleValue rdx = approximately_pin(rh.fDx + rh.fDDx);
if (dy == 0 && rdy == 0 && dx * rdx < 0) {
return dx < rdx;
cmp = dx * rdy - rdx * dy;
if (!approximately_zero(cmp)) {
return cmp < 0;
dy = approximately_pin(dy + fDDDy);
rdy = approximately_pin(rdy + rh.fDDDy);
if (dy * rdy < 0) {
return dy < 0;
dx = approximately_pin(dx + fDDDx);
rdx = approximately_pin(rdx + rh.fDDDx);
if (dy == 0 && rdy == 0 && dx * rdx < 0) {
return dx < rdx;
return dx * rdy < rdx * dy;
#else // new way
if (fSide * rh.fSide <= 0) {
SkASSERT(fSide != rh.fSide);
return fSide < rh.fSide;
if (fDy != rh.fDy) {
return fabs(fDy) < fabs(rh.fDy);
if (fDx != rh.fDx) {
return fabs(fDx) < fabs(rh.fDx);
if (fSide != rh.fSide) {
return fSide < rh.fSide;
SkASSERT(0); // add code for cubic case
double dx() const {
return fDx;
double dy() const {
return fDy;
int end() const {
return fEnd;
bool isHorizontal() const {
return fDy == 0 && fDDy == 0 && fDDDy == 0;
// high precision version
void set(const SkPoint* orig, SkPath::Verb verb, const Segment* segment,
int start, int end, double startT, double endT) {
fSegment = segment;
fStart = start;
fEnd = end;
switch (verb) {
case SkPath::kLine_Verb:
_Line l;
LineSubDivideHD(orig, startT, endT, l);
fDDx = fDDy = fDDDx = fDDDy = 0;
fSide = 0;
// OPTIMIZATION: for pure line compares, we never need fTangent1.c
case SkPath::kQuad_Verb:
Quadratic q;
QuadSubDivideHD(orig, startT, endT, q);
fDDx = approximately_pin(q[2].x - 2 * q[1].x + q[0].x);
fDDy = approximately_pin(q[2].y - 2 * q[1].y + q[0].y);
fDDDx = fDDDy = 0;
fTangent1.quadEndPoints(q, 0, 1);
fSide = -fTangent1.pointDistance(q[2]);
case SkPath::kCubic_Verb:
Cubic c;
CubicSubDivideHD(orig, startT, endT, c);
fDDx = approximately_pin(c[2].x - 2 * c[1].x + c[0].x);
fDDy = approximately_pin(c[2].y - 2 * c[1].y + c[0].y);
fDDDx = approximately_pin(c[3].x + 3 * (c[1].x - c[2].x) - c[0].x);
fDDDy = approximately_pin(c[3].y + 3 * (c[1].y - c[2].y) - c[0].y);
fTangent1.cubicEndPoints(c, 0, 1);
fSide = -fTangent1.pointDistance(c[2]);
// OPTIMIZATION: don't need these, access fTangent1 directly
fDx = fTangent1.dx();
fDy = fTangent1.dy();
// since all angles share a point, this needs to know which point
// is the common origin, i.e., whether the center is at pts[0] or pts[verb]
// practically, this should only be called by addAngle
void set(const SkPoint* pts, SkPath::Verb verb, const Segment* segment,
int start, int end) {
SkASSERT(start != end);
fSegment = segment;
fStart = start;
fEnd = end;
fDx = approximately_pin(pts[1].fX - pts[0].fX); // b - a
fDy = approximately_pin(pts[1].fY - pts[0].fY);
if (verb == SkPath::kLine_Verb) {
fDDx = fDDy = fDDDx = fDDDy = 0;
fDDx = approximately_pin(pts[2].fX - pts[1].fX - fDx); // a - 2b + c
fDDy = approximately_pin(pts[2].fY - pts[1].fY - fDy);
if (verb == SkPath::kQuad_Verb) {
fDDDx = fDDDy = 0;
fDDDx = approximately_pin(pts[3].fX + 3 * (pts[1].fX - pts[2].fX) - pts[0].fX);
fDDDy = approximately_pin(pts[3].fY + 3 * (pts[1].fY - pts[2].fY) - pts[0].fY);
// noncoincident quads/cubics may have the same initial angle
// as lines, so must sort by derivatives as well
// if flatness turns out to be a reasonable way to sort, use the below:
void setFlat(const SkPoint* pts, SkPath::Verb verb, Segment* segment,
int start, int end) {
fSegment = segment;
fStart = start;
fEnd = end;
fDx = pts[1].fX - pts[0].fX; // b - a
fDy = pts[1].fY - pts[0].fY;
if (verb == SkPath::kLine_Verb) {
fDDx = fDDy = fDDDx = fDDDy = 0;
if (verb == SkPath::kQuad_Verb) {
int uplsX = FloatAsInt(pts[2].fX - pts[1].fY - fDx);
int uplsY = FloatAsInt(pts[2].fY - pts[1].fY - fDy);
int larger = std::max(abs(uplsX), abs(uplsY));
int shift = 0;
double flatT;
SkPoint ddPt; // FIXME: get rid of copy (change fDD_ to point)
LineParameters implicitLine;
MAKE_CONST_LINE(tangent, pts);
while (larger > UlpsEpsilon * 1024) {
larger >>= 2;
flatT = 0.5 / (1 << shift);
QuadXYAtT(pts, flatT, &ddPt);
_Point _pt = {ddPt.fX, ddPt.fY};
double distance = implicitLine.pointDistance(_pt);
if (approximately_zero(distance)) {
SkDebugf("%s ulps too small %1.9g\n", __FUNCTION__, distance);
flatT = 0.5 / (1 << shift);
QuadXYAtT(pts, flatT, &ddPt);
fDDx = ddPt.fX - pts[0].fX;
fDDy = ddPt.fY - pts[0].fY;
SkASSERT(fDDx != 0 || fDDy != 0);
fDDDx = fDDDy = 0;
SkASSERT(0); // FIXME: add cubic case
Segment* segment() const {
return const_cast<Segment*>(fSegment);
int sign() const {
return SkSign32(fStart - fEnd);
int start() const {
return fStart;
void debugShow(const SkPoint& a) const {
SkDebugf(" d=(%1.9g,%1.9g) dd=(%1.9g,%1.9g) ddd=(%1.9g,%1.9g)\n",
fDx, fDy, fDDx, fDDy, fDDDx, fDDDy);
AngleValue ax = (AngleValue) a.fX;
AngleValue ay = (AngleValue) a.fY;
AngleValue bx, by, cx, cy, dx, dy;
bx = ax + fDx; // add b - a
by = ay + fDy;
cx = ax + 2 * fDx + fDDx; // add a + 2(b - a) to a - 2b + c
cy = ay + 2 * fDy + fDDy;
if (fDDDx == 0 && fDDDy == 0) {
if (fDDx == 0 && fDDy == 0) {
" {SkPath::kLine_Verb, {{%1.9g, %1.9g}, {%1.9g, %1.9g} }},\n",
ax, ay, bx, by);
} else {
" {SkPath::kQuad_Verb, {{%1.9g, %1.9g}, {%1.9g, %1.9g}, {%1.9g, %1.9g}}},\n",
ax, ay, bx, by, cx, cy);
} else {
dx = fDDDx - ax - 3 * (cx - bx);
dy = fDDDy - ay - 3 * (cy - by);
" {SkPath::kCubic_Verb, {{%1.9g, %1.9g}, {%1.9g, %1.9g}, {%1.9g, %1.9g}, {%1.9g, %1.9g}}},\n",
ax, ay, bx, by, cx, cy, dx, dy);
AngleValue fDx;
AngleValue fDy;
AngleValue fDDx;
AngleValue fDDy;
AngleValue fDDDx;
AngleValue fDDDy;
double fSide;
LineParameters fTangent1; // FIXME: replaces fDx, fDy
const Segment* fSegment;
int fStart;
int fEnd;
static void sortAngles(SkTDArray<Angle>& angles, SkTDArray<Angle*>& angleList) {
int angleCount = angles.count();
int angleIndex;
for (angleIndex = 0; angleIndex < angleCount; ++angleIndex) {
*angleList.append() = &angles[angleIndex];
QSort<Angle>(angleList.begin(), angleList.end() - 1);
// Bounds, unlike Rect, does not consider a line to be empty.
struct Bounds : public SkRect {
static bool Intersects(const Bounds& a, const Bounds& b) {
return a.fLeft <= b.fRight && b.fLeft <= a.fRight &&
a.fTop <= b.fBottom && b.fTop <= a.fBottom;
void add(SkScalar left, SkScalar top, SkScalar right, SkScalar bottom) {
if (left < fLeft) {
fLeft = left;
if (top < fTop) {
fTop = top;
if (right > fRight) {
fRight = right;
if (bottom > fBottom) {
fBottom = bottom;
void add(const Bounds& toAdd) {
add(toAdd.fLeft, toAdd.fTop, toAdd.fRight, toAdd.fBottom);
bool isEmpty() {
return fLeft > fRight || fTop > fBottom
|| fLeft == fRight && fTop == fBottom
|| isnan(fLeft) || isnan(fRight)
|| isnan(fTop) || isnan(fBottom);
void setCubicBounds(const SkPoint a[4]) {
_Rect dRect;
set((float) dRect.left, (float), (float) dRect.right,
(float) dRect.bottom);
void setQuadBounds(const SkPoint a[3]) {
_Rect dRect;
set((float) dRect.left, (float), (float) dRect.right,
(float) dRect.bottom);
static bool useInnerWinding(int outerWinding, int innerWinding) {
SkASSERT(outerWinding != innerWinding);
int absOut = abs(outerWinding);
int absIn = abs(innerWinding);
bool result = absOut == absIn ? outerWinding < 0 : absOut < absIn;
if (outerWinding * innerWinding < 0) {
SkDebugf("%s outer=%d inner=%d result=%s\n", __FUNCTION__,
outerWinding, innerWinding, result ? "true" : "false");
return result;
struct Span {
Segment* fOther;
mutable SkPoint fPt; // lazily computed as needed
double fT;
double fOtherT; // value at fOther[fOtherIndex].fT
int fOtherIndex; // can't be used during intersection
int fWindSum; // accumulated from contours surrounding this one
int fWindValue; // 0 == canceled; 1 == normal; >1 == coincident
bool fDone; // if set, this span to next higher T has been processed
class Segment {
Segment() {
fID = ++gSegmentID;
bool activeAngle(int index, int& done, SkTDArray<Angle>& angles) const {
if (activeAngleInner(index, done, angles)) {
return true;
double referenceT = fTs[index].fT;
int lesser = index;
while (--lesser >= 0 && approximately_negative(referenceT - fTs[lesser].fT)) {
if (activeAngleOther(lesser, done, angles)) {
return true;
do {
if (activeAngleOther(index, done, angles)) {
return true;
} while (++index < fTs.count() && approximately_negative(fTs[index].fT - referenceT));
return false;
bool activeAngleOther(int index, int& done, SkTDArray<Angle>& angles) const {
Span* span = &fTs[index];
Segment* other = span->fOther;
int oIndex = span->fOtherIndex;
return other->activeAngleInner(oIndex, done, angles);
bool activeAngleInner(int index, int& done, SkTDArray<Angle>& angles) const {
int next = nextSpan(index, 1);
if (next > 0) {
const Span& upSpan = fTs[index];
if (upSpan.fWindValue) {
addAngle(angles, index, next);
if (upSpan.fDone) {
} else if (upSpan.fWindSum != SK_MinS32) {
return true;
int prev = nextSpan(index, -1);
// edge leading into junction
if (prev >= 0) {
const Span& downSpan = fTs[prev];
if (downSpan.fWindValue) {
addAngle(angles, index, prev);
if (downSpan.fDone) {
} else if (downSpan.fWindSum != SK_MinS32) {
return true;
return false;
SkScalar activeTop() const {
int count = fTs.count();
SkScalar result = SK_ScalarMax;
bool lastDone = true;
for (int index = 0; index < count; ++index) {
bool done = fTs[index].fDone;
if (!done || !lastDone) {
SkScalar y = yAtT(index);
if (result > y) {
result = y;
lastDone = done;
SkASSERT(result < SK_ScalarMax);
return result;
void addAngle(SkTDArray<Angle>& angles, int start, int end) const {
SkASSERT(start != end);
Angle* angle = angles.append();
#if HIGH_DEF_ANGLES==0 // old way
SkPoint edge[4];
(*SegmentSubDivide[fVerb])(fPts, fTs[start].fT, fTs[end].fT, edge);
angle->set(edge, fVerb, this, start, end);
#else // new way : compute temp edge in higher precision
angle->set(fPts, fVerb, this, start, end, fTs[start].fT, fTs[end].fT);
void addCancelOutsides(double tStart, double oStart, Segment& other,
double oEnd) {
int tIndex = -1;
int tCount = fTs.count();
int oIndex = -1;
int oCount = other.fTs.count();
do {
} while (!approximately_negative(tStart - fTs[tIndex].fT) && tIndex < tCount);
int tIndexStart = tIndex;
do {
} while (!approximately_negative(oStart - other.fTs[oIndex].fT) && oIndex < oCount);
int oIndexStart = oIndex;
double nextT;
do {
nextT = fTs[++tIndex].fT;
} while (nextT < 1 && approximately_negative(nextT - tStart));
double oNextT;
do {
oNextT = other.fTs[++oIndex].fT;
} while (oNextT < 1 && approximately_negative(oNextT - oStart));
// at this point, spans before and after are at:
// fTs[tIndexStart - 1], fTs[tIndexStart], fTs[tIndex]
// if tIndexStart == 0, no prior span
// if nextT == 1, no following span
// advance the span with zero winding
// if the following span exists (not past the end, non-zero winding)
// connect the two edges
if (!fTs[tIndexStart].fWindValue) {
if (tIndexStart > 0 && fTs[tIndexStart - 1].fWindValue) {
SkDebugf("%s 1 this=%d other=%d t [%d] %1.9g (%1.9g,%1.9g)\n",
__FUNCTION__, fID, other.fID, tIndexStart - 1,
fTs[tIndexStart].fT, xyAtT(tIndexStart).fX,
addTPair(fTs[tIndexStart].fT, other, other.fTs[oIndex].fT, false);
if (nextT < 1 && fTs[tIndex].fWindValue) {
SkDebugf("%s 2 this=%d other=%d t [%d] %1.9g (%1.9g,%1.9g)\n",
__FUNCTION__, fID, other.fID, tIndex,
fTs[tIndex].fT, xyAtT(tIndex).fX,
addTPair(fTs[tIndex].fT, other, other.fTs[oIndexStart].fT, false);
} else {
if (oIndexStart > 0 && other.fTs[oIndexStart - 1].fWindValue) {
SkDebugf("%s 3 this=%d other=%d t [%d] %1.9g (%1.9g,%1.9g)\n",
__FUNCTION__, fID, other.fID, oIndexStart - 1,
other.fTs[oIndexStart].fT, other.xyAtT(oIndexStart).fX,
other.debugAddTPair(other.fTs[oIndexStart].fT, *this, fTs[tIndex].fT);
if (oNextT < 1 && other.fTs[oIndex].fWindValue) {
SkDebugf("%s 4 this=%d other=%d t [%d] %1.9g (%1.9g,%1.9g)\n",
__FUNCTION__, fID, other.fID, oIndex,
other.fTs[oIndex].fT, other.xyAtT(oIndex).fX,
other.debugAddTPair(other.fTs[oIndex].fT, *this, fTs[tIndexStart].fT);
void addCoinOutsides(const SkTDArray<double>& outsideTs, Segment& other,
double oEnd) {
// walk this to outsideTs[0]
// walk other to outsideTs[1]
// if either is > 0, add a pointer to the other, copying adjacent winding
int tIndex = -1;
int oIndex = -1;
double tStart = outsideTs[0];
double oStart = outsideTs[1];
do {
} while (!approximately_negative(tStart - fTs[tIndex].fT));
do {
} while (!approximately_negative(oStart - other.fTs[oIndex].fT));
if (tIndex > 0 || oIndex > 0) {
addTPair(tStart, other, oStart, false);
tStart = fTs[tIndex].fT;
oStart = other.fTs[oIndex].fT;
do {
double nextT;
do {
nextT = fTs[++tIndex].fT;
} while (approximately_negative(nextT - tStart));
tStart = nextT;
do {
nextT = other.fTs[++oIndex].fT;
} while (approximately_negative(nextT - oStart));
oStart = nextT;
if (tStart == 1 && oStart == 1) {
addTPair(tStart, other, oStart, false);
} while (tStart < 1 && oStart < 1 && !approximately_negative(oEnd - oStart));
void addCubic(const SkPoint pts[4]) {
init(pts, SkPath::kCubic_Verb);
// FIXME: this needs to defer add for aligned consecutive line segments
SkPoint addCurveTo(int start, int end, SkPath& path, bool active) {
SkPoint edge[4];
// OPTIMIZE? if not active, skip remainder and return xy_at_t(end)
(*SegmentSubDivide[fVerb])(fPts, fTs[start].fT, fTs[end].fT, edge);
if (active) {
SkDebugf("%s %s (%1.9g,%1.9g)", __FUNCTION__,
kLVerbStr[fVerb], edge[1].fX, edge[1].fY);
if (fVerb > 1) {
SkDebugf(" (%1.9g,%1.9g)", edge[2].fX, edge[2].fY);
if (fVerb > 2) {
SkDebugf(" (%1.9g,%1.9g)", edge[3].fX, edge[3].fY);
switch (fVerb) {
case SkPath::kLine_Verb:
path.lineTo(edge[1].fX, edge[1].fY);
case SkPath::kQuad_Verb:
path.quadTo(edge[1].fX, edge[1].fY, edge[2].fX, edge[2].fY);
case SkPath::kCubic_Verb:
path.cubicTo(edge[1].fX, edge[1].fY, edge[2].fX, edge[2].fY,
edge[3].fX, edge[3].fY);
return edge[fVerb];
void addLine(const SkPoint pts[2]) {
init(pts, SkPath::kLine_Verb);
fBounds.set(pts, 2);
const SkPoint& addMoveTo(int tIndex, SkPath& path, bool active) {
const SkPoint& pt = xyAtT(tIndex);
if (active) {
SkDebugf("%s (%1.9g,%1.9g)\n", __FUNCTION__, pt.fX, pt.fY);
path.moveTo(pt.fX, pt.fY);
return pt;
// add 2 to edge or out of range values to get T extremes
void addOtherT(int index, double otherT, int otherIndex) {
Span& span = fTs[index];
span.fOtherT = otherT;
span.fOtherIndex = otherIndex;
void addQuad(const SkPoint pts[3]) {
init(pts, SkPath::kQuad_Verb);
// Defer all coincident edge processing until
// after normal intersections have been computed
// no need to be tricky; insert in normal T order
// resolve overlapping ts when considering coincidence later
// add non-coincident intersection. Resulting edges are sorted in T.
int addT(double newT, Segment* other) {
// FIXME: in the pathological case where there is a ton of intercepts,
// binary search?
int insertedAt = -1;
size_t tCount = fTs.count();
// FIXME: only do this pinning here (e.g. this is done also in quad/line intersect)
if (approximately_less_than_zero(newT)) {
newT = 0;
if (approximately_greater_than_one(newT)) {
newT = 1;
for (size_t index = 0; index < tCount; ++index) {
// OPTIMIZATION: if there are three or more identical Ts, then
// the fourth and following could be further insertion-sorted so
// that all the edges are clockwise or counterclockwise.
// This could later limit segment tests to the two adjacent
// neighbors, although it doesn't help with determining which
// circular direction to go in.
if (newT < fTs[index].fT) {
insertedAt = index;
Span* span;
if (insertedAt >= 0) {
span = fTs.insert(insertedAt);
} else {
insertedAt = tCount;
span = fTs.append();
span->fT = newT;
span->fOther = other;
span->fPt.fX = SK_ScalarNaN;
span->fWindSum = SK_MinS32;
span->fWindValue = 1;
if ((span->fDone = newT == 1)) {
return insertedAt;
// set spans from start to end to decrement by one
// note this walks other backwards
// FIMXE: there's probably an edge case that can be constructed where
// two span in one segment are separated by float epsilon on one span but
// not the other, if one segment is very small. For this
// case the counts asserted below may or may not be enough to separate the
// spans. Even if the counts work out, what if the spans aren't correctly
// sorted? It feels better in such a case to match the span's other span
// pointer since both coincident segments must contain the same spans.
void addTCancel(double startT, double endT, Segment& other,
double oStartT, double oEndT) {
SkASSERT(!approximately_negative(endT - startT));
SkASSERT(!approximately_negative(oEndT - oStartT));
int index = 0;
while (!approximately_negative(startT - fTs[index].fT)) {
int oIndex = other.fTs.count();
while (approximately_positive(other.fTs[--oIndex].fT - oEndT))
double tRatio = (oEndT - oStartT) / (endT - startT);
Span* test = &fTs[index];
Span* oTest = &other.fTs[oIndex];
SkTDArray<double> outsideTs;
SkTDArray<double> oOutsideTs;
do {
bool decrement = test->fWindValue && oTest->fWindValue;
bool track = test->fWindValue || oTest->fWindValue;
double testT = test->fT;
double oTestT = oTest->fT;
Span* span = test;
do {
if (decrement) {
} else if (track && span->fT < 1 && oTestT < 1) {
TrackOutside(outsideTs, span->fT, oTestT);
span = &fTs[++index];
} while (approximately_negative(span->fT - testT));
Span* oSpan = oTest;
double otherTMatchStart = oEndT - (span->fT - startT) * tRatio;
double otherTMatchEnd = oEndT - (test->fT - startT) * tRatio;
SkDEBUGCODE(int originalWindValue = oSpan->fWindValue);
while (approximately_negative(otherTMatchStart - oSpan->fT)
&& !approximately_negative(otherTMatchEnd - oSpan->fT)) {
#ifdef SK_DEBUG
SkASSERT(originalWindValue == oSpan->fWindValue);
if (decrement) {
} else if (track && oSpan->fT < 1 && testT < 1) {
TrackOutside(oOutsideTs, oSpan->fT, testT);
if (!oIndex) {
oSpan = &other.fTs[--oIndex];
test = span;
oTest = oSpan;
} while (!approximately_negative(endT - test->fT));
SkASSERT(!oIndex || approximately_negative(oTest->fT - oStartT));
// FIXME: determine if canceled edges need outside ts added
if (!done() && outsideTs.count()) {
double tStart = outsideTs[0];
double oStart = outsideTs[1];
addCancelOutsides(tStart, oStart, other, oEndT);
int count = outsideTs.count();
if (count > 2) {
double tStart = outsideTs[count - 2];
double oStart = outsideTs[count - 1];
addCancelOutsides(tStart, oStart, other, oEndT);
if (!other.done() && oOutsideTs.count()) {
double tStart = oOutsideTs[0];
double oStart = oOutsideTs[1];
other.addCancelOutsides(tStart, oStart, *this, endT);
// set spans from start to end to increment the greater by one and decrement
// the lesser
void addTCoincident(const int xorMask, double startT, double endT, Segment& other,
double oStartT, double oEndT) {
SkASSERT(!approximately_negative(endT - startT));
SkASSERT(!approximately_negative(oEndT - oStartT));
int index = 0;
while (!approximately_negative(startT - fTs[index].fT)) {
int oIndex = 0;
while (!approximately_negative(oStartT - other.fTs[oIndex].fT)) {
double tRatio = (oEndT - oStartT) / (endT - startT);
Span* test = &fTs[index];
Span* oTest = &other.fTs[oIndex];
SkTDArray<double> outsideTs;
SkTDArray<double> xOutsideTs;
SkTDArray<double> oOutsideTs;
SkTDArray<double> oxOutsideTs;
do {
bool transfer = test->fWindValue && oTest->fWindValue;
bool winding = xorMask < 0;
bool decrementThis = (test->fWindValue < oTest->fWindValue) & winding;
bool decrementOther = (test->fWindValue >= oTest->fWindValue) & winding;
Span* end = test;
double startT = end->fT;
int startIndex = index;
double oStartT = oTest->fT;
int oStartIndex = oIndex;
do {
if (transfer) {
if (decrementOther) {
#ifdef SK_DEBUG
SkASSERT(abs(end->fWindValue) < gDebugMaxWindValue);
} else if (decrementSpan(end)) {
TrackOutside(outsideTs, end->fT, oStartT);
} else if (oTest->fWindValue) {
if (startIndex > 0 && fTs[startIndex - 1].fWindValue) {
TrackOutside(xOutsideTs, end->fT, oStartT);
end = &fTs[++index];
} while (approximately_negative(end->fT - test->fT));
// because of the order in which coincidences are resolved, this and other
// may not have the same intermediate points. Compute the corresponding
// intermediate T values (using this as the master, other as the follower)
// and walk other conditionally -- hoping that it catches up in the end
double otherTMatch = (test->fT - startT) * tRatio + oStartT;
Span* oEnd = oTest;
while (!approximately_negative(oEndT - oEnd->fT) && approximately_negative(oEnd->fT - otherTMatch)) {
if (transfer) {
if (decrementThis) {
#ifdef SK_DEBUG
SkASSERT(abs(oEnd->fWindValue) < gDebugMaxWindValue);
} else if (other.decrementSpan(oEnd)) {
TrackOutside(oOutsideTs, oEnd->fT, startT);
} else if (test->fWindValue) {
if (oStartIndex > 0 && other.fTs[oStartIndex - 1].fWindValue) {
SkASSERT(0); // track for later?
oEnd = &other.fTs[++oIndex];
test = end;
oTest = oEnd;
} while (!approximately_negative(endT - test->fT));
SkASSERT(approximately_negative(oTest->fT - oEndT));
SkASSERT(approximately_negative(oEndT - oTest->fT));
if (!done()) {
if (outsideTs.count()) {
addCoinOutsides(outsideTs, other, oEndT);
if (xOutsideTs.count()) {
addCoinOutsides(xOutsideTs, other, oEndT);
if (!other.done() && oOutsideTs.count()) {
other.addCoinOutsides(oOutsideTs, *this, endT);
// FIXME: this doesn't prevent the same span from being added twice
// fix in caller, assert here?
void addTPair(double t, Segment& other, double otherT, bool borrowWind) {
int tCount = fTs.count();
for (int tIndex = 0; tIndex < tCount; ++tIndex) {
const Span& span = fTs[tIndex];
if (!approximately_negative(span.fT - t)) {
if (approximately_negative(span.fT - t) && span.fOther == &other && span.fOtherT == otherT) {
SkDebugf("%s addTPair duplicate this=%d %1.9g other=%d %1.9g\n",
__FUNCTION__, fID, t, other.fID, otherT);
SkDebugf("%s addTPair this=%d %1.9g other=%d %1.9g\n",
__FUNCTION__, fID, t, other.fID, otherT);
int insertedAt = addT(t, &other);
int otherInsertedAt = other.addT(otherT, this);
addOtherT(insertedAt, otherT, otherInsertedAt);
other.addOtherT(otherInsertedAt, t, insertedAt);
matchWindingValue(insertedAt, t, borrowWind);
other.matchWindingValue(otherInsertedAt, otherT, borrowWind);
void addTwoAngles(int start, int end, SkTDArray<Angle>& angles) const {
// add edge leading into junction
if (fTs[SkMin32(end, start)].fWindValue > 0) {
addAngle(angles, end, start);
// add edge leading away from junction
int step = SkSign32(end - start);
int tIndex = nextSpan(end, step);
if (tIndex >= 0 && fTs[SkMin32(end, tIndex)].fWindValue > 0) {
addAngle(angles, end, tIndex);
const Bounds& bounds() const {
return fBounds;
void buildAngles(int index, SkTDArray<Angle>& angles) const {
double referenceT = fTs[index].fT;
int lesser = index;
while (--lesser >= 0 && approximately_negative(referenceT - fTs[lesser].fT)) {
buildAnglesInner(lesser, angles);
do {
buildAnglesInner(index, angles);
} while (++index < fTs.count() && approximately_negative(fTs[index].fT - referenceT));
void buildAnglesInner(int index, SkTDArray<Angle>& angles) const {
Span* span = &fTs[index];
Segment* other = span->fOther;
// if there is only one live crossing, and no coincidence, continue
// in the same direction
// if there is coincidence, the only choice may be to reverse direction
// find edge on either side of intersection
int oIndex = span->fOtherIndex;
// if done == -1, prior span has already been processed
int step = 1;
int next = other->nextSpan(oIndex, step);
if (next < 0) {
step = -step;
next = other->nextSpan(oIndex, step);
// add candidate into and away from junction
other->addTwoAngles(next, oIndex, angles);
// figure out if the segment's ascending T goes clockwise or not
// not enough context to write this as shown
// instead, add all segments meeting at the top
// sort them using buildAngleList
// find the first in the sort
// see if ascendingT goes to top
bool clockwise(int /* tIndex */) const {
SkASSERT(0); // incomplete
return false;
int computeSum(int startIndex, int endIndex) {
SkTDArray<Angle> angles;
addTwoAngles(startIndex, endIndex, angles);
buildAngles(endIndex, angles);
SkTDArray<Angle*> sorted;
sortAngles(angles, sorted);
sorted[0]->segment()->debugShowSort(__FUNCTION__, sorted, 0, 0);
int angleCount = angles.count();
const Angle* angle;
const Segment* base;
int winding;
int firstIndex = 0;
do {
angle = sorted[firstIndex];
base = angle->segment();
winding = base->windSum(angle);
if (winding != SK_MinS32) {
if (++firstIndex == angleCount) {
return SK_MinS32;
} while (true);
// turn winding into contourWinding
int spanWinding = base->spanSign(angle);
bool inner = useInnerWinding(winding + spanWinding, winding);
SkDebugf("%s spanWinding=%d winding=%d sign=%d inner=%d result=%d\n", __FUNCTION__,
spanWinding, winding, angle->sign(), inner,
inner ? winding + spanWinding : winding);
if (inner) {
winding += spanWinding;
base->debugShowSort(__FUNCTION__, sorted, firstIndex, winding);
int nextIndex = firstIndex + 1;
int lastIndex = firstIndex != 0 ? firstIndex : angleCount;
winding -= base->spanSign(angle);
do {
if (nextIndex == angleCount) {
nextIndex = 0;
angle = sorted[nextIndex];
Segment* segment = angle->segment();
int maxWinding = winding;
winding -= segment->spanSign(angle);
if (segment->windSum(angle) == SK_MinS32) {
if (useInnerWinding(maxWinding, winding)) {
maxWinding = winding;
segment->markAndChaseWinding(angle, maxWinding);
} while (++nextIndex != lastIndex);
return windSum(SkMin32(startIndex, endIndex));
int crossedSpan(const SkPoint& basePt, SkScalar& bestY, double& hitT) const {
int bestT = -1;
SkScalar top = bounds().fTop;
SkScalar bottom = bounds().fBottom;
int end = 0;
do {
int start = end;
end = nextSpan(start, 1);
if (fTs[start].fWindValue == 0) {
SkPoint edge[4];
// OPTIMIZE: wrap this so that if start==0 end==fTCount-1 we can
// work with the original data directly
double startT = fTs[start].fT;
double endT = fTs[end].fT;
(*SegmentSubDivide[fVerb])(fPts, startT, endT, edge);
// intersect ray starting at basePt with edge
Intersections intersections;
int pts = (*VSegmentIntersect[fVerb])(edge, top, bottom, basePt.fX,
false, intersections);
if (pts == 0) {
if (pts > 1 && fVerb == SkPath::kLine_Verb) {
// if the intersection is edge on, wait for another one
SkASSERT(pts == 1); // FIXME: more code required to disambiguate
SkPoint pt;
double foundT = intersections.fT[0][0];
double testT = startT + (endT - startT) * foundT;
(*SegmentXYAtT[fVerb])(fPts, testT, &pt);
if (bestY < pt.fY && pt.fY < basePt.fY) {
bestY = pt.fY;
bestT = foundT < 1 ? start : end;
hitT = testT;
} while (fTs[end].fT != 1);
return bestT;
bool crossedSpanHalves(const SkPoint& basePt, bool leftHalf, bool rightHalf) {
// if a segment is connected to this one, consider it crossing
int tIndex;
if (fPts[0].fX == basePt.fX) {
tIndex = 0;
do {
const Span& sSpan = fTs[tIndex];
const Segment* sOther = sSpan.fOther;
if (!sOther->fTs[sSpan.fOtherIndex].fWindValue) {
if (leftHalf ? sOther->fBounds.fLeft < basePt.fX
: sOther->fBounds.fRight > basePt.fX) {
return true;
} while (fTs[++tIndex].fT == 0);
if (fPts[fVerb].fX == basePt.fX) {
tIndex = fTs.count() - 1;
do {
const Span& eSpan = fTs[tIndex];
const Segment* eOther = eSpan.fOther;
if (!eOther->fTs[eSpan.fOtherIndex].fWindValue) {
if (leftHalf ? eOther->fBounds.fLeft < basePt.fX
: eOther->fBounds.fRight > basePt.fX) {
return true;
} while (fTs[--tIndex].fT == 1);
return false;
bool decrementSpan(Span* span) {
SkASSERT(span->fWindValue > 0);
if (--(span->fWindValue) == 0) {
span->fDone = true;
return true;
return false;
bool done() const {
SkASSERT(fDoneSpans <= fTs.count());
return fDoneSpans == fTs.count();
bool done(const Angle& angle) const {
int start = angle.start();
int end = angle.end();
const Span& mSpan = fTs[SkMin32(start, end)];
return mSpan.fDone;
// so the span needs to contain the pairing info found here
// this should include the winding computed for the edge, and
// what edge it connects to, and whether it is discarded
// (maybe discarded == abs(winding) > 1) ?
// only need derivatives for duration of sorting, add a new struct
// for pairings, remove extra spans that have zero length and
// reference an unused other
// for coincident, the last span on the other may be marked done
// (always?)
// if loop is exhausted, contour may be closed.
// FIXME: pass in close point so we can check for closure
// given a segment, and a sense of where 'inside' is, return the next
// segment. If this segment has an intersection, or ends in multiple
// segments, find the mate that continues the outside.
// note that if there are multiples, but no coincidence, we can limit
// choices to connections in the correct direction
// mark found segments as done
// start is the index of the beginning T of this edge
// it is guaranteed to have an end which describes a non-zero length (?)
// winding -1 means ccw, 1 means cw
Segment* findNextWinding(SkTDArray<Span*>& chase, bool active,
int& nextStart, int& nextEnd, int& winding, int& spanWinding) {
const int startIndex = nextStart;
const int endIndex = nextEnd;
int outerWinding = winding;
int innerWinding = winding + spanWinding;
SkDebugf("%s winding=%d spanWinding=%d outerWinding=%d innerWinding=%d\n",
__FUNCTION__, winding, spanWinding, outerWinding, innerWinding);
if (useInnerWinding(outerWinding, innerWinding)) {
outerWinding = innerWinding;
SkASSERT(startIndex != endIndex);
int count = fTs.count();
SkASSERT(startIndex < endIndex ? startIndex < count - 1
: startIndex > 0);
int step = SkSign32(endIndex - startIndex);
int end = nextSpan(startIndex, step);
SkASSERT(end >= 0);
Span* endSpan = &fTs[end];
Segment* other;
if (isSimple(end)) {
// mark the smaller of startIndex, endIndex done, and all adjacent
// spans with the same T value (but not 'other' spans)
SkDebugf("%s simple\n", __FUNCTION__);
markDone(SkMin32(startIndex, endIndex), outerWinding);
other = endSpan->fOther;
nextStart = endSpan->fOtherIndex;
double startT = other->fTs[nextStart].fT;
nextEnd = nextStart;
do {
nextEnd += step;
} while (approximately_zero(startT - other->fTs[nextEnd].fT));
SkASSERT(step < 0 ? nextEnd >= 0 : nextEnd < other->fTs.count());
return other;
// more than one viable candidate -- measure angles to find best
SkTDArray<Angle> angles;
SkASSERT(startIndex - endIndex != 0);
SkASSERT((startIndex - endIndex < 0) ^ (step < 0));
addTwoAngles(startIndex, end, angles);
buildAngles(end, angles);
SkTDArray<Angle*> sorted;
sortAngles(angles, sorted);
int angleCount = angles.count();
int firstIndex = findStartingEdge(sorted, startIndex, end);
SkASSERT(firstIndex >= 0);
debugShowSort(__FUNCTION__, sorted, firstIndex, winding);
SkASSERT(sorted[firstIndex]->segment() == this);
SkDebugf("%s [%d] sign=%d\n", __FUNCTION__, firstIndex, sorted[firstIndex]->sign());
int sumWinding = winding - spanSign(sorted[firstIndex]);
int nextIndex = firstIndex + 1;
int lastIndex = firstIndex != 0 ? firstIndex : angleCount;
const Angle* foundAngle = NULL;
// FIXME: found done logic probably fails if there are more than 4
// sorted angles. It should bias towards the first and last undone
// edges -- but not sure that it won't choose a middle (incorrect)
// edge if one is undone
bool foundDone = false;
bool foundDone2 = false;
// iterate through the angle, and compute everyone's winding
bool altFlipped = false;
bool foundFlipped = false;
int foundMax = SK_MinS32;
int foundSum = SK_MinS32;
Segment* nextSegment;
int lastNonZeroSum = winding;
do {
if (nextIndex == angleCount) {
nextIndex = 0;
const Angle* nextAngle = sorted[nextIndex];
int maxWinding = sumWinding;
if (sumWinding) {
lastNonZeroSum = sumWinding;
nextSegment = nextAngle->segment();
sumWinding -= nextSegment->spanSign(nextAngle);
altFlipped ^= lastNonZeroSum * sumWinding < 0; // flip if different signs
SkASSERT(abs(sumWinding) <= gDebugMaxWindSum);
SkDebugf("%s [%d] maxWinding=%d sumWinding=%d sign=%d altFlipped=%d\n", __FUNCTION__,
nextIndex, maxWinding, sumWinding, nextAngle->sign(), altFlipped);
if (!sumWinding) {
if (!active) {
markDone(SkMin32(startIndex, endIndex), outerWinding);
// FIXME: seems like a bug that this isn't calling userInnerWinding
nextAngle->end()), maxWinding);
SkDebugf("%s [%d] inactive\n", __FUNCTION__, nextIndex);
return NULL;
if (!foundAngle || foundDone) {
foundAngle = nextAngle;
foundDone = nextSegment->done(*nextAngle);
foundFlipped = altFlipped;
foundMax = maxWinding;
if (!maxWinding && (!foundAngle || foundDone2)) {
if (foundAngle && foundDone2) {
SkDebugf("%s [%d] !foundAngle && foundDone2\n", __FUNCTION__, nextIndex);
foundAngle = nextAngle;
foundDone2 = nextSegment->done(*nextAngle);
foundFlipped = altFlipped;
foundSum = sumWinding;
if (nextSegment->done()) {
// if the winding is non-zero, nextAngle does not connect to
// current chain. If we haven't done so already, mark the angle
// as done, record the winding value, and mark connected unambiguous
// segments as well.
if (nextSegment->windSum(nextAngle) == SK_MinS32) {
if (useInnerWinding(maxWinding, sumWinding)) {
maxWinding = sumWinding;
Span* last;
if (foundAngle) {
last = nextSegment->markAndChaseWinding(nextAngle, maxWinding);
} else {
last = nextSegment->markAndChaseDone(nextAngle, maxWinding);
if (last) {
*chase.append() = last;
} while (++nextIndex != lastIndex);
markDone(SkMin32(startIndex, endIndex), outerWinding);
if (!foundAngle) {
return NULL;
nextStart = foundAngle->start();
nextEnd = foundAngle->end();
nextSegment = foundAngle->segment();
int flipped = foundFlipped ? -1 : 1;
spanWinding = SkSign32(spanWinding) * flipped * nextSegment->windValue(
SkMin32(nextStart, nextEnd));
if (winding) {
SkDebugf("%s ---6 winding=%d foundSum=", __FUNCTION__, winding);
if (foundSum == SK_MinS32) {
} else {
SkDebugf("%d", foundSum);
SkDebugf(" foundMax=");
if (foundMax == SK_MinS32) {
} else {
SkDebugf("%d", foundMax);
winding = foundSum;
SkDebugf("%s spanWinding=%d flipped=%d\n", __FUNCTION__, spanWinding, flipped);
return nextSegment;
Segment* findNextXor(int& nextStart, int& nextEnd) {
const int startIndex = nextStart;
const int endIndex = nextEnd;
SkASSERT(startIndex != endIndex);
int count = fTs.count();
SkASSERT(startIndex < endIndex ? startIndex < count - 1
: startIndex > 0);
int step = SkSign32(endIndex - startIndex);
int end = nextSpan(startIndex, step);
SkASSERT(end >= 0);
Span* endSpan = &fTs[end];
Segment* other;
markDone(SkMin32(startIndex, endIndex), 1);
if (isSimple(end)) {
SkDebugf("%s simple\n", __FUNCTION__);
other = endSpan->fOther;
nextStart = endSpan->fOtherIndex;
double startT = other->fTs[nextStart].fT;
SkDEBUGCODE(bool firstLoop = true;)
if ((approximately_less_than_zero(startT) && step < 0)
|| (approximately_greater_than_one(startT) && step > 0)) {
step = -step;
SkDEBUGCODE(firstLoop = false;)
do {
nextEnd = nextStart;
do {
nextEnd += step;
} while (approximately_zero(startT - other->fTs[nextEnd].fT));
if (other->fTs[SkMin32(nextStart, nextEnd)].fWindValue) {
#ifdef SK_DEBUG
SkDEBUGCODE(firstLoop = false;)
step = -step;
} while (true);
SkASSERT(step < 0 ? nextEnd >= 0 : nextEnd < other->fTs.count());
return other;
SkTDArray<Angle> angles;
SkASSERT(startIndex - endIndex != 0);
SkASSERT((startIndex - endIndex < 0) ^ (step < 0));
addTwoAngles(startIndex, end, angles);
buildAngles(end, angles);
SkTDArray<Angle*> sorted;
sortAngles(angles, sorted);
int angleCount = angles.count();
int firstIndex = findStartingEdge(sorted, startIndex, end);
SkASSERT(firstIndex >= 0);
debugShowSort(__FUNCTION__, sorted, firstIndex, 0);
SkASSERT(sorted[firstIndex]->segment() == this);
int nextIndex = firstIndex + 1;
int lastIndex = firstIndex != 0 ? firstIndex : angleCount;
const Angle* nextAngle;
Segment* nextSegment;
do {
if (nextIndex == angleCount) {
nextIndex = 0;
nextAngle = sorted[nextIndex];
nextSegment = nextAngle->segment();
if (!nextSegment->done(*nextAngle)) {
if (++nextIndex == lastIndex) {
return NULL;
} while (true);
nextStart = nextAngle->start();
nextEnd = nextAngle->end();
return nextSegment;
int findStartingEdge(SkTDArray<Angle*>& sorted, int start, int end) {
int angleCount = sorted.count();
int firstIndex = -1;
for (int angleIndex = 0; angleIndex < angleCount; ++angleIndex) {
const Angle* angle = sorted[angleIndex];
if (angle->segment() == this && angle->start() == end &&
angle->end() == start) {
firstIndex = angleIndex;
return firstIndex;
// FIXME: this is tricky code; needs its own unit test
void findTooCloseToCall(int xorMask) {
int count = fTs.count();
if (count < 3) { // require t=0, x, 1 at minimum
int matchIndex = 0;
int moCount;
Span* match;
Segment* mOther;
do {
match = &fTs[matchIndex];
mOther = match->fOther;
// FIXME: allow quads, cubics to be near coincident?
if (mOther->fVerb == SkPath::kLine_Verb) {
moCount = mOther->fTs.count();
if (moCount >= 3) {
if (++matchIndex >= count) {
} while (true); // require t=0, x, 1 at minimum
// OPTIMIZATION: defer matchPt until qualifying toCount is found?
const SkPoint* matchPt = &xyAtT(match);
// look for a pair of nearby T values that map to the same (x,y) value
// if found, see if the pair of other segments share a common point. If
// so, the span from here to there is coincident.
for (int index = matchIndex + 1; index < count; ++index) {
Span* test = &fTs[index];
if (test->fDone) {
Segment* tOther = test->fOther;
if (tOther->fVerb != SkPath::kLine_Verb) {
continue; // FIXME: allow quads, cubics to be near coincident?
int toCount = tOther->fTs.count();
if (toCount < 3) { // require t=0, x, 1 at minimum
const SkPoint* testPt = &xyAtT(test);
if (*matchPt != *testPt) {
matchIndex = index;
moCount = toCount;
match = test;
mOther = tOther;
matchPt = testPt;
int moStart = -1;
int moEnd = -1;
double moStartT, moEndT;
for (int moIndex = 0; moIndex < moCount; ++moIndex) {
Span& moSpan = mOther->fTs[moIndex];
if (moSpan.fDone) {
if (moSpan.fOther == this) {
if (moSpan.fOtherT == match->fT) {
moStart = moIndex;
moStartT = moSpan.fT;
if (moSpan.fOther == tOther) {
if (tOther->fTs[moSpan.fOtherIndex].fWindValue == 0) {
moStart = -1;
SkASSERT(moEnd == -1);
moEnd = moIndex;
moEndT = moSpan.fT;
if (moStart < 0 || moEnd < 0) {
// FIXME: if moStartT, moEndT are initialized to NaN, can skip this test
if (approximately_equal(moStartT, moEndT)) {
int toStart = -1;
int toEnd = -1;
double toStartT, toEndT;
for (int toIndex = 0; toIndex < toCount; ++toIndex) {
Span& toSpan = tOther->fTs[toIndex];
if (toSpan.fDone) {
if (toSpan.fOther == this) {
if (toSpan.fOtherT == test->fT) {
toStart = toIndex;
toStartT = toSpan.fT;
if (toSpan.fOther == mOther && toSpan.fOtherT == moEndT) {
if (mOther->fTs[toSpan.fOtherIndex].fWindValue == 0) {
moStart = -1;
SkASSERT(toEnd == -1);
toEnd = toIndex;
toEndT = toSpan.fT;
// FIXME: if toStartT, toEndT are initialized to NaN, can skip this test
if (toStart <= 0 || toEnd <= 0) {
if (approximately_equal(toStartT, toEndT)) {
// test to see if the segment between there and here is linear
if (!mOther->isLinear(moStart, moEnd)
|| !tOther->isLinear(toStart, toEnd)) {
bool flipped = (moStart - moEnd) * (toStart - toEnd) < 1;
if (flipped) {
mOther->addTCancel(moStartT, moEndT, *tOther, toEndT, toStartT);
} else {
mOther->addTCoincident(xorMask, moStartT, moEndT, *tOther, toStartT, toEndT);
// OPTIMIZATION : for a pair of lines, can we compute points at T (cached)
// and use more concise logic like the old edge walker code?
// FIXME: this needs to deal with coincident edges
Segment* findTop(int& tIndex, int& endIndex) {
// iterate through T intersections and return topmost
// topmost tangent from y-min to first pt is closer to horizontal
int firstT;
int lastT;
SkPoint topPt;
topPt.fY = SK_ScalarMax;
int count = fTs.count();
// see if either end is not done since we want smaller Y of the pair
bool lastDone = true;
for (int index = 0; index < count; ++index) {
const Span& span = fTs[index];
if (!span.fDone || !lastDone) {
const SkPoint& intercept = xyAtT(&span);
if (topPt.fY > intercept.fY || (topPt.fY == intercept.fY
&& topPt.fX > intercept.fX)) {
topPt = intercept;
firstT = lastT = index;
} else if (topPt == intercept) {
lastT = index;
lastDone = span.fDone;
// sort the edges to find the leftmost
int step = 1;
int end = nextSpan(firstT, step);
if (end == -1) {
step = -1;
end = nextSpan(firstT, step);
SkASSERT(end != -1);
// if the topmost T is not on end, or is three-way or more, find left
// look for left-ness from tLeft to firstT (matching y of other)
SkTDArray<Angle> angles;
SkASSERT(firstT - end != 0);
addTwoAngles(end, firstT, angles);
buildAngles(firstT, angles);
SkTDArray<Angle*> sorted;
sortAngles(angles, sorted);
sorted[0]->segment()->debugShowSort(__FUNCTION__, sorted, 0, 0);
// skip edges that have already been processed
firstT = -1;
Segment* leftSegment;
do {
const Angle* angle = sorted[++firstT];
leftSegment = angle->segment();
tIndex = angle->end();
endIndex = angle->start();
} while (leftSegment->fTs[SkMin32(tIndex, endIndex)].fDone);
return leftSegment;
// FIXME: not crazy about this
// when the intersections are performed, the other index is into an
// incomplete array. as the array grows, the indices become incorrect
// while the following fixes the indices up again, it isn't smart about
// skipping segments whose indices are already correct
// assuming we leave the code that wrote the index in the first place
void fixOtherTIndex() {
int iCount = fTs.count();
for (int i = 0; i < iCount; ++i) {
Span& iSpan = fTs[i];
double oT = iSpan.fOtherT;
Segment* other = iSpan.fOther;
int oCount = other->fTs.count();
for (int o = 0; o < oCount; ++o) {
Span& oSpan = other->fTs[o];
if (oT == oSpan.fT && this == oSpan.fOther) {
iSpan.fOtherIndex = o;
// OPTIMIZATION: uses tail recursion. Unwise?
Span* innerChaseDone(int index, int step, int winding) {
int end = nextSpan(index, step);
SkASSERT(end >= 0);
if (multipleSpans(end)) {
return &fTs[end];
const Span& endSpan = fTs[end];
Segment* other = endSpan.fOther;
index = endSpan.fOtherIndex;
int otherEnd = other->nextSpan(index, step);
Span* last = other->innerChaseDone(index, step, winding);
other->markDone(SkMin32(index, otherEnd), winding);
return last;
Span* innerChaseWinding(int index, int step, int winding) {
int end = nextSpan(index, step);
SkASSERT(end >= 0);
if (multipleSpans(end)) {
return &fTs[end];
const Span& endSpan = fTs[end];
Segment* other = endSpan.fOther;
index = endSpan.fOtherIndex;
int otherEnd = other->nextSpan(index, step);
int min = SkMin32(index, otherEnd);
if (other->fTs[min].fWindSum != SK_MinS32) {
SkASSERT(other->fTs[min].fWindSum == winding);
return NULL;
Span* last = other->innerChaseWinding(index, step, winding);
other->markWinding(min, winding);
return last;
void init(const SkPoint pts[], SkPath::Verb verb) {
fPts = pts;
fVerb = verb;
fDoneSpans = 0;
bool intersected() const {
return fTs.count() > 0;
bool isConnected(int startIndex, int endIndex) const {
return fTs[startIndex].fWindSum != SK_MinS32
|| fTs[endIndex].fWindSum != SK_MinS32;
bool isLinear(int start, int end) const {
if (fVerb == SkPath::kLine_Verb) {
return true;
if (fVerb == SkPath::kQuad_Verb) {
SkPoint qPart[3];
QuadSubDivide(fPts, fTs[start].fT, fTs[end].fT, qPart);
return QuadIsLinear(qPart);
} else {
SkASSERT(fVerb == SkPath::kCubic_Verb);
SkPoint cPart[4];
CubicSubDivide(fPts, fTs[start].fT, fTs[end].fT, cPart);
return CubicIsLinear(cPart);
// OPTIMIZE: successive calls could start were the last leaves off
// or calls could specialize to walk forwards or backwards
bool isMissing(double startT) const {
size_t tCount = fTs.count();
for (size_t index = 0; index < tCount; ++index) {
if (approximately_zero(startT - fTs[index].fT)) {
return false;
return true;
bool isSimple(int end) const {
int count = fTs.count();
if (count == 2) {
return true;
double t = fTs[end].fT;
if (approximately_less_than_zero(t)) {
return !approximately_less_than_zero(fTs[1].fT);
if (approximately_greater_than_one(t)) {
return !approximately_greater_than_one(fTs[count - 2].fT);
return false;
bool isHorizontal() const {
return fBounds.fTop == fBounds.fBottom;
bool isVertical() const {
return fBounds.fLeft == fBounds.fRight;
SkScalar leftMost(int start, int end) const {
return (*SegmentLeftMost[fVerb])(fPts, fTs[start].fT, fTs[end].fT);
// this span is excluded by the winding rule -- chase the ends
// as long as they are unambiguous to mark connections as done
// and give them the same winding value
Span* markAndChaseDone(const Angle* angle, int winding) {
int index = angle->start();
int endIndex = angle->end();
int step = SkSign32(endIndex - index);
Span* last = innerChaseDone(index, step, winding);
markDone(SkMin32(index, endIndex), winding);
return last;
Span* markAndChaseWinding(const Angle* angle, int winding) {
int index = angle->start();
int endIndex = angle->end();
int min = SkMin32(index, endIndex);
int step = SkSign32(endIndex - index);
Span* last = innerChaseWinding(index, step, winding);
markWinding(min, winding);
return last;
// FIXME: this should also mark spans with equal (x,y)
// This may be called when the segment is already marked done. While this
// wastes time, it shouldn't do any more than spin through the T spans.
// OPTIMIZATION: abort on first done found (assuming that this code is
// always called to mark segments done).
void markDone(int index, int winding) {
// SkASSERT(!done());
double referenceT = fTs[index].fT;
int lesser = index;
while (--lesser >= 0 && approximately_negative(referenceT - fTs[lesser].fT)) {
markOneDone(__FUNCTION__, lesser, winding);
do {
markOneDone(__FUNCTION__, index, winding);
} while (++index < fTs.count() && approximately_negative(fTs[index].fT - referenceT));
void markOneDone(const char* funName, int tIndex, int winding) {
Span* span = markOneWinding(funName, tIndex, winding);
if (!span) {
span->fDone = true;
Span* markOneWinding(const char* funName, int tIndex, int winding) {
Span& span = fTs[tIndex];
if (span.fDone) {
return NULL;
debugShowNewWinding(funName, span, winding);
SkASSERT(span.fWindSum == SK_MinS32 || span.fWindSum == winding);
#ifdef SK_DEBUG
SkASSERT(abs(winding) <= gDebugMaxWindSum);
span.fWindSum = winding;
return &span;
void markWinding(int index, int winding) {
// SkASSERT(!done());
double referenceT = fTs[index].fT;
int lesser = index;
while (--lesser >= 0 && approximately_negative(referenceT - fTs[lesser].fT)) {
markOneWinding(__FUNCTION__, lesser, winding);
do {
markOneWinding(__FUNCTION__, index, winding);
} while (++index < fTs.count() && approximately_negative(fTs[index].fT - referenceT));
void matchWindingValue(int tIndex, double t, bool borrowWind) {
int nextDoorWind = SK_MaxS32;
if (tIndex > 0) {
const Span& below = fTs[tIndex - 1];
if (approximately_negative(t - below.fT)) {
nextDoorWind = below.fWindValue;
if (nextDoorWind == SK_MaxS32 && tIndex + 1 < fTs.count()) {
const Span& above = fTs[tIndex + 1];
if (approximately_negative(above.fT - t)) {
nextDoorWind = above.fWindValue;
if (nextDoorWind == SK_MaxS32 && borrowWind && tIndex > 0 && t < 1) {
const Span& below = fTs[tIndex - 1];
nextDoorWind = below.fWindValue;
if (nextDoorWind != SK_MaxS32) {
Span& newSpan = fTs[tIndex];
newSpan.fWindValue = nextDoorWind;
if (!nextDoorWind) {
newSpan.fDone = true;
// return span if when chasing, two or more radiating spans are not done
// OPTIMIZATION: ? multiple spans is detected when there is only one valid
// candidate and the remaining spans have windValue == 0 (canceled by
// coincidence). The coincident edges could either be removed altogether,
// or this code could be more complicated in detecting this case. Worth it?
bool multipleSpans(int end) const {
return end > 0 && end < fTs.count() - 1;
// This has callers for two different situations: one establishes the end
// of the current span, and one establishes the beginning of the next span
// (thus the name). When this is looking for the end of the current span,
// coincidence is found when the beginning Ts contain -step and the end
// contains step. When it is looking for the beginning of the next, the
// first Ts found can be ignored and the last Ts should contain -step.
// OPTIMIZATION: probably should split into two functions
int nextSpan(int from, int step) const {
const Span& fromSpan = fTs[from];
int count = fTs.count();
int to = from;
while (step > 0 ? ++to < count : --to >= 0) {
const Span& span = fTs[to];
if (approximately_zero(span.fT - fromSpan.fT)) {
return to;
return -1;
const SkPoint* pts() const {
return fPts;
void reset() {
init(NULL, (SkPath::Verb) -1);
fBounds.set(SK_ScalarMax, SK_ScalarMax, SK_ScalarMax, SK_ScalarMax);
// OPTIMIZATION: mark as debugging only if used solely by tests
const Span& span(int tIndex) const {
return fTs[tIndex];
int spanSign(int startIndex, int endIndex) const {
int result = startIndex < endIndex ? -fTs[startIndex].fWindValue :
SkDebugf("%s spanSign=%d\n", __FUNCTION__, result);
return result;
int spanSign(const Angle* angle) const {
SkASSERT(angle->segment() == this);
return spanSign(angle->start(), angle->end());
// OPTIMIZATION: mark as debugging only if used solely by tests
double t(int tIndex) const {
return fTs[tIndex].fT;
static void TrackOutside(SkTDArray<double>& outsideTs, double end,
double start) {
int outCount = outsideTs.count();
if (outCount == 0 || !approximately_negative(end - outsideTs[outCount - 2])) {
*outsideTs.append() = end;
*outsideTs.append() = start;
void undoneSpan(int& start, int& end) {
size_t tCount = fTs.count();
size_t index;
for (index = 0; index < tCount; ++index) {
if (!fTs[index].fDone) {
SkASSERT(index < tCount - 1);
start = index;
double startT = fTs[index].fT;
while (approximately_negative(fTs[++index].fT - startT))
SkASSERT(index < tCount);
SkASSERT(index < tCount);
end = index;
void updatePts(const SkPoint pts[]) {
fPts = pts;
SkPath::Verb verb() const {
return fVerb;
int windSum(int tIndex) const {
return fTs[tIndex].fWindSum;
int windSum(const Angle* angle) const {
int start = angle->start();
int end = angle->end();
int index = SkMin32(start, end);
return windSum(index);
int windValue(int tIndex) const {
return fTs[tIndex].fWindValue;
int windValue(const Angle* angle) const {
int start = angle->start();
int end = angle->end();
int index = SkMin32(start, end);
return windValue(index);
SkScalar xAtT(const Span* span) const {
return xyAtT(span).fX;
const SkPoint& xyAtT(int index) const {
return xyAtT(&fTs[index]);
const SkPoint& xyAtT(const Span* span) const {
if (SkScalarIsNaN(span->fPt.fX)) {
if (span->fT == 0) {
span->fPt = fPts[0];
} else if (span->fT == 1) {
span->fPt = fPts[fVerb];
} else {
(*SegmentXYAtT[fVerb])(fPts, span->fT, &span->fPt);
return span->fPt;
SkScalar yAtT(int index) const {
return yAtT(&fTs[index]);
SkScalar yAtT(const Span* span) const {
return xyAtT(span).fY;
void dump() const {
const char className[] = "Segment";
const int tab = 4;
for (int i = 0; i < fTs.count(); ++i) {
SkPoint out;
(*SegmentXYAtT[fVerb])(fPts, t(i), &out);
SkDebugf("%*s [%d] %s.fTs[%d]=%1.9g (%1.9g,%1.9g) other=%d"
" otherT=%1.9g windSum=%d\n",
tab + sizeof(className), className, fID,
kLVerbStr[fVerb], i, fTs[i].fT, out.fX, out.fY,
fTs[i].fOther->fID, fTs[i].fOtherT, fTs[i].fWindSum);
SkDebugf("%*s [%d] fBounds=(l:%1.9g, t:%1.9g r:%1.9g, b:%1.9g)",
tab + sizeof(className), className, fID,
fBounds.fLeft, fBounds.fTop, fBounds.fRight, fBounds.fBottom);
// assert if pair has not already been added
void debugAddTPair(double t, const Segment& other, double otherT) const {
for (int i = 0; i < fTs.count(); ++i) {
if (fTs[i].fT == t && fTs[i].fOther == &other && fTs[i].fOtherT == otherT) {
int debugID() const {
return fID;
void debugShowSums() const {
SkDebugf("%s id=%d (%1.9g,%1.9g %1.9g,%1.9g)", __FUNCTION__, fID,
fPts[0].fX, fPts[0].fY, fPts[fVerb].fX, fPts[fVerb].fY);
for (int i = 0; i < fTs.count(); ++i) {
const Span& span = fTs[i];
SkDebugf(" [t=%1.3g %1.9g,%1.9g w=", span.fT, xAtT(&span), yAtT(&span));
if (span.fWindSum == SK_MinS32) {
} else {
SkDebugf("%d", span.fWindSum);
void debugShowTs() const {
SkDebugf("%s id=%d", __FUNCTION__, fID);
for (int i = 0; i < fTs.count(); ++i) {
SkDebugf(" [o=%d t=%1.3g %1.9g,%1.9g w=%d]", fTs[i].fOther->fID,
fTs[i].fT, xAtT(&fTs[i]), yAtT(&fTs[i]), fTs[i].fWindValue);
void debugShowActiveSpans() const {
if (done()) {
for (int i = 0; i < fTs.count(); ++i) {
if (fTs[i].fDone) {
SkDebugf("%s id=%d", __FUNCTION__, fID);
SkDebugf(" (%1.9g,%1.9g", fPts[0].fX, fPts[0].fY);
for (int vIndex = 1; vIndex <= fVerb; ++vIndex) {
SkDebugf(" %1.9g,%1.9g", fPts[vIndex].fX, fPts[vIndex].fY);
const Span* span = &fTs[i];
SkDebugf(") t=%1.9g (%1.9g,%1.9g)", fTs[i].fT,
xAtT(span), yAtT(span));
const Segment* other = fTs[i].fOther;
SkDebugf(" other=%d otherT=%1.9g otherIndex=%d windSum=",
other->fID, fTs[i].fOtherT, fTs[i].fOtherIndex);
if (fTs[i].fWindSum == SK_MinS32) {
} else {
SkDebugf("%d", fTs[i].fWindSum);
SkDebugf(" windValue=%d\n", fTs[i].fWindValue);
void debugShowNewWinding(const char* fun, const Span& span, int winding) {
const SkPoint& pt = xyAtT(&span);
SkDebugf("%s id=%d", fun, fID);
SkDebugf(" (%1.9g,%1.9g", fPts[0].fX, fPts[0].fY);
for (int vIndex = 1; vIndex <= fVerb; ++vIndex) {
SkDebugf(" %1.9g,%1.9g", fPts[vIndex].fX, fPts[vIndex].fY);
SkDebugf(") t=%1.9g (%1.9g,%1.9g) newWindSum=%d windSum=",
span.fT, pt.fX, pt.fY, winding);
if (span.fWindSum == SK_MinS32) {
} else {
SkDebugf("%d", span.fWindSum);
SkDebugf(" windValue=%d\n", span.fWindValue);
void debugShowSort(const char* fun, const SkTDArray<Angle*>& angles, int first,
const int contourWinding) const {
SkASSERT(angles[first]->segment() == this);
SkASSERT(angles.count() > 1);
int lastSum = contourWinding;
int windSum = lastSum - spanSign(angles[first]);
SkDebugf("%s %s contourWinding=%d sign=%d\n", fun, __FUNCTION__,
contourWinding, spanSign(angles[first]));
int index = first;
bool firstTime = true;
do {
const Angle& angle = *angles[index];
const Segment& segment = *angle.segment();
int start = angle.start();
int end = angle.end();
const Span& sSpan = segment.fTs[start];
const Span& eSpan = segment.fTs[end];
const Span& mSpan = segment.fTs[SkMin32(start, end)];
if (!firstTime) {
lastSum = windSum;
windSum -= segment.spanSign(&angle);
SkDebugf("%s [%d] id=%d %s start=%d (%1.9g,%,1.9g) end=%d (%1.9g,%,1.9g)"
" sign=%d windValue=%d winding: %d->%d (max=%d) done=%d\n",
__FUNCTION__, index, segment.fID, kLVerbStr[segment.fVerb],
start, segment.xAtT(&sSpan),
segment.yAtT(&sSpan), end, segment.xAtT(&eSpan),
segment.yAtT(&eSpan), angle.sign(), mSpan.fWindValue,
lastSum, windSum, useInnerWinding(lastSum, windSum)
? windSum : lastSum, mSpan.fDone);
if (index == angles.count()) {
index = 0;
if (firstTime) {
firstTime = false;
} while (index != first);
bool debugVerifyWinding(int start, int end, int winding) const {
const Span& span = fTs[SkMin32(start, end)];
int spanWinding = span.fWindSum;
if (spanWinding == SK_MinS32) {
return true;
int spanSign = SkSign32(start - end);
int signedVal = spanSign * span.fWindValue;
if (signedVal < 0) {
spanWinding -= signedVal;
return span.fWindSum == winding;
const SkPoint* fPts;
SkPath::Verb fVerb;
Bounds fBounds;
SkTDArray<Span> fTs; // two or more (always includes t=0 t=1)
int fDoneSpans; // quick check that segment is finished
int fID;
class Contour;
struct Coincidence {
Contour* fContours[2];
int fSegments[2];
double fTs[2][2];
class Contour {
Contour() {
fID = ++gContourID;
bool operator<(const Contour& rh) const {
return fBounds.fTop == rh.fBounds.fTop
? fBounds.fLeft < rh.fBounds.fLeft
: fBounds.fTop < rh.fBounds.fTop;
void addCoincident(int index, Contour* other, int otherIndex,
const Intersections& ts, bool swap) {
Coincidence& coincidence = *fCoincidences.append();
coincidence.fContours[0] = this;
coincidence.fContours[1] = other;
coincidence.fSegments[0] = index;
coincidence.fSegments[1] = otherIndex;
if (fSegments[index].verb() == SkPath::kLine_Verb &&
other->fSegments[otherIndex].verb() == SkPath::kLine_Verb) {
// FIXME: coincident lines use legacy Ts instead of coincident Ts
coincidence.fTs[swap][0] = ts.fT[0][0];
coincidence.fTs[swap][1] = ts.fT[0][1];
coincidence.fTs[!swap][0] = ts.fT[1][0];
coincidence.fTs[!swap][1] = ts.fT[1][1];
} else if (fSegments[index].verb() == SkPath::kQuad_Verb &&
other->fSegments[otherIndex].verb() == SkPath::kQuad_Verb) {
coincidence.fTs[swap][0] = ts.fCoincidentT[0][0];
coincidence.fTs[swap][1] = ts.fCoincidentT[0][1];
coincidence.fTs[!swap][0] = ts.fCoincidentT[1][0];
coincidence.fTs[!swap][1] = ts.fCoincidentT[1][1];
void addCross(const Contour* crosser) {
for (int index = 0; index < fCrosses.count(); ++index) {
SkASSERT(fCrosses[index] != crosser);
*fCrosses.append() = crosser;
void addCubic(const SkPoint pts[4]) {
fContainsCurves = true;
int addLine(const SkPoint pts[2]) {
return fSegments.count();
void addOtherT(int segIndex, int tIndex, double otherT, int otherIndex) {
fSegments[segIndex].addOtherT(tIndex, otherT, otherIndex);
int addQuad(const SkPoint pts[3]) {
fContainsCurves = true;
return fSegments.count();
int addT(int segIndex, double newT, Contour* other, int otherIndex) {
return fSegments[segIndex].addT(newT, &other->fSegments[otherIndex]);
const Bounds& bounds() const {
return fBounds;
void complete() {
fContainsIntercepts = false;
void containsIntercepts() {
fContainsIntercepts = true;
const Segment* crossedSegment(const SkPoint& basePt, SkScalar& bestY,
int &tIndex, double& hitT) {
int segmentCount = fSegments.count();
const Segment* bestSegment = NULL;
for (int test = 0; test < segmentCount; ++test) {
Segment* testSegment = &fSegments[test];
const SkRect& bounds = testSegment->bounds();
if (bounds.fBottom <= bestY) {
if (bounds.fTop >= basePt.fY) {
if (bounds.fLeft > basePt.fX) {
if (bounds.fRight < basePt.fX) {
if (bounds.fLeft == bounds.fRight) {
#if 0
bool leftHalf = bounds.fLeft == basePt.fX;
bool rightHalf = bounds.fRight == basePt.fX;
if ((leftHalf || rightHalf) && !testSegment->crossedSpanHalves(
basePt, leftHalf, rightHalf)) {
double testHitT;
int testT = testSegment->crossedSpan(basePt, bestY, testHitT);
if (testT >= 0) {
bestSegment = testSegment;
tIndex = testT;
hitT = testHitT;
return bestSegment;
bool crosses(const Contour* crosser) const {
for (int index = 0; index < fCrosses.count(); ++index) {
if (fCrosses[index] == crosser) {
return true;
return false;
void findTooCloseToCall(int xorMask) {
int segmentCount = fSegments.count();
for (int sIndex = 0; sIndex < segmentCount; ++sIndex) {
void fixOtherTIndex() {
int segmentCount = fSegments.count();
for (int sIndex = 0; sIndex < segmentCount; ++sIndex) {
void reset() {
fBounds.set(SK_ScalarMax, SK_ScalarMax, SK_ScalarMax, SK_ScalarMax);
fContainsCurves = fContainsIntercepts = false;
void resolveCoincidence(int xorMask) {
int count = fCoincidences.count();
for (int index = 0; index < count; ++index) {
Coincidence& coincidence = fCoincidences[index];
Contour* thisContour = coincidence.fContours[0];
Contour* otherContour = coincidence.fContours[1];
int thisIndex = coincidence.fSegments[0];
int otherIndex = coincidence.fSegments[1];
Segment& thisOne = thisContour->fSegments[thisIndex];
Segment& other = otherContour->fSegments[otherIndex];
double startT = coincidence.fTs[0][0];
double endT = coincidence.fTs[0][1];
bool opposite = false;
if (startT > endT) {
SkTSwap<double>(startT, endT);
opposite ^= true;
SkASSERT(!approximately_negative(endT - startT));
double oStartT = coincidence.fTs[1][0];
double oEndT = coincidence.fTs[1][1];
if (oStartT > oEndT) {
SkTSwap<double>(oStartT, oEndT);
opposite ^= true;
SkASSERT(!approximately_negative(oEndT - oStartT));
if (opposite) {
// make sure startT and endT have t entries
if (startT > 0 || oEndT < 1
|| thisOne.isMissing(startT) || other.isMissing(oEndT)) {
thisOne.addTPair(startT, other, oEndT, true);
if (oStartT > 0 || endT < 1
|| thisOne.isMissing(endT) || other.isMissing(oStartT)) {
other.addTPair(oStartT, thisOne, endT, true);
thisOne.addTCancel(startT, endT, other, oStartT, oEndT);
} else {
if (startT > 0 || oStartT > 0
|| thisOne.isMissing(startT) || other.isMissing(oStartT)) {
thisOne.addTPair(startT, other, oStartT, true);
if (endT < 1 || oEndT < 1
|| thisOne.isMissing(endT) || other.isMissing(oEndT)) {
other.addTPair(oEndT, thisOne, endT, true);
thisOne.addTCoincident(xorMask, startT, endT, other, oStartT, oEndT);
const SkTArray<Segment>& segments() {
return fSegments;
// OPTIMIZATION: feel pretty uneasy about this. It seems like once again
// we need to sort and walk edges in y, but that on the surface opens the
// same can of worms as before. But then, this is a rough sort based on
// segments' top, and not a true sort, so it could be ameniable to regular
// sorting instead of linear searching. Still feel like I'm missing something
Segment* topSegment(SkScalar& bestY) {
int segmentCount = fSegments.count();
SkASSERT(segmentCount > 0);
int best = -1;
Segment* bestSegment = NULL;
while (++best < segmentCount) {
Segment* testSegment = &fSegments[best];
if (testSegment->done()) {
bestSegment = testSegment;
if (!bestSegment) {
return NULL;
SkScalar bestTop = bestSegment->activeTop();
for (int test = best + 1; test < segmentCount; ++test) {
Segment* testSegment = &fSegments[test];
if (testSegment->done()) {
if (testSegment->bounds().fTop > bestTop) {
SkScalar testTop = testSegment->activeTop();
if (bestTop > testTop) {
bestTop = testTop;
bestSegment = testSegment;
bestY = bestTop;
return bestSegment;
Segment* undoneSegment(int& start, int& end) {
int segmentCount = fSegments.count();
for (int test = 0; test < segmentCount; ++test) {
Segment* testSegment = &fSegments[test];
if (testSegment->done()) {
testSegment->undoneSpan(start, end);
return testSegment;
return NULL;
int updateSegment(int index, const SkPoint* pts) {
Segment& segment = fSegments[index];
return segment.verb() + 1;
SkTArray<Segment>& debugSegments() {
return fSegments;
void dump() {
int i;
const char className[] = "Contour";
const int tab = 4;
SkDebugf("%s %p (contour=%d)\n", className, this, fID);
for (i = 0; i < fSegments.count(); ++i) {
SkDebugf("%*s.fSegments[%d]:\n", tab + sizeof(className),
className, i);
SkDebugf("%*s.fBounds=(l:%1.9g, t:%1.9g r:%1.9g, b:%1.9g)\n",
tab + sizeof(className), className,
fBounds.fLeft, fBounds.fTop,
fBounds.fRight, fBounds.fBottom);
SkDebugf("%*s.fContainsIntercepts=%d\n", tab + sizeof(className),
className, fContainsIntercepts);
SkDebugf("%*s.fContainsCurves=%d\n", tab + sizeof(className),
className, fContainsCurves);
void debugShowActiveSpans() {
for (int index = 0; index < fSegments.count(); ++index) {
void setBounds() {
int count = fSegments.count();
if (count == 0) {
SkDebugf("%s empty contour\n", __FUNCTION__);
// FIXME: delete empty contour?
fBounds = fSegments.front().bounds();
for (int index = 1; index < count; ++index) {
SkTArray<Segment> fSegments;
SkTDArray<Coincidence> fCoincidences;
SkTDArray<const Contour*> fCrosses;
Bounds fBounds;
bool fContainsIntercepts;
bool fContainsCurves;
int fID;
class EdgeBuilder {
EdgeBuilder(const SkPath& path, SkTArray<Contour>& contours)
: fPath(path)
, fCurrentContour(NULL)
, fContours(contours)
gContourID = 0;
gSegmentID = 0;
void complete() {
if (fCurrentContour && fCurrentContour->segments().count()) {
fCurrentContour = NULL;
void walk() {
// FIXME:remove once we can access path pts directly
SkPath::RawIter iter(fPath); // FIXME: access path directly when allowed
SkPoint pts[4];
SkPath::Verb verb;
do {
verb =;
*fPathVerbs.append() = verb;
if (verb == SkPath::kMove_Verb) {
*fPathPts.append() = pts[0];
} else if (verb >= SkPath::kLine_Verb && verb <= SkPath::kCubic_Verb) {
fPathPts.append(verb, &pts[1]);
} while (verb != SkPath::kDone_Verb);
// FIXME: end of section to remove once path pts are accessed directly
SkPath::Verb reducedVerb;
uint8_t* verbPtr = fPathVerbs.begin();
const SkPoint* pointsPtr = fPathPts.begin();
const SkPoint* finalCurveStart = NULL;
const SkPoint* finalCurveEnd = NULL;
while ((verb = (SkPath::Verb) *verbPtr++) != SkPath::kDone_Verb) {
switch (verb) {
case SkPath::kMove_Verb:
if (!fCurrentContour) {
fCurrentContour = fContours.push_back_n(1);
*fExtra.append() = -1; // start new contour
finalCurveEnd = pointsPtr++;
case SkPath::kLine_Verb:
// skip degenerate points
if (pointsPtr[-1].fX != pointsPtr[0].fX
|| pointsPtr[-1].fY != pointsPtr[0].fY) {
case SkPath::kQuad_Verb:
reducedVerb = QuadReduceOrder(&pointsPtr[-1], fReducePts);
if (reducedVerb == 0) {
break; // skip degenerate points
if (reducedVerb == 1) {
*fExtra.append() =
fCurrentContour->addLine(fReducePts.end() - 2);
case SkPath::kCubic_Verb:
reducedVerb = CubicReduceOrder(&pointsPtr[-1], fReducePts);
if (reducedVerb == 0) {
break; // skip degenerate points
if (reducedVerb == 1) {
*fExtra.append() =
fCurrentContour->addLine(fReducePts.end() - 2);
if (reducedVerb == 2) {
*fExtra.append() =
fCurrentContour->addQuad(fReducePts.end() - 3);
case SkPath::kClose_Verb:
if (finalCurveStart && finalCurveEnd
&& *finalCurveStart != *finalCurveEnd) {
*fReducePts.append() = *finalCurveStart;
*fReducePts.append() = *finalCurveEnd;
*fExtra.append() =
fCurrentContour->addLine(fReducePts.end() - 2);
SkDEBUGFAIL("bad verb");
finalCurveStart = &pointsPtr[verb - 1];
pointsPtr += verb;
if (fCurrentContour && !fCurrentContour->segments().count()) {
// correct pointers in contours since fReducePts may have moved as it grew
int cIndex = 0;
int extraCount = fExtra.count();
SkASSERT(extraCount == 0 || fExtra[0] == -1);
int eIndex = 0;
int rIndex = 0;
while (++eIndex < extraCount) {
int offset = fExtra[eIndex];
if (offset < 0) {
fCurrentContour = &fContours[cIndex];
rIndex += fCurrentContour->updateSegment(offset - 1,
fExtra.reset(); // we're done with this
const SkPath& fPath;
SkTDArray<SkPoint> fPathPts; // FIXME: point directly to path pts instead
SkTDArray<uint8_t> fPathVerbs; // FIXME: remove
Contour* fCurrentContour;
SkTArray<Contour>& fContours;
SkTDArray<SkPoint> fReducePts; // segments created on the fly
SkTDArray<int> fExtra; // -1 marks new contour, > 0 offsets into contour
class Work {
enum SegmentType {
kHorizontalLine_Segment = -1,
kVerticalLine_Segment = 0,
kLine_Segment = SkPath::kLine_Verb,
kQuad_Segment = SkPath::kQuad_Verb,
kCubic_Segment = SkPath::kCubic_Verb,
void addCoincident(Work& other, const Intersections& ts, bool swap) {
fContour->addCoincident(fIndex, other.fContour, other.fIndex, ts, swap);
// FIXME: does it make sense to write otherIndex now if we're going to
// fix it up later?
void addOtherT(int index, double otherT, int otherIndex) {
fContour->addOtherT(fIndex, index, otherT, otherIndex);
// Avoid collapsing t values that are close to the same since
// we walk ts to describe consecutive intersections. Since a pair of ts can
// be nearly equal, any problems caused by this should be taken care
// of later.
// On the edge or out of range values are negative; add 2 to get end
int addT(double newT, const Work& other) {
return fContour->addT(fIndex, newT, other.fContour, other.fIndex);
bool advance() {
return ++fIndex < fLast;
SkScalar bottom() const {
return bounds().fBottom;
const Bounds& bounds() const {
return fContour->segments()[fIndex].bounds();
const SkPoint* cubic() const {
return fCubic;
void init(Contour* contour) {
fContour = contour;
fIndex = 0;
fLast = contour->segments().count();
bool isAdjacent(const Work& next) {
return fContour == next.fContour && fIndex + 1 == next.fIndex;
bool isFirstLast(const Work& next) {
return fContour == next.fContour && fIndex == 0
&& next.fIndex == fLast - 1;
SkScalar left() const {
return bounds().fLeft;
void promoteToCubic() {
fCubic[0] = pts()[0];
fCubic[2] = pts()[1];
fCubic[3] = pts()[2];
fCubic[1].fX = (fCubic[0].fX + fCubic[2].fX * 2) / 3;
fCubic[1].fY = (fCubic[0].fY + fCubic[2].fY * 2) / 3;
fCubic[2].fX = (fCubic[3].fX + fCubic[2].fX * 2) / 3;
fCubic[2].fY = (fCubic[3].fY + fCubic[2].fY * 2) / 3;
const SkPoint* pts() const {
return fContour->segments()[fIndex].pts();
SkScalar right() const {
return bounds().fRight;
ptrdiff_t segmentIndex() const {
return fIndex;
SegmentType segmentType() const {
const Segment& segment = fContour->segments()[fIndex];
SegmentType type = (SegmentType) segment.verb();
if (type != kLine_Segment) {
return type;
if (segment.isHorizontal()) {
return kHorizontalLine_Segment;
if (segment.isVertical()) {
return kVerticalLine_Segment;
return kLine_Segment;
bool startAfter(const Work& after) {
fIndex = after.fIndex;
return advance();
SkScalar top() const {
return bounds().fTop;
SkPath::Verb verb() const {
return fContour->segments()[fIndex].verb();
SkScalar x() const {
return bounds().fLeft;
bool xFlipped() const {
return x() != pts()[0].fX;
SkScalar y() const {
return bounds().fTop;
bool yFlipped() const {
return y() != pts()[0].fY;
Contour* fContour;
SkPoint fCubic[4];
int fIndex;
int fLast;
static void debugShowLineIntersection(int pts, const Work& wt,
const Work& wn, const double wtTs[2], const double wnTs[2]) {
if (!pts) {
SkDebugf("%s no intersect (%1.9g,%1.9g %1.9g,%1.9g) (%1.9g,%1.9g %1.9g,%1.9g)\n",
__FUNCTION__, wt.pts()[0].fX, wt.pts()[0].fY,
wt.pts()[1].fX, wt.pts()[1].fY, wn.pts()[0].fX, wn.pts()[0].fY,
wn.pts()[1].fX, wn.pts()[1].fY);
SkPoint wtOutPt, wnOutPt;
LineXYAtT(wt.pts(), wtTs[0], &wtOutPt);
LineXYAtT(wn.pts(), wnTs[0], &wnOutPt);
SkDebugf("%s wtTs[0]=%g (%g,%g, %g,%g) (%g,%g)",
wtTs[0], wt.pts()[0].fX, wt.pts()[0].fY,
wt.pts()[1].fX, wt.pts()[1].fY, wtOutPt.fX, wtOutPt.fY);
if (pts == 2) {
SkDebugf(" wtTs[1]=%g", wtTs[1]);
SkDebugf(" wnTs[0]=%g (%g,%g, %g,%g) (%g,%g)",
wnTs[0], wn.pts()[0].fX, wn.pts()[0].fY,
wn.pts()[1].fX, wn.pts()[1].fY, wnOutPt.fX, wnOutPt.fY);
if (pts == 2) {
SkDebugf(" wnTs[1]=%g", wnTs[1]);
static void debugShowLineIntersection(int , const Work& ,
const Work& , const double [2], const double [2]) {
static bool addIntersectTs(Contour* test, Contour* next) {
if (test != next) {
if (test->bounds().fBottom < next->bounds().fTop) {
return false;
if (!Bounds::Intersects(test->bounds(), next->bounds())) {
return true;
Work wt;
bool foundCommonContour = test == next;
do {
Work wn;
if (test == next && !wn.startAfter(wt)) {
do {
if (!Bounds::Intersects(wt.bounds(), wn.bounds())) {
int pts;
Intersections ts;
bool swap = false;
switch (wt.segmentType()) {
case Work::kHorizontalLine_Segment:
swap = true;
switch (wn.segmentType()) {
case Work::kHorizontalLine_Segment:
case Work::kVerticalLine_Segment:
case Work::kLine_Segment: {
pts = HLineIntersect(wn.pts(), wt.left(),
wt.right(), wt.y(), wt.xFlipped(), ts);
debugShowLineIntersection(pts, wt, wn,
ts.fT[1], ts.fT[0]);
case Work::kQuad_Segment: {
pts = HQuadIntersect(wn.pts(), wt.left(),
wt.right(), wt.y(), wt.xFlipped(), ts);
case Work::kCubic_Segment: {
pts = HCubicIntersect(wn.pts(), wt.left(),
wt.right(), wt.y(), wt.xFlipped(), ts);
case Work::kVerticalLine_Segment:
swap = true;
switch (wn.segmentType()) {
case Work::kHorizontalLine_Segment:
case Work::kVerticalLine_Segment:
case Work::kLine_Segment: {
pts = VLineIntersect(wn.pts(),,
wt.bottom(), wt.x(), wt.yFlipped(), ts);
debugShowLineIntersection(pts, wt, wn,
ts.fT[1], ts.fT[0]);
case Work::kQuad_Segment: {
pts = VQuadIntersect(wn.pts(),,
wt.bottom(), wt.x(), wt.yFlipped(), ts);
case Work::kCubic_Segment: {
pts = VCubicIntersect(wn.pts(),,
wt.bottom(), wt.x(), wt.yFlipped(), ts);
case Work::kLine_Segment:
switch (wn.segmentType()) {
case Work::kHorizontalLine_Segment:
pts = HLineIntersect(wt.pts(), wn.left(),
wn.right(), wn.y(), wn.xFlipped(), ts);
debugShowLineIntersection(pts, wt, wn,
ts.fT[1], ts.fT[0]);
case Work::kVerticalLine_Segment:
pts = VLineIntersect(wt.pts(),,
wn.bottom(), wn.x(), wn.yFlipped(), ts);
debugShowLineIntersection(pts, wt, wn,
ts.fT[1], ts.fT[0]);
case Work::kLine_Segment: {
pts = LineIntersect(wt.pts(), wn.pts(), ts);
debugShowLineIntersection(pts, wt, wn,
ts.fT[1], ts.fT[0]);
case Work::kQuad_Segment: {
swap = true;
pts = QuadLineIntersect(wn.pts(), wt.pts(), ts);
case Work::kCubic_Segment: {
swap = true;
pts = CubicLineIntersect(wn.pts(), wt.pts(), ts);
case Work::kQuad_Segment:
switch (wn.segmentType()) {
case Work::kHorizontalLine_Segment:
pts = HQuadIntersect(wt.pts(), wn.left(),
wn.right(), wn.y(), wn.xFlipped(), ts);
case Work::kVerticalLine_Segment:
pts = VQuadIntersect(wt.pts(),,
wn.bottom(), wn.x(), wn.yFlipped(), ts);
case Work::kLine_Segment: {
pts = QuadLineIntersect(wt.pts(), wn.pts(), ts);
case Work::kQuad_Segment: {
pts = QuadIntersect(wt.pts(), wn.pts(), ts);
case Work::kCubic_Segment: {
pts = CubicIntersect(wt.cubic(), wn.pts(), ts);
case Work::kCubic_Segment:
switch (wn.segmentType()) {
case Work::kHorizontalLine_Segment:
pts = HCubicIntersect(wt.pts(), wn.left(),
wn.right(), wn.y(), wn.xFlipped(), ts);
case Work::kVerticalLine_Segment:
pts = VCubicIntersect(wt.pts(),,
wn.bottom(), wn.x(), wn.yFlipped(), ts);
case Work::kLine_Segment: {
pts = CubicLineIntersect(wt.pts(), wn.pts(), ts);
case Work::kQuad_Segment: {
pts = CubicIntersect(wt.pts(), wn.cubic(), ts);
case Work::kCubic_Segment: {
pts = CubicIntersect(wt.pts(), wn.pts(), ts);
if (!foundCommonContour && pts > 0) {
foundCommonContour = true;
// in addition to recording T values, record matching segment
if (pts == 2) {
if (wn.segmentType() <= Work::kLine_Segment
&& wt.segmentType() <= Work::kLine_Segment) {
wt.addCoincident(wn, ts, swap);
if (wn.segmentType() == Work::kQuad_Segment
&& wt.segmentType() == Work::kQuad_Segment
&& ts.coincidentUsed() == 2) {
wt.addCoincident(wn, ts, swap);
for (int pt = 0; pt < pts; ++pt) {
SkASSERT(ts.fT[0][pt] >= 0 && ts.fT[0][pt] <= 1);
SkASSERT(ts.fT[1][pt] >= 0 && ts.fT[1][pt] <= 1);
int testTAt = wt.addT(ts.fT[swap][pt], wn);
int nextTAt = wn.addT(ts.fT[!swap][pt], wt);
wt.addOtherT(testTAt, ts.fT[!swap][pt], nextTAt);
wn.addOtherT(nextTAt, ts.fT[swap][pt], testTAt);
} while (wn.advance());
} while (wt.advance());
return true;
// resolve any coincident pairs found while intersecting, and
// see if coincidence is formed by clipping non-concident segments
static void coincidenceCheck(SkTDArray<Contour*>& contourList, int xorMask) {
int contourCount = contourList.count();
for (int cIndex = 0; cIndex < contourCount; ++cIndex) {
Contour* contour = contourList[cIndex];
for (int cIndex = 0; cIndex < contourCount; ++cIndex) {
Contour* contour = contourList[cIndex];
// project a ray from the top of the contour up and see if it hits anything
// note: when we compute line intersections, we keep track of whether
// two contours touch, so we need only look at contours not touching this one.
// OPTIMIZATION: sort contourList vertically to avoid linear walk
static int innerContourCheck(SkTDArray<Contour*>& contourList,
const Segment* current, int index, int endIndex) {
const SkPoint& basePt = current->xyAtT(endIndex);
int contourCount = contourList.count();
SkScalar bestY = SK_ScalarMin;
const Segment* test = NULL;
int tIndex;
double tHit;
// bool checkCrosses = true;
for (int cTest = 0; cTest < contourCount; ++cTest) {
Contour* contour = contourList[cTest];
if (basePt.fY < contour->bounds().fTop) {
if (bestY > contour->bounds().fBottom) {
#if 0
// even though the contours crossed, if spans cancel through concidence,
// the contours may be not have any span links to chase, and the current
// segment may be isolated. Detect this by seeing if current has
// uninitialized wind sums. If so, project a ray instead of relying on
// previously found intersections.
if (baseContour == contour) {
if (checkCrosses && baseContour->crosses(contour)) {
if (current->isConnected(index, endIndex)) {
checkCrosses = false;
const Segment* next = contour->crossedSegment(basePt, bestY, tIndex, tHit);
if (next) {
test = next;
if (!test) {
return 0;
int winding, windValue;
// If the ray hit the end of a span, we need to construct the wheel of
// angles to find the span closest to the ray -- even if there are just
// two spokes on the wheel.
const Angle* angle = NULL;
if (approximately_zero(tHit - test->t(tIndex))) {
SkTDArray<Angle> angles;
int end = test->nextSpan(tIndex, 1);
if (end < 0) {
end = test->nextSpan(tIndex, -1);
test->addTwoAngles(end, tIndex, angles);
SkASSERT(angles.count() > 0);
if (angles[0].segment()->yAtT(angles[0].start()) >= basePt.fY) {
SkDebugf("%s early return\n", __FUNCTION__);
return 0;
test->buildAngles(tIndex, angles);
SkTDArray<Angle*> sorted;
// OPTIMIZATION: call a sort that, if base point is the leftmost,
// returns the first counterclockwise hour before 6 o'clock,
// or if the base point is rightmost, returns the first clockwise
// hour after 6 o'clock
sortAngles(angles, sorted);
sorted[0]->segment()->debugShowSort(__FUNCTION__, sorted, 0, 0);
// walk the sorted angle fan to find the lowest angle
// above the base point. Currently, the first angle in the sorted array
// is 12 noon or an earlier hour (the next counterclockwise)
int count = sorted.count();
int left = -1;
int mid = -1;
int right = -1;
bool baseMatches = test->yAtT(tIndex) == basePt.fY;
for (int index = 0; index < count; ++index) {
angle = sorted[index];
if (baseMatches && angle->isHorizontal()) {
double indexDx = angle->dx();
if (indexDx < 0) {
left = index;
} else if (indexDx > 0) {
right = index;
int previous = index - 1;
if (previous < 0) {
previous = count - 1;
const Angle* prev = sorted[previous];
if (prev->dy() >= 0 && prev->dx() > 0 && angle->dy() < 0) {
SkDebugf("%s use prev\n", __FUNCTION__);
right = previous;
} else {
mid = index;
if (left < 0 && right < 0) {
left = mid;
SkASSERT(left >= 0 || right >= 0);
if (left < 0) {
left = right;
} else if (left >= 0 && mid >= 0 && right >= 0
&& sorted[mid]->sign() == sorted[right]->sign()) {
left = right;
angle = sorted[left];
test = angle->segment();
winding = test->windSum(angle);
SkASSERT(winding != SK_MinS32);
windValue = test->windValue(angle);
SkDebugf("%s angle winding=%d windValue=%d sign=%d\n", __FUNCTION__, winding,
windValue, angle->sign());
} else {
winding = test->windSum(tIndex);
SkASSERT(winding != SK_MinS32);
windValue = test->windValue(tIndex);
SkDebugf("%s single winding=%d windValue=%d\n", __FUNCTION__, winding,
// see if a + change in T results in a +/- change in X (compute x'(T))
SkScalar dx = (*SegmentDXAtT[test->verb()])(test->pts(), tHit);
SkDebugf("%s dx=%1.9g\n", __FUNCTION__, dx);
SkASSERT(dx != 0);
if (winding * dx > 0) { // if same signs, result is negative
winding += dx > 0 ? -windValue : windValue;
SkDebugf("%s final winding=%d\n", __FUNCTION__, winding);
return winding;
// OPTIMIZATION: not crazy about linear search here to find top active y.
// seems like we should break down and do the sort, or maybe sort each
// contours' segments?
// Once the segment array is built, there's no reason I can think of not to
// sort it in Y. hmmm
// FIXME: return the contour found to pass to inner contour check
static Segment* findTopContour(SkTDArray<Contour*>& contourList) {
int contourCount = contourList.count();
int cIndex = 0;
Segment* topStart;
SkScalar bestY = SK_ScalarMax;
Contour* contour;
do {
contour = contourList[cIndex];
topStart = contour->topSegment(bestY);
} while (!topStart && ++cIndex < contourCount);
if (!topStart) {
return NULL;
while (++cIndex < contourCount) {
contour = contourList[cIndex];
if (bestY < contour->bounds().fTop) {
SkScalar testY = SK_ScalarMax;
Segment* test = contour->topSegment(testY);
if (!test || bestY <= testY) {
topStart = test;
bestY = testY;
return topStart;
static Segment* findUndone(SkTDArray<Contour*>& contourList, int& start, int& end) {
int contourCount = contourList.count();
Segment* result;
for (int cIndex = 0; cIndex < contourCount; ++cIndex) {
Contour* contour = contourList[cIndex];
result = contour->undoneSegment(start, end);
if (result) {
return result;
return NULL;
static Segment* findChase(SkTDArray<Span*>& chase, int& tIndex, int& endIndex,
int contourWinding) {
while (chase.count()) {
Span* span = chase[chase.count() - 1];
const Span& backPtr = span->fOther->span(span->fOtherIndex);
Segment* segment = backPtr.fOther;
tIndex = backPtr.fOtherIndex;
SkTDArray<Angle> angles;
int done = 0;
if (segment->activeAngle(tIndex, done, angles)) {
Angle* last = angles.end() - 1;
tIndex = last->start();
endIndex = last->end();
return last->segment();
if (done == angles.count()) {
SkTDArray<Angle*> sorted;
sortAngles(angles, sorted);
sorted[0]->segment()->debugShowSort(__FUNCTION__, sorted, 0, 0);
// find first angle, initialize winding to computed fWindSum
int firstIndex = -1;
const Angle* angle;
int winding;
do {
angle = sorted[++firstIndex];
segment = angle->segment();
winding = segment->windSum(angle);
} while (winding == SK_MinS32);
int spanWinding = segment->spanSign(angle->start(), angle->end());
SkDebugf("%s winding=%d spanWinding=%d contourWinding=%d\n",
__FUNCTION__, winding, spanWinding, contourWinding);
// turn swinding into contourWinding
if (spanWinding * winding < 0) {
winding += spanWinding;
segment->debugShowSort(__FUNCTION__, sorted, firstIndex, winding);
// we care about first sign and whether wind sum indicates this
// edge is inside or outside. Maybe need to pass span winding
// or first winding or something into this function?
// advance to first undone angle, then return it and winding
// (to set whether edges are active or not)
int nextIndex = firstIndex + 1;
int angleCount = sorted.count();
int lastIndex = firstIndex != 0 ? firstIndex : angleCount;
angle = sorted[firstIndex];
winding -= angle->segment()->spanSign(angle);
do {
SkASSERT(nextIndex != firstIndex);
if (nextIndex == angleCount) {
nextIndex = 0;
angle = sorted[nextIndex];
segment = angle->segment();
int maxWinding = winding;
winding -= segment->spanSign(angle);
SkDebugf("%s id=%d maxWinding=%d winding=%d sign=%d\n", __FUNCTION__,
segment->debugID(), maxWinding, winding, angle->sign());
tIndex = angle->start();
endIndex = angle->end();
int lesser = SkMin32(tIndex, endIndex);
const Span& nextSpan = segment->span(lesser);
if (!nextSpan.fDone) {
#if 1
// FIXME: this be wrong. assign startWinding if edge is in
// same direction. If the direction is opposite, winding to
// assign is flipped sign or +/- 1?
if (useInnerWinding(maxWinding, winding)) {
maxWinding = winding;
segment->markWinding(lesser, maxWinding);
} while (++nextIndex != lastIndex);
return segment;
return NULL;
static void debugShowActiveSpans(SkTDArray<Contour*>& contourList) {
for (int index = 0; index < contourList.count(); ++ index) {
static bool windingIsActive(int winding, int spanWinding) {
return winding * spanWinding <= 0 && abs(winding) <= abs(spanWinding)
&& (!winding || !spanWinding || winding == -spanWinding);
// Each segment may have an inside or an outside. Segments contained within
// winding may have insides on either side, and form a contour that should be
// ignored. Segments that are coincident with opposing direction segments may
// have outsides on either side, and should also disappear.
// 'Normal' segments will have one inside and one outside. Subsequent connections
// when winding should follow the intersection direction. If more than one edge
// is an option, choose first edge that continues the inside.
// since we start with leftmost top edge, we'll traverse through a
// smaller angle counterclockwise to get to the next edge.
static void bridgeWinding(SkTDArray<Contour*>& contourList, SkPath& simple) {
bool firstContour = true;
do {
Segment* topStart = findTopContour(contourList);
if (!topStart) {
// Start at the top. Above the top is outside, below is inside.
// follow edges to intersection by changing the index by direction.
int index, endIndex;
Segment* current = topStart->findTop(index, endIndex);
int contourWinding;
if (firstContour) {
contourWinding = 0;
firstContour = false;
} else {
int sumWinding = current->windSum(SkMin32(index, endIndex));
// FIXME: don't I have to adjust windSum to get contourWinding?
if (sumWinding == SK_MinS32) {
sumWinding = current->computeSum(index, endIndex);
if (sumWinding == SK_MinS32) {
contourWinding = innerContourCheck(contourList, current,
index, endIndex);
} else {
contourWinding = sumWinding;
int spanWinding = current->spanSign(index, endIndex);
bool inner = useInnerWinding(sumWinding - spanWinding, sumWinding);
if (inner) {
contourWinding -= spanWinding;
SkDebugf("%s sumWinding=%d spanWinding=%d sign=%d inner=%d result=%d\n", __FUNCTION__,
sumWinding, spanWinding, SkSign32(index - endIndex),
inner, contourWinding);
// SkASSERT(current->debugVerifyWinding(index, endIndex, contourWinding));
SkDebugf("%s contourWinding=%d\n", __FUNCTION__, contourWinding);
SkPoint lastPt;
int winding = contourWinding;
int spanWinding = current->spanSign(index, endIndex);
// FIXME: needs work. While it works in limited situations, it does
// not always compute winding correctly. Active should be removed and instead
// the initial winding should be correctly passed in so that if the
// inner contour is wound the same way, it never finds an accumulated
// winding of zero. Inside 'find next', we need to look for transitions
// other than zero when resolving sorted angles.
bool active = windingIsActive(winding, spanWinding);
SkTDArray<Span*> chaseArray;
do {
SkDebugf("%s active=%s winding=%d spanWinding=%d\n",
__FUNCTION__, active ? "true" : "false",
winding, spanWinding);
const SkPoint* firstPt = NULL;
do {
int nextStart = index;
int nextEnd = endIndex;
Segment* next = current->findNextWinding(chaseArray, active,
nextStart, nextEnd, winding, spanWinding);
if (!next) {
if (active && firstPt && current->verb() != SkPath::kLine_Verb && *firstPt != lastPt) {
lastPt = current->addCurveTo(index, endIndex, simple, true);
SkASSERT(*firstPt == lastPt);
if (!firstPt) {
firstPt = &current->addMoveTo(index, simple, active);
lastPt = current->addCurveTo(index, endIndex, simple, active);
current = next;
index = nextStart;
endIndex = nextEnd;
} while (*firstPt != lastPt && (active || !current->done()));
if (firstPt && active) {
SkDebugf("%s close\n", __FUNCTION__);
current = findChase(chaseArray, index, endIndex, contourWinding);
if (!current) {
int lesser = SkMin32(index, endIndex);
spanWinding = current->spanSign(index, endIndex);
winding = current->windSum(lesser);
bool inner = useInnerWinding(winding - spanWinding, winding);
SkDebugf("%s id=%d t=%1.9g spanWinding=%d winding=%d sign=%d"
" inner=%d result=%d\n",
__FUNCTION__, current->debugID(), current->t(lesser),
spanWinding, winding, SkSign32(index - endIndex),
useInnerWinding(winding - spanWinding, winding),
inner ? winding - spanWinding : winding);
if (inner) {
winding -= spanWinding;
active = windingIsActive(winding, spanWinding);
} while (true);
} while (true);
static void bridgeXor(SkTDArray<Contour*>& contourList, SkPath& simple) {
Segment* current;
int start, end;
while ((current = findUndone(contourList, start, end))) {
const SkPoint* firstPt = NULL;
SkPoint lastPt;
do {
int nextStart = start;
int nextEnd = end;
Segment* next = current->findNextXor(nextStart, nextEnd);
if (!next) {
if (firstPt && current->verb() != SkPath::kLine_Verb && *firstPt != lastPt) {
lastPt = current->addCurveTo(start, end, simple, true);
SkASSERT(*firstPt == lastPt);
if (!firstPt) {
firstPt = &current->addMoveTo(start, simple, true);
lastPt = current->addCurveTo(start, end, simple, true);
current = next;
start = nextStart;
end = nextEnd;
} while (*firstPt != lastPt);
if (firstPt) {
SkDebugf("%s close\n", __FUNCTION__);
static void fixOtherTIndex(SkTDArray<Contour*>& contourList) {
int contourCount = contourList.count();
for (int cTest = 0; cTest < contourCount; ++cTest) {
Contour* contour = contourList[cTest];
static void makeContourList(SkTArray<Contour>& contours,
SkTDArray<Contour*>& list) {
int count = contours.count();
if (count == 0) {
for (int index = 0; index < count; ++index) {
*list.append() = &contours[index];
QSort<Contour>(list.begin(), list.end() - 1);
void simplifyx(const SkPath& path, SkPath& simple) {
// returns 1 for evenodd, -1 for winding, regardless of inverse-ness
int xorMask = (path.getFillType() & 1) ? 1 : -1;
// turn path into list of segments
SkTArray<Contour> contours;
// FIXME: add self-intersecting cubics' T values to segment
EdgeBuilder builder(path, contours);
SkTDArray<Contour*> contourList;
makeContourList(contours, contourList);
Contour** currentPtr = contourList.begin();
if (!currentPtr) {
Contour** listEnd = contourList.end();
// find all intersections between segments
do {
Contour** nextPtr = currentPtr;
Contour* current = *currentPtr++;
Contour* next;
do {
next = *nextPtr++;
} while (addIntersectTs(current, next) && nextPtr != listEnd);
} while (currentPtr != listEnd);
// eat through coincident edges
coincidenceCheck(contourList, xorMask);
// construct closed contours
if (xorMask < 0) {
bridgeWinding(contourList, simple);
} else {
bridgeXor(contourList, simple);