Adds the command: make skps_release_and_SIMD for perfing builds against a set of SKPs in ~/skps for release and simd builds of CanvasKit. Also outputs a summary of the perf results in a table format. See the document "SIMD CanvasKit Build Performance Testing" for more details: https://docs.google.com/document/d/114kdSGPMnOSQCZ7pFgd3MGMn5mIW562RMoXVmD13e0M/edit# Bug: skia:10453 Change-Id: I311629a1420301dda41f7ec57ce1403b05fd949b Reviewed-on: https://skia-review.googlesource.com/c/skia/+/301982 Reviewed-by: Elliot Evans <elliotevans@google.com> Reviewed-by: Kevin Lubick <kjlubick@google.com>
304 lines
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304 lines
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* Command line application to run CanvasKit benchmarks in webpages using puppeteer. Different
* webpages can be specified to measure different aspects. The HTML page run contains the JS code
* to run the scenario and either 1) produce the perf output as a JSON object or 2) defer to
* puppeteer reading the tracing data.
const puppeteer = require('puppeteer');
const express = require('express');
const fs = require('fs');
const commandLineArgs = require('command-line-args');
const commandLineUsage= require('command-line-usage');
const opts = [
name: 'bench_html',
typeLabel: '{underline file}',
description: 'An HTML file containing the bench harness.'
name: 'canvaskit_js',
typeLabel: '{underline file}',
description: '(required) The path to canvaskit.js.'
name: 'canvaskit_wasm',
typeLabel: '{underline file}',
description: '(required) The path to canvaskit.wasm.'
name: 'input_lottie',
typeLabel: '{underline file}',
description: 'The Lottie JSON file to process.'
name: 'input_skp',
typeLabel: '{underline file}',
description: 'The SKP file to process.'
name: 'assets',
typeLabel: '{underline file}',
description: 'A directory containing any assets needed by the lottie file (e.g. images/fonts).'
name: 'output',
typeLabel: '{underline file}',
description: 'The perf file to write. Defaults to perf.json',
name: 'chromium_executable_path',
typeLabel: '{underline file}',
description: 'The chromium executable to be used by puppeteer to run tests',
name: 'merge_output_as',
typeLabel: String,
description: 'Overwrites a json property in an existing output file.',
name: 'use_gpu',
description: 'Whether we should run in non-headless mode with GPU.',
type: Boolean,
name: 'use_tracing',
description: 'If non-empty, will be interpreted as the tracing categories that should be ' +
'measured and returned in the output JSON. Example: "blink,cc,gpu"',
type: String,
name: 'enable_simd',
description: 'enable execution of wasm SIMD operations in chromium',
type: Boolean
name: 'port',
description: 'The port number to use, defaults to 8081.',
type: Number,
name: 'query_params',
description: 'The query params to be added to the testing page URL. Useful for passing' +
'options to the perf html page.',
type: String,
multiple: true
name: 'help',
alias: 'h',
type: Boolean,
description: 'Print this usage guide.'
const usage = [
header: 'Skia Web-based Performance Metrics of CanvasKit',
content: "Command line application to capture performance metrics from a browser."
header: 'Options',
optionList: opts,
// Parse and validate flags.
const options = commandLineArgs(opts);
if (!options.output) {
options.output = 'perf.json';
if (!options.port) {
options.port = 8081;
if (options.help) {
if (!options.bench_html) {
console.error('You must supply the bench_html file to run.');
const driverHTML = fs.readFileSync(options.bench_html, 'utf8');
// This express webserver will serve the HTML file running the benchmark and any additional assets
// needed to run the tests.
const app = express();
app.get('/', (req, res) => res.send(driverHTML));
if (!options.canvaskit_js) {
console.error('You must supply path to canvaskit.js.');
if (!options.canvaskit_wasm) {
console.error('You must supply path to canvaskit.wasm.');
const benchmarkJS = fs.readFileSync('benchmark.js', 'utf8');
const canvasKitJS = fs.readFileSync(options.canvaskit_js, 'utf8');
const canvasKitWASM = fs.readFileSync(options.canvaskit_wasm, 'binary');
app.get('/static/benchmark.js', (req, res) => res.send(benchmarkJS));
app.get('/static/canvaskit.js', (req, res) => res.send(canvasKitJS));
app.get('/static/canvaskit.wasm', function(req, res) {
// Set the MIME type so it can be streamed efficiently.
res.send(new Buffer(canvasKitWASM, 'binary'));
if (options.input_lottie) {
const lottieJSON = fs.readFileSync(options.input_lottie, 'utf8');
app.get('/static/lottie.json', (req, res) => res.send(lottieJSON));
if (options.input_skp) {
const skpBytes = fs.readFileSync(options.input_skp, 'binary');
app.get('/static/test.skp', (req, res) => {
res.send(new Buffer(skpBytes, 'binary'));
if (options.assets) {
app.use('/static/assets/', express.static(options.assets));
console.log('assets served from', options.assets);
app.listen(options.port, () => console.log('- Local web server started.'));
let hash = "#cpu";
if (options.use_gpu) {
hash = "#gpu";
let query_param_string = '?';
if (options.query_params) {
for (const string of options.query_params) {
query_param_string += string + '&';
const targetURL = `http://localhost:${options.port}/${query_param_string}${hash}`;
const viewPort = {width: 1000, height: 1000};
// Drive chrome to load the web page from the server we have running.
async function driveBrowser() {
console.log('- Launching chrome for ' + options.input);
let browser;
let page;
const headless = !options.use_gpu;
let browser_args = [
'--window-size=' + viewPort.width + ',' + viewPort.height,
// The following two params allow Chrome to run at an unlimited fps. Note, if there is
// already a chrome instance running, these arguments will have NO EFFECT, as the existing
// Chrome instance will be used instead of puppeteer spinning up a new one.
if (options.enable_simd) {
if (options.use_gpu) {
console.log("Running with headless: " + headless + " args: " + browser_args);
try {
browser = await puppeteer.launch({
headless: headless,
args: browser_args,
executablePath: options.chromium_executable_path
page = await browser.newPage();
await page.setViewport(viewPort);
} catch (e) {
console.log('Could not open the browser.', e);
console.log("Loading " + targetURL);
try {
await page.goto(targetURL, {
timeout: 60000,
waitUntil: 'networkidle0'
// Page is mostly loaded, wait for benchmark page to report itself ready.
console.log('Waiting 15s for benchmark to be ready');
await page.waitForFunction(`(window._perfReady === true) || window._error`, {
timeout: 15000,
let err = await page.evaluate('window._error');
if (err) {
console.log(`ERROR: ${err}`);
// Start trace if requested
if (options.use_tracing) {
const categories = options.use_tracing.split(',');
console.log('Collecting tracing data for categories', categories);
await page.tracing.start({
path: options.output,
screenshots: false,
categories: categories,
// Benchmarks should have a button with id #start_bench to click (this also makes manual
// debugging easier).
await page.click('#start_bench');
console.log('Waiting 60s for run to be done');
await page.waitForFunction(`(window._perfDone === true) || window._error`, {
timeout: 60000,
err = await page.evaluate('window._error');
if (err) {
console.log(`ERROR: ${err}`);
if (options.use_tracing) {
// Stop Trace.
await page.tracing.stop();
} else {
const perfResults = await page.evaluate('window._perfData');
console.debug('Perf results: ', perfResults);
if (options.merge_output_as) {
const existing_output_file_contents = fs.readFileSync(options.output, 'utf8');
let existing_dataset = {};
try {
existing_dataset = JSON.parse(existing_output_file_contents);
} catch (e) {}
existing_dataset[options.merge_output_as] = perfResults;
fs.writeFileSync(options.output, JSON.stringify(existing_dataset));
} else {
fs.writeFileSync(options.output, JSON.stringify(perfResults));
} catch(e) {
console.log('Timed out while loading or drawing.', e);
await browser.close();
await browser.close();
// Need to call exit() because the web server is still running.