Automatic commit by the Housekeeper-Nightly-Bookmaker bot. NO_MERGE_BUILDS Change-Id: I4176e8cb5de092e8bc8ca41b782bd0742ef504b5 Reviewed-on: Commit-Queue: <> Reviewed-by: <>
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SkPaint Reference
Class SkPaint
Paint controls options applied when drawing and measuring. Paint collects all options outside of the Canvas Clip and Canvas Matrix.
Various options apply to text, strokes and fills, and images.
Some options may not be implemented on all platforms; in these cases, setting the option has no effect. Some options are conveniences that duplicate Canvas functionality; for instance, text size is identical to matrix scale.
Paint options are rarely exclusive; each option modifies a stage of the drawing pipeline and multiple pipeline stages may be affected by a single Paint.
Paint collects effects and filters that describe single-pass and multiple-pass algorithms that alter the drawing geometry, color, and transparency. For instance, Paint does not directly implement dashing or blur, but contains the objects that do so.
The objects contained by Paint are opaque, and cannot be edited outside of the Paint to affect it. The implementation is free to defer computations associated with the Paint, or ignore them altogether. For instance, some GPU implementations draw all Path geometries with Anti Aliasing, regardless of how SkPaint::kAntiAlias Flag is set in Paint.
Paint describes a single color, a single font, a single image quality, and so on. Multiple colors are drawn either by using multiple paints or with objects like Shader attached to Paint.
Topic | Description |
Constants | enum and enum class, and their const values |
Constructors | functions that construct SkPaint |
Functions | global and class member functions |
Operators | operator overloading methods |
Related Functions | similar member functions grouped together |
Struct Declarations | embedded struct members |
Related Function
SkPaint global, struct
, and class
related member functions share a topic.
Topic | Description |
Alpha Methods | get and set Alpha |
Anti Alias | approximating coverage with transparency |
Automatic Hinting | always adjust glyph paths |
Blend Mode Methods | get and set Blend Mode |
Color Filter Methods | get and set Color Filter |
Color Methods | get and set Color |
Device Text | increase precision of glyph position |
Dither | distributing color error |
Draw Looper Methods | get and set Draw Looper |
Fake Bold | approximate font styles |
Fast Bounds | approximate area required by Paint |
Fill Path | make Path from Path Effect, stroking |
Filter Quality Methods | get and set Filter Quality |
Flags | attributes represented by single bits |
Font Embedded Bitmaps | custom sized bitmap Glyphs |
Font Metrics | common glyph dimensions |
Full Hinting Spacing | glyph spacing affected by hinting |
Hinting | glyph outline adjustment |
Image Filter Methods | get and set Image Filter |
Initializers | constructors and initialization |
LCD Text | text relying on the order of RGB stripes |
Linear Text | selects text rendering as Glyph or Path |
Management | paint copying, moving, comparing |
Mask Filter Methods | get and set Mask Filter |
Measure Text | width, height, bounds of text |
Miter Limit | maximum length of stroked corners |
Path Effect Methods | get and set Path Effect |
Shader Methods | get and set Shader |
Stroke Cap | decorations at ends of open strokes |
Stroke Join | decoration at corners of strokes |
Stroke Width | thickness perpendicular to geometry |
Style | geometry filling, stroking |
Style Fill | fill and stroke |
Style Hairline | lines and curves with minimal width |
Style Stroke | lines and curves with width |
Subpixel Text | uses pixel transparency to represent fractional offset |
Text Align | text placement relative to position |
Text Encoding | text encoded as characters or Glyphs |
Text Intercepts | advanced underline, strike through |
Text Path | geometry of Glyphs |
Text Scale X | text horizontal scale |
Text Size | overall height in points |
Text Skew X | text horizontal slant |
Typeface Methods | get and set Typeface |
Utility | rarely called management functions |
Vertical Text | orient text from top to bottom |
SkPaint related constants are defined by enum
, enum class
, #define
, const
, and constexpr
Topic | Description |
Align | glyph locations relative to text position |
Cap | start and end geometry on stroked shapes |
Flags | values described by bits and masks |
Hinting | level of glyph outline adjustment |
Join | corner geometry on stroked shapes |
Style | stroke, fill, or both |
TextEncoding | character or glyph encoded size |
kAlignCount | number of different Text Align values defined |
kAllFlags | mask of all Flags |
kAntiAlias Flag | mask for setting Anti Alias |
kAutoHinting Flag | mask for setting Automatic Hinting |
kBevel Join | connects outside edges |
kButt Cap | no stroke extension |
kCapCount | number of different Stroke Cap values defined |
kCenter Align | centers line of glyphs by its width or height |
kDefault Cap | equivalent to kButt Cap |
kDefault Join | equivalent to kMiter Join |
kDither Flag | mask for setting Dither |
kEmbeddedBitmapText Flag | mask for setting Font Embedded Bitmaps |
kFakeBoldText Flag | mask for setting Fake Bold |
kFill Style | set to fill geometry |
kFull Hinting | modifies glyph outlines for maximum constrast |
kGlyphID TextEncoding | uses two byte words to represent glyph indices |
kJoinCount | number of different Stroke Join values defined |
kLCDRenderText Flag | mask for setting LCD Text |
kLast Cap | largest Stroke Cap value |
kLast Join | equivalent to the largest value for Stroke Join |
kLeft Align | positions glyph by computed font offset |
kLinearText Flag | mask for setting Linear Text |
kMiter Join | extends to Miter Limit |
kNo Hinting | glyph outlines unchanged |
kNormal Hinting | glyph outlines modified to improve constrast |
kRight Align | moves lines of glyphs by its width or height |
kRound Cap | adds circle |
kRound Join | adds circle |
kSlight Hinting | minimal modification to improve constrast |
kSquare Cap | adds square |
kStrokeAndFill Style | sets to stroke and fill geometry |
kStroke Style | set to stroke geometry |
kStyleCount | number of different Style values defined |
kSubpixelText Flag | mask for setting Subpixel Text |
kUTF16 TextEncoding | uses two byte words to represent most of Unicode |
kUTF32 TextEncoding | uses four byte words to represent all of Unicode |
kUTF8 TextEncoding | uses bytes to represent UTF-8 or ASCII |
kVerticalText Flag | mask for setting Vertical Text |
SkPaint uses C++ structs to declare the public data structures and interfaces.
Topic | Description |
FontMetrics | values computed by Font Manager using Typeface |
SkPaint can be constructed or initialized by these functions, including C++ class constructors.
Topic | Description |
SkPaint() | constructs with default values |
SkPaint(SkPaint&& paint) | moves paint without copying it |
SkPaint(const SkPaint& paint) | makes a shallow copy |
~SkPaint() | decreases Reference Count of owned objects |
SkPaint operators inline class member functions with arithmetic equivalents.
Topic | Description |
operator!=(const SkPaint& a, const SkPaint& b) | compares paints for inequality |
operator=(SkPaint&& paint) | moves paint without copying it |
operator=(const SkPaint& paint) | makes a shallow copy |
operator==(const SkPaint& a, const SkPaint& b) | compares paints for equality |
Member Function
SkPaint member functions read and modify the structure properties.
Topic | Description |
breakText | returns text that fits in a width |
canComputeFastBounds | returns true if settings allow for fast bounds computation |
computeFastBounds | returns fill bounds for quick reject tests |
computeFastStrokeBounds | returns stroke bounds for quick reject tests |
containsText | returns if all text corresponds to Glyphs |
countText | returns number of Glyphs in text |
doComputeFastBounds | returns bounds for quick reject tests |
getAlpha | returns Color Alpha, color opacity |
getBlendMode | returns Blend Mode, how colors combine with Device |
getColor | returns Color Alpha and RGB, one drawing color |
getColorFilter | returns Color Filter, how colors are altered |
getDrawLooper | returns Draw Looper, multiple layers |
getFillPath | returns fill path equivalent to stroke |
getFilterQuality | returns Filter Quality, image filtering level |
getFlags | returns Flags stored in a bit field |
getFontBounds | returns union all glyph bounds |
getFontMetrics | returns Typeface metrics scaled by text size |
getFontSpacing | returns recommended spacing between lines |
getHash | returns a shallow hash for equality checks |
getHinting | returns Hinting, glyph outline adjustment level |
getImageFilter | returns Image Filter, alter pixels; blur |
getMaskFilter | returns Mask Filter, alterations to Mask Alpha |
getPathEffect | returns Path Effect, modifications to path geometry; dashing |
getPosTextHIntercepts | returns where lines intersect horizontally positioned text; underlines |
getPosTextIntercepts | returns where lines intersect positioned text; underlines |
getPosTextPath | returns Path equivalent to positioned text |
getShader | returns Shader, multiple drawing colors; gradients |
getStrokeCap | returns Cap, the area drawn at path ends |
getStrokeJoin | returns Join, geometry on path corners |
getStrokeMiter | returns Miter Limit, angles with sharp corners |
getStrokeWidth | returns thickness of the stroke |
getStyle | returns Style: stroke, fill, or both |
getTextAlign | returns Align: left, center, or right |
getTextBlobIntercepts | returns where lines intersect Text Blob; underlines |
getTextEncoding | returns character or glyph encoded size |
getTextIntercepts | returns where lines intersect text; underlines |
getTextPath | returns Path equivalent to text |
getTextScaleX | returns the text horizontal scale; condensed text |
getTextSize | returns text size in points |
getTextSkewX | returns the text horizontal skew; oblique text |
getTextWidths | returns advance and bounds for each glyph in text |
getTypeface | returns Typeface, font description |
glyphsToUnichars | converts Glyphs into text |
isAntiAlias | returns true if Anti Alias is set |
isAutohinted | returns true if Glyphs are always hinted |
isDither | returns true if Dither is set |
isEmbeddedBitmapText | returns true if Font Embedded Bitmaps is set |
isFakeBoldText | returns true if Fake Bold is set |
isLCDRenderText | returns true if LCD Text is set |
isLinearText | returns true if text is converted to Path |
isSrcOver | returns true if Blend Mode is SkBlendMode::kSrcOver |
isSubpixelText | returns true if Subpixel Text is set |
isVerticalText | returns true if Vertical Text is set |
measureText | returns advance width and bounds of text |
nothingToDraw | returns true if Paint prevents all drawing |
refColorFilter | references Color Filter, how colors are altered |
refDrawLooper | references Draw Looper, multiple layers |
refImageFilter | references Image Filter, alter pixels; blur |
refMaskFilter | references Mask Filter, alterations to Mask Alpha |
refPathEffect | references Path Effect, modifications to path geometry; dashing |
refShader | references Shader, multiple drawing colors; gradients |
refTypeface | references Typeface, font description |
reset | sets to default values |
setARGB | sets color by component |
setAlpha | sets Color Alpha, color opacity |
setAntiAlias | sets or clears Anti Alias |
setAutohinted | sets Glyphs to always be hinted |
setBlendMode | sets Blend Mode, how colors combine with destination |
setColor | sets Color Alpha and RGB, one drawing color |
setColorFilter | sets Color Filter, alters color |
setDither | sets or clears Dither |
setDrawLooper | sets Draw Looper, multiple layers |
setEmbeddedBitmapText | sets or clears Font Embedded Bitmaps |
setFakeBoldText | sets or clears Fake Bold |
setFilterQuality | sets Filter Quality, the image filtering level |
setFlags | sets multiple Flags in a bit field |
setHinting | sets Hinting, glyph outline adjustment level |
setImageFilter | sets Image Filter, alter pixels; blur |
setLCDRenderText | sets or clears LCD Text |
setLinearText | converts to Path before draw or measure |
setMaskFilter | sets Mask Filter, alterations to Mask Alpha |
setPathEffect | sets Path Effect, modifications to path geometry; dashing |
setShader | sets Shader, multiple drawing colors; gradients |
setStrokeCap | sets Cap, the area drawn at path ends |
setStrokeJoin | sets Join, geometry on path corners |
setStrokeMiter | sets Miter Limit, angles with sharp corners |
setStrokeWidth | sets thickness of the stroke |
setStyle | sets Style: stroke, fill, or both |
setSubpixelText | sets or clears Subpixel Text |
setTextAlign | sets Align: left, center, or right |
setTextEncoding | sets character or glyph encoded size |
setTextScaleX | sets the text horizontal scale; condensed text |
setTextSize | sets text size in points |
setTextSkewX | sets the text horizontal skew; oblique text |
setTypeface | sets Typeface, font description |
setVerticalText | sets or clears Vertical Text |
textToGlyphs | converts text into glyph indices |
Constructs Paint with default values.
attribute | default value |
Anti Alias | false |
Blend Mode | SkBlendMode::kSrcOver |
Color | SK ColorBLACK |
Color Alpha | 255 |
Color Filter | nullptr |
Dither | false |
Draw Looper | nullptr |
Fake Bold | false |
Filter Quality | kNone_SkFilterQuality |
Font Embedded Bitmaps | false |
Automatic Hinting | false |
Full Hinting Spacing | false |
Hinting | kNormal Hinting |
Image Filter | nullptr |
LCD Text | false |
Linear Text | false |
Miter Limit | 4 |
Mask Filter | nullptr |
Path Effect | nullptr |
Shader | nullptr |
Style | kFill Style |
Text Align | kLeft Align |
Text Encoding | kUTF8 TextEncoding |
Text Scale X | 1 |
Text Size | 12 |
Text Skew X | 0 |
Typeface | nullptr |
Stroke Cap | kButt Cap |
Stroke Join | kMiter Join |
Stroke Width | 0 |
Subpixel Text | false |
Vertical Text | false |
The flags, text size, hinting, and miter limit may be overridden at compile time by defining paint default values. The overrides may be included in "SkUserConfig.h" or predefined by the build system.
Return Value
default initialized Paint
SkPaint(const SkPaint& paint)
Makes a shallow copy of Paint. Typeface, Path Effect, Shader, Mask Filter, Color Filter, Draw Looper, and Image Filter are shared between the original paint and the copy. Objects containing Reference Count increment their references by one.
The referenced objects Path Effect, Shader, Mask Filter, Color Filter, Draw Looper, and Image Filter cannot be modified after they are created. This prevents objects with Reference Count from being modified once Paint refers to them.
paint |
original to copy |
Return Value
shallow copy of paint
Example Output
SK_ColorRED == paint1.getColor()
SK_ColorBLUE == paint2.getColor()
SkPaint(SkPaint&& paint)
Implements a move constructor to avoid increasing the reference counts of objects referenced by the paint.
After the call, paint is undefined, and can be safely destructed.
paint |
original to move |
Return Value
content of paint
Example Output
path effect unique: true
void reset()
Sets all Paint contents to their initial values. This is equivalent to replacing Paint with the result of SkPaint().
Example Output
paint1 == paint2
Decreases Paint Reference Count of owned objects: Typeface, Path Effect, Shader, Mask Filter, Color Filter, Draw Looper, and Image Filter. If the objects containing Reference Count go to zero, they are deleted.
SkPaint& operator=(const SkPaint& paint)
Makes a shallow copy of Paint. Typeface, Path Effect, Shader, Mask Filter, Color Filter, Draw Looper, and Image Filter are shared between the original paint and the copy. Objects containing Reference Count in the prior destination are decreased by one, and the referenced objects are deleted if the resulting count is zero. Objects containing Reference Count in the parameter paint are increased by one. paint is unmodified.
paint |
original to copy |
Return Value
content of paint
Example Output
SK_ColorRED == paint1.getColor()
SK_ColorRED == paint2.getColor()
SkPaint& operator=(SkPaint&& paint)
Moves the paint to avoid increasing the reference counts of objects referenced by the paint parameter. Objects containing Reference Count in the prior destination are decreased by one; those objects are deleted if the resulting count is zero.
After the call, paint is undefined, and can be safely destructed.
paint |
original to move |
Return Value
content of paint
Example Output
SK_ColorRED == paint2.getColor()
bool operator==(const SkPaint& a, const SkPaint& b)
Compares a and b, and returns true if a and b are equivalent. May return false if Typeface, Path Effect, Shader, Mask Filter, Color Filter, Draw Looper, or Image Filter have identical contents but different pointers.
a |
Paint to compare |
b |
Paint to compare |
Return Value
true if Paint pair are equivalent
Example Output
paint1 == paint2
paint1 != paint2
See Also
operator!=(const SkPaint& a, const SkPaint& b)
bool operator!=(const SkPaint& a, const SkPaint& b)
Compares a and b, and returns true if a and b are not equivalent. May return true if Typeface, Path Effect, Shader, Mask Filter, Color Filter, Draw Looper, or Image Filter have identical contents but different pointers.
a |
Paint to compare |
b |
Paint to compare |
Return Value
true if Paint pair are not equivalent
Example Output
paint1 == paint2
paint1 == paint2
See Also
operator==(const SkPaint& a, const SkPaint& b)
uint32_t getHash() const
Returns a hash generated from Paint values and pointers. Identical hashes guarantee that the paints are equivalent, but differing hashes do not guarantee that the paints have differing contents.
If operator==(const SkPaint& a, const SkPaint& b) returns true for two paints, their hashes are also equal.
The hash returned is platform and implementation specific.
Return Value
a shallow hash
Example Output
paint1 == paint2
paint1.getHash() == paint2.getHash()
Enum SkPaint::Hinting
enum Hinting { kNo Hinting = 0, kSlight Hinting = 1, kNormal Hinting = 2, kFull Hinting = 3, };
Hinting adjusts the glyph outlines so that the shape provides a uniform look at a given point size on font engines that support it. Hinting may have a muted effect or no effect at all depending on the platform.
The four levels roughly control corresponding features on platforms that use FreeType as the Font Engine.
Const | Value | Description |
SkPaint::kNo_Hinting |
0 | Leaves glyph outlines unchanged from their native representation. With FreeType, this is equivalent to the FT_LOAD_NO_HINTING bit-field constant supplied to FT_Load_Glyph, which indicates that the vector outline being loaded should not be fitted to the pixel grid but simply scaled to 26.6 fractional pixels. |
SkPaint::kSlight_Hinting |
1 | Modifies glyph outlines minimally to improve constrast. With FreeType, this is equivalent in spirit to the FT_LOAD_TARGET_LIGHT value supplied to FT_Load_Glyph. It chooses a lighter hinting algorithm for non-monochrome modes. Generated Glyphs may be fuzzy but better resemble their original shape. |
SkPaint::kNormal_Hinting |
2 | Modifies glyph outlines to improve constrast. This is the default. With FreeType, this supplies FT_LOAD_TARGET_NORMAL to FT_Load_Glyph, choosing the default hinting algorithm, which is optimized for standard gray-level rendering. |
SkPaint::kFull_Hinting |
3 | Modifies glyph outlines for maximum constrast. With FreeType, this selects FT_LOAD_TARGET_LCD or FT_LOAD_TARGET_LCD_V if kLCDRenderText Flag is set. FT_LOAD_TARGET_LCD is a variant of FT_LOAD_TARGET_NORMAL optimized for horizontally decimated LCD displays; FT_LOAD_TARGET_LCD_V is a variant of FT_LOAD_TARGET_NORMAL optimized for vertically decimated LCD displays. |
On OS X and iOS, hinting controls whether Core Graphics dilates the font outlines to account for LCD text. No hinting uses Core Text Grayscale output. Normal hinting uses Core Text LCD output. If kLCDRenderText Flag is clear, the LCD output is reduced to a single Grayscale channel.
On Windows with DirectWrite, Hinting has no effect.
Hinting defaults to kNormal Hinting. Set SkPaintDefaults Hinting at compile time to change the default setting.
Hinting getHinting() const
Returns level of glyph outline adjustment.
Return Value
one of: kNo Hinting, kSlight Hinting, kNormal Hinting, kFull Hinting
Example Output
SkPaint::kNormal_Hinting == paint.getHinting()
void setHinting(Hinting hintingLevel)
Sets level of glyph outline adjustment. Does not check for valid values of hintingLevel.
Hinting | value | effect on generated glyph outlines |
kNo Hinting | 0 | leaves glyph outlines unchanged from their native representation |
kSlight Hinting | 1 | modifies glyph outlines minimally to improve contrast |
kNormal Hinting | 2 | modifies glyph outlines to improve contrast |
kFull Hinting | 3 | modifies glyph outlines for maximum contrast |
hintingLevel |
one of: kNo Hinting, kSlight Hinting, kNormal Hinting, kFull Hinting |
Example Output
paint1 == paint2
Enum SkPaint::Flags
enum Flags { kAntiAlias Flag = 0x01, kDither Flag = 0x04, kFakeBoldText Flag = 0x20, kLinearText Flag = 0x40, kSubpixelText Flag = 0x80, kLCDRenderText Flag = 0x200, kEmbeddedBitmapText Flag = 0x400, kAutoHinting Flag = 0x800, kVerticalText Flag = 0x1000, kAllFlags = 0xFFFF, };
The bit values stored in Flags. The default value for Flags, normally zero, can be changed at compile time with a custom definition of SkPaintDefaults Flags. All flags can be read and written explicitly; Flags allows manipulating multiple settings at once.
Flags default to all flags clear, disabling the associated feature.Const | Value | Description |
SkPaint::kAntiAlias_Flag |
0x0001 | mask for setting Anti_Alias |
SkPaint::kDither_Flag |
0x0004 | mask for setting Dither |
SkPaint::kFakeBoldText_Flag |
0x0020 | mask for setting Fake_Bold |
SkPaint::kLinearText_Flag |
0x0040 | mask for setting Linear_Text |
SkPaint::kSubpixelText_Flag |
0x0080 | mask for setting Subpixel_Text |
SkPaint::kLCDRenderText_Flag |
0x0200 | mask for setting LCD_Text |
SkPaint::kEmbeddedBitmapText_Flag |
0x0400 | mask for setting Font_Embedded_Bitmaps |
SkPaint::kAutoHinting_Flag |
0x0800 | mask for setting Automatic_Hinting |
SkPaint::kVerticalText_Flag |
0x1000 | mask for setting Vertical_Text |
SkPaint::kAllFlags |
0xFFFF | mask of all Flags, including private flags and flags reserved for future use |
Enum SkPaint::ReserveFlags
soonOnly valid for Android framework.
enum ReserveFlags { kUnderlineText ReserveFlag = 0x08, kStrikeThruText ReserveFlag = 0x10, };
Const | Value | Description |
SkPaint::kUnderlineText_ReserveFlag |
0x0008 |
soon |
SkPaint::kStrikeThruText_ReserveFlag |
0x0010 |
soon |
uint32_t getFlags() const
Returns paint settings described by Flags. Each setting uses one bit, and can be tested with Flags members.
Return Value
zero, one, or more bits described by Flags
Example Output
(SkPaint::kAntiAlias_Flag & paint.getFlags()) != 0
void setFlags(uint32_t flags)
Replaces Flags with flags, the union of the Flags members. All Flags members may be cleared, or one or more may be set.
flags |
union of Flags for Paint |
Example Output
Anti Alias
Anti Alias drawing approximates partial pixel coverage with transparency. If kAntiAlias Flag is clear, pixel centers contained by the shape edge are drawn opaque. If kAntiAlias Flag is set, pixels are drawn with Color Alpha equal to their coverage.
The rule for Aliased pixels is inconsistent across platforms. A shape edge passing through the pixel center may, but is not required to, draw the pixel.
Raster Engine draws Aliased pixels whose centers are on or to the right of the start of an active Path edge, and whose center is to the left of the end of the active Path edge.
A platform may only support Anti Aliased drawing. Some GPU-backed platforms use Supersampling to Anti Alias all drawing, and have no mechanism to selectively Alias.
The amount of coverage computed for Anti Aliased pixels also varies across platforms.
Anti Alias is disabled by default. Anti Alias can be enabled by default by setting SkPaintDefaults Flags to kAntiAlias Flag at compile time.
bool isAntiAlias() const
If true, pixels on the active edges of Path may be drawn with partial transparency.
Equivalent to getFlags masked with kAntiAlias Flag.
Return Value
kAntiAlias Flag state
Example Output
paint.isAntiAlias() == !!(paint.getFlags() & SkPaint::kAntiAlias_Flag)
paint.isAntiAlias() == !!(paint.getFlags() & SkPaint::kAntiAlias_Flag)
void setAntiAlias(bool aa)
Requests, but does not require, that Path edge pixels draw opaque or with partial transparency.
Sets kAntiAlias Flag if aa is true. Clears kAntiAlias Flag if aa is false.
aa |
setting for kAntiAlias Flag |
Example Output
paint1 == paint2
Dither increases fidelity by adjusting the color of adjacent pixels. This can help to smooth color transitions and reducing banding in gradients. Dithering lessens visible banding from kRGB_565_SkColorType and kRGBA_8888_SkColorType gradients, and improves rendering into a kRGB_565_SkColorType Surface.
Dithering is always enabled for linear gradients drawing into kRGB_565_SkColorType Surface and kRGBA_8888_SkColorType Surface. Dither cannot be enabled for kAlpha_8_SkColorType Surface and kRGBA_F16_SkColorType Surface.
Dither is disabled by default. Dither can be enabled by default by setting SkPaintDefaults Flags to kDither Flag at compile time.
Some platform implementations may ignore dithering. SetSK_IGNORE_GPU_DITHERto ignore Dither on GPU Surface.
bool isDither() const
If true, color error may be distributed to smooth color transition.
Equivalent to getFlags masked with kDither Flag.
Return Value
kDither Flag state
Example Output
paint.isDither() == !!(paint.getFlags() & SkPaint::kDither_Flag)
paint.isDither() == !!(paint.getFlags() & SkPaint::kDither_Flag)
void setDither(bool dither)
Requests, but does not require, to distribute color error.
Sets kDither Flag if dither is true. Clears kDither Flag if dither is false.
dither |
setting for kDither Flag |
Example Output
paint1 == paint2
See Also
See Also
Gradient kRGB_565_SkColorType
Device Text
LCD Text and Subpixel Text increase the precision of glyph position.
When set, Flags kLCDRenderText Flag takes advantage of the organization of RGB stripes that create a color, and relies on the small size of the stripe and visual perception to make the color fringing imperceptible. LCD Text can be enabled on devices that orient stripes horizontally or vertically, and that order the color components as RGB or BGR.
Flags kSubpixelText Flag uses the pixel transparency to represent a fractional offset. As the opaqueness of the color increases, the edge of the glyph appears to move towards the outside of the pixel.
Either or both techniques can be enabled. kLCDRenderText Flag and kSubpixelText Flag are clear by default. LCD Text or Subpixel Text can be enabled by default by setting SkPaintDefaults Flags to kLCDRenderText Flag or kSubpixelText Flag (or both) at compile time.
Linear Text
Linear Text selects whether text is rendered as a Glyph or as a Path. If kLinearText Flag is set, it has the same effect as setting Hinting to kNormal Hinting. If kLinearText Flag is clear, it is the same as setting Hinting to kNo Hinting.
bool isLinearText() const
If true, text is converted to Path before drawing and measuring.
Equivalent to getFlags masked with kLinearText Flag.
Return Value
kLinearText Flag state
See Also
void setLinearText(bool linearText)
If true, text is converted to Path before drawing and measuring. By default, kLinearText Flag is clear.
Sets kLinearText Flag if linearText is true. Clears kLinearText Flag if linearText is false.
linearText |
setting for kLinearText Flag |
See Also
Subpixel Text
Flags kSubpixelText Flag uses the pixel transparency to represent a fractional offset. As the opaqueness of the color increases, the edge of the glyph appears to move towards the outside of the pixel.
bool isSubpixelText() const
If true, Glyphs at different sub-pixel positions may differ on pixel edge coverage.
Equivalent to getFlags masked with kSubpixelText Flag.
Return Value
kSubpixelText Flag state
Example Output
paint.isSubpixelText() == !!(paint.getFlags() & SkPaint::kSubpixelText_Flag)
paint.isSubpixelText() == !!(paint.getFlags() & SkPaint::kSubpixelText_Flag)
void setSubpixelText(bool subpixelText)
Requests, but does not require, that Glyphs respect sub-pixel positioning.
Sets kSubpixelText Flag if subpixelText is true. Clears kSubpixelText Flag if subpixelText is false.
subpixelText |
setting for kSubpixelText Flag |
Example Output
paint1 == paint2
LCD Text
When set, Flags kLCDRenderText Flag takes advantage of the organization of RGB stripes that create a color, and relies on the small size of the stripe and visual perception to make the color fringing imperceptible. LCD Text can be enabled on devices that orient stripes horizontally or vertically, and that order the color components as RGB or BGR.
bool isLCDRenderText() const
If true, Glyphs may use LCD striping to improve glyph edges.
Returns true if Flags kLCDRenderText Flag is set.
Return Value
kLCDRenderText Flag state
Example Output
paint.isLCDRenderText() == !!(paint.getFlags() & SkPaint::kLCDRenderText_Flag)
paint.isLCDRenderText() == !!(paint.getFlags() & SkPaint::kLCDRenderText_Flag)
void setLCDRenderText(bool lcdText)
Requests, but does not require, that Glyphs use LCD striping for glyph edges.
Sets kLCDRenderText Flag if lcdText is true. Clears kLCDRenderText Flag if lcdText is false.
lcdText |
setting for kLCDRenderText Flag |
Example Output
paint1 == paint2
Font Embedded Bitmaps
Font Embedded Bitmaps allows selecting custom sized bitmap Glyphs. Flags kEmbeddedBitmapText Flag when set chooses an embedded bitmap glyph over an outline contained in a font if the platform supports this option.
FreeType selects the bitmap glyph if available when kEmbeddedBitmapText Flag is set, and selects the outline glyph if kEmbeddedBitmapText Flag is clear. Windows may select the bitmap glyph but is not required to do so. OS X and iOS do not support this option.
Font Embedded Bitmaps is disabled by default. Font Embedded Bitmaps can be enabled by default by setting SkPaintDefaults Flags to kEmbeddedBitmapText Flag at compile time.
The "hintgasp" TrueType font in the Skia resources/fonts directory includes an embedded bitmap Glyph at odd font sizes. This example works on platforms that use FreeType as their Font_Engine. Windows may, but is not required to, return a bitmap glyph if kEmbeddedBitmapText_Flag is set.SkBitmap bitmap; bitmap.allocN32Pixels(30, 15); bitmap.eraseColor(0); SkCanvas offscreen(bitmap); SkPaint paint; paint.setAntiAlias(true); paint.setTextSize(13); paint.setTypeface(MakeResourceAsTypeface("fonts/hintgasp.ttf")); for (bool embedded : { false, true}) { paint.setEmbeddedBitmapText(embedded); offscreen.drawString("A", embedded ? 5 : 15, 15, paint); } canvas->drawBitmap(bitmap, 0, 0); canvas->scale(10, 10); canvas->drawBitmap(bitmap, -2, 1);
bool isEmbeddedBitmapText() const
If true, Font Engine may return Glyphs from font bitmaps instead of from outlines.
Equivalent to getFlags masked with kEmbeddedBitmapText Flag.
Return Value
kEmbeddedBitmapText Flag state
Example Output
paint.isEmbeddedBitmapText() == !!(paint.getFlags() & SkPaint::kEmbeddedBitmapText_Flag)
paint.isEmbeddedBitmapText() == !!(paint.getFlags() & SkPaint::kEmbeddedBitmapText_Flag)
void setEmbeddedBitmapText(bool useEmbeddedBitmapText)
Requests, but does not require, to use bitmaps in fonts instead of outlines.
Sets kEmbeddedBitmapText Flag if useEmbeddedBitmapText is true. Clears kEmbeddedBitmapText Flag if useEmbeddedBitmapText is false.
useEmbeddedBitmapText |
setting for kEmbeddedBitmapText Flag |
Example Output
paint1 == paint2
Automatic Hinting
If Hinting is set to kNormal Hinting or kFull Hinting, Automatic Hinting instructs the Font Manager to always hint Glyphs. Automatic Hinting has no effect if Hinting is set to kNo Hinting or kSlight Hinting.
Automatic Hinting only affects platforms that use FreeType as the Font Manager.
bool isAutohinted() const
If true, and if Hinting is set to kNormal Hinting or kFull Hinting, and if platform uses FreeType as the Font Manager, instruct the Font Manager to always hint Glyphs.
Equivalent to getFlags masked with kAutoHinting Flag.
Return Value
kAutoHinting Flag state
Example Output
paint.isAutohinted() == !!(paint.getFlags() & SkPaint::kAutoHinting_Flag)
paint.isAutohinted() == !!(paint.getFlags() & SkPaint::kAutoHinting_Flag)
See Also
void setAutohinted(bool useAutohinter)
If Hinting is set to kNormal Hinting or kFull Hinting and useAutohinter is set, instruct the Font Manager to always hint Glyphs. Automatic Hinting has no effect if Hinting is set to kNo Hinting or kSlight Hinting.
Only affects platforms that use FreeType as the Font Manager.
Sets kAutoHinting Flag if useAutohinter is true. Clears kAutoHinting Flag if useAutohinter is false.
useAutohinter |
setting for kAutoHinting Flag |
See Also
Vertical Text
Text may be drawn by positioning each glyph, or by positioning the first glyph and using Font Advance to position subsequent Glyphs. By default, each successive glyph is positioned to the right of the preceding glyph. Vertical Text sets successive Glyphs to position below the preceding glyph.
Skia can translate text character codes as a series of Glyphs, but does not implement font substitution, textual substitution, line layout, or contextual spacing like Kerning pairs. Use a text shaping engine like HarfBuzz to translate text runs into glyph series.
Vertical Text is clear if text is drawn left to right or set if drawn from top to bottom.
Flags kVerticalText Flag if clear draws text left to right. Flags kVerticalText Flag if set draws text top to bottom.
Vertical Text is clear by default. Vertical Text can be set by default by setting SkPaintDefaults Flags to kVerticalText Flag at compile time.
bool isVerticalText() const
If true, Glyphs are drawn top to bottom instead of left to right.
Equivalent to getFlags masked with kVerticalText Flag.
Return Value
kVerticalText Flag state
Example Output
paint.isVerticalText() == !!(paint.getFlags() & SkPaint::kVerticalText_Flag)
paint.isVerticalText() == !!(paint.getFlags() & SkPaint::kVerticalText_Flag)
void setVerticalText(bool verticalText)
If true, text advance positions the next glyph below the previous glyph instead of to the right of previous glyph.
Sets kVerticalText Flag if vertical is true. Clears kVerticalText Flag if vertical is false.
verticalText |
setting for kVerticalText Flag |
Example Output
paint1 == paint2
Fake Bold
Fake Bold approximates the bold font style accompanying a normal font when a bold font face is not available. Skia does not provide font substitution; it is up to the client to find the bold font face using the platform Font Manager.
Use Text Skew X to approximate an italic font style when the italic font face is not available.
A FreeType based port may define SK_USE_FREETYPE_EMBOLDEN at compile time to direct the font engine to create the bold Glyphs. Otherwise, the extra bold is computed by increasing the stroke width and setting the Style to kStrokeAndFill Style as needed.
Fake Bold is disabled by default.
bool isFakeBoldText() const
If true, approximate bold by increasing the stroke width when creating glyph bitmaps from outlines.
Equivalent to getFlags masked with kFakeBoldText Flag.
Return Value
kFakeBoldText Flag state
Example Output
paint.isFakeBoldText() == !!(paint.getFlags() & SkPaint::kFakeBoldText_Flag)
paint.isFakeBoldText() == !!(paint.getFlags() & SkPaint::kFakeBoldText_Flag)
void setFakeBoldText(bool fakeBoldText)
Use increased stroke width when creating glyph bitmaps to approximate a bold typeface.
Sets kFakeBoldText Flag if fakeBoldText is true. Clears kFakeBoldText Flag if fakeBoldText is false.
fakeBoldText |
setting for kFakeBoldText Flag |
Example Output
paint1 == paint2
Full Hinting Spacing
if Hinting is set to kFull Hinting, Full Hinting Spacing adjusts the character spacing by the difference of the hinted and Unhinted Left Side Bearing and Right Side Bearing. Full Hinting Spacing only applies to platforms that use FreeType as their Font Engine.
Full Hinting Spacing is not related to text Kerning, where the space between a specific pair of characters is adjusted using data in the font Kerning tables.
bool isDevKernText() const
void setDevKernText(bool)
Filter Quality Methods
Filter Quality trades speed for image filtering when the image is scaled. A lower Filter Quality draws faster, but has less fidelity. A higher Filter Quality draws slower, but looks better. If the image is drawn without scaling, the Filter Quality choice will not result in a noticeable difference.
Filter Quality is used in Paint passed as a parameter to
SkCanvas::drawBitmap |
SkCanvas::drawBitmapRect |
SkCanvas::drawImage |
SkCanvas::drawImageRect |
and when Paint has a Shader specialization that uses Image or Bitmap.
Filter Quality is kNone_SkFilterQuality by default.
SkFilterQuality getFilterQuality() const
Returns Filter Quality, the image filtering level. A lower setting draws faster; a higher setting looks better when the image is scaled.
Return Value
one of: kNone_SkFilterQuality, kLow_SkFilterQuality, kMedium_SkFilterQuality, kHigh_SkFilterQuality
Example Output
kNone_SkFilterQuality == paint.getFilterQuality()
void setFilterQuality(SkFilterQuality quality)
Sets Filter Quality, the image filtering level. A lower setting draws faster; a higher setting looks better when the image is scaled. Does not check to see if quality is valid.
quality |
one of: kNone_SkFilterQuality, kLow_SkFilterQuality, kMedium_SkFilterQuality, kHigh_SkFilterQuality |
Example Output
kHigh_SkFilterQuality == paint.getFilterQuality()
See Also
Color Methods
name | description |
getColor | returns Color Alpha and RGB, one drawing color |
setColor | sets Color Alpha and RGB, one drawing color |
Color specifies the red, blue, green, and Color Alpha values used to draw a filled or stroked shape in a 32-bit value. Each component occupies 8-bits, ranging from zero: no contribution; to 255: full intensity. All values in any combination are valid.
Color is not Premultiplied; Color Alpha sets the transparency independent of RGB: red, blue, and green.
The bit positions of Color Alpha and RGB are independent of the bit positions on the output device, which may have more or fewer bits, and may have a different arrangement.
bit positions | Color Alpha | red | blue | green |
31 - 24 | 23 - 16 | 15 - 8 | 7 - 0 |
SkColor getColor() const
Retrieves Alpha and RGB, Unpremultiplied, packed into 32 bits. Use helpers SkColorGetA, SkColorGetR, SkColorGetG, and SkColorGetB to extract a color component.
Return Value
Unpremultiplied ARGB
Example Output
Yellow is 100% red, 100% green, and 0% blue.
See Also
void setColor(SkColor color)
Sets Alpha and RGB used when stroking and filling. The color is a 32-bit value, Unpremultiplied, packing 8-bit components for Alpha, red, blue, and green.
color |
Unpremultiplied ARGB |
Example Output
green1 == green2
See Also
SkColor setARGB SkColorSetARGB
Alpha Methods
Color Alpha sets the transparency independent of RGB: red, blue, and green.
uint8_t getAlpha() const
Retrieves Alpha from the Color used when stroking and filling.
Return Value
Alpha ranging from zero, fully transparent, to 255, fully opaque
Example Output
255 == paint.getAlpha()
void setAlpha(U8CPU a)
Replaces Alpha, leaving RGB unchanged. An out of range value triggers an assert in the debug build. a is a value from zero to 255. a set to zero makes Color fully transparent; a set to 255 makes Color fully opaque.
a |
Alpha component of Color |
Example Output
0x44112233 == paint.getColor()
void setARGB(U8CPU a, U8CPU r, U8CPU g, U8CPU b)
Sets Color used when drawing solid fills. The color components range from 0 to 255. The color is Unpremultiplied; Alpha sets the transparency independent of RGB.
a |
amount of Color Alpha, from fully transparent (0) to fully opaque (255) |
r |
amount of red, from no red (0) to full red (255) |
g |
amount of green, from no green (0) to full green (255) |
b |
amount of blue, from no blue (0) to full blue (255) |
Example Output
transRed1 == transRed2
See Also
Style specifies if the geometry is filled, stroked, or both filled and stroked. Some shapes ignore Style and are always drawn filled or stroked.
Set Style to kFill Style to fill the shape. The fill covers the area inside the geometry for most shapes.
Set Style to kStroke Style to stroke the shape.
Style Fill
See Also
Style Stroke
The stroke covers the area described by following the shape edge with a pen or brush of Stroke Width. The area covered where the shape starts and stops is described by Stroke Cap. The area covered where the shape turns a corner is described by Stroke Join. The stroke is centered on the shape; it extends equally on either side of the shape edge.
As Stroke Width gets smaller, the drawn path frame is thinner. Stroke Width less than one may have gaps, and if kAntiAlias Flag is set, Color Alpha will increase to visually decrease coverage.
Style Hairline
Stroke Width of zero has a special meaning and switches drawing to use Hairline. Hairline draws the thinnest continuous frame. If kAntiAlias Flag is clear, adjacent pixels flow horizontally, vertically,or diagonally.
Path drawing with Hairline may hit the same pixel more than once. For instance, Path containing two lines in one Path Contour will draw the corner point once, but may both lines may draw the adjacent pixel. If kAntiAlias Flag is set, transparency is applied twice, resulting in a darker pixel. Some GPU-backed implementations apply transparency at a later drawing stage, avoiding double hit pixels while stroking.
Enum SkPaint::Style
enum Style { kFill Style, kStroke Style, kStrokeAndFill Style, }; static constexpr int kStyleCount = kStrokeAndFill Style + 1;
Set Style to fill, stroke, or both fill and stroke geometry. The stroke and fill share all paint attributes; for instance, they are drawn with the same color.
Use kStrokeAndFill Style to avoid hitting the same pixels twice with a stroke draw and a fill draw.
Const | Value | Description |
SkPaint::kFill_Style |
0 | Applies to Rect, Region, Round Rect, Circles, Ovals, Path, and Text. Bitmap, Image, Patches, Region, Sprites, and Vertices are painted as if kFill Style is set, and ignore the set Style. The Path Fill Type specifies additional rules to fill the area outside the path edge, and to create an unfilled hole inside the shape. Style is set to kFill Style by default. |
SkPaint::kStroke_Style |
1 | Applies to Rect, Region, Round Rect, Arcs, Circles, Ovals, Path, and Text. Arcs, Lines, and points, are always drawn as if kStroke Style is set, and ignore the set Style. The stroke construction is unaffected by the Path Fill Type. |
SkPaint::kStrokeAndFill_Style |
2 | Applies to Rect, Region, Round Rect, Circles, Ovals, Path, and Text. Path is treated as if it is set to SkPath::kWinding FillType, and the set Path Fill Type is ignored. |
SkPaint::kStyleCount |
3 | May be used to verify that Style is a legal value. |
Style getStyle() const
Whether the geometry is filled, stroked, or filled and stroked.
Return Value
one of:kFill Style, kStroke Style, kStrokeAndFill Style
Example Output
SkPaint::kFill_Style == paint.getStyle()
See Also
void setStyle(Style style)
Sets whether the geometry is filled, stroked, or filled and stroked. Has no effect if style is not a legal Style value.
style |
one of: kFill Style, kStroke Style, kStrokeAndFill Style |
See Also
See Also
Path Fill Type Path Effect Style Fill Style Stroke
Stroke Width
Stroke Width sets the width for stroking. The width is the thickness of the stroke perpendicular to the path direction when the paint style is set to kStroke Style or kStrokeAndFill Style.
When width is greater than zero, the stroke encompasses as many pixels partially or fully as needed. When the width equals zero, the paint enables hairlines; the stroke is always one pixel wide.
The stroke dimensions are scaled by the canvas matrix, but Hairline stroke remains one pixel wide regardless of scaling.
The default width for the paint is zero.
SkScalar getStrokeWidth() const
Returns the thickness of the pen used by Paint to outline the shape.
Return Value
zero for Hairline, greater than zero for pen thickness
Example Output
0 == paint.getStrokeWidth()
void setStrokeWidth(SkScalar width)
Sets the thickness of the pen used by the paint to outline the shape. Has no effect if width is less than zero.
width |
zero thickness for Hairline; greater than zero for pen thickness |
Example Output
5 == paint.getStrokeWidth()
Miter Limit
Miter Limit specifies the maximum miter length, relative to the stroke width.
Miter Limit is used when the Stroke Join is set to kMiter Join, and the Style is either kStroke Style or kStrokeAndFill Style.
If the miter at a corner exceeds this limit, kMiter Join is replaced with kBevel Join.
Miter Limit can be computed from the corner angle:
miter limit = 1 / sin ( angle / 2 )Miter Limit default value is 4. The default may be changed at compile time by setting SkPaintDefaults MiterLimit in "SkUserConfig.h" or as a define supplied by the build environment.
Here are some miter limits and the angles that triggers them.
miter limit | angle in degrees |
10 | 11.48 |
9 | 12.76 |
8 | 14.36 |
7 | 16.43 |
6 | 19.19 |
5 | 23.07 |
4 | 28.96 |
3 | 38.94 |
2 | 60 |
1 | 180 |
SkScalar getStrokeMiter() const
The limit at which a sharp corner is drawn beveled.
Return Value
zero and greater Miter Limit
Example Output
default miter limit == 4
See Also
Miter Limit setStrokeMiter Join
void setStrokeMiter(SkScalar miter)
The limit at which a sharp corner is drawn beveled. Valid values are zero and greater. Has no effect if miter is less than zero.
miter |
zero and greater Miter Limit |
Example Output
default miter limit == 8
See Also
Miter Limit getStrokeMiter Join
Stroke Cap
Enum SkPaint::Cap
enum Cap { kButt Cap, kRound Cap, kSquare Cap, kLast Cap = kSquare Cap, kDefault Cap = kButt Cap, }; static constexpr int kCapCount = kLast Cap + 1;
Stroke Cap draws at the beginning and end of an open Path Contour.
Const | Value | Description |
SkPaint::kButt_Cap |
0 | Does not extend the stroke past the beginning or the end. |
SkPaint::kRound_Cap |
1 | Adds a circle with a diameter equal to Stroke Width at the beginning and end. |
SkPaint::kSquare_Cap |
2 | Adds a square with sides equal to Stroke Width at the beginning and end. The square sides are parallel to the initial and final direction of the stroke. |
SkPaint::kLast_Cap |
2 | Equivalent to the largest value for Stroke Cap. |
SkPaint::kDefault_Cap |
0 | Stroke Cap is set to kButt Cap by default. |
SkPaint::kCapCount |
3 | May be used to verify that Stroke Cap is a legal value. |
Stroke describes the area covered by a pen of Stroke Width as it follows the Path Contour, moving parallel to the contour direction.
If the Path Contour is not terminated by SkPath::kClose Verb, the contour has a visible beginning and end.
Path Contour may start and end at the same point; defining Zero Length Contour.
kButt Cap and Zero Length Contour is not drawn. kRound Cap and Zero Length Contour draws a circle of diameter Stroke Width at the contour point. kSquare Cap and Zero Length Contour draws an upright square with a side of Stroke Width at the contour point.
Stroke Cap is kButt Cap by default.
Cap getStrokeCap() const
The geometry drawn at the beginning and end of strokes.
Return Value
one of: kButt Cap, kRound Cap, kSquare Cap
Example Output
kButt_Cap == default stroke cap
See Also
void setStrokeCap(Cap cap)
The geometry drawn at the beginning and end of strokes.
cap |
one of: kButt Cap, kRound Cap, kSquare Cap; has no effect if cap is not valid |
Example Output
kRound_Cap == paint.getStrokeCap()
See Also
Stroke Join
Stroke Join draws at the sharp corners of an open or closed Path Contour.
Stroke describes the area covered by a pen of Stroke Width as it follows the Path Contour, moving parallel to the contour direction.
If the contour direction changes abruptly, because the tangent direction leading to the end of a curve within the contour does not match the tangent direction of the following curve, the pair of curves meet at Stroke Join.
Enum SkPaint::Join
enum Join { kMiter Join, kRound Join, kBevel Join, kLast Join = kBevel Join, kDefault Join = kMiter Join, }; static constexpr int kJoinCount = kLast Join + 1;
Join specifies how corners are drawn when a shape is stroked. Join affects the four corners of a stroked rectangle, and the connected segments in a stroked path.
Choose miter join to draw sharp corners. Choose round join to draw a circle with a radius equal to the stroke width on top of the corner. Choose bevel join to minimally connect the thick strokes.
The fill path constructed to describe the stroked path respects the join setting but may not contain the actual join. For instance, a fill path constructed with round joins does not necessarily include circles at each connected segment.
Const | Value | Description |
SkPaint::kMiter_Join |
0 | Extends the outside corner to the extent allowed by Miter Limit. If the extension exceeds Miter Limit, kBevel Join is used instead. |
SkPaint::kRound_Join |
1 | Adds a circle with a diameter of Stroke Width at the sharp corner. |
SkPaint::kBevel_Join |
2 | Connects the outside edges of the sharp corner. |
SkPaint::kLast_Join |
2 | equivalent to the largest value for Stroke_Join |
SkPaint::kDefault_Join |
1 | Stroke Join is set to kMiter Join by default. |
SkPaint::kJoinCount |
3 | May be used to verify that Stroke Join is a legal value. |
See Also
setStrokeJoin getStrokeJoin setStrokeMiter getStrokeMiter
Join getStrokeJoin() const
The geometry drawn at the corners of strokes.
Return Value
one of: kMiter Join, kRound Join, kBevel Join
Example Output
kMiter_Join == default stroke join
See Also
void setStrokeJoin(Join join)
The geometry drawn at the corners of strokes.
join |
one of: kMiter Join, kRound Join, kBevel Join; otherwise, has no effect |
Example Output
kMiter_Join == paint.getStrokeJoin()
See Also
See Also
Fill Path
Fill Path creates a Path by applying the Path Effect, followed by the Style Stroke.
If Paint contains Path Effect, Path Effect operates on the source Path; the result replaces the destination Path. Otherwise, the source Path is replaces the destination Path.
Fill Path can request the Path Effect to restrict to a culling rectangle, but the Path Effect is not required to do so.
If Style is kStroke Style or kStrokeAndFill Style, and Stroke Width is greater than zero, the Stroke Width, Stroke Cap, Stroke Join, and Miter Limit operate on the destination Path, replacing it.
Fill Path can specify the precision used by Stroke Width to approximate the stroke geometry.
If the Style is kStroke Style and the Stroke Width is zero, getFillPath returns false since Hairline has no filled equivalent.
bool getFillPath(const SkPath& src, SkPath* dst, const SkRect* cullRect, SkScalar resScale = 1) const
The filled equivalent of the stroked path.
src |
Path read to create a filled version |
dst |
resulting Path; may be the same as src, but may not be nullptr |
cullRect |
optional limit passed to Path Effect |
resScale |
if > 1, increase precision, else if (0 < res < 1) reduce precision to favor speed and size |
Return Value
true if the path represents Style Fill, or false if it represents Hairline
bool getFillPath(const SkPath& src, SkPath* dst) const
The filled equivalent of the stroked path.
Replaces dst with the src path modified by Path Effect and Style Stroke. Path Effect, if any, is not culled. Stroke Width is created with default precision.
src |
Path read to create a filled version |
dst |
resulting Path dst may be the same as src, but may not be nullptr |
Return Value
true if the path represents Style Fill, or false if it represents Hairline
See Also
Style Stroke Stroke Width Path Effect
Shader Methods
Shader defines the colors used when drawing a shape. Shader may be an image, a gradient, or a computed fill. If Paint has no Shader, then Color fills the shape.
Shader is modulated by Color Alpha component of Color. If Shader object defines only Color Alpha, then Color modulated by Color Alpha describes the fill.
The drawn transparency can be modified without altering Shader, by changing Color Alpha.
If Shader generates only Color Alpha then all components of Color modulate the output.
SkShader* getShader() const
Optional colors used when filling a path, such as a gradient.
Does not alter Shader Reference Count.
Return Value
Shader if previously set, nullptr otherwise
Example Output
nullptr == shader
nullptr != shader
sk sp<SkShader> refShader() const
Optional colors used when filling a path, such as a gradient.
Increases Shader Reference Count by one.
Return Value
Shader if previously set, nullptr otherwise
Example Output
shader unique: true
shader unique: false
void setShader(sk sp<SkShader> shader)
Optional colors used when filling a path, such as a gradient.
Sets Shader to shader, decreasing Reference Count of the previous Shader. Increments shader Reference Count by one.
shader |
how geometry is filled with color; if nullptr, Color is used instead |
Color Filter Methods
Color Filter alters the color used when drawing a shape. Color Filter may apply Blend Mode, transform the color through a matrix, or composite multiple filters. If Paint has no Color Filter, the color is unaltered.
The drawn transparency can be modified without altering Color Filter, by changing Color Alpha.
SkColorFilter* getColorFilter() const
Returns Color Filter if set, or nullptr. Does not alter Color Filter Reference Count.
Return Value
Color Filter if previously set, nullptr otherwise
Example Output
nullptr == color filter
nullptr != color filter
sk sp<SkColorFilter> refColorFilter() const
Returns Color Filter if set, or nullptr. Increases Color Filter Reference Count by one.
Return Value
Color Filter if set, or nullptr
Example Output
color filter unique: true
color filter unique: false
void setColorFilter(sk sp<SkColorFilter> colorFilter)
Sets Color Filter to filter, decreasing Reference Count of the previous Color Filter. Pass nullptr to clear Color Filter.
Increments filter Reference Count by one.
colorFilter |
Color Filter to apply to subsequent draw |
Blend Mode Methods
Blend Mode describes how Color combines with the destination color. The default setting, SkBlendMode::kSrcOver, draws the source color over the destination color.
See Also
SkBlendMode getBlendMode() const
Returns Blend Mode. By default, returns SkBlendMode::kSrcOver.
Return Value
mode used to combine source color with destination color
Example Output
kSrcOver == getBlendMode
kSrcOver != getBlendMode
bool isSrcOver() const
Returns true if Blend Mode is SkBlendMode::kSrcOver, the default.
Return Value
true if Blend Mode is SkBlendMode::kSrcOver
Example Output
isSrcOver == true
isSrcOver != true
void setBlendMode(SkBlendMode mode)
Sets Blend Mode to mode. Does not check for valid input.
mode |
SkBlendMode used to combine source color and destination |
Example Output
isSrcOver == true
isSrcOver != true
Path Effect Methods
Path Effect modifies the path geometry before drawing it. Path Effect may implement dashing, custom fill effects and custom stroke effects. If Paint has no Path Effect, the path geometry is unaltered when filled or stroked.
See Also
SkPathEffect* getPathEffect() const
Returns Path Effect if set, or nullptr. Does not alter Path Effect Reference Count.
Return Value
Path Effect if previously set, nullptr otherwise
Example Output
nullptr == path effect
nullptr != path effect
sk sp<SkPathEffect> refPathEffect() const
Returns Path Effect if set, or nullptr. Increases Path Effect Reference Count by one.
Return Value
Path Effect if previously set, nullptr otherwise
Example Output
path effect unique: true
path effect unique: false
void setPathEffect(sk sp<SkPathEffect> pathEffect)
Sets Path Effect to pathEffect, decreasing Reference Count of the previous Path Effect. Pass nullptr to leave the path geometry unaltered.
Increments pathEffect Reference Count by one.
pathEffect |
replace Path with a modification when drawn |
Mask Filter Methods
Mask Filter uses coverage of the shape drawn to create Mask Alpha. Mask Filter takes a Mask, and returns a Mask.
Mask Filter may change the geometry and transparency of the shape, such as creating a blur effect. Set Mask Filter to nullptr to prevent Mask Filter from modifying the draw.
SkMaskFilter* getMaskFilter() const
Returns Mask Filter if set, or nullptr. Does not alter Mask Filter Reference Count.
Return Value
Mask Filter if previously set, nullptr otherwise
Example Output
nullptr == mask filter
nullptr != mask filter
sk sp<SkMaskFilter> refMaskFilter() const
Returns Mask Filter if set, or nullptr.
Increases Mask Filter Reference Count by one.
Return Value
Mask Filter if previously set, nullptr otherwise
Example Output
mask filter unique: true
mask filter unique: false
void setMaskFilter(sk sp<SkMaskFilter> maskFilter)
Sets Mask Filter to maskFilter, decreasing Reference Count of the previous Mask Filter. Pass nullptr to clear Mask Filter and leave Mask Filter effect on Mask Alpha unaltered.
Increments maskFilter Reference Count by one.
maskFilter |
modifies clipping mask generated from drawn geometry |
Typeface Methods
Typeface identifies the font used when drawing and measuring text. Typeface may be specified by name, from a file, or from a data stream. The default Typeface defers to the platform-specific default font implementation.
SkTypeface* getTypeface() const
Returns Typeface if set, or nullptr. Does not alter Typeface Reference Count.
Return Value
Typeface if previously set, nullptr otherwise
Example Output
nullptr == typeface
nullptr != typeface
sk sp<SkTypeface> refTypeface() const
Increases Typeface Reference Count by one.
Return Value
Typeface if previously set, nullptr otherwise
Example Output
typeface1 != typeface2
typeface1 == typeface2
void setTypeface(sk sp<SkTypeface> typeface)
Sets Typeface to typeface, decreasing Reference Count of the previous Typeface. Pass nullptr to clear Typeface and use the default typeface. Increments typeface Reference Count by one.
typeface |
font and style used to draw text |
Image Filter Methods
Image Filter operates on the pixel representation of the shape, as modified by Paint with Blend Mode set to SkBlendMode::kSrcOver. Image Filter creates a new bitmap, which is drawn to the device using the set Blend Mode.
Image Filter is higher level than Mask Filter; for instance, an Image Filter can operate on all channels of Color, while Mask Filter generates Alpha only. Image Filter operates independently of and can be used in combination with Mask Filter.
SkImageFilter* getImageFilter() const
Returns Image Filter if set, or nullptr. Does not alter Image Filter Reference Count.
Return Value
Image Filter if previously set, nullptr otherwise
Example Output
nullptr == image filter
nullptr != image filter
sk sp<SkImageFilter> refImageFilter() const
Returns Image Filter if set, or nullptr. Increases Image Filter Reference Count by one.
Return Value
Image Filter if previously set, nullptr otherwise
Example Output
image filter unique: true
image filter unique: false
void setImageFilter(sk sp<SkImageFilter> imageFilter)
Sets Image Filter to imageFilter, decreasing Reference Count of the previous Image Filter. Pass nullptr to clear Image Filter, and remove Image Filter effect on drawing.
Increments imageFilter Reference Count by one.
imageFilter |
how Image is sampled when transformed |
Draw Looper Methods
Draw Looper sets a modifier that communicates state from one Draw Layer to another to construct the draw.
Draw Looper draws one or more times, modifying the canvas and paint each time. Draw Looper may be used to draw multiple colors or create a colored shadow. Set Draw Looper to nullptr to prevent Draw Looper from modifying the draw.
SkDrawLooper* getDrawLooper() const
Returns Draw Looper if set, or nullptr. Does not alter Draw Looper Reference Count.
Return Value
Draw Looper if previously set, nullptr otherwise
Example Output
nullptr == draw looper
nullptr != draw looper
sk sp<SkDrawLooper> refDrawLooper() const
Returns Draw Looper if set, or nullptr. Increases Draw Looper Reference Count by one.
Return Value
Draw Looper if previously set, nullptr otherwise
Example Output
draw looper unique: true
draw looper unique: false
SkDrawLooper* getLooper() const
void setDrawLooper(sk sp<SkDrawLooper> drawLooper)
Sets Draw Looper to drawLooper, decreasing Reference Count of the previous drawLooper. Pass nullptr to clear Draw Looper and leave Draw Looper effect on drawing unaltered.
Increments drawLooper Reference Count by one.
drawLooper |
iterates through drawing one or more time, altering Paint |
void setLooper(sk sp<SkDrawLooper> drawLooper)
Text Align
Enum SkPaint::Align
enum Align { kLeft Align, kCenter Align, kRight Align, }; static constexpr int kAlignCount = 3;
Align adjusts the text relative to the text position. Align affects Glyphs drawn with: SkCanvas::drawText, SkCanvas::drawPosText, SkCanvas::drawPosTextH, SkCanvas::drawTextOnPath, SkCanvas::drawTextOnPathHV, SkCanvas::drawTextRSXform, SkCanvas::drawTextBlob, and SkCanvas::drawString; as well as calls that place text Glyphs like getTextWidths and getTextPath.
The text position is set by the font for both horizontal and vertical text. Typically, for horizontal text, the position is to the left side of the glyph on the base line; and for vertical text, the position is the horizontal center of the glyph at the caps height.
Align adjusts the glyph position to center it or move it to abut the position using the metrics returned by the font.
Align defaults to kLeft Align.
Const | Value | Description |
SkPaint::kLeft_Align |
0 | Leaves the glyph at the position computed by the font offset by the text position. |
SkPaint::kCenter_Align |
1 | Moves the glyph half its width if Flags has kVerticalText Flag clear, and half its height if Flags has kVerticalText Flag set. |
SkPaint::kRight_Align |
2 | Moves the glyph by its width if Flags has kVerticalText Flag clear, and by its height if Flags has kVerticalText Flag set. |
SkPaint::kAlignCount |
3 | May be used to verify that Align is a legal value. |
Align getTextAlign() const
Returns Text Align. Returns kLeft Align if Text Align has not been set.
Return Value
text placement relative to position
Example Output
kLeft_Align == default
void setTextAlign(Align align)
Sets Text Align to align. Has no effect if align is an invalid value.
align |
text placement relative to position |
Text Size
Text Size adjusts the overall text size in points. Text Size can be set to any positive value or zero. Text Size defaults to 12. Set SkPaintDefaults TextSize at compile time to change the default setting.
SkScalar getTextSize() const
Returns Text Size in points.
Return Value
typographic height of text
void setTextSize(SkScalar textSize)
Sets Text Size in points. Has no effect if textSize is not greater than or equal to zero.
textSize |
typographic height of text |
Text Scale X
Text Scale X adjusts the text horizontal scale. Text scaling approximates condensed and expanded type faces when the actual face is not available. Text Scale X can be set to any value. Text Scale X defaults to 1.
SkScalar getTextScaleX() const
Returns Text Scale X. Default value is 1.
Return Value
text horizontal scale
void setTextScaleX(SkScalar scaleX)
Sets Text Scale X. Default value is 1.
scaleX |
text horizontal scale |
Text Skew X
Text Skew X adjusts the text horizontal slant. Text skewing approximates italic and oblique type faces when the actual face is not available. Text Skew X can be set to any value. Text Skew X defaults to 0.
SkScalar getTextSkewX() const
Returns Text Skew X. Default value is zero.
Return Value
additional shear in x-axis relative to y-axis
void setTextSkewX(SkScalar skewX)
Sets Text Skew X. Default value is zero.
skewX |
additional shear in x-axis relative to y-axis |
Text Encoding
Enum SkPaint::TextEncoding
enum TextEncoding { kUTF8 TextEncoding, kUTF16 TextEncoding, kUTF32 TextEncoding, kGlyphID TextEncoding, };
TextEncoding determines whether text specifies character codes and their encoded size, or glyph indices. Characters are encoded as specified by the Unicode standard .
Character codes encoded size are specified by UTF-8, UTF-16, or UTF-32. All character code formats are able to represent all of Unicode, differing only in the total storage required.
UTF-8 (RFC 3629) encodes each character as one or more 8-bit bytes.
UTF-16 (RFC 2781) encodes each character as one or two 16-bit words.
UTF-32 encodes each character as one 32-bit word.
Font Manager uses font data to convert character code points into glyph indices. A glyph index is a 16-bit word.
TextEncoding is set to kUTF8 TextEncoding by default.
Const | Value | Description |
SkPaint::kUTF8_TextEncoding |
0 | uses bytes to represent UTF-8 or ASCII |
SkPaint::kUTF16_TextEncoding |
1 | uses two byte words to represent most of Unicode |
SkPaint::kUTF32_TextEncoding |
2 | uses four byte words to represent all of Unicode |
SkPaint::kGlyphID_TextEncoding |
3 | uses two byte words to represent glyph indices |
TextEncoding getTextEncoding() const
Returns Text Encoding. Text Encoding determines how character code points are mapped to font glyph indices.
Return Value
one of: kUTF8 TextEncoding, kUTF16 TextEncoding, kUTF32 TextEncoding, or kGlyphID TextEncoding
Example Output
kUTF8_TextEncoding == text encoding
kGlyphID_TextEncoding == text encoding
void setTextEncoding(TextEncoding encoding)
Sets Text Encoding to encoding. Text Encoding determines how character code points are mapped to font glyph indices. Invalid values for encoding are ignored.
#encoding |
one of: kUTF8 TextEncoding, kUTF16 TextEncoding, kUTF32 TextEncoding, or kGlyphID TextEncoding |
Example Output
4 != text encoding
Font Metrics
Font Metrics describe dimensions common to the Glyphs in Typeface. The dimensions are computed by Font Manager from font data and do not take Paint settings other than Text Size into account.
Font dimensions specify the anchor to the left of the glyph at baseline as the origin. X-axis values to the left of the glyph are negative, and to the right of the left glyph edge are positive. Y-axis values above the baseline are negative, and below the baseline are positive.
Struct SkPaint::FontMetrics
SkPaint related constants are defined by enum
, enum class
, #define
, const
, and constexpr
Topic | Description |
FontMetricsFlags | valid Font Metrics |
kStrikeoutPositionIsValid Flag | set if fStrikeoutPosition is valid |
kStrikeoutThicknessIsValid Flag | set if fStrikeoutThickness is valid |
kUnderlinePositionIsValid Flag | set if fUnderlinePosition is valid |
kUnderlineThicknessIsValid Flag | set if fUnderlineThickness is valid |
SkPaint member functions read and modify the structure properties.
Topic | Description |
hasStrikeoutPosition | returns strikeout position if set |
hasStrikeoutThickness | returns strikeout thickness if set |
hasUnderlinePosition | returns underline position if set |
hasUnderlineThickness | returns underline thickness if set |
SkPaint members may be read and written directly without using a member function.
Topic | Description |
fAscent | distance to reserve above baseline |
fAvgCharWidth | average character width |
fBottom | extent below baseline |
fCapHeight | height of an upper-case letter |
fDescent | distance to reserve below baseline |
fFlags | is set to FontMetricsFlags when metrics are valid |
fLeading | distance to add between lines |
fMaxCharWidth | maximum character width |
fStrikeoutPosition | strikeout position relative to baseline |
fStrikeoutThickness | strikeout thickness |
fTop | extent above baseline |
fUnderlinePosition | underline position relative to baseline |
fUnderlineThickness | underline thickness |
fXHeight | height of lower-case 'x' |
fXMax | maximum x |
fXMin | minimum x |
struct FontMetrics { enum FontMetricsFlags { kUnderlineThicknessIsValid Flag = 1 << 0, kUnderlinePositionIsValid Flag = 1 << 1, kStrikeoutThicknessIsValid Flag = 1 << 2, kStrikeoutPositionIsValid Flag = 1 << 3, }; uint32_t fFlags; SkScalar fTop; SkScalar fAscent; SkScalar fDescent; SkScalar fBottom; SkScalar fLeading; SkScalar fAvgCharWidth; SkScalar fMaxCharWidth; SkScalar fXMin; SkScalar fXMax; SkScalar fXHeight; SkScalar fCapHeight; SkScalar fUnderlineThickness; SkScalar fUnderlinePosition; SkScalar fStrikeoutThickness; SkScalar fStrikeoutPosition; bool hasUnderlineThickness(SkScalar* thickness) const; bool hasUnderlinePosition(SkScalar* position) const; bool hasStrikeoutThickness(SkScalar* thickness) const; bool hasStrikeoutPosition(SkScalar* position) const; };
FontMetrics is filled out by getFontMetrics. FontMetrics contents reflect the values computed by Font Manager using Typeface. Values are set to zero if they are not available.
All vertical values are relative to the baseline, on a y-axis pointing down. Zero is on the baseline, negative values are above the baseline, and positive values are below the baseline.
fUnderlineThickness and fUnderlinePosition have a bit set in fFlags if their values are valid, since their value may be zero.
fStrikeoutThickness and fStrikeoutPosition have a bit set in fFlags if their values are valid, since their value may be zero.
Enum SkPaint::FontMetrics::FontMetricsFlags
enum FontMetricsFlags { kUnderlineThicknessIsValid Flag = 1 << 0, kUnderlinePositionIsValid Flag = 1 << 1, kStrikeoutThicknessIsValid Flag = 1 << 2, kStrikeoutPositionIsValid Flag = 1 << 3, };
FontMetricsFlags are set in fFlags when underline and strikeout metrics are valid; the underline or strikeout metric may be valid and zero. Fonts with embedded bitmaps may not have valid underline or strikeout metrics.
Const | Value | Description |
SkPaint::FontMetrics::kUnderlineThicknessIsValid_Flag |
0x0001 | set if fUnderlineThickness is valid |
SkPaint::FontMetrics::kUnderlinePositionIsValid_Flag |
0x0002 | set if fUnderlinePosition is valid |
SkPaint::FontMetrics::kStrikeoutThicknessIsValid_Flag |
0x0004 | set if fStrikeoutThickness is valid |
SkPaint::FontMetrics::kStrikeoutPositionIsValid_Flag |
0x0008 | set if fStrikeoutPosition is valid |
Type | Name | Description |
uint32_t | fFlags |
is set to FontMetricsFlags when metrics are valid |
SkScalar | fTop |
Greatest extent above the baseline for any glyph. Typically less than zero. |
SkScalar | fAscent |
Recommended distance above the baseline to reserve for a line of text. Typically less than zero. |
SkScalar | fDescent |
Recommended distance below the baseline to reserve for a line of text. Typically greater than zero. |
SkScalar | fBottom |
Greatest extent below the baseline for any glyph. Typically greater than zero. |
SkScalar | fLeading |
Recommended distance to add between lines of text. Typically greater than or equal to zero. |
SkScalar | fAvgCharWidth |
Average character width, if it is available. Zero if no average width is stored in the font. |
SkScalar | fMaxCharWidth |
maximum character width |
SkScalar | fXMin |
Minimum bounding box x-axis value for all Glyphs. Typically less than zero. |
SkScalar | fXMax |
Maximum bounding box x-axis value for all Glyphs. Typically greater than zero. |
SkScalar | fXHeight |
May be zero if no lower-case height is stored in the font. |
SkScalar | fCapHeight |
May be zero if no upper-case height is stored in the font. |
SkScalar | fUnderlineThickness |
If the metric is valid, the kUnderlineThicknessIsValid Flag is set in fFlags. If kUnderlineThicknessIsValid Flag is clear, fUnderlineThickness is zero. |
SkScalar | fUnderlinePosition |
Position of the top of the underline stroke relative to the baseline.
Typically positive when valid.
If the metric is valid, the kUnderlinePositionIsValid Flag is set in fFlags. If kUnderlinePositionIsValid Flag is clear, fUnderlinePosition is zero. |
SkScalar | fStrikeoutThickness |
If the metric is valid, the kStrikeoutThicknessIsValid Flag is set in fFlags. If kStrikeoutThicknessIsValid Flag is clear, fStrikeoutThickness is zero. |
SkScalar | fStrikeoutPosition |
Position of the bottom of the strikeout stroke relative to the baseline.
Typically negative when valid.
If the metric is valid, the kStrikeoutPositionIsValid Flag is set in fFlags. If kStrikeoutPositionIsValid Flag is clear, fStrikeoutPosition is zero. |
bool hasUnderlineThickness(SkScalar* thickness) const
If Font Metrics has a valid underline thickness, return true, and set thickness to that value. If the underline thickness is not valid, return false, and ignore thickness.
thickness |
storage for underline width |
Return Value
true if font specifies underline width
bool hasUnderlinePosition(SkScalar* position) const
If Font Metrics has a valid underline position, return true, and set position to that value. If the underline position is not valid, return false, and ignore position.
position |
storage for underline position |
Return Value
true if font specifies underline position
bool hasStrikeoutThickness(SkScalar* thickness) const
If Font Metrics has a valid strikeout thickness, return true, and set thickness to that value. If the underline thickness is not valid, return false, and ignore thickness.
thickness |
storage for strikeout width |
Return Value
true if font specifies strikeout width
bool hasStrikeoutPosition(SkScalar* position) const
If Font Metrics has a valid strikeout position, return true, and set position to that value. If the underline position is not valid, return false, and ignore position.
position |
storage for strikeout position |
Return Value
true if font specifies strikeout position
SkScalar getFontMetrics(FontMetrics* metrics, SkScalar scale = 0) const
Returns Font Metrics associated with Typeface. The return value is the recommended spacing between lines: the sum of metrics descent, ascent, and leading. If metrics is not nullptr, Font Metrics is copied to metrics. Results are scaled by Text Size but does not take into account dimensions required by Text Scale X, Text Skew X, Fake Bold, Style Stroke, and Path Effect. Results can be additionally scaled by scale; a scale of zero is ignored.
metrics |
storage for Font Metrics from Typeface; may be nullptr |
scale |
additional multiplier for returned values |
Return Value
recommended spacing between lines
See Also
Text Size Typeface Typeface Methods
SkScalar getFontSpacing() const
Returns the recommended spacing between lines: the sum of metrics descent, ascent, and leading. Result is scaled by Text Size but does not take into account dimensions required by stroking and Path Effect. Returns the same result as getFontMetrics.
Return Value
recommended spacing between lines
Example Output
textSize: 12 fontSpacing: 13.9688
textSize: 18 fontSpacing: 20.9531
textSize: 24 fontSpacing: 27.9375
textSize: 32 fontSpacing: 37.25
SkRect getFontBounds() const
Returns the union of bounds of all Glyphs. Returned dimensions are computed by Font Manager from font data, ignoring Hinting. Includes Text Size, Text Scale X, and Text Skew X, but not Fake Bold or Path Effect.
If Text Size is large, Text Scale X is one, and Text Skew X is zero, returns the same bounds as Font Metrics { FontMetrics::fXMin, FontMetrics::fTop, FontMetrics::fXMax, FontMetrics::fBottom }.
Return Value
union of bounds of all Glyphs
Example Output
metrics bounds = { -12.2461, -14.7891, 21.5215, 5.55469 }
font bounds = { -12.2461, -14.7891, 21.5215, 5.55469 }
int textToGlyphs(const void* text, size_t byteLength, SkGlyphID glyphs[]) const
Converts text into glyph indices. Returns the number of glyph indices represented by text. Text Encoding specifies how text represents characters or glyphs. glyphs may be nullptr, to compute the glyph count.
Does not check text for valid character codes or valid glyph indices.
If byteLength equals zero, returns zero. If byteLength includes a partial character, the partial character is ignored.
If Text Encoding is kUTF8 TextEncoding and text contains an invalid UTF-8 sequence, zero is returned.
text |
character storage encoded with Text Encoding |
byteLength |
length of character storage in bytes |
glyphs |
storage for glyph indices; may be nullptr |
Return Value
number of glyphs represented by text of length byteLength
int countText(const void* text, size_t byteLength) const
Returns the number of Glyphs in text. Uses Text Encoding to count the Glyphs. Returns the same result as textToGlyphs.
text |
character storage encoded with Text Encoding |
byteLength |
length of character storage in bytes |
Return Value
number of Glyphs represented by text of length byteLength
Example Output
count = 5
bool containsText(const void* text, size_t byteLength) const
Returns true if all text corresponds to a non-zero glyph index. Returns false if any characters in text are not supported in Typeface.
If Text Encoding is kGlyphID TextEncoding, returns true if all glyph indices in text are non-zero; does not check to see if text contains valid glyph indices for Typeface.
Returns true if byteLength is zero.
text |
array of characters or Glyphs |
byteLength |
number of bytes in text array |
Return Value
true if all text corresponds to a non-zero glyph index
Example Output
0x00b0 == has char
0xd800 != has char
Example Output
0x01ff == has glyph
0x0000 != has glyph
0xffff == has glyph
See Also
void glyphsToUnichars(const SkGlyphID glyphs[], int count, SkUnichar text[]) const
Converts glyphs into text if possible. Glyph values without direct Unicode equivalents are mapped to zero. Uses the Typeface, but is unaffected by Text Encoding; the text values returned are equivalent to kUTF32 TextEncoding.
Only supported on platforms that use FreeType as the Font Engine.
glyphs |
array of indices into font |
count |
length of glyph array |
text |
storage for character codes, one per glyph |
Measure Text
SkScalar measureText(const void* text, size_t length, SkRect* bounds) const
Returns the advance width of text if kVerticalText Flag is clear, and the height of text if kVerticalText Flag is set. The advance is the normal distance to move before drawing additional text. Uses Text Encoding to decode text, Typeface to get the font metrics, and Text Size, Text Scale X, Text Skew X, Stroke Width, and Path Effect to scale the metrics and bounds. Returns the bounding box of text if bounds is not nullptr. The bounding box is computed as if the text was drawn at the origin.
text |
character codes or glyph indices to be measured |
length |
number of bytes of text to measure |
bounds |
returns bounding box relative to (0, 0) if not nullptr |
Return Value
advance width or height
SkScalar measureText(const void* text, size_t length) const
Returns the advance width of text if kVerticalText Flag is clear, and the height of text if kVerticalText Flag is set. The advance is the normal distance to move before drawing additional text. Uses Text Encoding to decode text, Typeface to get the font metrics, and Text Size to scale the metrics. Does not scale the advance or bounds by Fake Bold or Path Effect.
text |
character codes or glyph indices to be measured |
length |
number of bytes of text to measure |
Return Value
advance width or height
Example Output
default width = 5
double width = 10
size_t breakText(const void* text, size_t length, SkScalar maxWidth, SkScalar* measuredWidth = nullptr) const
Returns the bytes of text that fit within maxWidth. If kVerticalText Flag is clear, the text fragment fits if its advance width is less than or equal to maxWidth. If kVerticalText Flag is set, the text fragment fits if its advance height is less than or equal to maxWidth. Measures only while the advance is less than or equal to maxWidth. Returns the advance or the text fragment in measuredWidth if it not nullptr. Uses Text Encoding to decode text, Typeface to get the font metrics, and Text Size to scale the metrics. Does not scale the advance or bounds by Fake Bold or Path Effect.
text |
character codes or glyph indices to be measured |
length |
number of bytes of text to measure |
maxWidth |
advance limit; text is measured while advance is less than maxWidth |
measuredWidth |
returns the width of the text less than or equal to maxWidth |
Return Value
bytes of text that fit, always less than or equal to length
int getTextWidths(const void* text, size_t byteLength, SkScalar widths[], SkRect bounds[] = nullptr) const
Retrieves the advance and bounds for each glyph in text, and returns the glyph count in text. Both widths and bounds may be nullptr. If widths is not nullptr, widths must be an array of glyph count entries. if bounds is not nullptr, bounds must be an array of glyph count entries. If kVerticalText Flag is clear, widths returns the horizontal advance. If kVerticalText Flag is set, widths returns the vertical advance. Uses Text Encoding to decode text, Typeface to get the font metrics, and Text Size to scale the widths and bounds. Does not scale the advance by Fake Bold or Path Effect. Does include Fake Bold and Path Effect in the bounds.
text |
character codes or glyph indices to be measured |
byteLength |
number of bytes of text to measure |
widths |
returns text advances for each glyph; may be nullptr |
bounds |
returns bounds for each glyph relative to (0, 0); may be nullptr |
Return Value
glyph count in text
Text Path
Text Path describes the geometry of Glyphs used to draw text.
void getTextPath(const void* text, size_t length, SkScalar x, SkScalar y, SkPath* path) const
Returns the geometry as Path equivalent to the drawn text. Uses Text Encoding to decode text, Typeface to get the glyph paths, and Text Size, Fake Bold, and Path Effect to scale and modify the glyph paths. All of the glyph paths are stored in path. Uses x, y, and Text Align to position path.
text |
character codes or glyph indices |
length |
number of bytes of text |
x |
x-axis value of the origin of the text |
y |
y-axis value of the origin of the text |
path |
geometry of the Glyphs |
void getPosTextPath(const void* text, size_t length, const SkPoint pos[], SkPath* path) const
Returns the geometry as Path equivalent to the drawn text. Uses Text Encoding to decode text, Typeface to get the glyph paths, and Text Size, Fake Bold, and Path Effect to scale and modify the glyph paths. All of the glyph paths are stored in path. Uses pos array and Text Align to position path. pos contains a position for each glyph.
text |
character codes or glyph indices |
length |
number of bytes of text |
pos |
positions of each glyph |
path |
geometry of the Glyphs |
Text Intercepts
Text Intercepts describe the intersection of drawn text Glyphs with a pair of lines parallel to the text advance. Text Intercepts permits creating a underline that skips Descenders.
int getTextIntercepts(const void* text, size_t length, SkScalar x, SkScalar y, const SkScalar bounds[2], SkScalar* intervals) const
Returns the number of intervals that intersect bounds. bounds describes a pair of lines parallel to the text advance. The return count is zero or a multiple of two, and is at most twice the number of Glyphs in the string. Uses Text Encoding to decode text, Typeface to get the glyph paths, and Text Size, Fake Bold, and Path Effect to scale and modify the glyph paths. Uses x, y, and Text Align to position intervals.
Pass nullptr for intervals to determine the size of the interval array.
intervals are cached to improve performance for multiple calls.
text |
character codes or glyph indices |
length |
number of bytes of text |
x |
x-axis value of the origin of the text |
y |
y-axis value of the origin of the text |
bounds |
lower and upper line parallel to the advance |
intervals |
returned intersections; may be nullptr |
Return Value
number of intersections; may be zero
int getPosTextIntercepts(const void* text, size_t length, const SkPoint pos[], const SkScalar bounds[2], SkScalar* intervals) const
Returns the number of intervals that intersect bounds. bounds describes a pair of lines parallel to the text advance. The return count is zero or a multiple of two, and is at most twice the number of Glyphs in the string. Uses Text Encoding to decode text, Typeface to get the glyph paths, and Text Size, Fake Bold, and Path Effect to scale and modify the glyph paths. Uses pos array and Text Align to position intervals.
Pass nullptr for intervals to determine the size of the interval array.
intervals are cached to improve performance for multiple calls.
text |
character codes or glyph indices |
length |
number of bytes of text |
pos |
positions of each glyph |
bounds |
lower and upper line parallel to the advance |
intervals |
returned intersections; may be nullptr |
Return Value
number of intersections; may be zero
int getPosTextHIntercepts(const void* text, size_t length, const SkScalar xpos[], SkScalar constY, const SkScalar bounds[2], SkScalar* intervals) const
Returns the number of intervals that intersect bounds. bounds describes a pair of lines parallel to the text advance. The return count is zero or a multiple of two, and is at most twice the number of Glyphs in the string. Uses Text Encoding to decode text, Typeface to get the glyph paths, and Text Size, Fake Bold, and Path Effect to scale and modify the glyph paths. Uses xpos array, constY, and Text Align to position intervals.
Pass nullptr for intervals to determine the size of the interval array.
intervals are cached to improve performance for multiple calls.
text |
character codes or glyph indices |
length |
number of bytes of text |
xpos |
positions of each glyph in x |
constY |
position of each glyph in y |
bounds |
lower and upper line parallel to the advance |
intervals |
returned intersections; may be nullptr |
Return Value
number of intersections; may be zero
int getTextBlobIntercepts(const SkTextBlob* blob, const SkScalar bounds[2], SkScalar* intervals) const
Returns the number of intervals that intersect bounds. bounds describes a pair of lines parallel to the text advance. The return count is zero or a multiple of two, and is at most twice the number of Glyphs in the string. Uses Typeface to get the glyph paths, and Text Size, Fake Bold, and Path Effect to scale and modify the glyph paths. Uses run array and Text Align to position intervals.
Text Encoding must be set to SkPaint::kGlyphID TextEncoding.
Pass nullptr for intervals to determine the size of the interval array.
intervals are cached to improve performance for multiple calls.
blob |
Glyphs, positions, and text paint attributes |
bounds |
lower and upper line parallel to the advance |
intervals |
returned intersections; may be nullptr |
Return Value
number of intersections; may be zero
bool nothingToDraw() const
Returns true if Paint prevents all drawing; otherwise, the Paint may or may not allow drawing.
Returns true if, for example, Blend Mode combined with Color Alpha computes a new Alpha of zero.
Return Value
true if Paint prevents all drawing
Example Output
initial nothing to draw: false
blend dst nothing to draw: true
blend src over nothing to draw: false
alpha 0 nothing to draw: true
Fast Bounds
Fast Bounds functions conservatively outset a drawing bounds by additional area Paint may draw to.
bool canComputeFastBounds() const
Returns true if Paint does not include elements requiring extensive computation to compute Device bounds of drawn geometry. For instance, Paint with Path Effect always returns false.
Return Value
true if Paint allows for fast computation of bounds
const SkRect& computeFastBounds(const SkRect& orig, SkRect* storage) const
Only call this if canComputeFastBounds returned true. This takes a raw rectangle (the raw bounds of a shape), and adjusts it for stylistic effects in the paint (e.g. stroking). If needed, it uses the storage parameter. It returns the adjusted bounds that can then be used for SkCanvas::quickReject tests.
The returned Rect will either be orig or storage, thus the caller should not rely on storage being set to the result, but should always use the returned value. It is legal for orig and storage to be the same Rect.
orig |
geometry modified by Paint when drawn |
storage |
computed bounds of geometry; may not be nullptr |
Return Value
fast computed bounds
const SkRect& computeFastStrokeBounds(const SkRect& orig, SkRect* storage) const
orig |
geometry modified by Paint when drawn |
storage |
computed bounds of geometry |
Return Value
fast computed bounds
const SkRect& doComputeFastBounds(const SkRect& orig, SkRect* storage, Style style) const
Computes the bounds, overriding the Paint Style. This can be used to account for additional width required by stroking orig, without altering Style set to fill.
orig |
geometry modified by Paint when drawn |
storage |
computed bounds of geometry |
style |
overrides Style |
Return Value
fast computed bounds
Topic | Description |
containsText | returns if all text corresponds to Glyphs |
countText | returns number of Glyphs in text |
glyphsToUnichars | converts Glyphs into text |
nothingToDraw | returns true if Paint prevents all drawing |
textToGlyphs | converts text into glyph indices |