scroggo f24f2247c2 Add SkCodec, including PNG implementation.
Add a flag to use SkCodec instead of SkImageDecoder.

Base class for codecs, allowing creation from an SkStream or an SkData.
An SkCodec, on creation, knows properties of the data like its width and height. Further calls can be used to generate the image.
TODO: Add scanline iterator

New decoder for png. Wraps libpng. The code has been repurposed from SkImageDecoder_libpng.
TODO: Handle other destination colortypes
TODO: Substitute the transpose color
TODO: Allow silencing warnings
TODO: Use RGB instead of filler?

Simplified version of SkScaledSampler. Unlike the sampler, this object does no sampling.
TODO: Implement other swizzles.

Requires a gclient sync to pull down libpng.


(and then reverted)

Review URL:
2015-03-03 08:59:20 -08:00

503 lines
19 KiB

#include "DMSrcSink.h"
#include "SamplePipeControllers.h"
#include "SkCommonFlags.h"
#include "SkCodec.h"
#include "SkDocument.h"
#include "SkError.h"
#include "SkMultiPictureDraw.h"
#include "SkNullCanvas.h"
#include "SkOSFile.h"
#include "SkPictureRecorder.h"
#include "SkRandom.h"
#include "SkSVGCanvas.h"
#include "SkStream.h"
#include "SkXMLWriter.h"
DEFINE_bool(codec, false, "Use SkCodec instead of SkImageDecoder");
namespace DM {
GMSrc::GMSrc(skiagm::GMRegistry::Factory factory) : fFactory(factory) {}
Error GMSrc::draw(SkCanvas* canvas) const {
SkAutoTDelete<skiagm::GM> gm(fFactory(NULL));
return "";
SkISize GMSrc::size() const {
SkAutoTDelete<skiagm::GM> gm(fFactory(NULL));
return gm->getISize();
Name GMSrc::name() const {
SkAutoTDelete<skiagm::GM> gm(fFactory(NULL));
return gm->getName();
ImageSrc::ImageSrc(Path path, int divisor) : fPath(path), fDivisor(divisor) {}
Error ImageSrc::draw(SkCanvas* canvas) const {
SkAutoTUnref<SkData> encoded(SkData::NewFromFileName(fPath.c_str()));
if (!encoded) {
return SkStringPrintf("Couldn't read %s.", fPath.c_str());
const SkColorType dstColorType = canvas->imageInfo().colorType();
if (fDivisor == 0) {
// Decode the full image.
SkBitmap bitmap;
if (FLAGS_codec) {
SkAutoTDelete<SkCodec> codec(SkCodec::NewFromData(encoded));
if (!codec) {
return SkStringPrintf("Couldn't decode %s.", fPath.c_str());
SkImageInfo info;
if (!codec->getInfo(&info)) {
return SkStringPrintf("Couldn't getInfo %s.", fPath.c_str());
info = info.makeColorType(dstColorType);
if (info.alphaType() == kUnpremul_SkAlphaType) {
// FIXME: Currently we cannot draw unpremultiplied sources.
info = info.makeAlphaType(kPremul_SkAlphaType);
if (!bitmap.tryAllocPixels(info)) {
return SkStringPrintf("Image(%s) is too large (%d x %d)\n", fPath.c_str(),
info.width(), info.height());
SkAutoLockPixels alp(bitmap);
const SkImageGenerator::Result result = codec->getPixels(info, bitmap.getPixels(),
if (result != SkImageGenerator::kSuccess) {
return SkStringPrintf("Couldn't getPixels %s.", fPath.c_str());
} else {
if (!SkImageDecoder::DecodeMemory(encoded->data(), encoded->size(), &bitmap,
dstColorType, SkImageDecoder::kDecodePixels_Mode)) {
return SkStringPrintf("Couldn't decode %s.", fPath.c_str());
encoded.reset((SkData*)NULL); // Might as well drop this when we're done with it.
canvas->drawBitmap(bitmap, 0,0);
return "";
// Decode subsets. This is a little involved.
SkAutoTDelete<SkMemoryStream> stream(new SkMemoryStream(encoded));
SkAutoTDelete<SkImageDecoder> decoder(SkImageDecoder::Factory(stream.get()));
if (!decoder) {
return SkStringPrintf("Can't find a good decoder for %s.", fPath.c_str());
int w,h;
if (!decoder->buildTileIndex(stream.detach(), &w, &h) || w*h == 1) {
return ""; // Not an error. Subset decoding is not always supported.
// Divide the image into subsets that cover the entire image.
if (fDivisor > w || fDivisor > h) {
return SkStringPrintf("divisor %d is too big for %s with dimensions (%d x %d)",
fDivisor, fPath.c_str(), w, h);
const int subsetWidth = w / fDivisor,
subsetHeight = h / fDivisor;
for (int y = 0; y < h; y += subsetHeight) {
for (int x = 0; x < w; x += subsetWidth) {
SkBitmap subset;
SkIRect rect = SkIRect::MakeXYWH(x, y, subsetWidth, subsetHeight);
if (!decoder->decodeSubset(&subset, rect, dstColorType)) {
return SkStringPrintf("Could not decode subset (%d, %d, %d, %d).",
x, y, x+subsetWidth, y+subsetHeight);
canvas->drawBitmap(subset, SkIntToScalar(x), SkIntToScalar(y));
return "";
SkISize ImageSrc::size() const {
SkAutoTUnref<SkData> encoded(SkData::NewFromFileName(fPath.c_str()));
SkBitmap bitmap;
if (!encoded || !SkImageDecoder::DecodeMemory(encoded->data(),
SkImageDecoder::kDecodeBounds_Mode)) {
return SkISize::Make(0,0);
return bitmap.dimensions();
Name ImageSrc::name() const {
return SkOSPath::Basename(fPath.c_str());
static const SkRect kSKPViewport = {0,0, 1000,1000};
SKPSrc::SKPSrc(Path path) : fPath(path) {}
Error SKPSrc::draw(SkCanvas* canvas) const {
SkAutoTDelete<SkStream> stream(SkStream::NewFromFile(fPath.c_str()));
if (!stream) {
return SkStringPrintf("Couldn't read %s.", fPath.c_str());
SkAutoTUnref<SkPicture> pic(SkPicture::CreateFromStream(stream));
if (!pic) {
return SkStringPrintf("Couldn't decode %s as a picture.", fPath.c_str());
stream.reset((SkStream*)NULL); // Might as well drop this when we're done with it.
return "";
SkISize SKPSrc::size() const {
// This may be unnecessarily large.
return kSKPViewport.roundOut().size();
Name SKPSrc::name() const { return SkOSPath::Basename(fPath.c_str()); }
Error NullSink::draw(const Src& src, SkBitmap*, SkWStream*, SkString*) const {
SkAutoTDelete<SkCanvas> canvas(SkCreateNullCanvas());
return src.draw(canvas);
DEFINE_bool(gpuStats, false, "Append GPU stats to the log for each GPU task?");
GPUSink::GPUSink(GrContextFactory::GLContextType ct,
GrGLStandard api,
int samples,
bool dfText,
bool threaded)
: fContextType(ct)
, fGpuAPI(api)
, fSampleCount(samples)
, fUseDFText(dfText)
, fThreaded(threaded) {}
int GPUSink::enclave() const {
return fThreaded ? kAnyThread_Enclave : kGPU_Enclave;
void PreAbandonGpuContextErrorHandler(SkError, void*) {}
Error GPUSink::draw(const Src& src, SkBitmap* dst, SkWStream*, SkString* log) const {
GrContextFactory factory;
const SkISize size = src.size();
const SkImageInfo info =
SkImageInfo::Make(size.width(), size.height(), kN32_SkColorType, kPremul_SkAlphaType);
SkAutoTUnref<SkSurface> surface(
NewGpuSurface(&factory, fContextType, fGpuAPI, info, fSampleCount, fUseDFText));
if (!surface) {
return "Could not create a surface.";
if (FLAGS_preAbandonGpuContext) {
SkSetErrorCallback(&PreAbandonGpuContextErrorHandler, NULL);
SkCanvas* canvas = surface->getCanvas();
Error err = src.draw(canvas);
if (!err.isEmpty()) {
return err;
if (FLAGS_gpuStats) {
canvas->readPixels(dst, 0, 0);
if (FLAGS_abandonGpuContext) {
return "";
PDFSink::PDFSink() {}
Error PDFSink::draw(const Src& src, SkBitmap*, SkWStream* dst, SkString*) const {
// Print the given DM:Src to a PDF, breaking on 8.5x11 pages.
SkAutoTUnref<SkDocument> doc(SkDocument::CreatePDF(dst));
int width = src.size().width(),
height = src.size().height();
const int kLetterWidth = 612, // 8.5 * 72
kLetterHeight = 792; // 11 * 72
const SkRect letter = SkRect::MakeWH(SkIntToScalar(kLetterWidth),
int xPages = ((width - 1) / kLetterWidth) + 1;
int yPages = ((height - 1) / kLetterHeight) + 1;
for (int y = 0; y < yPages; ++y) {
for (int x = 0; x < xPages; ++x) {
int w = SkTMin(kLetterWidth, width - (x * kLetterWidth));
int h = SkTMin(kLetterHeight, height - (y * kLetterHeight));
SkCanvas* canvas =
doc->beginPage(SkIntToScalar(w), SkIntToScalar(h));
canvas->translate(-letter.width() * x, -letter.height() * y);
Error err = src.draw(canvas);
if (!err.isEmpty()) {
return err;
return "";
SKPSink::SKPSink() {}
Error SKPSink::draw(const Src& src, SkBitmap*, SkWStream* dst, SkString*) const {
SkSize size;
size = src.size();
SkPictureRecorder recorder;
Error err = src.draw(recorder.beginRecording(size.width(), size.height()));
if (!err.isEmpty()) {
return err;
SkAutoTUnref<SkPicture> pic(recorder.endRecording());
return "";
SVGSink::SVGSink() {}
Error SVGSink::draw(const Src& src, SkBitmap*, SkWStream* dst, SkString*) const {
SkAutoTDelete<SkXMLWriter> xmlWriter(SkNEW_ARGS(SkXMLStreamWriter, (dst)));
SkAutoTUnref<SkCanvas> canvas(SkSVGCanvas::Create(
SkRect::MakeWH(SkIntToScalar(src.size().width()), SkIntToScalar(src.size().height())),
return src.draw(canvas);
RasterSink::RasterSink(SkColorType colorType) : fColorType(colorType) {}
Error RasterSink::draw(const Src& src, SkBitmap* dst, SkWStream*, SkString*) const {
const SkISize size = src.size();
// If there's an appropriate alpha type for this color type, use it, otherwise use premul.
SkAlphaType alphaType = kPremul_SkAlphaType;
(void)SkColorTypeValidateAlphaType(fColorType, alphaType, &alphaType);
dst->allocPixels(SkImageInfo::Make(size.width(), size.height(), fColorType, alphaType));
SkCanvas canvas(*dst);
return src.draw(&canvas);
static SkISize auto_compute_translate(SkMatrix* matrix, int srcW, int srcH) {
SkRect bounds = SkRect::MakeIWH(srcW, srcH);
matrix->postTranslate(-bounds.x(), -bounds.y());
return SkISize::Make(SkScalarRoundToInt(bounds.width()), SkScalarRoundToInt(bounds.height()));
ViaMatrix::ViaMatrix(SkMatrix matrix, Sink* sink) : fMatrix(matrix), fSink(sink) {}
Error ViaMatrix::draw(const Src& src, SkBitmap* bitmap, SkWStream* stream, SkString* log) const {
// We turn our arguments into a Src, then draw that Src into our Sink to fill bitmap or stream.
struct ProxySrc : public Src {
const Src& fSrc;
SkMatrix fMatrix;
SkISize fSize;
ProxySrc(const Src& src, SkMatrix matrix) : fSrc(src), fMatrix(matrix) {
fSize = auto_compute_translate(&fMatrix, src.size().width(), src.size().height());
Error draw(SkCanvas* canvas) const SK_OVERRIDE {
return fSrc.draw(canvas);
SkISize size() const SK_OVERRIDE { return fSize; }
Name name() const SK_OVERRIDE { sk_throw(); return ""; } // No one should be calling this.
} proxy(src, fMatrix);
return fSink->draw(proxy, bitmap, stream, log);
// Undoes any flip or 90 degree rotate without changing the scale of the bitmap.
// This should be pixel-preserving.
ViaUpright::ViaUpright(SkMatrix matrix, Sink* sink) : fMatrix(matrix), fSink(sink) {}
Error ViaUpright::draw(const Src& src, SkBitmap* bitmap, SkWStream* stream, SkString* log) const {
Error err = fSink->draw(src, bitmap, stream, log);
if (!err.isEmpty()) {
return err;
SkMatrix inverse;
if (!fMatrix.rectStaysRect() || !fMatrix.invert(&inverse)) {
return "Cannot upright --matrix.";
SkMatrix upright = SkMatrix::I();
SkBitmap uprighted;
SkISize size = auto_compute_translate(&upright, bitmap->width(), bitmap->height());
uprighted.allocPixels(bitmap->info().makeWH(size.width(), size.height()));
SkCanvas canvas(uprighted);
SkPaint paint;
canvas.drawBitmap(*bitmap, 0, 0, &paint);
*bitmap = uprighted;
return "";
ViaPipe::ViaPipe(Sink* sink) : fSink(sink) {}
Error ViaPipe::draw(const Src& src, SkBitmap* bitmap, SkWStream* stream, SkString* log) const {
// We turn ourselves into another Src that draws our argument into bitmap/stream via pipe.
struct ProxySrc : public Src {
const Src& fSrc;
ProxySrc(const Src& src) : fSrc(src) {}
Error draw(SkCanvas* canvas) const SK_OVERRIDE {
SkISize size = this->size();
PipeController controller(canvas, &SkImageDecoder::DecodeMemory);
SkGPipeWriter pipe;
const uint32_t kFlags = 0; // We mirror SkDeferredCanvas, which doesn't use any flags.
return fSrc.draw(pipe.startRecording(&controller, kFlags, size.width(), size.height()));
SkISize size() const SK_OVERRIDE { return fSrc.size(); }
Name name() const SK_OVERRIDE { sk_throw(); return ""; } // No one should be calling this.
} proxy(src);
return fSink->draw(proxy, bitmap, stream, log);
ViaSerialization::ViaSerialization(Sink* sink) : fSink(sink) {}
Error ViaSerialization::draw(const Src& src, SkBitmap* bitmap, SkWStream* stream, SkString* log)
const {
// Record our Src into a picture.
SkSize size;
size = src.size();
SkPictureRecorder recorder;
Error err = src.draw(recorder.beginRecording(size.width(), size.height()));
if (!err.isEmpty()) {
return err;
SkAutoTUnref<SkPicture> pic(recorder.endRecording());
// Serialize it and then deserialize it.
SkDynamicMemoryWStream wStream;
SkAutoTDelete<SkStream> rStream(wStream.detachAsStream());
SkAutoTUnref<SkPicture> deserialized(SkPicture::CreateFromStream(rStream));
// Turn that deserialized picture into a Src, draw it into our Sink to fill bitmap or stream.
struct ProxySrc : public Src {
const SkPicture* fPic;
const SkISize fSize;
ProxySrc(const SkPicture* pic, SkISize size) : fPic(pic), fSize(size) {}
Error draw(SkCanvas* canvas) const SK_OVERRIDE {
return "";
SkISize size() const SK_OVERRIDE { return fSize; }
Name name() const SK_OVERRIDE { sk_throw(); return ""; } // No one should be calling this.
} proxy(deserialized, src.size());
return fSink->draw(proxy, bitmap, stream, log);
ViaTiles::ViaTiles(int w, int h, SkBBHFactory* factory, Sink* sink)
: fW(w)
, fH(h)
, fFactory(factory)
, fSink(sink) {}
Error ViaTiles::draw(const Src& src, SkBitmap* bitmap, SkWStream* stream, SkString* log) const {
// Record our Src into a picture.
SkSize size;
size = src.size();
SkPictureRecorder recorder;
Error err = src.draw(recorder.beginRecording(size.width(), size.height(), fFactory.get()));
if (!err.isEmpty()) {
return err;
SkAutoTUnref<SkPicture> pic(recorder.endRecording());
// Turn that picture into a Src that draws into our Sink via tiles + MPD.
struct ProxySrc : public Src {
const int fW, fH;
const SkPicture* fPic;
const SkISize fSize;
ProxySrc(int w, int h, const SkPicture* pic, SkISize size)
: fW(w), fH(h), fPic(pic), fSize(size) {}
Error draw(SkCanvas* canvas) const SK_OVERRIDE {
const int xTiles = (fSize.width() + fW - 1) / fW,
yTiles = (fSize.height() + fH - 1) / fH;
SkMultiPictureDraw mpd(xTiles*yTiles);
SkTDArray<SkSurface*> surfaces;
SkImageInfo info = canvas->imageInfo().makeWH(fW, fH);
for (int j = 0; j < yTiles; j++) {
for (int i = 0; i < xTiles; i++) {
// This lets our ultimate Sink determine the best kind of surface.
// E.g., if it's a GpuSink, the surfaces and images are textures.
SkSurface* s = canvas->newSurface(info);
if (!s) {
s = SkSurface::NewRaster(info); // Some canvases can't create surfaces.
SkCanvas* c = s->getCanvas();
c->translate(SkIntToScalar(-i * fW),
SkIntToScalar(-j * fH)); // Line up the canvas with this tile.
mpd.add(c, fPic);
for (int j = 0; j < yTiles; j++) {
for (int i = 0; i < xTiles; i++) {
SkAutoTUnref<SkImage> image(surfaces[i+xTiles*j]->newImageSnapshot());
canvas->drawImage(image, SkIntToScalar(i*fW), SkIntToScalar(j*fH));
return "";
SkISize size() const SK_OVERRIDE { return fSize; }
Name name() const SK_OVERRIDE { sk_throw(); return ""; } // No one should be calling this.
} proxy(fW, fH, pic, src.size());
return fSink->draw(proxy, bitmap, stream, log);
} // namespace DM