
857 lines
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Raw Normal View History

* Copyright 2019 Google Inc.
* Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
* found in the LICENSE file.
#include "gm.h"
#include "GrClip.h"
#include "GrRect.h"
#include "GrRenderTargetContextPriv.h"
#include "Resources.h"
#include "SkFont.h"
#include "SkGr.h"
#include "SkGradientShader.h"
#include "SkImage_Base.h"
#include "SkLineClipper.h"
#include <array>
// This GM mimics the draw calls used by complex compositors that focus on drawing rectangles
// and quadrilaterals with per-edge AA, with complex images, effects, and seamless tiling.
// It will be updated to reflect the patterns seen in Chromium's SkiaRenderer. It is currently
// restricted to adding draw ops directly in Ganesh since there is no fully-specified public API.
static constexpr SkScalar kTileWidth = 40;
static constexpr SkScalar kTileHeight = 30;
static constexpr int kRowCount = 4;
static constexpr int kColCount = 3;
// To mimic Chromium's BSP clipping strategy, a set of three lines formed by triangle edges
// of the below points are used to clip against the regular tile grid. The tile grid occupies
// a 120 x 120 rectangle (40px * 3 cols by 30px * 4 rows).
static constexpr SkPoint kClipP1 = {1.75f * kTileWidth, 0.8f * kTileHeight};
static constexpr SkPoint kClipP2 = {0.6f * kTileWidth, 2.f * kTileHeight};
static constexpr SkPoint kClipP3 = {2.9f * kTileWidth, 3.5f * kTileHeight};
// Utilities for operating on lines and tiles
// p0 and p1 form a segment contained the tile grid, so extends them by a large enough margin
// that the output points stored in 'line' are outside the tile grid (thus effectively infinite).
static void clipping_line_segment(const SkPoint& p0, const SkPoint& p1, SkPoint line[2]) {
SkVector v = p1 - p0;
// 10f was chosen as a balance between large enough to scale the currently set clip
// points outside of the tile grid, but small enough to preserve precision.
line[0] = p0 - v * 10.f;
line[1] = p1 + v * 10.f;
// Returns true if line segment (p0-p1) intersects with line segment (l0-l1); if true is returned,
// the intersection point is stored in 'intersect'.
static bool intersect_line_segments(const SkPoint& p0, const SkPoint& p1,
const SkPoint& l0, const SkPoint& l1, SkPoint* intersect) {
static constexpr SkScalar kHorizontalTolerance = 0.01f; // Pretty conservative
// Use doubles for accuracy, since the clipping strategy used below can create T
// junctions, and lower precision could artificially create gaps
double pY = (double) p1.fY - (double) p0.fY;
double pX = (double) p1.fX - (double) p0.fX;
double lY = (double) l1.fY - (double) l0.fY;
double lX = (double) l1.fX - (double) l0.fX;
double plY = (double) p0.fY - (double) l0.fY;
double plX = (double) p0.fX - (double) l0.fX;
if (SkScalarNearlyZero(pY, kHorizontalTolerance)) {
if (SkScalarNearlyZero(lY, kHorizontalTolerance)) {
// Two horizontal lines
return false;
} else {
// Recalculate but swap p and l
return intersect_line_segments(l0, l1, p0, p1, intersect);
// Up to now, the line segments do not form an invalid intersection
double lNumerator = plX * pY - plY * pX;
double lDenom = lX * pY - lY * pX;
if (SkScalarNearlyZero(lDenom)) {
// Parallel or identical
return false;
// Calculate alphaL that provides the intersection point along (l0-l1), e.g. l0+alphaL*(l1-l0)
double alphaL = lNumerator / lDenom;
if (alphaL < 0.0 || alphaL > 1.0) {
// Outside of the l segment
return false;
// Calculate alphaP from the valid alphaL (since it could be outside p segment)
// double alphaP = (alphaL * l.fY - pl.fY) / p.fY;
double alphaP = (alphaL * lY - plY) / pY;
if (alphaP < 0.0 || alphaP > 1.0) {
// Outside of p segment
return false;
// Is valid, so calculate the actual intersection point
*intersect = l1 * SkScalar(alphaL) + l0 * SkScalar(1.0 - alphaL);
return true;
// Draw a line through the two points, outset by a fixed length in screen space
static void draw_outset_line(SkCanvas* canvas, const SkMatrix& local, const SkPoint pts[2],
const SkPaint& paint) {
static constexpr SkScalar kLineOutset = 10.f;
SkPoint mapped[2];
local.mapPoints(mapped, pts, 2);
SkVector v = mapped[1] - mapped[0];
v.setLength(v.length() + kLineOutset);
canvas->drawLine(mapped[1] - v, mapped[0] + v, paint);
// Draw grid of red lines at interior tile boundaries.
static void draw_tile_boundaries(SkCanvas* canvas, const SkMatrix& local) {
SkPaint paint;
for (int x = 1; x < kColCount; ++x) {
SkPoint pts[] = {{x * kTileWidth, 0}, {x * kTileWidth, kRowCount * kTileHeight}};
draw_outset_line(canvas, local, pts, paint);
for (int y = 1; y < kRowCount; ++y) {
SkPoint pts[] = {{0, y * kTileHeight}, {kTileWidth * kColCount, y * kTileHeight}};
draw_outset_line(canvas, local, pts, paint);
// Draw the arbitrary clipping/split boundaries that intersect the tile grid as green lines
static void draw_clipping_boundaries(SkCanvas* canvas, const SkMatrix& local) {
SkPaint paint;
// Clip the "infinite" line segments to a rectangular region outside the tile grid
SkRect border = SkRect::MakeWH(kTileWidth * kColCount, kTileHeight * kRowCount);
// Draw p1 to p2
SkPoint line[2];
SkPoint clippedLine[2];
clipping_line_segment(kClipP1, kClipP2, line);
SkAssertResult(SkLineClipper::IntersectLine(line, border, clippedLine));
draw_outset_line(canvas, local, clippedLine, paint);
// Draw p2 to p3
clipping_line_segment(kClipP2, kClipP3, line);
SkAssertResult(SkLineClipper::IntersectLine(line, border, clippedLine));
draw_outset_line(canvas, local, clippedLine, paint);
// Draw p3 to p1
clipping_line_segment(kClipP3, kClipP1, line);
SkAssertResult(SkLineClipper::IntersectLine(line, border, clippedLine));
draw_outset_line(canvas, local, clippedLine, paint);
static void draw_text(SkCanvas* canvas, const char* text) {
canvas->drawString(text, 0, 0, SkFont(nullptr, 12), SkPaint());
// Abstraction for rendering a possibly clipped tile, that can apply different effects to mimic
// the Chromium quad types, and a generic GM template to arrange renderers x transforms in a grid
class TileRenderer : public SkRefCntBase {
virtual ~TileRenderer() {}
// Draw the base rect, possibly clipped by 'clip' if that is not null. The edges to antialias
// are specified in 'edgeAA' (to make manipulation easier than an unsigned bitfield). 'tileID'
// represents the location of rect within the tile grid, 'quadID' is the unique ID of the clip
// region within the tile (reset for each tile).
// The edgeAA order matches that of clip, so it refers to top, right, bottom, left.
virtual void drawTile(SkCanvas* canvas, const SkRect& rect, const SkPoint clip[4],
const bool edgeAA[4], int tileID, int quadID) = 0;
virtual void drawBanner(SkCanvas* canvas) = 0;
virtual void drawTiles(SkCanvas* canvas, GrContext* context, GrRenderTargetContext* rtc) {
// TODO (michaelludwig) - once the quad APIs are in SkCanvas, drop these
// cached fields, which drawTile() needs
fContext = context;
fRTC = rtc;
// All three lines in a list
SkPoint lines[6];
clipping_line_segment(kClipP1, kClipP2, lines);
clipping_line_segment(kClipP2, kClipP3, lines + 2);
clipping_line_segment(kClipP3, kClipP1, lines + 4);
bool edgeAA[4];
int tileID = 0;
for (int i = 0; i < kRowCount; ++i) {
for (int j = 0; j < kColCount; ++j) {
// The unclipped tile geometry
SkRect tile = SkRect::MakeXYWH(j * kTileWidth, i * kTileHeight,
kTileWidth, kTileHeight);
// Base edge AA flags if there are no clips; clipped lines will only turn off edges
edgeAA[0] = i == 0; // Top
edgeAA[1] = j == kColCount - 1; // Right
edgeAA[2] = i == kRowCount - 1; // Bottom
edgeAA[3] = j == 0; // Left
// Now clip against the 3 lines formed by kClipPx and split into general purpose
// quads as needed.
int quadCount = 0;
this->clipTile(canvas, tileID, tile, nullptr, edgeAA, lines, 3, &quadCount);
// Remembered for convenience in drawTile, set by drawTiles()
GrContext* fContext;
GrRenderTargetContext* fRTC;
GrQuadAAFlags maskToFlags(const bool edgeAA[4]) const {
GrQuadAAFlags flags = GrQuadAAFlags::kNone;
flags |= edgeAA[0] ? GrQuadAAFlags::kTop : GrQuadAAFlags::kNone;
flags |= edgeAA[1] ? GrQuadAAFlags::kRight : GrQuadAAFlags::kNone;
flags |= edgeAA[2] ? GrQuadAAFlags::kBottom : GrQuadAAFlags::kNone;
flags |= edgeAA[3] ? GrQuadAAFlags::kLeft : GrQuadAAFlags::kNone;
return flags;
// Recursively splits the quadrilateral against the segments stored in 'lines', which must be
// 2 * lineCount long. Increments 'quadCount' for each split quadrilateral, and invokes the
// drawTile at leaves.
void clipTile(SkCanvas* canvas, int tileID, const SkRect& baseRect, const SkPoint quad[4],
const bool edgeAA[4], const SkPoint lines[], int lineCount, int* quadCount) {
if (lineCount == 0) {
// No lines, so end recursion by drawing the tile. If the tile was never split then
// 'quad' remains null so that drawTile() can differentiate how it should draw.
this->drawTile(canvas, baseRect, quad, edgeAA, tileID, *quadCount);
*quadCount = *quadCount + 1;
static constexpr int kTL = 0; // Top-left point index in points array
static constexpr int kTR = 1; // Top-right point index in points array
static constexpr int kBR = 2; // Bottom-right point index in points array
static constexpr int kBL = 3; // Bottom-left point index in points array
static constexpr int kS0 = 4; // First split point index in points array
static constexpr int kS1 = 5; // Second split point index in points array
SkPoint points[6];
if (quad) {
// Copy the original 4 points into set of points to consider
for (int i = 0; i < 4; ++i) {
points[i] = quad[i];
} else {
// Haven't been split yet, so fill in based on the rect
// Consider the first line against the 4 quad edges in tile, which should have 0,1, or 2
// intersection points since the tile is convex.
int splitIndices[2]; // Edge that was intersected
int intersectionCount = 0;
for (int i = 0; i < 4; ++i) {
SkPoint intersect;
if (intersect_line_segments(points[i], points[i == 3 ? 0 : i + 1],
lines[0], lines[1], &intersect)) {
// If the intersected point is the same as the last found intersection, the line
// runs through a vertex, so don't double count it
bool duplicate = false;
for (int j = 0; j < intersectionCount; ++j) {
if (SkScalarNearlyZero((intersect - points[kS0 + j]).length())) {
duplicate = true;
if (!duplicate) {
points[kS0 + intersectionCount] = intersect;
splitIndices[intersectionCount] = i;
if (intersectionCount < 2) {
// Either the first line never intersected the quad (count == 0), or it intersected at a
// single vertex without going through quad area (count == 1), so check next line
return this->clipTile(
canvas, tileID, baseRect, quad, edgeAA, lines + 2, lineCount - 1, quadCount);
SkASSERT(intersectionCount == 2);
// Split the tile points into 2+ sub quads and recurse to the next lines, which may or may
// not further split the tile. Since the configurations are relatively simple, the possible
// splits are hardcoded below; subtile quad orderings are such that the sub tiles remain in
// clockwise order and match expected edges for QuadAAFlags. subtile indices refer to the
// 6-element 'points' array.
SkSTArray<3, std::array<int, 4>> subtiles;
int s2 = -1; // Index of an original vertex chosen for a artificial split
if (splitIndices[1] - splitIndices[0] == 2) {
// Opposite edges, so the split trivially forms 2 sub quads
if (splitIndices[0] == 0) {
subtiles.push_back({{kTL, kS0, kS1, kBL}});
subtiles.push_back({{kS0, kTR, kBR, kS1}});
} else {
subtiles.push_back({{kTL, kTR, kS0, kS1}});
subtiles.push_back({{kS1, kS0, kBR, kBL}});
} else {
// Adjacent edges, which makes for a more complicated split, since it forms a degenerate
// quad (triangle) and a pentagon that must be artificially split. The pentagon is split
// using one of the original vertices (remembered in 's2'), which adds an additional
// degenerate quad, but ensures there are no T-junctions.
switch(splitIndices[0]) {
case 0:
// Could be connected to edge 1 or edge 3
if (splitIndices[1] == 1) {
s2 = kBL;
subtiles.push_back({{kS0, kTR, kS1, kS1}}); // degenerate
subtiles.push_back({{kTL, kS0, kBL, kBL}}); // degenerate
subtiles.push_back({{kS0, kS1, kBR, kBL}});
} else {
SkASSERT(splitIndices[1] == 3);
s2 = kBR;
subtiles.push_back({{kTL, kS0, kS1, kS1}}); // degenerate
subtiles.push_back({{kS1, kS1, kBR, kBL}}); // degenerate
subtiles.push_back({{kS0, kTR, kBR, kS1}});
case 1:
// Edge 0 handled above, should only be connected to edge 2
SkASSERT(splitIndices[1] == 2);
s2 = kTL;
subtiles.push_back({{kS0, kS0, kBR, kS1}}); // degenerate
subtiles.push_back({{kTL, kTR, kS0, kS0}}); // degenerate
subtiles.push_back({{kTL, kS0, kS1, kBL}});
case 2:
// Edge 1 handled above, should only be connected to edge 3
SkASSERT(splitIndices[1] == 3);
s2 = kTR;
subtiles.push_back({{kS1, kS1, kS0, kBL}}); // degenerate
subtiles.push_back({{kTR, kTR, kBR, kS0}}); // degenerate
subtiles.push_back({{kTL, kTR, kS0, kS1}});
case 3:
// Fall through, an adjacent edge split that hits edge 3 should have first found
// been found with edge 0 or edge 2 for the other end
SkPoint sub[4];
bool subAA[4];
for (int i = 0; i < subtiles.count(); ++i) {
// Fill in the quad points and update edge AA rules for new interior edges
for (int j = 0; j < 4; ++j) {
int p = subtiles[i][j];
sub[j] = points[p];
int np = j == 3 ? subtiles[i][0] : subtiles[i][j + 1];
// The "new" edges are the edges that connect between the two split points or
// between a split point and the chosen s2 point. Otherwise the edge remains aligned
// with the original shape, so should preserve the AA setting.
if ((p == s2 || p >= kS0) && (np == s2 || np >= kS0)) {
// New edge
subAA[j] = false;
} else {
// The subtiles indices were arranged so that their edge ordering was still top,
// right, bottom, left so 'j' can be used to access edgeAA
subAA[j] = edgeAA[j];
// Split the sub quad with the next line
this->clipTile(canvas, tileID, baseRect, sub, subAA, lines + 2, lineCount - 1,
class CompositorGM : public skiagm::GpuGM {
CompositorGM(const char* name, sk_sp<TileRenderer> renderer)
: fName(name) {
CompositorGM(const char* name, sk_sp<TileRenderer> r1, sk_sp<TileRenderer> r2)
: fName(name) {
CompositorGM(const char* name, sk_sp<TileRenderer> r1, sk_sp<TileRenderer> r2,
sk_sp<TileRenderer> r3)
: fName(name) {
// 3 renderer modes is the max any GM needs right now
SkISize onISize() override {
// The GM draws a grid of renderers (rows) x transforms (col). Within each cell, the
// renderer draws the transformed tile grid, which is approximately
// (kColCount*kTileWidth, kRowCount*kTileHeight), although it has additional line
// visualizations and can be transformed outside of those rectangular bounds (i.e. persp),
// so pad the cell dimensions to be conservative. Must also account for the banner text.
static constexpr SkScalar kCellWidth = 1.3f * kColCount * kTileWidth;
static constexpr SkScalar kCellHeight = 1.3f * kRowCount * kTileHeight;
return SkISize::Make(SkScalarRoundToInt(kCellWidth * kMatrixCount + 175.f),
SkScalarRoundToInt(kCellHeight * fRenderers.count() + 75.f));
SkString onShortName() override {
SkString fullName;
fullName.appendf("compositor_quads_%s", fName.c_str());
return fullName;
void onOnceBeforeDraw() override {
void onDraw(GrContext* ctx, GrRenderTargetContext* rtc, SkCanvas* canvas) override {
static constexpr SkScalar kGap = 40.f;
static constexpr SkScalar kBannerWidth = 120.f;
static constexpr SkScalar kOffset = 15.f;
// Print a row header
canvas->translate(kOffset, kGap + 0.5f * kRowCount * kTileHeight);
for (int j = 0; j < fRenderers.count(); ++j) {
canvas->translate(0.f, kGap + kRowCount * kTileHeight);
canvas->translate(kOffset + kBannerWidth, kOffset);
for (int i = 0; i < fMatrices.count(); ++i) {
draw_text(canvas, fMatrixNames[i].c_str());
canvas->translate(0.f, kGap);
for (int j = 0; j < fRenderers.count(); ++j) {
draw_tile_boundaries(canvas, fMatrices[i]);
draw_clipping_boundaries(canvas, fMatrices[i]);
fRenderers[j]->drawTiles(canvas, ctx, rtc);
// And advance to the next row
canvas->translate(0.f, kGap + kRowCount * kTileHeight);
// Reset back to the left edge
// And advance to the next column
canvas->translate(kGap + kColCount * kTileWidth, 0.f);
static constexpr int kMatrixCount = 5;
SkTArray<sk_sp<TileRenderer>> fRenderers;
SkTArray<SkMatrix> fMatrices;
SkTArray<SkString> fMatrixNames;
SkString fName;
void configureMatrices() {
// Identity
// Translate/scale
fMatrices[1].setTranslate(5.5f, 20.25f);
fMatrices[1].postScale(.9f, .7f);
// Rotation
fMatrices[2].preTranslate(15.f, -20.f);
// Skew
fMatrices[3].setSkew(.5f, .25f);
fMatrices[3].preTranslate(-30.f, 0.f);
// Perspective
SkPoint src[4];
SkRect::MakeWH(kColCount * kTileWidth, kRowCount * kTileHeight).toQuad(src);
SkPoint dst[4] = {{0, 0},
{kColCount * kTileWidth + 10.f, 15.f},
{kColCount * kTileWidth - 28.f, kRowCount * kTileHeight + 40.f},
{25.f, kRowCount * kTileHeight - 15.f}};
SkAssertResult(fMatrices[4].setPolyToPoly(src, dst, 4));
fMatrices[4].preTranslate(0.f, 10.f);
SkASSERT(fMatrices.count() == fMatrixNames.count());
typedef skiagm::GM INHERITED;
// Implementations of TileRenderer that color the clipped tiles in various ways
class DebugTileRenderer : public TileRenderer {
static sk_sp<TileRenderer> Make() {
// Since aa override is disabled, the quad flags arg doesn't matter.
return sk_sp<TileRenderer>(new DebugTileRenderer(GrQuadAAFlags::kAll, false));
static sk_sp<TileRenderer> MakeAA() {
return sk_sp<TileRenderer>(new DebugTileRenderer(GrQuadAAFlags::kAll, true));
static sk_sp<TileRenderer> MakeNonAA() {
return sk_sp<TileRenderer>(new DebugTileRenderer(GrQuadAAFlags::kNone, true));
void drawTile(SkCanvas* canvas, const SkRect& rect, const SkPoint clip[4], const bool edgeAA[4],
int tileID, int quadID) override {
// Colorize the tile based on its grid position and quad ID
int i = tileID / kColCount;
int j = tileID % kColCount;
SkPMColor4f c = {(i + 1.f) / kRowCount, (j + 1.f) / kColCount, .4f, 1.f};
float alpha = quadID / 10.f;
c.fR = c.fR * (1 - alpha) + alpha;
c.fG = c.fG * (1 - alpha) + alpha;
c.fB = c.fB * (1 - alpha) + alpha;
c.fA = c.fA * (1 - alpha) + alpha;
GrPaint paint;
GrQuadAAFlags aaFlags = fEnableAAOverride ? fAAOverride : this->maskToFlags(edgeAA);
if (clip) {
fRTC->fillQuadWithEdgeAA(GrNoClip(), std::move(paint), GrAA::kYes, aaFlags,
canvas->getTotalMatrix(), clip, nullptr);
} else {
fRTC->fillRectWithEdgeAA(GrNoClip(), std::move(paint), GrAA::kYes, aaFlags,
canvas->getTotalMatrix(), rect);
void drawBanner(SkCanvas* canvas) override {
draw_text(canvas, "Edge AA");
canvas->translate(0.f, 15.f);
SkString config;
static const char* kFormat = "Ext(%s) - Int(%s)";
if (fEnableAAOverride) {
SkASSERT(fAAOverride == GrQuadAAFlags::kAll || fAAOverride == GrQuadAAFlags::kNone);
if (fAAOverride == GrQuadAAFlags::kAll) {
config.appendf(kFormat, "yes", "yes");
} else {
config.appendf(kFormat, "no", "no");
} else {
config.appendf(kFormat, "yes", "no");
canvas->translate(0.f, 6.f);
draw_text(canvas, config.c_str());
GrQuadAAFlags fAAOverride;
bool fEnableAAOverride;
DebugTileRenderer(GrQuadAAFlags aa, bool enableAAOverrde)
: fAAOverride(aa)
, fEnableAAOverride(enableAAOverrde) {}
typedef TileRenderer INHERITED;
class SolidColorRenderer : public TileRenderer {
static sk_sp<TileRenderer> Make(const SkPMColor4f& color) {
return sk_sp<TileRenderer>(new SolidColorRenderer(color));
void drawTile(SkCanvas* canvas, const SkRect& rect, const SkPoint clip[4], const bool edgeAA[4],
int tileID, int quadID) override {
GrPaint paint;
if (clip) {
fRTC->fillQuadWithEdgeAA(GrNoClip(), std::move(paint), GrAA::kYes,
this->maskToFlags(edgeAA), canvas->getTotalMatrix(), clip, nullptr);
} else {
fRTC->fillRectWithEdgeAA(GrNoClip(), std::move(paint), GrAA::kYes,
this->maskToFlags(edgeAA), canvas->getTotalMatrix(), rect);
void drawBanner(SkCanvas* canvas) override {
draw_text(canvas, "Solid Color");
SkPMColor4f fColor;
SolidColorRenderer(const SkPMColor4f& color) : fColor(color) {}
typedef TileRenderer INHERITED;
class GradientRenderer : public TileRenderer {
static sk_sp<TileRenderer> MakeSeamless() {
return sk_sp<TileRenderer>(new GradientRenderer(false));
static sk_sp<TileRenderer> MakeLocal() {
return sk_sp<TileRenderer>(new GradientRenderer(true));
void drawTile(SkCanvas* canvas, const SkRect& rect, const SkPoint clip[4], const bool edgeAA[4],
int tileID, int quadID) override {
GrPaint paint;
SkPaintToGrPaint(fContext, fRTC->colorSpaceInfo(), fGradient, canvas->getTotalMatrix(),
SkRect localRect = SkRect::MakeWH(kTileWidth, kTileHeight);
SkPoint localQuad[4];
if (fLocal && clip) {
GrMapRectPoints(rect, localRect, clip, localQuad, 4);
if (clip) {
fRTC->fillQuadWithEdgeAA(GrNoClip(), std::move(paint), GrAA::kYes,
this->maskToFlags(edgeAA), canvas->getTotalMatrix(), clip,
fLocal ? localQuad : nullptr);
} else {
fRTC->fillRectWithEdgeAA(GrNoClip(), std::move(paint), GrAA::kYes,
this->maskToFlags(edgeAA), canvas->getTotalMatrix(), rect,
fLocal ? &localRect : nullptr);
void drawBanner(SkCanvas* canvas) override {
draw_text(canvas, "Gradient");
canvas->translate(0.f, 15.f);
if (fLocal) {
draw_text(canvas, "Local");
} else {
draw_text(canvas, "Seamless");
SkPaint fGradient;
bool fLocal;
GradientRenderer(bool local) : fLocal(local) {
static constexpr SkPoint pts[] = { {0.f, 0.f}, {0.25f * kTileWidth, 0.25f * kTileHeight} };
static constexpr SkColor colors[] = { SK_ColorBLUE, SK_ColorWHITE };
auto gradient = SkGradientShader::MakeLinear(pts, colors, nullptr, 2,
typedef TileRenderer INHERITED;
static SkRect get_image_local_rect(const sk_sp<SkImage> image, const SkRect& rect) {
// This acts like the whole image is rendered over the entire tile grid, so derive local
// coordinates from 'rect', based on the grid to image transform.
SkMatrix gridToImage = SkMatrix::MakeRectToRect(SkRect::MakeWH(kColCount * kTileWidth,
kRowCount * kTileHeight),
return gridToImage.mapRect(rect);
class TextureRenderer : public TileRenderer {
static sk_sp<TileRenderer> Make(sk_sp<SkImage> image) {
return sk_sp<TileRenderer>(new TextureRenderer(image));
void drawTile(SkCanvas* canvas, const SkRect& rect, const SkPoint clip[4], const bool edgeAA[4],
int tileID, int quadID) override {
SkPMColor4f color = {1.f, 1.f, 1.f, 1.f};
SkRect localRect = get_image_local_rect(fImage, rect);
fImage = fImage->makeTextureImage(fContext, nullptr);
sk_sp<GrTextureProxy> proxy = as_IB(fImage)->asTextureProxyRef();
if (clip) {
SkPoint localQuad[4];
GrMapRectPoints(rect, localRect, clip, localQuad, 4);
fRTC->drawTextureQuad(GrNoClip(), std::move(proxy), GrSamplerState::Filter::kBilerp,
SkBlendMode::kSrcOver, color, localQuad, clip, GrAA::kYes,
this->maskToFlags(edgeAA), nullptr, canvas->getTotalMatrix(), nullptr);
} else {
fRTC->drawTexture(GrNoClip(), std::move(proxy), GrSamplerState::Filter::kBilerp,
SkBlendMode::kSrcOver, color, localRect, rect, GrAA::kYes,
this->maskToFlags(edgeAA), SkCanvas::kFast_SrcRectConstraint,
canvas->getTotalMatrix(), nullptr);
void drawBanner(SkCanvas* canvas) override {
draw_text(canvas, "Texture");
sk_sp<SkImage> fImage;
TextureRenderer(sk_sp<SkImage> image)
: fImage(image) {}
typedef TileRenderer INHERITED;
// Looks like TextureRenderer, but bundles tiles into drawTextureSet calls
class TextureSetRenderer : public TileRenderer {
static sk_sp<TileRenderer> Make(sk_sp<SkImage> image) {
return sk_sp<TileRenderer>(new TextureSetRenderer(image));
void drawTiles(SkCanvas* canvas, GrContext* ctx, GrRenderTargetContext* rtc) override {
this->INHERITED::drawTiles(canvas, ctx, rtc);
// Push the last tile set
void drawTile(SkCanvas* canvas, const SkRect& rect, const SkPoint clip[4], const bool edgeAA[4],
int tileID, int quadID) override {
// Submit the last batch if we've moved on to a new tile
if (tileID != fCurrentTileID) {
SkASSERT((fCurrentTileID < 0 && fDstClips.count() == 0 && fDstClipIndices.count() == 0 &&
fSetEntries.count() == 0) ||
(fCurrentTileID == tileID && fSetEntries.count() > 0));
// Now don't actually draw the tile, accumulate it in the growing entry set
fCurrentTileID = tileID;
int clipIndex = -1;
if (clip) {
// Record the four points into fDstClips and get the pointer to the first in the array
clipIndex = fDstClips.count();
fDstClips.push_back_n(4, clip);
SkRect localRect = get_image_local_rect(fImage, rect);
fImage = fImage->makeTextureImage(fContext, nullptr);
sk_sp<GrTextureProxy> proxy = as_IB(fImage)->asTextureProxyRef();
// drawTextureSet automatically derives appropriate local quad from localRect if clipPtr
// is not null.
fSetEntries.push_back({proxy, localRect, rect, nullptr, 1.f, this->maskToFlags(edgeAA)});
void drawBanner(SkCanvas* canvas) override {
draw_text(canvas, "Texture Set");
sk_sp<SkImage> fImage;
SkTArray<SkPoint> fDstClips;
// Since fDstClips will reallocate as needed, can't get the final pointer for the entries'
// fDstClip values until submitting the entire set
SkTArray<int> fDstClipIndices;
SkTArray<GrRenderTargetContext::TextureSetEntry> fSetEntries;
int fCurrentTileID;
TextureSetRenderer(sk_sp<SkImage> image)
: fImage(image)
, fCurrentTileID(-1) {}
void drawAndReset(SkCanvas* canvas) {
// Early out if there's nothing to draw
if (fSetEntries.count() == 0) {
SkASSERT(fCurrentTileID < 0 && fDstClips.count() == 0 && fDstClipIndices.count() == 0);
// Fill in fDstClip in the entries now that fDstClips' storage won't change until after the
// draw is finished.
// NOTE: The eventual API in SkGpuDevice will make easier to collect
// SkCanvas::ImageSetEntries and dst clips without this extra work, but also internally maps
// very cleanly on to the TextureSetEntry fDstClip approach.
SkASSERT(fDstClipIndices.count() == fSetEntries.count());
for (int i = 0; i < fSetEntries.count(); ++i) {
if (fDstClipIndices[i] >= 0) {
fSetEntries[i].fDstClip = &fDstClips[fDstClipIndices[i]];
// Send to GPU
fRTC->drawTextureSet(GrNoClip(), fSetEntries.begin(), fSetEntries.count(),
GrSamplerState::Filter::kBilerp, SkBlendMode::kSrcOver, GrAA::kYes,
canvas->getTotalMatrix(), nullptr);
// Reset for next tile
fCurrentTileID = -1;
typedef TileRenderer INHERITED;
DEF_GM(return new CompositorGM("debug",
DebugTileRenderer::Make(), DebugTileRenderer::MakeAA(),
DEF_GM(return new CompositorGM("color", SolidColorRenderer::Make({.2f, .8f, .3f, 1.f})));
DEF_GM(return new CompositorGM("shader",
GradientRenderer::MakeSeamless(), GradientRenderer::MakeLocal()));
DEF_GM(return new CompositorGM("image",
#endif // SK_SUPPORT_GPU